December 30, 1998 · PR 117-98
Contact: Patty Reilly


The Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) today announced the results of its 1998 Customer Survey. The Survey was sent to representatives of unions, agencies, and individuals who were parties before the FLRA in 1996 and 1997. The Survey sought information from participants before two of the three primary components of the FLRA -- the Authority and the Office of the General Counsel. The third component -- the Federal Service Impasses Panel -- recently conducted its own customer survey.

The Survey was designed to measure the effectiveness of each of the programs administered by the FLRA, the impact of FLRA's decisions and the General Counsel's policies and guidance, and customer satisfaction with the FLRA's processes. As such, the Survey establishes a baseline for the Authority, and serves to measure the effectiveness of programs initiated by the Office of the General Counsel to improve services to its customers since its earlier 1993 survey.

In general, customers were positive about the quality of case processing and with the quality of decisions. Customers also indicated a need for more timely decisions. The survey also revealed customer support for continued outreach, including enhanced web site capabilities, Town Hall meetings, and trainings and symposia. The FLRA has outlined a series of future actions to respond to customers' concerns.

The full text of the Customer Survey Report is available at the FLRA's Web Site at www.flra.gov. Attached to this press release is a short synopsis of the Customer Survey and planned future actions, which is also available on the Web Site.

The FLRA is an independent agency that administers the labor-management relations program for 1.9 million non-Postal Service Federal employees worldwide, approximately 1.1 million of whom are exclusively represented in 2,200 bargaining units. It is charged with providing leadership in establishing policies and guidance related to Federal sector labor-management relations and with resolving disputes under and ensuring compliance with Title VII of the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, known as the Federal Service Labor Management Relations Statute (Statute).

For further information of the Customer Survey, contact Mr. Peter Constantine at the Authority's Case Control Office at (202)-482-6500 or Ms. Nancy Speight at the Office of the General Counsel at (202)-482-6600.

Visit the FLRA Web Site at: http://www.flra.gov/