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Supplemental Estimates

This section contains unpublished underlying detail. The estimates provided are those that have been frequently requested by users. BEA cannot satisfy all such requests for a variety of reasons: Cost and resource constraints, legal confidentiality requirements, and concerns about data quality. When possible, BEA will provide requested supplemental detail in this section to permit equal access.

Available now

  • Detailed Item Output from the 1997 Benchmark Input-Output Accounts: The table shows the detailed items and their corresponding output values from the 1997 benchmark input-output (I-O) accounts, that, when aggregated, equal commodity output.  It is a supplementary table to the 1997 benchmark I-O accounts. | XLS
  • Concordance between 1997 Input-Output Commodity Codes and Foreign Trade Harmonized Codes | Description | EXE | ZIP
  • Import Matrix from the 1997 Benchmark Input-Output Accounts | XLS
  • 1998-2002 NAICS-based GDP-by-industry data:
    • Gross Output by Industry in Current Dollars, Quantity Indexes by Industry, Price Indexes by Industry | XLS
    • Shipments by Industry in Current Dollars, Quantity Indexes by Industry, Price Indexes by Industry | XLS
    • Value Added by Industry, Gross Output by Industry, Intermediate Inputs by Industry, the Components of Value Added by Industry, and Employment by Industry | XLS

Planned for Fall 2004

For the 1998-2002 period from the Annual Input-Output Accounts:

  • Supplementary Make and Use Tables Commodity-by-Industry Direct Requirements Table Commodity-by-Commodity Total Requirements Table Industry-by-Commodity Total Requirements Table
  • Industry-by-Industry Total Requirements Table
Last updated October 12, 2004
Bureau of Economic Analysis is an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce Logo U.S. Department of Commerce