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Public Affairs

Better off-base housing on the way
Innovative rental partnerships improve quality, process

By JOSN David Olson, CNFJ Public Affairs

Commander U.S. Naval Forces Japan (CNFJ) recently signed innovative rental partnership agreements with two Japanese developers which will dramatically improve the quality of off-base housing for Sailors and their families, as well as the process through which it is obtained.

The two CNFJ Rental Partnership Program (RPP) deals, the first of their kind in Japan, will feature the construction of several dozen Western-style homes, with the possibility of additional units in the future. The first homes are projected to be completed by the end of 2004.

The program will be available to anyone entitled to the CNFJ housing referral service, which includes a wide variety of Department of Defense personnel and their families. Units will meet all CNFJ acceptability criteria, including hot and cold running water, screens on all windows, heating and air conditioning, sufficient electricity (60 amps), major appliances, sufficient parking and proximity to the Navy base in Yokosuka.

“These partnerships will help Navy personnel find quality off-base housing,” said Osamu Ogata, Yokosuka Deputy Housing Director. “It will also streamline the rental process, reduce the up-front expenses associated with move-in, and simplify the monthly rental payment plan.”

Capt. Rame’ Hemstreet, CNFJ Regional Engineer and a key figure in negotiating the RPP agreements, pointed out that while RPP will make the off-base rental experience better for Sailors and their families, it is not intended to be a substitute for much-needed on-base and satellite Navy housing.

“This is simply a better alternative to the traditional off-base rental process,” Hemstreet said. “The Navy still has a significant shortage of on-base housing, and we are continuing to work with the Government of Japan to reduce it.”

Rent payment is also made easier under RPP. When applying for an RPP lease, a Sailor must sign up for an automated electronic bill payment service, which will deduct the monthly rent from the occupant’s bank account and transfer the money on time to the landlord. The CNFJ Housing Office will also assist with move-in and move-out inspections and will monitor the conditions of the homes over time.

On-base housing will still be available to Navy personnel after the program starts and will not be replaced by RPP, Ogata said. “RPP is an additional program for servicemembers to find a quality off-base home,” he said, explaining that Navy personnel looking for an off-base home are not required to use RPP. The Housing Office will refer the servicemember to RPP renters if asked. “It’s completely up to the customer,” he said.

The RPP will have no waiting list for personnel looking to rent a home. The renting availability will be on a first come, first served basis with no priority list. Families and bachelors looking for a rental home will compete equally for the properties. Ogata explained that if the home is equal in size and amenities, it will have the same rent regardless of pay grade. Rental agreements will be strictly between the servicemember and the landlord.

CNFJ is exploring additional RPP opportunities in Yokosuka, and hopes to export the success story to Sasebo and the NAF Atsugi areas in the near future, Ogata said. In establishing new RPPs, prospective rental units will be inspected by the CNFJ Housing Office. If the housing units are acceptable, the Navy and the realtor sign a memorandum of agreement regarding the process to be used when leasing to Navy families.

“We’re very proud of this initiative,” Ogata said. “I know our housing customers will be pleased with the improved service.”

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