ASC Appraisal Subcommittee
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ASC Members and Staff


The ASC has six members, each designated by the head of his or her agency. ASC members serve at the discretion of their agency heads and have no set term. The ASC’s Chairperson is appointed for a two-year term by the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council ("FFIEC"). The ASC members are:

  • Virginia Gibbs     Chairperson
    Assistant to the Director
    Division of Banking Supervision and Regulation
    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
  • Tom Watson    
    National Bank Examiner
    Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
  • Steven D. Fritts    
    Associate Director, Risk Management/Examination Support
    Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
    Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection
  • John C. Price, Jr.    
    Director of Supervision Policy
    Office of Thrift Supervision
  • Joyce Richardson Johnson    
    Manager, Valuation Branch
    Office of Single Family Program Development
    Department of Housing and Urban Development
  • Tawana Y. James    
    Deputy Director, Office of Examination and Insurance
    National Credit Union Adminstration


  • Ben Henson, Executive Director ( Formulates, implements and evaluates policies, procedures and programs for carrying out the day-to-day operations of the ASC. Manages the analysis of Federal and State appraisal requirements. Formulates guidelines and develops analytical projects to achieve the goals of Title XI. Supervises ASC field reviews of State appraiser regulatory programs to determine compliance with Title XI.
  • Marc L. Weinberg, General Counsel ( Is responsible for the ASC’s professional, legal work. Serves as legal advisor to the ASC, its Executive Director, and the ASC staff. Renders legal advice regarding statutes and other laws relating to the regulation of the appraisal industry and ASC operations.
  • Denise Graves, Appraisal Policy Manager ( Assists in policy oversight and program analysis, development, and implementation. Monitors State programs for compliance with Title XI. Maintains liaison with the Appraisal Foundation, appraisal organizations, and Federal regulatory agencies. Has primary responsibility for the following States:
    Florida Iowa Idaho
    Illinois Louisiana Maryland
    Maine Minnesota Montana
    North Dakota Nebraska New Hampshire
    Oregon Pennsylvania South Dakota
    Texas Virgin Islands Wyoming
  • Vicki Ledbetter, Appraisal Policy Manager ( Assists in policy oversight and program analysis, development and implementation. Monitors State programs for compliance with Title XI. Maintains liaison with the Appraisal Foundation, appraisal organizations, and Federal regulatory agencies. Has primary responsibility for the following States and Territories:
    Alaska Arizona District of Columbia
    Delaware Georgia Hawaii
    Kansas Michigan Missouri
    Mississippi Nevada New Mexico
    New York North Carolina Oklahoma
    Tennessee Utah Wisconsin
  • Jenny Howard Tidwell, Appraisal Policy Manager ( Assists in policy oversight and program analysis, development and implementation. Monitors State programs for compliance with Title XI. Maintains liaison with the Appraisal Foundation, appraisal organizations, and Federal regulatory agencies. Has primary responsibility for the following States and Territories:
    Alabama Arkansas California
    CNMI/Guam Colorado Connecticut
    Indiana Kentucky Massachusetts
    New Jersey Ohio Puerto Rico
    Rhode Island South Carolina Virginia
    Vermont Washington West Virginia
  • Ray Seward, Information Systems Specialist ( Provides technical and administrative data processing support for the ASC, including administration of the local area network, Internet Web site, and National Registry of State Certified and Licensed Appraisers.
  • Lori Schuster, Administrative Officer ( Provides management and support for all administrative ASC functions, including personnel, procurement, accounting, and record-keeping.
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