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The NIH Computer Center offers a broad range of printing options for job output. Output from Titan can be listed at local networked printers in the user's office, at a convenient remote printer, or at the central facility.

Helix users can send output to the NIH Computer Center central printers using the helix print370 command.


The standard printing service produces output on laser printers that produce high quality output at approximately 229 pages per minute on continuous forms. Cut-sheet laser printing and slower impact printing services are also available.

Refer to the Titan Batch Processing manual and the Titan User's Guide for more information about Titan printing services.

Titan Transition Printing Information

Most listings and job output at the central facility are done on the 3900 Printing Subsystem, which is a high-speed laser printer. The 3160 printer offers high quality single-sided or double-sided (duplex) printing on cut sheet paper in landscape or portrait mode. In addition, there is 3-hole punched paper available.

Impact Printers at the Central Facility

The slower impact printers must be used for jobs which must print within 1/2 inch of the perforations between pages, do overprinting with any character except underline, or use pressure sensitive labels or multi-part forms.

Remote Printers

CIT is phasing out support for RJE connections. Contact the NIH Help Desk if you need assistance.

Printed output can be directed to a remote printer or RJE workstation which is owned or rented by the user's organization and is located at the user's facility. The services offered by the various models depend on their features.

Local Networked Printers - VPS

Users can print output from Titan to a local networked printer using the VPS printing service.

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Updated 9/7/04