Results for terms beginning with the letter "A"

Aerial Fuels:
All live and dead vegetation in the forest canopy or above surface fuels , including tree branches, twigs and cones, snags, moss, and high brush .

Aerial Ignition:
Ignition of fuels by dropping incendiary devices or materials from aircraft.

Any federal, state, or county government organization participating with jurisdictional responsibilities.

Air Tanker:
A fixed-wing aircraft equipped to drop fire retardants or suppressants.

Anchor Point:
An advantageous location, usually a barrier to fire spread, from which to start building a fire line . An anchor point is used to reduce the chance of firefighters being flanked by fire.

The generic name for a high-strength, flame-resistant synthetic fabric used in the shirts and jeans of firefighters. Nomex, a brand name for aramid fabric, is the term commonly used by firefighters.

Direction toward which a slope faces.