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Text: U.S. Statement on UN Role in Fighting Terrorism

Following is the text of the ambassador's remarks:

Statement by Ambassador Cameron Hume, Alternate United States Representative on the Security Council, on the Report of the Secretary-General On the Work of the Organization, in the General Assembly Plenary Session

September 24, 2001

Thank you, Mr. President, and thank you, Mr. Secretary General, for your report. You have underscored the importance of the United Nations agenda and the work that the UN is committed to and that the entire membership has a new and overarching challenge after September 11.

My delegation would like to extend heart-felt thanks to all who have expressed condolences and pledged support in the wake of the terrible events of September 11. Americans also realize that people from dozens of other countries have lost their lives in these attacks. This tragedy is truly global in scope and so must be the response. The people of the United States also stand with those of you who are grieving for your own. We offer our deepest sympathies to you and to your people.

A week from today in this hall, the membership will discuss measures to eliminate international terrorism. We look forward to this discussion, which we hope will help promote unity of purpose and strong steps that the UN can take to combat terror. The UN must play an international role in marshalling the international community's long-term efforts to defeat this scourge. These efforts will also require absolute clarity that the international community condemns and rejects any effort to offer false justification for the attack or to protect those who committed it.

Mr. President, Excellencies, this is a crucial moment for the United Nations. It has a chance to live up to the ideals on which it was founded. The United States pledges its support to the United Nations. We are eager to work with other member states to improve the organization and to support the work of the Secretary General. His report shows that the UN's agenda remains broad. And we will continue to work on this agenda even as we focus immediately on the overarching challenge of international terrorism.

Mr. President, the effort to reform the United Nations has made progress in recent years. This progress must continue. One specific action the U.N. can take immediately -- and is in fact overdue to take -- is to put sunset provisions in place. Sunset provisions would ensure that UN program activities do not go on and on unless their relevance and effectiveness are regularly affirmed. This reform measure is covered by the Secretary-General's report, and it has been on the table since 1997. The United States looks forward to more productive work with the UN membership on this and on many other reform matters during the 56th General Assembly.

Mr. President, Mr. Secretary-General, Excellencies. Great challenges lie ahead for this organization. The United States believes that it is in the vital interest of the world community to enhance the relevance of the United Nations. And the United States vows to work with all of you to achieve that end.