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Tokyo, Japan
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American Centers
Commitment to Transatlantic Solidarity
Statement of the United States, Britain, Spain, Portugal at Azores meeting

President Bush, Britain's Prime Minister Tony Blair, Spain's President of Government Jose Maria Aznar, and Portugal's Prime Minister Jose Manuel Durao Barroso, who hosted a one-day meeting of the leaders in the Azores March 16, issued a "Statement of the Atlantic Summit: Commitment to Transatlantic Solidarity."

In the statement, the leaders committed themselves to "face and overcome together the twin threats of the 21st century: terrorism and the spread of weapons of mass destruction."

Following is the text of the statement


We, the leaders of four democracies with strong Transatlantic affiliation, meet at a time of great challenge. We face painful choices.

We uphold a vision of international security we share with other nations. Our nations and people know the horror of war, whether visited upon us, or whether we are called to confront a great danger.

At this difficult moment, we reaffirm our commitment to our core values and the Transatlantic Alliance that has embodied them for two generations. Our alliance rests on a common commitment to democracy, freedom, and the rule of law. We are bound by solemn commitment to defend one another. We will face and overcome together the twin threats of the 21st century: terrorism and the spread of weapons of mass destruction. All nations must unite to defeat these dangers. We will not allow differences of the moment to be exploited in ways that bring no solutions.

Our security is tied to peace and security throughout the world. Together, we are working to bring security to Afghanistan, and to root out the terrorists who remain there. We affirm a vision of a Middle East peace in which two states, Israel and Palestine, will live side by side in peace, security, and freedom. We welcome the fact that the roadmap designed to implement this vision will soon be delivered to Palestinians and Israelis, upon the confirmation of an empowered Palestinian Prime Minister. We would welcome the appointment of a Palestinian Prime Minister with sufficient authority to put an end to terrorism and consolidate necessary reforms. We shall look to the parties to work constructively together. We have today issued a statement outlining the challenge that Saddam Hussein poses for the world, and our vision of a better future for the Iraqi people.

We urge our friends and allies to put aside differences, and work together for peace, freedom and security. The friendship and solidarity between Europe and the United States is strong and will continue to grow in years to come.

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