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Due Diligence Questions for Disclosure of Information to NIST


NIST Researcher Responsibilities

    The following information is to be provided to your Laboratory Director in a cover memorandum when the Laboratory Director is asked to review and sign a Non-disclosure Agreement for the receipt by NIST of proprietary information from an external organization:
    1. The name of the organization disclosing the proprietary information to NIST.  
    2. A description of the subject matter to be disclosed along with an explanation of why the owner of the information wishes to disclose it to NIST. Also, describe why it is in the best interest of NIST to receive the proprietary information.  
    3. The impact or consequences if NIST decides not to receive the proprietary information.  
    4. Is the proprietary information related to a CRADA?  
    5. Does the proprietary information relate to any NIST-owned invention that has not yet been disclosed or a NIST-owned invention that has been disclosed but not yet filed with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office?  
    6. The name(s) of the NIST recipient(s).  
    7. The proposed date of the requested disclosure.  
    8. Will the standard NIST Non-disclosure Agreement or one provided by the discloser be used? If the latter, also provide written clearance from the NIST Deputy Chief Counsel.  
  Point of Contact  
    Office of the NIST Counsel (301) 975-2803  

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For technical questions concerning the Technology Partnerships Division, contact us:

Technology Partnerships Division, NIST, 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 2200, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-2200
Phone: (301) 975-3084, Fax: (301) 869-2751, Email:

Website Comments:

Created: February 2002
Last Modified: March 28, 2003

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