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(301) 713-2341-46

image of halibut image of halibutimage of halibut

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The Domestic Fisheries Division (F/SF3) is responsible for reviewing and coordinating the review of fishery management actions through NOAA, the Department of Commerce, Office of Management and Budget, and the Office of the Federal Register.

Domestic fisheries are managed on a regional basis. NMFS is primarily concerned with management in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) (3-200 nautical miles offshore), while coordinating management with other bodies, such as the states and interstate and tribal commissions. Fisheries in the EEZ are managed by Regional Fishery Management Councils and NMFS through Fishery Management Plans.

breaking news icon NOAA Fisheries has completed a preliminary study of the National Standard 1 (NS1) Guidelines and developed (1) draft codified text for NS1 and (2) a preliminary draft environmental assessment (EA). NOAA Fisheries is informally inviting comments on these draft documents through August 31, 2004. Sometime after that date, NOAA Fisheries anticipates issuing a proposed rule in the Federal Register. Please send us any comments that you have on the draft codified text and the preliminary draft EA to: The contact person is Mark Millikin at 301-713-2341.

breaking news icon Forum on Public Access to Federal Rulemaking Through the Internet; Public Meetings, Request for Comments. Contact Davis Hays at 301-713-2341

Bycatch Strategy

Yellowtail Snapper
The resources are divided into groups by their location.

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Alaska Fisheries [Northern Pacific FMC] (including Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands, and Gulf of Alaska): Pollock, Pacific cod, Pacific Halibut, King and Tanner Crab, Alaska Scallops and Alaska salmon

Northwest,  Southwest, and Western Pacific Fisheries: [Pacific FMCWestern Pacific FMC] Lobster, Pelagics (tuna, swordfish, marlin), Bottomfish and Seamount Groundfish, Anchovy off California, Precious Corals off Hawaii and Western Pacific Islands, Salmon and Pacific Groundfish off Washington, Oregon, and California.

Southeast Fisheries: All Fisheries/Species in Atlantic Ocean off southeast states, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean Sea (Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands). South Atlantic [ South Atlantic FMC]: snapper-grouper, red drum, shrimp, coral, coral reefs, and live/hard bottom habitats, golden crab. Gulf of Mexico [Gulf of Mexico FMC]: Spiny lobster, Coastal Migratory Pelagics, coral and coral reefs, red drum, stone crab, shrimp, reef fish. Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands [ Caribbean FMC]: spiny lobster, shallow water reeffish, corals and reef associated invertebrates, queen conch

Northeast Fisheries: [New England FMC; Mid-Atlantic FMC] Sea Scallops, Summer Flounder, Cod, Haddock, Yellowtail Flounder and other Groundfish, Surf Clams, Ocean Quahogs, Squid, Atlantic Mackerel, Butterfish, Monkfish, Herring, Bluefish, Black Sea Bass, Scup, Dogfish, Tilefish, Skates, and Northern Shrimp

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fish buttonFishery Management Plans (FMP)

fish buttonNational Plan of Action on the Reduction of Seabird Bycatch in Longline Fisheries

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Other Links:

Operational Guidelines - This document is NOAA's "Operational Guidelines for the Fishery Management Plan Process", originally issued in September 1979, and last revised in 1997.

National Environmental Policy Act - An act to establish a national policy for the establishment of a Council on Environmental Quality, as well as other purposes.

jumping fish graphic
(c) Kitty Roach."

Links for Species Search

FISHBASE - an website that contains a database encyclopedia on fish



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NOAA Fisheries, 1315 East West Highway, SSMC3, Silver Spring, MD  20910