HQ Navy Websites

HQ Navy Hosted Web Sites

US Navy Homepage
DON Overview
US Marine Corps Homepage
DoD Security Notice
NEDS - Forms

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     Assistant for Administration, Office of the Under Secretary of the  Navy (AAUSN)

     Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Installations & Environment) - ASN (I&E)

     Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Manpower & Reserve Affairs) - ASN (M&RA;)

     Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development, and Acquisition) - ASN (RDA)

     Board for Correction of Naval Records

     Drug Education For Youth - DEFY

     Naval Audit Service

     Naval Council of Personnel Boards- NCPB

     National Naval Reserve Policy Boards - NNRPB

     Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization - SADBU

     Digital SADBU offers a variety of search tools designed to provide efficient access to information from the wide array of electronic sources.