United States Marine Corps
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Marine Corps News Staff

Branch Head:
Major Greg Reeder (USMCR)
Gunnery Sgt. Glenn Holloway
SSgt.  Kevin L. Dolloson
Staff Sgt. Cindy Fisher
Combat Correspondent:
 Sgt. John R. Lawson

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Magazine Information

Marines (USPS 013-867) is published quarterly by the Division of Public Affairs, Media Branch, HQMC, 2 Navy Annex, Washington, DC 20380-1775. Periodicals-class postage paid at Washington, DC, and additional mailing stations. Subscriptions: For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402.

Domestic Pricing Foreign Pricing 4 Quarterly Issues + 1 Annual Issue (Almanac edition) $25.20 1 Annual Issue (Almanac edition) $11.90 1 Quarterly Issue (single copy) $7.70 Order Marines Magazine
Online: http://www.usmc.mil/order
Access the Government Printing Office Order Form and get your subscription started.
Internal Distribution: For all Marine Corps Units! The distribution for the magainze is authorized for a ratio of 1 magazine for every 5 Marines. Based on this, units are encouraged to review their current subscription to ensure the correct quantity is being delivered for each issue. Some units may require more, based on thier mission and the type of redistribution they require (i.e. Recruiting stations, Public Affairs offices, etc) To subscribe, utilize the Marine Corps Pubilcation Distribution System. The list to subscribe to is referred to as "PCN 74000000200." If there are any questions regarding subscribing for interenal distribution, please contact your unit diary clerk or the ARD branch at HQMC - DSN 224-1712. The Secretary of the Navy has determined that this publication is necessary in the transaction of business, required by law, of the Department of the Navy. Funds for printing this publication have been approved by the Navy Publications and Printing Policy Committee. All photos not credited are official USMC photos.

Change of address: send change of address to Commandant of the Marine Corps, Code AREB, 2 Navy Annex, Headquarters U.S. Marine Corps, Washington, D.C. 20380-1775.

Reader Comments: Commandant of the Marine Corps, Code PAM, 2 Navy Annex, Headquarters U.S. Marine Corps, Washington, D.C. 20380-1775.
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