Be A Winner in Fitness - Brochure Cover.  Answering Your Questions About The President's Challenge

Child Running


The One Mile Walk/Run tests cardio-respi ratory endurance, which allows your heart and lungs to supply your muscles with lots of oxygen and nutrients. The goal of the walk/run is to complete the distance as fast as possible Ages 6 & 7 have the option of running one-quarter of a mile, while ages 8 & 9 have the option of running one-half mile.

Child performing Curl-Ups


The goal of the Curl-ups challenge is to do as many curl-ups as you can in one minute. Curl- ups test muscular up, lie on a flat surface with your knees endurance, which flexed, and your hands on opposite measures if your shoulders, arms close to chest. Raise muscles are strong your trunk up to touch elbows to thighs. enough to move for A complete curl-up is counted each time long periods of you lie back and touch your shoulders to time. To do a curl- the floor.

Child performing Chin-Ups


To do a Pull-up, grasp a bar with an over- hand or underhand grip. Begin by hanging with your arms straight. Pull your body up with a steady movement until your chin is over the bar, and extend back down. Do as many as you can - there is no time limit. The pull-ups must be done with straight legs. Pull-ups test strength - how much force you can exert with your muscles - and muscular endurance.

Child performing V-Sit Reach


The V-Sit Reach tests your flexibility. To do the V-Sit, take your shoes off and place your feet directly behind a line marked on the floor. A measuring line will be marked between your legs Clasp palm-down, and place your hands together them on the line. Reach for- ward as far as you can. A partner will help keep your legs straight. You'll have three practice tries – the fourth reach will be recorded.

Child performing Shuttle Run


In the Shuttle Run, two blocks of wood are placed behind a line drawn 30 feet from where you start. On "ready, Go!" you run to the blocks. pick one up. bring it hack, and place it behind the starting line. Then, do the same thing with the second block Your fastest time is recorded. This event tests strength (power)-and cardiorespiratory endurance.

The President's Challenge is a physical fitness awards program designed to motivate and recognize students - students like you - who are developing a physically active lifestyle.  The program is for ages 6 through 17, including those students with special needs.

There are four awards that you can receive when you participate in The President's Challenge. Both emblems and certificates are available for all four.
The Presidential Physical Fitness Award is given to those students who score at or above the 85th percentile on all five fitness events.
The National Physical Fitness Award recognizes those who score at or above the 50th percentile.
The Participant Physical Fitness Award recognizes those who do all five events, but do not score above the 50th percentile on one or more of the events.
The Health Fitness Award is given to those who complete all five events and meet a "healthy level of fitness."


Gradually increase how hard, how long and how many times you do an exercise over a period of time. It will take between six and eight weeks for physical improvements to be seen, but you'll feel better right away


Set up a regular schedule and work out every day - at least 3 or 4 times a week. It's not good to take too much time off between workouts - REMEMBER - what you don't use, you lose!


For a muscle to get stronger, it must work harder than it does at rest. This means making your heart beat faster and your breathing increase during aerobics, doing more repetitions of an exercise or lifting more weight. If an exercise feels too easy, then it probably is, chances are you won't improve. But DON'T OVER DO IT!


Exercises are specific For example, aerobic exercises won't increase flexibility. And stretching exercises won't make your muscles stronger. To be flexible you have to stretch, and to be strong you have to make your muscles work hard.


President's Challenge
Poplars Research Center
400 E. 7th Street
Bloomington, IN 47405

Strength. Recognition. Success. Confident. Power. Flexibility. Pride. Fitness. Goals. Health. Endurance.