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NORA Partnering Award 2003
Includes Summaries of Award Nominees

"NIOSH is beginning an effort to evaluate the progress and success of NORA. We look forward to hearing from our stakeholders during a special panel discussion entitled NORA: Looking Back and Looking Forward."

John Howard, MD
NIOSH Director

"The Symposium has always been a success in bringing together safety and health professionals and researchers to hear about the latest research findings."

Kathleen Rest, Ph.D., MPA

NIOSH Deputy Director

"The NORA Symposium has been an excellent avenue to promote partnerships between labor and government. "

William B. Bunn, MD
Medical Director and Director of Health Management and Safety
Navistar International Transportation Corporation

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NORA Priority Research Areas:

Disease and Injury

Allergic and Irritant Dermatitis

Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Fertility and Pregnancy Abnormalities

Hearing Loss

Infectious Diseases

Low Back Disorders

Musculoskeletal Disorders of the Upper Extremities

Traumatic Injuries

Work Environment and Workforce

Emerging Technologies

Indoor Environment

Mixed Exposures

Organization of Work

Special Populations at Risk

Research Tools & Approaches

Cancer Research Methods

Control Technology and Personal Protective Equipment

Exposure Assessment Methods

Health Services Research

Intervention Effectiveness Research

Risk Assessment Methods

Social and Economic Consequences of Workplace Illness and Injury

Surveillance Research Methods


NORA Symposium 2003:
"Working Partnerships
Research to Practice"

June 23-24, 2003
Hilton Crystal City, Arlington, VA

2399 Jefferson Davis Highway
Arlington, VA 22202

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) sponsored the fourth bi-annual NORA Symposium held in the Washington, D.C. area at the Hilton Crystal City on June 23-24, 2003.

The conference convened several hundred occupational safety and health researchers, stakeholders, and policymakers from the public and private sectors to review progress in the implementation of the National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA™)

Scientific presentations addressing NORA priorities were an important aspect of this conference, providing a unique forum for a broad cross-section of the occupational safety and health community to learn about the variety of research accomplished during seven years of NORA.

The NORA Symposium Plenary and Breakout sessions were approved to award the following credits, based on full attendance and completion of the required evaluation forms:

  • Continuing Medical Education (CME): Maximum of 3.75 category 1 credit may be awarded.
  • Continuing Nursing Education (CNE) : 4.5 nursing contact hours may be awarded.
  • Continuing Education Units (CEU): .35 CEUs may be awarded


(Download PDF version of Final Agenda)

Conference Theme: Working Partnerships - Research to Practice

Venue: Hilton - Crystal City, Arlington, VA

Monday, June 23, 2003

11:00 Registration and Coffee (Authors Set-up Posters)

Introduction and Welcome

John Howard, MD, MPH – NIOSH Director

Georges Benjamin, MD, FACP – Executive Director, APHA

Julie L. Gerberding, MD, MPH – CDC Director

1:45 Keynote Address
Nancy Krieger, PhD – Harvard School of Public Health,
“Health Disparities and Workers' Health: an Ecosocial Perspective”
2:30 Break

NORA Partnering Award Past and Present

Update from the 1999 Winners: The Asphalt Partnership

Update from the 2001 Winners: The Oregon Dermatitis Partnership

Presentation of the 2003 NORA Award
by Dr. Bonnie Rogers, Chair NORA Liaison Committee

Remarks by the 2003 Winners: The Back Injury Prevention Partnership
3:45 By These Hands: A Photographic Essay - David Parker, MD
4:15 NORA: Looking Back and Looking Forward
Moderator: Kathleen Rest, PhD, MPA
  Reviewing NORA:

Bonnie Rogers, DrPH, COHN-S, LNCC, FAAN – University of North Carolina

William B. Bunn, MD, JD, MPH – Navistar International Transportation Corporation

Franklin Mirer, PhD – United Auto Workers


Alan Moshell, MD – National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases

Tom Leamon, PhD – Liberty Mutual Insurance Company

Michael A. Silverstein, MD, MPH – Dept. of Labor and Industries, Washington State

5:30 – 7:30

Reception and Poster Viewing

Tuesday, June 24, 2003


Registration and Refreshments


Plenary Session: Journalism & Science: Complex Issues in a Sound Bite World

Bud Ward – Freelance Writer, Morris A. Ward, Inc.

Andy Miller – Health-Care Reporter for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution




Concurrent Sessions: Poster Briefs

Session 1: Dermatitis, Lung Disease, and Reproductive Disorders

Session 2: Injuries, Musculoskeletal Disorders, and Infectious Diseases

Session 3: Intervention Effectiveness and Special Populations at Risk

Session 4: Exposure Assessment, Mixed Exposures and Hearing loss


Lunch (on your own)


Concurrent Sessions: Paper Presentations

Session 5: Traumatic Injury and Musculoskeletal Disorders

Session 6: Exposure Assessment and Mixed Exposures

Session 7: Emerging Technologies and Control Technology

Session 8: Cancer Research, Risk Assessment, and Reproductive Disorders




Concurrent Sessions: Paper Presentations

Session 9: Asthma, COPD, and Dermatitis

Session 10: Special Populations at Risk, and Health Services

Session 11: Organization of Work, Social & Economic Consequences

Session 12: Intervention Effectiveness and Surveillance Research

5:30 Adjourn

Wednesday, June 25, 2003

9:00 – 5:00 NORA Team Meetings


In April 1996, NIOSH and its partners unveiled NORA as a framework to guide workplace safety and health research, not only for NIOSH, but for the entire occupational safety and health community. Approximately 500 organizations and individuals outside NIOSH contributed to the development of the Agenda, capturing broad input and consensus to produce 21 priority areas of research (shown below). NIOSH and more than 200 outside partners continue to work together to ensure that NORA remains vital. Presentations will illustrate the important contributions being made to workplace safety and health by research in the NORA priority research areas.


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