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U.S. Supports Revamping U.N. Counter-Terrorism Staff

The United States has joined other U.N. Security Council members in unanimously adopting a resolution that calls for the restructuring of the U.N. Counter-Terrorism Committee's staff, a State Department spokesman says.

"The United States is committed to working through the U.N. system and with other member states to build upon and refine existing capacities and practices, including in the financial, law enforcement and information-sharing areas," Ambassador Richard Boucher, assistant secretary of state for public affairs, said in a March 29 statement issued in Washington. "By revamping and restructuring key U.N. mechanisms, we're working to ensure that they are more responsive, accountable, and better equipped to address the terrorist threat."

The U.N. Security Council has adopted Resolution 1535, which reorganizes and consolidates the committee's support staff under a new Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate.

The Counter-Terrorism Committee was established by Resolution 1373, adopted shortly after September 11, 2001, to monitor efforts by states to implement a wide range of counter-terrorism measures required by the resolution. The Committee's mandate under Resolution 1373 is not changed by the new resolution.

Following is the text of Boucher's statement

Office of the Spokesman
March 29, 2004


U.N. Security Council Enhances Coordination on Counter-Terrorism

On March 26, the United States joined other Security Council members in unanimously adopting Resolution 1535, which authorizes the restructuring of the U.N. Counter-Terrorism Committee's staff. The United States is committed to working through the U.N. system and with other member states to build upon and refine existing capacities and practices, including in the financial, law enforcement and information-sharing areas. By revamping and restructuring key U.N. mechanisms, we're working to ensure that they are more responsive, accountable, and better equipped to address the terrorist threat.

The Counter-Terrorism Committee was established by Resolution 1373, adopted shortly after September 11, 2001, in order to monitor efforts by states to implement a wide range of counter-terrorism measures required by the resolution. Through its capacity-building and global coordination initiatives, the Counter-Terrorism Committee has become a significant element in the worldwide campaign against terrorism. The Committee's mandate under Resolution 1373 is not changed by the new resolution.

Resolution 1535 reorganizes and consolidates the Committee's support staff under a new Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate. Since its inception, the Committee has worked with states to identify gaps in their counter-terrorism capabilities and find the necessary technical assistance to fill these gaps. It has also taken on new tasks, including serving as the central clearinghouse for the exchange of information and planning among over 60 international and regional organizations. The new Directorate will be able to respond more quickly and flexibly to requests for assistance from states and international organizations and to better facilitate the exchange of counter-terrorism information.

This measure follows the adoption, in January 2004, of Resolution 1526, which strengthened the ability of the 1267 (al-Qaida/Taliban) Sanctions Committee to carry out its work. Another key component of global counter-terrorism efforts, the 1267 Committee can now press for better reporting and implementation of sanctions by states, with the support of a new monitoring team. Concrete progress has already been made to implement the resolution, including the selection of the team, whose focus will include field visits to states and progress reports on how well they are meeting their obligations.

Taken together, these U.N. Security Council resolutions are practical yet innovative steps that demonstrate the international community's determination to actively cooperate in the ongoing campaign against terrorism.

Embassy of the United States