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An Interdisciplinary Team of Scientists Embarks on an Advanced Technologies Research Cruise to Cherry Bank, A Deepwater Ecosystem Off Southern California

(FishNews, October 1, 2004) -  On October 4, NOAA Fisheries will lead an interdisciplinary team of scientists from Washington, Oregon, and California on a two-week advanced technologies research cruise to explore a deepwater ecosystem, Cherry Bank, off the coast of Southern California. During this cruise, scientists from NOAA’s Northwest Fisheries Science Center, University of Washington, Oregon State University, Oregon State Department of Fish and Wildlife, and California State University’s Moss Landing Marine Laboratories will use in situ acoustic and optical
instruments to better understand how these technologies can inform and improve assessments of fisheries and their ecosystems.

Using the R/V Thomas G. Thompson as their research platform, scientists will deploy a range of technologies that will sample an entire cross section of the ocean, from seafloor to surface, over Cherry Bank. For more information on this research cruise, please visit: http://www.nwfsc.noaa.gov/research/cruises/research_cruises.cfm.

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