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Federal Financial System
The National Business Center (NBC) can provide your agency with the best solution to fulfill all your Federal financial needs. Within our Department of Interior Central Accounting System (DICAST), NBC provides the full-featured Federal Financial System (FFS) designed expressly for Federal government accounting, integrated budget execution, and financial reporting. By signing on for FFS, your agency can rely on our exceptional customer service. The NBC assists you from evaluating your present computer capabilities to training and supporting your staff. In addition, to help make FFS the best solution to your Federal financial needs, client agencies become members of our Federal users group and make the decisions on any desired changes and improvements.

Support Features

    bulletPlanning & Oversight: Help you plan the most effective package for your organization's specific needs.

    bulletSystem Architecture Review: Evaluate your computer system's capabilities for handling a new system.

    bulletBusiness Practice Review: Analyze your current business processes and highlight any workflow practices that may conflict with the new system; we help you make any necessary changes.

    bulletSoftware Installation and Technical Support: Offer complete installation and technical support.

    bulletTraining: Offer initial training, post training support, and training materials.

    bulletSupport: Provide operations and technical support.

System Features/Options

    bulletOn-line FFS tables & system reports

    bulletEasy-to-use system

    bulletExtensive security & internal controls

    bulletInformation-on-demand reporting

    bulletQuery from personal computer to central database

    bulletRemote data entry

    bulletEasily accessible data warehouse option

    bulletDownload/upload capabilities

    bulletIntegrated subsystems: Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Automated Disbursements, Annual Close, Budget Preparation & Execution, External Reporting, Fixed Assets, General Ledger, General Systems, Inventory, Labor Distribution, Planning, Purchasing, Project Cost, Cost Allocation, and Travel


    bulletIncreased productivity

    bulletReduced administrative costs

    bulletElimination of redundant data

    bulletImproved customer service

For additional information, please contact Barbara_L_Whitford@nbc.gov
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U.S. Department of the Interior
National Business Center
Last Updated on 01/01/03
Department of the Interior www.nbc.gov NBC