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Transition Assistance Information for Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom Veterans

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has maintained an active Transition Assistance Program and Disabled Transition Assistance Program (TAP/DTAP) throughout the United States and around the world.   Since the implementation of TAP/DTAP through the original legislation (P.L. 101-237) and the legislation which expanded TAP/DTAP (P.L. 101-510) VA has provided benefit information to separating service members and their families.

VA encourages all separating service members to contact their respective Transition Centers to determine when the VA Transition Assistance Briefings are scheduled.    These briefings provide information which will help you make the transition to civilian life easier by identifying many of the VA benefits available to you.   You may find the locations of the briefing sites through the Department of Defense transition portal web site.   When the site comes up, click on the "At Your Service" link.   Click on the Military Services Transition Assistance Locations link to locate the center nearest you.

Links to Other Information

  • National Center for PTSD  -  The mission of the National Center for PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) is to advance the clinical care and social welfare of America’s veterans through research, education, and training in the science, diagnosis, and treatment of PTSD and stress-related disorders.

  • PTSD Specific to OEF/IF Veterans  -  Information for clinicians, veterans and family members.

  • Army Review Boards Agency  -  Discharge review and correction to military records such as the DD 214.

  • GOV Benefits.Gov  -  This Federal Government web site contains links to many Federal and State benefits programs.   You can search by Federal agency, State, or category of program.

Questions? - Questions about benefits for OEFIF veterans may be directed to this VA e-mail link.

Disclaimer / Privacy & Security Statement / Freedom of Information Act

Comments concerning the technical aspects of this page (links not working, graphics not displaying properly, etc.) may be e-mailed to:   Veterans Services Outreach Staff.   Please do not leave benefits questions in this e-mail box.

Thank you.

This page has been accessed Counter   times since December 18, 2003.



Reviewed/Updated:  May 4, 2004.