Obtaining Voting Materials

Cover of the Voting Assistance Guide showing white V and the words Voting Assistance Guide 2004-05 along the bottom right

The 2004-05 Voting Assistance Guide is available on-line at this Web site!

Maintaining an adequate supply of voting materials is an essential function of every Voting Assistance Officer (VAO). With the updated Voting Assistance Guide (VAG) coming out this fall, it is essential for every VAO to know the proper procedure for ordering new materials, such as the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA, SF 76), Federal Write-In Ballot (FWAB, SF 186), and the VAG. The following can be used as a reference for VAOs to order new and replacement materials. The FVAP recommends stocking 4 FPCAs and 1 FWAB per voter. For further information, contact your Service or Department of State Voting Action Officer .

Military Service Departments


There are Form/Publication numbers for the voting forms. The FPCA is Standard Form 76, the FWAB Standard Form 186, and the VAG is Misc. Publication 360-04. Voting Assistance Officers (VAOs) are responsible for ensuring these items are ordered for their unit from the Army Publishing Directorate. The website for ordering forms and publications is www.usapa.army.mil. Each Army ordering agency has an account number and the items are mailed from the Distribution Operations Facility in St Louis, MO.


VAOs should order SF-76 and SF-186 through GSA using unit funds. Payment can be made either by credit card or by providing your FED/MILSTRIP. Further information can be found at http://www.persnet.navy.mil/nvap and following the Voting Supplies link:

SF-76 FPCA NSN 7540-00-634-5053
(4 per sailor)
SF-186 FWAB NSN 7540-01-218-4384
(1 per sailor)

VAGs and promotional posters are automatically distributed to all commands on the Standard Navy Distribution List.

Air Force:

Air Force IVOs order voting materials at: http://www.e-publishing.af.mil/. IVOs may establish an on-line account to order the materials or place their order through an Organizational Account Representative (OAR). OARs are squadron personnel (normally in the orderly room/CSS) who order forms and publications. Units are not charged for voting materials. The Air Force makes a one-time automatic shipment of new Voting Assistance Guides and posters to the MPF Customer Service section. Customer Service personnel contact IVOs upon receipt of materials. Additional copies may be ordered through the Air Force Publications website above. The SF 76, Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) and SF 186, Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB) must be ordered on-line. Order four FPCAs and one FWAB for each military member assigned. Voting information is available at www.afpc.randolph.af.mil/votefund.

Marine Corps:

Marine Corps VAOs may order the FPCA (SF76) and FWAB (SF186) through unit supply officers via SABRES or directly from GSA. The Voting Assistance Guide is available through unit S-1 offices via MCPDS or may be requested from the SVAO. Marine Corps VAOs may also obtain information on ordering voting materials by accessing http://www.manpower.usmc.mil , then going to the link for ‘Personnel and Family Readiness’ and clicking the link for ‘Voting’. Once here, go into the link for MCO 1742.1A and review enclosure (3). Internet Explorer works best for navigating this site.

Coast Guard: FPCAs and FWABs must be ordered using unit funds from GSA using the following data:

FPCA NSN 7540-00-634-5053
Unit of Issue: 1 HD
FWAB NSN 7540-01-218-4384
Unit of Issue: 1 HD

VAGs are automatically distributed through the DOT warehouse whenever a new edition is issued. Any unit on distribution that fails to receive their issue by January 1, 2004, should contact YNCS Lori McNaught. There is also a Coast Guard Instruction to guide VAOs: Federal Voting Assistance Program, COMDTINST 1742.3(SERIES).

Department of State

To restock supplies, each post should order the FPCA and FWAB forms through the normal General Services Administration (GSA) supply channel. GSA requires the funding information, the stock number, and the quantity. The Department recommends that each post stock four FPCAs for each potential voter. The FPCA stock number is 7540006345053. The Department recommends that posts stock at least one FWAB for each potential voter. The FWAB stock number is 7540012184384. For expedited service, send a request to GSA, Attn: Pat Bright, via e-mail at burlington.cscorder@gsa.gov or by fax: 215-446-5123; tel: 215-446-5088.

Overseas American Citizen Organizations and Corporations

Representatives of organizations and corporations not associated with the Department of State or a Military Services may request the Guide directly from the FVAP. The most efficient way to order the Guide is to e-mail the FVAP at vote@fvap.ncr.gov. Provide your name, address, contact information and quantity desired.

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