2nd National Steps to a HealthierUS SummitApril 29–30, 2004, Baltimore Marriott Waterfront HotelWe hope that you were able to attend the 2nd national Steps to a HealthierUS summit, which advanced Secretary of Health and Human Services Tommy G. Thompson’s Steps to a HealthierUS initiative launched in 2003. The April national summit focused on chronic disease prevention and health promotion and featured presentations on asthma, obesity, diabetes, heart disease and stroke, and cancer, as well as lifestyle choices, including nutrition, physical activity, and tobacco use. The Steps initiative is committed to bringing policymakers, the health, education, and business communities, and the public together to establish model programs and policies that foster healthy behavior changes, encourage healthier lifestyle choices, and reduce disparities in health care.
2003 Steps to a HealthierUS: Putting Prevention First SummitHeld April 15-16, 2003 in Baltimore, Maryland, the Steps to a HealthierUS: Putting Prevention First Summit focused attention on the urgency of prevention and on promising approaches for tackling key challenges. Secretary of Health and Human Services Tommy Thompson laid out his priorities and programs for Steps to a HealthierUS, which advances the President's HealthierUS Initiative. Joining Secretary Thompson were Secretary of Education Rod Paige, Secretary of Agriculture Ann Veneman, HHS Deputy Secretary Claude Allen, Surgeon General Richard Carmona, NIH Director Elias Zerhouni, CDC Director Julie Gerberding and other top officials from HHS and other departments, community leaders, public health officials, and business and education leaders.
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