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  USAF Education Services Automation Section
Randolph AFB Texas

MGIB - Montgomery GI Bill 

MGIB Questions and Answers  

Question: If an officer has a source of commission (SOC) code that reflects the AF Academy or ROTC scholarship, how do I enroll them in MGIB through PC-III?

Answer: You don't, because normally an Academy graduate or a ROTC scholarship recipient is not entitled to the MGIB. (Note: There are exceptions, such as TAMP eligible personnel and POCI ROTC students). However, if there is an error in the member's SOC code, (s)he must provide the appropriate documentation, indicating non-academy or non-scholarship recipient to the Personnel Employment section in the MPF. This section will make the required changes to the member's automated file. Then and only then, can Education Services make the necessary changes through MILPDS. Failure to change the SOC code will result in a reject through MILPDS.

Question: What if an AF Academy graduate or a ROTC scholarship recipient is separating from service and is TAMP eligible - thus is also eligible for the MGIB. How do I update MILPDS?

Answer: You will not be able to update MILPDS. Contact HQ AFPC/DPPAT who will ensure the appropriate changes are made at the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC).

Question: What is DMDC?

Answer: DMDC is the Defense Manpower Data Center and is located in Monterey California. HQ AFPC/DPPAT has access to this system, which is also the same screen that the Department of Veteran's Administration (DVA) uses to determine MGIB eligibility.

Question: How are deductions started when someone is enrolled in the MGIB?

Answer: The servicing Base Education Office should check MILPDS to ensure the appropriate codes are reflected in the system. Once the MGIB code is entered, a transaction flag is set. If the code reflects an deduction should be started a JUMPS transaction flows to DFAS. Once DFAS gets the transaction, the deduction is started. This process, from the time the education office enters the appropriate code in MILPDS until the deduction is started, may take 2 to 3 weeks.

Question: How does the Department of Veterans Affairs determine eligibility?

Answer: DVA educational benefits are now based on any honorable period of active duty service a member serves.  Enrollment in the MGIB is automatic during a member first period of active duty, unless the member completes a disenrollment, usually during the first fourteen days of service.  Once a member disenrolls (S)he cannot enroll during a later period of service

Question: What about prior service members.  What happens when an officer or airman returns to active duty and the MGIB deductions begin for a second time?

Answer: Servicing education office personnel verifies the members MGIB enrollment or disenrollment. If  the member was enrolled during his first period of active duty, a code of "P" is entered, if the member disenrolled, a code "9" is entered in the members record.  DFAS, is then notified via email to stop deductions and refund money. The email should include the individual's name and SSAN along with a short explanation of the problem.  Education Office personnel should insure the individual signs a DD Form 2366 in block 2b. Once signed and witnessed the form is sent to AFPC/DPSAM and the other copies are distributed as indicated on the form (there is no need to send a copy to the Finance Office).

Question: How do you stop an deduction for a member that had a break in service?

Answer: The actions required are the same as in the previous question.

Question: How do deductions "automatically" start?

Answer: When an individual comes on active duty, MGIB deductions will automatically begin within 45 days. The member must complete a DD Form 2366 if they wish to decline benefits. If this occurs, the servicing education office will process the DD Form 2366 IAW with routing instructions, and enter a MGIB code "6" - Member declined enrollment, in MILPDS. If the member wishes to enroll and maintain MGIB entitlements, if member never completed the DD Form 2366 during basic training, the member should go to the Education Center to complete the DD Form 2366 indicating enrollment,  no coding actions in MILPDS are required.

Question: If a member is being involuntarily separated, and is TAMP eligible, will there be sufficient time to allow some monthly deductions prior to separation if the local education office does the required update in MILPDS?

Answer: No. If there is a member that is being involuntarily separated AND they are TAMP eligible, members will be expected to make a lump sum contribution prior to separation. This applies to MGIB codes "J" and "K". Normally, the local Finance Office will make the deduction at the time the member does their final out-processing.



Air Force Personnel Center | Randolph AFB, TX 78150