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All FS Research Publications In This Database Ordered By Title
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1999. He, Hong S.; Mladenoff, David J.

2002. A Capital case for common names of species of fishes--a white crappie or a White Crappie Nelson, Joseph S.; Stames, Wayne C.; Warren, Melvin L.

1999. A climatology of late-spring freezes in the northeastern United States. Potter, Brian E.; Cate, Thomas W.

2000. Proceedings of the California Forest Soils Council Conference on Forest Soils Biology and Forest Management, Feb. 23-24 Powers, Robert F.; Hauxwell, Donald L.; Nakamura, Gary M.

2004. Proceedings: views from the ridge - considerations for planning at the landscape scale. Gucinski, Hermann; Miner, Cynthia; Bittner, Becky, eds.

1987. Productivity and cost of conventional understory biomass harvesting systems Miller, Douglas E.; Straka, Thomas J.; Stokes, Bryce J.; Watson, William

1985. "Artificial intelligence" at streamgaging stations Thomas, R. B.

1980. "Missing": A computer program for the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters of the multivariate linear model with incomplete measurements. Arner, Stanford; Seegrist, Donald W.

2003. "Place" as an integrating concept in natural resource politics: propositions for a social science research agenda Cheng, A.S.; Kruger, L.E.; Daniels, S.E.

2002. "Super-Fog"--A Combination of Smoke and Water Vapor That Produces Zero Visibility over Roadways Achtemeier, Gary L.

1997. 'Apapane (Himatione sanguinea) Fancy, S.G.; Ralph, C.J.

1998. 'I'iwi (Vestiaria coccinea) Fancy, S.G.; Ralph, C.J.

1992. (S)-(+)-Ipsdienol: Interspecific Inhibition of Ips latidens (LeConte) by Ips pini (Say) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) Miller, Daniel R.; Borden, John H.

2004. 100,000 trees can't be wrong: permanent study plots and the value of time. Duncan, Sally

1999. 12th Central Hardwood Forest Conference Stringer, Jeffrey W.; Loftis, David L.; Lacki, Michael; Barnes, Thomas; Muller, Robert A.

1963. 13 years of Forestry Research in West Virginia Trimble, George R., Jr.; Fridley, B. D.

2003. 13th Central Hardwoods Forest Conference Van Sambeek, J.W.; Dawson, Jeffrey O.; Ponder, Felix Jr; Loewenstein, Edward F.; Fralish, James S.

1954. 1954 Annual Report Briegleb, Philip A.

1963. 1963 Research of the Southeastern Forest Experiment Station McLintock, Thomas F.

1975. 1974 at the Northeastern Station Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1976. 1975 at the Northeastern Forest Experiment Station Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1977. 1976 at the Northeastern Forest Experiment Station Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1979. 1977-1978 Report, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1981. 1979 Report Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1988. 1988 Revisions to the 1978 National Fire-Danger Rating System Burgan, Robert E.

1992. 1992 Data Bank for Red Oak Lumber Gatchell, Charles J.; Wiedenbeck, Janice K.; Walker, Elizabeth S.

1993. 1992 Forest Service/IUFRO Workshop on AI and Related Topics Schmoldt, Daniel L.

1997. 1997 Hardwood Research Award Winner: "Automatic Color Sorting of Hardwood Edge-Glued Panel Parts" Kline, D. Earl; Conners, Richard; Lu, Qiang; Araman, Philip A.

1998. 1998 data bank for kiln-dried red oak lumber Gatchell, Charles J.; Thomas, R. Edward; Walker, Elizabeth S.

2000. 1999, Research and Development Highlights, USDA Forest Service Northeastern Research Station Northeastern Research Station

2004. 1st Year Performance of Northern Red Oak (Quercus rubra L.) on Reclaimed Mined Lands in Indiana Davis, Anthony S.; Jacobs, Douglass F.

1998. 2-deoxyglucose as a selective agent for derepressed mutants of Pichia stipitis Sreenath, Hassan K.; Jeffries, Thomas W.

2002. 2001, Research and Development Highlights, USDA Forest Service Northeastern Research Station Northeastern Research Station

1976. 21-Year Growth and Development of Baldcypress Planted on a Flood-Prone Site Krinard, Roger M.; Johnson, Robert L.

2000. 21st Session of the International Poplar Commission (IPC-2000): poplar and willow culture: meeting the needs of society and the environment; 200 September 24-28; Vancouver, WA. Isebrands, J.G.; Richardson, J.

1991. 3-D Signal Processing in a Computer Vision System Zhu, Dongping; Conners, Richard W.; Araman, Philip A.

2004. 300 Years Makes a Difference: Using Focus Groups to Improve Recreation Management Efforts Flood, Joseph P.

2003. 3D engineered fiberboard : engineering analysis of a new building product Hunt, John F.; Winandy, Jerrold E.

2002. 3D reconstruction of a tree stem using video images and pulse distances Clark, N. E.

1994. 4-allylanisole as an inhibitor of bark beetle (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) aggregation Hayes, Jane L.; Strom, Brian L.

1953. 62 Percent of Pine Lumbar is Cut from 10-inch or Smaller Logs in the Central Piedmont of South Carolina Haines, William H.B.

2002. 78 Years of Excellence in the Development of Scientific Information and Innovative Technology Northeastern Research Station

1953. 86 Percent of Tops and 54 Percent of Slabs and Edgings Unused in Central Piedmont of South Carolina Haines, William H.B.

1993. Nosema scripta N. Sp. (Microsporida: Nosematidae), a Microsporidian Parasite of the Cottonwood Leaf Beetle, Chrysomela scripta (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)1 Bauer, Leah S.; Pankratz, Stuart H.

1997. Tomicus Piniperda (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) Reproduction and Behavior on Scotch Pine Christmas Trees taken Indoors Haack, Robert A.; Lawrence, Robert K.

2000. Tomicus Piniperda (Coleoptera: Scolytidae): Is Shoot-Feeding Requires For Reproductive Maturation Poland , Therese M.; Haack, Robert A.

2001. Tomicus piniperda (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) Shoot-Feding Characteristics and Overwintering Behavior in Scotch Pine Christmas Trees Haack, Robert A.; Lawrence, Robert K.; Heaton, George C.

2000. Tomicus piniperda (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) Emergence in Relation to Burial Depth of Brood Logs Haack, Robert A.; Petrice, Toby R.; Poland, Therese M.

1999. Tomicus and anoplophora genetics: Important research needs Haack, Robert A.; Poland, Therese M.; Wu, Jian; Ye, Hui

2001. Quercus garryana communities in the Puget Trough, Washington. Thysell, D.R.; Carey, A.B.

1996. . Spilogale gracilis in upland forests of western Washington and Oregon Carey, A.B.; Kershner, J.E.

1987. Ceratocystis fagacearum in Living and Dead Texas Live Oaks Lewis, R., Jr.

1990. E-Myrcenol: A New Pheromone for the Pine Engraver, Ips Pini (Say) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) Miller, D.R.; Gries, G.; Borden, J.H.

1991. Pinus glabra Walt. Spruce Pine Kossuth, Susan V.; Michael, J.L.

2002. Prunus pumila L. Bragg, Don C.

1994. Quercus stellata growth and stand characteristics in the Quercus stellata-Quercus marilandica forest type in the Cross Timbers region of Central Oklahoma Rosson, James F., Jr.

2003. 15N-CPMAS nuclear magnetic resonace spectroscopy and biological stability of soil organic nitrogen in whole soil and particle-size fractions DiCosty, R.J.; Weliky, D.P.; Anderson, S.J.; Paul, E.A.

1993. A 10-Year Evaluation of Prescribed Winter Burns in Uneven-Aged Stands of Pinus taeda L. and P. echinata Mill.: Woody Understorey Vegetation Response Cain, Michael D.

2003. A 20-year recount of bird populations along a Great Basin elevational gradient Woodyard, John; Renfro, Melissa; Welch, Bruce L.; Heister, Kristina

2004. A 5-Year Assessment Of Shortleaf Pine And Hardwood Sprouts Relative To Three Methods Of Hardwood Control In The Arkansas Ozarks Cain, Michael D.

1998. A 9-year comparison of hardwood control treatments for enhancing natural regeneration and growth of loblolly-shortleaf pines in an uneven-aged stand Cain, Michael D.

1969. A Basal Stem Canker of Sugar Maple Kessler, Kenneth J. Jr.

1964. A Biassed History of the Southern Forest Experiment Station Through Fiscal Year 1933 Wakeley, Philip C.

2004. A Bid Price Equation For Timber Sales on the Ouachita and Ozark National Forests Huebschmann, Michael M.; Lynch, Thomas B.; Lewis, David K.; Tilley, Daniel S.; Guldin, James M.

1976. A Bird and Bee Problem in House Siding Wilson, Louis F.; Huber, Henry A.

1993. A Blueprint for Forest Inventory and Analysis Research and Vision for the Future USDA Forest Service

1998. A Brief Overview of the Southern United States Fire Situation January - July 1998 Wade, Dale D.

1983. A Budget Tree Improvement Program Nienstaedt, Hans; Kang, Hyun

1995. A CT-based Simulator for Hardwood Log Veneering Schmoldt, Daniel L.; Li, Pei; Araman, Philip A.

1992. A Case History of All-age Management Godman, Richard M.; Mattson, Gilbert A.

1992. A Case History of Even-age Management Godman, Richard M.

1995. A Case Study of Resources Management Planning with Multiple Objectives and Projects Peterson, David L.; Silsbee, David G.; Schmoldt, Daniel L.

2001. A Characterization of the Nonindustrial Private Forest Landowners of Arkansas Walkingstick, Tamara; Voth, Donald E.; Williams, Richard A.; Earl, Jeffery; Hitt, Carl P.

1981. A Checklist of Common Plants of the Appalachian Trail in the Jefferson National Forest, Virginia Krochmal, Arnold; Krochmal, Connie

1980. A Checklist of Common Plants of the Appalachian Trial in the Nantahala National Forest, North Carolina Krochmal, Arnold; Krochmal, Connie

1971. A Circular-Impact Sampler for Forest Litter Sackett, Stephen S.

2004. A Collaborative Fire Hazard Reduction/Ecosystem Restoration Stewardship Project in a Montana Mixed Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-Fir/Western Larch Wildland Urban Interface Steve Slaughter, Laura Ward, Michael Hillis, Jim Chew, Rebecca McFarlan

1970. A Collar for Marking Big Game Animals Phillips, Robert L.

2004. A Comparison of Activity-Specific and Nonactivity-Specific Importance and Management Preferences Among Three Specialization Groups of Trout and Bass Anglers Anderson, Laura E.; Loomis, David K.

1997. A Comparison of Basinwide and Representative Reach Habitat Survey Techniques in Three Southern Appalachian Watersheds Dolloff, C. Andrew; Jennings, Holly E.

2001. A Comparison of Breeding Bird Communities and Habitat Features Between Old-Growth and Second-Growth Bottomland Hardwood Forest Smith, Winston P.; Hunt, Howard E.; Townley, W. Kent

2001. A Comparison of Conjoint Analysis Response Formats Boyle, Kevin J.; Holmes, Thomas P.; Teisl, Mario F.; Roe, Brian

1999. A Comparison of Fire Intensity levels for stand replacement of table mountain pine (Pinus pungens Lamb.) Waldrop, Thomas A.; Brose, Patrick H.

1978. A Comparison of Four Techniques for Producing High-Grade Furniture Core Material From Low-Grade Yellow-Poplar Araman, Philip A.

1995. A Comparison of Height-Accumulation and Volume-Equation Methods for Estimating Tree and Stand Volumes Ferguson, R.B.; Baldwin, V. Clark, Jr.

1994. A Comparison of Herpetofaunal Sampling Effectiveness of Pitfall, Single-ended, and Double-ended Funnel Traps Used with Drift Fences Greenberg, Cathryn H.; Neary, Daniel G.; Harris, Larry D.

1963. A Comparison of Increment Core Sampling for Estimating Tree Specific Gravity Taras, Michael A.; Wadlgren, Harold E.

1999. A Comparison of Large-Scale Reforestation Techniques Commonly Used on Abandoned Fields in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Vally Schweitzer, Callie Jo; Stanturf, John A.

1991. A Comparison of Market Needs to the Species and Quality Composition of the Eastern Hardwood Bush, Robert J.; Araman, Philip A.

1992. A Comparison of Market Needs to the Species and Quality Composition of the U.S. Bush, Robert J.; Araman, Philip A.; Muench, J., Jr.

2004. A Comparison of Oak Regeneration Conditions Following Midstory Injection and Partial Overstory Removal in a Tombigbee River Terrace Peairs, Stephen E.; Ezell, Andrew W.; Belli, Keith L.; Hodges, John D.

2004. A Comparison of Pre-European Settlement and Present-day Forests in Stone County, Arkansas Heitzman, Eric; Bragg, Don C.; Grell, Adrian

1987. A Comparison of Regional and SiteSpecific Volume Estimation Equations McClure, Joe P.; Anderson, Jana; Schreuder, Hans T.

1996. A Comparison of Relative Abundance and Biomass of Ground-Dwelling Arthropods Under Different Forest Management Practices Greenberg, Cathryn H.; McGrane, Arlene

2004. A Comparison of Residents and Non-Residents on Perceptions of Off Road Vehicle Use and Carrying Capacity Hughes, Coley S.; Vogelsong, Hans

1991. A Comparison of Rule-Based, K-Nearest Neighbor, and Neural Net Classifiers for Automated Cho, Tai-Hoon; Conners, Richard W.; Araman, Philip A.

1998. A Comparison of Several Artificial Neural Network Classifiers for CT Images of Hardwood Logs Schmoldt, Daniel L.; He, Jing; Abbott, A. Lynn

2001. A Comparison of Several Techniques For Estimating The Average Volume Per Acre For Multipanel Data With Missing Panels Gartner, Dave; Reams, Gregory A.

1971. A Comparison of Six Species of Southern Pines Planted in the Piedmont of South Carolina Branan, John R.; Porterfield, Edward J.

1996. A Comparison of Snap Traps for Evaluating Small Mammal Populations Perry, Roger W.; Tappe, Philip A.; Peitz, David G.; [and others]

1997. A Comparison of Trap Versus Ground Collection of Acorns to Assess Insect Infestation Perry, Roger W.; Mangini, Alex.

1987. A Comparison of Tree Volume Estimation Models for Forest Inventory Kelly, John F.; Beltz, Roy C.

2004. A Comparison of Two Double Sampling Auxiliary Variables with Inventories of Varying Sample Size Bailes, Wesley W.; Brooks, John R.

1995. A Comparison of Various Estimators for Updating Forest Area Coverage Using AVHRR and Forest Inventory Data Roesch, Francis A., Jr.; van Deusen, Paul C.; Zhu, Zhiliang

2003. A Comparison of Vector and Raster GIS Methods for Calculating Landscape Metrics Used in Environmental Assessments Wade, Timothy G.; Wickham, James D.; Nash, Maliha S.; Neale, Anne C.; Riitters, Kurt H.; Jones, K. Bruce

2004. A Comparison of Vegetation Within and Outside Riparian Areas Bordering Ephemeral Streams in the Ouachita Mountains Radabaugh, David K.; Liechty, Hal O.; Guldin, James M.

1970. A Comparison of Yield Studies of Slash Pine in Old-Field Plantations Bennett, F.A.; Barnes, R. L.; Clutter, J.L.; McGee, C.E.

2004. A Comparison of the Ecological Effects of Herbicide and Prescribed Fire in a Mature Longleaf Pine Forest: Response of Juvenile and Overstory Pine Gagnon, Jennifer L.; Jack, Steven B.

2004. A Comparison of the Integrated Moisture Index and the Topographic Wetness Index as Related to Two Years Of Soil Moisture Monitoring in Zaleski State Forest, Ohio Iverson, Louis R.; Prasad, Anantha M.; Rebbeck, Joanne

2002. A Compatible Stem Taper-Volume-Weight System For Intensively Managed Fast Growing Loblolly Pine Zhang, Yugia; Borders, Bruce E.; Bailey, Robert L

1999. A Compendium of Forest Growth and Yield Simulators for the Pacific Coast States Ritchie, Martin W.

1996. A Computer Program You Can Use: Edging and Trimmer Trainer Araman, Philip A.; Kline, D. Earl; Winn, Matthew F.

1968. A Computer Program for Displaying Forest Survey Type Information Bare, B. Bruce; Stone, Robert N.

1967. A Computer Program for Preliminary Data Analysis Schweitzer, Dennis L.

1977. A Computer Program for Variable Density Yield Tables for Loblolly Pine Plantations Myers, Clifford A.

1968. A Computer Program to Evaluate Timber Production Investments Under Uncertainty Schweitzer, Dennis L.

1990. A Computer Vision System for Automated Grading of Rough Hardwood Lumber Using a Knowledge-Based Approach Cho, Tai-Hoon; Conners, Richard W.; Araman, Philip A.

1990. A Computer Vision System forAnalyzing Images of Rough Hardwood Lumber Cho, Tai-Hoon; Conners, Richard W.; Araman, Philip A.

1991. A Computer Vision System forLocating and Identifying Internal Log Defects Using CT Imagery Zhu, Dongping; Conners, Richard W.; Lamb, Frederick; Araman, Philip A.

1998. A Consensus Map for Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda L.). I. Construction and Integration of Individual Linkage Maps From TwoOutbred Three-Generation Pedigrees Sewell, Mitchell M.; Sherman, Bradley K.; Neale, David B.

2003. A Contingent Trip Model for Estimating Rail-trail Demand Betz, Carter J.; Bergstrom, John C.; Bowker, J.M.

1975. A Controlled Environment System For Measuring Plant-Atmosphere Gas Exchange Brown, James M.

1984. A Convenient Holder for Mailing and Storing Leaf Specimens Stack, Robert W.; Ostry, Michael E.; Littlefield, Larry J.

1994. A Crown Cover Chart for Oak Savannas Law, Jay; Johnson, Paul; Houf, Gary

2004. A Decision-Making Model For Managing or Regenerating Southern Upland Hardwoods Cunningham, K. Kyle; Ezell, Andrew W.; Belli, Keith L.; Hodges, John D.

2004. A Dendrochronological Analysis of Red Oak Borer Abundance Muzika, Rose-Marie; Guyette, Richard P.

1971. A Density-Gradient Technique for Obtaining Wood and Bark Chip Density Conder, Terrance M.; Edgar, John C.; Julien, Larry M.

1969. A Disposable Cage for Obtaining Individual Eggs of the Elm Spanworm Drooz, A.T.

1968. A Drought Index for Forest Fire Control Keetch, John J.; Byram, George M.

1968. A Dual-Range Strain Gage Weighing Transducer Employing Automatic Switching Arola, Rodger A.

2000. A Forest Landowner`s Guide to Internet Resources: States of the Northeast USDA Forest Service

1998. A Forest Landscape Visualization System McDonald, Tim; Stokes, Bryce

1995. A Forest Tent Caterpiller Outbreak in the Mississippi Delta: Host Preference and Growth Effects Leininger, Theodor D.; Solomon, J.D.

1999. A Forested Tract-Size Profile of Florida's NIPF Landowners Thompson, Michael T.

1997. A Forested Tract-Size Profile of South Carolina’s NIPF Landowners Thompson, Michael T.

1996. A Forested Tract-Size Profile of Virginia's NIPF Landowners. Thompson, Michael T; Johnson, Tony G.

1989. A Four-Level Hierarchy for Organizing Wildland Stream Resource Information Parrott, Harry; Marion, Daniel A.; Perkinson, R. Douglas

2004. A General Ecological Model for Interpreting Forest Landscape Patterns and Processes in the Central Hardwood Forest Region Fralish, James S.

2001. A Generational Change in Site Index for Naturally Established Longleaf Pine on a South Alabama Coastal Plain Site Boyer, William D.

1994. A Genetic Linkage Map of Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) Based on Random Amplified Polymorphic DNAs Nelson, C.D.; Kubisiak, Thomas L.; Stine, M.; Nance, W.L.

1970. A Graphic Chi-Square Test For Two-Class Genetic Segregation Ratios Squillace, A.E.; Squillace, D.J.

1986. A Growth and Yield Model for Thinned Stands of Yellow-Poplar Knoebel, Bruce R.; Burkhart, Harold E.; Beck, Donald E.

2001. A Guide to Bottomland Hardwood Restoration Allen, J.A.; Keeland, B.D.; Stanturf, J.A.; Clewell, A.F.; Kennedy, Harvey E.. Jr.

1973. A Guide to Hardwood Log Grading Rast, Everette D.; Sonderman, David L.; Gammon, Glenn L.

1999. A Guide to Major Insects, Diseases, Air Pollution, Injury, and Chemical Injury of Sycamore Solomon, J.D.; Wilson, A. Dan; Schiff, N.M.

1987. A Guide to Southern Pine Seed Sources Lantz, Clark W.; Kraus, John F.

1997. A Guide to Street Tree Inventory Software Olig, Gene A.; Miller, Robert W.

1952. A Guide to the Hitchiti Forest Research Center Brender, Ernst V.

1986. A Guide to the Insect Borers, Pruners, and Girdlers of Pecan and Hickory Solomon, J.D.; Payne, J.A.

1995. A Hierarchical Analysis of Bridge Decision Makers ... The Role of New Technology Adoption in the Timber Bridge Market: Special Project Smith, Robert L.; Bush, Robert J.; Schmoldt, Daniel L.

1995. A Hierarchical Model and Analysis of Factors Affecting the Adoption of Timber as a Bridge Smith, Robert L.; Bush, Robert J.; Schmoldt, Daniel L.

1995. A High Performance Micro Channel Interface for Real-Time Industrial Image Processing Drayer, Thomas H.; Tront, Joseph G.; Conners, Richard W.

1982. A History of Forest Pathology Research in the South and Southeast Verrall, Arthur F.

1989. A History of Forestry Research in the Southern United States Josephson, H.R.

1981. A Homemade Instrument for Collecting Soil Water From Porous Ceramic Cups Knighton, M. Dean; Streblow, Dwight E.

1966. A House-Framing System for Low-Cost Construction Newman, Jerry O.

2003. A Human Dimensions Framework: Guidelines for Conducting Social Assessments Bright, Alan D.; Cordell, H. Ken; Hoover, Anne P.; Tarrant, Michael A

1971. A Hydraulically Operated Pine Cone Cutter Fatzinger, Carl W.; Proveaux, M.T.

1989. A Key to Phoretic Mites Commonly Found on Long-Horned Beetles Emerging from Southern Pines Kinn, D.N.; Linit, M.J.

1996. A Knowledge-Based Information Management System for Watershed Analysis in the Pacific Northwest U.S. Reynolds, Keith; Cunningham, Patrick; Bednar, Larry; Saunders, Michael; Foster, Michael; Olson, Richard; Schmoldt, Daniel; Latham, Donald; Miller, Bruce; Steffenson, John

1996. A Land Manager's Guide to Point Counts of Birds in the Southeast Hamel, Paul B.; Smith, Winston P.; Twedt, Daniel J.; Woehr, James R.; Morris, Eddie; Hamilton, Robert B.; Cooper, Robert J.

1998. A Landowner`s Guide to Building Forest Access Roads Wiest, Richard L.

2000. A Landscape Model (LEEMATH) to Evaluate Effects of Management Impacts on Timber and Wildlife Habitat Li, Harbin; Gartner, David L.; Mou, Pu; Trettin, Carl C.

1998. A Linked Model for Simulating Stand Development and Growth Processes of Loblolly Pine Baldwin, V. Clark, Jr.; Dougherty, Phillip M.; Burkhart, Harold E.

1986. A Loblolly Pine Management Guide: Foresters' Primer in Nutrient Cycling Jorgensen, Jacques R.; Wells, Carol G.

1985. A Loblolly Pine Management Guide: Managing Site Damage from Logging McKee, W.H., Jr.; Hatchell, G.E.; Tiarks, A.E.

1987. A Loblolly Pine Management Guide: Natural Regeneration of Loblolly Pine Edwards, M. Boyd

1989. A Loblolly Pine Management Guide: Preparing Atlantic Coastal Plain Sites for Loblolly Plne Plantations McKee, William H., Jr.

1985. A Loblolly Pine Management Guide: When and Where to Apply Fertilizer Wells, Carol G.; Allen, Lee

1976. A Local Net Volume Equation for Iowa Hahn, Jerold T.

2001. A Long-Term View of Old-Growth Deciduous Forests Tanner, James T.; Hamel, Paul B.

1992. A Machine Vision System for Automatically Grading Hardwood Lumber - (Industrial Metrology) Conners, Richard W.; Cho, Tai-Hoon; Ng, Chong T.; Drayer, Thomas T.; Araman, Philip A.; Brisbon, Robert L.

1990. A Machine Vision System for Automatically Grading Hardwood Lumber - (Proceedings) Conners, Richard W.; Cho, Tai-Hoon; Ng, Chong T.; Drayer, Thomas H.; Tront, Joe G.; Araman, Philip A.; Brisbon, Robert L.

2004. A Market Analysis of the Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie Klenosky, David B.; Vogt, Christine A.; Andereck, Kathleen L.

1996. A Market-oriented Approach To Maximizing Product Benefits: Cases in U.S. Forest Products Industries Reddy, Vijay S.; Bush, Robert J.; Roudik, Ronen

1999. A Matrix Transition Model for an Uneven-Aged, Oak-Hickory Forest in the Missouri Ozark Highlands Lootens, James R.; Larsen, David R.; Loewenstein, Edward F.

2002. A Method For Assessing Economic Thresholds of Hardwood Competition Knowe, Steven A.

1998. A Method for Rearing Pupae of Net-Winged Midges (Diptera: Blephariceridae) and Other Torrenticolous Flies Courtney, Gregory W.

1992. A Method to Preclude Moisture Condensation in Plated Tissue Cultures Diner, Alex M.

1995. A Method to Study Response of Large Trees to Different Amounts of Available Soil Water Marx, Donald H.; Sung, Shi-jean S.; Cunningham, James S.; Thompson, Michael D.; White, Linda M.

2000. A Michigan Monarch Recovered in Mexico

1997. A Mobile Aviary Design to Allow the Soft Release of Cavity Nesting Birds Franzreb, Kathleen E.

1997. A Mobile Aviary to Enhance Translocation Success of Red-cockaded Woodpeckers Edwards, John W.; Dachelet, Charles A.; Smathers, Webb M.

1972. A Mobile Heat Applicator for Simulating Prescribed Fire Intensities Sackett, Stephen S.; Ward, Darold E.

2002. A Model Describing Growth and Development of Longleaf Pine Plantations: Consequences of Observed Stand Structures of Structure of the Model Goelz, J.C.G.; Leduc, Daniel J.

2002. A Model For Defining and Predicting The Urban-Wildland Interface For The Piedmont of South Carolina Marek, Mary L. Webb; Gering, Lawrence R.

2000. A Model for Wetland Hydrology: Description and Validation Mansell, R.S.; Bloom, S.A.; Sun, Ge

1991. A Modification of Copeyon's Drilling Technique for Making Artificial Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Cavities Taylor, William E.; Hooper, Robert G.

1998. A Multi-Attribute Assessment of Site Preparation Effects on the Socioeconomical and Ecological Attributes of Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda) Stands Miller, James H.; Gan, Jianbang; Kolison, Stephen H.; Boyd, Robert S.; McNabb, Kenneth L.; Lockaby, B. Graeme

1999. A Multi-criterial Decision Support System for Forest Management Nute, Donald; Kim, Geneho; Potter, Walter D.; Twery, Mark J.; Rauscher, H. Michael; Thomasma, Scott; Bennett, Deborah; Kollasch, Peter

1998. A Multinomial Logit Approach to Estimating Regional Inventories by Product Class Teeter, Lawrence; Zhou, Xiaoping

1995. A Multiple Sensor Machine Vision System Technology for the Hardwood Conners, Richard W.; Kline, D.Earl; Araman, Philip A.

1993. A Multiple Sensor Machine Vision System for Automatic Hardwood Feature Detection Kline, D. Earl; Conners, Richard W.; Schmoldt, Daniel L.; Araman, Philip A.; Brisbin, Robert L.

1990. A Multisensor Machine Vision System for Hardwood Defect Detection Conners, Richard W.; Cho, Tai-Hoon; Ng, Chong T.; Drayer, Thomas T.; Araman, Philip A.; Brisbon, Robert L.

1991. A Multivariate Model and Analysis of Competitive Strategy in the U.S. Hardwood Lumber Industry Bush, Robert J.; Sinclair, Steven A.

2000. A National Assessment of the Urban Forest: An Overview Dwyer, John F.; Nowak, David J.

1999. A New Annual Forest Inventory System for the South Cost, Noel D.

1996. A New Approach to Automated Labeling of Internal Features of Hardwood Logs Using CT Images Schmoldt, Daniel L.; Li, Pei; Abbott, A. Lynn

1995. A New Greenhouse Photoperiod Lighting System for Prevenction of Seedling Dormancy Tinus, Richard W.

1978. A New Method of Building Scale-Model Houses Malcolm, Richard N.

2001. A New Species of Xiphydria Latreille (Hymenoptera: Xiphydriidae) Reared From River Birch, Betula Nigra L., in North America Smith, David R.; Schiff, Nathan M.

1997. A New Species of Megastigmus Dalman (Hymenoptera: Torymidae) Reared from Seeds of Atlantic White Cedar (Cupressaceae), with Notes on Infestation Rates Turgeon, J.J.; Kamijo, K.; DeBarr, G.

2001. A Nonparametric Geostatistical Method For Estimating Species Importance Lister, Andrew J.; Riemann, Rachel; Hoppus, Michael

2002. A Novel Method for Measurement and Characterization of Soil Macroporosity Barton, Christopher; Karathanasis, Tasos

2004. A Perspective on Quercus Life History Characteristics and Forest Diturbance Guyette, Richard P.; Muzika, Rose-Marie; Kabrick, John; Stambaugh, Michael C.

1981. A Phloem Sandwich Unit for Observing Bark Beetles, Associated Predators, and Parasites Kim, Donald N.; Miller, Mitchel C.

2002. A Pilot Sampling Design for Estimating Outdoor Recreation Site Visits on the National Forests Zarnoch, Stanley J.; Kocis, S.M.; Cordell, H. Ken; English, D.B.K.

2004. A Pilot Test of Indicator Species to Assess Uniqueness of Oak-Dominated Ecoregions in Central Tennessee McNab, W. Henry; Loftis, David L.; Schweitzer, Callie J.; Sheffield, Raymond

1995. A Planning Approach for Developing Inventory and Monitoring Programs In National Parks Peterson, David L.; Silsbee, David G.; Schmoldt, Daniel L.

2000. A Practical Decision-Analysis Process for Forest Ecosystem Management Rauscher, H. Michael; Lloyd, F. Thomas; Loftis, David L.; Twery, Mark J.

1979. A Practical Field Method of Site Evaluation for Commercially Important Southern Hardwoods Baker, James B.; Broadfoot, W.M.

1977. A Practical Field Method of Site Evaluation for Eight Important Southern Hardwoods. Baker, James B.; Broadfoot, W. M.

2004. A Predictive Model of Recreational Beach Use in Southern California Peden, John G.

1998. A Preliminary Assessment of Wet Deposition and Eposodic Transport of Total and Methyl Metcury From Low Order Blue Ridge Watersheds, S.E. U.S.A. Allan, C.J.; Heyes, A.

1999. A Preliminary Hazard Model of White Pine Blister Rust for the Sacramento Ranger District, Lincoln National Forest Geils, Brian W.; Conklin, David A. Conklin; van Arsdel, Eugene P.

1992. A Preliminary Identification of Morphological Indicators of Field Performance in Bare-Root Nursery Stock Muse, H. David; Hatchell, Glyndon E.

2004. A Prescription for Old-Growth-Like Characteristics in Southern Pines Don C. Bragg

1970. A Preview of "Florida's Timber, 1970" Knight, Herbert A.

1968. A Preview of "South Carolina's Timber, 1968" Knight, Herbert A.

1983. A Probe for Measuring Moisture Content in Dead Roundwood Blank, Richard W.; Frost, John S.; Eenigenburg, James E.

2004. A Procedure for Improving the Accuracy of Visitor Counts at State Parks Kaczynski, Andrew T.; Crompton, John L.

2002. A Procedure for Setting Environmentally Safe Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for Selenium Lemly, A. Dennis

2004. A Psychological Model Of Scenic Beauty By Silvicultural Treatment Two Growing Seasons After Harvest Li, Ying-Hung; Rudis, Victor A.; Herrick, Theresa A.

1991. A Qualitative Investigation of Competition in the U.S. Hardwood Lumber Industry Bush, Robert J.; Sinclair, Steven A.; Araman, Philip A.

1996. A Qualitative Simulation Framework in Smalltalk Based on Fuzzy Arithmetic Olson, Richard L.; Schmoldt, Daniel L.; Peterson, David L.

1999. A Quantitative Assessment of the Structure and Functions of a Mature Bottomland Hardwood Community: The Iatt Creek Ecosystem Site Meier, Calvin E.; Stanturf, John A.; Gardiner, Emile S.; Hamel, Paul B.; Warren, Melvin L., Jr.

2004. A Quantitative Synthesis of Place Attachment Research: Investigating Past Experience and Place Attachment Backlund, Erik A.; Williams, Daniel R.

1992. A Red Oak Data Bank for Computer Simulations of Secondary Processing Gatchell, Charles J.; Wiedenbeck, Janice K.; Walker, Elizabeth S.

1995. A Regional Framework of Early Growth Response for Loblolly Pine Relative to Herbaceous, Woody, and Complete Competition Control: The COMProject Miller, James H.; Zutter, Bruce R.; Zedaker, Shepard M.; Edwards, M. Boyd; Newbold, Ray A.

2002. A Regional Study of Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda) Plantation Development During the First 15 Years After Early Complete Woody and/or Herbaceous Plant Control Miller, James H.; Zutter, Bruce R.; Zedaker, Shepard M.; Edwards, M. Boyd; Newbold, Ray A.

1991. A Regional Study on the Influence of Woody and Herbaceous Competition on Early Loblolly Pine Growth Miller, James H.; Zutter, Bruce R.; Zedaker, Shepard M.; Edward, M. Boyd; Haywood, James D.

1994. A Regional View of the Margin: Salmonid Abundance and Distribution in the Southern Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina and Virginia Flebbe, Patricia A.

1968. A Resume of Prescribed Burnings on the Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge Czuhai, Eugene; Cushwa, Charles T.

2002. A Review of: The Red-cockaded Woodpecker: Surviving in a Fire-Maintained Ecosystem Franzreb, Kathleen E.

1979. A Scale for Rating Fire-Prevention Contactors Doolittle, M.L.

1990. A Shelterwood Method for Regenerating Red Oakin the Southern Appalachians Loftis, David L.

1999. A Shelterwood-Burn Technique for Regenerating Productive Upland Oak Sites in the Piedmont Region Brose, Patrick H.; van Lear, David H.; Keyser, Patrick D.

1966. A Silvicultural Evaluation of Four Methods of Marking Second-growth Northern Hardwood Stands Jacobs, Rodney D.

1989. A Simple Competition Assessment System Associated with Intensive Competition Control in Natural Loblolly - Shortleaf Pine Seedling Stands Cain, Michael D.

1991. A Simple Ground-Based Trap For Estimating Densities of Arboreal Leaf Insects Haack, Robert A.; Blank, Richard W.

1984. A Simple Model for Estimating Total and Merchantable Tree Heights Ek, Alan R.; Birdsall, Earl T.; Spears, Rebecca J.

1965. A Simple Rearing Technique for Obtaining Eggs or Young Larvae of the Southern Pine Beetle Clark, Edgar W.

1965. A Simple, Inexpensive Pollen Trap Hoekstra, P. E.

2003. A Simulation Algorithm to Approximate the Area of Mapped Forest Inventory Plots Bechtold, William A.; Heravi, Naser E.; Kinkenon, Matthew E.

1996. A Simultaneous Density-Integral System for Estimating Stem Profile and Biomass: Slash Pine and Willow Oak Parresol, Bernard R.; Thomas, Charles E.

1991. A Site-Specific Approach for Assessing the Fire Risk to Structures at the Wildland/Urban Interface Cohen, Jack P.

1968. A Small Electric Water-Level Probe Hebb, Edwin A.; McReynolds, Robert D.

1991. A Soil Temperature Model for Closed Canopied Forest Stands Vose, James M.; Swank, Wayne T.

1998. A Southwide Rate Test of Azinphosmethyl (Guthion®) for Cone and Seed Insect Control In Loblolly Pine Seed Orchards Mangini, A.C.; Barber, L.R.; Cameron, R.S.; DeBarr, G.L.; Hodge, G.R.; Jett, J.B.; Lowe, W.L.; McConnell, J.L.; Nord, J.; Taylor, J.W.

1998. A Stand-Replacement Prescribed Burn in Sand Pine Scrub Outcalt, Kenneth W.; Greenberg, Cathryn H.

1998. A Strategy for the Third Breeding Cycle of Loblolly Pine in the Southeastern U.S. McKeand, S.E.; Bridgwater, F.E.

1999. A Stress wave based approach to NDE of logs for assessing potential veneer quality. Part I, Small-diameter ponderosa pine Ross, Robert J.; Willits, Susan W.; Von Segen, William; Black, Terry; Brashaw, Brian K.; Pellerin, Roy F.

1996. A Structural Classification for Inland Northwest Forest Vegetation. O'Hara, Kevin L.; Latham, Penelope A.; Hessburg, Paul; Smith, Bradley G.

1997. A Student Guide to Tropical Forest Conservation Mastrantonio, J. Louise; Francis, John K.

1971. A Study of Prescribes Burning Done in the Lake States During 1970 Sando, Rodney W.

1983. A Study of the Growth, Yield, and Pest Resistance of Shortleaf X Slash Pine Hybrids Wells, O.O.; Schmidtling, R.C.

1971. A Summary of Prescribed Burning Done in Minnesota and Wisconsin During 1969 Sando, Rodney W.

2001. A Survery of Timberland Investment Management Organizations Forestland Management in the South Siry, Jacek; Cubbage, Frederick W.

1983. A Survey of Rural Population Density and Forest Fire Occurrence in the South, 1956-1970 Altobellis, A.T.

1963. A Survey of Sawmill Residues and Lumber as Raw Materials for Wood-using Industries in West Virginia Frank, Robert M.

1979. A Survey of Timber Harvesting Simulation Models for Use in the South Goulet, Daniel V.; Sirois, Donald L.; Iff, Ronald H.

1999. A Survival Model for Shortleaf Pine Tress Growing in Uneven-Aged Stands Lynch, Thomas B.; Gering, Lawrence R.; Huebschmann, Michael M.; Murphy, Paul A.

1991. A Synopsis of the Taxonomic Revisions in the Genus Ceratocystis Including a Review of Blue-Staining Species Associated with Dendroctonus Bark Beetles Perry, Thelma J.

1997. A System for Drawing Synthetic Images of Forested Landscapes McDonald, Timothy P.

1978. A System for Predicting the Amout of Phellinus (Fomes) Igniarius Rot in Trembling Aspen Stands Anderson, Robert L.; Schipper, Arthur L. Jr.

2002. A System to Derive Optimal Tree Diameter Increment Models from the Eastwide Forest Inventory Data Base (EFIDB) Bragg, Don C.

1987. A Technical Guide for Forest Nursery Management in the Caribbean and Latin America Liegel, Leon H.; Venator, Charles R.

1993. A Technical Guide to Urban Community Forestry: Urban and Community Forestry: Improving Our Quality of Life USDA Forest Service

2000. A Technique for Merging Areas in Timber Mart-South Data Prestemon, Jeffrey P.; Pye, John M.

1982. A Technique for Trapping Fungal Spores Ostry, Michael E.; Nicholls, Thomas H.

1997. A Teratogenic Deformity Index for Evaluating Impacts of Selenium on Fish Populations Lemly, A. Dennis

1998. A Terrestrial Vacuum Sampler for Macroinvertebrates Harper, Craig A.; Gurnn, David C., Jr.

1973. A Test of a Photographic Method for Determining Cubic-Foot Volume of Pulpwood Kallio, Edwin; Lothner, David C.; Marden, Richard M.

1981. A Test of the Exponential Distribution for Stand Structure Definition in Uneven-aged Loblolly-Shortleaf Pine Stands Murphy, Paul A.; Farrar, Robert M., Jr.

1999. A Timber Producer's Entry, Exit, Mothballing, and Reactivation Decisions Under Market Risk Yin, Runsheng; Newman, David H.

1982. A Time Study of Planting a Short-Rotation Intensively Cultured Plantation Mattson, James A.; Miyata, Edwin S.

1996. A Trap For Capturing Arthropods Crawling up Tree Boles Hanula, James L.; New, Kirsten C.P.

2003. A Tree Taper Model Based on Similar Triangles and Use of Crown Ratio as a Measure of Form in Taper Equations for Longleaf Pine Shaw, Dennis J.; Meldahl, Ralph S.; Kush, John S.; Somers, Greg L.

1999. A User Guide for the Sign Sizing Program Sheehy, Donna; Krueger, Kurt

1983. A Vacuum-Aspirator for Counting Termites Jones, Susan C.; Mauldin, Joe K.

1992. A Versatile Giemsa Protocal for Permanent Nuclear Staining of Fungi Wilson, A. Dan

1987. A Volume and Taper Prediction System for Bald Cypress Parresol, Bernard R.; Hotvedt, James E.; Cao, Quang V.

1963. A White Pine Provenance Study in the Southern Appalachians Sluder, Earl R.

1992. A Worksheet for Marking All-aged Stands Godman, Richard M.

1992. A Worksheet for Marking Even-aged Stands Godman, Richard M.

1992. A Worksheet for Shelterwood Marking Godman, Richard M.

1994. A Workshop to Resolve Conflicts in the Conservation of Migratory Landbirds in Bottomland Hardwood Forests USDA Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station

1999. A World Wide Web Human Dimensions Framework and Database for Wildlife and Forest Planning Tarrant, Michael A.; Bright, Alan D.; Cordell, H. Ken

1999. A bark-shaving Technique to Deter Rat Snakes from Climbing red-cockaded woodpecker cavity trees. Saenz, Daniel; Collins, Christopher S.; Conner, Richard N.

2002. A basis for understanding compatibility among wood production and other forest values Haynes, Richard W.; Monserud, Robert A.

2002. A bibliography for Quercus garryana and other geographically associated and botanically related oaks Harrington, Constance A.; Kallas, Melanie A.; [Compilers]

1999. A bibliography for the northern Madrean Biogeographic Province Ffolliott, Peter F.; DeBano, Leonard F.; Gottfried, Gerald J.; Huebner, Daniel P.; Edminster, Carl B.

1994. A biochemical assessment of the value of top clipping nursery-grown loblolly pine seedlings Sung, Shi-Jean S.; Kormanik, Paul P.; Black, C.C.

1998. A biologically-based individual tree model for managing the longleaf pine ecosystem Smith, Rick; Somers, Greg

1999. A brief overview of channel monitoring in land management: Five case studies. Case study #1 Reid, Leslie M.

2001. A case for using plethodontid salamanders for monitoring biodiversity and ecosystem integrity of North American forests Welsh, Hartwell H., Jr.; Droege, Sam

1975. A case study showing potential supplies of red pine sawtimber in the Lake States. Marcin, Thomas C.; Frogness, Darrell M.

2002. A coarse wood dynamics model for the Western Cascades Mellen, K.; Ager, A.

2002. A collaborative approach in adaptive management at a large-landscape scale Zabel, Cynthia J.; Roberts, Lynn M.; Mulder, Barry S.; Stauffer, Howard B.; Dunk, Jeffrey R.; Wolcott, Kelly; Solis, David; Gertsch, Mike; Woodbridge, Brian; Wright, Adrienne; Goldsmith, Greg; Keckler, Chirre

1996. A common framework for conservation planning: linking individual and metapopulation models Noon, B.R.; McKelvey, K.S.

1999. A comparative analysis of hydrologic responses of tropical deciduous and temperate deciduous watershed ecosystems to climatic change Vose, James M.; Maass, Jose Manuel

2002. A comparative study of forestry in Finland, Norway, Sweden, and the United States, with special emphasis on policy measures for nonindustrial private forests in Norway and the United States Lindstad, Berit Hauger

2002. A comparative study of wood highway sound barriers Grgurevich, Stefan; Boothby, Thomas; Manbeck, Harvey; Burroughs, Courtney; Cegelka, Stephen; Bernecker, Craig; Ritter, Michael A.

1981. A comparison of cation sampling in forest soils by tension and tension-free lysimeters Miller, James H.

2004. A comparison of forest canopy models derived from LIDAR and INSAR data in a Pacific Northwest conifer forest Andersen, Hans-Erik; McGaughey, Robert J.; Carson, Ward W.; Reutebuch, Stephen E.; Mercer, Bryan; Allan, Jeremy

1993. A comparison of four electroshocking procedures for assessing the abundance of smallmouth bass in Wisconsin streams. Lyons, John; Kanehl, Paul

1967. A comparison of four survey techniques used in outdoor recreation research Shafer, Elwood L., Jr.; Hamilton, John F., Jr.

1993. A comparison of selection at list time and time-stratified sampling for estimating suspended sediment loads Thomas, Robert B.; Lewis, Jack

1979. A comparison of site index curves for northern hardwood species. Carmean, Willard H.

2002. A comparison of the watershed hydrology of coastal forested wetlands and the mountainous uplands in the Southern US Sun, G.; McNulty, S.G.; Amatya, D.M.; Skaggs, R.W.; Swift, L.W., Jr.; Shepard, J.P.; Riekerk, H.

1977. A computer program for analyzing PERT networks Martin, Jeff A.

1967. A computer program for evaluating long-term forestry investments. Schweitzer, Dennis L.; Lundgren, Allen L.; Wambach, Robert F.

1979. A computer program for the maximum likelihood estimator of the general multivariate linear model with correlated errors Arner, Stanford L.; Seegrist, Donald W.

1980. A computer program to map tree crown shadows in the urban forest Halverson, Howard G.; Mawson, Joseph C.; Payne, Brian R.

1976. A computer simulation of full-tree field chipping and trucking. Bradley, Dennis P.; Biltonen, Frank E.; Winsauer, Sharon A.

2000. A computerized bucking trainer for optimally bucking hardwoods Noble, Scott; Orr, Blair; Araman, Philip A.; Baumgras, John; Pickens, James B.

2002. A concession system for public forests in "Mata Atlantica" Dominium, Brazil de Lima, Jorge Paladino Corrêa; McDaniel, Josh

1996. A conservation assessment for the marbled murrelet in southeast Alaska DeGange, Anthony R.

1994. A conservation assessment framework for forest carnivores Ruggiero, L.F.; Zielinski, William J.; Aubry, K.B.; Buskirk, S.W.; Lyon, L.J.

1998. A consideration of collective memory in African American attachment to wildland recreation places Johnson, Cassandra Y.

1967. A cost analysis of chip manufacture at hardwood sawmills Herrick, Owen W.; Christensen, W.W.

1963. A demonstration of Four Intensities of Management in Northern Hardwoods Blum, B.M.; Filip, Stanley M.

1995. A dendrochronological fire history of Opeongo lookout in Algonquin Park, Ontario Guyette, Richard P.; Dey, Daniel C.

1982. A description of STEMS-- the stand and tree evaluation and modeling system. Belcher, David M.; Holdaway, Margaret R.; Brand, Gary J.

1995. A disturbance-based ecosystem approach to maintaining and restoring freshwater habitats of evolutionarily significant units of anadromous salmonids in the Pacific Northwest Reeves, G.H.; Benda, L.E.; Burnett, K.M.; Bisson, P.A.; Sedell, J.R.

1992. A dynamic analysis of northern spotted owl viability in a fragmented forest landscape Lamberson, R.H.; McKelvey, R.W.; Noon, B.R.; Voss, C.

1995. A factor analysis of landscape pattern and structure metrics Riitters, Kurt H.; O'Neill, R.V.; Hunsaker, C.T.; Wickham, James D.; Yankee, D.H.; Timmins, S.P.; Jones, K.B.; Jackson, B.L.

1986. A field guide to quantity and value growth of upland oak Dale, Martin E.; Lutz, David E.

2003. A field protocol to monitor cavity-nesting birds Dudley, J. and Saab, V.

1983. A fire effects appraisal system for Wisconsin. Gorte, Ross W.; Baumgartner, David C.

1985. A forester's atlas of the Northeast Kingsley, Neal P.

1996. A framework for ecosystem management in the Interior Columbia Basin including portions of the Klamath and Great Basins. Haynes, Richard W.; Graham, Russell T.; Quigley, Thomas M.; [Technical Editors]

1986. A framework for identifying public research priorities: an application in forestry research. Fox, Glenn

1998. A framework for standardizing flight characteristics for separating biology from meteorology in long-range insect transport Achtemeier, Gary L.

1979. A generalized forest growth projection system applied to the Lake States region. USDA FS

1987. A generalized system of models forecasting Central States tree growth. Shifley, Stephen R.

2001. A generational change in site index for naturally established longleaf pine on a south Alabama Coastal Plain site Boyer, William D.

1977. A growth model of natural and silviculturally treated stands of even-aged northern hardwoods Solomon, Dale S.

1994. A guide for determining when to fertilize hybrid poplar plantations. Hansen, Edward A.

1976. A guide for evaluating the adequacy of oak advance reproduction. Sander, Ivan L.; Johnson, Paul S.; Watt, Richard F.

1981. A guide for revegetating coal minesoils in the Eastern United States: Coal Mining Regions Vogel, Willis G.

1981. A guide for revegetating coal minesoils in the Eastern United States: Introduction Vogel, Willis G.

1981. A guide for revegetating coal minesoils in the Eastern United States: Land Uses and Species Mixtures Vogel, Willis G.

1981. A guide for revegetating coal minesoils in the Eastern United States: Minesoils Vogel, Willis G.

1981. A guide for revegetating coal minesoils in the Eastern United States: Plant Species for Vegetating Mined Lands Vogel, Willis G.

1981. A guide for revegetating coal minesoils in the Eastern United States: Vegetation Establishment Vogel, Willis G.

1964. A guide for screen and cover planting of trees on anthracite mine-spoil areas. Frank, Robert M.

1985. A guide for the use of organic materials as mulches in reclamation of coal minesoils in the Eastern United States Slick, Bernard M.; Curtis, Willie R.

2002. A guide to finding pondberry Southern Research Station

1988. A guide to forestry investment analysis. Rose, Dietmar W.; Blinn, Charles R.; Brand, Gary J.

1969. A guide to medicinal plants of Appalachia Krochmal, Arnold; Walters, Russell S.; Doughty, Richard M.

1999. A guide to ozone injury in vascular plants of the Pacific Northwest Brace, Sarah; Peterson, David L.; Bowers, Darci

1988. A guide to the TWIGS program for the North Central United States. Miner, Cynthia L.; Walters, Nancy R.; Belli, Monique L.

1977. A guide to the appraisal of wildfire damages, benefits, and resource values protected. Crosby, John S.

1997. A habitat-based design for sampling and monitoring stream amphibians with an illustration from Redwood National Park Welsh, Hartwell H., Jr.; Ollivier, L.M.; Hankin, D.G.

2000. A habitat-based point-count protocol for terrestrial birds, emphasizing Washington and Oregon Huff, Mark H.; Bettinger, Kelly A.; Ferguson, Howard L.; Brown, Martin J.; Altman, Bob

1993. A hierarchical analysis of the niche relationships of four amphibians from forested habitats of northwestern California Welsh, H.H., Jr.

2004. A hierarchical approach for simulating northern forest dynamics Bragg, Don C.; Roberts, David W.; Crow, Thomas R.

1995. A hierarchical framework of aquatic ecological units in North America (Nearctic Zone). Maxwell, James R.; Edwards, Clayton J.; Jensen, Mark E.; Paustian, Steven J.; Parrott, Harry; Hill, Donley M.

1997. A hierarchical strategy for sampling herpetofaunal assemblages along small streams in the western U.S., with an example from Northern California Welsh, Hartwell H., Jr.; Hodgson, G.R.

1995. A history of fire, disturbance, and growth in Red oak Stand in the Bancroft District, Ontario Guyette, Richard P.; Dey, Daniel C.

1989. A history of logging in the Caspar Creek basin Napolitano, Michael; Jackson, Francis; Cafferata, Peter

1977. A history of the Fernow Experimental Forest and the Parsons Timber and watershed Laboratory Trimble, George R., Jr.

1973. A history of the Northeastern Forest Experiment Station 1923 to 1973 Schrepfer, Susan R.; Larson, Edwin vH.; Maunder, Elwood R.

2000. A homokaryotic derivative of a Phanerochaete chrysosporium strain and its use in genomic analysis of repetitive elements Stewart, Philip.; Gaskell, Jill.; Cullen, Daniel.

1998. A landscape plan based on historical fire regimes for a managed forest ecosystem: the Augusta Creek study. Cissel, John H.; Swanson, Frederick J.; Grant, Gordon E.; Olson, Deanna H.; Stanley, Gregory V.; Garman, Steven L.; Ashkenas, Linda R.; Hunter, Matthew G.; Kertis, Jane A.; Mayo, James H.; McSwain, Michelle D.; Swetland, Sam G.; Swindle, Keith A.; Wallin, David O.

2001. A local basal area adjustment for crown width prediction Bragg, Don C.

2000. A long-term study of tree seedling recruitment in Southern Appalachian forests: the effects of canopy gaps and shrub understories Beckage, Brian; Clark, James S.; Clinton, Barton D.; Haines, Bruce L.

1967. A look at Kentucky’s lumber industry Herrick, Owen W.

1968. A look at commercial recreation on small woodlands in Ohio Wayt, William A.; Acton, Robert W.; Whittaker, James C.

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2000. A lumber grading system for the future: an update evaluation Kline, D. Earl; Surak, Chris; Araman, Philip A.

1999. A matrix transition model for an uneven-aged, oak-hickory forest in the Missouri ozark highlands James, Lootens R.; Larsen, David R.; Loewenstein, Edward F.

1998. A meta-analysis of regional variation in fisher morphology, demography, and habitat ecology in California Truex, Richard L.; Zielinski, William J.; Golightly, Richard T.; Barrett, Reginald H.; Wisely, Samantha M.

1986. A method for estimating operability and location of the timber resource. Spencer, John S. Jr.; Hansen, Mark H.; Jakes, Pamela J.

2001. A method for measuring sediment production from forest roads Kahklen, Keith

1983. A method of assessing risk in forestry investments Engelhard, Robert J.; Anderson, Walter C.

1972. A method of evaluating crown fuels in forest stands. Sando, Rodney W.; Wick, Charles H.

1986. A method of site quality evaluation for red alder Harrington, Constance A.

1995. A method to study response of large trees to different amounts of available soil water Marx, D.H.; Sung, Shi-Jean S.; Cunningham, J.S.; Thompson, M.D.; White, L.M.

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1992. A mist net design for capturing marbled murrelets Paton, P.W.C.; Ralph, C.J.; Seay, J.

2002. A model of forest floor carbon mass for United States forest types Smith, James E.; Heath, Linda S.

2001. A modular approach to detection and identification of defects in rough lumber Lee, Sang Mook; Abbott, A. Lynn; Schmoldt, Daniel L.

1997. A multi-scale analysis of landscape statistics Cain, Douglas H.; Riitters, Kurt H.; Orvis, Kenneth

2001. A national profile of the U.S. hardwood sawmill industry Bowe, Scott; Smith, Robert; Araman, Philip A.

2003. A natural fire experiment in Central Russia: meteorology, radiative and optical properties of atmosphere and resulting effects in sub-boreal forest plants. Chubarova, Nataly Ye.; Prilepsky, Nickolay G.; Riebau, Allen R.; Shoettle, Anna W.; Musselman, Robert; Uliumdzhieva, Natalia N.; Yurova, Alla Yu; Potter, Brian; Rublev, Alexei N.; Zhmylev, Pavel Yu; Karpuhina, Elizaveta A

1982. A net volume equation for Indiana. Smith, W. Brad; Weist, Carol A.

1982. A net volume equation for Michigan`s Upper and Lower Peninsulas. Raile, Gerhard K.; Smith, W. Brad; Weist, Carol A.

1980. A net volume equation for Northeastern Minnesota. Raile, Gerhard K.

2001. A new Link for Geographic analyses of Inventory Data Reed, David; Pregitzer, Kurt; Pugh, Scott A.; Miles, Patrick D.

1987. A new Pyemotes (Acari: Pyemotidae) reared from the Douglas-fir cone moth Moser, J.C.; Smiley, R.L.; Otvos, I.S.

1999. A new algorithm for stand table projection models. Cao, Quang V.; Baldwin, V. Clark, Jr.

1999. A new approach to monitoring the social environment for natural resource management and policy: The case of US national forest benefits and values Bengston, David N.; Fan, David P.; Celarier, D. N.

1997. A new harvest operation cost model to evaluate forest harvest layout alternatives Clark, Mark M.; Meller, Russell D.; McDonald, Timothy P.; Ting, Chao Chi

1984. A new look at red pine financial returns in the Lake States. Lothner, David C.; Bradley, Dennis P.

1982. A new machine for producing chunkwood. Arola, Rodger A.; Radcliffe, Robert C.; Winsauer, Sharon A.; Matson, Edsel D.

1993. A new model for bed load sampler calibration to replace the probability-matching method Thomas, Robert B.; Lewis, Jack

2001. A new model for cork weight estimation in Northern Portugal with methodology for construction of confidence intervals Fonseca, Teresa J.F.; Parresol, Bernard R.

2001. A new species of the genus Dilar Rambur (Neuroptera: Dilaridae) from Borneo Oswald, John D.; Schiff, Nathan M.

2000. A next generation processing system for edging and trimming Abbott, A. Lynn; Schmoldt, Daniel L.; Araman, Philip A.

1996. A note on nonlinearity bias and dichotomous choice CVM: implications for aggregate benefits estimation Souter, R.A.; Bowker, J.M.

2003. A note on the relationship between the quadratic mean stand diameter and harmonic mean basal area under size-biased distribution theory Gove, Jeffrey H.

2003. A novel extracellular multicopper oxidase from Phanerochaete chrysosporium with ferroxidase activity Larrondo, Luis F.; Salas, Loreto; Melo, Francisco; Vicuna, Rafael; Cullen, Daniel

2001. A numerical rating system for crown classes of southern hardwoods Meadows, James S.; Burkhardt, E.C.; Johnson, Robert L.; Hodges, John D.

1997. A one-dimensional model of subsurface hillslope flow Fisher, Jason C.

1969. A photo guide to the patterns of discoloration and decay in living northern hardwood trees. (1 of 3) Shigo, Alex L.; Larson, Edwin vH.

1969. A photo guide to the patterns of discoloration and decay in living northern hardwood trees. (2 of 3) Shigo, Alex L.; Larson, Edwin vH.

1969. A photo guide to the patterns of discoloration and decay in living northern hardwood trees. (3 of 3) Shigo, Alex L.; Larson, Edwin vH.

1997. A population ‘consensus’, partial linkage map of Picea abies Karst. based on RAPD markers Bucci, G.; Kubisiak, Thomas L.; Nance, W.L.; Menozzi, P.

2004. A preliminary assessment of Montreal process indicators of forest fragmentation for the United States Riitters, Kurt H.; Wickham, James D.; Coulston, John W.

1995. A presettlement fire history in an oak-pine forest near Basin Lake, Algonquin Park, Ontario Guyette, Richard P.; Dey, Daniel C.

2003. A profile of CCA-treated lumber removed from service in the southeastern United States decking market Alderman, Delton, Jr.; Smith, Robert; Araman, Philip A.

2001. A profile of Wisconsin``s private forest landowners Leatherberry, Earl C.

2000. A profile of Wisconsin`s private forest landowers Leatherberry, Earl C.

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1982. A program and documentation for simulation of a rubber-tired feller/buncher. Winsauer, Sharon A.; Bradley, Dennis P.

1980. A program and documentation for simulation of a tracked feller/buncher. Winsauer, Sharon A.

1982. A program and documentation for simulation of grapple skidders and a whole-tree chipper. Winsauer, Sharon A.

1984. A program for evaluating the economic effectiveness of spruce budworm control with a programmable hand-held calculator Marty, Robert.

2003. A prototype scanning system for optimal edging and trimming of rough hardwood lumber Lee, Sang-Mook; Abbott, A. Lynn; Araman, Philip A.; Schmoldt, Daniel L.

1979. A provisional assessment of triclopyr herbicide for use in Lake States` forestry. Perala, Donald A.

2002. A public utility model for managing public land recreation enterprises Quinn, Tom

199. A qualitative exploration of the wilderness experience as a source of spiritual inspiration Fredrickson, Laura M.; Anderson, Dorothy H.

1999. A raman microprobe investigation of the molecular architecture of loblolly pine tracheids Bond, James S.; Atalla, Rajai H.

1991. A recreation and landscape perspective of Alabama's changing forest environment:The human character of forests Rudis, Victor A.

2001. A red-cockaded woodpecker group with two simultaneous nest trees Conner, Richard N.; McCormick, James M.; Schaefer, Richard R.; Saenz, Daniel; Rudolph, D. Craig

1987. A region-wide study of lobolly pine seedlings growth relative to four competition levels after two growing seasons Miller, James H.; Zutter, Bruce

1995. A regional perspective of the physiographic provinces of the southeastern United States Miller, James H.; Robinson, K.S.

2002. A regional study of loblolly pine plantation development through 15 years after early complete woody and herbaceous plant control (COMP) Miller, James H.; Zutter, B.R.; Zedaker, S.M; Edwards, M.B.; Newbold, R.A.

1983. A regression-adjusted approach can estimate competing biomass Miller, James H.

1997. A reliable method of analyzing dietaries of mycophagous small mammals Colgan, W., III; Carey, A.B.

2000. A repellent to reduce mouse damage to longleaf pine seed Nolte, Dale L.; Barnett, James P.

2001. A research framework for natural resource-based communities in the Pacific Northwest. Christensen, Harriet H.; Donoghue, Ellen M.

2002. A review and assessment of land-use change models: dynamics of space, time, and human choice Agarwal, Chetan; Green, Glen M.; Grove, J. Morgan; Evans, Tom P.; Schweik, Charles M.

2000. A review of past research on dendrometers Clark, Neil; Wynne, Randolph H.; Schmoldt, Daniel L.

1993. A review of promising new immunoassay technology for monitoring forest herbicides McMahon, Charles K.

2004. A review of scientific information on issues related to the use and management of water resources in the Pacific Northwest. Everest, Fred H.; Stouder, Deanna J.; Kakoyannis, Christina; Houston, Laurie; Stankey, George; Kline, Jeffery; Alig, Ralph.

2003. A review of the Forest Service Remote Automated Weather Station (RAWS) network Zachariassen, John; Zeller, Karl F.; Nikolov, Ned; and McClelland, Tom

1995. A review of the effects of the station placement and observer bias in detection of marbled murrelets in forest stands O'Donnell, B.P.

1998. A review of the insects and mites found on Taxusspp. with emphasis on western North America. Lattin, John D.

1999. A review of the regeneration dynamics of North American boreal forest tree species Greene, D. F.; Zasada, John C.; Sirois, L.; Kneeshaw, D.; Morin, H.; Charron, I.; Simard, M. J.

2002. A review of the sircid woodwasps and their Ibaliid parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Siricidae, Ibaliidae) in the Eastern United States, with emphasis on the Mid-Atlantic Region Smith, David R.; Schiff, Nathan M.

1985. A risk analysis approach for using discriminant functions to manage logging-related landslides on granitic terrain Rice, Raymond M.; Pillsbury, Norman H.; Schmidt, Kurt W.

1984. A sample plant design for System 6 Reynolds, Hugh W.; Hansen, Bruce G.

1989. A screening procedure to evaluate air pollution effects on Class I wilderness areas Fox, Douglas G.; Bartuska, Ann M.; Byrne, James G.; and others.

1982. A second look a North Dakota`s timber lands, 1980. Jakes, Pamela J.; Smith, W. Brad

2002. A segmental analysis of current and future scanning and optimizing technology in the hardwood sawmill industry Bowe, S.A.; Smith, R.L.; Kline, D. Earl; Araman, Philip A.

1966. A selected and annotated bibliography of eastern white pine (Pinus strobus L.) 1890-1954 Wilson, Robert W., Jr.; Hough, Ashbel F.

1983. A serological procedure for identifying strains of Germmeniella abietina. Skilling, Darroll D.; Kienzler, Mariann

1973. A silvicultural Guide for Spruce-Fir in the Northeast Frank, Robert M.; Bjorkbom, John C.

1978. A silvicultural guide for white pine in the northeast Lancaster, Kenneth F.; Leak, William B.

1982. A simple index of stand density for Douglas-fir. Curtis, R.O.

1998. A simple, rapid extraction and assay procedure for NAD+-dependent sorbitol dehydrogenase (SDH) in peach. Bianco, Riccardo Lo; Rieger, Mark; Sung, Shi-Jean S.

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1982. A simulated inventory update: Wisconsin`s 1979 timber resource. Raile, Gerhard K.; Smith, W. Brad

1994. A simulation analysis of population dynamics of the northern spotted owl in relation to forest management alternatives Raphael, M.G.; Young, J.A.; McKelvey, A.K.; Galleher, B.M.; Peeler, K.C.

1993. A simulation model for the infiltration of heterogeneous sediment into a stream bed Lauck, Tim; Lamberson, Roland; Lisle, Thomas E.

1979. A sorting mechanism for a riffle-pool sequence Lisle, Thomas

1984. A source strength model for prescribed fires in coniferous logging slash. Sandberg, D.V.; Perterson, Janice.

2001. A spatial model of land use change for western Oregon and western Washington Kline, Jeffrey D.; Alig, Ralph J.

2000. A srong loss-of-function mutation in RAN1 results in constitution activation of the ethylene response pathway as well as a rosette-lethal phenotype Woeste, Keith; Kieber, Joseph J.

1978. A statistical approach to instrument calibration Ziemer, Robert R.; Strauss, David

2004. A strategic assessment of crown fire hazard in Montana: potential effectiveness and costs of hazard reduction treatments. Fiedler, Carl E.; Keegan, Charles E., III; Woodall, Christopher W.; Morgan, Todd A.

1968. A summary and evaluation of research on the use of plastic tubing in maple sap production Koelling, Melvin R.; Blum, Barton M.; Gibbs, Carter B.

1973. A summary of white pine blister rust research in the Lake States. Anderson, Ralph L.

1977. A survey of fishes of the McCormick Forest. Raisanen, Ronald A.; Werner, J. Kirwin

2002. A survey of innovative contracting for quality jobs and ecosystem management Moseley, Cassandra

1977. A survey of soil invertebrates in two aspen forests in northern Minnesota. Wagner, T.L.; Mattson, W.J.; Witter, J.A.

2000. A survival model for individual shortleaf pine trees in even-aged natural stands Lynch, Thomas B.; Huebschmann, Michael M.; Murphy, Paul A.

1968. A system for classifying wood-using industries and recording statistics for automatic data processing. Fobes, E.W.; Rowe, R.W.

2003. A system for optimal edging and trimming of rough hardwood lumber Lee, Sang-Mook; Abbott, A. Lynn; Schmoldt, Daniel L.; Araman, Philip A.

1997. A tailed frog (Ascaphus truei) nest site in northwestern California Karraker, N.E.; Beyersdorf, G.S.

1993. A test of alternative estimators for volume at time 1 from remeasured point samples Roesch, Francis A., Jr.; Green, Edwin J.; Scott, Charles T.

2002. A test of an expert-based bird-habitat relationship model in South Carolina Kilgo, John C.; Gartner, David L.; Chapman, Brian R.; Dunnin, John B., Jr.; Franzreb, Kathleen E.; Gauthreaux, Sidney A.; Greenberg, Cathryn H.; Levey, Douglas J.; Miller, Karl V.; Pearson, Scott F.

2003. A test of the economic base hypothesis in the small forest communities of southeast Alaska. Robertson, Guy C.

1984. A thermal comparison among several beverage can solar collectors. Chen, Peter Y.S.

1966. A third look at Minnesota`s timber. Stone, Robert N.

2000. A three-stage heuristic for harvest scheduling with access road network development Clark, Mark M.; Meller, Russell D.; McDonald, Timothy P.

1992. A topographic index to quantify the effect of mesoscale and form on site productivity McNab, W. Henry

1968. A treetop tramway system for meteorological studies Leonard, Raymond E.; Eschner, Arthur R.

1987. A trial of herbicide treatments for enrichment plantings of cherrybark oak Miller, James H.; Burkhardt, E.C.

1981. A two-plane internally irrigated root observation system for forest nursery stock. Johnson, Paul S.; Putnam, Charles W.; Mares, William G.

1970. A water curtain for controlling experimental forest fires. Johnson, Von J.

1979. A watershed's response to logging and roads: South Fork of Caspar Creek, California, 1967-1976 Rice, Raymond M.; Tilley, Forest B.; Datzman, Patricia A.

1967. A way to reduce highway guardrail costs: machine-driving of wooden posts Gatchell, Charles J.

2004. ALOG: A spreadsheet-based program for generating artificial logs Winn, Matthew F.; Wynne, Randolph H.; Araman, Philip A.

1996. ARM! For the future: adaptive resource management in the wildlife profession Lancia, Richard A.; Braun, Clait E.; Collopy, Michael W.; [and others]

2001. ASCAPHUS TRUEI (Tailed frog). PREDATION Karraker, Nancy E.

2003. AUTOSAW simulations of lumber recovery for small-diameter Douglas-fir and ponderosa pine from southwestern Oregon. Barbour, R. James; Parry, Dean L.; Punches, John; Forsman, John; and Ross, Robert

1982. Above ground tree biomass on productive forest land in Alaska. Yarie, John; Mead, Delbert.

1983. Above-ground weights for tamarack in northeastern Minnesota. Carpenter, Eugene M.

1980. Aboveground Biomass of Choctawhatchee Sand Pine in Northwest Florida Taras, Michael A.

1983. Aboveground Weight and Volume of Unthinned, Planted LongleafPine on West Gulf Forest Sites Baldwin, V. Clark, Jr.; Saucier, J.R.

1998. Aboveground biomass and nitrogen allocation of ten deciduous southern Appalachian tree species Martin, Jonathan G.; Kloeppel, Brian D.; Schaefer, Tara L.; [and others]

2002. Aboveground biomass and nutrient accumulation 20 years after clear-cutting a southern Appalachian watershed Elliott, Katherine J.; Boring, Lindsay R.; Swank, Wayne T.

1999. Aboveground production and nutrient circulation along a flooding gradient in a South Carolina Coastal Plain forest Burke, Marianne K.; Lockaby, B. Graeme; Conner, William H.

2001. Absorbing the shock: helping communities when change erupts Duncan, Sally

1984. Absorption characteristics of forest fire particulate matter Patterson, E.M.; McMahon, Charles K.

1986. Absorption properties and graphitic carbon emission factors of forest fire aerosols Patterson, E.M.; McMahon, Charles K.; Ward, D.E.

1994. Abstract: Workshop on Harvesting Impacts on Bottomland Hardwood Forest Ecosystems USDA Forest Service Southern Experiment Station

1991. Abstracts of papers presented at the international symposium on applications of biotechnology to tree culture, protection, and utilization. Haissig, Bruce E.; Kent, Kirk T.; Olsen, William L.; Raffa, Kenneth F.; Slavicek, James M.; [Editors]

1993. Abstracts of presentations at the first international symposium on the biology of adventitious root formation. Haissig, Bruce E.; Davis, Tim D.

1980. Abstracts of urban forestry research in progress--1979 Rowntree, Rowan A.; Wolfe, Judith L.; [compilers]

1999. Abundance and characteristics of snags in western Montana forests Harris, Richard B.

1998. Abundances of small mammals in fir forests in northeastern California Waters, J.R.; Zabel, C.J.

2004. Abundant Establishment of Ailanthus altissima (Tree-of-heaven) after Restoration Treatments in an Upland Oak Forest Hutchinson, Todd; Rebbeck, Joanne; Long, Robert

2003. Accelerated Hatching of` Southern Leopard Frog (Rana sphenocephala) Eggs in Response to the Presence of a Crayfish Procambarus nigrocinclus Predator Saenz, Daniel; Johnson, James B.; Adams, Cory K.; Dayton, Gage H.

2003. Accelerated detection of brown-rot decay : comparison of soil block test, chemical analysis, mechanical properties, and immunodetection Clausen, C. A.; Kartal, S. N.

2003. Accelerated weathering of wood surfaces coated with multifunctional allkoxysilanes by sol-gel deposition Tshabalala, Mandla A.; Gangstad, John E.

2002. Accelerating Planted Green Ash Establishment on an Abandoned Soybean Field Groninger, John W.; Babassana, Didier A.

2003. Accelerating development of late-successional conditions in young managed Douglas-fir stands: a simulation study Garman, Steven L.; Cissel, John H.; Mayo, James H.

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2004. Acceptable Number of User Encounters: A Study of Adirondack and Great Gulf Wilderness Hikers Dawson, Chad; Alberga, Kristopher

2003. Access, labor, and wild floral greens management in western Washington’s forests Lynch, Kathryn A.; McLain, Rebecca J.

1995. Accomplishments and economic evaluations of the Forestry Incentives Program: A review Gaddis, D.A.; New, B.D.; Cubbage, F.W.; Abt, R.C.; Moulton, R.J.

1998. Accounting for ethnicity in recreation demand: a flexible count data approach Bowker, J.M.; Leeworthy, V.R.

2002. Accuracy Of Eastern White Pine Site Index Models Developed in the Southern Appalachian Mountains McNab, W. Henry

2003. Accuracy assessment of percent canopy cover, cover type, and size class Schreuder, H. T.; Bain, S.; Czaplewski, R. C.

1997. Accuracy of National Weather Service wind-direction forecasts at Macon and Augusta, Georgia Lavdas, Leonidas G.

2001. Accuracy of Remotely Sensed Classifications For Stratification of Forest and Nonforest Lands Czaplewski, Raymond L.; Patterson, Paul L.

1971. Accuracy of Standing-Tree Volume Estimates Based on McClure Mirror Caliper Measurements Cost, Noel D.

2001. Accuracy of Tracking Forest Machines with GPS Veal, M.W.; Taylor, S.E.; McDonald, T.P.; McLemore, D.K.; Dunn, M.R.

2004. Accuracy of Tree Grade Predictions for Five Appalachian Hardwood Species Miller, Gary W.; Graves, Aaron T.; Gottschalk, Kurt W.; Baumgras, John E.

2001. Achievements in the utilization of poplarwood : guideposts for the future Balatinecz, John J.; Kretschmann, David E.; Leclercq, Andre

2000. Achievements in the utilzation of poplar wood : guideposts for the future : [abstract] Balatinecz, John J.; Leclercq, Andre.; Kretschmann, David E.

2001. Achieving restoration success: myths in bottomland hardwood forests Stanturf, John A.; Schoenholtz, Stephen H.; Schweitzer, Callie Jo; Shepard, James P.

1987. Achieving wood energy potentials: evidence in northeastern Minnesota. Bradley, Dennis P.; Lothner, David C.

2000. Acid Rain - This cloud has no silver lining Michaels, Gail

1997. Acid-catalyzed rearrangements of flavan-4-phloroglucinol derivatives to novel 6-hydroxyphenyl-6a,llb-dihydro-6H-[1]benzofuro[2,3-c]-chromenes and hydroxyphenyl-3,2'-spirobi[dihydro[l]benzofurans] Steynberg, Petrus J.; Steynberg, Jan P.; Hemingway, Richard W.; [and others]

1998. Acid-catalyzed rearrangements of flavans to novelbenzofuran derivatives Hemingway, Richard W.; Peng, Weiling; Conner, Anthony H.; [and others]

1981. Acidity of Lakes and Impoundments in North-Central Minnesota Verry, Elon S.

1968. Acorn Moisture Content Critical for Cherrybark Oak Germination Krajicek, John E.

2000. Acorn Production Characteristics of Southern Appalachian Oaks: A Simple Method to Predict Within-Year Crop Size Greenberg, Cathryn H.; Parresol, Bernard R.

1983. Acorn Production and Tree Growth of Nuttall Oak in a Green-Tree Reservoir Francis, John K.

1995. Acorn production in red oak Dey, Daniel C.

2002. Activities That Increase Germination and Establishment of Longleaf Pine Seedlings in Containers Barnett, James P.

1999. Activities of sucrose and sorbitol metabolizing enzymes in vegetative sinks of peach and correlation with sink growth rate Lo Bianco, Riccardo; Rieger, Mark; Sung, Shi-Jean S.

2002. Activities of the Alabama Consortium on forestry education and research, 1993-1999 Schelhas, John

1966. Activity Patterns of Campers King, David A.

1971. Adapting the Bubble-Time Method for Measuring Viscosity of Slash Pine Oleoresin McReynolds, Robert D.; Lane, John M.

1993. Adaptive Cluster Sampling for Forest Inventories Roesch, Francis A., Jr.

20003. Adaptive management and the Northwest Forest Plan: rhetoric and reality Stankey, G.H.; Bornmann, B.T.; Ryan, C.; Shindler, B.; Sturtevant, V.; Clark, R.N.; Philpot, C.

1998. Adaptive management: good business or good buzzwords? Duncan, Sally

1997. Adding Learning to Knowledge-Based Systems: Taking the "Artificial" Out of AI Schmoldt, Daniel L.

2002. Addition of Sulfometuron Methyl to Fall Site Preparation Tank Mixes Improves Herbaceous Weed Control Ezell, A.W.

2003. Additions to the Flora of Cleveland County, Arkansas: Collections From Moro Bottoms Natural Area, A State-Protected Old-Growth Bottomland Hardwood Forest Skojac, Danny; Devall, Margaret S.; Parresol, Bernard R.

2001. Additivity of nonlinear biomass equations Parresol, Bernard R.

2002. Addressing multi-use issues in sustainable forest management with signal-transfer modeling Luxmoore, Robert J.; Hargrove, William W.; Tharp, M. Lynn; Post, W. Mac; Berry, Michael W.; Minser, Karen S.; Cropper, Wendell P., Jr.; Johnson, Dale W.; Zeide, Boris; Amateis, Ralph L.; Burkhart, Harold E.; Baldwin, V. Clark, Jr.; Peterson, Kelly D.

1999. Adhesive bonding of wood materials Vick, Charles B.

1998. Adhesive in the buckling failure of corrugated fiberboard : a finite element investigation Rahman, Adeeb A.; Abubakr, Said M.

1985. Adjusting STEMS growth model for Wisconsin forests. Holdaway, Margaret R.

2002. Adjusting for radiotelemetry error to improve estimates of habitat use Findholt, Scott L.; Johnson, Bruce K.; McDonald, Lyman L.; Kern, John W.; Ager, Alan; Stussy, Rosemary J.; Bryant, Larry D.

1983. Adjusting the Stems Regional Forest Growth Model to Improve Local Predictions Smith, W. Brad

1978. Administering Minnesota`s tax-forfeited land: some trends in revenues and expenses. Lothner, David C.; Kallio, Edwin; Davis, David T.

2004. Adoption of Agroforestry Innovations in the Tropics: A Review Mercer, D.E.

1995. Aerial photo guide to New England forest cover types. Hershey, Rachel Riemann; Befort, William A.

2002. Aerial surveys for Swiss needle cast in Western Oregon Kanaskie, A.; McWilliams, M.; Prukop, J.; Overhulser, D.; Sprengel, K.

1998. Afforestation of marginal agricultural land in the lower Mississippi River Alluvial Valley, U.S.A. Stanturf, John A.; Schweitzer, Callie J.; Gardiner, Emile S.

2004. African-American Wildland Memories Johnson, Cassandra Y.; Bowker, J.M.

1997. Aftermath of the 1997 flood: summary of a workshop, 8-9 April 1997, McKinleyville, California Harris, Richard; Lisle, Thomas; Ziemer, Robert R.; [Compilers]

2004. Age Distribution of Oak Forests in North-Central Arkansas Soucy, Rick; Heitzman, Eric; Spetich, Martin A.

1992. Age of Hybrid Poplar Stools At First Cut Influences Third-Year Cutting Production Tolsted, David; Hansen, Edward

1997. Age trends in Douglas-fir genetic parameters and implications for optimum selection age Johnson, G.R.; Sniezko, R.A.; Mandel, N.L.

1999. Age, composition, and stand structure of old-growth oak sites in the Florida high pine landscape: implications for ecosystem management and restoration Greenberg, Cathryn H.; Simons, Robert W.

1995. Age, size and regeneration of old growth white pine at Dividing Lake Nature Reserve, Algonquin Park, Ontario Guyette, Richard P.; Dey, Daniel C.

2003. Aggregate Timber Supply: From the Forest to the Market Wear, David N.; Pattanayak, Subhrendu K.

2003. Aging of printing and writing paper upon exposure to light. Part 2, Mechanical and chemical properties Hunt, Chris; Yu, Xiaochun; Bond, James; Agarwal, Umesh; Atalla, Raj

1994. Agriculture and wildlife: ecological implications of subsurface irrigation drainage Lemly, A. Dennis

2003. Agroforestry Adoption By Smallholders Mercer, D. Evan; Pattanayak, Subhrendu K.

1982. Aids to Determining Fuel Models for Estimating Fire Behavior Anderson, Hal E.

1983. Air Drying of Chunkwood and Chips Sturos, Joseph B.; Coyer, Lynne A.; Arola, Rodger A.

2004. Air Pollution: Worldwide Effects on Mountain Forests Andrzej Bytnerowicz, Ph.D.

1972. Air Temperature, Heat Sums, and Pollen Shedding Phenology of Longleaf Pine Boyer, William D.

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1998. Air pressures in wood frame walls TenWolde, Anton.; Carll, Charles G.; Malinauskas, Vyto.

1998. Air quality climate in the Columbia River basin. Ferguson, Sue A.

1966. Air-drying practices in the central Appalachians Cuppett, Donald G.

1965. Air-layering sugar maple Cunningham, Frank E.; Peterson, Richard J.

1998. Airborne Detection of Southern Pine Beetle Damage Using Key Spectral Bands Carter, Gregory A.; Seal, Michael R.; Haley, Tim

1993. Airborne Videography and GPS for Assessment of Forest Damage in Southern Louisiana from Hurricane Andrew Jacobs, D.M.; Eggen-McIntosh, Susan

1990. Airborne monitoring and smoke characterization of prescribed fires on forest lands in western Washington and Oregon Radke, Lawrence F.; Lyons, Jamie H.; Hobbs, Peter V.; Hegg, Dean A.; Sandberg, David V.; Ward, Darold E.

1963. Alabama Forests (1963) Sternitzke, Herbert S.

1998. Alabama's Timber Industry - An Assessment of Timber Product Output and Use, 1995 Johnson, Tony G.; Gober, Jim R.; Nix, J. Stephen

1999. Alabama’s timber industry - an assessment of timber product output and use, 1997. Howell, Michael; Gober, Jim R.; Nix, J. Stephen.

2002. Alabama’s timber industry - an assessment of timber product output and use, 1999 Howell, Michael; Gober, Jim R.; Nix, J. Stephen

1992. Alaska Research Natural Areas. 3: Serpentine Slide. Juday, Glenn Patrick.

2003. Alaska forest products: using resources well Rapp, Valerie

2003. Alaska softwood market price arbitrage Stevens, James A.; Brooks, David J.

2000. Alaska’s Copper River: humankind in a changing world Christensen, Harriet H.; Mastrantonio, J. Louise; Gordon, John C.; Bormann, Bernard T.; [Technical Editors]

1998. Alboleptonia from the Greater Antilles Baroni, T. J.; Lodge, D. J.

2000. Aldehyde emissions from particleboard and medium density fiberboard products Baumann, Melissa G. D.; Lorenz, Linda F.; Batterman, Stuart A.; Zhang, Guo-Zheng

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2004. All Species Have Value Lockhart, Brian Roy

1983. Allometric Biomass Equations for 98 Species of Herbs, Shrubs, and Small Trees Smith, W. Brad; Brand, Gary J.

1993. Allometric biomass estimators for aspen-dominated ecosystems in the upper Great Lakes. Perala, Donald A; Alban, David H.

1998. Allozyme and RAPD Analysis of the Genetic Diversity and Geographic Variation in Wild Populations of the American Chestnut (Fagaceae) Huang, Hongwen; Dane, Fenny; Kubisiak, Thomas L.

1992. Allozyme differentiation of intersterility groups of Heterobasidion annosum isolated from conifers in the western United States Otrosina, W.J.; Chase, T.E.; Cobb, F.W., Jr.

1999. Allozyme diversity of selected and natural loblolly pine populations Schmidtling, R.C.; Carroll, E.; LaFarge, T.

2002. Alteration Of Nutrient Status By Manipulation Of Composition And Density In A Shortleaf Pine-Hardwood Stand Liechty, Hal O.; Sawyer, Valerie L.; Shelton, Michael G.

2002. Altered rangeland ecosystems in the interior Columbia basin Bunting, Stephen C.; Kingery, James L.; Hemstrom, Miles A.; Schroeder, Michael A.; Gravenmier, Rebecca A.; Hann, Wendel J.

1978. Alternate Host of Jack Pine Needle rust in Northern Minnesota Anderson, Ralph L.; Anderson, Neil A.

1985. Alternate biomass harvesting systems using conventional equipment Stokes, Bryce J.; Watson, William F.; Savelle, I. Winston

2003. Alternative Fuel Reduction Treatments in the Gunflint Corridor of the Superior National Forest: Second year results and sampling recommendations Gilmore, Daniel W.; Kastendick, Douglas N.; Zasada, John C.; Anderson, Paula J.

1986. Alternative approaches to forestry research evaluation: an assessment. Jakes, Pamela J.; Leatherberry, Earl C.

1996. Alternative carbohydrate reserves used in the daily cycle of crassulacean acid metabolism Black, C.C.; Chen, J.-Q.; Doong, R.L.; Angelov, M.N.; Sung, Shi-Jean S.

2001. Alternative projections of the impacts of private investment on southern forests: a comparison of two large-scale forest sector models of the United States. Alig, Ralph ; Adams, Darius ; Mills, John ; Haynes, Richard ; Ince, Peter ; Moulton, Robert.

2004. Alternatives to chromated copper arsenate (CCA) for residential construction. Lebow, Stan.

2004. Alternatives to chromated copper arsenate for residential construction Lebow, Stan T.

2000. Alternatives to clearcutting in the oldgrowth forests of southeast Alaska: study plan and establishment report. McClellan, Michael H.; Swanston, Douglas N.; Hennon, Paul E.; Deal, Robert L.; de Santo, Toni L.; Wipfli, Mark S.

1999. Alternatives to clearcutting of old growth in southeast Alaska Duncan, Sally

2004. Alternatives to preplant soil fumigation for Western forest nurseries. Hildebrand, Diane M.; Stone, Jeffrey K.; James, Robert L.; Frankel, Susan J.

2001. Alternatives to the Moving Average van Deusen, Paul C.

1994. Aluminum toxicity in tomato. Part 2.Leaf gas exchange, chlorophyll content, and invertase activity Simon, L.; Kieger, M.; Sung, Shi-Jean S.; Smalley, T.J.

2002. American Chestnut, Rhododendron, and the Future Of Appalachian Cove Forests van Lear, David H.; Vandermast, D.B.; Rivers, C.T.; Baker, T.T.; Hedman, C.W.; Clinton, B.D..; Waldrop, T.A.

1995. American Marten, Fisher, Lynx, and Wolverine: Survey Methods for Their Detection Zielinski, William J.; Kucera, T.E.

2002. American chestnut as an allelopath in the southern Appalachians Vandermast, D.B.; van Lear, David H.; Clinton, B.D.

1997. American marten (Martes americana) ecology and conservation Buskirk, S.W.; Zielinski, William J.

1999. Among-provence variability of gas exchange and growth in response to long-term elevated CO2 exposure Houpis, James L.J.; Anderson, Paul D.; Pushnik, James C.; Anschel, David J.

2004. Amphibian Communities Under Diverse Forest Management In The Ouachita Mountains, Arkansas Fox, Stanley F.; Shipman, Paul A.; Thill, Ronald E.; Phelps, Joseph P.; Leslie, David M., Jr.

1996. An 8-year field comparison of naturally seeded to planted container Pinus taeda, with and without release Cain, Michael D.; Barnett, James P.

1993. An Alternative View of Forest Sampling Roesch, Francis A., Jr.; Green, Edwin J.; Scott, Charles T.

1998. An Analysis of Losses to the Southern Commercial Timberland Base Munn, Ian A.; Cleaves, David

1999. An Analysis of PILT-Related Payments and Likely Property Tax Liability of Federal Resource Management Lands Schuster, Ervin G.; Beckley, Paul R.; Bushur, Jennifer M.; Gebert, Krista M.; Niccolucci, Michael J.

1997. An Analysis of Wood Pellets For Export: A Case Study of Sweden as an Importer Aruna, P.B.; Laarman, Jan G.; Araman, Philip A.; Cubbage, Frederick

1973. An Analysis of the Air Force Bomb Range Fire Wade, Dale D.; Ward, Darold E.

1989. An Artificial Diet for Cottonwood and Imported Williow leaf Beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and Comparative Performance on Poplar Foliage1,2 Bauer, Leah S.; Meerschaert, Joann; Forrester, Thomas O.

2004. An Assessment of Mississippi's Nonindustrial Private Forest Landowners' Knowledge of Forest Best Management Practices Londo, Andrew James; Auel, John Benkert

1999. An Assessment of Soil Disturbance from Five Harvesting Intensities Klepac, John; Reutebuch, Stephen E.; Rummer, Robert B.

1983. An Atlas and Illustrated Guide to the Threatened and Endangered Vascular Plants of North Carolina and Virginia Massey, J.R.; Otte, D.K.S.; Atkinson, T.A.; Whetstone, R.D.

1976. An Easy-To-Make Shelter for the Triple Beam Balance Used at Fire Weather Stations Frost, John S.

1997. An Ecological Assessment of the United States Mid-Atlantic Region: A Landscape Atlas Jones, K. Bruce; Riitters, Kurt H.; Wickham, James D.; Tankersley, Roger D., Jr.; O'Neill, Robert V.; Chaloud, Deborah J.; Smith, Elizabeth R.; Neale, Anne C.

2003. An Ecological Context for Regenerating Mult-cohort, Mixed-species Red Pine Forests Palik, Brian; Zasada, John

1997. An Economic Approach to Planting Trees for Carbon Storage Parks, Peter J.; Hall, David O.; Kristrom, Bengt; Masera, Omar R.; Multon, Robert J.; Plantinga, Andrew J.; Swisher, Joel N.; Winjum, Jack K.

1983. An Electronic Timer for Measuring Spread Rates of Wildland Fires Blank, Richard W.; Simard, Albert J.

2003. An Evaluation of Dazomet Incorporation Methods on Soilborne Organisms and Pine Seedling Production in Southern Nurseries Fraedrich, Stephen W.; Dwinell, L. David

2004. An Evaluation of Fuel-Reduction Treatments Across a Landscape Gradient in Piedmont Forests: Preliminary Results of the National Fire and Fire Surrogate Study Waldrop, Thomas A.; Glass, Dallas W.; Rideout, Sandra; Shelburne, Victor B.

1989. An Evaluation of the Role of Ozone, Acid Deposition, and other Airborne Pollutants in the Forests of Eastern North America Garner, J.H.B.; Pagano, Terry; Cowling, Ellis B.

2004. An Examination of Multi-Band Multi-Polarization Radar Data for Forested Wetland Identification in New Hampshire Campbell, Susan E.; Ducey, Mark J.; Salas, William A.

2004. An Examination of Satisfaction Variables and Indicators at a First-Time Festival Li, Xiang (Robert); Vogelsong, Hans

2004. An Examination of the Relationship Between Leisure Constraints, Involvement, and Commitment Kyle, Gerald; Mowen, Andrew

1999. An FT-raman study of softwood, hardwood, and chemically modified black spruce MWLS Agarwal, Umesh P.; McSweeny, James D.; Ralph, Sally A.

2004. An Improved Flood-Frequency Model for Small Watersheds in the Upper Ouachita Mountains Marion, Daniel A.

1995. An Index of Competition Based on Relative Crown Position and Size O'Neal, Dwight D.; Houston, Allan E.; Buckner, Edward R.; Meadows, James S.

1999. An Individual-Tree Growth and Yield Prediction System for Even-Aged Natural Shortleaf Pine Forests Lynch, Thomas B.; Hitch, Kenneth L.; Huebschmann, Michael M.; Murphy, Paul A.

2000. An Individual-Tree Growth and Yield Prediction System for Uneven-Aged Shortleaf Pine Stands Huebschmann, Michael M.; Gering, Lawrence R.; Lynch, Thomas B.; Bitoki, Onesphore; Murphy, Paul A.

1971. An Inexpensive Temperature-Gradient Incubator Blank, Richard W.; Kessler, Kenneth J. Jr.

1999. An Innovative Method for Evaluating Strategic Goals in a Public Agency: Conservation Leadership in the U.S. Forest Service Bengston, David N.; Fan, David P.

2000. An Integer Optimization Approch To A Probabilistic Reserve Site Selection Poblem Haight, Robert G.; Revelle, Charles S.; Snyder, Stephanie A.

2000. An Integrated Approach Toward Reducing Losses from Fusiform Rust in Merchantable Slash and Loblolly Pine Plantations Belanger, Roger P.; Miller, Thomas; Zarnoch, Stanley J.; Fraedrich, Stephen W.; Godbee, John F.;

1998. An Integrated Assessment of Climate Change on Timber Markets of the Southern United States de Steiguer, Joseph E.; McNulty, Steven G.

1999. An Integrated Environmental Assessment of the US Mid-Atlantic Region Wickham, James D.; Jones, K.B.; Riitters, Kurt H.; O'Neill, R.V.; Tankersley, R.D.; Smith, E.R.; Neale, A.C.; Chaloud, D.J.

1991. An Integrated Management Support and Production Control System for Hardwood Forest Products Mendoza, Guillermo A.; Meimban, Roger J.; Sprouse, William; Luppold, William G.; Araman, Philip A.

2002. An Intelligent Information System for Forest Management: NED/FVS Integration Wang, J.; Potter, W.D.; Nute, D.; Maier, F.; Rauscher, H. Michael; Twery, M.J.; Thomasma, S.; Knopp, P.

1999. An Interactive Simulation System for Modeling Stands, Harvests, and Machines Wang, Jingxin; Greene, W. Dale

1998. An Interim Old-Growth Definition for Cypress-Tupelo Communities in the Southeast Devall, Margaret S.

1989. An Introduction to the Physiography and History of the Bisley Experimental Watersheds in the Luquillo Mountains of Puerto Rico Scatena, Frederick N.

1998. An Investigation of Crystalline Intensity of the Wood of Poplar Clones Grown in Jiangsu Province, China Parresol, Bernard R.; Cao, Fuliang

1998. An Old-Growth Definition for Dry and Dry-Mesic Oak-Pine Forests. White, David L.; Lloyd, F. Thomas.

1996. An Old-Growth Definition for Eastern Riverfront Forests Meadows, James S.; Nowacki, Gregory J.

1996. An Old-Growth Definition for Evergreen Bay Forests and Related Seral Communities McKevlin, Martha R.

1997. An Old-Growth Definition for Red River Bottom Forests in the Eastern United States Shear, Ted; Young, Mike; Kellison, Robert

1997. An Old-Growth Definition for Sand Pine Forests Outcalt, Kenneth W.

1997. An Old-Growth Definition for Seasonally Wet Oak-Hardwood Woodlands Kennedy, Harvey E., Jr.; Nowacki, Gregory J.

1997. An Old-Growth Definition for Southern Mixed Hardwood Forests Batista, William B.; Platt, William J.

1998. An Old-Growth Definition for Southwestern Subtropical Upland Forests Diamond, David D.

1997. An Old-Growth Definition for Tropical and Subtropical Forests in Florida Outcalt, Kenneth W.

1998. An Old-Growth Definition for Western Hardwood Gallery Forests Kindscher, Kelly; Holah, Jenny

1997. An Old-Growth Definition for Western Juniper Woodlands: Texas Ashe Juniper Dominated or Codominated Communities Diamond, David D.

1997. An Old-Growth Definition for Western and Mixed Mesophytic Forests Greenberg, Cathryn H.; McLeod, Donald E.; Loftis, David L.

1996. An Old-Growth Definition for Wet Pine Forests, Woodlands, and Savannas Harms, William R.

1997. An Old-Growth Definition for Xeric Pine and Pine-Oak Woodlands Murphy, Paul A.; Nowacki, Gregory J.

1998. An Old-Growth Longleaf Standing South Alabama: Study of an Endangered Ecosystem Kush, John S.; Meldahl, Ralph S.

2002. An Outside Perspective on Growing Longleaf Pine--Thoughts From A Nursery Manager in the Pacific Northwest Dumroese, R. Kasten

2004. An Overview of Hydrologic Studies at Center for Forested Wetlands Research, USDA Forest Service Amatya, Devendra M.; Trettin, Carl C.; Skaggs, R. Wayne; Callahan, Timothy J.; Burke, Marianne K.; Sun, Ge; Miwa, Masato; Parsons, John E.

1989. An Overview of the Pine Wood Nematode Ban in North America Dwinell, L. David; Nickle, W.R.

2001. An Unusually Large Number of Eggs Laid by a Breeding Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Female Conner, Richard N.; Saenz, Daniel; McCormick, James R.

1996. An Unwelcome Guest in China: A Pine-Feeding Mealybug Sun, Jianghua; DeBarr, Gary L.; Liu, Tong-Xian; Berisford, C. Wayne; Clarke, Stephen R.

1999. An Update: Changes Abound in Forestry Cost-Share Assistance Programs Moulton, Robert J.

1999. An Updated Site Index Equation for Naturally Regenerated Longleaf Pine Stands Rayamajhi, Jyoti N.; Kush, John S.; Meldahl, Ralph S.

2001. An alternative to clear-cutting in the boreal forest of Alaska: a 27-year study of regeneration after shelterwood harvesting Wurtz, T.L.; Zasada, J.C.

1992. An analysis of Iowa`s forest resources, 1990. Leatherberry, Earl C.; Roussopoulos, Sue M.; Spencer, John S. Jr.

1995. An analysis of Minnesota`s fifth forest resources inventory, 1990. Leatherberry, Earl C.; Spencer, John S. Jr.; Schmidt, Thomas L.; Carroll, Michael R.

1990. An analysis of ratings: a guide to RMRATE Brown, Thomas C.; Daniel, Terry C.; Schroeder, Herbert W.; Brink, Glen E.

1999. An analysis of the forest resources of Kansas. Leatherberry, Earl C.; Schmidt, Thomas L.; Strickler, John K.; Aslin, Raymond G.

2003. An analysis of the timber situation in the United States: 1952 to 2050 Haynes, Richard W.; [Technical Coordinator]

1995. An annotated bibliography of eastern redcedar. Schmidt, Thomas L.; Piva, Ronald J.

1992. An annotated bibliography of thinning literature. Stokes, Bryce J.

1966. An annotated bibliography of watershed management research by the Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, 1931-65 Lull, Howard W.

1978. An annotated bibliography on river recreation. Anderson, Dorothy H; Leatherberry, Earl C.; Lime, David W.

1978. An apparatus to measure the crosscut shearing strength of roots Ziemer, Robert R.

1991. An approach to evaluating the long-term effects of land use on landslides, erosion, and stream channels Ziemer, Robert R.

2000. An approach to quantifying long-term habitat change on managed forest lands Hamel, Paul B.; Dunning, John B., Jr.

1969. An approach to yellow-poplar tree valuation Lucas, Edwin L.

1997. An assessment of agroforestry systems in the southern USA Zinkhan, F. C.; Mercer, D. E.

1997. An assessment of forest ecosystem health in the Southwest Dahms, Cathy W.; Geils, Brian W.; [Technical Editors]

2004. An assessment of growth and development paths for southeast Alaska. Tsournos, Pete; Haynes, Richard W.

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1999. An assessment of the effects of human-caused air pollution on resources within the interior Columbia River basin Schoettle, Anna W.; Tonnessen, Kathy; Turk, John; Vimont, John; Amundson, Robert; [Authors]; Acheson, Ann; Peterson, Janice; [Technical Editors]

1998. An assessment of the industrial markets for softwood clearwood lumber Eastin, Ivan L.; Lane, Christine L.; Fight, Roger D.; Barbour, Jamie

2000. An assessment of the utility of a non-metric digital camera for measuring standing trees Clark, Neil; Wynne, Randolph H.; Schmoldt, Daniel L.; Winn, Matthew F.

1976. An assessment of three measures of long-term moisture deficiency before critical fire periods. Haines, Donald A.; Johnson, Von J.; Main, William A.

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1999. An ecological aesthetic for forest landscape management Gobster, Paul H.

1981. An economic and energy analysis of poplar intensive cultures in the Lake States. Rose, Dietmar; Ferguson, Karen; Lothner, David C.; Zavitkovski, J.

2000. An economic evaluation of fusiform rust protection research Cubbage, F.W.; Pye, John M.; Holmes, T.P.; Wagner, J.E.

1986. An evaluation of Lake States STEMS85. Holdaway, Margaret R.

1995. An evaluation of flow-stratified sampling for estimating suspended sediment loads Thomas, Robert B.; Lewis, Jack

1983. An evaluation of the STEMS tree growth projection system. Holdaway, Margaret R.; Brand, Gary J.

2003. An evaluation of the use of near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy to identify water and oil-borne preservatives So, Chi-Leung; Lebow, Stan T.; Groom, Leslie H.; Shupe, Todd F.

1999. An examination of the genetic control of Douglas-fir vascular tissue phytochemicals: implications for black bear foraging Kimball, Bruce A.; Johnson, G.R.; Nolte, Dale L.; Griffin, Doreen L.

1998. An examination of the relationships between hardwood lumber and stumpage prices in Ohio Luppold, William G.; Prestemon, Jeffrey P.; Baumgras, John E.

2000. An experimental method to simulate incipient decay of wood basidiomycete fungi Curling, Simon.; Winandy, Jerrold E.; Clausen, Carol A.

1997. An experimental test of interspecific competition for red-cockaded woodpecker cavities Loeb, Susan C.; Hooper, Robert G.

2004. An experimental test of the causes of forest growth decline with stand age. Ryan, Michael G.; Binkley, Dan; Fownes, James H.; Giardina, Christian; Senock, Randy S.

1995. An extraordinary reproductive strategy in freshwater bivalves: prey mimicry to facilitate larval dispersal Haag, Wendell; Butler, Robert S.; Hartfield, Paul D.

2003. An improved 13C-tracer method for the study of lignin structure and reactions : differential 13C-NMR Terashima, Noritsugu; Evtuguin, Dmitry; Neto, Carlos Pascoal; Parkas, Jim; Paulsson, Magnus; Westermark, Ulla; Ralph, Sally; Ralph, John

1991. An improved bedload sampler Lewis, Jack C.

1972. An improved growth intercept method for estimating site index of red pine. Alban, David H.

2000. An insect-bacteria bioindicator for assessing detrimental nutrient enrichment in wetlands. Lemly, A. Dennis; King, Ryan S.

2000. An international nomenclature for forest work study

1997. An interpretation of landscape structure from historic and present land cover data in the Eastern Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Silbernagel, Janet; Chen, Jiquan; Gale, Margaret R.; Pregitzer, Kurt S.; Probst, John

2000. An inverse moisture diffusion algorithm for the determination of diffusion coefficient Liu, Jen Y.; Simpson, William T.; Verrill, Steve P.

1999. An investigation of factors affecting wettability of some southern hardwoods Shupe, Todd F.; Hse, Chung Y.; Wang, Wan H.

2001. An investigation of hardwood plywood markets. Part 1. Architectural woodworkers Forbes, Craig L.; Jahn, Larry G.; Araman, Philip A.

2001. An investigation of hardwood plywood markets. Part 2. Fixture manufacturers Forbes, Craig L.; Jahn, Larry G.; Araman, Philip A.

2000. An oak wilt primer Juzwik, Jennifer

1999. An object-oriented forest landscape model and its representation of tree species He, Hong S.; Mladenoff, David J.; Boeder, Joel

1999. An old-growth definition for upland longleaf and south Florida slash pine forests, woodlands, and savannas Landers, J. Larry; Boyer, William D.

1999. An optimization approach to selecting research natural areas in National Forests Snyder, Stephanie A.; Tyrrell, Lucy E.; Haight, Robert G.

2000. An overview of African Americans` historical, religious, and spiritual ties to forests Leatherberry, Earl C.

1996. An overview of fire in the Sierra Nevada McKelvey, K.S.; Skinner, C.N.; Chang, C.; Erman, D.C.; Husari, S.J.; Parsons, D.J.; van Wagtendonk, J.W.; Weatherspoon, C.P.

1993. An overview of oak silviculture in the United States: the past, present, and future Rogers, R.; Johnson, P.S.; Loftis, D.L.

1999. An overview of silvicultural influences on loblolly pine veneer-basedpanel properties Shupe, Todd F.; Hse, Chung Y.; Choong, Elvin T.

1991. An owl conservation strategy that works Response from the Interagency Scientific Committee

1999. An unconventional approach to ecosystem unit classification in western North Carolina, USA McNab, W. Henry; Browning, Sara A.; Simon, Steven A.; Fouts, Penelope E.

2000. Anabat bat detection system: description and maintenance manual. Waldren, Douglas W.

2000. Analyses of Assumptions and Erros in the Calculation of Stomatal Conductance from Sap Flux Measurements Ewers, Brent E.; Oren, Ram

1988. Analyses of Great Smoky Mountain Red Spruce Tree Ring Data van Deusen, Paul C.; [Editor]

2001. Analysis and Reporting Needs for Annual Forest Inventories in the South Thompson, Michael T.

1997. Analysis of Web Site Activity and Technology Transfer Accomplishments Schmoldt, Daniel L.; Winn, Matthew F.; Araman, Philip A.

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2000. Analysis of down wood volme and percent ground cover for the Missouri Ozark forest ecosystem project Herbeck, Laura A.

1998. Analysis of half diallel mating designs I - a practical analysis procedure for ANOVA approximation Johnson, G.R.; King, J.N.

1998. Analysis of half diallel mating designs II - Results from a third generation progeny test of the New Zealand radiata pine improvement programme King, J.N.; Carson, M.J.; Johnson, G.R.

1999. Analysis of the 1996 Wisconsin forest statistics by habitat type. Kotar, John; Kovach, Joseph A.; Brand, Gary

2003. Analysis of three microscopic characters for separating the wood of Pinus contorta and P. ponderosa Wiedenhoeft, Alex C.; Miller, Regis B.; Theim, Terra J.

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2001. Analysts guide: TreeVal for Windows, Version 2.0. Fight, R.D.; Chmelik, J.T.; Coulter, E.A.

1999. Analytical Alternatives for an Annual Inventory System Roesch, Francis A., Jr.; Reams, Gregory A.

1999. Analytical alternatives for an annual inventory system Roesch, Francis A., Jr.; Reams, Gregory A.

1990. Analytical considerations for study design Noon, B.R.; Block, W.M.

2000. Analytical group decision making in natural resources: methodology and application Schmoldt, Daniel L.; Peterson, David L.

1999. Analytical model of flame spread in full-scale room/corner tests (ISO9705) Dietenberger, Mark.; Grexa, Ondrej.

1996. Analyzing Investments in Thin-Kerf Saws Steele, Philip H.; Araman, Philip A.

2001. Analyzing Regional FIA Data In The ArcView Geographic Information System Reed, David; Pugh, Scott; Miles, Pat; Pregitzer, Kurt

1964. Analyzing uncertain timber investments Marty, Robert

1975. Anatomy and dry weight yields of two Populus clones grown under intensive culture. Crist, John B.; Dawson, David H.

1964. Anatomy of hemlock ring shake associated with sapsucker injury Jorgensen, Richard N.; Lecznar, Sophie L.

1995. Aneides ferreus (clouded salamander) reproduction Welsh, Hartwell H., Jr.; Wilson, R.A.

1984. Anemometer performance at fire-weather stations. Haines, Donald A.; Frost, John S.

1994. Animal damage management handbook Black, Hugh C.; [Technical Editor]

1983. Animal vectors of eastern dwarf mistletoe of black spruce. Ostry, Michael E.; Nicholls, Thomas H.; French, D.W.

1946. Anniversary Report 1921-1946 Southeastern Forest Experiment Station Haig, I.T.

1984. Annosus Root Rot in Eastern Conifers Robbins, Kathryn

2000. Annosus Root disease of Western Conifers (FIDL) Schmitt, Craig L.; Parmeter, John R.; Kliejunas, John T.

1974. Annotated Bibliography of Camping Market Surveys LaPage, Wilbur F.; Haaland, A.C.

1984. Annotated Bibliography of Publications on Watershed Management and Ecological Studies at Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory, 1934,1984 Gaskin, Julia W.; Douglass, James E.; Swank, Wayne T.; [Compilers]

1994. Annotated Bibliography of Publications on Watershed Management and Ecological Studies at Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory, 1934-1994 Stickney, Patricia L.; Swift, Lloyd W., Jr.; Swank, Wayne T.

1972. Annotated Bibliography of Publications on Watershed Management by the Southeastern Forest Experiment Station, 1928-1970 Douglass, James E.

1974. Annotated Bibliography of the Carpenterworm, Prionoxystus robiniae Solomon, J.D.; Hay, C.J.

1974. Annotated Guide to Training Aids in Wood Products Protection Amburgey, Terry L.; Williams, Lonnie H.; Beal, Raymond H.

1993. Annotated bibliography of research related to the Fernow Experimental Forest Godwin, Marc Layne; Wood, Frederica; Adams, Mary Beth; Eye, Maxine C.; [Compilers]

1966. Annotated bibliography of walnut and related species. Funk, David T.

1971. Annotated bibliography of walnut--supplement #1. Dillow, Martha K.; Hawker, Norman L.

1999. Annotated bibliography on forest practices legislation related to water quality Huyler, Neil K.; McMath, David; Hewitt, Daphne

1976. Annotated bibliography on the ecology and reclamation of drastically disturbed areas Czapowskyj, Miroslaw M.

1999. Annotated bibliography on “birdseye” figured grain Bragg, Don C.; Stokke, Douglas D.

1975. Annual Changes in Forst Floor Weights Under a Southeast Missouri Oak Stand Loomis, Robert M.

2002. Annual Fire, Mowing and Fertilization Effects on Two Cicada Species (Homoptera: Cicadidae) in Tallgrass Prairie Callaham, Mac A., Jr.; Whiles, Matt R.; Blair, John M.

1967. Annual Soil Temperature Wave at Four Depths in Southwestern Wisconsin Sartz, Richard S.

2004. Annual Tree Growth Predictions From Periodic Measurements Cao, Quang V.

1987. Annual and Geographic variations in cone production by longleaf pine Boyer, William D.

1999. Annual forest inventory: cornerstone of sustainability in the South Reams, Gregory A.; Roesch, Francis A.; Cost, Noel D.

2004. Annual inventory report for Pennsylvania’s forests: results from the first three years. McWilliams, William H.; Alerich, Carol A.; Devlin, Daniel A.; Lister, Andrew J.; Lister, Tonya W.; Sterner, Stephen L.; Westfall, James A.

2002. Annual inventory report for Pennsylvania’s forests: results from the first two years. McWilliams, William H.; Alerich, Carol A.; Devlin, Daniel A.; Lister, Tonya W.; Sterner, Stephen L.; Westfall, James A.

1967. Annual losses from disease in Pacific Northwest forests Childs, T.W; Shea, K.R.

1975. Another Arkansas Colony of Neviusia Yocom, Herbert A.; Little, Elbert L., Jr.

1985. Anthracnose Diseases of Eastern Hardwoods Berry, Frederick H.

2000. Anthropogenic fire history and red oak forests in south-central Ontario Dey, Daniel C.; Guyette, Richard P.

1970. Antibiotic Treatment of Blister Rust Cankers in Eastern White Pine Phelps, William R.; Weber, Ray

1968. Antibiotics Do Not Control Blister Rust in Eastern White Pine Seedlings Phelps, William R.; Weber, Ray

1997. Anticipating Good Longleaf Pine Cone Crops: The Key to Successful Natural Regeneration Boyer, William D.

1978. Antiserum Preparation For Immunodiffusion In Southern Pine Beetle Predation Studies Miller, M.C.; Chappell, W. Adrian; Gamble, William C.; Bridges, J. Robert

2000. AppBuilder for DSSTools; an application development environment for developing decision support systems in Prolog Kim, Geneho; Nute, Donald; Rauscher, H. Michael; Loftis, David L.

1966. Appalachian Loblolly Grows Well in Arkansas Ozarks Maple, William R.

1983. Application Date Affects Herbicide Tolerance of Hybrid Poplars Danfield, William; Martishus, James; Hansen, Edward

1999. Application of GPS Technology to Monitor Traffic Intensity and Soil Impacts in a Forest Harvest Operation Carter, Emily A.; McDonald, Timothy P.; Torbert, John L.

2001. Application of General Land Office Survey Notes to Bottomland Hardwood Ecosystem Management and Restoration in the Lower Mississippi Valley - An Example From Desha County, Arkansas Tingle, John L.; Klimas,Charles V.; Foti, Thomas L.

2000. Application of Linked Regional Scale Growth, Biogeography, and Economic Models for Southeastern United States Pine Forests McNulty, Steven G.; Moore, Jennifer A.; Iverson, Louis; Prasad, Anantha; Abt, Robert; Smith, Bryan; Sun, Ge; Gavazzi, Michael; Bartlett, John; Murray, Brian; Mickler, Robert A.; Aber, John D.

2002. Application of Piedmont Landscape Ecosystem Classification as a Reference For A Vegetation and Herpetofaunal Survey on Lake Thurmond, SC Shelburne, Victor B.; Gering, Lawrence R.; Lanham, J. Drew; Smith, Gregory P.; Floyd, Thomas M.; Kilpatrick, Eran S.

1995. Application of Propiconazole and Pseudomonas Cichorii for Control of Oak Wilt in Texas Live Oaks Wilson, A. Dan; Lester, D.G.

1999. Application of Small-Scale Systems: Evaluation of Alternatives Wilhoit, John; Rummer, Robert

1994. Application of Ultrasound Nondestructive Evaluation to Grading Pallet Parts Schmoldt, Daniel L.; Duke, John C., Jr.; Morrone, Michael; Jennings, Chris M.

2004. Application of Watershed Scale Models to Predict Nitrogen Loading From Coastal Plain Watersheds Chescheir, George M.; Fernandez, Glenn P; Skaggs, R. Wayne; Amatya, Devendra M.

2001. Application of artificial intelligence to risk analysis for forested ecosystems Schmoldt, Daniel L.

1995. Application of municipal sewage sludge in forest and degraded land Marx, D.H.; Berry, C.R.; Kormanik, Paul P.

2000. Application of spatial models to the stopover ecology of trans-Gulf migrants Simons, Theodore R.; Pearson, Scott M.; Moore, Frank R.

1981. Application of work sampling technique to analyze logging operations. Miyata, Edwin S.; Steinhilb, Helmuth M.; Winsauer, Sharon A.

1998. Application variables and their influence on forest herbicide efficacy and selectivity: gaining understanding and control Miller, James H.

2001. Applications of an automated stem measurer for precision forestry Clark, N.

2000. Applications of computer-aided text analysis in natural resources. Bengston, David N.

2003. Applications of nanocomposites and woodfiber plastics for microcellular injection molding Turng, Lih-Sheng; Yuan, Mingjun; Kharbas, Hrishikesh; Winata, Herman; Caulfield, Daniel F.

1997. Applied ecosystem management on nonindustrial forest land. Leak, William B.; Yamasaki, Mariko; Kittredge, David B., Jr.; Lamson, Neil I.; Smith, Marie-Louise.

2001. Applying 3-PG, a simple process-based model designed to produce practical results, to data from loblolly pine experiments Landsberg, Joe J.; Johnsen, Kurt H.; Albaugh, Timothy J.; [and others]

1991. Applying Knowledge-Based Methods to Design and Implement an Air Quality Workshop Schmoldt, Daniel L.; Peterson, David L.

1992. Applying the Shelterwood System Godman, Richard M.

1989. Appraising Fire Effects Loomis, Robert M.

1997. Approaches to Ecologically Based Forest Management on Private Lands Kotar, John

1996. Approaches to studying environmental effects on resistance of Pinus taeda L. to Dendroctonus frontalis Zimmermann Lorio, Peter L., Jr.

1996. Approaching messy problems: strategies for environmental analysis Reid, Leslie M.; Ziemer, Robert R.; Lisle, T.E.

2004. Aquatic Turtles Of Diversely Managed Watersheds in the Ouachita Mountains, Arkansas Phelps, Joseph P.

1999. Aquatic conditions Heilman, Warren E.

2000. Aquatic ecosystems of the redwood region Welsh, Hartwell H., Jr.; Roelofs, T.D.; Frissell, C.A.

2000. Aquatic insects as Bioindicators of land Use Change in the Grand Traverse Bay Area of Michigan Haack, Robert A.; Petrice, Toby R.; Haack, Sheridan K.; Hyndman, David; Long, David; Pijanowski, Bryan

2004. Aquatic selenium pollution is a global environmental safety issue Lemly, A. Dennis

1998. Aquatic species and habitats Lee, Danny C.; Sedell, James R.; Rieman, Bruce E.; Thurow, Russell F.; Williams, Jack E.

1988. Araman Looks at Exports Past and Future Araman, Philip A.

1991. . Arboreal nests of Phenacomys longgicaudus in Oregon. Gillesberg, A.M.; Carey, A.B.

2003. Are Crown Fires Necessary For Table Mountain Pine? Waldrop, Thomas A.; Brose, Patrick H.; Welch, Nicole Turrill; Mohr, Helen H.; Gray, Ellen A.; Tainter, Frank H.; Ellis, Lisa E.

1997. Are Forest Songbirds Declining? Status Assessment from the Southern Appalachians and Northeastern Forests Franzreb, Kathleen E.; Rosenberg, Kenneth V.

2002. Are Pileated Woodpeckers Attracted to Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Cavity Trees? Saenz, Daniel; Conner, Richard N.; McCormick, James R.

2004. Area changes for forest cover types in the United States, 1952 to 1997, with projections to 2050. Alig, Ralph J.; Butler, Brett J.

1999. Area-wide efficacy of a localized forest pest management practice Cronin, J.T.; Turchin, P.; Hayes, J.L.; Steiner, C.A.

2001. Areal Control Using Generalized Least Squares As An Alternative to Stratification Czaplewski, Raymond L.

2003. Arise, amphibians: stream buffers affect more than fish Duncan, Sally

2002. Arizona's Forest Resources, 1999 O'Brien, Renee

2001. Arkansas Forests, 1600-1988 Faulkner, Joanne L.

2001. Arkansas Forests, 1988 - 1996: Highlights Of The Timberland Resource From The Seventh Forest Survey Of Arkansas Rosson, James F., Jr.

2001. Arkansas Forests--The Timber Resource Williams, Richard A.

2002. Arkansas' timber industry - an assessment of timber product output and use, 1999 Bentley, James W.; Johnson, Tony G.; Howell, Michael

1975. Arkansas' timber resources updated, 1975 Beltz, Roy C.

1998. Arkansas's timber industry an assessment of timber product output and use, 1996 Howell, Michael; Levins, Robert

1986. Armillaria Root Disease Williams, R.E.; Shaw, C.G. III; Wargo, P.M.; Sites, W.H.

2002. Arthropods in Decomposing Wood of the Atchafalaya River Basin Lockaby, B.G.; Keeland, B.D.; Stanturf, J.A.; Rice, M.D.; Hodges, G.; Governo, R.M.

1999. Artifical Regeneration of Multiple Hardwood Species to Develop Specific Forest Communities Kormanik, Paul P.; Kormanik, Taryn L.; Sung, Shi-Jean S.; Zarnoch, Stanley J.; Possee, Charles

1995. Ascospore dispersal of Ceratocystiopsis ranaculosus, a mycangial fungus of the southern pine beetle Moser, John C.; Perry, Thelma J.; Bridges, J. Robert; Yin, Hui-Fen

1999. Ascribing value to ecological processes: an economic view of environmental change Schaberg, Rex H.; Holmes, Thomas P.; Lee, Karen J.; Abt, Robert C.

1998. Asessment of Forest Insect Conditions at Opax Mountain Silviculture Trail Miller, Dan; Maclauchlan, Lorraine

null. Ash Leachate Can Reduce Surface Erosion Holcomb, George J.; Philip B. Durgin

1996. Ash Pests Image Library Wilson, A. Dan; Lester, D.G.

1999. Asian Longhorned Beetle - a New Introduction USDA Forest Service Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry

1996. Aspects of the life history and foraging of the endangered Akiapolaau Ralph, C.J.; Fancy, S.G.

1971. Aspen Successfully Regenerated after Killing Residual Vegetation with Herbicides Perala, Donald A.

1978. Aspen Sucker Production and Growth from Outplanted Root Cuttings Perala, Donald A.

1974. Aspen Volume Tables for Furniture-Type, Flat, 4/4-Inch Dimension Landt, Eugene F.

1991. Aspen ecosystem properties in the Upper Great Lakes. Alban, David H.; Perala, Donald A.; Jurgensen, Martin F.; Ostry, Michael E.; Probst, John R.

1990. Aspen symposium `89 proceedings; 1989 July 25-27; Duluth, MN. USDA FS

1972. Aspen symposium proceedings. USDA FS

1967. Aspen wood characteristics, properties and uses: a review of recent literature. Lamb, Fred M.

1998. Assemblage Organization in Stream Fishes: Effects of Enviromental Variation and Interspecific Interactions Grossman, Gary D.; Ratajczak, Robert E.; Crawford, Maurice; Freeman, Mary C.

1996. Assessement of Trench Inserts as Barriers to Root Transmission for Control of Oak Wilt in Texas Live Oaks Wilson, A. Dan; Lester, D.G.

1997. Assessing Habitat Suitability at Multiple Scales: A Landscape-Level Approach Riitters, Kurt H.; O'Neill, R.V.; Jones, K.B.

2004. Assessing Oak Decline Incidence and Distribution in the Southern U.S. Using Forest Inventory and Analysis Data Oak, Steven W.; Steinman, James R.; Starkey, Dale A.; Yockey, Edwin K.

1998. Assessing Potential Climate Change Effects on Loblolly Pine Growth: A Probabilistic Regional Modeling Approach Woodbury, Peter B.; Smith, James E.; Weinstein, David A.; Laurence, John A.

2001. Assessing Regeneration Adequacy In Pennsylvania's Forests: A Pilot Study McWilliams, William H.; King, Susan L.; Scott, Charles T.

1989. Assessing Regeneration Potential Sander, Ivan L.

1996. Assessing Regional Economic Impacts of Recreation Travel from Limited Survey Data English, Donald B.K.; Thill, Jean-Claude

1996. Assessing The Toxic Threat Of Selenium To Fish And Aquatic Birds Lemly, A. Dennis

1994 . Assessing Uncertainty in Expert Judgments About Natural Resources Cleaves, David A.

2002. Assessing and evaluating recreational uses of water resources: implications for an integrated management framework Kakoyannis, Christina; Stankey, George H.

2001. Assessing crown fire potential by linking models of surface and crown fire behavior Scott, Joe H.; Reinhardt, Elizabeth D.

1999. Assessing economic tradeoffs in forest management. Niemi, Ernie; Whitelaw, Ed

1990. Assessing pine regeneration for the South Central United States McWilliams, William H.

1991. Assessing removals for North Central forest inventories. Smith, W. Brad

2001. Assessing socioeconomic impacts of climate change on U.S. forests, wood-product markets, and forest recreation Irland, Lloyd C.; Adams, Darius; Alig, Ralph; [and others]

2001. Assessing socioeconomic impacts of climate change on US forests, wood product markets, and forest recreation Irland, Lloyd C.; Adams, Darius; Alig, Ralph; Betz, Carter J.; Chen Chi-Chung; Hutchins, Mark; McCarl, Bruce A.; Skog, Ken

2004. Assessing socioeconomic resiliency in Washington counties. Daniels, Jean M.

2004. Assessing soil compaction on Forest Inventory & Analysis phase 3 field plots using a pocket penetrometer Amacher, Michael C.; O'Neill, Katherine P.

2002. Assessing the Impact of Trade Policy and Technology Changes in the U.S. Forestry Sectors Wu, Lan; Alavalapati, Janaki; Carter, Douglas; Wear, David N.; Das, Gouranga

2000. Assessing the Impacts of Forests on Human Welfare: Prelimnary Results from the Mid-Atlantic Integrated Assessement Mercer, Evan; Aruna, P.B.

2000. Assessing the Non-Timber Value of Forests: A Revealed-Preference, Hedonic Model Scarpa, Riccardo; Buongiorno, Joseph; Hseu, Jiin-Shyang; Abt, Karen Lee

1968. Assessing the Potential Oleoresin Yields of Slash Pine Progenies at Juvenile Ages Squillace, A.E.; Gansel, Charles R.

1999. Assessing the Retention Potential of Conservation Reserve Program Practices in Alabama Onainwa, Okwudili O.; Wheelock, Gerald C.; Dubois, Mark R.; Warren, Sarah T.

2001. Assessing the US Urban Forest Resources Nowak, David J.; Noble, Mary H.; Sisinni, Susan M.; Dwyer, John F.

1999. Assessing the benefits of reducing fire risk in the wildland urban interface: A contingent valuation approach Fried, Jeremy S.; Winter, Greg J.; Gilless, Keith J.

2003. Assessing the cumulative effects of linear recreation routes on wildlife habitats on the Okanogan and Wenatchee National Forests. Gaines, William L.; Singleton, Peter H.; Ross, Roger C.

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1999. Assessing the effects of fire disturbance on ecosystems: a scientific agenda for research and management Schmoldt, Daniel L.; Peterson, David L.; Keane, Robert E.; Lenihan, James M.; McKenzie, Donald; Weise, David R.; Sandberg, David V.

1993. Assessing the susceptibility of white fir to the fir engraver, Scolytus ventralis Lec. (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), using fungal inoculation Ferrell, G.T.; Otrosina, W.J.; DeMars, C.J., Jr.

1998. Assessing the vegetation history of three Southern Appalachian balds through soil organic matter analysis Knoepp, Jennifer D.; Tieszen, Larry L.; Fredlund, Glen G.

2002. Assessing the viability and adaptability of Oregon communities Donoghue, Ellen M.; Haynes, Richard W.

2003. Assessing the viability and adaptability of forest-dependent communities in the United States Haynes, Richard W.

1999. Assessing tree and stand biomass: a review with examples and critical comparisons Parresol, Bernard R.

2003. Assessing values of air quality and visibility at risk from wildland fires Ferguson, Sue A.; McKay, Steven J.; Nagel, David E.; Piepho, Trent; Rorig, Miriam L.; Anderson, Casey; Kellogg, Lara.

2002. Assessing visual soil disturbance on eight commercially thinned sites in northeastern Washington Tepp, Jeffrey S.

2000. Assessment and Response to Bark Beetle Outbreaks in the Rocky Mountain Area Samman, Safiya; Logan, Jesse

2002. Assessment of Dominant/Codominant Height Growth for Second Rotation Slash Pine Plantations in South Georgia and North Florida Rose, Charles E., Jr; Shiver, Barry D.

1998. Assessment of Forest Insect Conditions at Opax Mountain Silviculture Trail Miller, Dan; Maclauchlan, Lorraine

2004. Assessment of Grassland Ecosystem Conditions in the Southwestern United States. Volume 1. Finch, Deborah M.

2002. Assessment of Loblolly Pine Decline in Central Alabama Hess, Nolan J.; Otrosina, William J.; Carter, Emily A.; Steinman, Jim R.; Jones, John P.; Eckhardt, Lori G.; Weber, Ann M.; Walkinshaw, Charles H.

2004. Assessment of Oak Decline in Missouri, Arkansas, and Oklahoma Heitzman, Eric; Muzika, Rose-Marie; Kabrick, John; Guldin, James M.

2004. Assessment of Overnight User Behavior in the High Peaks Wilderness Area: Strategies for Trends Analysis Langdon, Stephen F.

1999. Assessment of Site and Stand Disturbance From Cut-To-Length Harvesting Vidrine, Clyde G.; deHoop, Conelius; Lanford, Bobby L.

1998. Assessment of compatibility among Armillaria cepistipes, A. sinapina, and North American biological species X and XI, using culture morphology and molecular biology Banik, Mark T.; Burdsall, Harold H., Jr.

2004. Assessment of decay in standing timber using stress wave timing nondestructive evaluation tools : a guide for use and interpretation Wang, Xiping; Divos, Ferenc; Pilon, Crystal; Brashaw, Brian K.; Ross, Robert J.; Pellerin, Roy F.

1998. Assessment of foraging activity using anabat II: a cautionary note Weller, Theodore L.; Seidman, V.M.; Zabel, Cynthia J.

2001. Assessment of the competitive position of the forest products sector in southeast Alaska, 1985-94. Robertson, Guy C.; Brooks, David J.

1992. Assessment of the current status of the California spotted owl, with recommendations for management Verner, J.; McKelvey, K.S.; Noon, B.R.; Gutiérrez, R.J.; Gould, G.I., Jr.; Beck, T.W.; [Technical Coordinators]

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2001. Assessment of the lumber drying industry and current potential for value-added processing in Alaska. Nicholls, David L.; Kilborn, Kenneth A.

1997. Assessments of wildlife viability, old-growth timber volume estimates, forested wetlands, and slope stability. Julin, Kent R.; [Compiler]

1998. Association of the Pitch Canker Fungus with Cones and Seeds of Pines Dwinell, L. David

2000. Atlas of human adaptation to environmental change, challenge, and opportunity: northern California, western Oregon, and western Washington. Christensen, Harriet H.; McGinnis, Wendy J.; Raettig, Terry L.; Donoghue, Ellen

2001. Atlas of social and economic conditions and change in southern California Raettig, Terry L.; Elmer, Dawn M.; Christensen, Harriet H.

1999. Atmospheric Inputs of Mercury and Organic Carbon into a Forested Upland/Bog Watershed Kolka , Randy K.; Nater, E. A.; Verry, Elon S,

1999. Atmospheric Inputs of Mercury and Organic Carbon into a Forested Upland/Bog Watershed Kolka, Randall K.; Nater, E.A.; Grigal, D.F.; Verry, E.S.

2001. Atmospheric carbon dioxide, irrigation, and fertilization effects on phenolic and nitrogen concentrations in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) needles Booker, Fitzgerald L.; Maier, Christopher A.

1995. Attack Densities of Tomicus piniperda and Ips pini (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) on Scotch Pine Logs in Michigan in Relation to Felling Date1 Haack, Robert A.; Lawrence, Robert K.

2004. Attitudes Toward Fees and Perceptions of Costs of Participating in Day-Use Outdoor Recreation Marsinko, Allan; Dwyer, John; Schroeder, Herb

1997. Attitudes Toward Wildlife Species Protection: Assessing Moderating and Mediating Effects in the Value-Attitude Relationship Tarrant, Michael A.; Bright, Alan D.; Cordell, H. Ken

2001. Attitudes toward ecosystem management in the United States, 1992-1998 Bengston, David N.; Xu, George; Fan, David P.

1997. Attitudes toward roads on the National Forests: An analysis of the News Media. Bengston, David; Fan, David

2000. Attractant semiochemicals of the engraver beetle, Ips perturbatus, in south-central and interior Alaska Holsten, Edward H.; Burnside, Roger E.; Seybold, Steven J.

2003. Attraction of Ips avulsus (Eichoff) to Varying Enantiomeric Composition of Ipsdienol in Commercially Available Lures' Strom, B.L.; Clarke, S.R.; Roton, L.M.

1999. Attraction of Pissodes affinis and P. fasciatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) to pityol and a-pinene in a Coastal Stand of Western White Pine and Douglas-fir Miller, Daniel R.; Heppner, Don

1997. Attraction of bark beetle predator, Thanasimus undatulus (Coleoptera: Cleridae), to pheromones of the spruce beetle and two secondary bark beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) Poland, Therese M.; Borden, John H.

2000. Attraction of the bark beetle parasitoid Roptrocerus xylophagorum (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) to host-associated olfactory cues Sullivan, Brian T.; Pettersson, Eva M.; Seltmann, Katja C.; Berisford, C. Wayne

2003.. Attribute-Based Methods Holmes, Thomas P.; Adamowicz, Wiktor L.

1996. Automated Analysis of CT Images for the Inspection of Hardwood Logs Li, Harbin; Abbott, A. Lynn; Schmoldt, Daniel L.

1989. Automated Grading of Rough Hardwood Lumber Conners, Richard W.; Cho, Tai-Hoon; Araman, Philip A.

1995. Automated Lumber Processing Klinkhachorn, Powsiri; Moody, J.; Araman, Philip A.

2003. Automated hardwood lumber grading utilizing a multiple sensor machine vision technology Kline, D. Earl; Surak, Chris; Araman, Philip A.

2000. Automated labeling of log features in CT imagery of multiple hardwood species Schmoldt, Daniel L.; He, Jing; Abbott, A. Lynn

2002. Automated mosaicking of sub-canopy video incorporating ancillary data Kee, E.; Clark, N.E.; Abbott, A.L.

1996. Automatic Color Sorting System for Hardwood Edge-Glued Panel Parts Conners, Richard W.; Kline, D.Earl; Araman, Philip A.

1997. Automatic Color Sorting of Hardwood Edge-Glued Panel Parts Kline, D. Earl; Conners, Richard; Lu, Qiang; Araman, Philip A.

1990. Automatic Edging and Trimming of Hardwood Lumber Kline, D. Earl; Wengert, Eugene M.; Araman, Philip A.

1998. Automatic real-time control of suspended sediment based upon high frequency in situ measurements of nephelometric turbidity Lewis, Jack C.; Eads, Rand

2001. Automatic scanning of rough hardwood lumber for edging and trimming Abbott, A. Lynn; Schmoldt, Daniel L.; Araman, Philip A.; Lee, Sang-Mook

1992. Automation for Primary Processing of Hardwoods Schmoldt, Daniel L.

1999. Autumn Colors - How Leaves Change Colors USDA Forest Service Southern Region

1978. Availability of forest and associated land resources in Illinois Burde, John H. III; Baumgartner, David C.

1991. Availability of yellow pine sawtimber in Alabama McWilliams, William H.

2004. Avian Communities of Streamside Zones in The Ouachita Mountains of Arkansas Thill, Ronald E.; Tappe, Philip A.; Melchiors, M. Anthony; Wigley, T. Bently

2002. Avian Community Response to Southern Pine Ecosystem Resoration For Red-Cockaded Woodpeckers Conner, Richard N.; Shackelford, Clifford E.; Schaefer, Richard R.; Saenz, Daniel; Rudolph, D. Craig

2001. Avian and amphibian use of fenced and unfenced stock ponds in northeastern Oregon forests. Bull, Evelyn L.; Deal, Jerry W.; Hohmann, Janet E.

1988. Avian response to mechanical clearing of a native rainforest in Hawaii Sakai, H.F.

1974. Avoid Problem Spoils Through Overburden Analysis Despard, Thomas L.

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2003. Axial and radial water transport and internal water storage in tropical forest canopy trees James, Shelley A.; Meinzer, Frederick C.; Goldstein, Guillermo; Woodruff, David; Jones, Timothy; Restom, Teresa; Mejia, Monica; Clearwater, Michael; Campanello, Paula

2002. BIA Forest Lands of North and South Dakota, 1996 Haugen, David E.; Hansen, Mark H.

2002. BMPs for silvicultural chemicals Michael, J. L.

1999. Backburning as an Alternative to Traditional Pre-Commercial Thinning Thomas, Lloyd F.; Waldrop, Thomas A.

2000. Bacterial Leaf Scorch Affects New Jersey State Tree (Pest Alert) USDA Forest Service

1996. Bacterial associations with decaying wood : a review Clausen, C. A.

1998. Bacterial growth on stream insects: potential for use in bioassessment Lemly, A. Dennis

1976. Bald Eagle Nesting in the Superior National Forest Mattson, James P.; Grewe, Alfred H.

1992. Baldcypress Height-Diamter Equations and Their Prediction Confindence Intervals Parresol, Bernard R.

2002. Baldcypress Restoration in a Saltwater Damaged Area of South Carolina Conner, William H.; Ozalp, Mehmet

1972. Balsam Fir Dominant Species Under Rethinned Northern White-Cedar Johnston, William F.

1997. Band vs. Circular Sawmills: Relative Labor & Maintenance Costs Steele, Philip H.; Araman, Philip A.

1987. Bankfull discharge and sediment transport in northwestern California Nolan, K. M.; Lisle, T.E.; Kelsey, H.M.

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1969. Bark Characteristics Indicate Age and Growth Rate of Yellow Birch Clausen, Knud E.; Godman, Richard M.

1968. Bark Separation During Chipping With a Parallel Knife Chipper Erickson, John R.

1975. Bark Thickness of 17-Year-Old Loblolly Pine Planted at Different Spacings Feduccia, Donald P.; Mann, William F., Jr.

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1989. Bark scoring problem grafts in five Douglas-fir seed orchards: a case history Copes, Donald L.

2003. Barnes-Drummond and Northwestern Wisconsin - Steps to improve community preparedness for wildfire Jakes, Pam; Nelson, Kristen; Lang, Erika

1996. Barred Owl Nest in a Natural Hole in an Earthen Bank in Eastern Texas Shackelford, Clififord E.

1998. Bartlett Experimental Forest Gamal-Eldin, Jane

1990. Basal Area Growth Estimators for Survivor Component: A Quality Control Application Thomas, Charles E.; Roesch, Francis A., Jr.

1992. Basal Trunk And Buttress Root Injuries May Be Associated With Branch Dieback In Black Oak Kessler, Kenneth J. Jr.

1995. Basal area growth for 15 tropical tree species in Puerto Rico Parresol, Bernard R.

1997. Basal streamline sprays for hardwood resprout control: herbicides, concentrations, and streaks per stem Miller, James H.

2004. Baseline Characterization of Forested Headwater Stream Hydrology and Water Chemistry in Southwest Georgia Jones, David G.; Summer, William B.; Miwa, Masato; Jackson, C. Rhett

2004. Baseline Overstory Conditions in Four Watersheds of Varying Management Intensity in the Eastern Ouachita Mountains Guldin, James M.; Foti, Thomas

1998. Basic growth relationships in thinned and unthinned longleaf pine plantations Baldwin, V. Clark, Jr.; Leduc, Daniel J.; Peterson, K. 0.; Parresol, Bernard R.

2001. Basic principles of decision making in natural resources and the environment Schmoldt, Daniel L.; Kangas, Jyrki; Mendoza, G.A.

2004. Basin Visual Estimation Technique (BVET) and Representative Reach Approaches to Wadeable Stream Surveys: Methodological Limitations and Future Directions Williams, Lance R.; Warren, Melvin L., Jr.; Adams, Susan B.; Arvai, Joseph L.; Taylor, Christopher M.

1993. Basinwide Estimation of Habitat and Fish Populations in Streams Dolloff, C. Andrew; Hankin, David G.; Reeves, Gordon H.

2004. Bastrop, Texas: Steps to Improve Community Preparedness for Wildfire Agrawal, Shruti; Monroe, Martha

2001. Bat activity along intermittent streams in northwestern California Seidman, Victoria M.; Zabel, Cynthia J.

1998. Bat use of remnant old-growth redwood stands Zielinski, William J.; Gellman, S.T.

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2001. Bedload transport rates in a step-pool channel at near-bankfull flows Marion, Daniel A.

1983. Beech Bark Disease Houston, David R.; O`Brien, James T.

2000. Beetle-killed spruce utilization in the Kenai peninsula Scott, Gary M.; Bormett, David W.; Sutherland, Nancy Ross.; Abubakr, Said.; Lowell, Eini.

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1992. Behavior Performance of Diuraphis noxia (Homoptera: Aphididae) on Fungal Endophyte-Infected and Uninfected Perennial Ryegrass Clement, S.L.; Lester, D.G.; Wilson, A. Dan; Pike, K.S.

1999. Belowground Nutrient Dynamics Following Three Harvest Intensities on the Pearl River Floodplain, Mississippi Schilling, E.B.; Lockaby, B.G.; Rummer, Robert

2004. Belowground Processes in Nitrogen Fertilized Cottonwood and Loblolly Pine Plantations Lee, Kye-Han; Jose, Shibu

2004. Belowground carbon cycling in a humid tropical forest decreases with fertilization Giardina, C.; Binkley, D.; Ryan, M.; Fownes, J.

2002. Belowground microbial processes underpin forest productivity Li, C.Y.; Strzelczyk, E.

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1974. Beneficiation of Compression Debarked Wood Chips Mattson, James A.

2001. Benefit transfer of outdoor recreation use values: A technical document supporting the Forest Service Strategic Plan (2000 revision) Rosenberger, Randall S.; Loomis, John B.

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1981. Benomyl Stimulates Ectomycorrhizal Development by Pisolithus Tinctorius on Shortleaf Pine Grown in Containers Pawuk, William H.; Barnett, James P.

1997. Bent Creek demonstration program Berg, Erik C.

2001. Benthic meiofauna responses to five forest harvest methods Smith, Freese; Brown, Arthur V.; Pope, Misty; Michael, Jerry L.

2003. Berkeley Township, New Jersey - Steps to improve community preparedness for wildfire Hudson, Rachel; Jakes, Pam; Lang, Erika; Nelson, Kristen

2004. Best Management Practices for Silvicultural Chemicals and the Science Behind Them Michael, Jerry L.

2000. Best management practices for riparian areas Phillips, Michael J.; Swift, Lloyd W., Jr.; Blinn, Charles R.

1976. Better trees for metropolitan landscapes: symposium proceedings Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

2004. Between and Within Genera Comparisons of Morphological Plasticity for Betula and Acer Seedlings Grown Under Varying Light Conditions Ellum, David S.; Ashton, P.M.S.; Berlyn, G.P.

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2000. Beyond the limits of traditional science: bioregional assessments and natural resource management Duncan, Sally

1998. Bias in the Determination of Temporal Activity Patterns of Syntopic Peromyscus in the Southern Appalachians Hicks, Norman G.; Menzel, Michael A.; Laerm, Joshua

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2004. Biodiversity, Functional Processes, and the Ecological Consequences of Fragmentation in Southwestern Grasslands Merola-Zwartjes, Michele

1991. Biological Diversity Research: An Analysis McMinn, James W.

1999. Biological and Economic Productivity of Mixed-Aged Loblolly Pine Stands in the South Raunikar, Ronald; Buongiorno, Joseph; Prestemon, Jeffrey P.; Lee-Abt, Karen

1998. Biological and Management Implications of Fire-Pathogen Interactions in the Giant Sequoia Ecosystem Piirto, Douglas D.; Parmeter, John R., Jr.; Cobb, Fields W., Jr.; Piper, Kevin L.; Workinger, Amy C.; Otrosina, William J.

2000. Biological characteristics and population status of anadromous salmon in southeast Alaska Halupka, Karl C.; Bryant, Mason D.; Willson, Mary F.; Everest, Fred H.

1999. Biological characteristics and population status of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in southeast Alaska Lohr, Samuel C.; Bryant, Mason D.

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1997. Biology and Ecology of feral, free-roaming, and stray cats Ogan, C.V.; Jurek, R.M.

2004. Biology and Sampling of Red Oak Borer Populations in the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas Crook, Damon; Stephen, Fred; Fierke, Melissa; Kinney, Dana; Silisbury, Vaughn

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2000. Biology, demography and community interactions of Tarsonemus (Acarina: Tarsonemidae) mites phoretic on Dendroctonus frontalis (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) Lombardero, Maria J.; Klepzig, Kier D.; Ayres, Metthew P.

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1993. Biology, ecology, and social aspects of wild edible mushrooms in the forests of the Pacific Northwest: a preface to managing commercial harvest. Molina, Randy; O'Dell, Thomas; Luoma, Daniel; Amaranthus, Michael; Castellano, Michael; Russell, Kenelm.

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1981. Biomass and Nutrient Accumulation in a Cottonwood Plantation - The First Four Years Francis, John K.; Baker, James B.

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1992. Biomass distribution and productivity of Pinus edulis-Juniperus monosperma woodlands of north-central Arizona Grier, Charles C.; Elliott, Katherine J.; McCullough, Deborah G.

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1996. Botanical reconnaissance of Nancy Brook Research Natural Area Royte, Joshua L.; Sperduto, Daniel D.; Lortie, John P.

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2001. Botanical survey of Myrtle Island Research Natural Area, Oregon. Thompson, Ralph L.

2000. Botanical survey of Rock Creek Research Natural Area, Kentucky Thompson, Ralph L.; Jones, Ronald L.; Abbott, J. Richard; Denton, W. Neal

1994. Bottomland Hardwood Ecosystem Management Project Stanturf, John A.; Burke, Marianne K.; Meier, Calvin E.

2001. Bottomland Hardwoods of the Mississippi Alluvial Valley: Characteristics and Management of Natural Function, Structure, and Composition Hamel, Paul B.; Foti, Thomas L.; [Editors]

2002. Branch growth and gas exchange in 13-year-old loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) trees in response to elevated carbon dioxide concentration and fertilization Maier, Chris A.; Johnsen, Kurt H.; Butnor, John; Kress, Lance W.; Anderson, Peter H.

2004. Breeding Bird Communities On Four Watersheds Under Different Forest Management Scenarios in the Ouachita Mountains Of Arkansas Tappe, Philip A.; Thill, Ronald E.; Melchiors, M. Anthony; Wigley, T. Bently

1994. Breeding Birds of Late-Rotation Pine Hardwood Stands: Community Characteristics and Similarity to Other Regional Pine Forests Petit, Daniel R.; Petit, Lisa J.; Martin, Thomas E.; others

2004. Breeding and genetic resources of five-needle pines: growth, adaptability, and pest resistance; 2001 July 23-27; Medford, OR, USA Sniezko, Richard A.; Samman, Safiya; Schlarbaum, Scott E.; Kriebel, Howard B.

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1996. Breeding distribution of vaux's swift in California Sterling, J.; Paton, P.W.C.

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1992. Bringing Technology to the Resource Manager ... and Not the Reverse Schmoldt, Daniel L.

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2003. Broadcast Applications of Glyphosate Control Nutsedge at a South Georgia Forest Tree Nursery Fraedrich, Stephen W.; Dwinell, L. David; Cram, Michelle M.

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1984. Bruce Spanworm Snowden, Parker

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2000. Bt: One Option for Gypsy Moth Management Mccullough, Deborah C.; Bauer, Leah S.

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2000. Building Consensus: Legitimate Hope or Seductive Paradox? McCool, Stephen F.; Guthrie, Kathleen; Smith, Jane Kapler

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2000. Bulked Segregant Analysis Identifies Molecular Markers Linked to Melampsora medusae Resistance in Populus deltoides Tabor, G.M.; Kubisiak, Thomas L.; Klopfenstein, N.B.; Hall, R.B.; McNabb, Henry S., Jr.

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1980. Buried Organic Layer Affects the Growth of Slash Pine in the Florida Sandhills Hebb, Edwin A.

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1993. Canopy Gap Characteristics and Drought Influences in Oak Forests of the Coweeta Basin Clinton, B.D.; Boring, L.R.

2002. Canopy gaps and dead tree dynamics: poking holes in the forest Duncan, Sally

1992. Canopy structure and tree condition of young, mature, and old-growth Douglas-fir/hardwood forests Bingham, B.B.; Sawyer, J.O., Jr.

1999. Carbohydrate metabolism of vegetative and reproductive sinks in the late-maturing peach cultivar 'Encore' Bianco, Riccardo Lo; Rieger, Mark; Sung, Shi-Jean S.

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2003. Carbon Cycling in Wetland Forest Soils Trettin, Carl C.; Jurgensen, Martin F.

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1995. Carbon allocation and partitioning in aspen clones varying in sensitivity to tropospheric ozone Coleman, M.D.; Dickson, R.E.; Isebrands, J.G.; Karnosky, D.F.

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2003. Cellular Response of Loblolly Pine to Wound Inoculation with Bark Beetle-Associated Fungi and Chitosan Klepzig, Kier D.; Walkinshaw, Charles H.

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2000. Cerulean warbler (Dendroica cerulea) Hamel, Paul B.

2001. Chainsaws, Canebrakes, and Cotton Fields: Sober Thoughts on Silviculture for Songbirds in Bottomland Forests Hamel, Paul B.; Meadows, James S.; Gardiner, Emile S.; Stanturf, John A.

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1994. Change in the USDA Forest Service: are we heading in the right direction? Mohai, Paul; Stillman, Phyllis; Jakes, Pamela; Liggett, Chris

1998. Changes and Trends in the Pallet Industry: Alternative Materials and Industry Structure Bush, Robert J.; Araman, Philip A.

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1990. Changes in Area of Timberland in the United States, 1952-2040, By Ownership, Forest Type, Region, and State Allg, Ralph J.; Hohenstein, William G.; Murray, Brian C.; Haight, Robert G.

2000. Changes in Carabid Community Structure in a Dry Sand Prairie After Removal of the Pine Overstory (POSTER) Haack, Robert A.; Acciavatti, Robert E.; Petrice, Toby; Davdison, Robert

1999. Changes in Composition of the Mixed Mesophytic Forest: Effects of Succession and Disturbance Steinman, Jim

1991. Changes in Florida's Industrial Roundwood Products Output, 1987-1989 Davenport, Edgar L.

2004. Changes in Fuel Loading as the Result of Repeated Prescribed Fires Within the Ozark Forests of Missouri Hartman, George W.

1992. Changes in North Carolina's Industrial Roundwood Products Output, 1987-1990 Davenport, Edgar L.

2004. Changes in Organic Matter And Nutrients in Forest Floor After Applying Several Reproductive Cutting Methods in Shortleaf Pine-Hardwood Stands Liechty, Hal O.; Shelton, Michael G.

2001. Changes in Production and Nutrient Cycling across a Wetness Gradient within a Floodplain Forest Clawson, Robin G.; Lockaby, B. Graeme; Rummer, Bob

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1996. Changes in growth, leaf abscission, and biomass associated with seasonal tropospheric ozone exposures of Populus tremuloides clones and seedlings Karnosky, D.F.; Gagnon, Z.E.; Dickson, R.E.; Coleman, M.D.; Lee, E.H.; Isebrands, J.G.

1999. Changes in kenaf properties and chemistry as a function of growing time Rowell, Roger M.; Han, James S.

1994. Changes in soil moisture and pore pressure after harvesting a forested hillslope in northern California Keppeler, Elizabeth T.; Ziemer, Robert R.; Cafferata, Peter H.

1985. Changes in storm hydrographs after roadbuilding and selective logging on a coastal watershed in northern California Wright, Kenneth A.

1997. Changes in storm peak flows after clearcut logging Lewis, Jack C.

2000. Changes in the forest landscape of the Charles C. Deam wilderness, Southern Indiana, 1939-1990 Jenkins, MIchael A.; Parker, George R.

1999. Changes in the non-Federal land base involving forestry in western Oregon, 1961-94 Zheng, Daolan; Alig, Ralph J.

1994. Changes in tree species diversity after successive clearcuts in the Southern Appalachians Elliott, Katherine J.; Swank, Wayne T.

1998. Changes in vegetation structure and diversity after grass-to-forest succession in a Southern Appalachian watershed Elliott, Katherine J.; Boring, Lindsay R.; Swank, Wayne T.

2004. Changing Ethnic Populations in the State of Michigan: Ethnic Input in Leisure Services Provision Among Michigan Park Recreation Departments Ricciardo, Jerry L.

2002. Changing Markets for Hardwood Roundwood Luppold, William; Prestemon, Jeffrey P.; Schuler, Albert

1995. Changing National Forest Values: a content analysis. Bengston, David N.; Xu, Zhi

1999. Changing demographics affecting sprawl Dwyer, John F.

2001. Changing people`s perceptions and behavior through partnerships and education: followup on a case study from Minnesota Kelly, Tim; Sushak, Ron; Jakes, Pamela

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1969. Characteristics of Blister Rust Cankers on Eastern White Pine Phelps, William R.; Weber, Ray

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1985. Characterization and Field Studies of a Cucumber Mosaic Virus Isolate from Spinach in the Winter Garden Area of Texas Wilson, A. Dan; Halliwell, R.S.

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1993. Consideration of extinction risks for salmonids Rieman, Bruce; Lee, Danny; McIntyre, Jack; Overton, Kerry; Thurow, Russ

2004. Considerations in recycling of wood-plastic composites Winandy, J.E.; Stark, N.M.; Clemons, C.M.

2002. Consortium for Accelerated Pine Production Studies (CAPPS): Long-term Trends in Loblolly Pine Stand Productivity and Characteristics In Georgia Borders, B.E.; Will, Rodney E.; Hendrick, R. L.; Markewitz, D.; Harrington, T.; Teskey, R. O.; Clark, A.

2002. Constancy and cover of plants in the Petersburg and Wrangell Districts, Tongass National Forest and associated private and other public lands, southeast Alaska. Mead, Bert R.

1999. Constituent and induced tannin accumulations in roots of loblolly pines Walkinshaw, Charles H.

1989. Constituent loads in small streams: the process and problems of estimating sediment flux Thomas, R. B.

1991. Constructing Artifical Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Cavities Allen, David H.

2000. Constructing nature as constructing science: expertise, activist science, and public conflict in the Chicago wilderness Helford, Reid M.

1997. Construction and Demolition Landfills and Wood Pallets - What's Happening in the U.S. Bush, Robert J.; Araman, Philip A.

1982. Construction of sediment budgets for drainage basins Dietrich, William E.; Dunne, Thomas; Humphrey, Neil F.; Reid, Leslie M.

2004. Consumer Perceptions and Knowledge of Common Furniture Woods Bowe, Scott A.; Bumgardner, Matthew S.

2004. Consumptive Attitudes and Customer Service Perceptions Among New England Anglers Wickham, Thomas; Graefe, Alan R.; Burns, Robert

2002. Container Size and Fertilization Affect Nursery Cost and Fifth-Year Field Performance of Cherrybark Oak Howell, Kirk D.; Harrington, Timothy B.

2004. Container-Grown Longleaf Pine Seedling Quality Hainds, Mark J.; Barnett, James P.

2002. Containerized Nursery Start-up Costs Edwards, Mike

1999. Contamination of Pinus radiata Seeds in California by Fusarium circinatum Dwinell, L. David

1999. Contamination of Pine Seeds by the Pitch Canker Fungus Dwinell, L. David; Fraedrich, S.W.

1983. Contamination of successive samples in portable pumping systems Thomas, Robert B.; Eads, Rand E.

2004. Contemporary wood utilization research needs in the Western United States. Monserud, Robert A.; Lowell, Eini C.; Becker, Dennis R.; Hummel, Susan Stevens; Donoghue, Ellen M.; Barbour, R. James; Kilborn, Kenneth A.; Nicholls, David L.; Roos, Joe; Cantrell, Randall A.

2004. Context-Specific Trophic and Functional Ecology of Fishes of Small Stream Ecosystems in the Ouachita National Forest Matthews, William J.; Miller-Lemke, A. Maria; Warren, Melvin L. Jr.; Cobb, Donna; Stewart, Jeffery G.; Crump, Betty; Gelwick, Frances P.

2001. Contiguous allopatry of the masked shrew and southeastern shrew in the Southern Appalachians: segregation along an elevational and habitat gradient Ford, W. Mark; Menzel, Michael A.; McCay, Timothy S.; Laerm, Joshua

2003. Contingent Valuation of Forest Ecosystem Protection Kramer, Randall A.; Holmes, Thomas P.; Haefele, Michelle

1971. Continuing Weed Control Benefits Young Planted Black Walnut Krajicek, John E.; Williams, Robert D.

2000. Continuity in fire disturbance between riparian and adjacent sideslopes in the Douglas-fire forest series Everett, Richard L.; Schellhaas, Richard; Ohlson, Pete; [and others]

2002. Continuous Cover Forestry in the United States--Experience With Southern Pines Guldin, James M.

2000. Contrasting fine-root production, survival and soil CO2 efflux in pine and poplar plantation Coleman, M. D.; Dickson, Richard E.; Isebrands, J. G.

2000. Contrasting fine-root production, survival and soil CO2 efflux in pine and poplar plantations Coleman, M.D.; Dickson, R.E.; Isebrands, J.G.

2000. Contribution of Increasing CO2 and Climate to Carbon Storage by Ecosystems in the United States Schimel, David; Melillo, Jerry; Tian, Hanqin; McGuire, A. David; Kicklighter, David; Kittel, Timothy; Rosenbloom, Nan; Running, Steven; Thorton, Peter; Ojima, Dennis; Parton, William; Kelly, Robin; Sykes, Martin; Neilson, Ron; Rizzo, Brian

2004. Contributions of acid rain research to the forest science-policy interface: learning from the national acid precipitation assessment program Peterson, Charles E.; Shriner, David S.

1998. Contributions to the study of gasteromycetes of Puerto Rico Nieves-Rivera, Angel M.; Lodge, D. Jean.; Miller, Orson K.

1993. Control Variate Estimators of Survivor Growth from Point Samples Roesch, Francis A., Jr.; van Deusen, Paul C.

1980. Control of Dogfennel (Eupaforium Capillifolium (Lam.) Small) Does Not Increase Loblolly Pine Yields Haywood, James D.

1983. Control of Fusiform Rust in Slash Pine with Bayleton (Triadimefon) Seed Treatment Hare, Robert C.; Snow, Glenn A.

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1998. Controlled mass pollination in loblolly pine to increase genetic gains Bridgwater, F.E.; Bramlett, D.L.; Byram, T.D.; Lowe, W.J.

1971. Controlling Hazel, Aspen Suckers, and Mountain Maple with Picloram Perala, Donald A.

1973. Controlling Lophodermium Needlecast on Scotch Pine Christmas Trees Skilling, Darroll D.; Nicholls, Thomas H.

1999. Controlling exotic plants in your forest Miller, James H.

1965. Controlling light in small clearcuttings Marquis, David A.

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1991. Controlling sediment collection with data loggers Eads, Rand E.

1985. Controlling suspended sediment samplers by programmable calculator and interface circuitry Eads, Rand E.; Boolootian, Mark R.

2003. Controlling the Southern Pine Beetle: Small Landowner Perceptions and Practices Molnar, Joseph J.; Schelhas, John; Holeski, Carrie

2001. Controls on the size and occurrence of pools in coarse-grained forest rivers Buffington, John M.; Lisle, Thomas E.; Woodsmith, Richard D.; Hilton, Sue

1983. Conventional Processing of Standard-Size Edge-Glued Blanks for Furniture and Cabinet Parts: a Feasibility Study Araman, Philip A.; Hansen, Bruce G.

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2001. Cooperative use of advanced scanning technology for low-volume hardwood processors Occeña, Luis G.; Rayner, Timothy J.; Schmoldt, Daniel L.; Abbott, A. Lynn

2000. Coordinating short-term projects into an effective research program: effects of site preparation methods on bird communities in pine plantations Kilgo, John C.; Miller, Karl V.; Moore, William F.

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1983. Core Versus Nuclear Gauge Methods of Determining Soil Bulk Density and Moisture Content Steele, Jacqueline G.; Koger, Jerry L.; Trouse, Albert C., Jr.; Sirois, Donald L.

1995. Correction of Line Interleaving Displacement in Frame Captured Aerial Video Imagery Cooke, B.; Saucier, A.

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2000. Correlation between oxalic acid production and copper tolerance in Wolfiporia cocos Clausen, C. A.; Green, Frederick.; Woodward, B. M.; Evans, J. W.; DeGroot, R. C.

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1998. Cultural Diversity of Los Angeles County Residents Using Undeveloped Natural Areas Tierney, Patrick T.; Dahl, Rene F.; Chavez Deborah J.

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1998. Cytochrome P450 Monooxygenase Activity in the Dark Southern Subterranean Termite (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) Valles, Steven M.; Osbrink, Weste L.A.; Oi, Faith M.; Brenner, Richard J.; Powell, Janine E.

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2002. Delayed Prescribed Burning in a Seedling and Sapling Longleaf Pine Plantation in Louisiana Haywood, James D.

2001. Delayed Reproduction of Translocated Red-Cockaded Woodpeckers McCormick, James R.; Conner, Richard N.; Saenz, Daniel; Burt, Brent

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2000. Depressional wetland vegetation types: a question of plant commmunity development Kirkman, Katherine L.; Goebel, Charles P.; West, Larry; Drew, Mark B.; Palik, Brian J.

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2000. Deriving Forest Harvesting Machine Productivity from Positional Data McDonald, T.P.; Taylor, S.E.; Rummer, R.B.

1981. Description and Yields of an 11 -Year-Old Hardwood Stand on Sharkey Clay Soil Krinard, Roger M.; Johnson, Robert L.

1999. Description of Vegetation in Several Periodically Burned Longleaf Pine Forests on the Kisatchie National Forest Haywood, James D.; Harris, Finis L.

1998. Description of a new primary parasitoid, Zarhopalus Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), of Oracella Acuta (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae) Sun, Jianghua; DeBarr, Gary L.; Berisford, C. Wayne; Schauff, Michael E.

1995. Description of the Stand-Damage Model: part of the Gypsy Moth Life System Model Colbert, J.J.; Sheehan, Katharine A.

2003. Desiccation tolerance of five tropical seedlings in Panama. Relationship to a field assessment of drought performance Tyree, Melvin T.; Engelbrecht, Bettina M.J.; Vargas, Gustavo; Kursar, Thomas A.

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1993. Design and Analysis for Detection Monitoring of Forest Health Roesch, Francis A., Jr.

1995. Design and Evaluation of Log-To-Dimension Manufacturing Systems Using System Simulation Lin, Wenjie; Kline, D. Earl; Araman, Philip A.; Wiedenbeck, Janice K.

1992. Design and Evaluation of Wood Processing Facilities Using Object-Oriented Simulation Kline, D. Earl; Araman, Philip A.

2002. Design and Modification of an Installation Method to Stabilize Small Trapezoidal Flumes in Drainage Ditches Harrison, Charles A.; O’Ney, Susan

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1998. Detecting and Predicting Climatic Variation from Old-Growth Baldcypress Reams, Gregory A.; van Deusen, Paul C.

2001. Detecting response of Douglas-fir plantations to urea fertilizer at three locations in the Oregon Coast Range Miller, Richard E.; Smith, Jim; Anderson, Harry

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1977. Detection of active decay at groundline in utility poles Shigo, Alex L.; Shortle, Walter C.; Ochrymowych, Julian

2000. Detection of defects in red oak deckboards by ultrasonic scanning Kabir, Mohammed F.; Schmoldt, Daniel L.; Schafer, Mark E.

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1991. Determinant Product and Supplier Attributes in Domestic Markets for Hardwood Lumber Bush, Robert J.; Sinclair, Steven A.; Araman, Philip A.

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2000. Determinants of tree quality and lumber value in natural uneven-aged southern pine stands Prestemon, Jeffrey P.; Buongiorno, Joseph

1971. Determination of Arsenical Herbicide Residues in Plant Tissues Sachs, R.M.; Michael, J.L.; Anastasia, F.B.; Wells, W.A.

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1983. Determining Light Transmittance Characteristics of Wood and Bark Chips Brumm, Douglas B.; Radcliffe, Robert C.; Sturos, John A.

2002. Determining Nutrient Requirements For Intensively Managed Loblolly Pine Stands Using the SSAND (Soil Supply and Nutrient Demand) Model Adegbidi, Hector G.; Comerford, Nicholas B.; Li, Hua; Jokela, Eric J.; Barros, Nairam F.

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2004. Determining Standards of Quality for Pay Fishing Establishments in West Virginia Fields, Jamie N.; Moldovanyi, Aurora; Pierskalla, Chad D.; Schuett, Michael A.

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2004. Developing Proactive Management Options to Sustain Bristlecone and Limber Pine Ecosystems in the Presence of a Non-Native Pathogen A. W. Schoettle

1995. Developing a Multi Sensor Scanning System for Hardwood Inspection and Processing Conners, Richard W.; Kline, D.Earl; Araman, Philip A.

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1997. Developing an analytical context for multispecies conservation planning Noon, B.R.; McKelvey, K.S.; Murphy, D.D.

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1986. Development of a Southern Appalachian Hardwood Stand After Clearcutting Beck, Donald E.; Hooper, Ralph M.

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2004. Differences in Motivations and Expectations of Divers in the Florida Keys Meisel, Carolin; Cottrel, Stuart

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1999. Distrobution of native Legumes (Leguminoseae) in frequently burned longleaf pine (Pinaceae)-Wiregrass (Poaceae) ecosystems Hainds, Mark J.; Mitchell, Robert J.; Palik, Brian J.; Boring, Lindsay R.; Gjerstad, Dean H.

1999. Disturbance From the Initial Harvest Implementing Uneven-Aged Silviculture in a Pine-Hardwood Stand in Southwestern Mississippi Shelton, Michael G.; Murphy, Paul A.

1994. Disturbance Processes and Ecosystem Management Averill, Robert D.; Larson, Louise; Saveland, Jim; Wargo, Philip; Williams, Jerry; Bellinger, Melvin

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2001. Does red-cockaded woodpecker excavation of resin wells increase risk of bark beetle infestation of cavity trees? Conner, Richard N.; Saenz, Daniel; Rudolph, D. Craig; Ross, William G.; Kulhavy, David L.; Culson, Robert N.

2002. Does the availability of artificial cavities affect cavity excavation rates in Red-cockaded Woodpeckers? Conner, Richard N.; Saenz, Daniel; Rudolph, D. Craig; Schaefer, Richard R.

2004. Does turgor limit growth in tall trees? Woodruff, D.R.; Bond, B.J.; Meinzer, F.C.

0. Dogwood Anthracnose and its Spread in the South Anderson, Robert L.; Knighten, John L.; Windham, Mark; Langdon, Keith; Hedrix, Floyd; Roncadori, Ron

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1986. Domestic fuelwood use in Louisiana Rudis, Victor A.

1995. Domestic geese: biological weed control in an agricultural setting Wurtz, Tricia L.

2002. Domestic market activity in solid wood products in the United States, 1950-1998 McKeever, David B.

1978. Dormancy and Root Regeneration of Black Walnut Seedlings: Effects of Chilling Rietveld, W.J.; Williams, Robert D.

2003. Dose and Enantiospecific Responses of White Pine Cone Beetles, Conophthorus coniperda, to a-Pinene in an Eastern White Pine Seed Orchard Miller, Daniel R.; Crowe, Christopher M.; Asaro, Christopher; DeBarr, Gary L.

2000. Dose-Dependent and Species-Specific Responses of Pine Bark Beetles (Coeoptera: Scolytidae) to Monoterpenes in Association with Phermones Miller, Daniel R.; Borden, John H.

1982. Dothistroma Needle Blight of Pines Peterson, Glenn W.

1981. Douglas-Fir Tussock Moth Wickman, Boyd E.; Mason, Richard R.; Trostle, Galen C.

2004. Douglas-fir growth and yield: research 1909-1960. Curtis, R.O.; Marshall, D.D.

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1968. Drought resistance of roots of white ash, sugar maple, and red oak Parker, Johnson

1991. Dry kiln operator's manual Simpson, William T.

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1980. Drying hardwoods with impinging jets. Rosen, Howard N.

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2000. Durability of one-part polyurethane bonds to wood improved by HMR coupling agent Vick, Charles B.; Okkonen, E. Arnold.

1999. Durability of selected mulches, their ability to control weeds, and influence growth of loblolly pine seedlings Haywood, James D.

2003. Durability of structural lumber products at high temperatures. Part I, 66C at 75% RH and 82C at 30% RH Green, David W.; Evans, James W.; Craig, Bruce A.

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1969. Durable rustic wooden signboards. Cooper, Glenn A.

1980. Duration of the Larval, Pupal, and Moth Stages of the Southern Pine Coneworm Dioryctria Amatella (Hulst) Williams, Isadore L.; Fatzinger, Carl W.

1993. Dusky-footed woodrat abundance in different-aged forests in northwestern California Sakai, H.F.; Noon, B.R.

1992. Dutch Elm Disease Walters, James W.

1999. Dutch Elm Disease (DED) and the American Elm (Pest Alert) USDA Forest Service

1974. Dwarf Mistletoe of Ponderosa Pine in the Southwest (FIDL) Lightle, Paul C.; Weiss, Melvyn J.

1996. Dwarf Mistletoes: Biology, Pathology, and Systematics Hawksworth, Frank G.; Wiens, Delbert; Geils, Brian W.; Nisley, Rebecca G.

1961. Dwarfmistletoe of Douglas-fir Graham, Donald P.

1999. Dynamic fracture toughness of cellulose-fiber-reinforced polypropylene : preliminary investigation of microstructural effects Clemons, Craig M.; Caulfield, Daniel F.; Giacomin, A. Jeffrey.

2003. Dynamic landscape management. Rapp, Valerie

2004. Dynamic mechanical analysis of compatibilizer effect on the mechanical properties of wood flour/high-density polyethylene composites Behzad, Mehdi; Tajvidi, Medhi; Ehrahimi, Ghanbar; Falk, Robert H.

2000. Dynamical Analysis of Density-dependent Selection in a Discrete one-island Migration Model Roberds, James H.; Selgrade, James F.

1999. Dynamical role of predators in population cycles of a forest insect: an experimental test. Turchin, P.; Taylor, A.D.; Reeve, J.D.

1994. Dynamics and pattern of a managed coniferous forest landscape in Oregon. Spies, T.A.; Ripple, W.J.; Bradshaw, G.A.

2000. Dynamics in late-successional hemlock-hardwood forests over three decades Woods, Kerry D.

2001. Dynamics in species composition of stream fish assemblages: environmental variability and nested subsets Taylor, Christopher M.; Warren, Melvin L., Jr.

1979. Dynamics of Municipal Wastewater Renovation in a Young Conifer-Hardwood Plantation in Michigan Brockway, Dale G.; Schneider, Gary; White, Donald P.

2002. Dynamics of an anthropogenic fire regime Guyette, Richard P.; Muzika, R. M.; Dey, Daniel C.

1996. Dynamics of forest herbivory: quest for pattern and principle. Mattson, William J.; Niemila, Pekka; Rossi, Matti

2001. Dynamics of habitat use by shorebirds in estuarine and agricultural habitats in northwestern California Long, Linda L.; Ralph, C. John

2000. ECHO: Machine feasibility program Steele, Philip H.; Boden, Craig; Araman, Philip A.

1999. EMDS users guide (version 2.0): knowledge-based decision support for ecological assessment Reynolds, Keith M.

1999. Early Deterioration of Coarse Woody Debris Tainter, F.H.; McMinn, J.W.

2004. Early Growth Response of Slash Pine to Double-Bedding on a Flatwoods Site in Georgia VanderSchaaf, Curtis L.; South, David B.

1971. Early Growth of Black Walnut Trees From Twenty Seed Sources Bey, Calvin F.; Toliver, John R.; Roth, Paul L.

1968. Early Growth of Eastern White Pine Seed Sources in the Lake States King, James P.; Nienstaedt, Hans

1986. Early Impact and Control of Aphid (Chaitophorus populicola Thomas) Infestations on Young Cottonwood Plantations in the Mississippi Delta Solomon, J.D.

2004. Early Succession Bird Communities Of Group-Selection Openings and Clearcuts in the Ouachita Mountains, Arkansas And Oklahoma Tappe, Philip A.; Thill, Ronald E.; Peitz, David G.; Perry, Roger W.

1968. Early Survival and Growth of Planted Northern Red Oak in the Southern Appalachians Olson, David F., Jr.; Hooper, Ralph M.

2002. Early Thinning in Bottomland Hardwoods Howell, Madison P., III; Nix, Lawrence E.

1971. Early Yields Of Slash Pine Planted On a Cutover Site At Various Spacings Mann, W.F., Jr.

1990. Early Yields of Biomass Plantations in the North-Central U.S. Hansen, Edward

1993. Early development of matched planted and naturally regenerated Douglas-fir stands after slash burning in the Cascade Range. Miller, R.E.; Bigley, R.E.; Webster, S.

1996. Early fire history near Papineau lake, Ontario Dey, Daniel C.; Guyette, Richard P.

1996. Early fire history near Seguin Falls, Ontario Dey, Daniel C.; Guyette, Richard P.

1995. Early plant succession in loblolly pine plantations as affected by vegetation management Miller, James H.; Zutter, B.R.; Zedaker, S.M.; [and others]

1968. Early reproduction after seed-tree harvest cuttings in Appalachian hardwoods Wendel, George W.; Trimble, George R., Jr.

1981. Early results of planting English oak in an Ozark clearcut. Johnson, Paul S.

2000. Earthworms (Annelida: Oligochaeta) of the Columbia River basin assessment area. James, Sam.

1968. East Oklahoma Forests Sternitzke, Herbert S.; van Sickle, Charles C.

1967. East Texas Post Oak Region Sternitzke, Herbert S.

1979. Eastern Dwarf Mistletoe on Black Spruce Ostry, Michael E.; Nicholls, Thomas H.

1978. Eastern Pine Shoot Borer Wilson, Louis F.

1970. Eastern Redcedar: an annotated bibliography Ferguson, E.R.

1984. Eastern South Dakota forest statistics, 1980. Raile, Gerhard K.

1990. Eastern Tent Caterpillar (Pest Alert) Rabaglia, Robert; Twardus, Daniel

1987. Eastern U.S. Select Export Species Hardwood Resources Araman, Philip A.

1987. Eastern United States Hardwood Sawtimber Resources and Export Potential Araman, Philip A.

1971. Eastern White Pine Seed Source Trials: Ten-Year Results From Three Midwestern Plantations Funk, David T.

1998. Eastern cottonwood clonal mixing study: intergenotypic competition effects Foster, G. Sam; Rousseau, R.J.; Nance, W.L

2002. Eastern national forests: managing for nontimber products Chamberlain, James L.; Bush, Robert J.; Hammett, A.L.; Araman, Philip A.

1994. Eastside forest management practices: historical overview, extent of their application, and their effects on sustainability of ecosystems. Oliver, Chadwick D.; Irwin, Larry L.; Knapp, Walter H.

2004. Eccentricity and fluting in young–growth western hemlock in Oregon Singleton, Ryan; DeBell, Dean S.; Marshall, David D.; Gartner, Barbara L.

1991. Eco-Logic: Logic-Based Approaches to Ecological Modelling Schmoldt, Daniel L.

2004. Ecological Classification in the Central Till Plain Region of Indiana Dolan, Benjamin J.; Parker, George R.

1991. Ecological Land Classification: Applications to Identify the Productive Potential of Southern Forests Mengel, Dennis L.; Tew, D. Thompson; [Editors]

1989. Ecological Principles: Climate, Physiography, Soil, and Vegetation Parker, George R.; Weaver, George T.

2000. Ecological Research at the Blacks MountainExperimental Forest in Northeastern California Oliver, William W.

2002. Ecological Restoration Through Silviculture--A Savanna Management Demonstration Area, Sinkin Experimental Forest, Missouri Loewenstein, Edward F.; Davidson, Kenneth R.

2000. Ecological Restoration of an Old-Growth Longleaf Pine Stand Utilizing Prescribed Fire Varner, J. Morgan, III; Kush, John S.; Meldahl, Ralph S.

1997. Ecological Technologies for Small-Diameter Tree Harvesting Stokes, Bryce J.; Klepac, John F.

1998. Ecological and economic impacts of forest policies: interactions across forestry and agriculture Alig, R.J.; Adams, D.M.; McCarl, B.A.

2001. Ecological and financial assessment of late-successional reserve management Hummel, Susan Stevens; Barbour, R. James; Hessburg, Paul F.; Lehmkuhl, John F.

1999. Ecological and resource economics as ecosystem management tools Farber, Stephen; Bradley, Dennis

1999. Ecological and resource economics as ecosystem management tools

1981. Ecological characteristics of old-growth Douglas-fir forests Franklin, Jerry F.; Cromack, Kermit Jr.; Denison, William; McKee, Arthur; Maser, Chris; Sedell, James; Swanson, Fred; Juday, Glen

1984. Ecological classification and management characteristics of montane forest land in southwestern Washington. Brockway, D.G.; Topik, C.

1998. Ecological foundations of biodiversity: lessons from natural and managed forests of the Pacific Northwest Carey, Andrew B.

1994. Ecological health of river basins in forested regions of eastern Washington and Oregon. Wissmar, Robert C.; Smith, Jeanette E.; McIntosh, Bruce A.; Li, Hiram W.; Reeves, Gordon H.; Sedell, James R.

2004. Ecological regions and soil conditions in the Hoosier-Shawnee ecological assessment area Ponder, Felix, Jr.

1999. Ecological scale and forest development: squirrels, dietary fungi, and vascular plants in managed and unmanaged forests Carey, A.B.; Kershner, J.; Biswell, B.; Dominguez de Toledo, L.S.

1971. Ecological studies of the timber wolf in Northeastern Minnesota. Mech, L. David; Frenzel, L.D. Jr.

1999. Ecological subregion codes by county, coterminous United States Rudis, Victor A.

2000. Ecological subregions of the interior Columbia basin, USA Hessburg, P.F.; Salter, R.B.; Richmond, R.B.; Smith, B.G.

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1987. Ecological, Physical, and Socioeconomic Relationships Within Southern National Forests - Proceedings of the Southern Evaluation Project Workshop Pearson, Henry A.; Smeins, Fred E.; Thill, Ronald E.

2003. Ecological, political and social challenges of prescribed fire restoration in east Texas pineywoods ecosystems: a case study Rideout, Sandra; Oswald, Brian P.; Legg, Michael H.

2004. Ecologically Stratified Height-diameter Models for Hardwood Species in Northwestern Lower Michigan MacFarlane, David W.

1999. Ecology and Conservation of Lynx in the United States Ruggiero, Leonard F.; Aubry, Keith B.; Buskirk, Steven W.; Koehler, Gary M.; Krebs, Charles J.; McKelvey, Kevin S.; Squires, John R.

1995. Ecology and conservation of the marbled murrelet Ralph, C.J.; Hunt, G.L., Jr.; Piatt, J.F.; [technical editors]

1995. Ecology and conservation of the marbled murrelet in North America: an overview Ralph, C.J.; Hunt, G.L., Jr.; Raphael, M.G.; Piatt, J.F.

2003. Ecology and management of commercially harvested chanterelle mushrooms Pilz, David; Norvell, Lorelei; Danell, Eric; Molina, Randy.

1992. Ecology and management of northern hardwood forests in New England Hornbeck, J.W.; Leak, W.B.

2000. Ecology and management of sand shinnery communities: a literature review Peterson, Roger; Boyd, Chad S.

1985. Ecology and management of the spotted owl in the Pacific Northwest Gutierrez, Ralph J.; Carey, Andrew B.; [tech. eds.]

2004. Ecology and manipulation of bearclover (Chamaebatia foliolosa) in northern and central California: The status of our knowledge. McDonald, Philip M.; Fiddler, Gary O.; Potter, Donald A.

2001. Ecology and reproductive biology of the endangered pondberry, Lindera melissifolia (Walt) Blume Devall, Margaret; Schiff, Nathan; Boyette, Douglas

2002. Ecology and silviculture of poplar plantations Stanturf, John A.; van Oosten, Cees; Netzer, Daniel A.; [and others]

2002. Ecology of American Martens in coastal northwestern California Slauson, Keith M.; Zielinski, William J.; Hayes, John P.

2002. Ecology of northern flying squirrels: implications for ecosystem management in the Pacific Northwest, USA Carey, Andrew B.

1993. . Ecology of porcupines (Erethizon dorsatum) and Colorado Tick fever virus in Rocky Moutain National Park, 1975-1977. McLean, R.G.; Carey, A.B.; Kirk, L.J.; Francy, D.B.

1986. Ecology of the Pinewood Nematode in Southern Pine Chip Piles Dwinell, L. David

1990. Ecology of the great gray owl. Bull, Evelyn L.; Henjum, Mark G.

2004. Ecology payoffs from red alder in southeast Alaska. Duncan, Sally

2002. Ecology, siliviculture, and management of Black Hills ponderosa pine Shepperd, Wayne D.; Battaglia, Michael A.

1974. Economic Analysis of Tree Improvement: A Status Report Dutrow, George F.

2000. Economic Analysis of the Potential Impact of Climate Change on Recreational Trout Fishing in the Southern Appalachian Mountains: An Appication of a Nested Multinomial Logti Model Ahn, Soeun; de Steiguer, Joseph E.; Palmquist, Raymond B.; Holmes, Thomas P.

1989. Economic Considerations of Managing Stands Miller, Gary W.

2002. Economic Evaluation of Restoring the Shortleaf Pine-Bluestem Grass Ecosystem on the Ouachita National Forest Huebschmann, Michael M.; Tilley, Daniel S.; Lynch, Thomas B.; Lewis, David K.; Guldin, James M.

1988. Economic Factors Influencing Land Use Changes in the South-Central United States Alig, Ralph J.; White, Fred C.; Murray, Brian C.

2004. Economic Feasibility of Commercial Maple Syrup Production in Illinois Buchheit, J.K.; Carver, A.D.; Zaczek, J.J.; Crum, M.L.; Mangun, J.C.; Williard, K.W.J.; J.E. Preece.

2002. Economic Feasibility of Producing Inside-Out Beams From Small-Diameter Logs Patterson, David W.; Kluender, Richard A.; Granskog, James E.

1992. Economic Maturity of Sugar Maple Godman, Richard M.

2002. Economic Rationale For Planting Less Trees in the Face of Seedling Mortality Dean, Thomas J.; Chang, S. Joseph

1987. Economic analysis of potential fuelwood sources Watson, W.F.; Ragan, J.R.; Straka, T.J.; Stokes, B.J.

2002. Economic and Operational Feasibility of Short Rotation Hardwood Inventory Gallagher, Tom; Shaffer, Robert

2001. Economic and environmental effects of accelerated tariff liberalization in the forest products sector. Brooks, D.J.; Ferrante, J.A.; Haverkamp, J.; Bowles, I.; Lange, W.; Darr, D.

2003. Economic benefits of reducing fire-related sediment in southwestern fire-prone ecosystems Loomis, John; Wohlgemuth, Pete; González-Cabán, Armando; English, Donald

2002. Economic choice for hardwood sawmill operations (ECHO) Steele, P.H.; Araman, Philip A.; Boden, C.

1996. Economic contribution of recreating visitors to the Florida Keys/Key West English, Donald B.K.; Kriesel, Warren; Leeworthy, Vernon R; Wiley, Peter C.

2004. Economic growth and change in southeast Alaska. Mazza, Rhonda, tech. ed.

1966. Economic guides for blister-rust control in the East Marty, Robert

2000. Economic potential of short-rotation woody crops on agricultural land for pulp fiber production in the United States Alig, Ralph J.; Adams, Darius M.; McCarl, Bruce A.; Ince, Peter J.

2003. Economic value of big game habitat production from natural and prescribed fire Gonzalez-Caban, Armando; Loomis, John B.; Griffin, Dana; Wu, Elen; McCollum, Daniel; McKeever, Jane; Freeman, Diane

2003. Economic value of big game habitat production from natural and prescribed fire González-Cabán, Armando; Loomis, John B.; Griffin, Dana; Wu, Ellen; McCollum, Daniel; McKeever, Jane; Freeman, Diane.

1997. Economic value of ecosystem attributes in the Southern Appalachian highlands Holmes, Thomas; Sohngen, Brent; Pendleton, Linwood; Mendelsohn, Robert

1978. Economic values for growth and grade changes of sugar maple in the Lake States. Godman, Richard M.; Mendel, Joseph J.

1995. Economic values, ethics, and ecosystem health Holmes, Thomas P.; Kramer, Randall A.

2003. Economic, social, and cultural aspects of livestock ranching on the Española and Canjilon Ranger Districts of the Santa Fe and Carson National Forests: a pilot study Raish, Carol; McSweeney, Alice M.

1971. Economical Conversion of a Miniature Net Radiometer to an All-Wave Hemispheric Radiometer Brown, James M.

2001. Economically optimal wildfire intervention regimes Prestemon, Jeffrey P.; Mercer, D.E.; Pye, John M.; Butry, D.T.; Holmes, T.P.; Abt, Karen L.

1999. Economics of Afforestation with Eastern Cottonwood (Populus Deltoides) of Agricultural Land in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley Stanturf, John A.; Portwood, C. Jeffrey

1993. Economics of Grading and Sorting Pallet Parts Schmoldt, Daniel L.; McLeod, John A., III; Araman, Philip A.

1991. Economics of Red Pine Management for Utility Pole Timber Grossman, Gerald H.; Potter-Witter, Karen

1998. Economics of site preparation and release treatments using herbicides in Central Georgia Busby, Rodney L.; Miller, James H.; Edwards, M. Boyd, Jr.

2002. Economics research supporting water resource stewardship in the Pacific Northwest Houston, Laurie L.; Kline, Jeffrey D.; Alig, Ralph J.

1998. Economies in transition: an assessment of trends relevant to management of the Tongass National Forest. Allen, Stewart D.; Robertson, Guy; Schaefers, Julie.

2004. Economies of Scale and Forest Management in Mississippi Londo, Andrew James; Grebner, Donald Leo

1998. Ecophysiological Response of Managed Loblolly Pine to Changes in Stand Environment Sword, Mary A.; Chambers, Jim L.; Gravatt, Dennis A.; Haywood, James D.; Barnett, James P.

2004. Ecophysiological parameters for Pacific Northwest trees. Hessl, Amy E.; Milesi, Cristina; White, Michael A.; Peterson, David L.; Keane, Robert E.

1994. Ecosystem Management Research in the Ouachita Mountains: Pretreatment Conditions and Preliminary Findings Proceedings of the Symposium

1996. Ecosystem Management With Multiple Owners: Landscape Dynamics in a Southern Appalachian Watershed Wear, David N.; Turner, Monica G.; Flamm, Richard O.

1998. Ecosystem Restoration and Management: Scientific Principles and Concepts Covington, Wallace; Niering, William A.; Starkey, Ed; Walker, Joan

2004. Ecosystem Restoration and Wildfire Management Treatments Affect Soil Organic Matter and Microbial Activity in Four Contrasting Forests Boerner, R.E.J.; Waldrop, Thomas A.; Skinner, Carl N.; Callaham, Mac A. Jr.; Brinkman, Jennifer A.; Smith, Annemarie

1998. Ecosystem Restoration: Fact or Fancy? Stanturf, John A.; Schweitzer, Callie J.; Schoenholtz, Stephen H.; Barnett, James P.; McMahon, Charles K.; Tomszak, Donald J.

1995. Ecosystem management and economics: a review document prepared as part of the Wine Springs Creek ecosystem management project. Schaberg, Rex H.; Jacobson, Michael G.; Cubbage, Frederick W.; Abt, Robert C.

1994. Ecosystem management and our national forests -- is there a role for forest herbicides? McMahon, Charles K.; Miller, J.H.; Thomas, D.F.

1999. Ecosystem management decision support for federal forests in the United States: a review Rauscher, H. Michael

1997. Ecosystem recovery following selenium contamination in a freshwater reservoir Lemly, A. Dennis

2004. Ecosystems and people: managing forests for mutual gains. Rapp, Valerie

1980. Ectomycorrhizal Colonization of Container-Grown Northern Red Oak as Affected by Fertility Ruehle, John L.

2002. Ectomycorrihizae of Table Mountain Pine and the Influence of Prescribed Burning on their Survival Ellis, Lisa E.; Waldrop, Thomas A.; Tainter, Frank H.

2001. Edge Effects and Ecological Traps: Effects on Shrubland Birds in Missouri Woodward, April A.; Fink, Alix D.; Thompson III, Frank R.

2002. Effect Of Seedling Size And First-Order Lateral Roots On Early Development Of Northern Red Oak On A Mesic Site: Eleventh-Year Results Kormanik, Paul P.; Sung, Shi-Jean S.; Kass, Donald; Zarnoch, Stanley J.

1981. Effect of Calcium Cyanamide on the Growth of Planted Hardwoods Ponder, Felix Jr.; Bey, Calvin F.

1979. Effect of Calcium, Magnesium, and Aluminum-Iron on the Susceptibility of Loblolly Pine Seedlings to Fusiform Rust Rowan, S.J.

1999. Effect of Cattle Grazing, Seeded Grass, and an Herbicide on Ponderosa Pine Seedling Survival and Growth McDonald, Phillip M.; Fiddler, Gary O.

2004. Effect of Crown Release on Tree Grade and DBH Growth of White Oak Sawtimber in Eastern Kentucky Miller, Gary W.; Stringer, Jeffrey W.

1987. Effect of Current-Use Valuation on Forestry Investment Returns in Selected Virginia Counties Gayer, Peter D.; Haney, Harry L., Jr.; Hickman, Clifford A.

1983. Effect of Cut-And-Leave and Cut-And-Top Control Treatments on Within-Tree Southern Pine Beetle Populations Hertel, G.D.; Wallace, H. N.

1970. Effect of Cutting Angle and Depth of Cut on the Occurrence of Chipped Grain on Sycamore Stewart, Harold A.

1998. Effect of Dazomet Rate and Incorporation Method on Pine Production in Southern Pine Nurseries Dwinell, L. David; Fraedrich, Stephen W.

1987. Effect of Ditching, Fertilization, and Herbicide Application on Groundwater Levels and Groundwater Quality in a Flatwood Spodosol Segal, D.S.; Neary, D.G.; Best, G.R.; Michael, J.L.

1971. Effect of Fertilization on Survival and Early Growth of Direct-Seeded Red Pine Alban, David H.

1999. Effect of Flooding on Elemental Uptake and Biomass Allocation in Seedlings of Three Bottomland Tree Species Pezeshki, S.R.; DeLaune, R.D.; Anderson, P.H.

1993. Effect of Hardwood Sawmill Edging and Trimming Practices on Furniture Part Production Kline, D. Earl; Regalado, Carmen; Wengert, Eugene M.; Lamb, Fred M.; Araman, Philip A.

1989. Effect of Herbicides on Soil Productivity and Water Quality Neary, Daniel G.; Michael, Jerry L.

1990. Effect of Hexazinone on Groundwater Quality in the Coastal Plain Bush, P.R.; Michael, J.; Neary, D.G.

1994. Effect of High-Intensity Wildfire and Silvicultural Treatments on Reptile Communities in Sand-Pine Scrub Greenberg, Cathryn H.; Neary, Daniel G.; Harris, Larry D.

1999. Effect of Intensive Forest Management Practices on Wood Properties and Pulp Yield of Young, Fast Growing Southern Pine Faust, Timothy D.; Clark, Alexander, III; Courchene, Charles E.; Shiver, Barry D.; Belli, Monique L.

1995. Effect of Moisture Cycling on Mechanical Response of Metal-Plate Connector Joints With and Without an Adhesive Interface Groom, Leslie H.

2002. Effect of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilization on Growth of a Sweetgum Plantation Damaged by an Ice Storm Guo, Yanfei; Vanderschaaf, Curtis

1981. Effect of Pellet Size of Defoliation and Estimated Kill of Small Stems Treated with Hexazinone Michael, J.L.

2004. Effect of Pre-Harvest Shade Control and Fencing on Northern Red oak Seedling Development in the Central Appalachians Miller, Gary W.; Kochenerfer, James N.; Gottschalk, Kurt W.

2004. Effect of Season of Cutting on the Production and Growth of White and Shumard Oak Stump Sprouts in Tennessee Buckley, David S.; Evans, Richard M.

1997. Effect of Seedling Size and First-Order-Lateral Roots on Early Development of Northern Red Oak on Mesic Sites Kormanik, Paul P.; Sung, Shi-Jean S.; Kass, Donald J.; Schlarbaum, Scott

2002. Effect of Silviculture on the Yield and Quality of Veneers Groom, Leslie H.; Newbold, Ray; Guldin, Jim

1999. Effect of Six Site-Preperation Treatments on Piedmont Loblolly Pine Wood Properties at Age 15 Clark, Alexander, III; Edwards, M. Boyd

1966. Effect of Straining Caused by Sapstreak Disease on Sugar Maple Log and Lumber Values Ohman, John H.; Spike, A. Bruce

1976. Effect of Sugar Maple Root Exudate on Seedlings of Northern Conifer Species Tubbs, Carl H.

1989. Effect of Sulfometuron Methyl on Ground Water and Stream Quality in Coastal Plain Forest Watersheds Neary, D.G.; Michael, J.L.

1969. Effect of Watershed Cover on Overland Flow from a Major Storm in Southwestern Wisconsin Sartz, Richard S.

2002. Effect of a One-Time Biosolids Application in and Old-Field Loblolly Pine Plantation on Diameter Distributions, Volume per Acre, and Value per Acre Dickens, E. David

1998. Effect of acorn size on development of northern red oak 1-0 seedlings Kormanik, Paul P.; Sung, Shi-Jean S.; Kormanik, T.L.; [and others]

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1994. Effect of apical meristem clipping on carbon allocation and morphological development of white oak seedlings Kormanik, Paul P.; Sung, Shi-Jean S.; Kormanik, T.L.; Zarnoch, Stanley J.

1994. Effect of burning and brush treatments on nutrient and soil physical properties in young longleaf pine stands Boyer, William D.; Miller, James H.

1986. Effect of burning on hexazinone residues in firewood Bush, P.B.; Neary, D.G.; McMahon, Charles K.; Hendricks, H.L.

1999. Effect of cattle grazing, seeded grass, and an herbicide on ponderosa pine seedling survival and growth McDonald, Philip M.; Fiddler, Gary O.

2000. Effect of compression wood on leaching of chromium, copper, and arsenic from CCA-C treated red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.) Kartal, S. Nami.; Lebow, Stan.

1999. Effect of configuration and some processing variables on the properties of wood fiber-polyethylene composites Hwang, Chin-Yin; Hse, Chung-Yun; Choong, Elvin T.

2000. Effect of drought on sorbitol and sucrose metabolism in sinks and sources of peach Lo Bianco, Riccardo; Rieger, Mark; Sung, Shi-Jean S.

2002. Effect of ecosystem disturbance on diversity of bark and wood-boring beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae, Buprestidae, Cerambycidae) in white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) ecosystems of Alaska Werner, Richard A.

2002. Effect of fertilizer applications and grazing exclusion on species composition and biomass in wet meadow restoration in eastern Washington Beebe, John; Everett, Richard; Scherer, George; Davis, Carl.

1999. Effect of fiber surface and mechanical properties on the stiffness and strength of medium-density fiberboard Groom, Leslie H.; Mott, Laurence; Shaler, Stephen M.; Pesacreta, Tom

1999. Effect of fire-retardant treatment on plywood pH and the relationship of pH to strength properties Lebow, S. T.; Winandy, J. E.

1999. Effect of fuels reduction on American martens and their prey Bull, Evelyn L.; Blumton, Arlene K.

2001. Effect of harvesting regime on beech root sprouts and seedlings in a north-central Maine forest long affected by beech bark disease Houston, David R.

2001. Effect of heart checks on flexural properties of reclaimed 6 by 8 Douglas-fir timbers Green, David W.; Falk, Robert H.; Lantz, Scott F.

1966. Effect of initial moisture content on performance of hardwood pallets. Dunmire, Daniel E.

1997. Effect of initial spacing on mechanical properties of lumber sawn from unthinned slash pine at age 40 McAlister, Robert H.; Clark, Alexander, III; Saucier, Joseph R.

1968. Effect of logging on streamflow, sedimentation, and fish habitat Ziemer, Robert R.

1992. Effect of logging on subsurface pipeflow and erosion: coastal northern California, USA Ziemer, Robert R.

2001. Effect of moisture content on dowel-bearing strength Rammer, Douglas R.; Winistorfer, Steve G.

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1988. Effect of natural inbreeding on variance structure in tests of wind pollination Douglas-fir progenies Sorensen, Frank C.; White, T.L.

1976. Effect of plantation establishment on soil and soil water in southwestern Wisconsin. Sartz, Richard S.

2001. Effect of population outcrossing rate on inbreeding depression in Pinus contorta var. murrayana seedlings Sorensen, Frank C.

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2003. Effect of processing method on surface and weathering characteristics of wood-flour/HDPE composites Stark, Nicole M.; Matuana, Laurent M.; Clemons, Craig M.

2004. Effect of processing method on surface and weathering characteristics of wood-flour/HDPE composites Stark, Nicole M.; Matuana, Laurent M.; Clemons, Craig M.

1995. Effect of product form, compaction, vibration and comminution on energywood bulk density McDonald, Tim P.; Stokes, Bryce J.; McNeel, J.F.

1993. Effect of resin variables on the creep behavior of high density hardwood composite panels Tang, R.C.; Pu, Jianhua; Hse, C.Y

1991. Effect of seed weight and rate of emergence on early growth of open-pollinated Douglas-fir families St. Clair, J.B.; Adams, W.T.

2001. Effect of silhouette color on trap catches of Dendroctonus frontalis (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) Strom, B.L.; Goyer, R.A.

1999. Effect of silvicultural practice and wood type on loblolly pine particleboard and medium density fiberboard properties Shupe, Todd F.; Hse, Chung Y.; Choong, Elvin T.; Groom, Leslie H..

2003. Effect of simulated rainfall and weathering on release of preservative elements from CCA treated wood Lebow, Stan; Williams, R. Sam; Lebow, Patricia

1997. Effect of slash on forwarder soil compaction McDonald, Timothy P.; Seixas, Fernando

1987. Effect of soil and vegetation on growth of planted white spruce. Perala, Donald A.

1998. Effect of stand width and adjacent habitat on breeding bird communities in bottomland hardwoods Kilgo, John C.; Sargent, Robert A.

1997. Effect of surface ozone exposures on vegetation grown in the southern Appalachian Mountains: identification of possible areas of concern Lefohn, Allen S.; Jackson, William; Shadwick, Douglas S.; Knudsen, H. Peter

1998. Effect of time elapsed after prescribed burning in longleaf pine stands on potential prey of the red-cockaded woodpecker New, Kirsten C.; Hanula, James L.

1996. Effect of tire size on skidder productivity Brinker, Richard W.; Klepac, John F.; Stokes, Bryce J.; Roberson, Joe D.

1972. Effect of topography on microclimate in southwestern Wisconsin. Sartz, Richard S.

1991. Effect of tree roots on a shear zone: modeling reinforced shear stress Abe, Kazutoki; Ziemer, Robert R.

1991. Effect of tree roots on shallow-seated landslides Abe, Kazutoki; Ziemer, Robert R.

1968. Effect of vacuum pumping on lateral movement of sap in the maple tree bole Blum, Barton M.; Koelling, Melvin R.

1984. Effect of vegetative competition on the moisture and nutrient status of loblolly pine Carter, G.A.; Miller, J.H.; Davis, D.E.; Patterson, R.M.

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2002. Effect of wet-dry cycling on the decay properties of aspen fiber high-density polypropylene composites. Ibach, Rebecca E.; Rowell, Roger M.; Lange, Sandra E.; Schumann, Rebecca L.

1998. Effect of wood grain and veneer side on loblolly pine veneer wettability Shupe, Todd E.; Hse, Chung Y.; Choong, Elvin T.; Groom, Leslie H.

1963. Effect on Four Forest Practices in the Mountains of West Virginia Reinhart, K. G.; Eschner, A. R.; Trimble, G.R., Jr.

1999. Effective Exercises in Teaching Landscape Ecology Pearson, Scott M.; Turner, Monica G.; Urban, Dean L.

1993. Effective Recreation Opportunity Set (EROS) Index: A Computable Measure of Recreation Supply English, Donald B.K.; Cordell, H. Ken

2002. Effective Recreation Visitor Communication Strategies: Rock Climbers in the Bitterroot Valley, Montana Borrie, William T. ; Harding, James A.

2004. Effectiveness monitoring for the aquatic and riparian Component of the Northwest Forest Plan: conceptual framework and options. Reeves, Gordon H.; Hohler, David B.; Larsen, David P.; Busch, David E.; Kratz, Kim; Reynolds, Keith; Stein, Karl F.; Atzet, Thomas; Hays, Polly; Tehan, Michael.

1986. Effectiveness of 2,4-D and Picloram as Forestry Herbicides Neary, Daniel G.; Bush, Parshall B.; Michael, Jerry L.; Taylor, John W., Jr.

1998. Effectiveness of Esfenvalerate, Cyfluthrin, and Carbaryl in Protecting Individual Lodgepole Pines and Ponderosa Pines from Attack by Dendroctonus spp Haverty, Michael I.; Shea, Patrick J.; Hoffman, James T.; Wenz, John M.; Gibson, Kenneth E.

2004. Effectiveness of Fire and Fire Surrogate Treatments For Controlling Wildfire Behavior in Piedmont Forests: A Simulation Study Mohr, Helen H.; Waldrop, Thomas A.; Rideout, Sandra; Phillips, Ross J.; Flint, Charles T.

1980. Effectiveness of Forestry Agency Personnel as Fire Prevention Contactors Doolittle, M.L.

1991. Effectiveness of Glyphosate Mixed With Soil-Active Herbicides Haywood, James D.; Melder, Thomas W.

1985. Effectiveness of Hexazinone as a Forestry Herbicide Michael, Jerry L.

2002. Effectiveness of Thinning and Prescribed Fire in Reducing Wildfire Severity Omi, Philip N.; Martinson, Erik J.

2002. Effectiveness of Vegetation in Erosion Control From Forest Road Sideslopes Grace, Johnny M., III

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1996. Effectiveness of flying squirrel excluder devices on red-cockaded woodpecker cavities Loeb, Susan C.

2003. Effectiveness of modified White’s solution at removing ascomycetes associated with the bark beetle Ips pini Kopper, B.J.; Klepzig, Kier D.; Raffa, K.F.

1997. Effects Of Silvicultural Practice And Veneer Lay Upon Some Mechanical Properties Of Loblolly Pine Plywood Shupe, Todd F.; Hse, Chung Y.; Grozdits, George A.; Choong, Elvin T.

2000. Effects of 1997 Debris floods in two Klamath Mountain streams: A Large Woody Debris Mass-Balance Approach Mondry, Zackary J.; Hilton, Susan J.

1989. Effects of Nosema fumiferanae (Microsporida) on Fecundity, Fertility, and Progeny Performance of Choristoneura fumiferana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) Bauer, Leah S.; Nordin, Gerald L.

2004. Effects of Botryosphaeria Inoculation and Stress During Lifting and Outplanting on Initial Growth of Outplanted Sweetgum Seedlings Carey, William; Gerwig, Dave; Cregg, Bert; Enebak, Scott

1996. Effects of Rhododendron maximum L. on Acer rubrum L. Seedling Establishment Clinton, Barton D.; Vose, James M.

2004. Effects of All-Terrain Vehicles on Stream Dynamics Chin, Anne; Rohrer, Deven M.; Marion, Daniel A.; Clingenpeel, J. Alan

2003. Effects of Alternative Thinning Regimes and Prescribed Burning in Natural, Even-Aged Loblolly-Shortleaf Pine Stands: 25 Year Results Cain, Michael D.; Shelton, Michael G.

2004. Effects of Alternative Thinning Treatments on Tree Grades at Three Upland Hardwood Sites in Kentucky and Ohio: 30 Year Results Brown, John; Miller, Gary W.; Gottschalk Kurt W.

2004. Effects of Artificial Defoliation on the Growth of Cottonwood: Simulation of Cottonwood Leaf Beetle Defoliation Tucker, Steven A.; Nebeker, T. Evan; Warriner, Michael D.; Jones, William D.; Beatty, T. Keith

2004. Effects of Canopy and Herbaceous Coverage on Regeneration in a Forest Community Irrigated with Treated Wastewater in Central Pennslyvania Kelso, Lisa M.; Bowersox, Todd W.

2002. Effects of Clone, Silvicultural, and Miticide Treatments on Cottonwood Leafcurl Mite (Acari: Eriophyidae) Damage in Plantation Populus Coyle, David R.

2003. Effects of Cottonwood Leaf Beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) Larval Defoliation, Clone, and Season on Populus Foliar Phagostimulants Coyle, David R.; McMillin, Joel D.; Hall, Richard B.; Hart, Elwood R.

1993. Effects of Crown Position and Initial Spacing on Foliar Nutrient Composition of Seven Bottomland Hardwoods Kennedy, Harvey E., Jr.

1999. Effects of Crown Scorch on Longleaf Pine Fine Roots Sword, Mary Anne; Haywood, James D.

2000. Effects of Date and Frequency of Burning on Southern Bayberry (Myrica cerifera) in Central Louisiana Haywood, James D.; Pearson, Henry A.; Grelen, Harold E.; Popham, Thomas W.

2004. Effects of Different Large-Scale Prescribed Burning Regimes of Advance Reproduction in the Missouri Ozarks Dey, Daniel C.; Hartman, George

2002. Effects of Early Release on Natural Versus Container Loblolly Pines 12 Years After Field Establishment Cain, Michael D.; Barnett, James P.

2002. Effects of Earthworm (Eisenia fetida) and Wheat (Triticum aestivum) Straw Additions on Selected Properties of Petroleum-Contaminated Soils Callaham, Mac A., Jr.; Stewart, Arthur J.; Alarcon, Clara; McMillen, Sara J.

1990. Effects of Fenvalerate and Azinphosmethyl on Scale Insects and Their Natural Enemies in Loblolly Pine Seed Orchards Clarke, Stephen R.; DeBarr, Gary L.; Berlsford, C. Wayne

2004. Effects of Fertilization on the Vegetation Dynamics of Yougn Loblolly Pine Plantations McKnight, Ryan; Heitzman, Eric

2004. Effects of Fire and Thinning on Growth, Mycorrhizal Colonization, and Leaf Anatomy of Black Oak and Red Maple Seedlings McQuattie, Carolyn J.; Rebbeck, Joanne; Yaussy, Daniel A.

1986. Effects of Fire on Southern Pine: Observations Wade, Dale D.; Johansen, R.W.

1986. Effects of Fire on Southern Pine: Observations and Recommendations Wade, Dale D.; Johansen, R.W.

2002. Effects of Flood Duration and Depth on Germination of Cherrybark, Post, Southern, White and Willow Oak Acorns Guo, Yanfei; Shelton, Michael G.; Heitzman, Eric

1995. Effects of Forest Management Practices on Terrestrial Coleopteran Assemblages in Sand Pine Scrub Greenberg, Cathryn H.; Thomas, Michael C.

1999. Effects of Forest and Grassland Management On Drinking Water Quality for Public Water Supplies:A Review And Synthesis of the Scientific Literature - Review Draft Dissmeyer, George E.

2004. Effects of Fuel-Reduction Techniques on Vegetative Composition of Piedmont Loblolly-Shortleaf Pine Communities: Preliminary Results of the National Fire and Fire Surrogate Study Phillips, Ross J.; Waldrop, Thomas A.; Chapman, Gregg L.; Mohr, Helen H.; Callaham, Man A.; Flint, Charles T., Jr.

1998. Effects of Global Climate Change on Biodiversity in Forests of the Southern United States Devall, Margaret S.; Parresol, Bernard R.

1972. Effects of Ground Preparation on Planted Red Pine in Southwestern Wisconsin Knighton, M. Dean

2000.. Effects of IBA and NAA treatments on rooting Douglas-fir stem cuttings. Copes, D.L.

2004. Effects of Land Use of the Hydrology of Drained Coastal Plain Watersheds Skaggs, R. Wayne; Chescheir, George M; Fernandez, Glen P.; Amatya, Devendra M.

2002. Effects of Lifting Method, Seedling Size, and Herbaceous Weed Control on First-Year Growth of Loblolly Pine Seedlings Reynolds, Jason P.; Greene, Thomas A.; Britt, John R.

2002. Effects of Light Regimes on 1-Year-Old Sweetgum and Water Oak Seedlings Guo, Yanfei; Shelton, Michael G.; Zhang, Hui

2004. Effects of Light Regimes on the Biomass and Morphological Characteristics of 2-Year-Old Cherrybark Oak Seedlings Guo, Yanfei; Shelton, Michael G.

1998. Effects of Market Prices and Silvicultural Practices on Lumber Value of Standing Trees In Uneven-Ages Plots Patterson, David W.

2002. Effects of Midrotation Intensive Silviculture on Forest Soils in East Texas: First-Year Results Wilson, S.A.; Farrish, K.W.; Oswald, B.P.; Williams, H.M.; Yeiser, J.L.

1991. Effects of Midstory Reduction and Thinning in Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Cavity Tree Clusters Conner, Richard N.; Rudolph, D. Craig

2000. Effects of Nursery Pro-Conditioning on Panicum hemitomon and Sagittaria lancifolia Used for Wetland Restoration Pezeshki, S.R.; Anderson, P.H.; DeLaune, R.D.

2001. Effects of Opening Size and Site Preparatoin Method On Vegetation Development After Implementing Group Selection in a Pine-Hardwood Stand Cain, M.D.; Shelton, M.G.

2003. Effects of Orifice-Weir Outlet on Hydrology and Water Quality of a Drained Forested Watershed Amatya, Devendra M.; Skaggs, R. Wayne; Gilliam, J.W.; Hughes, J.H.

1999. Effects of Pine and Hardwood Basal Areas After Uneven-Aged Silvicultural Treatments on Wildlife Habitat Miller, Darren A.; Leopold, Bruce D.; Conner, L. Mike; Shelton, Michael G.

1995. Effects of Prescribed Burning and Cattle Grazing on Deer Diets in Louisiana Thill, Ronald E.; Martin, Alton, Jr.; Morris, Hershel F., Jr.; Harrel, Austin T.

2002. Effects of Prescribed Fire on Herpetofauna Within Hardwood Forests of the Upper Piedmont of South Carolina: A Preliminary Analysis Floyd, Thomas M.; Russell, Kevin R.; Moorman, Christopher E.; van Lear, David H.; Guynn, David C., Jr.; Lanham, J. Drew

2004. Effects of Regeneration on Hydrology and Water Quality of a Managed Pine Forest Amatya, Devendra M.; Skaggs, R. Wayne; Gilliam, J. Wendell; Nettles, Jami E.

2004. Effects of Retaining a Hardwood Component During the Application of Uneven-Aged Silviculture in a Shortleaf Pine-Oak Stand: 6-Year Results Shelton, Michael G.

1997. Effects of Sample Selection on Estimates of Economic Impacts of Outdoor Recreation English, Donald B.K.

1988. Effects of Seedbed Density and Row Spacing on Growth and Nutrient Concentrations of Nuttall Oak and Green Ash Seedlings Kennedy, Harvey E., Jr.

1963. Effects of Seedbed, Overstory, and Understory on White Ash regeneration Leak, William B.

1982. Effects of Shallow Water Tables on Height Growth and Phosphorus Uptake by Loblolly and Slash Pines Tiarks, A.E.; Shoulders, E.

1998. Effects of Soil Compaction and Organic Matter Removal on Morphology of Secondary Roots of Loblolly Pine Walkinshaw, Charles H.; Tiarks, Allan E.

1999. Effects of Spatial Structure on Movement Patterns of the Hispid Cotton Rat Bowne, David R.; Peles, John D.; Barrett, Gary W.

1978. Effects of Stock Removal Rates on Belt Loading for Abrasive Planing Hardwoods Stewart, Harold A.

2004. Effects of Subsoiling and Competition Control on First Year Survival and Growth of Four Hardwood Species Ezell, Andrew W.; Shankle, Mark W.

1999. Effects of Temperature and Adult Diet on Development of Hypertrophied Fat Body in Prediapausing Boll Weevil (Coleoptera Curculionidae) Wagner, Terence L.; Villavaso, Eric J.

1998. Effects of Temperature and Drought Stress on Physiological Processes Associated With Oak Decline Leininger, Theodor D.

1999. Effects of Tropospheric O3 on Trembling Aspen and Interaction with CO2: Results From An O3-Gradient and a Face Experiment Karnosky, D.F.; Mankovska, B.; Percy, K.; Dickson, R.E.; Podila, G.K.; Sober, J.; Noormets, A.; Hendrey, G.; Coleman, Mark D.; Kubiske, M.; Pregitzer, K.S.; Isebrands, J.G.

2004. Effects of Vegetation Management With Prescribed Fire on Soil Physical Properties in a Young Longleaf Pine Stand Patterson, W.B.; Sword-Sayer, M.A.; Haywood, J.D.; Brooker, S.

1999. Effects of a Community Restoration Fire on Small Mammals and Herpetofauna in the Southern Appalachains Ford, William M.; Menzel, M. Alex; McGill, David W.; Laerm, Joshua; McCay, Timothy S.

2000. Effects of a willow overstory on planted seedlings in a bottomland restoration Dulohery, C. J.; Kolka, Randy K.; McKevlin, M. R.

2000. Effects of a willow overstory on planted seedlings in a bottomland restoration Dulohery, C.J.; Kolka, R.K.; McKevlin, M.R.

1982. Effects of aggradation and degradation on riffle-pool morphology in natural gravel channels, northwestern California Lisle, Thomas E.

2004. Effects of alternatives to clearcutting on invertebrate and organic detritus transport from headwaters in southeastern Alaska. Musslewhite, Jake; Wipfli, Mark S.

2001. Effects of an introduced piscivorous fish on native benthic fishes in a coastal river White, Jason L.; Bret C. Harvey

2004. Effects of backing board materials on wood combustion performance Hagge, Mathew J.; Bryden, Kenneth M.; Dietenberger, Mark A.

1997. Effects of chronic low-level N additions on foliar elemental concentrations, morphology, and gas exchange of mature montane red spruce Schaberg, Paul G.; Perkins, Timothy D.; McNulty, Steven G.

1995. Effects of coarse woody debris and its removal on a channel affected by the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens, Washington Lisle, Thomas E.

1993. Effects of competition from young northern hardwoods on red pine seedling growth, nutrient use efficiency, and leaf morphology Elliott, Katherine J.; White, Alan S.

1975. Effects of crown release and fertilizer on small saw log-sized yellow birch . Erdmann, Gayne G.; Godman, Richard M.; Mattson, Gilbert A.

2003. Effects of desiccation on the physiology and biochemistry of Quercus alba acorns Connor, Kristina F.; Sowa, Sharon

1998. Effects of desiccation on the recalcitrant seeds of Carapa guianensis Aubl. and Carapa procera DC Connor, Kristina F.; Ferraz, I. D. Kossmann; Bonner, F.T.; Vozzo, John A.

1999. Effects of different silvicultural systems on initial soft mast production Perry, Roger W.; Thill, Ronald E.; Peitz, David G.; Tappe, Philip A.

1995. Effects of elevated CO2 and N fertilization on soil respiration from ponderosa pine (Pine ponderosa) in open-top chambers Vose, James M.; Elliott, Katherine J.; Johnson, Dale W.; Walker, Roger F.; Johnson, Mark G.; Tingey, David T.

1998. Effects of forest harvest on stream-water quality and nitrogen cycling in the Caspar Creek watershed Dahlgren, Randy A.

1996. Effects of forest harvesting on large organic debris in coastal streams Surfleet, Christopher G.; Ziemer, Robert R.

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2002. Effects of forest management on truffle abundance and squirrel diets. Carey, A.B.; Colgan, W., III; Trappe, J.M.; Molina, R.

2000. Effects of forest management on understory and overstory vegetation : a retrospective study Thysell, David R.; Carey, Andrew B.

2000. Effects of forest management on understory and overstory vegetation: a retrospective study Thysell, David R.; Carey, Andrew B.

1999. Effects of group-selection timber harvest in bottomland hardwoods on fall migrant birds Kilgo, John C.; Miller, Karl V.; Smith, Winston P.

1998. Effects of habitat isolation on the recovery of fish assemblages in experimentally defaunated stream pools in Arkansas Lonzarich, David George; Warren, Melvin L., Jr.; Lonzrich, Mary Ruth Elger

1994. Effects of hardwood retention, season of year, and landform on the perceived scenic beauty of forest plots in the Ouachita Mountains Gramann, James H. ; Rudis, Victor A.

2001. Effects of high- and low-intensity fires on soil properties and plant growth in a Bolivian dry forest Kennard, Deborah K.; Gholz, H.L.

2002. Effects of incising on treatability and leachability of CCA-C-treated eastern hemlock Kartal, S. Nami

2004. Effects of inorganic ions on leachability of wood preserving N'N-hydroxynapthalimide (NHA). Kartal, S. Nami; Dorau, Ben F.; Lebow, Stan T.; Green, Frederick III.

1996. Effects of insecticide treatments on subsequent defoliation by western spruce budworm in Oregon and Washington: 1982-92. Sheehan, Katharine A.

1994. Effects of laboratory testing on the gypsy moth (Lepidoptera:Lymantriidae) Keena, Melody A.; ODell, Thomas M.

2003. Effects of land-cover change on spatial pattern of forest communities in the Southern Appalachian Mountains (USA) Turner, Monica G.; Pearson, Scott M.; Bolstad, Paul; Wear, David N.

1997. Effects of large woody debris placement on stream channels and benthic macroinvertebrates Hilderbrand, Robert H.; Lemly, A. Dennis; Dolloff, C. Andrew; Harpster, Kelly L.

1985. Effects of leader topping and branch pruning on efficiency of Douglas-fir cone harvesting with a tree shaker. Copes, D.L.

2000. Effects of light and presence of fish on lure display and larval release behaviours in two species of freshwater mussels Haag, Wendell R.; Warren, Melvin L., Jr.

2002. Effects of live crown on vertical patterns of wood density and growth in Douglas-fir. Gartner, Barbara L.; North, Eric M.; Johnson, G.R.; Singleton, Ryan.

1965. Effects of logging on streamflow, sedimentation, fish life, and fish habitat in the north coast redwood-Douglas-fir type - Jackson State Forest, Fort Bragg, California Ziemer, Robert R.; Kojan, Eugene; Thomas, Robert B.

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1992. Effects of long-term pruning, meristem origin, and branch order on the rooting of Douglas-fir stem cuttings. Copes, D.L.

1994. Effects of long-term use by big game and livestock in the Blue Mountains forest ecosystems. Irwin, Larry L.; Cook, John G.; Riggs, Robert A.; Skovlin, Jon M.

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2000. Effects of phosphoramides on wood dimensional stability Lee, Hong-Lin.; Chen, George C.; Rowell, Roger M.

2002. Effects of prescribed burning on vegetation and fuel loading in three east Texas state parks Rideout, Sandra; Oswald, Brian P.

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1991. Effects of radio tags on spotted owls Paton, P.W.C.; Zabel, C.J.; Neal, D.L.; Steger, G.N.; Tilghman, N.G.; Noon, B.R.

1998. Effects of recent logging on the main channel of North Fork Caspar Creek Lisle, Thomas E.; Napolitano, Michael

2000. Effects of restoration techniques on breeding birds in a thermally-impacted bottomland hardwood forest Buffington, J. Matthew; Kilgo, John C.; Sargent, Robert A.; Miller, Karl V.; Chapman, Brian R.

2000. Effects of riffle length on the short-term movement of fishes among stream pools. Lonzarich, David George; Lonzrich, Mary Ruth Elger; Warren, Melvin L., Jr.

1992. Effects of sediment transport on survival of salmonid embryos in a natural stream: A simulation approach Lisle, Thomas E.; Lewis, Jack

2000. Effects of sedimentation and turbidity on lotic food webs: a concise review for natural resource managers Henley, W.F.; Patterson, M.A.; Neves, R.J.; Lemly, A. Dennis.

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1997. Effects of sib mating and wind pollination on nursery seedling size, growth components, and phenology of Douglas-fir seed-orchard progenies. Sorensen, Frank C.

1988. Effects of site preparation and release on the survival and growth of planted bare-root and container-grown longleaf pine Boyer, William D.

1998. Effects of site preparation on timber and non-timber values of loblolly pine plantations Gan, Jianbang; Kolison Jr.; Stephen H.; Miller, James H.; Hargrove, Tasha M.

1999. Effects of southern flying squirrels Glaucomys volans on red-cockaded woodpecker Picoides borealis reproductive success Laves, Kevin S.; Loeb, Susan C.

1996. Effects of steelhead density on growth of Coho salmon in a small coastal California stream Harvey, Bret C.; Nakamoto, Rodney J.

1993. Effects of subdivision and access restrictions on private land recreation opportunities Cordell, H. Ken; English, Donald B.K.; Randall, Sharon A.

1996. Effects of subsoiling on lateral roots, sucrose metabolizing enzymes, and soil ergosterol in two Jeffrey pine stands Otrosina, W.J.; Sung, Shi-Jean S.; White, L.M.

1995. Effects of subsoiling on woody roots of Jeffrey pines on two different soil types Otrosina, W.J.; Sung, Shi-Jean S.

1998. Effects of suction dredging on streams: a review and an evaluation strategy Harvey, Bret C.; Lisle, Thomas E.

1998. Effects of temperature and tissue nitrogen on dormant season stem and branch maintenance respiration in a young loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) plantation Maier, Chris A.; Zarnoch, Stanley J.; Dougherty, P.M.

1999. Effects of the Forest Floor and Acorn Placement on Establishment and Early Development of Water Oak Seedlings Guo, Yanfei; Shelton, Michael G.; Lockhart, B.R.

2003. Effects of the Herbicide Imazapyr on Benthic Macroinvertebrates in a Logged Pond Cypress Dome Fowlkes, Mark D.; Michael, Jerry L.; Crisman, Thomas L.; Prenger, Joseph P.

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2000. Effects of water suspension and wet-dry cycling on fertility of Douglas-fir pollen Copes, Donald L.; Vance, Nan C.

2000. Effects of weathering on color loss of natural fiber : thermoplastic composites Falk, Robert H.; Felton, Colin.; Lundin, Thomas.

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2004. Efficacy of 4-allylanisole-based products for protecting individual loblolly pines from Dendroctonus frontalis Zimmermann (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) Strom, Brian L.; Clarke, S.R.; Shea, P.J.

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1999. Elevated Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere: What Might It Mean for Loblolly Pine Plantation Forestry Groninger, John W.; Johnsen, Kurt H.; Seiler, John. R.; Will, Rodney E.; Ellsworth, David S.; Maier, Chris A.

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1996. Enantiospecific Pheromone Production and Response Profiles for Populations of Pine Engraver, Ips pini (SAY) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), in British Columbia Miller, D.R.; Borden, J.H.; Slessor, K.N.

1998. End jointing green lumber with SoyBond Kreibicha, Roland E.; Steynberg, Petrus J.; Hemingway, Richard W.

1996. . Endangered, threatened, and sensitive plants of Fort Lewis, Washington: distribution, mapping, and management recommendations for species conservation. Thomas, T.B.; Carey, A.B.

1991. Endophytic Fungi in a Hordeum Germplasm Collection Wilson, A. Dan; Clement, S.L.; Kaiser, W.J.

1987. Energy Plantations in the Republic of the Philippines Durst, Patrick B.

1979. Energy Production from Hardwoods Growing on Southern Pine Sites Karchesy, Joseph; Koch, Peter

1980. Energy Values of Nine Populus Clones Strong, Terry F.

1996. Energy and minerals industries in national, regional, and state economies Shields, D. J.; Winter, S. A.; Alward, G. S.; Hartung, K. L.

1980. Energy and wood from intensively cultured plantations: research and development program. USDA FS

1987. Energy budget for an energywood harvesting system Watson, W.F.; Miller, D.E.; Stokes, B.J.; Broussard, M.L.

2004. Energy from wood Zerbe, J.I.

1999. Engineering analysis of lightweight high-opacity newsprint production by fiber loading Klungness, John H.; Stroika, Matthew L.; Sykes, Marguerite S.; Abubakr, Said M.; Witek, Werner.; Heise, Oliver U.

2000. Engineering evaluation of 55-year-old timber columns recycled from an industrial military building Falk, Robert H.; Green, David; Rammer, Douglas; Lantz, Scott F.

1994 . English-Portuguese Equivalents of Forestry and Conservation Terms Francis, John K.

2000. Enhanced toxicity of Bacikkus thuringiensis Cry3A 8-endotoxin in coleopterans by mutagenesis in recetor binding loop Wu, Sheng-Jiun; Koller, Noah C.; Miller, Deborah L.; Bauer, Leah S.; Dean, Donald H.

2001. Enhancement of Transfer of Technical Malathion From Cotton Leaves to Boll Weevils Using Cottonseed Oil Mulrooney, Joseph E.

1993. Enhancement of the Computer Lumber Grading Program to Support Polygonal Defects Klinkhachorn, Powsiri; Kathari, R.; Yost, D.; Araman, Philip A.

2004. Enhancing Moist Forest Restoration Opportunities in Riparian Systems Theresa Benavidez Jain and Russell T. Graham

1989. Enhancing Wildlife Habitat When Regenerating Stands Thompson, Frank R. III; Fritzell, Erik K.

1991. Enhancing the Scientific Process with Artificial Intelligence: Forest Science Applications McRoberts, Ronald E.; Schmoldt, Daniel L.; Rauscher, H. Michael

2003. Enhancing the soil organic matter pool through biomass incorporation Sanchez, Felipe G.; Carter, Emily A.; Klepac, John F.

2000. Ensuring Environmentally Sustainable Production of Dedicated Biomass Feedstocks Tolbert, V.R.; Mays, D.A.; Houston, A.; Tyler, D.D.; Perry, C.H.; Brooks, K.E.; Thornton, F.C.; Bock, B.R.; Joslin, J.D.; Trettin, Carl C.; Isebrands, J.

1999. Enviromentally Sound Timber Extracting Techniques for Small Tree Harvesting Wang, Lihai

1995. Environment and ontogeny modify loblolly pine response to induced acute water deficits and bark beetle attack Lorio, Peter L., Jr.; Stephen, Frederick M.; Paine, Timothy D.

2000. Environmental Effects on Constitutive and Inducible Resin Defences of Pinus taeda Lombardero, Maria L.; Ayres, Matthew P.; Lorio, Peter L., Jr.; Ruel, Jonathan J.

1998. Environmental Fate and Aquatic Impacts of Hexzinone Applied at a High Rate for Planting Site Preparation Michael, Jerry L.

2003. Environmental Fate and Impacts of Sulfometuron on Watersheds in the Southern United States Michael, J.L.

1995. Environmental Fate and the Effects of Herbicides in Forest, Chaparral, and Range Ecosystems of the Southwest Michael, J.L.; Neary, D.G.

1988. Environmental Fate of Sulfometuron Methyl in Southern Forest Watersheds Michael, J.L.; Neary, D.G.

1997. Environmental Hazard of Selenium in the Animas La Plata Wate Development Project Lemly, A. Dennis

1997. Environmental Implications of Excessive Selenium: A Review Lemly, A. Dennis

1999. Environmental Justice and the Spatial Distribution of Outdoor Recreation sites: an Applications of Geographic Information Systems Tarrant, Michael A.; Cordell, H. Ken

2004. Environmental Response to Natural Resource Management Regimes: Twenty Years of Visitor Impacts in the Bob Marshall Wilderness Cook, Clint; Andrus, David; Moisey, R. Neil

2004. Environmental Sensitivity and Youthful Participation in Outdoor Recreation Bustam, Tinelle; Young, Anderson; Todd, Sharon

1998. Environmental Stresses and Reproductive Biology of Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda L.) and Flowering Dogwood (Cornus florida L.) Connor, Kristina F.; Prewitt, Timothy C.; Bonner, Franklin T.; Elam, William W.; Parker, Robert C.

2000. Environmental Values related to fish and wildlife lands Bengston , David N.

2000. Environmental effects of postfire logging: literature review and annotated bibliography McIver, James D.; Starr, Lynn; [Technical Editors]

1998. Environmental effects on pine tree carbon budgets and resistance to bark beetles Wilkens, Richard T.; Ayres, Matthew P.; Lorio, Peter L., Jr.; Hodges, John D.

1999. Environmental equity and the conservation of unique ecosystems: an analysis of the distribution of benefits for protecting Southern Appalachian spruce-fir forests Aldy, Joseph E.; Kramer, Randall A.; Holmes, Thomas P.

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1985. Environmental indices for common Michigan trees and shrubs. Brand, Gary J.

2003. Environmental variability, historical contingency, and the structure of regional fish and macroinvertebrate faunas in Ouachita Mountain stream systems Williams, Lance R.; Taylor, Christopher M.; Warren, Melvin L., Jr.; Clingenpeel, J. Alan

1998. Environmentally benign USPS stamps : baseline pilot recycling results Seiter, D. F.; Pikulin, M. A.; Meese, R. G.; Abubakr, Said M.; Bormett, David.; Ross-Sutherland, Nancy.

1996. Enzymes and Ecosystems -- Where Do They Overlap? Burke, Marianne K.; Dickson, Richard E.

1995. Epicormic Branches and Lumber Grade of Bottomland Oak Meadows, James S.

1992. Epicormic Sprouting Godman, Richard M.

2001. Epicormic branches affect lumber grade and value in willow oak Meadows, James S.; Burkhardt, E.C.

2003. Equal-mobility bed load transport in a small, step-pool channel in the Ouachita Mountains Marion, Daniel A.; Weirich, Frank

1971. Equating Site Indices of Slash Pine Plantations and Natural Stands Bennett, Frank A.

1993. Equations for Estimating Biomass of Herbaceous and Woody Vegetation in Early-Successional Southern Appalachian Pine-Hardwood Forests Elliott, Katherine J.; Clinton, Barton D.

1996. Equations for estimating loblolly pine branch and foliage weight and surface area distributions Baldwin, V. Clark, Jr.; Peterson, Kelly D.; Burkhatt, Harold E.; Amateis, Ralph L.; Dougherty, Phillip M.

1978. Equations for estimating stand establishment, release, and thinning costs in the Lake States. Olson, Jeffrey T.; Lundgren, Allen L.; Rose, Dietmar

1971. Equilibrium Moisture Content of Common Fine Fuels in Southeastern Forests Blackmarr, W.H.

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1977. Equipment and Supplies For Collecting, Processing, Storing, and Testing Forest Tree Seed Bonner, F.T.

2000. Equivalent circuit modeling of the dielectric properties of rubber wood at low frequency Daud, Wan M.; Khalid, Kaida B.; Sidek, Aziz H.A.

1970. Eradicating Understory Hardwoods By Repeated Prescribed Burning Grano, Charles X.

1999. Erosion Control Techniques on Forest Road Cutslopes and Fillslopes in North Alabama Grace, Johnny McFero, III

1989. Erosion and sedimentation concerns related to hardwood management in California Adams, Theodore E.. Jr.; Rice, Raymond M.

1991. Erosion and sedimentation control on roads and construction sites in the Federated States of Micronesia Ziemer, Robert R.; Megahan, Walter F.

1984. Erosion and soil displacement related to timber harvesting in northwestern California, U.S.A. Rice, R.M.; Furbish, D.J.

1981. Erosion associated with cable and tractor logging in northwestern California Rice, R.M.; Datzman, P.A.

1983. Erosion on logging roads in northwestern California: How much is avoidable? McCashion, John D.; Rice, Raymond M.

2001. Erosion rates of wood during natural weathering. Part I, Effects of grain angle and surface texture Williams, R. Sam; Knaebe, Mark T.; Sotos, Peter G.; Feist, William C.

2001. Erosion rates of wood during natural weathering. Part II, Earlywood and latewood erosion rates Williams, R. Sam; Knaebe, Mark T.; Feist, William C.

2001. Erosion rates of wood during natural weathering. Part III, Effect of exposure angle on erosion rate Williams, R. Sam; Knaebe, Mark T.; Evans, James W.; Feist, William C.

1972. Erosional consequences of timber harvesting: An appraisal Rice, R.M.; Rothacher, J.S.; Megahan, W.F.

1975. Erros in Site Index Determination Caused by Tree Age Variation in Even-Aged Oak Stands McQuilkin, Robert A.

2002. Ervin Zube and landscape architecture Gobster, Paul H.

2000. Escambia Experimental Forest: A Living Laboratory for Long Term Longleaf Pine Research McMahon, Charles K.

1967. Establishing Grass Range In the Southwest Missouri Ozarks Crawford, H.S.; Bjugstad, A.J.

2004. Establishing Longleaf Pine Seedlings on Agricultural Fields and Pastures Hainds, Mark J.

1966. Establishing Mixtures of Redcedar In Poor Oak-Hickory Forests Minckler, Leon S.

1973. Establishing even-age northern hardwood regeneration by the shelterwood method--a preliminary guide. Godman, Richard M.; Tubbs, Carl H.

1983. Establishing intensively cultured hybrid poplar plantations for fuel and fiber. Hansen, Edward; Moore, Lincoln; Netzer, Daniel; Ostry, Michael; Phipps, Howard; Zavitkovski, Jaroslav

2004. Establishment Success of Conservation Tree Plantations in Indiana Ross-Davis, Amy L.; Jacobs, Douglass F.; Broussard, Shorna R.; Davis, Anthony S.

2000. Establishment and Data Collection of VegetationRelated Studies on the Missouri Ozark Forest Ecosystem Project Study Sites Brookshire, Brian L.; Dey, Daniel C.

1969. Establishment and Early Care of Sycamore Plantations Briscoe, C.B.

1999. Establishment and Growth of Cherrybark Oak Seedlings Underplanted Beneath a Partial Overstory in a Minor Bottom of Southwestern Arkansas: First Year Results Gardiner, Emile S.; Yeiser, Jimmie L.

1971. Establishment of Swamp Tupelo Seedlings After Regeneration Cuts DeBell, Dean S.; Auld, J. Dennis

1998. Establishment treatments affect the relationships among nutrition, productivity andcompeting vegetation of loblolly pine saplings on a Gulf Coastal Plain site Sword, Mary A.; Tiarks, Allan E.; Haywood, James D.

2004. Establishment, Growth, and Implementation of the Forest Stewardship Program in West Virginia Magill, Daniel J.; McGill, David W.; Grushecky, Shawn T.; Jennings, Brian M.

1993. Estate Planning for Forest Landowners What will Become of Your Timberland? Haney, Harry L., Jr.; Siegel, William C.

1994. Esthetics evaluation Rudis, Victor A.; Gramann, James H.; Herrick, Theresa A.

1979. Estimated Losses Caused by Wood Products Insects During 1970 for Single-Family Dwellings in 11 Southern States Williams, Lonnie H.; Smythe, Richard V.

1995. Estimated economic impacts on the timber range and recreation programs on NFS and BLM public lands from adopting the proposed interim PACFISH. Bolon, Natalie A.; Hansen-Murray, Christopher S.; Haynes, Richard W.

1979. Estimates of Nutrient Drain by Dormant-Season Harvests of Coppice American Sycamore Blackmon, B.G.

1992. Estimates of demographic parameters and rates of population change Noon, B.R.; McKelvey, K.S.; Lutz, D.W.; LaHaye, W.S.; Gutierrez, R.J.; Moen, C.A.

2003. Estimates of genetic parameters for oleoresin and growth traits in juvenile loblolly pine Roberds, James H.; Strom, Brian L.; Hain, Fred P.; Gwaze, David P.; McKeand, Steven E.; Lott, Larry H.

1989. Estimating Black Walnut Plantation Growth and Yield Schlesinger, Richard C.

1989. Estimating Bottomland Hardwood Growth and Yield Myers, Charles C.

1988. Estimating Cone and Seed Production and Monitoring Pest Damage in Southern Pine Seed Orchards Fatzinger, Carl W.; Muse, H. David; Miller, Thomas; Bhattacharyya, Helen T.

1997. Estimating D.B.H. of Southern Indiana Oaks from Stump Diameters Weigel, Dale; Johnson, Paul

1982. Estimating Dbh from Stump Diameter for 15 Southern Species Bylin, Carl V.

2003. Estimating Forest Recreation Demand Using Count Data Models Englin, Jeffrey E.; Holmes, Thomas P.; Sills, Erin O.

1989. Estimating Growth and Yield of Mixed Stands Shifley, Stephen R.; Fischer, Burnell C.

1992. Estimating Hardwood Sawmill Conversion Efficiency Based on Sawing Machine and Log. Wade, Michael W.; Bullard, Steven H.; Steele, Philip H.; Araman, Philip A.

1978. Estimating Infiltration Rates for a Loessal Silt Loam Using Soil Properties Knighton, M. Dean

2004. Estimating Leaf Nitrogen of Eastern Cottonwood Tress with a Chlorophyll Meter Moreau, Benoit; Gardiner, Emile S.; Stanturf, John A.; Fisher, Ronald K.

1989. Estimating Oak Growth and Yield Dale, Martin E.; Hilt, Donald E.

1989. Estimating Pine Growth and Yield Murphy, Paul A.

1996. Estimating Recreation Visitation Response to Forest Management Alternatives in the Columbia River Basin English, Donald B.K.; Horne, Amy

1971. Estimating Recreational Use of a Unique Trout Stream in the Coastal Plains of South Carolina James, George A.; Taylor, Nelson W.; Hopkins, Melvin L.

1977. Estimating Sedimentation from an Erosion-Hazard Rating Rice, R.M.; Sherbin, S.A.

1982. Estimating Site Index in Even-Aged Northern Hardwood Stands Erdmann, Gayne G.; Peterson, Ralph M. Jr.

1969. Estimating Slash Quantity from Standing Loblolly Pine Wade, Dale D.

1997. Estimating Stability Class in the Field Lavdas, Leonidas G.

2002. Estimating The Probability Of Achieving Shortleaf Pine Regeneration At Variable Specified Levels Lynch, Thomas B.; Nkouka, Jean; Huebschmann, Michael M.; Guldin, James M.

1981. Estimating Total-Tree Height for Upland Oaks and Hickories in Southern Illinois Myers, Charles; Belcher, David M.

1989. Estimating Yellow-Poplar Growth and Yield Beck, Donald E.

1998. Estimating actual evapotranspiration for forested sites: modifications to the Thornthwaite Model Kolka, Randall K.; Wolf, Ann T.

2004. Estimating air drying times of lumber with multiple regression Simpson, William T.

2003. Estimating air drying times of small-diameter ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir logs. Simpson, William T.; Wang, Xiping.

1978. Estimating aspen crown fuels in northeastern Minnesota. Loomis, Robert M.; Roussopoulos, Peter J.

1975. Estimating aspen volume and weight for individual trees, diameter classes, or entire stands. Schlaegel, Bryce E.

2003. Estimating consumer willingness to pay a price premium for Alaska secondary wood products Donovan, Geoffrey H.; Nicholls, David L.

2002. Estimating down deadwood from FIA forest inventory variables in Maine Chojnacky, David C.; Heath, Linda S.

2001. Estimating ecological integrity in the interior Columbia River basin. Quigley, Thomas M.; Haynes, Richard W.; Hann, Wendel J.

1998. Estimating economic gains for landowners due to time-dependent changes in biotechnology Wagner, John E.; Holmes, Thomas P.

1982. Estimating economic impacts of timber-based industry expansion in northeastern Minnesota. Erkkila, Daniel L.; Rose, Dietmar W.; Lundgren, Allen L.

1990. Estimating erosion risk on forest lands using improved methods of discriminant analysis Lewis, Jack C.; Rice, R.M.

1991. Estimating erosion risks associated with logging and forest roads in northwestern California Rice, Raymond M.; Lewis, Jack

1973. Estimating fire-caused mortality and injury in oak-hickory forests. Loomis, Robert M.

2002. Estimating fish populations by removal methods with minnow traps in southeast Alaska streams. Bryant, M.D.

1972. Estimating force and power requirements for crosscut shearing of roundwood. Arola, Rodger A.

2003. Estimating forest structure parameters within Fort Lewis Military Reservation using airborne laser scanner (LIDAR) data Andersen, Hans-Erik; Foster, Jeffrey R.; Reutebuch, Stephen E.

1998. Estimating historical snag density in dry forests Harrod, Richy J.; Gaines, William L.; Hartl, William E.; Camp, Ann.

1966. Estimating investment returns from growing red pine. Lundgren, Allen L.

1990. Estimating lake susceptibility to acidification due to acid deposition. Nichols, Dale S.

1992. Estimating leaf area and above-ground biomass of forest regeneration areas using a corrected normalized difference vegetation index Coleman, Tommy L.; Miller, James H.; Zutter, Bruce R.

1996. Estimating live fuels for shrubs and herbs with BIOPAK. Means, Joseph E.; Krankina, Olga N; Jiang, Hao; Li, Hongyan.

2000. Estimating mapped-plot forest attributes with ratios of means Zarnoch, S.J.; Bechtold, W.A.

1999. Estimating mast production: an evaluation of visual surveys and comparison with seed traps using white oaks Perry, Roger W.; Thill, Ronald E.

1964. Estimating maximum allowable timber yields by linear programming Leak, William B.

2001. Estimating maximum mean canopy stomatal conductance for use in models Ewers, Brent E.; Oren, Ram; Johnsen, Kurt H.; Landsberg, J.J

1981. Estimating northern red oak crown component weights in the Northeastern United States. Loomis, Robert M.; Blank, Richard W.

1964. Estimating numbers of campers on unsupervised campgrounds Wagar, J. Alan

1981. Estimating plant biomass for undergrowth species of northeastern Minnesota forest communities. Ohmann, Lewis F.; Grigal, David F.; Rogers, Lynn L.

1976. Estimating red pine site index in northern Minnesota. Alban, David H.

1990. Estimating risk of debris slides after timber harvest in northwestern California Neely, M.K.; Rice, R.M.

2004. Estimating sawmill processing capacity for Tongass timber. Kilborn, Kenneth A.; Parrent, Daniel J.; Housley, Robert D.

1979. Estimating site potential from the early height growth of red pine in the Lake States. Alban, David H.

1973. Estimating slash fuel loading for several Lake States tree species. Roussopoulos, Peter J.; Johnson, Von J.

1999. Estimating snag and large tree densities and distributions on a landscape for wildlife management Bate, Lisa J.; Garton, Edward O.; Wisdom, Michael J.

1982. Estimating stump volume. Raile, Gerhard K.

1970. Estimating sugar maple bark thickness and volume. Stayton, Charles L.; Hoffman, Michael

1995. Estimating the Economic Impacts of Recreation Response to Resource Management Alternatives English, Donald B.K.; Bowker, J.M.; Bergstrom, John C.; Cordell, H. Ken

2003. Estimating the Economic Value of Lethal Versus Nonlethal Deer Control in Suburban Communities Bowker, J.M.; Newman, David H.; Warren, Robert J.; Henderson, David W.

2001. Estimating the Uncertainty In Diameter Growth Model Predictions and Its Effects On The Uncertainty of Annual Inventory Estimates McRoberts, Ronald E.; Lessard, Veronica C.

2000. Estimating the number of tree species in forest populations using current vegetation survey and forest inventory and analysis approximation plots and grid intensities Schreuder, Hans T.; Lin, Jin-Mann S.; Teply, John

1990. Estimating the occupancy of spotted owl habitat areas by sampling and adjusting for bias Azuma, D.L.; Baldwin, J.A.; Noon, B.R.

1985. Estimating total suspended sediment yield with probability sampling Thomas, Robert B.

1987. Estimating tree biomass regressions and their error, proceedings of the workshop on tree biomass regression functions and their contribution to the error - Part A Wharton, Eric H.; Cunia, Tiberius

1987. Estimating tree biomass regressions and their error, proceedings of the workshop on tree biomass regression functions and their contribution to the error - Part B Wharton, Eric H.; Cunia, Tiberius.

1987. Estimating tree biomass regressions and their error, proceedings of the workshop on tree biomass regression functions and their contribution to the error - Part C Wharton, Eric H.; Cunia, Tiberius.

1987. Estimating tree biomass regressions and their error, proceedings of the workshop on tree biomass regression functions and their contribution to the error - Part D Whraton, Eric H.; Cunia, Tiberius

1987. Estimating tree biomass regressions and their error, proceedings of the workshop on tree biomass regression functions and their contribution to the error - Part E Whraton, Eric H.; Cunia, Tiberius

1987. Estimating tree biomass regressions and their error, proceedings of the workshop on tree biomass regression functions and their contribution to the error - Part F Whraton, Eric H.; Cunia, Tiberius

1987. Estimating tree biomass regressions and their error, proceedings of the workshop on tree biomass regression functions and their contribution to the error - Part G Whraton, Eric H.; Cunia, Tiberius

1987. Estimating tree biomass regressions and their error, proceedings of the workshop on tree biomass regression functions and their contribution to the error - Part H Whraton, Eric H.; Cunia, Tiberius

1998. Estimating tree grades for Southern Appalachian natural forest stands Prestemon, Jeffrey P.

1976. Estimating water yield differences between hardwood and pine forests: an application of net precipitation data. Verry, Elon S.

2003. Estimation and applications of size-biased distributions in forestry Gove, Jeffrey H.

2004. Estimation of Reineke and Volume-Based Maximum Size-Density Lines For Shortleaf Pine Lynch, Thomas B.; Wittwer, Robert F.; Stevenson, Douglas J.

1981. Estimation of Total Tree Height from Renewable Resources Evaluation Data Thomas, Charles E.

1992. Estimation of shrub leaf biomass available to white-tailed deer. Rogers, Lynn L.; McRoberts, Ronald E.

2001. Estimation on the First Cycle of the Annual Forest Inventory System: Methods, Preliminary Results, and Observations Hansen, Mark H.; Brand, Gary J.; Wendt, Daniel G.; McRoberts, Ronald E.

2004. Estimation procedures for the combined 1990s periodic forest inventories of California, Oregon, and Washington. Barrett, T.M.

2000. Ethanol and thermotolerance in the bioconversion of xylose by yeasts Jeffries, Thomas W.; Jin, Yong-Su.

2000. Ethical Conduct for Research: A Code of Scientific Ethics Patton-Mallory, Marcia; Franzreb, Kathleen; Carll, Charles; Cline, Richard

2000. Ethical conduct for research : a code of scientific ethics Patton-Mallory, Marcia; Franzreb, Kathleen; Carll, Charles; Cline, Richard

2001. Ethics in computer software design and development Thomson, Alan J.; Schmoldt, Daniel L.

2004. Ethnic Tourism Development in Yunnan, China: Revisiting Butler’s Tourist Area Lifecycle Dong, Erwei; Morais, Duarte B.; Dowler, Lorraine

1961. European Pine Shoot Moth Miller, William E.; Hastings, Arthur R.; Wootten, John F.

2001. European gypsy moth (lymantria dispar L.) outbreaks: a review of the literature Davidson, Christopher B.; Gottschalk, Kurt W.; Johnson, James E.

2004. Evaluating Bole Damage and Crown Decline after Prescribed Fire in an Appalachian Hardwood Forest on the Cumberland Plateau, Ky Loucks Elizabeth; Arthur, Mary A.

1999. Evaluating Multiple Imputation Models for the Southern Annual Forest Inventory Reams, Gregory A.; McCollum, Joseph M.

1991. Evaluating Plot Designs for the Tropics van Deusen, Paul C.; Bayle, Bruce

1982. Evaluating and mapping sources and temporary storage areas of sediment Reid, Leslie M.

1964. Evaluating and scheduling white-pine weevil control in the Northeast Marty, Robert; Mott, D. Gordon

2002. Evaluating benefits and costs of changes in water quality Koteen, Jessica; Alexander, Susan J.; Loomis, John B.

1984. Evaluating oak advance reproduction in the Missouri Ozarks. Sander, Ivan L.; Johnson, Paul S.; Rogers, Robert

1993. Evaluating realized genetic gains from tree improvement. St. Clair, J.B.

1992. Evaluating reclamation success: the ecological consideration-proceedings of a symposium; 1990 April 23-26; Charleston, WV. Chambers, Jeanne C.; Wade, Gary L.; [Editors]

1993. Evaluating sediment production by activities related to forest uses--a northwest perspective Ziemer, Robert R.; Lisle, Thomas E.

2003. Evaluating spent CCA residential decks for second-life products Smith, Robert; Bailey, David; Araman, Phil

1980. Evaluating stocking in upland hardwood forests using metric measurements. Rogers, Robert

2000. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Postfire Rehabilitation Treatments Robichaud, Peter R.; Beyers, Jan L.; Neary, Daniel G.

2000. Evaluating the forest stewardship program through a national survey of participants Esseks, J.D.; Moulton, R.J.

1998. Evaluating the impacts of logging activities on erosion and sediment transport in the Caspar Creek watersheds Lewis, Jack C.

2004. Evaluating the natural durability of native and tropical wood species against Reticulitermes flavipes Arango, R.A.; Green, F.; Hintz, K.; Miller, R.B.

2003. Evaluating wood-based composites for incipient fungal decay with the immunodiagnostic wood decay test. Clausen, C.A.; Haughton, L.; Murphy, C.

2000. Evaluation and field load testing of timber railroad bridge Wipf, Terry J.; Ritter, Michael A.; Wood, Douglas L.

2004. Evaluation of Actual Nitrogen Losses From a Watershed Preliminary Results of a Case Study in the Po Vally (Northern Italy) Borin, Maurizio; Bisol, Tomaso; Bonaiti, Gabriele; Morari, Francesco; Amatya, Devendra M.

1976. Evaluation of Animal Hazard to Spot-Seeded White Ash In Central Tennessee Russell, T.E.

1981. Evaluation of Bole Straightness in Cottonwood Using Visual Scores Cooper, D.T.; Ferguson, R.B.

1986. Evaluation of Chipper-Forwarder Biomass Harvesting Concept Stokes, Bryce J.; Sirois, D.L.

1998. Evaluation of Fumigants for Pest Management and Seedling Production in Southern Pine Nurseries Fraedrich, Stephen W.; Dwinell, L. David

2000. Evaluation of Inundative Releases of Trichogramma exigum (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) for Suppression of Nantucket Pine Tip Moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in Pine (Pinaceae) Plantations Orr, David B.; Suh, Charles P-C; McCravy, Kenneth W.; Berisford, C. Wayne; Debarr, Gary L.

1993. Evaluation of Metal Connector Plates for Repair of Wood Pallet Stringers Clarke, John W.; McLain, Thomas E.; White, Marshall S.; Araman, Philip A.

1999. Evaluation of Mist-net Sampling as an Index to Productivity in Kirtland`s Warblers Bart, Johnathan; Kepler, Cameron; Sykes, Paul; Bocetti, Carol

2004. Evaluation of Multiple Fixed Area Plot Sizes and BAFS in Even-aged Hardwood Stands Brooks, John R.; McGill, David W.

2004. Evaluation of Passive Flame Height Sensors for the Central Hardwoods Region Kolaks, Jeremy J.; Cutter, Bruce E.; Loewenstein, Edward F.; Grabner, Keith W.; Hartman, George; Kabrick, John M.

1996. Evaluation of Propiconazole Application Methods for Control of Oak Wilt in Texas Live Oaks Wilson, A. Dan; Lester, D.G.

2000. Evaluation of Two Eastern White Pine Site Index Equations at Biltmore Estate, North Carolina McNab, W. Henry; Parresol, Bernard R.; Ritter, Brian A.

2003. Evaluation of U.S. southern pine stumpage market informational efficiency Prestemon, Jeffrey P.

1983. Evaluation of a depth proportional intake device for automatic pumping samplers Eads, Rand E.; Thomas, Robert B.

1984. Evaluation of a mechanized tree-planting operation. Thompson, Michael A.

2000. Evaluation of a multi-sensor machine vision system for automated hardwood lumber grading Kline, D. Earl; Surak, Chris; Araman, Philip A.

1998. Evaluation of an Empirical Traction Equation for Forestry Tires Vechinski, C.R.; Johnson, C.E.; Raper, R.L.

2001. Evaluation of an automated hardwood lumber grading system Kline, D. Earl; Araman, Philip A.; Surak, Chris

1981. Evaluation of an urban vest-pocket park. Kaplan, Rachel

1993. Evaluation of cement-excelsior boards made from yellow-poplar and sweetgum Lee, Andy W.C.; Hse, Chung Y

1998. Evaluation of erosion control techniques on forest roads Grace, Johnny M., III; Rummer, Bob; Stokes, Bryce J.; Wilhoit, J.

2004. Evaluation of field performance of poplar clones using selected competition indices Brodie, Chandler; DeBell, D.S.

1999. Evaluation of lumber recycled from an industrial military building Falk, R. H.; Green, D. W.; Lantz, S. C.

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1991. Evaluation of moisture reduction in small diameter trees after crushing Sirois, Donald L.; Rawlins, Cynthia L.; Stokes, Bryce J.

2000. Evaluation of new creosote formulations after extended exposures in fungal cellar tests and field plot tests Crawford, Douglas M.; Lebow, Patricia K.; DeGroot, Rodney.

2001. Evaluation of potential effects of federal land management alternatives on trends of salmonids and their habitats in the interior Columbia River basin Rieman, Bruce; Peterson, James T.; Clayton, James; Howell, Philip; Thurow, Russell; Thompson, William; Lee, Danny

1999. Evaluation of recycled timber members Rammer, Douglas R.

1988. Evaluation of resources at risk from wildland fires. Baumgartner, David C.; Marty, Robert J.

1987. Evaluation of roll designs on a roll-crusher/ crusher/splitter biomass harvester: test bench results Ashmore, Colin; Sirois, Donald L.; Stokes, Bryce J.

2003. Evaluation of roll-off trailers in small-diameter applications Rummer, Bob; Klepac, John

1999. Evaluation of several finishes on severely weathered wood Williams, R. Sam.; Sotos, Peter.; Feist, William.

1978. Evaluation of several methods of applying sewage effluent to forested soils in the winter. Harris, Alfred Ray

1995. Evaluation of the Competitive Environment for White Pine (Pinus strobus L.) Seedlings Planted on Prescribed Burn Sites in the Southern Appalachians Elliott, Katherine J.; Vose, James M.

2002. Evaluation of the retail market potential for locally produced paper birch lumber in Alaska Nicholls, David L.

1997. Evaluation of the use of scientific information in developing the 1997 Forest plan for the Tongass National Forest. Everest, Fred H.; Swanston, Douglas N.; Shaw, Charles G., III; Smith, Winston P.; Julin, Kent R.; Allen, Stewart D.

2000. Evaluation of white-rot fungal growth on southern yellow pine wood chips pretreated with blue-stain fungi Croan, Suki C.

1979. Evaporation and transpiration Ziemer, Robert R.

1963. Evaporative loss from soil, native vegetation, and snow as affected by hexadecanol Anderson, Henry W.; West, Allan J.; Ziemer, Robert R.; Adams, Franklin R.

1992. Even-age versus All-age Management Godman, Richard M.

1968. Even-aged silviculture for upland central hardwoods Roach, Benjamin A.; Gingrich, Samuel F.

2000. Events Leading to One Person's Career in Forest Entomology Moser, John C.

2002. Evidence For A Sex Pheromone in Bark Beetle Parasitoid Roptrocerus xylophagorum Sullivan, Brian T.

1991. Evidence of continuing worldwide declines in bird populations: insights from an international conference in New Zealand Noon, B.R.; Young, K.

2000. Evidence of lingual-luring by an aquatic snake Welsh, Hartwell H., Jr.; Lind, A.J.

1997. Evolution of a sediment wave in an experimental channel Lisle, Thomas E.; Pizzuto, James E.; Ikeda, Hiroshi; Iseya, Fujiko; Kodama, Yoshinori

2004. Evolving approaches toward science based forest management. Szaro, Robert C.; Peterson, Charles E.

2001. Evolving management strategies for a recently discovered exotic forest pest: the pine shoot beetle, Tomicus piniperda (Coleoptera) Haack, Robert A.; Poland, Therese M.

2002. Ex situ gene conservation for conifers in the Pacific Northwest Lipow, Sara R.; St. Clair, J. Bradley; Johnson, G.R.

2000. Examination of the Arborsonic Decay Detector for Detecting Bacterial Wetwood in Red Oaks Xu, Zicai; Leininger, Theodor D.; Williams, James G.; Tainter, Frank H.

2000. Examination of the Home Destruction in Los Alamos Associated with the Cerro Grande Fire Cohen, Jack D.

1997. Examining the Use of Internal Defect Information for Information-Augmented Hardwood Log Breakdown Occeña, Luis G.; Schmoldt, Daniel L.; Thawornwong, Suraphan

1998. Examples of mortality and reduced annual increments of white fir induced by drought, insects, and disease at different stand densities Cochran, P.H.

1995. Exciting News From Va. Tech - Repaired Pallets May Be Stronger Than the Original Clarke, John W.; White, Marshall S.; McLain, T.E.; Araman, Philip A.

1997. Executive summary. McKeever, David B.

2001. Existing Soil Carbon Models Do Not Apply to Forested Wetlands Trettin, Carl C.; Song, B.; Jurgensen, M.F.; Li, C.

1991. Exorcising ambiguity from the endangered species act: critical habitat as an example Murphy, D.D.; Noon, B.R.

1975. Exotic Grass Yields Under Southern Pines Pearson, H.A.

1997. Exotic Plants are Invading Southeastern Forests Miller, James H.

2004. Exotic aquatic and terrestrial animals in the Hoosier-Shawnee ecological assessment area Burr, Brooks M.; Basile, Cynthia M.; Adams, Ginny L.; Nicholson, Matthew C.

1997. Exotic invasive plants in southeastern forests Miller, James H.

1998. Exotic invasive plants in southeastern forests Miller, James H.

2001. Exotic scolytids of the Great Lakes region Haack, Robert A.

1994. Expanding horizons of forest ecosystem management: proceedings of the third habitat futures workshop; 1992 October; Vernon, BC. Huff, Mark H.; Norris, Lisa K.; Nyberg, J. Brian; and Wilkin, Nancy L., coords.

1999. Expanding the Karyotype of Slash Pine as a Prelude to Physical Mapping Oard, M.

1996. Expanding the scale of forest management: allocating timber harvests in time and space Gustafson, Eric J.

2002. Experience of the Small Grower Jordon, Emmett

1998. Experiences Spreading Organic Solid Wastes on Forest Land Wilhoit, J.H.; Samuelson, L.J.

2002. Experiencing nature in special places: surveys in North-Central region Schroeder, Herbert W.

2004. Experimental Forests and Ranges of the USDA Forest Service Adams, Mary Beth; Loughry, Linda; Plaugher, Linda, comps.

1992. Experimental Reintroduction of Red-Cockaded Woodpeckers Rudolph, D. Craig; Conner, Richard N.; Carrie, Dawn K.; Schaefer, Richard R.

2001. Experimental manipulation of spatial heterogeneity in Douglas-fir forests: effects on squirrels. Carey, A.B.

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1998. Experiments on sediment pulses in mountain rivers Cui, Y.; Lisle, T.E.; Pizzuto, J.E.; Parker, G.

1999. Expert systems and the environment Schmoldt, Daniel L.

2002. Expertise in Primary and Secondary Solid-Wood Processing Available from State, Federal, and University Sources Wiedenbeck, Janice K.

1997. Exploring Value-Added Options Smith, Bob; Araman, Philip A.

1997. Exploring Value-Added Options - Opportunities in Mouldings and Millwork Smith, Bob; Araman, Philip A.

1997. Exploring Valued-Added Options - Edge-Glued Panels and Blanks Offer Value-Added Opportunities Smith, Bob; Araman, Philip A.

2004. Exploring information needs for wildland fire and fuels management Miller, Carol and Landres, Peter

1998. Exploring the conformations of polyflavanoids – an approach to understanding the significance of tannins Hemingway, R.W.

2000. Exploring the national benefits of Alaska`s tongass national forest Allen, Steward D.; Bengston, David N.; Fan, David P.

2001. Exploring the uses for small-diameter trees LeVan-Green, Susan L.; Livingston, Jean.

1996. Expression of Russian Wheat Aphid (Homoptera: Aphididae) Resistance in Genotypes of Tall Fescue Harboring Different Isolates of Acremonium Endophyte Clement, S.L.; Lester, D.G.; Wilson, A. Dan; Johnson, R.C.; Bouton, J.H.

1995. Extended rotations and culmination age of coast Douglas-fir: old studies speak to current issues Curtis, Robert O.

2003. Extending the Recreation Opportunity Spectrum to nonfederal lands in the Northeast: an implementation guide More, Thomas A.; Bulmer, Susan; Henzel, Linda; Mates, Ann E.

2001. Extracting whole short rotation trees with a skidder and a front-end loader Spinelli, R.; Hartsough, B.R.

1998. FARSITE: Fire Area Simulator-model development and evaluation Finney, Mark A.

2003. FIA Biosum: Applying a multiscale evaluation tool in southwest Oregon. Fried, Jeremy S.; Barbinour, R. (Jamie); Fight, Roger

2001. FIA Estimation in the New Millennium Roesch, Francis A., Jr.

1999. FIA photointerpretation in Southern New England: a tool to determine forest fragmantation and proximity to human development. Riemann, Rachel; Tillman, Kathy

2001. FIAMODEL : a new link for geographic analyses of inventory data Reed, David; Pregitzer, Kurt; Pugh, Scott A.; Miles, Patrick

2002. FIAMODEL: Users Guide Version 3.0. Pugh, Scott A.; Reed, David D.; Pregitzer, Kurt S.; Miles, Patrick D.

1995. FIBER 3.0: An Ecological Growth Model for Northeastern Forest Types Solomon, Dale S.; Herman, David A.; Leak, William B.

1978. FINSYS-2: Subsystem EDIT-2 Barnard, Joseph E.; Born, David J.

1983. FINSYS-2: Subsystem TABLE-2 and OUTPUT-2 Born, David J.; Barnard, Joseph E.

1990. FIREFAMILY 1988. Main, William A.; Paananen, Donna M.; Burgan, Robert E.

1982. FIREFAMILY: Fire planning with historic weather data. Main, William A.; Straub, Robert J.; Paananen, Donna M.

1972. FPL Designs Meet Family Housing Needs Sherwood, G. E.

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2003. FPL-PELPS : a price endogenous linear programming system for economic modeling, supplement to PELPS III, version 1.1. Lebow, Patricia K.; Spelter, Henry; Ince, Peter J.

1995. FRAGSTATS: spatial pattern analysis program for quantifying landscape structure McGarigal, Kevin; Marks, Barbara J.

1997. FRAN: Financial Ratio Analysis (version l.0). (Computer Program) Hansen, Bruce G.; Palmer, Jeff A.

1999. FRAN: financial ratio analysis and more (Version 2.0 for Windows) Hansen, Bruce G.; Palmer, Arnold J., Jr.

2003. FT-raman spectra of cellulose and lignocellulose materials: “self-absorption” phenomenon and its implications for quantitative work Agarwal, Umesh; Kawai, Nancy

2000. Facing the challenge of the young, the small, and the dead: Alaska's new frontier Duncan, Sally

1998. Factors Affecting Capture of the White Pine Cone Beetle, Conophthorus coniperda (Schwarz) (Col., Scolytidae) in Phermone Traps de Groot, Peter; DeBarr, Gary L.

1999. Factors Affecting Conservation Practice Behavior of CRP Participants in Alabama Onianwa, Okwudili; Wheelock, Gerald; Hendrix, Shannon

1999. Factors Affecting Salamander Density and Distribution within Four Forest Types in Southern Appalachian Mountains Harper, Craig A.; Guynn, David C., Jr.

2004. Factors Affecting Survival of Longleaf Pine Seedlings Kush, John S.; Meldahl, Ralph S.; Boyer, William D.

1973. Factors Affecting the Productivity of Logging Crews Using Chain Saws and Wheeled Skidders in Tree-Length Aspen Bradley, Dennis P.; Biltonen, Frank E.

2004. Factors Associated with Oak Mortality in Missouri Ozark Forests Kabrick, John M.; Shifley, Stephen R.; Jensen, Randy G.; Fan, Zhaofei; Larsen, David R.

2002. Factors Contributing To Genetic Variation In Ice Damage Susceptibility In Shortleaf Pine Schmidtling, Ron; Hipkins, Valerie

2004. Factors Determining the Suitability of Trees and Logs for the Face Veneer Industry Cassens, Daniel L.

1989. Factors Influencing Water Resources Lawson, Edwin R.; Coltharp, George B.

1987. Factors affecting power requirements for chipping whole trees Stokes, Bryce J.; Watson, William F.; Sirois, Donald L.

2002. Factors affecting predation at songbird nests in old fields Burhans, Dirk E.; Dearborn, Donald; Thompson, Frank R. III; Faaborg, John

1964. Factors affecting the location of wood-using plants in the northern Appalachians Hagenstein, Perry R.

1985. Factors and equations to estimate forest biomass in the North Central region. Smith, W. Brad

1997. Factors influencing behavior and transferability of habitat models for a benthic stream fish Leftwich, Kevin N.; Angermeier, Paul L.; Dolloff, C. Andrew

1971. Factors influencing campground use in the Superior National Forest of Minnesota. Lime, David W.

2003. Factors influencing red expression in autumn foliage of sugar maple trees Schaberg, P.G.; Van Den Berg, A.K.; Murakami, P.F.; Shane, J.B.; Donnelly, J.R.

1997. Factors influencing stream fish recovery following a large-scale disturbance Ensign, William E.; Leftwich, Angermeier; Dolloff, C. Andrew

1999. Factors that Influence Translocation Succcess on the Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Franzreb, Kathleen E.

1999. Factors that influence translocation success in the red-cockaded woodpecker Franzreb, Kathleen E.

1997. Fall nitrogen fertilization and the biology of Pinus taeda seedling development Sung, Shi-Jean S.; Black, C.C.; Kormanik, T.L.; [and others]

1979. Family Differences Influence the Aboveground Biomass of Loblolly Pine Plantations Pope, P.E.; Graney, D.L.

2002. Family Differences in Aboveground Biomass Allocation in Loblolly Pine Roberts, Scott D.

1993. Family composition of Douglas-fir nurssery stock as influenced by seed characters, mortality, and culling practices St. Clair, J.B.; Adams, W.T.

1993. Family differences in equations for predicting biomass and leaf area in Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii) St. Clair, J.B.

1990. Family-site interaction in Pinus radiata: implications for progeny testing strategy and regionalised breeding in New Zealand Johnson, G.R.; Brudon, R.D.

1974. Farm Building Contractors and Manufacturers: Their Role in Midwest Farm Construction Solverson, Lyle; Baumgartner, David C.

1999. Fascicle Nutrient and Biomass Responses of Young Loblolly Pine to Control of Woody and Herbaceous Competitors Zutter, Bruce R.; Miller, James H.; Allen, H.L.; Xedaker, S.M.; Edwards, M.B.; Newbold, R.A.

1992. Fast Back-Propagation Learning Using Steep Activation Functions and Automatic Weight Cho, Tai-Hoon; Conners, Richard W.; Araman, Philip A.

1999. Fastenings Soltis, Lawrence A.

1991. Fate and Transport of Forestry Herbicides in the South: Research Knowledge and Needs Michael, Jerry L.; Neary, Daniel G.

1985. Fate of Hexazinone and Picloram After Herbicide Site Preparation in a Cutover Northern Hardwood Forest Neary, D.G.; Michael, J.L.; Wells, M.J.M.

1987. Fate of Hexazinone and Picloram in Southern Forest Watersheds Neary, Daniel G.; Bush, Parshall B.; Michael, Jerry L.

1986. Fate of Hexazinone and Picloram in Southern United States Forest Watersheds Neary, D.G.; Bush, P.B.; Michael, J.L.

1984. Fate of Picloram and Hexazione in a Cutover Northern Forest After Treatment with Herbicides for Site Preparation Neary, Daniel G.; Michael, Jerry L.; Lenz, Gary W.; Mroz, Glenn D.; Jurgensen, Martin F.

1975. Fatty and Waxy Components of Southern Pine Bark-Amounts Present As Free Extractives Howard, Elaine T.

1995. Fauna Using Nest Boxes in Four Timber Types in Eastern Texas Conner, Richard N.; Saenz, Daniel; Rudolph, D. Craig

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1977. Feasibility of harvesting southern hardwood trees by extraction Sirois, Donald L.

2002. Feasibility of using wood wastes to meet local heating requirements of communities in the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska Nicholls, David L.; Crimp, Peter M.

2002. Feast and famine in plant genomes. Wendel, Jonathan F.; Cronn, Richard C.; Jonhston, J. Spencer; Price, H. James.

2000. February 1994 ice storm: forest resource damage assessment in northern Mississippi Jacobs, Dennis M.

2001. Federal Income Tax on Timber: A Key to Your Most Frequently Asked Questions Haney, Harry L., Jr.; Siegel, William C.; Bishop, Larry M.

1998. Federal Timber Restrictions and Interregional Arbitrage in U.S. Lumber Murray, Brian C.; Wear, David N.

1995. Federal and State Forestry Cost-Share Assistance Programs: Structure, Accomplishments, and Future Outlook Haines, Terry K.

2004. Federal timber restrictions, interregional spillovers, and the impact on US softwood markets Wear, David N.; Murray, Brian C.

1979. Feeding Preference of Penned Whitetailed Deer for Hybrid Poplar Clones Verch, Richard L.

1984. Feller/bunchers in plantations thinnings: factors affecting productivity. Winsauer, Sharon A.; Mattson, James A.; Thompson, Michael A.

1981. Felling and bunching small timber on steep slopes. Arola, Rodger A.; Miyata, Edwin S.; Sturos, John A.; Steinhilb, Helmuth M.

1996. Felling and skidding productivity and harvesting cost in southern pine forests Kluender, R.A.; Stokes, B.J.

1979. Ferns of the Blue Ridge Krochmal, Arnold; Krochmal, Connie

1988. Fertilization Ponder, Felix Jr.

2001. Fertilization Increases Below-Ground Carbon Sequestration of Loblolly Pine Plantations Johnsen, K.H.; Butnor, J.R.; Maier, C.; Oren, R.; Pangle, R.; Samuelson, L.; Seiler, J.; McKeand, S.E.; Allen, H.L.

1978. Fertilization Increases Growth of Thinned and Nonthinned Upland Oak Stands in the Boston Mountains of Arkansas Graney, D.L.; Pope, P.E.

1971. Fertilization Tests With Potted Red Oak Seedlings Phares, Robert E.

2002. Fertilization Thinning in a 7-Year-Old Natural Hardwood Stand in Eastern North Carolina Newton, Leslie P.; Robison, Daniel J.; Hansen, Gerald; Allen, H. Lee

1977. Fertilization To Accelerate Loblolly Pine Foliage Growth For Erosion Control Duffy, Paul D.

1986. Fertilization of Northern Hardwoods Lea, R.; Brockway, D.G.

1981. Fertilization of black spruce or poor site peatland in Minnesota. Alban, David H.; Watt, Richard F.

1997. Fertilization, weed control, and pine litter influence loblolly pine stem productivity and root development Haywood, James D.; Tiarks, Allan E.; Sword, Mark A.

1971. Fertilizer Tablets Stimulate Eucalyptus in Florida Trial Meskimen, George

1977. Fertilizer and Mulch Improves Yellow-Poplar Growth on Exposed harsells Subsoils Francis, John K.

1979. Fertilizing Douglas-fir forests Miller, Richard E.; Right, Roger D.

1989. Fertilizing Natural Stands Auchmoody, L.R.

1974. Fertilizing and Thinning Maple Poles: Preliminary Results Stone, Douglas M.; Christenson, Donald R.

1977. Fertilizing and thinning northern hardwoods in the Lake States. Stone, Douglas M.

2001. Fewer pallets reaching landfills, more are processed for recovery Bush, Robert J.; Corr, Daryl T.; Araman, Philip A.

2000. Fiber Recovery with Chain Flail Delimbing/Debarking and Chipping of Hybrid Poplar Hartsough, Bruce; Spinelli, Raffaele; Pottle, Steve; Klepac, John

2004. Fiber resources Ince, P. J.

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1998. Field Bioassays of Synthetic Pheromones and Host Monoterpenes for Conophthorus coniperda (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) de Groot, Peter; DeBarr, Gary L.; Birgersson, Goran

1960. Field Guide for Evaluating Cottonwood Sites Broadfoot, W.M.

1970. Field Keys to Predators of the Balsam Woolly Aphid in North Carolina Amman, Gene D.

1999. Field Methods and Data Processing Techniques Associated With Mapped Inventory Plots Bechtold, William A.; Zarnoch, Stanley J.

2002. Field Performance of High-Quality and Standard Northern Red Oak Seedlings in Tennessee Buckley, David S.

2002. Field Planting Containerized Longleaf Pine Seedlings Larson, Dale R.

1968. Field Screening of Insecticides for Control of the Pine Seedworm, Laspeyresia anaranjada Miller Merkel, Edward P.

1990. Field Tests of Pine Oil as a Repellent for Southern Pine Bark Beetles Nod, J.C.; Hastings, F.L.; Jones, A.S.

1986. Field Trials of a Canadian Biomass Feller Buncher Frederick, Douglas J.; Stokes, Bryce J.; Curtin, Dennis T.

1981. Field and Laboratory Evaluations of Insecticides for Southern Pine Beetle Control Hastings, Felton L.; Coster, Jack E.; [Editors]

1966. Field and laboratory investigations of Bacillus thuringiensis as a control agent for the gypsy moth, Porthetria dispar (L.) Lewis, Franklin B.; Connola, Donald P.

1993. Field and laboratory quality assurance/quality control protocols and accomplishments for the Fernow Experiment Forest watershed acidification study. Edwards, Pamela J.; Wood, Frederica

1995. Field guide for forested plant associations of the Wenatchee National Forest. Lillybridge, T.R.; Kovalchik, B.L.; Williams, C.K.; Smith, B.G.

1997. Field guide for the identification of snags and logs in the interior Columbia River basin Parks, Catherine G.; Bull, Evelyn L.; Torgersen, Torolf R.

1998. Field guide to Intermountain sedges Hurd, Emerenciana G.; Shaw, Nancy L.; Mastrogiuseppe, Joy; Smithman, Lynda C.; Goodrich, Sherel

2003. Field guide to old ponderosa pines in the Colorado Front Range Huckaby, Laurie Stroh; Kaufmann, Merrill R.; Fornwalt, Paula J.; Stoker, Jason M.; and Dennis, Chuck

1994. Field identification of birdseye in sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) Bragg, Don C.; Stokke, Douglas D.

1994. Field performance of Populus in short-rotation intensive culture plantations in the north-central U.S. Hansen, Edward A.; Ostry, Michael E.; Johnson, Wendell D.; Tolsted, David N.; Netzer, Daniel A.; Berguson, William E.; Hall, Richard B.

1995. Field performance of stress-laminated timber bridges on low-volume roads Ritter, M. A.; Wacker, J. P.; Duwadi, S. R.

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. Field performance of timber bridges. 7, Connell Lake stress-laminated deck bridge Hislop, L. E.; Ritter, M. A.

. Field performance of timber bridges. 8, Lynches Woods Park stress-laminated deck bridge Wacker, J. P.; Ritter, M. A.; Conger, D.

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1992. Field sampling and data analysis methods for development of ecological land classifications: an application on the Manistee National Forest. Host, George E.; Ramm, Carl W.; Padley, Eunice A.; Pregitzer, Kurt S.; Hart, James B.; Cleland, David T.

1986. Field trials of a short-rotation biomass feller buncher and selected harvesting systems Stokes, Bryce J.; Frederick, Douglas J.; Curtin, Dennis T.

1987. Fifteen-Year Growth of Six Planted Hardwood Species on Sharkey Clay Soil Krinard, Roger M.; Kennedy, Harvey E., Jr.

1969. Fifteen-Year Growth of a Thinned White Spruce Plantation Wambach, Robert F.; Cooley, John H.

1973. Fifteen-year results from six cutting methods in second-growth northern hardwoods. Erdmann, Gayne G.; Oberg, Robert R.

1993. Fifth workshop on seedling physiology and growth problems in oak plantings (abstracts). Thompson, Janette R.; Schultz, Richard C.; Van Sambeek, J.W.

2002. Fifth-Year Height and Survival of Loblolly Pine Across Tennessee Following Various Silvicultural Treatments Taylor, Lyle E.; Rennie, John C.

2001. Fifth-year response to thinning in a water oak plantation in north Louisiana Meadows, James S.; Goelz, J.C.G.

1979. Fifty-year development of Douglas-fir stands planted at various spacings Reukema, Donald L.

1999. Figuring the Tax on Timberland Income Siegel, William C.

2001. Financial Indicators of Reduced Impact Logging Performance in Brazil: Case Study Comparisons Holmes, Thomas P.; Boltz, Frederick; Carter, Douglas R.

2000. Financial Performance of Mixed-Age Naturally Regenerated Loblolly-Hardwood Stands in the South Central United States Raunikar, Ronald; Buongiorno, Joseph; Prestemon, Jeffrey P.; Abt, Karen Lee

2002. Financial and ecological indicators of reduced impact logging performance in the eastern Amazon Holmes, Thomas P.; Blate, Geoffrey M.; Zweede, Johan C.; Pereira, Rodrigo, Jr.; Barreto, Paulo; Boltz, Frederick; Bauch, Roberto

2000. Financial feasibility of marker-aided selection in Douglas-fir Johnson, G.R.; Wheeler, N.C.; Strauss, S.H.

2001. Financial returns under uncertainty for conventional and reduced-impact logging in permanent production forests of the Brazilian Amazon Boltz, Frederick; Carter, Douglas R.; Holmes, Thomas P.; Pereira, Rodrigo, Jr.

2002. Financiamiento público y privado para la investigación forestal en el sur de Estados Unidos durante el período 1920-2000 Stanturf, John; Kellison, Robert; Broerman, F.S.; Jones, Stephen; Lucier, Alan

1988. Finding Suitable Seed Clausen, Knud E.

1973. Finding and Keeping a Healthy House Biesterfeldt, R.C.; Ambeurgey, T.L.; Williams, L.H.

1994. Fine Root Growth Phenology, Production, and Turnover in a Northern Hardwood Forest Ecosystem Burke, Marianne K.; Raynal, Dudley J.

2001. Fine Root Productivity and Dynamics on a Forested Floodplain in South Carolina Baker, Terrell T., III; Conner, William; Lockaby, H. B. Graeme; Stanturf, John A.; Burke, Marianne K.

1998. Fine Sediment Effects on Brook Trout Eggs in Laboratory Streams Argent, David G.; Flebbe, Patricia A.

1999. Fine bed material in pools of natural gravel bed channels Lisle, Thomas E.; Hilton, Sue

2000. Fine root dynamics across a chronosequence of upland temperate deciduous forests Idol, Travis W.; Pope, Phillip E.; Ponder, Felix Jr.

2004. Fine root dynamics in a developing Populus deltoides plantation Kern, Christel C.; Friend, Alexander L.; Johnson, Jane M.; Coleman, Mark D.

2004. Fine root dynamics in a developing populus deltoides plantation Kern, Christel C.; Friend, Alexander L.; Johnson, Jane M.-F.; Coleman, Mark D.

2004. Fine root dynamics in a developing Populus deltoides plantation Kern, Christel C.; Friend, Alexander L; Johnson, Jane M.-F.; Coleman, Mark D.

1999. Fine root respiration in mature eastern white pine (Pinus strobus) in situ: the importance of CO2 in controlled environments. Clinton, Barton D.; Vose, James M.

1991. Fine sediment in pools: An index of how sediment is affecting a stream channel Lisle, Thomas; Hilton, Sue

1999. Fine-grained bed patch response to near-bankfull flows in a step-pool channel Marion, Daniel A.; Weirich, Frank.

1998. Finger jointing green southern yellow pine with a soy-based adhesive Steele, Philip H.; Kreibicha, Roland E.; Steynberg, Petrus J.; Hemingway, Richard W.

1999. Finishing of wood Williams, R. Sam

1999. Finishing of wood Williams, R. Sam.

2001. Finite land, infinite futures? Sustainable options on a fixed land base Duncan, Sally

1986. Fir Engraver (FIDL) Ferrell, George T.

1998. Fire Behavior Associated with the 1994 South Canyon Fire on Storm King Mountain, Colorado Butler, Bret W.; Bartlette, Roberta A.; Bradshaw, Larry S.; Cohen, Jack D.; Andrews, Patricia L.; Putnam, Ted; Mangan, Richard J.

2001. Fire Disturbance effects in subalpine forests of North Central Washington Schellhaas, R.; Spurbeck, D.; Ohlson, P.; [and others]

1999. Fire Ecology of Seeds from Rubus Spp.: A Competitor During Natural Pine Regeneration Cain, Michael D.; Shelton, Michael G.

2003. Fire Frequency Effects on Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris P. Miller) Vegetation in South Carolina and Northeast Florida, USA Glitzenstein, Jeff S.; Streng, Donna R.; Wade, Dale D.

1953. Fire Frequent as a Measure of Fire Prevention Accomplishments Lindenmuth, A.W., Jr.; Keetch, J.J.

2004. Fire History of a Forest, Savanna, and Fen Mosaic at White Ranch State Forest Dey, Daniel C.; Guyette, Ricahrd P.; Stambaugh, Michael C.

2003. Fire History of a Ridge and Valley Oak Forest Schuler, Thomas M.; McClain, W. Russ

1980. Fire In South Florida Ecosystems Wade, Dale; Ewel, John; Hofstetter, Ronald

1991. Fire Management Ramifications of Hurricane Hugo Saveland, J.M.; Wade, D.D.

2004. Fire Monitoring: Effects of Scorch in Louisiana's Pine Forests Haywood, James D.; Sword, Mary Anne; Harris, Finis L.

1952. Fire Prevention Efforts in the Northwest Lindenmuth, A.W., Jr.; Keetch, J.J.

2001. Fire Use Planning Leuschen, Tom; Wade, Dale; Seamon, Paula

2000. Fire and Pesticides: A Review of Air Quality Considerations Bush, Parshall B.; Neary, Daniel G.; McMahon, Charles K.

2004. Fire and Thinning in an Ohio Oak Forest: Grid-Based Analyses of Fire Behavior, Environmental Conditions, and Tree Regeneration Across a Topographic Moisture Gradient Iverson, Louis; Prasad, Anantha; Hutchison, Todd F.; Rebbeck, Joanne; Yaussy, Daniel A.

2003. Fire and aquatic ecosystems of the Western USA: current knowledge and key questions Bisson, P.A.; Rieman, B.E.; Luce, C.; Hessburg, P.F.; Lee, D.C.; Kershner, J.L.; Reeves, G.H.; Gresswell, R.E.

1998. Fire and biodiversity: studies of vegetation and arthropods Hermann, S.M.; Hook, T. Van; Flowers, R.W.; [and others]

2002. Fire and human history of a barren-forest mosaic in Southern Indiana Guyette, Richard P.; Dey, Daniel C.; Stambaugh, Michael C.

1997. Fire and logging history at Huckleberry Hallow, Shannon County, Missouri Guyette, Richard P.; Dey, Daniel C.

1991. Fire and the Environment: Ecological and Cultural Perspectives Nodvin, Stephen C.; Waldrop, Thomas A.; [Editors]

1994. Fire and weather disturbances in terrestrial ecosystems of the eastern Cascades. Agee, James K.

2001. Fire disturbance effects in subalpine forests of north central Washington Schellhaas, R.; Spurbeck, D.; Ohlson, P.; [and others]

1986. Fire effects in northeastern forests: aspen. Rouse, Cary

1986. Fire effects in northeastern forests: jack pine. Rouse, Cary

1986. Fire effects in northeastern forests: oak. Rouse, Cary

1988. Fire effects in northeastern forests: red pine. Rouse, Cary

2003. Fire effects on germination of seeds from Rhus and Rubus: competitors to pine during natural regeneration Cain, Michael D.; Shelton, Michael G.

1990. Fire endurance research at the Forest Products Laboratory White, R. H.

2003. Fire hazard and potential treatment effectiveness: a statewide assessment in Montana Fiedler, Carl E.; Keegan, Charles E.; Morgan, Todd A.; Woodall, Christopher W.

1990. Fire history and pattern in a Cascade Range landscape Morrison, Peter H.; Swanson, Frederick J.

2000. Fire history in th ponderosa pine/Douglas-fir forests on the east slope of the Washington Cascades Everett, Richard L.; Schellhaas, Richard; Keenum, Dave; [and others]

1996. Fire history near an historic travel corridor in Ontario Dey, Daniel C.; Guyette, Richard P.

2003. Fire history of oak­pine forests in the Lower Boston Mountains, Arkansas, USA Guyette, R.P.; Spetich, Martin A.

2002. Fire in southern forest landscapes Stanturf, John A.; Wade, Dale D.; Waldrop, Thomas A.; Kennard, Deborah K.; Achtemeier, Gary L.

1995. Fire in the Forest Saveland, J.M.

1997. Fire performance issues Cramer, S. M.; White, R. H.

1992. Fire regimes for pine-grassland communities in the southeastern United States Waldrop, Thomas A.; White, David L.; Jones, Steven M.

2003. Fire resistance of engineered wood rim board products. White, Robert H.

2004. Fire resistance of exposed wood members White, Robert H.

2002. Fire risk in east-side forests Rapp, Valerie

1999. Fire safety White, Robert H.; Dietenberger, Mark A.

1999. Fire safety White, Robert H.; Dietenberger, Mark A.

1972. Fire weather and behavior of the Little Sioux fire. Sando, Rodney W.; Haines, Donald A.

1999. Fire weather patterns Heilman, Warren E.; Eengenburg, James E.

1971. Fire whirlwind formation over flat terrain. Haines, Donald A.; Updike, Gerald H.

1991. Fire's importance in South Central U.S. forests: distribution of fire evidence Rudis, Victor A.; Skinner, Thomas V.

1993. Fire, Drought, and Forest Management Influences on Pine/Hardwood Ecosystems in the Southern Appalachians Vose, J.M.; Clinton, B.D.; Swank, W.T.

2003. Fire, fuel treatments, and ecological restoration: Conference proceedings; 2002 16-18 April; Fort Collins, CO. Omi, Philip N.; Joyce, Linda A.

1975. Fire-Weather Stations in North-Central and Northeastern United States Frost, John S.; Haines, Donald A.

1988. Fire-Weather Stations in the Northeastern United States Haines, Donald A.; Frost, John S.

1986. Fire-danger rating and observed wildfire behavior in the Northeastern United States. Haines, Donald A.; Main, William A.; Simard, Albert J.

1996. Fire-management policies and programs Husari, S.J.; McKelvey, K.S.

2000. FireFamily Plus User's Guide, Version 2.0 Bradshaw, Larry; McCormick, Erin

2000. FireWorks Curriculum Featuring Ponderosa, Lodgepole, and Whitebark Pine Forests Smith, Jane Kapler; McMurray, Nancy E.

1966. Firebreak Maintenance With Soil Sterilants Brown, James K.

1998. First Remote Measurements Of Smoke On The Ground At Night Achtemeier, Gary L.

1988. First Thinning Schlesinger, Richard C.

2004. First Year Results Following Thinning of 12-year-old White Oak Planting in Southern Indiana Weigel, Dale R.; Dey, Daniel C.

1998. First county records of red crossbill in the pineywoods region of eastern Texas Schaefer, Richard R.

1962. First progress report, 1961-1962, cooperative watershed management in the lower conifer zone of California Hopkins, Walt; Boden, Kenneth L.

2002. First-Year Effects of Plastic Tube Shelters, Wire Cages, and Fertilization on Planted Nuttall Oak Seedlings Taylor, Troy S.; Golden, Michael S.

2004. First-Year Effects of Shelterwood Cutting, Wildlife Thinning, and Prescribed Burning on Oak Regeneration and Competitors in Tennessee Oak-Hickory Forests Jackson, Samuel W.; Buckley, David S.

1977. First-Year Growth and Survival Of Long Cottonwood Cuttings Randall, W.K.; Krinard, R.M.

2004. First-Year Response on an Upland Hardwood Forest to Five Levels of Overstory Tree Retention Schweitzer, Callie Jo

2002. First-Year Survival and Growth of Bareroot and Container Water Oak and Willow Oak Seedlings Grown at Different Levels of Mineral Nutrition Williams, Hans; Stroupe, Matthew

2004. First-year Effects of Microstegium Vimineum and Early Growing Season Herbivory on Planted High-quality Oak (Quercus Spp.) Seedlings in Tennessee Oswalt, Christopher M.; Clatterbuck, Wayne K.; Oswalt, Sonja N.; Houston, Allan E.; Schlarbaum, Scott E.

1983. First-year effects of rootraking on available nutrients in Piedmont Plateau soils Banker, R.E.; Miller, James H.; Davis, D.E.

2001. First-year postfire and postharvest soil temperatures in aspen and conifer stands Amacher, Michael C.; Johnson, Amber D.; Kutterer, Debra E.; Bartos, Dale L.

2004. Fish Assemblage Structure Under Variable Environmental Conditions in the Ouachita Mountains Taylor, Christopher M.; Williams, Lance R.; Fiorillo,Riccardo A.; Thomas, R. Brent; Warren, Melvin L., Jr.

2000. Fish and Other Aquatic Resource Trends in the United States Loftus, Andrew J.; Flather, Curtis H.

1993. Fish habitat conditions: using the Northern/Intermountain Regions' inventory procedures for detecting differences on two differently managed watersheds Overton, C. Kerry; Radko, Michael A.; Nelson, Rodger L.

1994. Fisher Powell, R.A.; Zielinski, William J.

2004. Fishes, mussels, crayfishes, and aquatic habitats of the Hoosier-Shawnee ecological assessment area Brooks, M. Burr; Sipiorski, Justin T.; Thomas, Matthew R.; Cummings, Kevin S.; Taylor, Christopher A.

2004. Fitting Fire into Oak Management Brose, Patrick

1979. Five Years' Growth of Pruned and Unpruned Cottonwood Planted at 40- by 40-Foot Spacing Krinard, Roger M.

1963. Five-year effects from row thinnings in loblolly pine plantations of eastern Maryland Little, S.; Mohr, J.J.

2000. Five-year field trials using preservative-treated, second-growth Douglas-fir exposed in ground contact in Australia De Groot, Rodney C.; Crawford, Douglas M.; Norton, Jack; Keith, John

1985. Flail-Delimbing of Loblolly Pine - A Case Study Stokes, Bryce J.

2001. Flake Orientation Effects On Physical and Mechanical Properties of Sweetgum Flakeboard Shupe, T.F.; Hse, Chung-Yun; Price, E.W.

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1998. Flakeboard thickness swelling. Part I, Stress relaxation in a flakeboard mat Geimer, R. L.; Kwon, J. H.; Bolton, J.

1999. Flakeboard thickness swelling. Part II, Fundamental response of board properties to steam injection pressing Geimer, Robert L.; Kwon, Jin Heon.

2004. Fleas and lice of mammals in New Mexico Ford, Paulette L.; Fagerlund, Richard A.; Duszynski, Donald W.; Polechla, Paul J.

1969. Fleshy Fungi Commonly Eaten by Southern Wildlife Miller, Howard A.; Halls, Lowell K.

1991. Flexural Properties of Eastern Hardwood Pallet Parts McLeod, John A., III; White, Marshall S.; Ifju, Paul A.; Araman, Philip A.

2003. Flexural properties of laminated veneer lumber manufactured from ultrasonically rated red maple veneer : a pilot study. Wang, Xiping; Ross, Robert J.; Brashaw, Brian K.; Verhey, Steven A.; Forsman, John W.; Erickson, John R.

1999. Flomaton Natural Area: A Living Museum for Longleaf Pine Kush, John S.

1974. Flood Frequenices and Bridge and Culvert Sizes for Forested Mountains of North Carolina Douglass, James E.

2004. Flood Plain Topography Affects Establishment Success of Direct-Seeded Bottomland Oaks Gardiner, Emile S.; Hodges, John D.; Fristoe, T. Conner

1998. Flood disturbance in a forested mountain landscape: interactions of land use and floods. Swanson, F.J.; Johnson, S.L.; Gregory, S.V.; Acker, S.A.

1981. Flood frequency and culvert sizes needed for small watersheds in the Central Appalachians Helvey, J.D.

1993. Flooding and its Effect on Trees Bratkovich, Stephen; Burban, Lisa; Katovich, Steven; Locey, Craig; Pokorny, Jill; Wiest, Richard

1998. Flooding and stormflows Ziemer, Robert R.

1981. Flooding, Beavers, and Hardwood Seedling Survival Krinard, Roger M.; Johnson, Robert L.

1968. Flooring costs: a comparison of installation and maintenance costs for three types of residential flooring Martens, David G.

2003. Florida's Revised Prescribed Fire Law: Protection For Responsible Burners Brenner, Jim; Wade, Dale

1999. Florida’s forests, 1995 Brown, Mark J.

1997. Florida’s timber industry - an assessment of timber product output and use, 1995 Johnson, Tony G.; Jenkins, Anne; Haxby, Tom S.

1999. Florida’s timber industry - an assessment of timber product output and use, 1997. Howell, Michael; Ford, Eric.

2002. Florida’s timber industry - an assessment of timber product output and use, 1999 Bentley, James W.; Johnson, Tony G.; Ford, Eric

1999. Floristic diversity, stand structure, and composition 11 years after herbicide site preparation Miller, James H.; Boyd, Robert S.; Edwards, M. Boyd.

2004. Flush Development Dynamics in First-Year Nursery-Grown Seedlings of Eight Oak Species Sung, Shi-Jean S.; Kormanik, Paul P.; Zarnoch, Stanley J.

2004. Flying Fun: An Exploratory Examination of Serious Leisure Wang, Phillip

2003. Focus on...The right tools: Managing for fire using FIA inventory data. USDA Forest Service

2004. Foliage Density Distribution and Prediction of Intensively Managed Loblolly Pine Zhang, Yujia; Borders, Bruce E.; Will, Rodney E.; De Los Santos Posadas, Hector;

1969. Foliage Sampling Guides for Loblolly Pine Wells, Carol G.

1969. Foliar Analysis For Predicting Loblolly Pine Response To Phosphurus Fertilization on Wet Sites Wells, Carol G.; Crutchfield, D.M.

1999. Foliar Temperature-Respiration Response Functions for Broad-Leaved Tree Species in the Southern Appalachians Bolstad, Paul V.; Mitchell, Katherine; Vose, James M.

2004. Foliar physiology of yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera L.) exposed to O3 and elevated CO2 over five seasons Rebbeck, Joanne; Scherzer, Amy J.; Loats, Ken V.

2004. Following a river wherever it goes: beneath the surface of mountain streams Thompson, Jonathan; Duncan, Sally

2002. Food Reserves In Mountain Longleaf Pine Roots During Shoot Elongation Walkinshaw, Charles H.; Otrosina, William J.

2001. Food for fish, food for thought: managing the invisible components of streams Duncan, Sally

1997. Food preferences of captive northern flying squirrels from the Lassen National Forest in northeastern California Zabel, C.J.; Waters, J.R.

1981. Foods of white-tailed deer in the Upper Great Lakes Region -- a review. Rogers, Lynn L.; Mooty, Jack J.; Dawson, Deanna

2004. Forcasting Shortleaf Pine Seed Crops in the Ouachita Mountains Shelton, Michael G.; Wittwer, Robert F.

1989. Forest Access Roads Kochenderfer, James N.; Helvey, J. D.

1987. Forest Area Trends in Puerto Rico Birdsey, Richard A.; Weaver, Peter L.

1982. Forest Area in Eastern South Dakota, 1980 Castonguay, Thomas L.

1986. Forest Area in Illinois, 1985 Hansen, Mark H.

1975. Forest Area in Iowa Couties, 1974 Essex, Burton L.

1983. Forest Area in Kansas, 1981 Hackett, Ronald L.

1967. Forest Area in Michigan Counties, 1966 Ostrom, Arnold J.

1982. Forest Area in Michigan, 1980 Ostrom, Arnold J.

1980. Forest Area in Minnesota, 1977 Ostrom, Arnold J.

1974. Forest Area in Missouri Counties, 1972 Essex, Burton L.

1984. Forest Area in Nebraska, 1983 Castonguay, Thomas L.

1982. Forest Area in North Dakota, 1980 Hackett, Ronald L.

1972. Forest Area in Wisconsin Counties, 1968 Essex, Burton L.

1985. Forest Area in Wisconsin, 1983 Ostrom, Arnold J.

0. Forest Certification in the Northeast and Midwest Hansen, Eric; Bratkovich, Stephen

2002. Forest Clearcutting and Site Preparation on a Saline Soil in East Texas: Impacts on Water Quality McBroom, Matthew; Chang, Mingteh; Sayok, Alexander K.

1967. Forest Cover Types by Counties, Michigan, 1966 Ostrom, Arnold J.

2004. Forest Dynamics at the Epicenter of an Oak Decline Event in the Boston Mountains, Arkansas – Year One. Spetich, Martin A.

1996. Forest Ecosystem Analysis Using a GIS McNulty, S.G.; Swank, W.T.

2003. Forest Ecosystem Services As Production Inputs Pattanayak, Subhrendu; Butry, David T.

1973. Forest Fertilization Symposium Proceedings Leaf, Albert L.; Leonard, Raymond E.

1977. Forest Fire Occurence in Southern Counties, 1966-1975 Doolittle, M.L.

1982. Forest Fire Prevention Programs and Their Evaluation In U.S. Forest Service Region 8 Wetherill, G. Richard

1995. Forest Floor CO2 Flux From Two Contrasting Ecosystems in the Southern Appalachians Vose, James M.; Clinton, Barton D.; Emrick, Verl

1970. Forest Floor Characteristics in Southwestern Wisconsin Knighton, M. Dean

1983. Forest Floor, Soil, andVegetation Responses to Sludge Fertilization in Red and White Pine Plantations Brockway, D.G.

2002. Forest Growth and Yield Models Viewed From a Different Perspective Goelz, Jeffery C.

1991. Forest Habitat Loss, Fragmentation, and Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Populations Conner, Richard N.; Rudolph, D. Craig

2002. Forest Health Monitoring in Connecticut, 1996-1999. Northeastern Research Station

2002. Forest Health Monitoring in Maine, 1996-1999. Northeastern Research Station

2003. Forest Health Monitoring in Maryland 1996-1999 Northeastern Research Station

2002. Forest Health Monitoring in Massachusetts, 1996-1999 Northeastern Research Station

2002. Forest Health Monitoring in New Hampshire, 1996-1999 Northeastern Research Station

2002. Forest Health Monitoring in New York, 1996-1999 Northeastern Research Station

2002. Forest Health Monitoring in Pennsylvania 1998-1999 Northeastern Research Station

2002. Forest Health Monitoring in Rhode Island, 1996-1999. Northeastern Research Station

2002. Forest Health Monitoring in Vermont, 1996-1999 Northeastern Research Station

2002. Forest Health Monitoring in West Virginia 1996-1999 Northeastern Research Station

2002. Forest Health Monitoring in West Virginia 1996-1999 Barnett, Chuck

2001. Forest Health Monitoring in the Interior West: A baseline summary of forest issues, 1996-1999 Rogers, Paul; Atkins, David; Frank, Michelle; Parker, Douglas

1999. Forest Health in North America: Some Perspectives on Actual and Potential Roles of Climate and Air Pollution McLaughlin, S.; Percy, K.

1991. Forest Herbicide Benefits and Developments for Intensive Southern Pine Culture Miller, James H.

1992. Forest Herbicide Washoff From Foliar Applications Michael, J.L.; Talley, Kevin L.; Fishburn, H.C.

1989. Forest Insect Defoliators Marshall, Philip T.

1991. Forest Insect Guilds: Patterns of Interaction with Host Trees; 1989 August 13-17; Abakan, Siberia, U.S.S.R. : General Theory on Plant/Phytophage Interactions (Part 1 of 3) Baranchikov, Yuri N.; Mattson, William J.; Hain, Fred P.; Payne, Thomas L.; [Editors]

1991. Forest Insect Guilds: Patterns of Interaction with Host Trees; 1989 August 13-17; Abakan, Siberia, U.S.S.R. : High Mobile, External Phytophages (Part 2 of 3) Baranchikov, Yuri N.; Mattson, William J.; Hain, Fred P.; Payne, Thomas L.; [Editors]

1991. Forest Insect Guilds: Patterns of Interaction with Host Trees; 1989 August 13-17; Abakan, Siberia, U.S.S.R. : Poorly Mobile, Internal Phytophages. (Part 3 of 3) Baranchikov, Yuri N.; Mattson, William J.; Hain, Fred P.; Payne, Thomas L.; [Editors]

2000. Forest Insect and Disease Tally System (FINDIT) User Manual Bentz, Barbara J.

2001. Forest Inventory Mapmaker Users Guide Miles, Patrick D.

2002. Forest Inventory and Analysis Program: Explore the Possibilities. USDA Forest Service, .

2001. Forest Inventory and Analysis: What it Tells Us About Water Quality in Arkansas Miller, Edwin L.; Liechty, Hal O.

1968. Forest Land In Indiana Counties, 1967 Essex, Burton L.

2001. Forest Landowners' Guide to the Federal Income Tax Haney, Harry L., Jr.; Hoover, William L.; Siegel, William C.; Greene, John L.

1999. Forest Landscapes: Their Effect on the Interaction of the Southern Pine Beetle and Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Coulson, Robert N.; Guzman, Maria D.; Skordinski, Karen; Fitzgerald, Jeffrey W.; Conner, Richard N.; Rudolph, D. Craig; Oliveria, Forrest L.; Wunneburger, Douglas F.; Pulley, Paul E.

1997. Forest Management Effects on Surface Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Knoepp, Jennifer D.; Swank, Wayne T.

2002. Forest Management Expenses of Mississippi's Nonindustrial Private Forest Landowners Arano, Kathryn G.; Cushing, Tamara L.; Munn, Ian A.

1998. Forest Patch Size, Land Use, and Mesic Forest Herbs in the French Broad River Basin, North Carolina Pearson, Scott M.; Smith, Alan B.; Turner, Monica G.

1998. Forest Productivity and Timber Supply Modeling in the South Cubbage, Frederick; Siry, Jacek; Abt, Robert; Wear, David N.; Moffat, Steverson

2000. Forest Productivity, Leaf Area, and Terrain in Southern Appalachian Deciduous Forests Bolstad, Paul V.; Vose, James M.; McNulty, Steven G.

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1989. Forest Regulation Methods and Silvicultural Systems: What Are They Sander, Ivan L.; Fischer, Burnell C.

1986. Forest Resource Trends and Current Conditions in the Lower Mississippi Valley Rudis, Victor A.; Birdsey, Richard A.

1992. Forest Resources Arkansas Beltz, Roy C.; Bertelson, Daniel F.; Faulkner, Joanne L.; May, Dennis M.

1992. Forest Resources of Alabama (1992) McWilliams, William H.

1988. Forest Resources of East Texas McWilliams, William H.; Lord, Roger G

1995. Forest Resources of Louisiana, 1991 Rosson, James F., Jr.

1969. Forest Resources of Mississippi - 1969 van Sickle, Charles C.; van Hooser, Dwane D.

1989. Forest Resources of Mississippi - 1989 Kelly, John F.; Sims, Mike

2001. Forest Resources of Mississippi - 1994 Rosson, James F., Jr.

1972. Forest Resources of Tennessee - 1972 Murphy, Paul A.

1991. Forest Resources of Tennessee - 1991 May, Dennis M.

2001. Forest Resources of the United States, 1997 Smith, W. Brad; Vissage, John S.; Darr, David R.; Sheffield, Raymond M.

2002. Forest Resources of the United States, 1997, METRIC UNITS. Smith, W. Brad; Vissage, John S.; Darr, Davie R.; Sheffield, Raymond M.

2004. Forest Resources of the United States, 2002 Smith, W. Brad; Miles, Patrick D.; Vissage, John S.; Pugh, Scott A.

2002. Forest Road Erosion, Sediment Transport, and Model Validation in the Southern Appalachians Riedel, Mark S.; Vose, James M.

1964. Forest Service Log Grades for Southern Pine Campbell, Robert A.

2002. Forest Service National Visitor Use Monitoring Process: Research Method Documentation English, Donald B.K.; Kocis, Susan M.; Zarnoch, Stanley J.; Arnold, J. Ross

1992. Forest Service Resource Inventories: An Overview USDA Forest Service

2003. Forest Service programs, authorities, and relationships: A technical document supporting the 2000 USDA Forest Service RPA Assessment Schuster, Ervin G.; Krebs, Michael A.

1989. Forest Site Classification in the Interior Uplands Smalley, Glendon W.

2004. Forest Soil Productivity on the Southern Long-Term Soil Productivity Sites at Age 5 Scott, D. Andrew; Tiarks, Allan E.; Sanchez, Felipe G.; Elliott-Smith, Michael; Stagg, Rick

1965. Forest Species Compared in Ozark Plantations Maple, William R.

1997. Forest Species Diversity in Upper Elevation Hardwood Forests in the Southern Appalachian Mountains Elliott, Katherine J.; Hewitt, Deidre

1967. Forest Stand-Size Trends in Upper Michigan, 1955-1966 Stone, Robert N.

1986. Forest Stands Selected by Foraging Red-Cockaded Woodpeckers Hooper, Robert G.; Harlow, Richard F.

1982. Forest Statistics For East Tennessee Counties Staff: Renewable Resources Evaluation Research Work Unit

1983. Forest Statistics For Georgia, 1982 Tansey, John E.

1953. Forest Statistics for Alabama (1953) Wheeler, Philip R.

1973. Forest Statistics for Alabama Counties (1973) Hedlund, Arnold; Earles, J.M.

1985. Forest Statistics for Alabama Counties - 1982 Staff: Forest Inventory and Analysis Research Work Unit

1991. Forest Statistics for Alabama Counties - 1990 Vissage, John S.; Miller, Patrick E.

2002. Forest Statistics for Alabama, 2000 Hartsell, Andrew J.; Brown, Mark J.

1979. Forest Statistics for Arkansas Counties - 1979 Renewable Resources Evaluation Research Work Unit

1988. Forest Statistics for Arkansas Counties - 1988 Hines, F. Dee; Vissage, John S.

1997. Forest Statistics for Arkansas Counties - 1995 London, Jack D.

1997. Forest Statistics for Arkansas' Delta Counties - 1995 Rosson, James F., Jr.; Hartsell, Andrew J.; London, Jack D.

1997. Forest Statistics for Arkansas' Ouachita Counties - 1995 Rosson, James F., Jr.; London, Jack D.

1997. Forest Statistics for Arkansas' Ozark Counties - 1995 Rosson, James F., Jr.; London, Jack D.

1988. Forest Statistics for Arkansas’ Ouachita Counties - 1988 Hines, F. Dee

1970. Forest Statistics for Central Florida - 1970 Snyder, Nolan L.; Knight, Herbert A.

1996. Forest Statistics for Central Florida - 1995 Brown, Mark J.

1971. Forest Statistics for Central Georgia 1972 Cathey, Robert A.

1998. Forest Statistics for Central Georgia, 1997 Thompson, Michael T.

1994. Forest Statistics for Central Mississippi Counties - 1994 Faulkner, Joanne L.; Miller, Patrick E.; Hartsell, Andrew J.; London, Jack D.

1999. Forest Statistics for Central Tennessee, 1998 Schweitzer, Callie Jo

1993. Forest Statistics for East Oklahoma Counties - l993 Miller, Patrick E.; Hartsell, Andrew J.; London, Jack D.

1989. Forest Statistics for East Tennessee Counties - 1989 May, Dennis M.; Vissage, John S.

2000. Forest Statistics for East Tennessee, 1999 Schweitzer, Callie Jo

1992. Forest Statistics for East Texas Counties - 1992 Miller, Patrick E.; Hartsell, Andrew J.

1988. Forest Statistics for Florida, 1987 Brown, Mark J.; Thompson, Michael T.

1996. Forest Statistics for Florida, 1995 Brown, Mark J.

1989. Forest Statistics for Georgia, 1989 Thompson, Michael T.

1998. Forest Statistics for Georgia, 1997 Thompson, Michael T.

1990. Forest Statistics for Kentucky - 1975 and 1988 Alerich, Carol L.

1992. Forest Statistics for Louisiana Parishes - 1991 Vissage, John S.; Miller, Patrick E.; Hartsell, Andrew J.

1991. Forest Statistics for Minnesota`s Central Hardwood Unit. Leatherberry, Earl C.

1991. Forest Statistics for Minnesota`s Northern Pine Unit. Murray, Pat

1969. Forest Statistics for Mississippi Counties Hedlund, Arnold; Earles, J.M.

1995. Forest Statistics for Mississippi Counties - 1994 Hartsell, Andrew J.; London, Jack D.

1995. Forest Statistics for Mississippi Delta counties - 1994 Faulkner, Joanne L.; Hartsell, Andrew J.; London, Jack D.

2001. Forest Statistics for North Alabama, 2000 Hartsell, Andrew J.; Vissage, John S.

1991. Forest Statistics for North Carolina, 1990 Johnson, Tony G.

1972. Forest Statistics for North Central Georgia 1972 Knight, Herbert A.

1998. Forest Statistics for North Central Georgia, 1998 Thompson, Michael T.

1973. Forest Statistics for North Georgia 1972 Knight, Herbert A.

1998. Forest Statistics for North Georgia, 1998 Thompson, Michael T.

1987. Forest Statistics for North Mississippi Counties - 1987 Kelly, John F.; Hines, F. Dee

2001. Forest Statistics for North-Central Alabama, 2000 Brown, Mark J.; Sheffield, Raymond M.

1970. Forest Statistics for Northeast Florida 1970 McClure, Joe P.

1980. Forest Statistics for Northeast Florida, 1980 Sheffield, Raymond M.

1980. Forest Statistics for Northeast Florida, 1980 Sheffield, Raymond M.

1992. Forest Statistics for Northeast Oklahoma Counties - 1993 Franco, Peter A.; Miller, Patrick E.; Hartsell, Andrew J.

1992. Forest Statistics for Northeast Texas Counties - 1992 Kelly, John E.; Miller, Patrick E.; Hartsell, Andrew J.

1994. Forest Statistics for Northwest Florida, 1994 Clark, Robert F., Jr.; Sheffield, Raymond M.

1992. Forest Statistics for Northwest Louisiana Parishes - 1991 Rosson, James F., Jr.; Miller, Patrick E.; Vissage, John S.

1993. Forest Statistics for South Carolina, 1993 Conner, Roger C.

1991. Forest Statistics for South Delta Louisiana Parishes - 1991 Rosson, James F., Jr.; Miller, Patrick E.; Vissage, John S.

1970. Forest Statistics for South Florida 1970 Bellamy, Thomas R.; Knight, Herbert A.

1996. Forest Statistics for South Florida, 1995 Thompson, Michael T.

1993. Forest Statistics for South Mississippi Counties - 1994 Faulkner, Joanne L.; Miller, Patrick E.; Hartsell, Andrew J.; London, Jack D.

2002. Forest Statistics for Southeast Alabama, 2000 Hartsell, Andrew J.

1971. Forest Statistics for Southeast Georgia 1971 Bellamy, Thomas R.

1997. Forest Statistics for Southeast Georgia, 1996 Thompson, Michael T.; Sheffield, Raymond M.

1991. Forest Statistics for Southeast Louisiana Parishes - 1991 Rosson, James F., Jr.; Miller, Patrick E.; Vissage, John S.

1987. Forest Statistics for Southeast Oklahoma Counties - 1986 Birdsey, Richard A.; Bertelson, Daniel F.

1993. Forest Statistics for Southeast Oklahoma Counties - 1993 France, Peter A.; Miller, Patrick E.; Hartsell, Andrew J.

1992. Forest Statistics for Southeast Texas Counties - 1992 Kelly, John F.; Miller, Patrick E.; Hartsell, Andrew J.

1971. Forest Statistics for Southwest Georgia 1971 Knight, Herbert A.

1988. Forest Statistics for Southwest Arkansas Counties - 1988 Hines, F. Dee

1995. Forest Statistics for Southwest Arkansas Counties - 1995 Rosson, James F., Jr.; Hartsell, Andrew J.; London, Jack D.

1997. Forest Statistics for Southwest Georgia, 1996 Sheffield, Raymond M.; Thompson, Michael T.

1983. Forest Statistics for Southwest-North Alabama Counties Staff: Forest Inventory and Analysis Research Work Unit

2000. Forest Statistics for Southwest-North Alabama, 1999 Vissage, John S.

2000. Forest Statistics for Southwest-South Alabama, 1999 Vissage, John S.

1982. Forest Statistics for Tennessee Counties Staff of Renewable Resources Evaluation Work Unit, Southern Forest Experiment Station.

1971. Forest Statistics for Tennessee Counties (1971) Hedlund, Arnold; Earles, J.M.

1990. Forest Statistics for Tennessee Counties - 1989 Vissage, John S.; Duncan, K.L.

1971. Forest Statistics for Tennessee Plateau Counties Hedlund, Arnold; Earles, J. M.

1989. Forest Statistics for Tennessee's Plateau Counties - 1989 May, Dennis M.; Vissage, John S.

2000. Forest Statistics for Tennessee's Plateau Counties - 1999 Schweitzer, Callie Jo

2000. Forest Statistics for Tennessee, 1999 Schweitzer, Callie Jo

1992. Forest Statistics for Virginia, 1992 Johnson, Tony G.

1999. Forest Statistics for West Central Tennessee, 1997 Schweitzer, Callie Jo

1999. Forest Statistics for West Tennessee, 1997 Schweitzer, Callie Jo

2001. Forest Statistics for West-Central Alabama, 1999 Hartsell, Andrew J.; Vissage, John S.

1991. Forest Statistics for the Coastal Plain of Virginia, 1991 Thompson, Michael T.

1991. Forest Statistics for the Mountains of North Carolina, 1990 Johnson, Tony G.

1990. Forest Statistics for the Northern Coastal Plain of North Carolina, 1990 Thompson, Michael T.

1993. Forest Statistics for the Northern Coatal Plain of South Carolina, 1992 Thompson, Michael T.; Sheffield, Raymond M.

1992. Forest Statistics for the Northern Mountains of Virginia, 1992 Johnson, Tony G.

1992. Forest Statistics for the Northern Piedmont of Virginia, 1992 Thompson, Michael T.

2001. Forest Statistics for the Southern Coastal Plain of North Carolina, 1999 Conner, Roger C.; Sheffield, Raymond M.

1993. Forest Statistics for the Southern Coastal Plain of South Carolina Koontz, Benjamin L.; Sheffield, Raymond M.

1992. Forest Statistics for the Southern Mountains of Virginia, 1992 Thompson, Michael T.

1991. Forest Statistics for the Southern Piedmont of Virginia, 1991 Johnson, Tony G.

1995. Forest Stewardship Planning Guide (version l.00) user's manual (Computer Program) Alban, Laura Miller; Thomasma, Scott A.; Twery, Mark J

1978. Forest Tent Caterpillar Belzer, Harold O.; Morris, Robert C.

1996. Forest Tent Caterpillar (Pest Alert) USDA Forest Service

2001. Forest Tent Caterpillar in the Upper Midwest Katovich, Steven; Hanson, Jim

2001. Forest Tenure Systems and Sustainable Forest Management: The Case of Ghana Owubah, Charles E.; Le Master, Dennis C.; Bowker, J.M.; Lee, John G.

1988. Forest Thrives In Sludge Application Tests Brockway, Dale G.

1983. Forest Treatment Opportunities for Eastern South Dakota 1980-1989 Smith, W. Brad; Sowers, Raymond A.; Jakes, Pamela J.

1966. Forest Tree Improvement Research in the South and Southeast Dorman, Keith W.

2004. Forest Vegetation in Hamilton County, Ohio: A Cluster Analysis and Ordination Study Bryant, William S.; Held, Michael E.

1988. Forest access roads: design, maintenance, and soil loss Swift, Lloyd W., Jr.

1987. Forest area in Indiana, 1986. Hansen, Mark H.

2000. Forest atmosphere carbon transfer and storage (FACTS-II) the aspen Free-air CO2 and O3 Enrichment (FACE) project: an overview. Dickson, R.E.; Lewin, K.F.; Isebrands, J.G.; Coleman, M.D.; Heilman, W.E.; Riemenschneider, D.E.; Sober, J.; Host, G.E.; Zak, D.R.; Hendrey, G.R.; Pregitzer, K.S.; Karnosky, D.F.

1984. Forest biomass and empirical yield for Kansas. Smith, W. Brad; Hackett, Ronald L.

1998. Forest carnivore conservation and management in the interior Columbia basin: issues and environmental correlates Witmer, Gary W.; Martin, Sandra K.; Sayler, Rodney D.

2001. Forest communities in the third millennium: linking research, business, and policy toward a sustainable non-timber forest product sector. Davidson-Hunt, Iain; Duchesne, Luc C.; Zasada, John C.

1967. Forest cooperatives: a bibliography Dempsey, Gilbert P.

2000. Forest cover dynamics in the Pacific Northwest west side: regional trends and predictions Alig, Ralph J.; Zheng, Daolan; Spies, Thomas A.; Butler, Brett J.

1994. Forest cover from Landsat Thematic Mapper data for use in the Catahoula anger District geographic information system. Evans, David L.

2000. Forest cover types USDA Forest Service; U.S. Department of Interior, Geological Survey; [Compilers]

1994. Forest density mapping in the lower 48 States: a regression procedure Zhu, Zhiliang

1994. Forest dependence and community well-being: a segmented market approach Overdevest, Christine; Green, Gary P.

1998. Forest disturbance in hurricane-related downbursts in the Appalachian mountains of North Carolina Greenberg, Cathryn H.; McNab, W. Henry

2003. Forest economics research at the Pacific Northwest Research Station, to 2000 Flora, Donald F.

1981. Forest experiences of fifth-grade Chicago public school students. Metro, Laura J.; Dwyer, John F.; Dreschler, Erwin S.

1978. Forest fire reporting by the northeastern states. Donoghue, Linda R.

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1997. Forest operations for ecosystem management Rummer, Robert B.; Baumgras, John; McNeel, Joe

1998. Forest plant diversity at local and landscape scales in the Cascade Mountains of southwestern Washington Brockway, D.G.

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2001. Forest processes and global environmental change: predicting the effects of individual and multiple stressors Aber, John; Neilson, Ronald P.; McNulty, Steve; Lenihan, James M.; Bachelet, Dominque; Drapek, Raymond J.

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2002. Forests of Rhode Island (Part 2 of 4) Barnett, Charles; Butler, Brett; Dolan, Paul; Dupree, Thomas; Emery, Marla; Lister, Andrew; Lister, Tonya; Ricard, Paul; Sparks, Catherine; Wharton, Eric; Widmann, Richard

2002. Forests of Rhode Island (Part 3 of 4) Barnett, Charles; Butler, Brett; Dolan, Paul; Dupree, Thomas; Emery, Marla; Lister, Andrew; Lister, Tonya; Ricard, Paul; Sparks, Catherine; Wharton, Eric; Widmann, Richard

2002. Forests of Rhode Island (Part 4 of 4) Barnett, Charles; Butler, Brett; Dolan, Paul; Dupree, Thomas; Emery, Maria; Lister, Andrew; Lister, Tonya; Ricard, Paul; Sparks, Catherine; Wharton, Eric; Widmann, Richard

2003. Forests of eastern Oregon: an overview Campbell, Sally; Azuma, Dave; Weyermann, Dale

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2002. Fragmentation of Continental United States Forests Riitters, Kurt H.; Wickham, James D.; O'Neill, Robert V.; Jones, K. Bruce; Smith, Elizabeth R.; Coulston, John W.; Wade, Timothy G.; Smith, Jonathan H.

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1970. Front and Back Face Gum Yields from 2,4-D and H2SO4 Treatments on Slash Pine Clements, Ralph W.

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1968. Fuel Evaluation for a Missouri Pine Plantation Released by Aerial Spraying Loomis, Robert M.; Crosby, John S.

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2004. Fuels Planning: Science Synthesis and Integration; Economic Uses Fact Sheet 7: Markets and Log Prices USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station

2004. Fuels Planning: Science Synthesis and Integration; Environmental Consequences Fact Sheet 1: Fire Effects Information System (FEIS) Sutherland, Steve

2004. Fuels Planning: Science Synthesis and Integration; Environmental Consequences Fact Sheet 2: First Order Fire Effects Model (FOFEM) Sutherland, Steve

2004. Fuels Planning: Science Synthesis and Integration; Environmental Consequences Fact Sheet 3: Structure Fires in the Wildland-Urban Interface Sutherland, Steve

2004. Fuels Planning: Science Synthesis and Integration; Fact Sheet: The Fuels Synthesis Project Overview USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station

2004. Fuels Planning: Science Synthesis and Integration; Forest Structure and Fire Hazard Fact Sheet 1: Forest Structure and Fire Hazard Overview USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station

2004. Fuels Planning: Science Synthesis and Integration; Forest Structure and Fire Hazard Fact Sheet 2: Fire Hazard USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station

2004. Fuels Planning: Science Synthesis and Integration; Forest Structure and Fire Hazard Fact Sheet 3: Visualizing Forest Structure and Fuels USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station

2004. Fuels Planning: Science Synthesis and Integration; Forest Structure and Fire Hazard Fact Sheet 4: Role of Silviculture in Fuel Treatments USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station

2004. Fuels Planning: Science Synthesis and Integration; Social Issues Fact Sheet 1: Developing Personal Responsibility for Fuels Reduction: Building A Successful Program to Engage Property Owners USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station

2004. Fuels Planning: Science Synthesis and Integration; Social Issues Fact Sheet 2: Developing Personal Responsibility for Fuels Reduction: Types of Information to Encourage Proactive Behavior USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station

2004. Fuels Planning: Science Synthesis and Integration; Social Issues Fact Sheet 3: Developing Personal Responsibility for Fuels Reduction: More Ways to Catch and Hold People's Attention USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station

2004. Fuels Planning: Science Synthesis and Integration; Social Issues Fact Sheet 4: Three Critical Topics to Cover When Talking About Hazards USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station

2004. Fuels Planning: Science Synthesis and Integration; Social Issues Fact Sheet 5: The Importance of Working Locally USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station

2004. Fuels Planning: Science Synthesis and Integration; Social Issues Fact Sheet 6: Important Considerations for Communicating About Hazards USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station

2004. Fuels Planning: Science Synthesis and Integration; Social Issues Fact Sheet 7: The "Laws" of Effective Public Education About Fire Hazards USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station

2004. Fuels Planning: Science Synthesis and Integration; Social Issues Fact Sheet 8: The "Golden Rule" and Other Lessons on Communicating About Hazards USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station

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1963. Fungus and insect injury to yellow birch seeds and seedlings Shigo, Alex L.; Yelenosky, George

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1978. Fusiform Rust of Southern Pines Phelps, W. R.; Czabator, F. L.

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2002. Fuzzy Decision Analysis for Integrated Environmental Vulnerability Assessment of the Mid-Atlantic Region Tran, Liem T.; Knight, C. Gregory; O'Neill, Robert V.; Smith, Elizabeth R.; Riitters, Kurt H.; Wickham, James D.

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2001. GIS applications to wilderness management: potential uses and limitations Landres, Peter; Spildie, David R.; Queen, LLoyd P.

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2000. Gene action and linkage of avirulence genes to DNA makers in the rust fungus Puccinia graminis Zambino, P. J.; Kubelik, A. R.; Szabo, L. J.

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2000. Generating Continuous Surface Probability Maps from Airborne Video Using Two Sampling Intensities Along the Video Transect Jacobs, Dennis M.; Cooke, William H., III

1978. Genetic Gains Through Testing and Crossing Longleaf Pine Plus Trees Bey, Calvin F.; Snyder, E. Bayne

2000. Genetic Linkage Mapping of Genomic Regions Conferring Tolerance to High Aluminum in Slash Pine Kubisiak, Thomas L.; Nelson, C. Dana; Nowak, J.; Friend, A.L.

1989. Genetic Principles Overton, Ronald P.; Funk, David T.

1996. Genetic Relatedness of North American Populations of Tomicus piniperda (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) Carter, M. Carol Alosi; Robertson, Jacqueline L.; Haack, Robert A.; Lawrence, Robert K.; Hayes, Jane L.

1998. Genetic Variance in the F2 Generation of Divergently Selected Parents Koshy, M.P.; Namkoong, G.; Roberds, J.H.

2003. Genetic Variation in Natural Populations of American Chestnut Kubisiak, Thomas L.; Roberds, James H.

2002. Genetic analysis of growth curves for a woody perennial species, Pinus taeda L. Gwaze, D.P.; Bridgwater, F.E.; Williams, C.G.

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1998. Genetic engineering of Pichia stipitis for fermentation of xylose Jeffries, Thomas W.; Shi, N. Q.; Cho, J. Y.; Lu, P.; Dahn, K.; Hendrick, J.; Sreenath, H. K.

1999. Genetic evidence that butternut canker was recently introduced into North America Furnier, Glenn R.; Stoiz, Allison M.; Mustaphi, Raka M.; Ostry, Michael E.

2000. Genetic implications for forest trees of increasing levels of greenhouse gases and UV-B radiation Karnosky, David F.; Percy, Kevin E.; Mankovska, Blanka

2002. Genetic impoverishment and cross-incompatibility in remnant genotypes of Ziziphus celata (Rhamnaceae), a rare shrub endemic to the Lake Wales Ridge, Florida Weekley, C.W.; Kubisiak, Thomas L.; Race, T.M.

1999. Genetic structure of Heterbasidion annosum in white fir mortality centers in California Garbelotto, M.; Cobb, F.W.; Bruns, T.D.; Otrosina, William J.; Popenuck, Tina; Slaughter, Garey

1999. Genetic transformation of Pinus palustris (longleaf pine) Diner, Alex M.

1994. Genetic variation and seed transfer guidelines for ponderosa pine in central Oregon. Sorensen, Frank C.

1999. Genetic variation in growth, carbon isotope discrimination, and foliar N concentration in Picea mariana: analyses from a half-diallel mating design using field-grown trees Johnsen, Kurt H.; Flanagan, Lawrence B.; Huber, Dudley A.; Major, John E.

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2004. Genome sequence of the lignocellulose degrading fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium strain RP78 Martinez, Diego; Larrondo, Luis; Putnam, Nik; Sollewijn, Maarten D.; Sollewijn Gelpke, Maarten D.; Huang, Katherine; Chapman, Jarrod; Helfenbein, Kevin G.; Ramaiya, Preethi; Detter, J. Chris; Larimer, Frank; Coutinho, Pedro M.; Henrissat, Bernard; Berka, Randy; Cullen, Dan; Rokhsar, Daniel

1986. Genotype -environment interaction and stability in ten-year height growth of Norway spruce Clones (Picea abies Karst.) St. Clair, J.B.; Kleinschmit, J.

2002. Genotype X Fertility Interactions in Seedling Sweetgum Chang, Scott X.; Robison, Daniel J.

1970. Geographic Variation for Seed and Seedling Characters in Black Walnut Bey, Calvin F.

2001. Geography of Invasion in Mountain Streams: Consequences of Headwater Lake Fish Introductions Adams, Susan B.; Frissell, Christopher A.; Rieman, Bruce E.

1990. Geologic Variable Associated with Height of Yellow-Poplar Stand in the Bald Mountains of North Carolina McNab, W. Henry; Merschat, Carl E.

1999. Geologic and tributary influences on the chemistry of a headwater stream Wooten, Alexander C.; Preer, James; Edwards, Pamela J.

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1974. Georgia's Timber, 1972 Knight, Herbert A.; McClure, Joe P.

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1997. Georgia's timber industry - an assessment of timber product output and use, 1995 Johnson, Tony G.; Jenkins, Anne; Wells, John L.

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1995. Geotextiles : a specific application of biofibers English, B. W.

1966. Germination & growth of paper birch & yellow birch in simulated strip cuttings Marquis, David A.

2004. Germination Conditions For Poison Ivy Schiff, Nathan M.; Connor, Kristina F.; Devall, Margaret S.

2002. Germination and Seed Bank Studies of Macbridea alba (Lamiaceae), a Federally Theatened Plant Schulze, Dana Madsen; Walker, John L.; Spira, Timothy P.

2001. Germination of CO2-enriched Pinus taeda L. seeds and subsequent seedling growth responses to CO2 enrichment Hussain, M.; Kubiske, M. E. ; Connor, K. F.

1970. Germination of Yellow and Paper Birch Seeds After 8 Years Storage Clausen, Knud E.

1965. Germination of eastern white pine seed as influenced by stratification Graber, Raymond E.

1975. Girdling and Applying Chemicals Promote Rapid Rooting of Sycamore Cuttings Hare, Robert C.

1985. Glasario de Terminos sobre Germinacion de Semillas para Especialistas en Arboles Semilleros Bonner, F.T.

2002. Glaze Damage In 13- To 18-Year-Old, Natural, Even-Aged Stands of Loblolly Pines in Southeastern Arkansas Cain, Michael D.; Shelton, Michael G.

1995. Global Change and Forestry: Socioeconomic Studies from the 1994 SOFEW Meeting de Steiguer, Joseph E.; [Technical Editor]

1998. Global Distribution of the Pitch Canker Fungus Dwinell, L. David

2001. Global change in forests: responses of species, communities, and biomes Hansen, Andrew J.; Neilson, Ronald P.; Dale, Virginia H.; Flather, Curtis H.; Iverson, Louis R.; Currie, David J.; Shafer, Sarah; Cook, Rosamonde; Bartlein, Partick J.

1999. Global change research: meteorological effects Heilman, Warren E.; Eenigenburg, James E.; Teclaw, Ronald M.

1997. Global climate change and fragmentation of native brook trout distribution in the southern Appalachian Mountains Flebbe, Patricia A.

1999. Global cycle changes the rules for U.S. pulp and paper Ince, Peter J.

2002. Global effects of accelerated tariff liberalization in the forest products sector to 2010. Zhu, Shushuai; Buongiorno, Joseph; Brooks, David J.

2000. Global-scale patterns of forest fragmentation Riitters, Kurt H.; Wickham, James D.; O'Neill, R.; Jones, B.; Smith, E.

2002. Globalization of flora: inviting worldwide ecosystem disaster Carey, Andrew B.

1999. Glossary of Botanical Terms Miller, James H.

1984. Glossary of Seed Germination Terms for Tree Seed Workers Bonner, F.T.

1989. Glossary of Terms Used in Timber Harvesting and Forest Engineering Stokes, Bryce J.; Ashmore, Colin; Rawlins, Cynthia L.; Sirois, Donald L.

1999. Glued structural members Moody, Russell C.; Liu, Jen Y.

1999. Glued structural members Moody, Russell C.; Liu, Jen Y.

1988. Gluing of Eastern Hardwoods: A Review Sellers, Terry, Jr.; McSween, James R.; Nearn, William T.

1978. Gnomonia canker, shoot blight, and leaf spot of yellow birch. Kessler, Kenneth J. Jr.

2000. Goals and Goal Orientation in Decision Support Systems for Ecosystem Management Nute, D.; Rosenberg, G.; Nath, S.; Verma, B.; Rauscher, H.M.; Twery, M.J.; Grove, M.

1996. Golden trout habitat selection and movement patterns in degraded and recovering sites within the Golden Trout Wilderness, California Matthews, K.R.

1990. Grade Distribution and Drying Degrade of Sweetgum and Yellow-poplar Structural Lumber Faust, Timothy D.

1989. Grading Hardwood Trees Brisbin, Robert L.

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1969. Graft union formation in Douglas-fir. Copes, D.L.

1988. Grafting Van Sambeek, J. W.

1971. Graphic Aids to Evaluation of Plantation Management Alternatives Involving Survival and Height Growth Wilhite, Lawrence P.; Bethue, James E.

2004. Grassland Assessment Categories and Extent Robbie, Wayne A.

null. Grassland Rehabilitation using Agroforestry and Assisted Natural Regeneration Friday, Kathleen S.; Drilling, M. Elmo; Garrity, Dennis P.

2004. Grassland Sustainability Potter, Deborah U.; Ford, Paulette L.

1989. Grazing Effects on Soils and Water Patric, James H.

1975. Grazing Potential of Louisiana Pine Forest-Ranges Sternitzke, Herbert S.

1987. Grazing and Burning Impacts on Deer Diets on Lousiana Pine-Bluestem Range Thill, Ronald E.; Martin, Alton, Jr.; Morris, Hershel F., Jr.; McCune, E. Donice

1989. Grazing in Central Hardwood Forests McQuilkin, Robert A.; Scholten, Harold

1984. Green Ash Volume and Weight Tables Schlaegel, Bryce E.

1985. Green Woods Model: a forecasting tool for planning timber harvesting and protection of spruce-fir forests attacked by the spruce budworm. Seymour, Robert S.; Mott, Gordon D.; Kleinschmidt, Steven M.; Triandafillou, Peter; Keane, Robert

1983. Green above-stump weights for red oak, red maple and white birch in northern Michigan. Steinhilb, Helmuth M.; Miyata, Edwin S.; Crow, Thomas R.

2003. Green fescue rangelands: changes over time in the Wallowa Mountains. Johnson, Charles G., Jr.

1998. Green leaf volatiles disrupt responses by the spruce beetle, Dendroctonus rufipennis, and the western pine beetle, Dendroctonus brevicomis (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) to attractant-baited traps Poland, Therese M.; Borden, J. H.; Stock, A. J.; Chong, L. J.

1984. Green weight tables for eight tree species in northern Michigan. Steinhilb, Helmuth M.; Arola, Rodger A.; Winsauer, Sharon A.

2002. Greenery - an opportunity for forest landowners Hammett, A.L.; Chamberlain, J.L.

1968. Gross Basal Area Growth of Northern White-Cedar is Independent of Stand Density Over A Wide Range Foltz, Bruce W.; Johnston, William F.

1988. Ground Cover Management Van Sambeek, J. W.

2004. Ground Truth Assessments of Red Oak Borer Infestation in the Interior Highlands of Arkansas, Oklahoma and Missouri Guldin, James M.; Heitzman, Eric; Kabrick, John; Muzika, Rose-Marie; Poole, Edward A.

1985. Ground sprayer designs for forestry applications Miller, James H.; Zhongze, Qiu; Sirois, D.L.

2002. Ground verification of aerial for Port-Orford-cedar root disease in Southwest Oregon Kanaskie, A.; McWilliams, M.; Overhulser, D.; Prukop, J.; Christian, R.; Malvitch, S.

1977. Ground water differences on pine and hardwood forests of the Udell Experimental Forest in Michigan. Urie, Dean H.

1977. Ground-Water Levels and Soil Characteristics in a Forested Typic Glossaqualf Lorio, Peter L., Jr.

1992. Ground-application trial of hexazinone on the Ottawa National Forest. Wehr, Michael A.; Mattson, James A.; Bofinger, Roger W.; Sajdak, Robert L.

2000. Ground-based digital imagery for tree stem analysis Clark, Neil; Schmoldt, Daniel L.; Wynne, Randolph H.; Winn, Matthew F.; Araman, Philip A.

2001. Ground-based photographic monitoring. Hall, Frederick C.

2004. Group size and nest success in Red-cockaded Woodpeckers in the West Gulf Coastal Plain: helpers make a difference Conner, Richard N.; Saenz, Daniel; Schaefer, Richard R.; McCormick, James R.; Rudolph, D. Craig; Burt, D. Brent

1981. Grow--a computer subroutine that projects the growth of trees in the Lake States` forests. Brand, Gary J.

1988. Growing Containerized Seedlings Van Sambeek, J. W.

1983. Growing Eucalypts in Florida for Industrial Wood Production Geary, T.F.; Meskimen, G.F.; Franklin, E.C.

2002. Growing Large Quantities of Containerized Seedlings Pittman, Tim

2000. Growing Longleaf Pine Seedlings in Containers Barnett, James P.; McGilvray, John M.

1974. Growing Media Affect Size of Container-Grown Red Pine Phipps, Howard M.

1989. Growing and Maintaining Healthy Dogwoods Bailey, Kenneth R.; Brown, Edward A. II; USDA Forest Service

1990. Growing season burns for control of hardwoods in longleaf pine stands Boyer, William D.

1968. Growth & development of older plantations in northwestern Pennsylvania Grisez, Ted. J.

2002. Growth And Development Of First-Year Nursery-Grown White Oak Seedlings Of Individual Mother Trees Sung, Shi-Jean S. ; Kormanik, Paul P.; Zarnoch, Stanley J.

1971. Growth Intercept as an Indicator of Site Index in Natural Stands of White Pine in the Southern Appalachians Beck, Donald E.

2000. Growth Predictions for Tree Species Planted on Marginal Soybean Lands in the Lower Mississippi Valley Groninger, J.W. ; Aust, W.M.; Miwa, M.; Stanturf, J.A.

2003. Growth Rates and Post-Release Survival of Captive Neonate Timber Rattlesnakes Crotalus horridus Conner, Richard N.; Rudolph, D. Craig; Saenz, Daniel; Schaeffer, Richard R.; Burgdorf, Shirley J.

1995. Growth Reductions in Short-Rotation Loblolly and Slash Pines in Central Louisiana -- 10th Year Results Haywood, James D.; Tiarks, Allan E.

2002. Growth Reponse of Loblolly Pine to Intermediate Treatment of Fire, Herbicide, and Fertilizer: Preliminary Results Marino, L.M.; Oswald, B.P.; Farrish, K.W.; Williams, H.M.; Unger, Daniel R.

2002. Growth Response From Herbicide, Prescribed Fire, and Fertilizer Treatments in Midrotational Loblolly Pine: Fire-Year Response Barnett, Mary Michelle; Rideout, Sandra; Oswald, Brian P.; Farrish, Kenneth W.; Williams, Hans M.

1966. Growth Response of Seedling Yellow Birch to Humus-Soil Mixtures Tubbs, Carl H.; Oberg, Robert R.

2004. Growth Results From 20-Year-Old Low Density Pine Plantations Holley, A. Gordon; Stiff, Charles T.

2004. Growth Stress in Hardwood Timber Cassens, Daniel L.; Serrano, Jose R.

1997. Growth after thinning a 35-year-old natural stand to different loblolly pine and hardwood basal areas Shelton, Michael G.; Murphy, Paul A.

1975. Growth and Branching of Young Cottonwoods After Pruning Krinard, Roger M.

1994. Growth and Crown Vigor of 25 Year-Old Shortleaf Pine Progenies on a Littleleaf Disease Site Zarnoch, Stanley J.; Ruehle, John L.; Belanger, Roger P.; Marx, Donald H.; Bryan, W. Craig

1992. Growth and Development of Browsed Seedlings Crow, Thomas R.; Metzger, Frederick T.

2004. Growth and Development of Outplanted High-Quality Northern Red Oak Seedlings and the Effects of Competing Herbaceous Productions Within Four Overstory Treatments -- First-Year Results Oswalt, Christopher M.; Clatterbuck, Wayne K.; Scharbaum, Scott E.; Houston, Allan E.

1977. Growth and Development of Thinned Versus Unthinned Yellow-Poplar Sprout Clumps Beck, Donald E.

2004. Growth and Development of Yellow-Poplar Plantations On Three Sites Ranging From 9 to 18 Years Clatterbuck, Wayne K.

1990. Growth and Fusiform Rust Responses of Piedmont Loblolly Pine After Severa1 Site Preparation and Regeneration Methods McNab, W. Henry

1972. Growth and Hydrologic Influence of European Larch and Red Pine 10 Years After Planting Harris, Alfred Ray; Sartz, Richard S.

2002. Growth and Photosynthesis Characteristics of an Artificially Regenerated Mixed Hardwood Stand in the Southern USA Sung, Shi-Jean S.; Kormanik, Paul P.; Zarnoch, Stanley; Possee, Charles

1997. Growth and Seed Production of Sawtooth Oak (Quercus acutissima) 22 Years After Direct Seeding Goelz, J.C.G.; Carlson, D.W.

1991. Growth and Site Relationships of Pinus caribaea Across the Caribbean Basin USDA Forest Service, Southern Experiement Station

2004. Growth and Survival of Baldcypress Planted in an Old Rice Field of Coastal South Carolina Conner, William H.; Inabinette, L. Wayne; Ozalp, Mehmet

1971. Growth and Survival of Interplanted Hardwoods in Southern Wisconsin Oak Clearcuttings Johnson, Paul S.

1974. Growth and Survival of Northern Hardwood Sprouts After Burning Perala, Donald A.

1963. Growth and Yield of Slash Pine Plantations Bennett, Frank A.

1979. Growth and Yield Estimation for Loblolly Pine in the West Gulf Murphy, Paul A.; Sternitzke, Herbert S.

1989. Growth and Yield Models for Central Hardwoods Dale, Martin E.; Hilt, Donald E.

1979. Growth and Yield Predictions for Thinned Stands of Even-aged Natural Longleaf Pine Farrar, Robert M., Jr.

1991. Growth and Yield Predictions for Thinned and Unthinned Slash Pine Plantations on Cutover Sites in the West Gulf Region Zarnoch, Stanley J.; Feduccia, Donald P.; Baldwin, V. Clark, Jr.; Dell, Tommy R.

2003. Growth and Yield Relative to Competition for Loblolly Pine Plantations to Midrotation- A Southeastern United States Regional Study Miller, James H.; Zutter, Bruce R.; Zedaker, Shepard M.; Edwards, M. Boyd; Newbold, Ray A.

1992. Growth and Yield for Managed and Unmanaged Stands Rauscher, H. Michael.

1980. Growth and Yield in Managed Natural Stands of Loblolly and Shortleaf Pine in the West GuIf Coastal Plain Burton, J.D.

1986. Growth and Yield of Appalachian Mixed Hardwoods After Thinning Harrison, Wade C.; Burkhart, Harold E.; Burk, Thomas E.; Beckand, Donald E.

1994. Growth and Yield of Noncommercially Thinned Black Spruce in Northern Minnesota Erickson, Glen W.

1981. Growth and Yield of Shortleaf Pine In the West Gulf Region Murphy, Paul A.; Beltz, Roy C.

1972. Growth and Yield of Thinned Yellow-Poplar Beck, Donald E.; Della-Bianca, Lino

1985. Growth and Yield of Uneven-Aged Shortleaf Pine Stands in the Interior Highlands Murphy, Paul A.; Farrar, Robert M., Jr.

1981. Growth and Yields of 5-Year-Old Planted Hardwoods On Sharkey Clay Soil Krinard, Roger M.; Kennedy, Harvey E., Jr.

1998. Growth and biomass distribution of cherrybark oak (Quercus pagoda Raf.) seedlings as influenced by light availability Gardiner, Emile S.; Hodges, John D.

2001. Growth and crown architecture of two aspen genotypes exposed to interacting ozone and carbon dioxide Dickson, Richard E.; Coleman, M.D.; Pechter, Priit; Karnosky, David

2000. Growth and development of loblolly pine in a spacing trial planted in Hawaii Harms, William R.; Whitesell, Craig D.; DeBell, Dean S.

2004. Growth and fermentation responses of Phanerochaete chrysosporium to O2 limitation Kenealy, William R.; Dietrich, Diane M.

1998. Growth and physiology of aspen supplied with different fertilizer addition rates Coleman, Mark D.; Dickson, Richard E.; Isebrands, J.G.

1980. Growth and yield in natural stands of slash pine and suggested management alternatives Bennett, Frank A.

1982. Growth and yield model for the elm-ash-cottonwood type in Indiana. Shifley, Stephen R.; Moser, John W. Jr.; Brown, Kenneth M.

1996. Growth and yield of a 59-year-old red pine plantation (Plot 99) in Northern Minnesota Erickson, Glen W.

1971. Growth and yield of black spruce on organic soils in Minnesota. Perala, Donald A.

1971. Growth and yield of quaking aspen in North-central Minnesota. Schlaegel, Bryce E.

1999. Growth and yield of western larch under controlled levels of stocking in the Blue Mountains of Oregon Cochran, P.H.; Seidel, K.W.

1984. Growth and yield of white spruce plantations in the Lake States (a literature review). Rauscher, H. Michael

1995. Growth expectations from alternative thinning regimes and prescribed burning in naturally regenerated loblolly-shortleaf pine stands through age 20 Cain, Michael D.

1998. Growth model for uneven-aged loblolly pine stands : simulations and management implications Lin, C.-R.; Buongiorno, J.; Prestemon, Jeffrey P.; Skog, K. E.

1987. Growth of 31-Year-Old Baldcypress Plantation Krinard, Roger M.; Johnson, Robert L.

2003. Growth of Juniperus and Potentilla using Liquid Exponential and Controlled-release Fertilizers Dumroese, R. Kasten

2002. Growth of A 30-Year Cherrybark Oak Plantation 6 Years After Thinning Clatterbuck, Wayne K.

1968. Growth of Appalachian hardwoods as affected by site and residual stand density Trimble, George R., Jr.

1985. Growth of Loblolly Pine Treated With Hexazinone, Sulfometuron Methyl, and Metsulfuron Methyl For Herbaceous Weed Control Michael, J.L.

1999. Growth of Oak Reproduction Increased by Shelterwood Treatments in Northern Arkansas Graney, David L.

1972. Growth of Planted Slash Pine Under Several Thinning Regimes Mann, W.F., Jr.; Enghardt, Hans G.

1976. Growth of Planted Yellow-Poplar After Vertical Mulching and Fertilization on Eroded Soils Baker, J.B.; Blackmon, B.G.

1976. Growth of Red Pine Planted on a Northern Hardwood Site Stone, Douglas M.

1990. Growth of Secondary Forest in Puerto Rico Between 1980 and 1985 Weaver, P.L.; Birdsey, R.A.

1973. Growth of black walnut trees in eight midwestern states -- a provenance test. Bey, Calvin F.

2002. Growth of eastern white pine (Pinus strobus L.) related to forest floor consumption by prescribed fire in the Southern Appalachians Elliott, Katherine J.; Vose, James M.; Clinton, Barton D.

1998. Growth of five hybrid poplar genotypes exposed to interacting elevated CO2 and O3 Dickson, R.E.; Coleman, M.D.; Riemenschneider, D.E.; Isebrands, J.G.; Hogan, G.D.; Karnosky, D.F.

1975. Growth of four types of white oak reproduction after clearcutting in the Missouri Ozarks. McQuilkin, Robert A.

1981. Growth of hybrid poplars, white spruce, and jack pine under various artificial lights. Roberts, Pamela S.; Zavitkovski, J.

2003. Growth of lodgepole pine stands and its relation to mountain pine beetle susceptibility. Mata, S.A.; Schmid, J.M.; Olsen, W.K.

2000. Growth of lodgepole pine thinned to various densities on two sites with differing productivities in central Oregon Cochran, P.H.; Dahms, Walter G.

1989. Growth of nitrogen-fertilized and thinned quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.). Perala, Donald A.; Laidly, Paul R.

1999. Growth of ponderosa pine thinned to different stocking levels in central Oregon: 30-year results Cochran, P.H.; Barrett, James W.

1965. Growth of yellow birch in a podzol soil Hoyle, Merrill C.

2002. Growth of young Douglas-fir plantations across a gradient in Swiss needle cast severity Maguire, D.A.; Kanaskie, A.; Voelker, W.; Johnson, R.; Johnson, G.

1987. Growth patterns of red pine on fine-textured soils. Alban, David H.; Prettyman, Donald H.; Brand, Gary J.

1968. Growth response from thinning young even-aged white oak stands Dale, Martin E

2003. Growth response of cottonwood roots to varied NH4:NO3 ratios in enriched patches Woolfolk, Walter T.M.; Friend, Alexander L.

1981. Growth response of speckled alder and willow to depth of flooding Knighton, M. Dean

2002. Growth responses of yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera L.) exposed to 5 years of O3 alone or combined with elevated CO2 Rebbeck, J.; Scherzer, A.J.

2001. Growth, Producion, and Consumption of Forest Resources in the Upper Great Lakes Region of the United States Shifley, Stephen R.; Sullivan, Neal

1983. Growth, Thinning Treatments, and Soil Properties in a 10-Year-Old Cottonwood Plantation on a Clay Site Krinard, Roger M.; Kennedy, Harvey E., Jr.

1976. Growth, dry weight yields, and specific gravity of 3-year-old Populus grown under intensive culture. Dawson, David H.; Isebrands, J.G; Gordon, John C.

1994. Growth, photosynthesis, and herbicide tolerance of gebetically modified hybrid poplar Donahue, Raymond A.; Davis, Tim D.; Michler, Charles H.; Riemenschneider, Don E.; Carter, Doug R.; Marquardt, Paula E.; Sankhla , Daksha; Sankhla , Narendra; Haissig, Bruce E.; Isebrands, J.G.

1994. Growth, sucrose synthase, and invertase activities of developing Phaseolus vulgaris L. fruits Sung, Shi-Jean S.; Sheih, W.J.; Geiger, D.R.; Black, C.C.

2002. Growth, yield, and disease resistance of 7- to 12-year-old poplar clones in the north central United States. Netzer, D.A.; Tolsted, D.N.; Ostry, M.E.; Isebrands, J.G.; Riemenschneider, D.E.; Ward, K.T.

1986. Growth-differentiation balance: a basis for understanding southern pine beetle - tree interactions Lorio, Peter L., Jr.

1961. Guide for Evaluating Cherrybark Oak Sites Broadfoot, W.M.

1963. Guide to Evaluating Water Oak Sites Broadfoot, W.M.

2000. Guide to Experts in Forestry and Natural Resources Northeastern Research Station

1992. Guide to Regeneration of Bottomland Hardwoods McKevlin, Martha R.

1988. Guide to analyzing investment options using TWIGS. Blinn, Charles R; Rose, Dietmar W.; Belli, Monique L.

1981. Guide to bird-habitats of the Ozark Plateau. Evans, Keith E.; Kirkman, Roger A.

2004. Guide to effective monitoring of aquatic and riparian resources Kershner, Jeffrey L.; Archer, Eric K.; Coles-Ritchie, Marc; Cowley, Ervin R.; Henderson, Richard C.; Kratz, Kim; Quimby, Charles M.; Turner, David L.; Ulmer, Linda C.; Vinson, Mark R.

1999. Guide to monitoring smoke exposure of wildland firefighters Reinhardt, Tim E.; Ottmar, Roger D.; Hallett, Michael J.

2004. Guide to the common Potentilla species of the Blue Mountains ecoregion. Aitken, Marti; Parks, Catherine Gray.

1979. Guide to the measurement of tree characteristics important to the quality classification for young hardwood trees Sonderman, David L.

1987. Guide to wildlife tree management in New England northern hardwoods Tubbs, Carl H.; DeGraaf, Richard M.; Yamasaki, Mariko; Healy, William M.

2004. Guided Birding Tours: An Examination of the Market, Important Tour Parameters, and Participant Demographics Che, Deborah

1993. Guidelines for Establishing Poplar Plantations in the North-Central U.S. Hansen, Edward A.; Netzer, Daniel A.; Tolsted, David N.

1999. Guidelines for Estimating Cone and Seed Yields of Southern Pines Barnett, James P.

1992. Guidelines for Evaluating Air Pollution Impacts on Class I Wilderness Areas in California Peterson, David L.; Schmoldt, Daniel L.; Eilers, Joseph M.; Fisher, Richard W.; Doty, Robert D.

1987. Guidelines for Measuring the Physical, Chemical, and Biological Condition of Wilderness Ecosystems Fox, Douglas G; Bernabo, J. Christopher; and Hood, Betsy

1999. Guidelines for Producing Longleaf Pine Seedlings in Containers Barnett, James P.; McGilvray, John M.

1969. Guidelines for establishing forestry cooperatives Dempsey, Gilbert P.; Markeson, Clyde B.

1992. Guidelines for evaluating air pollution impacts on Class I wilderness areas in the Pacific Northwest Peterson, Janice; Schmoldt, Daniel L.; Peterson, David; Eilers, Joseph; Fisher, Richard; Bachman, Robert

1998. Guidelines for evaluating air pollution impacts on wilderness within the Rocky Mountain Region: Report of a workshop, 1990 Haddow, Dennis; Musselman, Robert; Blett, Tamara; Fisher, Richard

1993. Guidelines for evaluating fish habitat in Wisconsin streams. Simonson, Timothy D.; Lyons, John; Kanehl, Paul D.

1975. Guidelines for precommercial thinning of Douglas-fir Reukema, Donald L.

2002. Guidelines for producing quality longleaf pine seeds Barnett, James P.; McGilvray, John M.

1979. Gum Producers Can Improve Quality Of Gum Marketed and Get Higher Prices Clements, Ralph W.

2002. Gunflint Trail Community: Steps to Improve Community Preparedness for Wildfire. Case Study #1 Jakes, Pam; Nelson, Kristen

1989. Gypsy Moth Wallner, William.

0. Gypsy Moth (FIDL) McManus, M.; Schneeberger, N.; Reardon, R.; Mason, G.

1995. Gypsy Moth (Pest Alert) USDA Forest Service Northern Area State and Private Forestry and Region 8

2001. Gypsy Moth (Pest Alert-2001) USDA Forest Service Southern Region and Northern Area State and Private Forestry

2004. Gypsy Moth Defoliation Potential in the Ouachita/Ozark Highlands Region Liebhold, Andrew M.; Gottschalk, Kurt W.; Guldin, James M.; Muzika, Rose-Marie

1997. Gypsy moth in the United States: an atlas Liebhold, Andrew M.; Gottschalk, Kurt W.; Luzader, Eugene R.; Mason, Douglas A.; Bush, Renate; Twardus, Daniel B.

1999. Gypsy moths get sick too! Bauer, Leonora S.

1998. H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest McKee, Art; Druliner, Pamela

1999. HARVEST: linking timber harvesting strategies to landscape patterns Gustafson, Eric J.; Crow, Thomas R.

1977. HOW TO Identify White Pine Blister Rust and Remove Cankers Nicholls, Thomas H.; Anderson, Robert L.

1977. HOW TO Identify and Control Leaf Spot Diseases of Black Walnut Black, W.M.; Neely, Dan; Matteoni, James A.

1999. HOW to Collect Field Samples and Identify the Oak Wilt Fungus in the Laboratory Pokorny, Jill

1978. HOW to Control Sapstreak Disease of Sugar Maple Kessler, Kenneth K. Jr.

0. HOW to Diagnose Black Walnut Damage Weber, Barbara C.; Anderson, Robert L.; Hoffard, William H.

1981. HOW to Differentiate Dutch Elm Disease from Elm Phloem Necrosis Gibson, Lester Paul; Hastings, Arthur R.; LeMadeliene, Leon A.

1990. HOW to Distinguish Oak LEAFTIERS From LEAFROLLERS Snowden, Parker

1997. HOW to Grow and Maintain a Healthy Birch Tree Katovich, Steven; Wawrzynski, Robert; Haugen, Dennis; Spears, Barbara

1996. HOW to Identify Butternut Canker and Manage Butternut Trees Ostry, M.E.; Mielke, M.E.; Anderson, R.L.

1996. HOW to Identify Common Nitulid Beetles Associated with Oak Wilt Mats in Minnesota Seybold, Steven; Juzwik, Jennifer

1992. HOW to Identify Introduced Basswood Thrips Rieske, Lynne K.; Katovich, Steven A.; Raffa, Kenneth F.

1985. HOW to Identify and Control Black Walnut Mycosphaerella Leaf Spots Kessler, Kenneth J. Jr.; Swanson, Linda B.H.

0. HOW to Identify and Control Dogwood Anthracnose Mielke, Manfred E.; Daughtrey, Margery L.

0. HOW to Identify and Control Noninfectious Diseases of Trees USDA Forest Service Northern Area State and Private Forestry

1983. HOW to Identify and Control Rhabdocline and Swiss Needlecasts of Douglas-Fir Skilling, Darrell D.; Morton, Harrison L.

0. HOW to Identify and Control Sapsucker Injury on Trees Ostry, Michael E.; Nicholls, Thomas H.

0. HOW to Identify and Control Stem Rusts of Jack Pine Robbins, Kathryn; Smeltzer, Dale K.; French, D. W.

1978. HOW to Identify and Control Sugar Maple Borer Hoffard, William H.; Marshall, Philip T.

1994. HOW to Identify and Manage Ash Yellows in Forest Stands and Home Landscapes Pokorny, Jill D.; Sinclair, Wayne A.

1998. HOW to Identify and Manage Dutch Elm Disease Haugen, Linda

1996. HOW to Identify and Manage Needlecast Diseases on Balsam Fir Albers, Mike; Albers, Jana; Carlson, Jane Cummings; Haugen, Linda; Wenner, Nancy

1992. HOW to Identify and Minimize Red Pine Shoot Moth Damage Katovich, Steven; Hall, David J.

1983. HOW to Identify and Minimize White Trunk Rot of Aspen Ostry, Michael E.; Walters, James W.

1999. HOW to Identify, Prevent, and Control Oak Wilt Pokorny, Jill

1993. HOW to Manage Eastern White Pine to Minimize Damage from Blister Rust and White Pine Weevil Katovich, Steven; Mielke, Manfred E.

1994. HOW to Manage Jack Pine to Reduce Damage from Jack Pine Budworm McCullough, Deborah G.; Katovich, Steven; Heyd, Robert L.; Weber, Shane

1995. HOW to Prune Trees Bedker, Peter J.; O`Brien, Joseph G.; Mielke, Manfred E.

1996. HOW to Recognize Hazardous Defects in Trees Minnesota Department of Natural Resources; USDA Forest Service

1992. HOW to Recognize and Control Sooty Molds Kessler, Kenneth J. Jr.

1986. HOW to Recognize and Reduce Tree Hazards in Recreation Sites Robbins, Kathyn

1988. HOW to Release Crop Trees in Precommercial Hardwood Stands Lamson, Neil I.; Smith, H. Clay; Perkey, Arlyn W.; Wilkins, Brenda L.

1979. HOW to Save Dutch Elm Diseased Trees by Pruning Allison, J.R.; Gregory, G.F.

1983. HOW to and Control Diplodia Shoot Blight, Collar Rot, and Canker of Conifers Palmer, Marguerita A.; Nicholls, Thomas H.

1992. Habitat Characteristics of Active and Abandoned Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Colonies Loeb, Susan C.; Pepper, William D.; Doyle, Arlene T.

1991. Habitat association patterns of breeding birds and small mammals in Douglas-fir/hardwood stands in northwestern California and southwestern Oregon Ralph, C.J.; Paton, P.W.C.; Taylor, C.A.

2000. Habitat associations of hypogeous fungi in the Southern Appalachians: implications for the endangered northern flying squirrel (Glaycomys sabrinus coloratus) Loeb, Susan C.; Tainter, Frank H.; Cázares, Efren

1995. Habitat correlates of the Del Norte salamander, Plethodon elongatus (Caudata: Plethodontidae) in northwestern California Welsh, Hartwell H., Jr.; Lind, A.J.

1996. Habitat correlates of the southern torrent salamander, rhyacotriton variegatus (Caudata: Rhyacotritonidae), in northwestern California Welsh, Hartwell H., Jr.; Lind, A.J.

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1999. Habitat patch size and nesting success of yellow-breasted chats Burhans, Dick E.; Thompson III, Frank R.

1998. Habitat preference and the evolution of sympatric intersterility groups in the Heterbasidion annosum species complex Garbelotto, M.; Otrosina, W.J.; Cobb, F.W.; Bruns, T.D.

1992. Habitat relations of the California spotted owl Gutiérrez, R.J.; McKelvey, K.S.; Noon, B.R.; Steger, G.N; Call, D.R.; LaHaye, W.S.; Bingham, B.B.; Senser, J.S.

1999. Habitat separation of prickly sculpin, Cottus asper, and coastrange sculpin, Cottus aleuticus, in the mainstem Smith River, northwestern California White, Jason L.; Bret C. Harvey

1999. Habitat sequencing and the importance of discharge in inferences Hilderbrand, Robert H.; Lemly, A. Dennis; Dolloff, C. Andrew

1993. Habitat suitability index model for brook trout in streams of the Southern Blue Ridge Province: surrogate variables, model evaluation, and suggested improvements Schmitt, Christoper J.; Lemly, A. Dennis; Winger, Parley V.

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2002. Hand Planting Versus Machine Planting of Bottomland Red Oaks on Former Agricultural Fields in Louisiana's Mississippi Alluvial Plain: Sixth-Year Results Michalek, Alexander J.; Lockhart, Brian Roy; Dean, Thomas J.; Keeland, Bobby D.; McCoy, John W.

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2003. Handbook to additional fungal species of special concern in the Northwest Forest Plan Castellano, Michael A.; Cazares, Efren; Fondrick, Bryan; Dreisbach, Tina

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1995. Hardwoods in North Mississippi: Resource information from two forest surveys Bullard, Steven H.; Robertson, Clay; Idassi, Joshua; Faulkner, Joanne L.

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1992. Harvesting Productionin Uneven-Aged Loblolly-Shortleaf Pine Stands:The Crossett Farm Forestry Forties Kluender, R.; Stokes, B.; Woodfin, S.

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1998. Historical Trends of Timber Product Output in the South Johnson, Tony G.; Stratton, Daniel P.

1995. Historical and current forest landscapes in eastern Oregon and Washington. Part II: Linking vegetation characteristics to potential fire behavior and related smoke production Huff, Mark H.; Ottmar, Roger D.; Alvarado, Ernesto; Vihnanek, Robert E.; Lehmkuhl, John F.; Hessburg, Paul F.; Everett, Richard L.

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1995. Humans, forests, and global environmental change: planning a social science research agenda Emery, Maria; Paananen, Donna M.

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2003. Hunter demand for deer on Prince of Wales Island, Alaska: an analysis of influencing factors Mazza, Rhonda

1997. Hurricane Andrew Damage in Relation to Wood Decay Fungi and Insects in Bottomland Hardwoods of the Atchafalaya Basin, Louisiana Leininger, Theodor D.; Wilson, A. Dan; Lester, Donald G.

1992. Hurricane Hugo Effects on South Carolina's Forest Resource Sheffield, Raymond M.; Thompson, Michael T.

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1970. Hydrologic Effects of Prescribed Burning and Deadening Upland Hardwoods in Northern Mississippi Ursic, S.J.

1996. Hydrologic consequences of logging second-growth redwood watersheds Ziemer, Robert R.; Lewis, Jack; Keppeler, Elizabeth T.

2001. Hydrologic cycling of mercury and organic carbon in a forested upland-bog watershed Kolka, R. K.; Grigal, D. F.; Nater, E. A.; Verry, E. S.

1999. Hydrologic effects of cottonwood trees on a shallow aquifer containing trichloroethene Eberts, Sandra M.; Schalk, Charles W.; Vose, James; Harvey, Gregory J.

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2000. Inhibition of termite damage by N`N-napthaloylhydroxyamine (NHA) : Reticulotermes flavipes (Kollar) vs. Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki Green, Frederick, III.; Lebow, Stan.; Yoshimura, Tsuyoshi.

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1998. Interaction between a Nosema sp. (Microspora: Nosematidae) and Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus Infecting the Gypsy Moth, Lymantria dispar (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae)1 Bauer, Leah S.; Miller, Deborah L.; Maddox, Joseph V.; McManus, Michael L.

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1997. Lake States regional forest resources assessment: technical papers. Webster, Henry H.; Vasievich, J. Michael

2000. Lake Tahoe Watershed Assessment: Volume I. Murphy, Dennis D.; Knopp, Christopher M., technical editors.

1980. Lake states primary forest industry and timber use, 1975. Blyth, James E.; Whipple, James W.; Boelter, Allen H.; Wilhelm, Steven

1981. Laminated Root Rot of Western Conifers Nelson, E.E.; Martin, N.E.; Williams, R.E.

1995. Laminated root rot in western North America. Thies, Walter G.; Sturrock, Rona N.

1987. Lamination of Hardwood Composite Framing With an Emulsion Polymer-lsocyanate Adhesive and Radio-Frequency Curing Vick, Charles B.

2001. Land Allocation in the Southeastern U.S. in Response to Climate Change Impacts on Forestry and Agriculture Murray, Brian C.; Abt, Robert C.; Wear, David N.; Parks, Peter J.; Hardie, Ian W.

2002. Land Cover as a Framework For Assessing the Risk of Water Pollution Wickham, James D.; Riitters, Kurt H.; O'Neill, Robert V.; Reckhow, Kenneth H.; Wade, Timothy G.; Jones, K. Bruce

1996. Land Ownership and Land-Cover Change in the Southern Appalachian Highlands and the Olympic Peninsula Turner, Monica G.; Wear, David N.; Flamm, Richard O.

2000. Land Stewardship in the 21st Century: The Contributions of Watershed Management Folliot, Peter F.; Baker, Malchus B., Jr.; Edminster, Carleton B.; Dillon, Madelyn C.; Mora, Karen L.; [Technical Coordinators]

1998. Land Use Dynamics Involving Forestland: Trends in the U.S. South Alig, Ralph J.; Dicks, Michael R.; Moulton, Robert J.

2002. Land Use Impacts on Fluvial Processes in the Nemadji River Watershed Riedel, Mark S.; Verry, Elon S.; Brooks, Kenneth N.

2001. Land Use, Recreation, and Wildlife Habitats: GIS Applications Using FIA Plot Data Rudis, Victor A.

2002. Land and seascape patterns associated with marbled murrelet abundance offshore Miller, Sherri L.; Meyer, Carolyn B.; Ralph, C. John

1998. Land cover along an urban-rural gradient: implications for water quality Wear, David N.; Turner, M.G.; Naiman, R.J.

2000. Land fragmentationn and impacts to streams and fish in the central and upper midwest Verry, Elon S.

1968. Land leasing an aid to development of outdoor recreation enterprises in Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio Whittaker, James C.

1992. Land manager's guide to the birds of the South Hamel, Paul B.

2002. Land ownership dynamics in the Big Elk Valley in Oregon during the 20th century Butler, Brett J.; Stanfield, Brooks J.

1999. Land parcelization and forest cover fragmentation in three forested countries in Northern Lower Michigan Drzyzga, Scott A.; Brown, Daniel G.

2003. Land use changes involving forestry in the United States: 1952 to 1997, with projections to 2050. Alig, Ralph J.; Plantinga, Andrew J.; Ahn, SoEun; Kline, Jeffrey D.

1999. Land use in Maine: determinants of past trends and projections of future changes Plantinga, Andrew J.; Mauldlin, Thomas; Alig, Ralph J.

1999. Land use in the lake states region: an analysis of past trends and projections of future changes Mauldin, Thomas E.; Plantinga, Andrew J.; Alig, Ralph J.

1978. Land-use change in Missouri, 1959-1972. Jakes, Pamela J.; Spencer, John S. Jr.; Essex, Burton L.

1998. Land-use changes in Southern Appalachian landscapes: spatial analysis and forecast evaluation Wear, David N.; Bolstad, Paul.

1999. Landfills potential source for cores -- computer model analyzes landfills for on-site recycling operations Araman, Philip A.; Bush, R.J.; Hager, E.B.; Hammett, A.L.

2004. Landowner Perspectives on Attributes of the West Virginia Forest Stewardship Program Jennings, Brian M.; McGill, David W.; Grushecky, Shawn T.; Magill, Daniel J.; Lilly, David

2001. Landsat TM Classifications For SAFIS Using FIA Field Plots Cooke, William H., III; Hartsell, Andrew J.

2000. Landscape And Edge Effects On The Distribution Of Mammalian Predators In Missouri Dijak, William D.; Thompson III, Frank R.

2000. Landscape Change in the Midwest: An Intergrated Research and Development Program Gobster, Paul H.; Haight, Robert G.; Shriner, Dave

2004. Landscape Characterization Of Four Watersheds Under Different Forest Management Scenarios In The Ouachita Mountains Of Arkansas Tappe, Philip A.; Weih, Robert C., Jr.; Thill, Ronald E.; Melchiors, M. Anthony; Wigley, T. Bently

2001. Landscape Context and Regional Patterns in Arkansas' Forests Rudis, Victor A.

2000. Landscape Correlates of Breeding Bird Richness Across the United States Mid-Atlantic Region Jones, K. Bruce; Neale, Anne C.; Nash, Maliha S.; Ritters, Kurt H.; Wickham, James D.; O'Neill, Robert V.; van Remortel, Rick D.

1999. Landscape Scale Management in the Ouachita Mountains - Where Operational Practices Meet Research Speed, Hunter, Jr.; Perisho, Ronald J.; Larry, Samuel; Guldin, James M.

2004. Landscape and Local Influences of Forest Management on Cerulean Warblers in Pennsylvania Rodewald, Amanda D.

2000. Landscape and seascape patterns associated with marbled murrelet offshore abundance. (Abstract) Miller, S.L.; Meyer, C.B.; Ralph, C.J.

1994. Landscape and the intermontane Northwest: an environmental history. Robbins, William G.; Wolf, Donald W.

2004. Landscape distribution and characteristics of large hurricane-related canopy gaps in a southern Appalachian watershed McNab, W. Henry; Greenberg, Cathryn H.; Berg, Erik C.

1999. Landscape ecology and forest management Crow, Thomas R.

1997. Landscape influences on breeding bird communities in hardwood fragments in South Carolina Kilgo, John C.; Sargent, Robert A.; Miller, Karl V.; Chapman, Brian R.

1999. Landscape management using historical fire regimes: Blue River, Oregon Cissel, J.H.; Swanson, F.J.; Weisberg, P.J.

1999. Landscape management using historical fire regimes: Blue River, Oregon Cissel, J.H.; Swanson, F.J.; Weisberg, P.J.

2002. Landscape permeability for large carnivores in Washington: a geographic information system weighted-distance and least-cost corridor assessment. Singleton, Peter H.; Gaines, William L.; Lehmkuhl, John F.

2004. Landscape-Scale Research In The Ouachita Mountains Of West-Central Arkansas: General Study Design Guldin, James M.

2003. Landscape-level habitat suitability models for twelve species in southern Missouri Larson, Michael A.; Dijak, William D.; Thompson, Frank R. III; Millspaugh, Joshua J.

1977. Landslides and the weathering of granitic rocks Durgin, Philip B.

1998. Landslides through the fish-eye lens Duncan, Sally

1995. Larch Casebearer in Western Larch Tunnock, Scott; Ryan, Roger B.

1997. Larch Dwarf Mistletoe (FIDL) Beatty, Jerome S.; Filip, Gregory M.; Mathiason, Robert L.

1974. Larch Litter Removal Has No Significant Effect On Runoff Startz, Richard S.; Tolsted, David N.

1995. Larch sawfly, Pristiphora ericltsortii (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) and its parasitoids from Alaska Richmond, James A.; Werner, Richard A.; Drooz, Arnold T.

1972. Large Groups in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area - Their Numbers, Characteristics, and Impact Lime, David W.

2004. Large Woory Debirs Volumes and Accumulation Rates in Cleaned Streams in Redwood Forests in Southern Humboldt County, California Wooster, John; Hilton, Sue

2002. Large-scale effects of timber harvesting on stream systems in the Ouachita Mountains, Arkansas, USA Williams, Lance R.; Taylor, Christopher M.; Warren, Melvin L., Jr.; Clingenpeel, J. Alan

2002. Large-scale translocation strategies for reintroducing red-cockaded woodpeckers Saenz, Daniel; Baum, Kristen A.; Conner, Richard N.; [and others]

1970. Late-Summer Nesting Sites of Quail in South Georgia Harshbarger, Thomas S.; Simpson, Ronald C.

1998. Late-successional and old-growth forest effectiveness monitoring plan for the Northwest Forest Plan Hemstrom, Miles; Spies, Thomas; Palmer, Craig; Kiester, Ross; Teply, John; McDonald, Phil; Warbington, Ralph

1988. Lateral Pruning Schlesinger, Richard C.

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2004. Leaf Area as a Growth Predictor for Red Spruce and Balsam Fir In Managed Stands In Maine Meyer, S.R.

2004. Leaf Biomass and Acorn Production in a Thinned 30-Year-Old Cherrybark Oak Plantation Stelzer, Erika L.; Chamgers, Jim L.; Meadows, James S.; Ribbeck, Kenneth F.

2001. Leaf Litter Decomposition and Nutrient Dynamics in Four Southern Forested Floodplain Communities Baker, Terrell T., III; Lockaby, B. Graeme; Conner, William H.; Meier, Calvin E.; Stanturf, John A.; Burke, Marianne K.

2000. Leaf water relations and sapflow in eastern cottonwood (Populus deltoides Bartr.) trees planted for phytoremediation of a groundwater pollutant Vose, James M.; Swank, Wayne T.; Harvey, Gregory J.; Clinton, Barton D.; Sobek, Christine

1992. Leafspot of Black Cherry (Pest Alert) USDA Forest Service

2001. Learning Conservation and Sustainable Development: An Interdisciplinary Approach Schelhas, John; Lassoie, James P.

2000. . Legacy retention versus thinning: influences on small mammals. Wilson, S.M.; Carey, A.B.

1994. Leguminous ground covers could reduce herbicide use in forestry. Ponder, Felix Jr.

1971. Length and Rate of Individual Participation in Various Activities on Recreation Sites and Areas Tyre, Gary L.; James, George A.

1999. Lespedeza Bicolor Lespedeza bicolor Miller, James H.

2003. Lesser used species of Bolivia and their relevance to sustainable forest management Barany, Marc; Hammett, A. L.; Araman, Philip A.

2004. Lessons Learned in 84-Year-Old Plots at Looking-Glass Rock, North Carolina David L. Loftis, W. Henry McNab, Erik C. Berg, and Ted M. Oprean

1998. Lessons from a flooded landscape Duncan, Sally

1989. Let the Market Help Prescribe Forest Management Practices Zinn, Gary W.; Pepke, Edward

2001. Levels-of-growing stock cooperative study in Douglas-fir: report no. 15-Hoskins: 1963-1998. Marshall, David D.; Curtis, Robert O.

2002. Levels-of-growing-stock cooperative study in Douglas-fir: report no. 14––Stampede Creek: 30-year results. Curtis, Robert O.; Marshall, David D.

2002. Levels-of-growing-stock cooperative study in Douglas-fir: report no. 17–the Skykomish study, 1961–93; the Clemons study, 1963–94 King, James E.; Marshall, David D.; Bell, John F.

2003. Lichen communities indicator results from Idaho: baseline sampling Neitlich, Peter; Rogers, Paul; Rosentreter, Roger

1996. Life History Of The Yazoo Darter (Percidae: Etheostoma Raneyi), A Species Endemic To North-Central Mississippi Johnston, Carol E.; Haag, Wendell R.

1985. Life History and Biology of Ips latidens (LeConte) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) Miller, D.R.; Borden, J.H.

2002. Life History and Habitat Associations of the Broad Wood Cockroach, Purcoblatta lata (Blattaria: Blattellidae) and Other Native Cockroaches in the Coastal Plain of South Carolina Horn, Scott; Hanula, James L.

2000. Life history and ecology of the southern redback salamander, Plethodon serratus, in Missouri Herbeck, Laura A.

1996. Life-history perspective of adaptive radiation in desmognathine salamanders Bruce, Richard C.

1999. Life-history traits of the bluenose shiner, Pteronotropis welaka (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) Johnston, Carol E.; Knight, Charles L.

1981. Lifting date affects black walnut planting stock quality. Rietveld, W.J.; Williams, Robert D.

1998. Light Attenuation in a 14-year-old Loblolly Pine Stand as Influenced by Fertilization and Irrigation Sampson, D.A.; Allen, H. Lee

1973. Light, soil moisture, and tree reproduction in hardwood forest openings. Minckler, Leon S.; Woerheide, John D.; Schlesinger, Richard C.

2003. Light, temperature, and soil moisture responses to elevation, evergreen understory, and small canopy gaps in the southern Appalachians Clinton, Barton D.

1983. Light-Frame Wall Systems: Performance and Predictability. Gromala, David S.

2001. Light-use efficiency of native and hybrid poplar genotypes at high levels of intracanopy competition Green, D. Scott; Kruger, Eric L.; Stanosz, Glen R,; Isebrands , J. G.

1983. Lightning Strike Simula tion for Studying Southern Pine Bark and Engraver Beetle Attacks Miller, Mitchel C.

1999. Lightweight, high-opacity paper : process costs and energy use reduction Klungness, John H.; Pianta, Fabienne.; Stroika, Mathew L.; Sykes, Marguerite.; Tan, Freya.; AbuBakr, Said.

1990. Likelihood of Timber Management on Nonindustrial Private Forests: Evidence From Research Studies Alig, Ralph J.; Lee, Karen J.; Moulton, Robert J.

1999. Limber Pine Dwarf Mistletoe (FIDL) Taylor, Jane E.; Mathiason, Robert L.

1998. Liming Influences Growth and Nutrient Balances in Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum) Seedlings on an Acidic Forest Soil Burke, Marianne K.; Raynal, Dudley J.

1988. Liming Soils Above pH 5.2 Does Not Increase Populus Growth Tolsted, David N.

2000. Limitations of lumber-yield nomograms for predicting lumber requirements Hoff, Kristen

2003. Line intersect sampling: Ell-shaped transects and multiple intersections Gregoire, Timothy G.; Valentine, Harry T.

2001. Linkage mapping in a watermelon population segregating for fusarium wilt resistance Hawkins, Leigh K.; Dane, Fenny; Kubisiak, Thomas L.; Rhodes, Billy B.; Jarret, Robert L.

2001. Linkages in the use of recreation environments across the urban to ex-urban spectrum by urban residents Dwyer, John F.; Barro, Susan C.

2004. Linking Hyperspectral Imagery and Forest Inventories for Forest Assessment in the Central Appalachians Foster, Jane R.; Townsend, Philip A.

1999. Linking an ecosystem model and a landscape model to study forest species response to climate warming He, Hong S.; Mladenoff, David J.; Crow, Thomas R.

2002. Linking community and national park development: A case from the Dominican Republic Schelhas, John; Sherman, Ruth E.; Fahey, Timothy J.; Lassoie, James P.

2001. Linking growth and yield and process models to estimate impact of environmental changes on growth of loblolly pine Baldwin, V. Clark, Jr.; Burkhart, Harold E.; Westfall, James A.; Peterson, Kelly D.

2000. Linking harvest choices to timber supply Prestemon, Jeffrey P.; Wear, David N.

1997. Linking log quality with product performance Green, D. W.; Ross, R. J.

2002. Linking wilderness research and management -- volume 4. Understanding and managing invasive plants in wilderness and other natural areas: an annotated reading list Osborn, Sophie; Wright, Vita; Walker, Brett; Cilimburg, Amy; Perkins, Alison

2001. Linking wilderness research and management-volume 1. Wilderness fire restoration and management: an annotated reading list Hourdequin, Marion; Wright, Vita; [Series Editor]

2001. Linking wilderness research and management-volume 2. Defining, managing, and monitoring wilderness visitor experiences: an annotated reading list Puttkammer, Annette; Wright, Vita; [Series Editor]

2001. Linking wilderness research and management-volume 3. Recreation fees in wilderness and other public lands: an annotated reading list Puttkammer, Annette; Wright, Vita; [Series Editor]

2000. Liquefaction of the Used Creosote-Treated Wood in the Presence of Phenol and Its Application to Phenolic Resin Shiraishi, Nubuo; Hse, Chung-Yun

1998. Lithosequence of soils and associated vegetation on subalpine range of the Wasatch Plateau, Utah Klemmedson, James O.; Tiedemann, Arthur R.

1997. Litter Complexity and Compostition are Determinants of the Diversity and Species Composition of Oribatid Mites (Acari: Oribatida) in Litterbags Hansen, Randi A.; Coleman, David C.

2004. Litter Decomposition and Soil Respiration Responses to Fuel-Reduction Treatments in Piedmond Loblolly Pine Forests Callaham, Mac A., Jr.; Anderson, Peter H.; Waldrop, Thomas A.; Lione, Darren J.; Shelburne, Victor B.

2004. Litter Decomposition in Low and High Mortality Northern Red Oak Stands on Extremely Acidic Southwestern Pennsylvania Soils Demchik, Michael C.; Sharpe, William E.

1988. Litter decomposition in southern Appalachian black locust and pine-hardwood stands: litter quality and nitrogen dynamics White, David L.; Haines, Bruce L.

1984. Littleleaf Disease Mistretta, Paul A.

2000. Live Oaks, New Hosts for Odontocynips Nebulosa Kieffer (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) in North America Wilson, A. Dan; Lester, D.G.; Edmonson, R.E.

1996. Livestock Grazing, Golden Trout, and Streams in the Golden Trout Wilderness, California: Impacts and Management Implications Knapp, R. and K. Matthews

1985. Load Deflection Relationships for Three Log-Skidder Tires Koger, Jerry L.; Burt, Eddie C.; Bailey, A.C.

1996. Load and inflation pressure effects on soil compaction of forwarder tires McDonald, Tim; Way, Tom; Lofgren, Bjorn; [and others]

1992. Load/Deflection Parameters for Metal-Plate Connectors in Yellow-Poplar and Sweetgum McAlister, Robert H.; Faust, Timothy D.

2002. Loblolly Pine Growth 16 Years After Four Site Preparation Treatments Adams, John C.; Vidrine, Clyde

1987. Loblolly Pine Growth and Yield Prediction for Managed West Gulf Plantations Baldwin, V. Clark, Jr.; Feduccia, D.P.

1998. Loblolly Pine Responds to Mechanical Wounding with Increased Resin Flow Ruel, Jonathan J.; Ayres, Matthew P.; Lorio, Peter L., Jr.

2004. Loblolly Pine Saplings Affected By Hurricane Hugo Retained Growth Gresham, Charles A.

2002. Loblolly Pruning and Growth Characteristics at Different Planting Spacings Adams, J.C.; Clason, T.R.

1997. Loblolly and shortleaf pine seed viability through 21 months of field storage: Can carry-over occur between seed crops? Cain, Michael D.; Shelton, Michael G.

2000. Loblolly pine cutting morphological traits: effects on rooting and field performance Foster, G. Sam; Stelzer, H.E.; McRae, J.B.

2001. Loblolly pine needle decomposition and nutrient dynamics as affected by irrigation, fertilization, and substrate quality Sanchez, Felipe G.

1997. Loblolly pine: the ecology and culture of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) Schultz, Robert P.

1973. Local Net Timber Volume Equations for Wisconsin Hahn, Jerold T.

2002. Local Soils Information Needed to Define the Root Zone in Process Models on the Gulf Coastal Plain Sword Sayer, Mary Anne; Tiarks, Allan E.

1975. Local net volume equations for Missouri. Hahn, Jerold T.

1969. Local seed sources recommended for loblolly pine in Maryland and shortleaf pine in New Jersey and Pennsylvania Little, Silas

2003. Localizing National Fragmentation Statistics with Forest Type Maps Riitters, Kurt H.; Coulston, John W.; Wickham, James D.

2001. Locust Leafminer, Odonatata dorsalis (Thunb.) (Pest Alert) USDA Forest Service

1984. Lodgepole Pine Dwarf Mistletoe Hawksworth, Frank G.; Dooling, Oscar J.

1998. Lodgepole pine development after early spacing in the Blue Mountains of Oregon. 1998 Cochran, P.H.; Dahms, Walter G.

1995. Log Defect Recognition Using CT-images and Neural Net Classifiers Schmoldt, Daniel L.; Li, Pei; Abbott, A. Lynn

2001. Log and lumber grades as indicators of wood quality in 20- to 100-year-old Douglas-fir trees from thinned and unthinned stands. Barbour, R. James; Parry, Dean L.

1998. Log export and import restrictions of the U.S. Pacific Northwest and British Columbia: past and present. Lane, Christine L.

1989. Logging Damage Nyland, Ralph D.

1993. Logging Damage to Residual Trees Following Partial Cutting in a Green Ash-Sugarberry Stand in the Mississippi Delta Meadows, James S.

1989. Logging Roads and Log Decks for a Wildlife Habitat Healy, William M.

1985. Logging and forest roads related to increased debris slides in southwestern Oregon Amaranthus, Michael P.; Rice, Raymond M.; Barr, Nicholas R.; Ziemer, Robert R.

1978. Logging effects on soil moisture losses Ziemer, Robert Ruhl

1990. Logging effects on streamflow: storm runoff at Caspar Creek in northwestern California Wright, Kenneth A.; Sendek, Karen H.; Rice, Raymond M.; Thomas, Robert B.

1990. Logging effects on streamflow: water yields and summer flows at Caspar Creek in northwestern California Keppeler, Elizabeth T.; Ziemer, Robert R.

1999. Logging impact in uneven-aged stands of the Missouri Ozark Forest Ecosystem Project Dwyer, John F.

1998. Logging impacts of the 1970's vs. the 1990's in the Caspar Creek watershed Cafferata, Peter H.; Spittler, Thomas E.

1989. Logging residue in southeast Alaska Howard, James O.; Setzer, Theodore S.

1981. Logging system cost analysis: comparison of methods used. Miyata, Edwin S.; Steinhilb, Helmuth M.

1958. Logging upon forested areas of high recreational value Ziemer, Robert R.

2000. Logistic regression for southern pine beetle outbreaks with spatial and temporal autocorrelation Gumpertz, M. L.; Wu, C.-T.; Pye, John M.

2004. Long term growth responses of loblolly pine to optimal nutrient and water resource availability Albaugh, Timothy J.; Allen, H. Lee; Dougherty, Phillip M.; Johnsen, Kurt H.

1995. Long- and short-term flooding effects on survival and sink-source relationships of swamp-adapted tree species Angelov, M.N.; Sung, Shi-Jean S.; Doong, R.L.; Harms, W.R.; Kormanik, Paul P.; Black, C.C.

2004. Long-Term Effects of Season of Prescribed Burn on the Fine-Root Growth, Root Carbohydrates, and Foliar Dynamics of Mature Longleaf Pine Kuehler, Eric A.; Sword Sayer, Mary Anne; Haywood, James D.; Andries, C. Dan

2003. Long-Term Forest Hydrologic Monitoring in Coastal Carolinas Amatya, Devendra M.; Sun, Ge; Trettin, Carl C.; Skaggs, R. Wayne

2004. Long-Term Prescribed Burning Regime Has Little Effect on Springtails in Pine Stands of Southern Arkansas Renschin, Michele L.; Thompson, Lynne C.; Shelton, Michael G.

2004. Long-Term Records of Southern Pine Dynamics in Even-Aged Stands Goelz, J.C.G.; Scarborough, J.H., Jr.; Floyd, J.A.; Leduc, D.J.

1998. Long-Term Research Does Pay Off - A Summary of the Southern Station Experience Devall, Margaret S.; Baldwin, Virgil C., Jr.; [Compilers]

1995. Long-Term Responses of Understory Vegetation on a Highly Erosive Louisiana Soil to Fertilization Haywood, James D.; Thill, Ronald E.

1975. Long-Term Storage of Yellow and Paper Birch Seed Clausen, Knud E.

1987. Long-Term Studies of Prescribed Burning in Loblolly Pine Forests of the Southeastern Coastal Plain Waldrop, Thomas A.; van Lear, David H.; Lloyd, F. Thomas; Harms, William R.

2004. Long-Term Sustainability in Davis Late Successional Reserve Jim Stone and Joan Kittrell

2002. Long-Term Trends In Loblolly Pine Productivity And Stand Characteristics In Response To Stand Density And Fertilization In The Western Gulf Region Sword, M.A.; Chambers, J. L.; Tang, Z.; Dean, T. J.; Goelz, J. C.

2002. Long-Term Trends in Loblolly Pine Site Productivity and Stand Characteristics Observed at the Impac Research Site in Alachua County, Florida Martin, Timothy A.; Jokela, Eric J.

2002. Long-Term Trends in Productivity and Stand Characteristics Following Thinning of a Loblolly Pine Stand in S.E. Oklahoma Hennessey, T.; Dougherty, P.; Wittwer, R.; Lynch, T.; Clark, A.; Lorenzi, E.; Heinemann, R.; Holeman, R.

1997. Long-distance dispersal of Red-cockaded Woodpeckers in Texas Conner, Richard N.; Rudolph, D. Craig; Schaefer, Richard R.; Saenz, Daniel

1984. Long-term Artificial Annual Flooding Reduces Nuttall Oak Bole Growth Schlaegel, Bryce E.

2004. Long-term Changes in Species Composition and Forest Structure in an Arkansas Oak Forest. Chapman, Ruth Ann; Heitzman, Eric; Spetich, Martin A.

2001. Long-term Ecological Research: Coweeta History and Perspectives Swank, Wayne T.; Meyer, Judith L.; Crossley, Deyree A., Jr.

2004. Long-term Growth and Climate Response of Shortleaf Pine at the Missouri Ozark Forest Ecosystem Project Stambaugh, Michael C.; Guyette, Richard P.

1998. Long-term Patterns of Microhabitat Use by Fish in a Southern Appalachian Stream from 1983 to 1992: Effects of Hydrologic Period, Season and Fish Length Grossman, Gary D.; Ratajczak, Robert E., Jr.

2004. Long-term Root Growth Response to Thinning, Fertilization, and Water Deficit in Plantation Loblolly Pine Sword-Sayer, M.A.; Tang, Z.

2000. Long-term change and spatial pattern in a late-successional hemlock-northern hardwood forest Woods , Kerry D.

1998. Long-term changes in flowering and cone production by longleaf pine Boyer, William D.

1973. Long-term contracts for forest land and timber in the South Siegel, William C.

1993. Long-term development of regeneration under longleaf pine seedtree and shelterwood stands Boyer, William D.

2000. Long-term effects of biennial prescribed fires on the growth of longleaf pine Boyer, William D.

1997. Long-term effects of commercial sawlog harvest on soil cation concentrations Knoepp, Jennifer D.; Swank, Wayne T.

1997. Long-term effects of dormant-season prescribed fire on plant community diversity, structure and productivity in a longleaf pine wiregrass ecosystem Brockway, Dale G.; Lewis, Clifford E.

2001. Long-term effects of forest herbicides on plant diversity in pine plantations in the southeast Miller, James H.

1999. Long-term growth trends of red spruce and fraser fir at Mt. Rogers, Virginia and Mt. Mitchell, North Carolina Goelz, J.C.G.; Burk, Thomas E.; Zedaker, Shepard M.

2001. Long-term hydrologic and water quality responses following commercial clearcutting of mixed hardwoods on a Southern Appalachian catchment Swank, W.T.; Vose, J.M.; Elliott, K.J.

1980. Long-term impact of aerial application of 2,4,5-T to longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) Michael, J.L.

2001. Long-term nitrogen dynamics of Coweeta forested watersheds in the southeastern United States of America Swank, Wayne T.; Vose, James M.

1999. Long-term patterns in vegetation-site relationships in a southern Appalachian forest Elliott, Katherine J.; Vose, James M.; Swank, Wayne T.; Bolstad, Paul V.

2004. Long-term performance monitoring of hardwood timber bridges in Pennsylvania Wacker, James P.; Calil, Carlito, Jr.; Hislop, Lola E.; Hilbrich Lee, Paula D.; Kainz, James A.

1998. Long-term recovery of a Mountain Stream from Clearcut Logging: The Effects of Forest Succession on Benthic Invertebrate Community Structure Stone, Michael K.; Wallace, J. Bruce

1991. Long-term sedimentation effects of different patterns of timber harvesting Ziemer, Robert R.; Lewis, J.; Lisle, T.E.; Rice, R.M.

2004. Long-term soil accumulation of chromium, copper, and arsenic adjacent to preservative-treated wood. Lebow, S.; Foster, D.; Evans, J.

1998. Long-term trends in height growth of jack pine in North Central Ontario Goelz, J.C.G.; Burk, T.E.

2004. Long-term trends in loblolly pine productivity and stand characteristics in response to thinning and fertilization in the West Gulf region Sword Sayer, Mary A.; Goelz, Jeffery C.; Chambers, Jim L.; Tang, Zhenmin; Dean, T.J.; Haywood, James D.; Leduc, Daniel J.

2004. Longhorned Beetles in Greentree reservoirs and Naturally Flooded Bottomland Hardwood Stands Warriner, Michael D.; Nebeker, T. Evan; Tucker, Steven A.

1990. Longitudinal variation in suspended sediment and turbidity of two undisturbed streams in northwestern California in relation to the monitoring of water quality above and below a land disturbance Markman, Steve G.

1999. Longleaf Pine Cone Crops and Climate: A Possible Link Pederson, Neil; Kush, John S.; Meldahl, Ralph S.; Bayer, William D.

1999. Longleaf Pine Ecosystem Restoration on Small and Mid-Sized Tracts Walker, Joan L.

1999. Longleaf Pine Ecosystem Restoration: The Role of Fire Barnett, James P.

1999. Longleaf Pine Forests...in the Mountains? Varner, Morgan

1999. Longleaf Pine Genetics Schmidtling, R.C.

1997. Longleaf Pine Regeneration and Management: An Overstory Overview Boyer, William D.

1963. Longleaf Pine Seed Dispersal Boyer, William D.

1999. Longleaf Pine Seed Presowing Treatements: Effects on Germination and Nursery Establishment Barnett, James P.; Pickens, Bill; Karrfalt, Robert

2002. Longleaf Pine Seed Quality and Preparation For Sowing Karrfalt, Robert P.

1996. Longleaf Pine: An Updated Bibliography Kush, John S.; Meldahl, Ralph S.; Boyer, William D.; McMahon, Charles K.

1999. Longleaf Pine: Natural Regeneration and Management Boyer, William D.

2002. Longleaf Pine: Why Plant It? Why Use Containers? Barnett, James P.

2002. Longleaf Seedling Trends Hainds, Mark J.

1983. Longleaf pine Boyer, William D.; Patterson, Donald W.

1998. Longleaf pine (Pinus palustris ) Stand Dynamics: A Regional Longleaf Growth Study Meldahl, Ralph S.; Kush, John S.; Boyer, William D.

1997. Longleaf pine can catch up Boyer, William D.

2000. Longleaf pine characteristics associated with arthropods available for red-cockaded woodpeckers Hanula, James L.; Franzreb, Kathleen E.; Pepper, William D

1998. Longleaf pine ecosystem restoration: the role of the USDA Forest Service McMahon, Charles K.; Tomczak, D.J.; Jeffers, R.M.

1999. Longleaf pine forests and woodlands: old growth under fire! Walker, Joan L.

2001. Longleaf pine plantations: Growth and yield modeling in an ecosystem restoration context Goelz, J.C.G.

1968. Longleaf pine: an annotated bibliography, 1946 through 1967 Croker, Thomas C., Jr.

1985. Los Bejucos de Puerto Rico Volumen I Acevedo-Rodríguez, Pedro; Woodbury, Roy O.

1995. Losses of Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Cavity Trees to Southern Pine Beetles Conner, Richard N.; Rudolph, D. Craig

1993. Louisiana's sixth forest survey Rosson, James F., Jr.

2002. Louisiana's timber industry--an assessment of timber product output and use, 1999 Bentley, James W.; Howell, Michael; Johnson, Tony G.

1969. Low Herbicide Concentration Found in Streamflow After a Grass Cover is Killed Douglass, J.E.; Cochrane, D.R.; Bailey, G.W.; Teasley, J.I.; Hill, D.W.

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1989. Lumber Grading With A Computer Vision System Conners, Richard W.; Cho, Tai-Hoon; Araman, Philip A.

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2003. Lumped Parameter Models for Predicting Nitrogen Transport in Lower Coastal Plain Watersheds Amatya, Devendra M.; Chescheir, George M.; Fernandez, Glen P.; Skaggs, R. Wayne; Birgand, F.; Gilliam, J.W.

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1982. Machine Planting Costs are Influenced by Site Characteristics and Preparation Practices Guldin, Richard W.

1997. Machine Vision System for Color Sorting Wood Edge-Glued Panel Parts Lu, Qiang; Srikanteswara, S.; King, W.; Drayer, T.; Conners, Richard; Kline, D. Earl; Araman, Philip A.

1992. Machine Vision Systems for Processing Hardwood Lumber and Logs Araman, Philip A.; Schmoldt, Daniel L.; Cho, Tai-Hoon; Zhu, Dongping; Conners, Richard W.; Kline, D. Earl

1997. Machine Vision Technology for the Forest Products Industry Conners, Richard W.; Kline, D.Earl; Araman, Philip A.; Drayer, Thomas T.

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1998. Macroecology, paleoecology, and ecological integrity of terrestrial species and communities of the interior Columbia basin and northern portions of the Klamath and Great Basins Marcot, Bruce G.; Croft, L.K.; Lehmkuhl, J.F.; Naney, R.H.; Niwa, C.G.; Owen, W.R.; Sandquist, R.E.

2004. Macrofungi on woody substrata Huhndorf, Sabine M.; Lodge, D. J.; Wang, Chun-Juan; Stokland, Jogeir N.

2003. Macroinvertebrates in North American tallgrass prairie soils: effects of fire, mowing, and fertilization on density and biomass Callaham, M.A., Jr.; Blair, J.M.; Todd, T.C.; Kitchen, D.J.; Whiles, M.R.

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1994. Making Nature-based Tourism Contribute to Sustainable Development: A Policy Framework Laarman, Jan; Gregersen, Hans

1992. Making Wildlife Openings Tubbs, Carl H.; Verme, Louis J.; Godman, Richard M.

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1998. Management experiments for high-elevation agroforestry systems jointly producing matsutake mushrooms and high-quality timber in the Cascade Range of southern Oregon. Weigand, James F.

1994. Management history of eastside ecosystems: changes in fish habitat over 50 years, 1935-1992. McIntosh, Bruce A.; Sedell, James R.; Smith, Jeanette E.; Wissmar, Robert C.; Clarke, Sharon E.; Reeves, Gordon H.; Brown, Lisa A.

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1994. Management of Forested Landscapes: Simulations of three alternatives Boyce, Stephen G.; McNab, W. Henry

1992. Management of Wood Products Manufacturing Using Simulation/Animation Kline, D. Earl; Wiedenbeck, J.K.; Araman, Philip A.

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1968. Managing Eastern Redceder Ferguson, E.R.; Lawson, E.R.; Maple, W.R.; Mesavage, C.

1999. Managing Leaf Area for Maximum Volume Production in a Loblolly Pine Plantation Yu, Shufang; Cao, Quang V.; Chambers, Jim L.; Tang, Zhenmin; Haywood, James D.

1991. Managing Longleaf Pine Under The Selection System - Promises and Problems Farrar, Robert M.; Boyer, William D.

1989. Managing Mature, Even-aged Stands Sander, Ivan L.; Smith., H. Clay

2004. Managing Mixed Species Hardwood Stands for Maximum Financial Returns Pelkki, Matthew H.; Kirillova, Natalia V.

1987. Managing Southern Forests for Wildlife and Fish A Proceedings Dickson, James G.; Maughan, O. Eugene; [Editors]

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1989. Managing Uneven-aged Stands Law, Jay R.; Lorimer, Craig G.

1985. Managing Vegetation on Peat-Sand Filter Beds for Wastewater Disposal Elling, Arthur E.

2004. Managing Water Quality in Wetlands with Foresty BMP's Rummer, Bob

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1985. Managing cavity trees for wildlife in the Northeast DeGraaf, Richard M.; Shigo, Alex L.

1994. Managing for featured, threatened, endangered, and sensitive species and unique habitats for ecosystem sustainability. Marcot, Bruce G.; Wisdom, Michael J.; Li, Hiram W.; Castillo, Gonzalo C.

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1996. Managing forest ecosystems to conserve fungus diversity and sustain wild mushroom harvests. Pilz, D.; Molina, R., eds.

2000. Managing national forests of the eastern United States for non-timber forest products Chamberlain, James L.; Bush, Robert J.; Hammett, A.L.; Araman, Philip A.

2001. Managing outdoor recreation in California: visitor contact studies Chavez, Deborah J.

2000. Managing redwoods Thornburgh, D.A.; Noss, R.F.; Angelides, D.P.; Olson, C.M.; Euphrat, F.; Welsh, H.H., Jr

2001. Managing succession in conifer plantations: converting young red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.) plantations to native forest types by thinning and underplantiing Parker, William C.; Elliott, Ken A.; Dey, Daniel C.; Boysen, Eric; Newmaster, Steven G.

2003. Managing the "other" forest: collecting and protecting nontimber forest products. Vance, Nan C.

2004. Managing the Unexpected in Prescribed Fire and Fire Use Operations: A Workshop on the High Reliability Organization Keller, Paul (tech. ed.)

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1993. Managing urban and high-use recreation settings. Gobster, Paul H.

2002. Managing urban parks for a racially and ethnically diverse clientele Gobster, Paul H.

2002. Managing young upland forests in southeast Alaska for wood products, wildlife, aquatic resources, and fishes: problem analysis and study plan Wipfli, Mark S.; Deal, Robert L.; Hennon, Paul E.; Johnson, Adelaide C.; de Santo, Toni L.; Hanley, Thomas A.; Schultz, Mark E.; Bryant, Mason D.; Edwards, Richard T.; Orlikowska, Ewa H.; Gomi, Takashi.

1968. Manganese toxicity of legumes seeded in Kentucky strip-mine spoils Berg, W. A.; Vogel, W. G.

1998. Mangroves of Kiribati - A Priceless Resource Needs Protection Ward, James Denny

2001. Manipulation of density of Pseudotsuga menziesii canopies: preliminary effects on understory vegetation Thysell, D.R.; Carey, A.B.

1993. Mann Gulch fire: a race that couldn't be won Rothermel, Richard C.

1995. Mantle biopsy: a technique for nondestructive tissue-sampling of freshwater mussels Berg, David J.; Haag, Wendell R.; Guttman, Sheldon I.; Sickel, James B.

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1972. Maple sirup production from bigleaf maple Ruth, Robert H.; Underwood, J. Clyde; Smith, Clark E.; Yang, Hoya Y.

1992. Mapping Mexico's Forest Lands with Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer Evans, David J.; Zhu, Zhiliang; Eggen-McIntosh, Susan; Mayoral, Pedro García; de Anda, Jose Luis Ornelas

2000. Mapping Vegetation and Fuels For Fire Management on the Gila National Forest Complex, New Mexico Keane, Robert E.; Mincemoyer, Scott A.; Schmidt, Kirsten M.; Long, Donald G.; Garner, Janice L.

1996. Mapping of species richness for conservation of biological diversity: conceptual and methodological issues Conroy, M.J.; Noon, B.R.

2002. Mapping quantitative trait loci controlling early growth in a (longleaf pine × slash pine) × slash pine BC1 family Weng, C.; Kubisiak, Thomas L.; Nelson, C. Dana.; Stine, M.

1999. Marbled murrelet effectiveness monitoring plan for the Northwest Forest Plan. Madsen, Sarah; Evans, Diane; Hamer, Thomas; Henson, Paul; Miller, Sherri; Nelson, S. Kim; Roby, Daniel; Stapanian, Martin

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1999. Market Definition For Hardwood Timber in the Southern Appalachians Prestemon, Jeffrey P.; Pye, John M.; Abt, Karen Lee; Wear, David N.

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1987. Marketing Nature-Oriented Tourism or Rural Development and Wildlands Management in Developing Countries: A Bibliography Ingram, C. Denise; Durst, Patrick B.

1968. Marketing Practices of Northern Minnesota Sawmills Forbes, E.W.; Rowe, R.W.

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1981. Marking Ground Targets With Radio Transmitters Dropped From Aircraft Nichols, Thomas H.; Ostry, Michael E.; Fuller, Mark R.

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1982. Mass erosion and forest management Ziemer, Robert R.; Thomas, B.R.; Rice, R.M.

1987. Mass failures and other processes of sediment production in Pacific northwest forest landscapes. Chapter Two Swanson, Frederick J.; Benda, Lee E.; Duncan, Stanley H.; Grant, Gordon E.; Megahan, Walter F.; Reid, Leslie M.; Ziemer, Robert R.

1989. Mast Importance, Production, and Management Weeks, Harmon P. Jr.

1990. Match Your Hardwood Lumber to Current Market Needs Bush, Robert J.; Sinclair, Steven A.; Araman, Philip A.

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1990. Mathematical demography of spotted owls in the Pacific Northwest Noon, B.R.; Biles, C.M.

1976. Mathematical functions for predicting growth and yield of black walnut plantations in the Central States. Ferrell, Raymond S.; Lundgren, Allen L.

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1981. Measurement and Management of Tree Seed Moisture Bonner, F.T.

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2004. Measuring Birdwatcher Preferences Through Importance-Performance Analysis Ellis, Christopher; Vogelsong, Hans

1998. Measuring Environmental Quality in the Southern Appalachian Mountains Pendleton, Linwood; Sohngen, Brent; Mendelsohn, Robert; Holmes, Thomas

1976. Measuring Financial Gains from Genetically Superior Trees Dutrow, George; Row, Clark

1994. Measuring Net Investment and Productivity in Timber Production Wear, David N.

1997. Measuring Perceived Crowding for High-Density River Recreation: The Effects of Situational Conditions and Personal Factors Tarrant, Michael A.; Cordell, H. Ken; Kibler, Tamela L.

1989. Measuring Site Index in the Central Hardwood Region McQuilkin, Robert A.

2003. Measuring and Modeling Tree Stand Level Transpiration Vose, J.M.; Harvey, G.J.; Elliott, K.J.; Clinton, B.D.

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2002. Measuring moisture dynamics to predict fire severity in longleaf pine forests Ferguson, Sue A.; Ruthford, Julia E.; McKay, Steven J.; Wright, David; Wright, Clint; Ottmar, Roger

1988. Measuring sediment yields of storms using PSALT Thomas, Robert B.

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1985. Measuring suspended sediment in small mountain streams Thomas, Robert B.

1996. Measuring the Effective Sampling Area of a Pheromone Trap for Monitoring Population Density of Southern Pine Beetle (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) Turchin, Peter; Odendaal, Francois J.

1999. Measuring the economic benefit of maintaining the ecological integrity of the Río Mameyes in Puerto Rico. González-Cabán, Armando; Loomis, John.

1993. Measuring the fraction of pool volume filled with fine sediment Hilton, Sue; Lisle, Thomas E.

1998. Measuring the triaxial load-deformation response of orthotropic materials subjected to large and small strain regimes Saliklis, Edmond P.; Cramer, Steven M.; Hermanson, John C.

2004. Mechanical Damage Incurred by Underplanted Northern Red Oak Following Six Overstory Treatments: First-Year Results Olson, Matthew G.; Clatterbuck, Wayne K.; Schlarbaum, Scott E.

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2002. Mechanical Properties of Individual Southern Pine Fibers. Part II. Comparison of Earlywood and Latewood Fibers with Respect to Tree Height and Juvenility Mott, Laurence; Groom, Les; Shaler, Stephen

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1997. Mechanical and Chemical Release in a 12-Year-Old Ponderosa Pine Plantation Fiddler, Gary O.; McDonald, Philip M.

1993. Mechanical and physical properties of wood fiber-reinforced, sulfur-based wood composites Hse, Chung-Yun; Bryant, Ben S.

1999. Mechanical grading of oak timbers Kretschmann, David E.; Green, David W.

2002. Mechanical mid-story reduction treatments for forest fuel management Rummer, B.; Outcalt, K.; Brockway, D.

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1999. Mercury and Organic Carbon Relationships in Streams Draining Forested Upland/Peatland Watersheds Kolka, Randall K.; Grigal, D.F.; Verry, E.S.; Nater, E.A.

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2004. Methodological and Conceptual Issues in the Development of Customer Service Measures for the National Recreational Reservation Service Absher, James D.; Kasul, Richard L.; Chang, Wen-Huei

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1992. MicroComputer Software for Predicting Growth of Southern Timber Stands Farrar, Robert M., Jr.

1971. Microbial Populations in Two Swamp Soils of South Carolina Priester, David S.; Harms, William R.

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2004. Microclimatic Conditions After Reproduction Cutting in Shortleaf Pine Stands in the Ouachita Mountains Guldin, James M.; Barnett, James P.

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1994. Microclonal Multipication of Wild Cherry (Prunus Avium L.) from Shoot Tips and Root Sucker Buds Pevalek-Kozlina, Branka; Michler, Charles H.; Jelaska , Sibila

1992. Microcomputer software for calculating an elk habitat effectiveness index on Blue Mountain winter ranges Hitchcock, Mark; Ager, Alan

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2000. Microhabitat Characteristics of sites used by swamp rabbits Zollner, Patrick A.; Smith, Winston P.; Brennan, Leonard A.

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2002. Midscale analysis of streamside characteristics in the upper Grande Ronde subbasin, northeastern Oregon Hemstrom, Miles A.; Smith, Tim; Evans, Donald; Clifton, Caty; Crowe, Elizabeth; Aitken, Marti

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1999. Mimosa or Silktree Albizia julibrissin Miller, James H.

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1992. Minimizing Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Damage Erdmann, Gayne G.; Peterson, Ralph M. Jr.

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1993. Neotropical Migratory Bird Communities in a Developing Pine Plantation Dickson, James G.; Conner, Richard N.; Williamson, J. Howard

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1984. Nest Site Characteristics of Cavity Nesting Birds in Central Missouri Brawn, Jeffery D.; Tannenbaum, Bernice; Evans, Keith E.

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2001. New England wildlife: a model for ecosystem management - ECOSEARCH (version 1): Appendix A Short, Henry L.; Hestbeck, Jay B.; DeGraaf, Richard M.

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2002. Nitrogen and Phosphorus Use Efficiency in Stands of Loblolly and Slash Pine Dicus, Christopher A.; Dean, Thomas J.

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1993. Nondestructive Evaluation of Hardwood Logs Using Automated Interpretation of CT Images Schmoldt, Daniel L.; Zhu, Dongping; Conners, Richard W.

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2002. Occurence of the Rayed Creekshell, Anodontoides Radzatus, in the Mississippi River Basin: Implications For Conservation and Biogeography Haag, Wendell R.; Warren, Melvin L., Jr.; Wright, Keith; Shaffer, Larry

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1967. Planning for timber tract development Marty, Robert; Trimble, George R., Jr.

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1998. Plant Communities in Selected Longleaf Pine Landscapes on the Catahoula Ranger District, Kisatchie National Forest, Louisiana Haywood, James D.; Boyer, William D.; Harris, Finis L.

1995. Plant Response to Soils, Site Preparation, and Initial Pine Planting Density Pearson, Henry A.; Wolters, Gale L.; Thill, Ronald E.; Martin, Alton, Jr.; Baldwin, V. Clark, Jr.

1983. Plant association and management guide for the Pacific silver fir zone Gifford Pinchot National Forest Brockway, Dale G.; Topik, Christopher; Hemstrom, Miles A.; Emmingham, William H.

1986. Plant association and management guide for the western hemlock zone Topik, Christopher; Halverson, Nancy M.; Brockway, Dale G.

1999. Plant community development after 28 years in small group-selection openings McDonald, Philip M.; Reynolds, Phillip E.

2000. Plant community responses to prescribed burning in Wisconsin sedge meadows Kost, Michael A.; De Steven, Diane

1985. Plant species biomass estimates for 13 upland community types of northeastern Minnesota. Ohmann, Lewis F.; Grigal, David F.

2000. Plant succession and community restoration following felling and burning in the Southern Appalachian Mountains Clinton, Barton D.; Vose, James M.

1987. Plant-water relationships and growth of black walnut in a walnut-forage multicropping regime

1987. Plant-water relationships and growth of black walnut in a walnut-forage multicropping regime Dey, Daniel C.; Conway, M. R.; Garrett, H. E.; Hinckley, T. S.; Cox, G. S.

1979. Plantation Spacing Affects Early Growth of Planted Virginia Pine Russell, T.E.

1996. Plantation thinning systems in the Southern United States Stokes, Bryce J.; Watson, William F.

1975. Planted Black Walnut Does Well on Cleared Forest Sites -- if Competition is Controlled Krajicek, John E.

1987. Planted Hardwood Development on Clay Soil Without Weed Control Through 16 Years Krinard, Roger M.; Kennedy, Harvey E., Jr.

1978. Planted Loblolly and Slash Pine Reponse to Bedding and Flat Disking on a Poorly Drained Site - An Update Cain, Michael D.

1980. Planted Pines do not Respond to Bedding on an Acadia-Beauregard-Kolin Silt Loam Site Haywood, James D.

1989. Planting Bottomland Hardwoods Tennant, Karl

2000. Planting Bottomland Hardwoods for Wildlife in the Delta Gardiner, Emile S.; Stanturf, John

1977. Planting Depth and Source Affect Survival of Planted Green Ash Cuttings Kennedy, Harvey E., Jr.

1991. Planting Depth of Hybrid Poplar Cuttings Influences Number of Shoots Hansen, Edward; Tolsted, David; Tower, Matthew

1969. Planting Grass Appears Impratical For Improving Deteriorated Recreation Sites Cordell, H. Ken; Talhelm, Daniel R.

1963. Planting Loblolly Pine for Erosion Control in Northern Mississippi Ursic, Stanley J.

1998. Planting Northern Red Oak in the Ozark Highlands: A Shelterwood Prescription Weigel, Dale; Johnson, Paul

2004. Planting Oaks in Arkansas: Three Case Studies Heitzman, Eric; Grell, Adrian

1958. Planting Pine in the Carolina Sandhills Shipman, Robert D.

1988. Planting Seedlings Van Sambeek, J. W.

1974. Planting Technique and Care of Stock Affect Survival of Planted Red Pine Cooley, John H.

0. Planting Trees in Designed and Built Community Landscapes - Checklists for Success Reynolds, Mary K.; Ossenbruggen, H. Sharon

1965. Planting Wetland Species On Upland Soil Harrington, T. A.

1998. Planting White Oak in the Ozark Highlands: A Shelterwood Prescription Weigel, Dale; Johnson, Paul

1989. Planting Yellow-Poplar, White Ash, Black Cherry, and Black Locust Williams, Robert D.; Bey, Calvin F.

1977. Planting Yellow-Poplar--Where We Stand Today Russell, T.E.

1989. Planting for Wildlife Kirby, Samuel B.; Ponder, Claude L.; Smith, Donald J.

1974. Planting methods and treatment for black walnut seedlings. Williams, Robert D.

1968. Planting paper birch in old fields in Maine Bjorkbom, John C.

2000. Planting red oak under oak/yellow-poplar shelterwoods: a provisional prescription. Weigel, Dale R.; Johnson, Paul S.

1968. Planting site, shade, & local seed source: their effects on the emergence & survival of eastern white pine seedlings Graber, Raymond E.

1964. Plants of the Caloosa Experimental Range Hilmon, J.B.

1967. Plastic tubing for collecting maple sap: a comparison of suspended vented and unvented installations Blum, Barton M.

2000. Pleistocene Refugia for Longleaf and Loblolly Pines Schmidtling, R.C.; Hipkins, V.; Carroll, E.

1999. Plethodontid salamander response to Silvilcultural Practices in Missouri Ozark forests Herbeck, Laura A.; Larsen, David R.

1998. Plot size recommendations for biomass estimation in a midwestern old-growth forest Spetich, Martin A.; Parker, George R

1998. Plots, pixels, and partnerships: prospects for mapping, monitoring and modeling biodiversity. Lund, H. Gyde; Rudis, Victor A.; Stolte, Kenneth W.

2001. Plotview Software For Retrieving Plot-Level Imagery and GIS Data Over The Web Boss, Ken

1990. Pocket Guide to Red Pine Diseases and their Management Nicholls, Thomas H.; Skillings, Darroll D.

1989. Pocket guide to Christmas tree diseases Nicholls, Thomas H.; Wray, Robert D.

1993. Point Counts of Birds in Bottomland Hardwood Forests of the Mississippi Alluvial Valley: Duration, Minimum Sample Size, and Points Versus Visits Smith, Winston Paul; Twedt, Daniel J.; Wiedenfeld, Paul B.; [and others]

1958. Point-Sampling and Line-Sampling Probability Theory, Geometric Implications, Synthesis Grosenbaugh, L.R.

1968. Pole and Piling Production in the Midsouth Beltz, Roy C.; Christopher, Joe F.

1990. Policy-Relevant Nonconvexities in the Production of Multiple Forest Benefits? Swallow, Stephen K.; Parks, Peter J.; Wear, David N.

1997. Polyclonal antibodies to wetwood bacteria from egg yolk of immunized hens [Abstract] McElreath, S.D.; Tainter, F.H.; Birrenkott, G.P.; [and others]; [Editor's Note: Leininger, Theodor D. is SRS author.]

2004. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon migration from creosote-treated railway ties into ballast and adjacent wetlands Brooks, Kenneth M.

1978. Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in forest fire smoke McMahon, Charles K.; Tsoukalas, Skevos N.

2004. Polyoxometalate oxidation of non-phenolic lignin subunits in water : effect of substrate structure on reaction kinetics Yokoyama, Tomoya; Chang, Hou-min; Reiner, Richard S.; Atalla, Raja H.; Weinstock, Ira A.; Kadla, John F.

2002. Polyploidy and the evolutionary history of cotton Wendel, Jonathan F.; Cronn, R.C.

2000. Ponderosa pine ecosystems restoration and conservation: steps toward stewardship; 2000 April 25­27; Flagstaff, AZ Vance, Regina K.; Edminster, Carleton B.; Covington, W. Wallace; Blake, Julie A.

1976. Poor Aeration Curtails Slash Pine Root Growth and Nutrient Uptake Shoulders, Eugene

1968. Poor Returns from Ozark Woodland Grazing Bjugstad, Ardell J.; Murphy, Dean A.; Crawford, Hewlette S.

2001. Poplar breeding and testing strategies in the north-central U.S.: Demonstration of potential yield and consideration of future research needs1 Riemenschneider, Don E.; Berguson, William E.; Dickmann, Donald I.; Hall, Richard B.; Isebrands, J. G.; Mohn, Carl A.; Stanosz, Glen R.; Tuskan, Gerald A.

1992. Popularity of tree species and cultivars in the United States Nowak, David J.; Sydnor, Davis T.

1978. Population Dynamics of the Gypsy Moth: An Annotated Bibliography. Campbell, R.W.; Levitan, L. C.; Sobecki, E.R.; Tardiff, M.F.

1998. Population biology of the forest pathogen Heterbasidion annosum:implications for forest management Garbelotto, M.; Otrosina, W.J.; Cobb, F.W.; Bruns, T.D.

1992. Population models for passerine birds: structure, parameterization, and analysis Noon, B.R.; Sauer, J.R.

1993. Population structure of Heterobasidion annosum from North America and Europe Otrosina, W.J.; Chase, T.E.; Cobb, F.W., Jr.; Korhonen, K.

1997. Population viability assessment of salmonids by using probabilistic networks Lee, Danny C.; Rieman, Bruce E.

1986. Populus species and hybrid clones resistant to Melampsora, Marssonina, and Septoria. Ostry, Michael E.; McNabb, Harold S. Jr.

1967. Populus: A Bibliography of World Literature, 1854-1963 Farmer, R.E., Jr.; McKnight, J.S.

1987. Port-Orford-Cedar Root Disease Roth, Lewis F.; Harvey, Robert D. Jr.; Kliejunas, John T.

1987. Positioning chip vans Ashmore, Colin; Stokes, Bryce J.

1997. Positive Returns from Investment in Fusiform Rust Research Pye, John M.; Wagner, John E.; Holmes, Thomas P.; Cubbage, Frederick W.

2004. Possibility of Refining the Hierarchical Model of Leisure Constraints Through Cross-Cultural Research Chick, Garry; Dong, Erwei

1990. Possible Computer Systems for Future Hardwood Mills Araman, Philip A.

1990. Possible Computer Vision Systems and Automated or Computer-Aided Edging and Trimming Araman, Philip A.

1993. Possible Demands for Eastern Hardwoods Resulting from Harvest Restrictions in the Pacific Wiedenbeck, Janice K.; Araman, Philip A.

2002. Post-fire tree regeneration in lowland Bolivia: implications for fire management Gould, K.A.; Fredericksen, T.S.; Morales, F.; Kennard, D.; Putz, F.E.; Mostacedo, B.; Toldeo, M.

2004. Postfire Mortality of Ponderosa Pine and Douglas-fir: A Review of Methods to Predict Tree Death Fowler, James F.; Sieg, Carolyn Hull

2002. Postfire logging: Is It Beneficial to a Forest? Duncan, Sally

1989. Potency of Bacillus thuringiensis strains and formulations against gypsy moth and spruce budworm larvae: 1980-86 Dubois, Normand R.; Huntley, Pamela J.; Newman, DeAdra

1994. Potential Dimension Yields From Direct Processing Lin, Wenjie; Kline, D. Earl; Araman, Philip A.

2001. Potential Effects of Wood Chip Mill Harvests on Economic Returns and Forest Management Practices of Nonindustrial Private Forest Landowners in North Carolina Snider, Anthony; Cubbage, Frederick; Moulton, Robert

1999. Potential Impacts of Increased Management Intensities on Planted Pine Growth and Yield and Timber Supply Modeling in the South Siry, Jacek P.; Cubbage, Frederick W.; Malmquist, Andy J.

1997. Potential Material Sources for Board Products: Used Pallets and Wastewood at Landfills Araman, Philip A.; Bush, Robert J.; Reddy, Vijay S.

1991. Potential Utilization of Sweetgum and Yellow-Poplar for Structural Lumber Faust, Timothy D.; McAlister, Robert H.; Zarnoch, Stanley J.; Stephens, Christopher B.

1991. Potential Utilization of Sweetgum for Structural Lumber Faust, Timothy D.; McAlister, Robert H.; Stewart, Peter J.; Cubbage, Frederick W.; Araman, Philip A.

2002. Potential carry-over of seeds from 11 common shrub and vine competitors of loblolly and shortleaf pines Shelton, Michael G.; Cain, Michael D.

1997. Potential effects of climate change on freshwater ecosystems of the New England/Mid-Atlantic Region Moore, Marianne V.; Pace, Michael L.; Mather, John R.; [and others]; [Editor’s note: Patricia A. Flebbe is the SRS co-author for this publication.]

2002. Potential fire behavior in pine flatwood forests following three different fuel reduction techniques Brose, Patrick; Wade, Dale

1979. Potential for energy recovery from humid air streams. Rosen, Howard H.

2003. Potential of chicken feather fibre in wood MDF composites Winandy, Jerold E.; Muehl, James H.; Micales, Jessie A.; Raina, Ashok; Schmidt, Walter

2001. Potential relative increment (PRI): a new method to empirically derive optimal tree diameter growth Bragg, Don C

1988. Potential streamflow changes from forest decline due to air pollution Rice, R.M.; Lewis, J.

1981. Potting Media Affect Growth and Disease Development of Container-Grown Southern Pines Pawuk, William H.

1999. Practical field methods of estimating canopy cover, PAR, and LAI in Michigan Oak and pine stands Buckley, David S.; Isebrands, J.G.; Sharik, Terry L.

1998. Practical polyphenolics: from structure to molecular recognition and physiological action, by Edwin Haslam.[Book review] Hemingway, Richard W.

1998. Practical social assessments for national forest planning. Jakes, Pamela; Fish, Thomas; Carr, Deborah; Blahna, Dale

1998. Precipitation Change and Soil Leaching: Field Results and Simulations from Walker Branch Watershed, Tennessee Johnson, D.W.; Hanson, P.J.; Todd, D.E., Jr.; Susfalk, R.B.; Trettin, Carl C.

2001. Precision agriculture and information technology Schmoldt, Daniel L.

2001. Precision, accuracy, and efficiency of four tools for measuring soil bulk density or strength Miller, Richard E.; Hazard, John; Howes, Steven

1998. Precommercial thinning intensity in longleaf pine: effect on product volume and value Kush, John S.; Boyer, William D.; Meldahl, Ralph S.; Ward, George A.

1999. Precommercial thinning of water tupelo stands on the Mobile-Tensaw River Delta: third-year results Goelz, J.C.G.; Meadows, J.S.

1997. Predation and bark beetle dynamics Reeve, John D.

1990. Predation by Thamnophis couchii on Dicamptodon ensatus Lind, A.J.; Welsh, Hartwell H., Jr.

1998. Predation of Artificial Nests in Hardwood Fragments Enclosed by Pine and Agricultural Habitats Sargent, Robert A.; Kilgo, John C.; Chapman, Briand R.; Miller, Karl V.

2002. Predation on Artificial Nests in Hurricane-Created Gaps and Adjacent Forest of the Southern Appalachians Greenberg, Cathryn H.; Rossell, C. Reed, Jr.; Johnson, David B.

1980. Predicted yields from selected cutting prescriptions in northern Minnesota. Jakes, Pamela J.; Smith, W. Brad

1984. Predicting Biomass of Understory Stems in the Miississipi and Alabama Coastal Plains Franchi, B.L.; Savelle, I.W.; Watson, W.F.; Stokes, B.J.

2001. Predicting Diameter Distributions of Longleaf Pine Plantations: A Comparison Between Artificial Neural Networks and Other Accepted Methodologies Leduc, Daniel J.; Matney, Thomas G.; Belli, Keith L.; Baldwin, V. Clark, Jr.

1990. Predicting Post-Harvest Performance of Advance Red Oak Reproduction in the Southern Appalachians Loftis, David L.

1975. Predicting Site Index in Young Black Walnut Plantations Losche, Craig K.; Schlesinger, Richard C.

2004. Predicting Soil CO2 Efflux Rates in the Loblolly Pine Ecosystem Across the Region Gough, Christopher; Seiler, John; Wiseman, Eric

1998. Predicting Southern Appalachian overstory vegetation with digital terrain data Bolstad, Paul V.; Swank, Wayne; Vose, James

1985. Predicting Stand and Stock Tables from a Spacing Study in Naturally Regenerated Longleaf Pine Farrar, Robert M., Jr.

1968. Predicting Tree Diameter Breast Height from Stump Measurements in the Southeast McClure, Joe P.

2000. Predicting Tree Mortality From Diameter Growth: A Comparison of Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian Approaches Wychoff, Peter H.; Clark, James S.

2000. Predicting age-age genetic correlations in tree-breeding programs: a case study of Pinus taeda L. Gwaze, D.P.; Bridgwater, F.E.; Byram, T.D.; Woolliams, J.A.; Williams, C.G.

2004. Predicting and Projecting Stand Dominant Height From Inventory Data For Young Longleaf Pine Plantations in Southwest Georgia Brooks, John R.

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1982. Predicting landslides in clearcut patches Rice, Raymond M.; Pillsbury, Norman H.

1983. Predicting landslides related to clearcut logging, northwestern California, U.S.A. Furbish, David J.; Rice, Raymond M.

1971. Predicting lumber grade yields for standing hardwood trees. Stayton, Charles L.; Marden, Richard M.; Gammon, Glenn L.

2001. Predicting nutrient and sediment loadings to streams from landscape metrics: A multiple watershed study from the United States Mid-Atlantic Region Jones, K. Bruce; Neale, Anne C.; Nash, Malisha S.; van Remortel, Rick D.; Wickham, James D.; Riitters, Kurt H.; O'Neill, Robert V.

1977. Predicting oak stump sprouting and sprout development in the Missouri Ozarks. Johnson, Paul S.

1973. Predicting segregation of wood and bark chips by differences in terminal velocities. Sturos, John A.

1994. Predicting susceptibility of white fir during a drought-associated outbreak of the fir engraver, Scolytus centralis, in California Ferrell, G.T.; Otrosina, W.J.; DeMars, C.J., Jr.

1993. Predicting the Effects of Ecosystem Management Harvesting Treatments on Breeding Birds in Pine-Hardwood Forests Petit, Lisa J.; Petit, Daniel R.; Martin, Thomas E.

1999. Predicting the Probability of Stand Disturbance Reams, Gregory A.; McCollum, Joseph M.

2002. Predicting the hydroxymethylation rate of phenols with formaldehyde by molecular orbital calculation. Mitsunaga, Tohru; Conner, Anthony H.; Hill, Charles G., Jr.

1974. Predicting the losses in sawtimber volume and quality from fires in oak-hickory forests. Loomis, Robert M.

1999. Predicting the reactivity of adhesive starting materials Conner, Anthony H.

2002. Predicting the reactivity of phenolic compounds with formaldehyde. II, continuation of an ab initio study. Mitsunaga, Tohru ; Conner, Anthony H. ; Hill, Charles G. Jr.

1998. Prediction and error of baldcypress stem volume from stump diameter Parresol, Bernard R.

2000. Prediction method of sediment discharge from forested basin Kazutoki, Abe; Kurokawa, Ushio; Ziemer, Robert R.

2001. Prediction of ultrasonic properties from grain angle Kabir, M.F.

1998. Predictions and Projections of Pine Productivity and Hydrology in Response to Climate Change Across the Southern United States McNulty, Steven G.; Vose, James M.; Swank, Wayne T.

1998. Predictions of southern pine beetle populations using a forest ecosystem model McNulty, S.G.; Lorio, P.L., Jr.; Ayres, M.P.; Reeve, J.D.

2002. Predictive mapping of forest composition and structure with direct gradient analysis and nearest neighbor imputation in coastal Oregon, U.S.A Ohmann, Janet L.; Gregory, Matthew J.

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2004. Predictors of Personal Responsibility to Protect the Marine Environment Among Scuba Divers Cottrell, Stuart; Meisel, Carolin

1976. Preliminary Belt Life Data for Abrasive Planing of Ponderosa Pine Stewart, Harold A.

1981. Preliminary Burning Prescriptions for Ponderosa Pine Fuel Reductions in Southeastern Arizona Harrington, Michael G.

2004. Preliminary Effects of Prescribed Burning and Thinning as Fuel Reduction Treatments on the Piedmont Soils of the Clemson Experimental Forest Shelburne, Victor B.; Boyle, M. Forbes; Lione, Darren J.; Waldrop, Thomas A.

2002. Preliminary Evaluation of Methods for Classifying Forest Site Productivity Based on Species Composition in Western North Carolina McNab, W. Henry; Lloyd, F. Thomas; Loftis, David L.

2004. Preliminary Findings and Methods of Measuring Differences in Wood Coloration as a Result of Girdling Eastern Black Walnut Godsey, Larry D.; Walter, W. D. “Dusty”; Garrett, H. E. “Gene”

1995. Preliminary Full-Scale Tests of the Center for Automated Processing of Hardwoods' Auto-Image Araman, Philip A.; Wiedenbeck, Janice K.

1969. Preliminary Guidelines For Using Suppression Fires to Control Wildfires in the Southeast Cooper, Robert W.

2003. Preliminary Response of Herbaceous Plants to Biennial Burning Cycles Applied at Different Dates During the Growing Season Rideout, Sandra; Rickard, James K.; Wade, Dale D.

2004. Preliminary Results From a Retrospective Study of Harvest Intensity, Site Productivity, and Red Spruce Growth Reinmann, Andy; Kenefic, Laura; Fernandez, Ivan; Shortle, Walter

2004. Preliminary Results of Double-Sample Forest Inventory of Pine and Mixed Stands with High- and Low-Density LiDAR Parker, Robert C.; Glass, Patrick A.

2002. Preliminary Results: Effects of Fertilization, Herbicide Application, and Prescribed Burning on Understory Regeneration on Pine Plantations in East Texas Ott, Betsy; Oswald, Brian; Williams, Hans; Farrish, Kenneth

1994. Preliminary checklist of fungi of the Fernow Experiment Forest Stephenson, Steven L.; Kumar, Ashok; Bhatt, Rajendra; Dubey, Tara; Landolt, John C.; Adams, Mary Beth.

1987. Preliminary evaluation of steel-roller round baler for woody biomass baling Stokes, B. J.; Sirois, D. L.; Woodfin, S. L.

2000. Preliminary investigation on the natural durability of guayule (Parthenium argentatum) based wood products Nakayama, Francis S.; Chow, Poo.; Bajwa, Dilpreet S.; Youngquist, John A.; Muehl, James H.; Krzysik, Andrzej M.

2004. Preliminary research findings from a study of the sociocultural effects of tourism in Haines, Alaska. Cerveny, Lee K.

1994. Preliminary results on the genetic structure of Heterobasidion annosum white fir (Abies concolor) root decay centers Garbelotto, M.; Cobb, F.; Bruns, T.; Otrosina, W.; Slaughter, Garey; Popenuck, T.

0. Premature Needle Loss of Spruce Juzwik, Jennifer; O`Brien, Joseph G.

1985. Preparation of wood for energy use Sirois, Donald L.; Stokes, Bryce J.

1978. Preparing Directories to Local Outdoor Recreation Facilities McCay, Roger E.; Gansner, David A.; Riddle, Jane R.

1990. Preparing to Manage Wilderness in the 21st Century Proceedings of the Conference Athens, Georgia. April 4-6, 1990

1983. Preplant soaking of dormant Populus hardwood cuttings. Phipps, Howard M.; Hansen, Edward A.; Fege, Anne S.

2002. Preplanting Treatments and Natural Invasion of Tree Species Onto Former Agricultural Fields at the Tensas River National Wildlife Refuge, Louisiana McCoy, John W.; Keeland, Bobby D.; Lockhart, Brian Roy; Dean, Thomas

1999. Prescreening slash pine and Cronartium pedigrees for evaluation of complementary gene action in fusiform rust disease. Stelzer, H.E.; Doudrick, Robert L.; Kubisiak, Thomas L.; Nelson, C. Dana

1969. Prescribed Burning For Laurel and Rhodendron Control in the Southern appalachians Hooper, Ralph M.

1998. Prescribed Burning In Selection Stands of Southern Pine: Current Practice and Future Promise Farrar, Robert M., Jr.

1976. Prescribed Burning and Direct-Seeding Old Clearcuts in the Piedmont McNab, W. Henry

2003. Prescribed Burning and Wildfire Risk in the 1998 Fire Season in Florida Pye, John M.; Prestemon, Jeffrey P.; Butry, David T.; Abt, Karen L.

1992. Prescribed Burning for the Birches and Hemlock Godman, Richard M.

1974. Prescribed Burning in the Central Lake States -- 1972 Donoghue, Linda R.

1973. Prescribed Burning in the Lake States -- 1971 Donoghue, Linda R.

1982. Prescribed Burning on Large Landholdings in the South During 1975 Johansen, Ragnar W.; McNab, William H.

1984. Prescribed Fire And Smoke Management In The South: Conference Proceedings Wade, Dale D.; [Compiler]

2002. Prescribed Fire In the Interface: Separating The People From The Trees Butry, David T.; Pye, John M.; Prestemon, Jeffrey P.

2004. Prescribed Surface-fire Tree Mortality in Southern Ohio: Equations Based on Thermocouple Probe Temperatures Yaussy, Daniel A.; Dickinson, Mathew B.; Bova, Anthony S.

1985. Prescribed Winter Burns Can Reduce the Growth of Nine-Year-Old Loblolly Pines Cain, Michael D.

2002. Prescribed burning Haywood, James D.; Harris, Finis

1986. Prescribed burning for oak savanna restoration in central Minnesota. White, Alan S.

1975. Prescribed burning in the North Central States. Donoghue, Linda R.; Johnson, Von J.

2001. Prescribed burning in the South: trends, purpose, and barriers Haines, Terry K.; Busby, Rodney L.; Cleaves, David A.

1969. Prescribed burning weather in Minnesota. Sando, Rodney W.

1998. Prescribed fire effects on structure in uneven-aged stands of loblolly and shortleaf pines Cain, Michael D.; Wigley, T. Bently; Reed, Derik J.

1998. Prescribed fire: the fundamental solution Saveland, Jim

1992. Prescribing silvicultural treatments in hardwood stands of the Alleghenies. (Revised) Marquis, David A.; Ernst, Richard L.; Stout, Susan L.

1999. Prescription Fire to Manage Southern Pine Plantations--Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don't Wade, Dale; Outcalt, Ken

1999. Prescriptions for Tough Vegetation Problems Miller, James H.

1997. Presence of hantavirus in small mammals of the Ouachita Mountains Perry, Roger W.; Thill, Ronald E. ; Tappe, Philip A.; Melchiors, M. Anthony

2004. Preservation and distribution of fungal cultures Nakasone, Karen K.; Peterson, Stephen W.; Jong, Shung-Chang

1981. Preservative Treatment of Hardwoods: A Review Thompson, Warren S.; Koch, Peter

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2001. Presettlement Forests of the Black Swamp Area, Cache River,Woodruff County, Arkansas, from Notes of the First Land Survey Foti, Thomas L.

1988. Preventing Animal Damage Weber, Barbara C.; Van Sambeek, J. W.

2000. Preventing Disaster: Home Ignitability in the Wildland-Urban Interface Cohen, Jack D.

2002. Prevention of Cold Damage to Container-Grown Longleaf Pine Roots Tinus, Richard W.; Sword, Mary Anne; Barnett, James P.

1989. Prevention, Detection, and Control of Nursery Tree Diseases Nicholls, Thomas H.

2002. Prey Handling and Diet of Louisiana Pine Snakes (Pituophis Ruthveni) and Black Pine Snakes (P. Melanoleucus Lodingi), With Comparisons To Other Selected Colubrid Snakes Rudolph, D. Craig; Burgdorf, Shirley J.; Conner, Richard N.; Collins, Christopher S.; Saenz, Daniel; Schaefer, Richard R.; Trees, Toni; Duran, C. Michael; Ealy, Marc; Himes, John G.

1991. Price and Welfare Effects of Catastrophic Forest Damage from Southern Pine Beetle Epidemics Holmes, Thomas P.

1986. Primary Attraction of Ips latidens (LeConte) and Hylastes Gracilis LeConte (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) to High-Girdled Lodgepole Pine, Pinus Contorta var. Latifolia Engelmann Miller, D.R.; Madden, J.L.; Borden, J.H.

1971. Primary forest products industry and industrial roundwood production, Michigan, 1969. Blyth, James E.; Boelter, Allen H.

1982. Primary forest products industry and timber use, Indiana, 1980. Blyth, James E.; McGuire, Donald H.; Smith, W. Brad

1975. Primary forest products industry and timber use, Iowa, 1972. Blyth, James E.; Farris, William A.

1984. Primary forest products industry and timber use, Iowa, 1980. Blyth, James E.; Tibben, John; Smith, W. Brad

1984. Primary forest products industry and timber use, Kansas, 1980. Blyth, James E.; Gould, Leonard K.; Smith, W. Brad

1975. Primary forest products industry and timber use, Michigan, 1972. Blyth, James E.; Boelter, Allan H.; Danielson, Carl W.

1981. Primary forest products industry and timber use, Michigan, 1977. Blyth, James E.; Zollner, Jack; Smith, W. Brad

1979. Primary forest products industry and timber use, Minnesota, 1973. Blyth, James E.; Wilhelm, Steven; Hahn, Jerold T.

1983. Primary forest products industry and timber use, Missouri, 1980. Blyth, James E.; Jones, Shelby; Smith, W. Brad

1984. Primary forest products industry and timber use, Nebraska, 1980. Blyth, James E.; Wardle, Tom D.; Smith, W. Brad

1976. Primary forest products industry and timber use, Wisconsin, 1973. Blyth, James E.; Landt, Eugene F.; Whipple, James W.; Hahn, Jerold T.

2003. Primary production and carbon allocation in relation to nutrient supply in a tropical experimental forest Giardina, Christian P.; Ryan, Michael G.; Binkley, Dan; Fownes, James H.

1998. Primary screening of forestry herbicides for control of Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense), Chinese wisteria (Wisteria sinensis), and trumpetcreeper (Campsis radicans) [Abstract] Miller, James H.

2001. Principles and Practices of Water Quality Monitoring Michael, J.L.

1999. Principles for ecological classification Grossman, Dennis H.; Bourgeron, Patrick; Busch, Wolf-Dieter N.; Cleland, David T.; Platts, William; Ray, G.; Robins, C.; Roloff, Gary

1989. Principles of Managing Stands Marquis, David A.; Jacobs., Rodney

1989. Principles of Natural Regeneration Johnson, Paul S.

1989. Principles of Wildlife Habitat Management Wiggers, Ernie P.

2003. Private Forests: Management and Policy in a Market Economy Cubbage, Frederick W.; Snider, Anthony G.; Abt, Karen Lee; Moulton, Robert L.

1999. Private Landowner Attitudes Concerning Public Access for Outdoor Recreation: Cultural and Political Factors in the United States Gentle, Paul; Berhstrom, John; Cordell, H. Ken; Teasley, Jeff

1999. Private Landowners Rate Forest Certification Vlosky, Richard P.

1966. Private Pleasure Boating In the National Forests of Minnesota Orning, George W.

1999. Private lands and outdoor recreation in the United States Teasley, R. Jeff; Bergstrom, John C.; Cordell, H. Ken; [and others]

1998. Private timberland owners of Michigan, 1994. Leatherberry, Earl C.; Kingsley, Neal P.; Birch, Thomas W.

1996. Probability of Damage to Sidewalks and Curbs by Street Trees in the Tropics Francis, John K.; Parresol, Bernard R.; de Patino, Juana Marin

2002. Probability of occurrence and habitat features for oriental bittersweet in an oak forest in the Southern Appalachian Mountains, USA McNab, W. Henry; Loftis, David L.

2002. Probability of occurrence and habitat features for oriental bittersweet in an oak forest in the southern Appalachian mountains, USA McNab, W. Henry; Loftis, David L.

1990. Problems in determining the return of a watershed to pretreatment conditions: techniques applied to a study at Caspar Creek, California Thomas, Robert B.

1995. Procedures for Geometric Data Reduction in Solid Log Modelling Occeña, Luis G.; Chen, Wenzhen; Schmoldt, Daniel L.

1983. Procedures for establishing and maintaining permanent plots for silvicultural and yield research Curtis, Robert O.

1978. Procedures for the microbiological examination of production batch preparations of the nuclear polyhedrosis virus (Baculovirus) of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar, L Podgwaite, J.D.; Bruen, R.B.

1994. Proceededings, 1993 Southeastern Recreation Research Conference: Volume 15 Clonts, Howard H.; [Editor]

1978. Proceedings 1977 Midwest Forest Mensurationists Meeting. USDA FS

1980. Proceedings 1980 National Outdoor Recreation Trends Symposium. Vol. I: Data-Deficient Planning: An Overview LaPage, Wilbur F.; [Chairman]

1980. Proceedings 1980 National Outdoor Recreation Trends Symposium: Vol. II Trend Measurement Methodologies LaPage, Wilbur F.; [Chairman]

1980. Proceedings 1980 National Outdoor Recreation Trends Symposium: Vol. I Facilitating Trends LaPage, Wilbur F.; [Chairman]

1980. Proceedings 1980 National Outdoor Recreation Trends Symposium: Vol. I Trend Measurement Problems LaPage, Wilbur F.; [Chairman]

1980. Proceedings 1980 National Outdoor Recreation Trends Symposium: Vol. I Trends In Policy And Influence LaPage, Wilbur F.; [Chairman]

1980. Proceedings 1980 National Outdoor Recreation Trends Symposium: Vol. I Trends In Recreation Activities/Markets LaPage, Wilbur F.; [Chairman]

1980. Proceedings 1980 National Outdoor Recreation Trends Symposium: Vol. I Trends In The Leisure Economy LaPage, Wilbur F.; [Chairman]

1980. Proceedings 1980 National Outdoor Recreation Trends Symposium: Vol. II Industry Sources Of Trend Data LaPage, Wilbur F.; [Chairman]

1980. Proceedings 1980 National Outdoor Recreation Trends Symposium: Vol. II Keynote Session LaPage, Wilbur F.; [Chairman]

1980. Proceedings 1980 National Outdoor Recreation Trends Symposium: Vol. II Recreation Trends--A Future Look LaPage, Wilbur F.; [Chairman]

1980. Proceedings 1980 National Outdoor Recreation Trends Symposium: Vol. II Trend Data For Recreation Planning LaPage, Wilbur F.; [Chairman]

1980. Proceedings 1980 National Outdoor Recreation Trends Symposium: Vol. II Trends In Policy And Influence LaPage, Wilbur F.; [Chairman]

. Proceedings : Linking Healthy Forests and Communities Through Alaska Value-Added Forest Products : Sitka, Alaska, September 27-28, 1999 Laufenberg, Theodore L.; Brady, Bridget K.

1986. Proceedings IUFRO: Evaluation and planning of forestry research. International Union of Forestry Research Organizations (S6.06-S-6.06.01); 1985 July 25-26; Fort Collins, CO Burns, Denver P.; [Comp]

1992. Proceedings U. S. Department of Agriculture Interagency gypsy moth research forum 1992; 1992 January 13-16; Annapolis, MD. Gottschalk, Kurt W.; Twery, Mark J.; [Editors]

1992. Proceedings U.S. Department of Agriculture interagency gypsy moth research forum 1991; 1991 January 14-17; Annapolis, MD. Gottschalk, Kurt W.; Twery, Mark J.; [Editors]

1981. Proceedings of 1980 Minnesota Forest Resource Inventory Conferences. USDA FS

2001. Proceedings of IUFRO Division Five research group 5.12 Sustainable production of forest products 2000. Barbour, R. James; Wong, Andrew H.H.; [Technical Editors]

1989. Proceedings of Pine-Hardwood Mixtures: A Symposium on Management and Ecology of the Type Waldrop, Thomas A.; [Editor]

1990. Proceedings of Southern Plantation Wood Quality Workshop Saucier, Joseph R.; Cubbage, Frederick W.; [Compilers]

1998. Proceedings of a Symposium on the Kings River Sustainable Forest Ecosystem Project: Progress and Current Status Verner, Jared

1991. Proceedings of a Symposium. Ecological Land Classification: Applications to Identify the Productive Potential of Southern Forests Mengel, Dennis L.; Tew, D. Thompson; [Editors]

2002. Proceedings of a conference on sustainability of wetlands and water resources: how well can riverine wetlands continue to support society into the 21st century? Holland, Marjorie M.; Warren, Melvin L., Jr.; Stanturf, John A.; [Editors]

1991. Proceedings of a symposium on white pine provenances and breeding; 1990 August 5-11; Montreal, PQ. Garrett, Peter W.; [Editors]

1999. Proceedings of a workshop on bark beetle genetics: current status of research. Workshop on Bark Beetle Genetics; 1998 July 17-18; Madison, WI. Hayes, Jane L.; Raffa, Kenneth F.; [Technical Coordinators]

1994. Proceedings of papers presented at the 2nd international symposium on applications of biotechnology to tree culture, protection, and utilization. Michler, Charles H.; Becwar, Michael R.; Cullen, Daniel; Nance, Warren L.; Sederoff, Ronald R.; Silvicek, James M.

null. Proceedings of th IUFRO Session on Geomorphic Hazards in Managed Forests, August 5-11, 1990 Montreal Canada Rice, Raymond M.

1997. Proceedings of the 11th Central Hardwood forest conference; 1997 March 23-26; Columbia, MO. Palardy, Stephen G.; Cecich, Robert A.; Garrett, H. Eugene; Johnson, Paul S.

1976. Proceedings of the 12th Lake States Forest Tree Improvement Conference, August 1975. USDA FS

2004. Proceedings of the 12th biennial southern silvicultural research conference Connor, Kristina F., ed.

1979. Proceedings of the 13th Lake States Forest Tree Improvement Conference, August 1977. USDA FS

1986. Proceedings of the 1986 symposium on the productivity of northern forests following biomass harvesting (Part 1 of 2) Smith, Tattersall C.; Wayne, Martin C.; Tritton, Louise M.; [Editors]

1986. Proceedings of the 1986 symposium on the productivity of northern forests following biomass harvesting (Part 2 of 2) Smith, C. Tattersall; Martin, C. Wayne; Tritton, Louise M., eds.

1990. Proceedings of the 1990 Northeastern recreation research symposium; 1990 February 25-28; Saratoga Springs, NY. : Beach and Lake Management More, Thomas A.; Donnelly, Maureen P.; Graefe, Alan R.; Vaske, Jerry J.; [Editors]

1990. Proceedings of the 1990 Northeastern recreation research symposium; 1990 February 25-28; Saratoga Springs, NY. : Fisheries/Wildlife Management More, Thomas A.; Donnelly, Maureen P.; Graefe, Alan R.; Vaske, Jerry L.; [Editors]

1990. Proceedings of the 1990 Northeastern recreation research symposium; 1990 February 25-28; Saratoga Springs, NY. : Monitoring Recreation Systems More, Thomas A.; Donnelly, Maureen P.; Graefe, Alan R.; Vaske, Jerry J.; [Editors]

1990. Proceedings of the 1990 Northeastern recreation research symposium; 1990 February 25-28; Saratoga Springs, NY. : Northern Forest Management More, Thomas A.; Donnelly, Maureen P.; Graefe, Alan R.; Vaske, Jerry J.; [Editors]

1990. Proceedings of the 1990 Northeastern recreation research symposium; 1990 February 25-28; Saratoga Springs, NY. : Outdoor Recreation More, Thomas A.; Donnelly, Maureen P.; Graefe, Alan R.; Vaske, Jerry J.; [Editors]

1990. Proceedings of the 1990 Northeastern recreation research symposium; 1990 February 25-28; Saratoga Springs, NY. : Recreation in the 1990's More, Thomas A.; Donnelly, Maureen P.; Graefe, Alan R.; Vaske, Jerry J.; [Editors]

1990. Proceedings of the 1990 Northeastern recreation research symposium; 1990 February 25-28; Saratoga Springs, NY. : Travel, Tourism, and Community Development More, Thomas A.; Donnelly, Maureen P.; Graefe, Alan R.; Vaske, Jerry J.; [Editors]

1992. Proceedings of the 1991 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium; 1991 April 7-9; Saratoga Springs, NY. : Fisheries and Wildlife Vander Stoep, Gail A.; [Editor]

1992. Proceedings of the 1991 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium; 1991 April 7-9; Saratoga Springs, NY. : Keynotes and General Sessions Vander Stoep, Gail A.; [Editor]

1992. Proceedings of the 1991 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium; 1991 April 7-9; Saratoga Springs, NY. : Outdoor recreation Vander Stoep, Gail A.; [Editor]

1992. Proceedings of the 1991 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium; 1991 April 7-9; Saratoga Springs, NY. : Travel, Tourism, and community development I & II Vander Stoep, Gail A.; [Editor]

1992. Proceedings of the 1991 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium; 1991 April 7-9; Saratoga Springs, NY. : Urban recreation/geographic information system (GIS) Vander Stoep, Gail A.; [Editor]

1991. Proceedings of the 1991 Symposium on Systems Analysis in Forest Resources Buford, Marilyn A.; [Compiler]

1993. Proceedings of the 1992 Northeastern recreation research symposium; 1992 April 5-7; Saratoga Springs, NY : Keynotes and General Sessions/Enivornmental Concern Vander Stoep, Gail A.; [Editor]

1993. Proceedings of the 1992 Northeastern recreation research symposium; 1992 April 5-7; Saratoga Springs, NY. : Federal Agencies/Measurement and Modeling Vander Stoep, Gail A.; [Editor]

1993. Proceedings of the 1992 Northeastern recreation research symposium; 1992 April 5-7; Saratoga Springs, NY. : Outdoor Recreation Vander Stoep, Gail A.; [Editor]

1993. Proceedings of the 1992 Northeastern recreation research symposium; 1992 April 5-7; Saratoga Springs, NY. : Psychology and Leisure/Travel and Tourism Vander Stoep, Gail A.; [Editor]

1993. Proceedings of the 1992 Northeastern recreation research symposium; 1992 April 5-7; Saratoga Springs, NY. : Wildlife and Fisheries Management/Economics Vander Stoep, Gail A.; [Editor]

1993. Proceedings of the 1993 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium; 1993 April 18-20; Saratoga Springs, NY. : Economic Development/Recreation Resource Vander Stoep, Gail A.

1993. Proceedings of the 1993 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium; 1993 April 18-20; Saratoga Springs, NY. : Greenways/Urban Recreation/Landscape and Visual Pereptions Vander Stoep, Gail A.

1993. Proceedings of the 1993 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium; 1993 April 18-20; Saratoga Springs, NY. : Opening/Management Sessions Vander Stoep, Gail A.

1993. Proceedings of the 1993 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium; 1993 April 18-20; Saratoga Springs, NY. : Outdoor Recreation/Social Psychology Vander Stoep, Gail A.

1993. Proceedings of the 1993 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium; 1993 April 18-20; Saratoga Springs, NY. : Travel and Tourism/Recreation Demographics Vander Stoep, Gail A.

1995. Proceedings of the 1994 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium; 1994 April 10-12; Saratoga Springs, NY. : Economics/Demographics/Methods & Measurements Vander Stoep, Gail A.; [Editor]

1995. Proceedings of the 1994 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium; 1994 April 10-12; Saratoga Springs, NY. : Environmental/Planning & GIS/Panel Discussion Vander Stoep, Gail A.; [Editor]

1995. Proceedings of the 1994 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium; 1994 April 10-12; Saratoga Springs, NY. : Opening/Recreation/Wildlife & Fisheries Vander Stoep, Gail A.; [Editor]

1995 . Proceedings of the 1994 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium; 1994 April 10-12; Saratoga Springs, NY. : Outdoor Recreation Management Vander Stoep, Gail A.; [Editor]

1995. Proceedings of the 1994 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium; 1994 April 10-12; Saratoga Springs, NY. : Poster Session/Author Index Vander Stoep, Gail A.; [Editor]

1995. Proceedings of the 1994 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium; 1994 April 10-12; Saratoga Springs, NY. : Recreation/Travel & Tourism Management Vander Stoep, Gail A.; [Editor]

1996. Proceedings of the 1995 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium; 1995 April 9-11; Saratoga Springs, NY. : Economic/Tourism/Recreation Dawson, Chad P.; [Compiler]

1996. Proceedings of the 1995 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium; 1995 April 9-11; Saratoga Springs, NY. : Environmental/Recreation/Tourism Dawson, Chad P.; [Compiler]

1996. Proceedings of the 1995 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium; 1995 April 9-11; Saratoga Springs, NY. : Opening Session/Recreation Dawson, Chad P.; [Compiler]

1996. Proceedings of the 1995 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium; 1995 April 9-11; Saratoga Springs, NY. : Travel/Management/Poster Session Dawson, Chad P.; [Compiler]

1997. Proceedings of the 1996 Northeastern Recreation research symposium; 1996 March 31-April 1; Bolton Landing, NY. : Economic/Recreation/Index Kuentzel, Walter F.; [Compiler and Editor]

1997. Proceedings of the 1996 Northeastern Recreation research symposium; 1996 March 31-April 1; Bolton Landing, NY. : Ethnicity/Tourism/Recreation Kuentzel, Walter F.; [Compiler and Editor]

1997. Proceedings of the 1996 Northeastern Recreation research symposium; 1996 March 31-April 1; Bolton Landing, NY. : Recreation/Festivals & Travel Kuentzel, Walter F.; [Compiler and Editor]

1997. Proceedings of the 1996 Northeastern Recreation research symposium; 1996 March 31-April 1; Bolton Landing, NY. : Recreation/Forest Planning Kuentzel, Walter F.; [Compiler and Editor]

1998. Proceedings of the 1997 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium; 1997 April 6-9; Bolton Landing, NY - Part 1 of 5 Vogelsong, Hans G.; [Editor]

1998. Proceedings of the 1997 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium; 1997 April 6-9; Bolton Landing, NY - Part 2 of 5 Vogelsong, Hans G.; [Editor]

1998. Proceedings of the 1997 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium; 1997 April 6-9; Bolton Landing, NY - Part 3 of 5 Vogelsong, Hans G.; [Editor]

1998. Proceedings of the 1997 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium; 1997 April 6-9; Bolton Landing, NY - Part 4 of 5 Vogelsong, Hans G.; [Editor]

1998. Proceedings of the 1997 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium; 1997 April 6-9; Bolton Landing, NY - Part 5 of 5 Vogelsong, Hans G.; [Editor]

1999. Proceedings of the 1998 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium - Administration/Education/Policy Vogelsong, Hans G.

1999. Proceedings of the 1998 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium - Demographics/Roundtables/Authors Vogelsong, Hans G.

1999. Proceedings of the 1998 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium - Issues/Tourism/Environmental Concerns Vogelsong, Hans G.

1999. Proceedings of the 1998 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium - Outdoor Recreation Management Vogelsong, Hans G.

1999. Proceedings of the 1998 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium - Water Rec/Tourism/Recreation Modeling Vogelsong, Hans G.

2000. Proceedings of the 1999 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium, 1999 April 11-14; Bolton Landing, NY. Economics/Issues Kyle, Gerard; [Compiler and Editor]

2000. Proceedings of the 1999 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium, 1999 April 11-14; Bolton Landing, NY. Environmental/Water Resource Kyle, Gerard; [Compiler and Editor]

2000. Proceedings of the 1999 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium, 1999 April 11-14; Bolton Landing, NY. Gender/Visitors/Trends Kyle, Gerard; [Compiler and Editor]

2000. Proceedings of the 1999 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium, 1999 April 11-14; Bolton Landing, NY. Historic/Issues/Fisheries Kyle, Gerard; [Compiler and Editor]

2000. Proceedings of the 1999 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium, 1999 April 11-14; Bolton Landing, NY. Management/Authors Kyle, Gerard; [Compiler and Editor]

2000. Proceedings of the 1999 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium, 1999 April 11-14; Bolton Landing, NY. Recreation Planning Kyle, Gerard; [Compiler and Editor]

2000. Proceedings of the 1999 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium, 1999 April 11-14; Bolton Landing, NY. Round Tables/Poster Session Kyle, Gerard; [Compiler and Editor]

2000. Proceedings of the 1999 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium, 1999 April 11-14; Bolton Landing, NY. Tourism Kyle, Gerard; [Compiler and Editor]

2000. Proceedings of the 1999 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium, 1999 April 11-14; Bolton Landing, NY. Visitors/Place Attachment Kyle, Gerard; [Compiler and Editor]

2000. Proceedings of the 1999 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium, 1999 April 11-14; Bolton Landing, NY. Economics/Issues Kyle, Gerard; [Compiler and Editor]

2001. Proceedings of the 2000 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium. April 2-4, 2000, Bolton Landing, New York : Characteristics of Outdoor Recreationists Kyle, Gerard; [Compiler and Editor]

2001. Proceedings of the 2000 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium. April 2-4, 2000, Bolton Landing, New York : Economic of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism Kyle, Gerard; [Compiler and Editor]

2001. Proceedings of the 2000 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium. April 2-4, 2000, Bolton Landing, New York : Ethnicity & Culture Kyle, Gerard; [Compiler and Editor]

2001. Proceedings of the 2000 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium. April 2-4, 2000, Bolton Landing, New York : Keynote Address Kyle, Gerard; [Compiler and Editor]

2001. Proceedings of the 2000 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium. April 2-4, 2000, Bolton Landing, New York : Management Presentation Kyle, Gerard; [Compiler and Editor]

2001. Proceedings of the 2000 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium. April 2-4, 2000, Bolton Landing, New York : Management and Planning Kyle, Gerard; [Compiler and Editor]

2001. Proceedings of the 2000 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium. April 2-4, 2000, Bolton Landing, New York : Methodological Issues Kyle, Gerard; [Compiler and Editor]

2001. Proceedings of the 2000 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium. April 2-4, 2000, Bolton Landing, New York : Poster Session Kyle, Gerard; [Compiler and Editor]

2001. Proceedings of the 2000 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium. April 2-4, 2000, Bolton Landing, New York : RoundTables Kyle, Gerard; [Compiler and Editor]

2001. Proceedings of the 2000 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium. April 2-4, 2000, Bolton Landing, New York : Tourism Kyle, Gerard; [Compiler and Editor]

2002. Proceedings of the 2001 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium, April 1-3, 2001 - Bolton Landing, New York - Attachements to Places & Activities in Outdoor Recreation Todd, Sharon; [Compiler and Editor]

2002. Proceedings of the 2001 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium, April 1-3, 2001 - Bolton Landing, New York - Crowding Issues in Resource Management Todd, Sharon; [Compiler and Editor]

2002. Proceedings of the 2001 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium, April 1-3, 2001 - Bolton Landing, New York - Ecomonic Impacts & Non-Economic Benefits of Tourism Todd, Sharon; [Compiler and Editor]

2002. Proceedings of the 2001 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium, April 1-3, 2001 - Bolton Landing, New York - Environmental Knowledge, Concern, Behavior & Education Todd, Sharon; [Compiler and Editor]

2002. Proceedings of the 2001 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium, April 1-3, 2001 - Bolton Landing, New York - Keynote Address Todd, Sharon; [Compiler and Editor]

2002. Proceedings of the 2001 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium, April 1-3, 2001 - Bolton Landing, New York - Management Presentation Todd, Sharon; [Compiler and Editor]

2002. Proceedings of the 2001 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium, April 1-3, 2001 - Bolton Landing, New York - Methodology In Outdoor Recreation Research I : Interventions Todd, Sharon; [Compiler and Editor]

2002. Proceedings of the 2001 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium, April 1-3, 2001 - Bolton Landing, New York - Methodology In Outdoor Recreation Research II: Instruments and Models Todd, Sharon; [Compiler and Editor]

2002. Proceedings of the 2001 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium, April 1-3, 2001 - Bolton Landing, New York - Poster Session Todd, Sharon; [Compiler and Editor]

2002. Proceedings of the 2001 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium, April 1-3, 2001 - Bolton Landing, New York - Resource Management & International Tourism Development Todd, Sharon; [Compiler and Editor]

2002. Proceedings of the 2001 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium, April 1-3, 2001 - Bolton Landing, New York - The Role of Information in Travel Planning Decisions Todd, Sharon; [Compiler and Editor]

2002. Proceedings of the 2001 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium, April 1-3, 2001 - Bolton Landing, New York - Trails over Land & Water: Issues of Multiple Use and Conflict Todd, Sharon; [Compiler and Editor]

2004. Proceedings of the 2003 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium Murdy, James, comp., ed.

1995. Proceedings of the 23rd Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference Weir, Robert J.; Hatcher, Alice V.; [Compilers]

1989. Proceedings of the 7th central hardwood conference; 1989 March 5-8; Carbondale, IL. Rink, George; Budelsky, Carl A.

1989. Proceedings of the California Riparian Systems Conference, September 22-24, 1988, Davis, CA Abell, Dana L.

1998. Proceedings of the Conference on Coastal Watersheds: The Caspar Creek Story Ziemer, Robert R.

1995. Proceedings of the Eighth Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference Edwards, M. Boyd; [Compiler]

1968. Proceedings of the Eighth Lake States Forest Tree Improvement conference, Sept. 12-13, 1967. NCFES

1976. Proceedings of the Eighth annual Northeastern Forest Insect Work Conference Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1989. Proceedings of the Fifth Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference Miller, James H.; [Compiler]

2002. Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Oak Woodlands: Oaks in California's Changing Landscape Standiford, Richard B.; McCreary, Douglas; Purcell, Kathryn L.

1981. Proceedings of the First Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference Barnett, James P.

1987. Proceedings of the Fourth Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, 4-6, 1986 Phillips, Douglas R.; [and others]

1997. Proceedings of the Missouri Ozark Forest Ecosystem Project Symposium: an experimental approach to landscape research; 1997 June 3-5; St. Louis, MO. Brookshire, Brian L.; Shifley, Stephen R.

1991. Proceedings of the National Silviculture Workshop: Silvicultural Challenges and Opportunities in the 1990's Loftis, David L.

1998. Proceedings of the Ninth Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference Waldrop, Thomas A.; [Editor]

1983. Proceedings of the Second Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Station Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, November 4-5, 1982 USDA Forest Service, Various, Edited by Earle P. Jones, Jr.

2002. Proceedings of the Second Missouri Ozark Forest Ecosystem Project Symposium: Post-treatment Results of the Landscape Experiment Shifley, S. R.; Kabrick, J. M.

1993. Proceedings of the Seventh Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference Proceedings Mobile, Alabama November 17-19, 1992

1992. Proceedings of the Shortleaf Pine Regeneration Workshop Brissette, John C.; Barnett, James P.; [Compilers}

1991. Proceedings of the Sixth Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference Coleman, Sandra S.; Neary, Daniel G.; [Compilers and editors]

1994. Proceedings of the Southern Regional Information Exchange Group Biennial Symposium on Forest Genetics USDA, Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station

1976. Proceedings of the Southern States Recreation Research Applications Workshop Various

2002. Proceedings of the Symposium on the Ecology and Management of Dead Wood in Western Forests Laudenslayer Jr., William F.; Shea, Patrick J.; Valentine, Bradley E.; Weatherspoon, C. Phillip; Lisle, Thomas E.

1990. Proceedings of the Symposium on the Management of Longleaf Pine Various; Farrar, Robert S., Jr.; [Editors]

1985. Proceedings of the Third Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference Shoulders, Eugene; [Editor]

1996. Proceedings of the Tree Shelter Conference; 1995 June 20-22; Harrisburg, PA Brissette, John C.; [Editor]

1978. Proceedings of the Workshop Management of Southern Forests for NongameBirds DeGraaf, Richard M.; [Technical Coordinator]

1998. Proceedings of the conference on coastal watersheds: the Caspar Creek story Ziemer, Robert R.; [technical coordinator]

2002. Proceedings of the eleventh biennial southern silvicultural research conference Outcalt, Kenneth W.; [Editor]

2000. Proceedings of the first annual forest inventory and analysis symposium; 1999 November 2-3, San Antonio, TX. McRoberts, Ronald E.; Reams, Gregory A.; Van Deusen, Paul C.

1970. Proceedings of the ninth Lake States Forest Tree Improvement Conference, August 22-23, 1969. USDA

2001. Proceedings of the second annual Forest Inventory and Analysis symposium; Salt Lake City, UT. October 17-18, 2000 Reams, Gregory A.; McRoberts, Ronald E.; van Deusen, Paul C.; [Editors]

2001. Proceedings of the symposium on Arkansas forests: a conference on the results of the recent forest survey of Arkansas; 1997 May 30-31; North Little Rock, Arkansas Guldin, James M.; [Technical Compiler]

1977. Proceedings of the symposium on intensive culture of northern forest types: Artifical Regeneration - Applicability, Options and Research Needs Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1977. Proceedings of the symposium on intensive culture of northern forest types: Closing Comments Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

. Proceedings of the symposium on intensive culture of northern forest types: Compatibility Of Intensive Timber Culture With Recreation, Water And Wildlife Management Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1977. Proceedings of the symposium on intensive culture of northern forest types: Direct Seeding In Northern Forest Types Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1977. Proceedings of the symposium on intensive culture of northern forest types: Effects Of Incentive Programs Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1977. Proceedings of the symposium on intensive culture of northern forest types: Effects of Taxation On The Planning And Implementation Of Intensive Timber Management Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1977. Proceedings of the symposium on intensive culture of northern forest types: Even-Aged Intensive Management - Two Case Histories Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1977. Proceedings of the symposium on intensive culture of northern forest types: Field Experience Silvicultural Cleaning Project In Young Spruce And Fir Stands In Central Nova Scotia Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1977. Proceedings of the symposium on intensive culture of northern forest types: Field Experiences in Pre-Commerical Thinning, Planting and Container Growing of Northern Softwoods Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1977. Proceedings of the symposium on intensive culture of northern forest types: Hardwood Planting In Southern Ontario Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1977. Proceedings of the symposium on intensive culture of northern forest types: How Applicable Is Even-Aged Silviculture in The Norhteast Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1977. Proceedings of the symposium on intensive culture of northern forest types: How Applicable Is Uneven-Aged Management In Northern Forest Types Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1977. Proceedings of the symposium on intensive culture of northern forest types: Indications of Silvicultural Potential From Long-Term Experiments In Spruce-Fir Types Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1977. Proceedings of the symposium on intensive culture of northern forest types: Intermediate Cultural Practices Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1977. Proceedings of the symposium on intensive culture of northern forest types: Large-Scale Softwood Planting Operations in New Brunswick Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1977. Proceedings of the symposium on intensive culture of northern forest types: Let's Call The Whole Thing Off Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1977. Proceedings of the symposium on intensive culture of northern forest types: National And Regional Needs For Increasing Wood Yields Through Intensive Management Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1977. Proceedings of the symposium on intensive culture of northern forest types: Natural Regeneration-Small Ownships From Concept to Practice Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1977. Proceedings of the symposium on intensive culture of northern forest types: Nutrients - A Major Consideration For Intensive Forest Management Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1977. Proceedings of the symposium on intensive culture of northern forest types: Planning For & Implementing Intensive Cultural Logn & Short Range Planning Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1977. Proceedings of the symposium on intensive culture of northern forest types: Planning Pitfalls Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1977. Proceedings of the symposium on intensive culture of northern forest types: Possible Legislative Constraints To Intensive Silvicultural Practices In Northern Forest Types Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1977. Proceedings of the symposium on intensive culture of northern forest types: Present Methods and Technology Available For Intensive Management and Extent of Present Use Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1977. Proceedings of the symposium on intensive culture of northern forest types: Public Lands-From Concept to Practice Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1977. Proceedings of the symposium on intensive culture of northern forest types: Silvicultural Potential For Pre-Commerical Treatment In Northern Forest Types Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1977. Proceedings of the symposium on intensive culture of northern forest types: Silvicultural Systems-Uneven-Aged Management Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1977. Proceedings of the symposium on intensive culture of northern forest types: Site Classification For Northern Forest Species Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1977. Proceedings of the symposium on intensive culture of northern forest types: Small Woodland Ownership Management Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1977. Proceedings of the symposium on intensive culture of northern forest types: Status Of Fertilization And Nutrition Research In Northern Forest Types Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1977. Proceedings of the symposium on intensive culture of northern forest types: Status Of Herbicide Technology For Control Of Tree Species And To Reduce Shrub and Grass Competition Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1977. Proceedings of the symposium on intensive culture of northern forest types: Status of Growth And Yield Information In Northern Forest Types Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1977. Proceedings of the symposium on intensive culture of northern forest types: Technical Assistance Fore Intensive Culture Of Northern Forest Types Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1977. Proceedings of the symposium on intensive culture of northern forest types: The Status Of Tree Improvement Programs For Northern Tree Spicies Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1977. Proceedings of the symposium on intensive culture of northern forest types: Translating Forestry Knowledge Into Forestry Action Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1977. Proceedings of the symposium on intensive culture of northern forest types: Wood As A Strategic Material Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1989. Proceedings of the symposium: The Forested Wetlands of the Southern United States Hook, Donald D.; Lea, Russ; [Editors]

1999. Proceedings of the tenth biennial southern silvicultural research conference Haywood, James D.; [Editor]

2003. Proceedings of the third annual forest inventory and analysis symposium; 2001 October 17-19; Traverse City, Michigan McRoberts, Ronald E.; Reams, Gregory A.; Van Deusen, Paul C.; Moser, John W.

1995. Proceedings, 10th Central Hardwood Forest Conference; 1995 March 5-8; Morgantown, WV. : Nutrient Cycling I/Silviculture Gottschalk, Kurt W.; Fosbroke, Sandra L.C.; [Editors]

1995. Proceedings, 10th Central Hardwood Forest Conference; 1995 March 5-8; Morgantown, WV. : Forest Health/Harvesting & Economics Gottschalk, Kurt W.; Fosbroke, Sandra L.C.; [Editors]

1995. Proceedings, 10th Central Hardwood Forest Conference; 1995 March 5-8; Morgantown, WV. : Genetica & Physiology/Hydrology & Soils Gottschalk, Kurt W.; Fosbroke, Sandra L.C.; [Editors]

1995. Proceedings, 10th Central Hardwood Forest Conference; 1995 March 5-8; Morgantown, WV. : Invited Speakers Gottschalk, Kurt W.; Fosbroke, Sandra L.C.; [Editors]

1995. Proceedings, 10th Central Hardwood Forest Conference; 1995 March 5-8; Morgantown, WV. : Nutrient Cycling II/Ecology Gottschalk, Kurt W.; Fosbroke, Sandra L.C.; [Editors]

1995. Proceedings, 10th Central Hardwood Forest Conference; 1995 March 5-8; Morgantown, WV. : Poster Sessions Gottschalk, Kurt W.; Fosbroke, Sandra L.C.; [Editors]

1995. Proceedings, 10th Central Hardwood Forest Conference; 1995 March 5-8; Morgantown, WV. : Regeneration II Gottschalk, Kurt W.; Fosbroke, Sandra L.C.; [Editors]

1995. Proceedings, 10th Central Hardwood Forest Conference; 1995 March 5-8; Morgantown, WV. : Regeneration/Silviculture II Gottschalk, Kurt W.; Fosbroke, Sandra L.C.; [Editors]

1989. Proceedings, 1989 Northeastern recreation research symposium; 1989 April 3-5; Saratoga Springs, NY More, Thomas A.; Donnelly, Maureen P.; Graefe, Alan R.; Vaske, Jerry L.; [Editors]

1996. Proceedings, 1995 meeting of the Northern Global Change Program; 1995 March 14-16; Pittsburgh, PA. : An Integrated National Model of Global Change Hom, John; Birdsey, Richard; O’Brian, Kelly; [Editors]

1996. Proceedings, 1995 meeting of the Northern Global Change Program; 1995 March 14-16; Pittsburgh, PA. : Boreal Forests & Global Change Hom, John; Birdsey, Richard; O’Brian, Kelly; [Editors]

1996. Proceedings, 1995 meeting of the Northern Global Change Program; 1995 March 14-16; Pittsburgh, PA. : Forest & Landscape Responses to Stress & Management Hom, John; Birdsey, Richard; O’Brian, Kelly; [Editors]

1996. Proceedings, 1995 meeting of the Northern Global Change Program; 1995 March 14-16; Pittsburgh, PA. : Human-Forest Interactions Hom, John; Birdsey, Richard; O’Brian, Kelly; [Editors]

1996. Proceedings, 1995 meeting of the Northern Global Change Program; 1995 March 14-16; Pittsburgh, PA. : Introduction/Environmental Change Hom, John; Birdsey, Richard; O’Brian, Kelly; [Editors]

1996. Proceedings, 1995 meeting of the Northern Global Change Program; 1995 March 14-16; Pittsburgh, PA. : Responses of Ecosystem Stress con’t Hom, John; Birdsey, Richard; O’Brian, Kelly; [Editors]

1996. Proceedings, 1995 meeting of the Northern Global Change Program; 1995 March 14-16; Pittsburgh, PA. : Responses of Ecosystem Stress Hom, John; Birdsey, Richard; O’Brian, Kelly; [Editors]

1996. Proceedings, 1995 meeting of the Northern Global Change Program; 1995 March 14-16; Pittsburgh, PA. : Responses of Northern Tree Stress Hom, John; Birdsey, Richard; O’Brian, Kelly; [Editors]

1991. Proceedings, 8th Central Hardwood Forest Conference; 1991 March 4-6; University Park, PA : Hardwood Markets McCormick, Larry H.; Gottschalk, Kurt W.; [Editors]

1991. Proceedings, 8th Central Hardwood Forest Conference; 1991 March 4-6; University Park, PA: Harvesting and Utilization McCormick, Larry H.; Gottschalk, Kurt W.; [Editors]

1991. Proceedings, 8th Central Hardwood Forest Conference; 1991 March 4-6; University Park, PA: Hydrology, Soils, and Nutrient Cycling McCormick, Larry H.; Gottschalk, Kurt W.; [Editors]

1991. Proceedings, 8th Central Hardwood Forest Conference; 1991 March 4-6; University Park, PA: Invited Speakers McCormick, Larry H.; Gottschalk, Kurt W.; [Editors]

1991. Proceedings, 8th Central Hardwood Forest Conference; 1991 March 4-6; University Park, PA: Physiology, Genetics, and Ecology McCormick, Larry H.; Gottschalk, Kurt W.; [Editors]

1991. Proceedings, 8th Central Hardwood Forest Conference; 1991 March 4-6; University Park, PA: Poster Session McCormick, Larry H.; Gottschalk, Kurt W.; [Editors]

1991. Proceedings, 8th Central Hardwood Forest Conference; 1991 March 4-6; University Park, PA: Regeneration McCormick, Larry H.; Gottschalk, Kurt W.; [Editors]

1991. Proceedings, 8th Central Hardwood Forest Conference; 1991 March 4-6; University Park, PA: Silviculture, Protection, and Management McCormick, Larry H.; Gottschalk, Kurt W.; [Editors]

1991. Proceedings, 8th Central Hardwood Forest Conference; 1991 March 4-6; University Park, PA: Treegrad McCormick, Larry H.; Gottschalk, Kurt W.; [Editors]

1993. Proceedings, 9th Central hardwood forest conference; 1993 March 8-10; West Lafayette, IN. Gillespie, Andrew R.; Parker, George R.; Pope, Phillip E.; Rink, George

1989. Proceedings, Lymantriidae: a comparison of features of New and Old World tussock moths; 1988 June 26-July l; New Haven, CT : Family Characteristics Wallner, William E.; McManus, Katherine A.; [tech. coords]

1989. Proceedings, Lymantriidae: a comparison of features of New and Old World tussock moths; 1988 June 26-July l; New Haven, CT. : Wallner, William E.; McManus, Katherine A.; [tech. coords]

1989. Proceedings, Lymantriidae: a comparison of features of New and Old World tussock moths; 1988 June 26-July l; New Haven, CT. : Genetics and Behaviors Wallner, William E.; McManus, Katherine A.; [tech. coords]

1989. Proceedings, Lymantriidae: a comparison of features of New and Old World tussock moths; 1988 June 26-July l; New Haven, CT. : Host and Site Relationships Wallner, William E.; McManus, Katherine A.; [tech. coords]

1989. Proceedings, Lymantriidae: a comparison of features of New and Old World tussock moths; 1988 June 26-July l; New Haven, CT. : Population Dynamics Wallner, William E.; McManus, Katherine A.; [tech. coords]

1985. Proceedings, Symposium: Microbial control of spruce budworms and gypsy moths; 1984 April 10-12; Windsor Locks, CT Grimble, David G.; Lewis, Franklin B.; [Coordinators]

1994. Proceedings, U. S. Department of Agriculture Interagency gypsy moth research forum 1994; 1994 January 18-21; Annapolis, MD Fosbroke, Sandra L. C.; Gottschalk, Kurt W.; [Editors]

1997. Proceedings, U. S. Department of Agriculture interagency gypsy moth reseach forum 1997; 1997 January 14-17; Annapolis, MD : Articles 1-33 Fosbroke, Sandra L. C.; Gottschalk, Kurt W.; [Editors]

1997. Proceedings, U. S. Department of Agriculture interagency gypsy moth reseach forum 1997; 1997 January 14-17; Annapolis, MD : Articles 61-95 Fosbroke, Sandra L. C.; Gottschalk, Kurt W.; [Editors]

1997. Proceedings, U. S. Department of Agriculture interagency gypsy moth reseach forum 1997; 1997 January 14-17; Annapolis, MD. : Articles 34-60 Fosbroke, Sandra L. C.; Gottschalk, Kurt W.; [Editors]

1993. Proceedings, U. S. Department of Agriculture interagency gypsy moth research forum 1993; 1993 January 19-22; Annapolis, MD. Fosbroke, Sandra L. C.; Gottschalk, Kurt W.; [Editors]

1995. Proceedings, U. S. Department of Agriculture interagency gypsy moth research forum 1995; 1995 January 17-20; Annapolis, MD : Abstracts/Papers/Presentations/Posters Fosbroke, Sandra L. C.; Gottschalk, Kurt W.; [Editors]

1995. Proceedings, U. S. Department of Agriculture interagency gypsy moth research forum 1995; 1995 January 17-20; Annapolis, MD : Presentations/Workshop Summary Fosbroke, Sandra L. C.; Gottschalk, Kurt W.; [Editors]

1995. Proceedings, U. S. Department of Agriculture interagency gypsy moth research forum 1995; 1995 January 17-20; Annapolis, MD. : Abstracts/Papers/Presentations/Posters Fosbroke, Sandra L. C.; Gottschalk, Kurt W.; [Editors]

1995. Proceedings, U. S. Department of Agriculture interagency gypsy moth research forum 1995; 1995 January 17-20; Annapolis, MD. : Presentations/Workshop Summary Fosbroke, Sandra L. C.; Gottschalk, Kurt W.; [Editors]

1997. Proceedings, U. S. Department of Agriculture interagency gypsy moth research forum 1996; 1996 January 16-19; Annapolis, MD. Fosbroke, Sandra L. C.; Gottschalk, Kurt W.; [Editors]

1991. Proceedings, U. S. Department of Agriculture interagency gypsy moth research review 1990; 1990 January 22-25; East Windsor, CT. : Gottschalk, Kurt W.; Twery, Mark J.; Smith, Shirley I.; [Editors]

1991. Proceedings, U. S. Department of Agriculture interagency gypsy moth research review 1990; 1990 January 22-25; East Windsor, CT. : Biotechnology Gottschalk, Kurt W.; Twery, Mark J.; Smith, Shirley I.; [Editors]

1991. Proceedings, U. S. Department of Agriculture interagency gypsy moth research review 1990; 1990 January 22-25; East Windsor, CT. : Closing Comments Gottschalk, Kurt W.; Twery, Mark J.; Smith, Shirley I.; [Editors]

1991. Proceedings, U. S. Department of Agriculture interagency gypsy moth research review 1990; 1990 January 22-25; East Windsor, CT. : Gypses Session Gottschalk, Kurt W.; Twery, Mark J.; Smith, Shirley I.; [Editors]

1991. Proceedings, U. S. Department of Agriculture interagency gypsy moth research review 1990; 1990 January 22-25; East Windsor, CT. : Gypsy Moth Biology Gottschalk, Kurt W.; Twery, Mark J.; Smith, Shirley I.; [Editors]

1991. Proceedings, U. S. Department of Agriculture interagency gypsy moth research review 1990; 1990 January 22-25; East Windsor, CT. : Impacts Gottschalk, Kurt W.; Twery, Mark J.; Smith, Shirley I.; [Editors]

1991. Proceedings, U. S. Department of Agriculture interagency gypsy moth research review 1990; 1990 January 22-25; East Windsor, CT. : Microbial Control Gottschalk, Kurt W.; Twery, Mark J.; Smith, Shirley I.; [Editors]

1991. Proceedings, U. S. Department of Agriculture interagency gypsy moth research review 1990; 1990 January 22-25; East Windsor, CT. : Monitoring/Modeling Gottschalk, Kurt W.; Twery, Mark J.; Smith, Shirley I.; [Editors]

1991. Proceedings, U. S. Department of Agriculture interagency gypsy moth research review 1990; 1990 January 22-25; East Windsor, CT. : Population Dynamics Gottschalk, Kurt W.; Twery, Mark J.; Smith, Shirley I.; [Editors]

1999. Proceedings, U. S. Department of Agriculture interagency research forum on gypsy moth and other invasive species 1999 - Articles 1-40 Fosbroke, Sandra L. C.; Gottschalk, Kurt W.; [Editors]

1999. Proceedings, U. S. Department of Agriculture interagency research forum on gypsy moth and other invasive species 1999 - Articles 41-82 Fosbroke, Sandra L. C.; Gottschalk, Kurt W.; [Editors]

2000. Proceedings, U. S. Department of Agriculture interagency research forum on gypsy moth and other invasive species 2000 - Articles 1-42 Fosbroke, Sandra L. C.; Gottschalk, Kurt W.; [Editors]

2000. Proceedings, U. S. Department of Agriculture interagency research forum on gypsy moth and other invasive species 2000 - Articles 43-81 Fosbroke, Sandra L. C.; Gottschalk, Kurt W.; [Editors]

1998. Proceedings, U.S. Department of Agriculture interagency gypsy moth research forum 1998; 1998 January 20-23; Annapolis, MD - Articles 1-36 Fosbroke, Sandra L. C.; Gottschalk, Kurt W.

1998. Proceedings, U.S. Department of Agriculture interagency gypsy moth research forum 1998; 1998 January 20-23; Annapolis, MD - Articles 37-72 Fosbroke, Sandra L. C.; Gottschalk, Kurt W.

2001. Proceedings, U.S. Department of Agriculture interagency research forum on gypsy moth and other invasive species 2001; 2001 January 16-19; Annapolis, MD. Part 3 of 7 Fosbroke, Sandra L. C.; Gottschalk, Kurt W.; [Editors]

2001. Proceedings, U.S. Department of Agriculture interagency research forum on gypsy moth and other invasive species 2001; 2001 January 16-19; Annapolis, MD. Part 4 of 7 Fosbroke, Sandra L. C.; Gottschalk, Kurt W.; [Editors]

2001. Proceedings, U.S. Department of Agriculture interagency research forum on gypsy moth and other invasive species 2001; 2001 January 16-19; Annapolis, MD. Part 5 of 7 Fosbroke, Sandra L. C.; Gottschalk, Kurt W.; [Editors]

2001. Proceedings, U.S. Department of Agriculture interagency research forum on gypsy moth and other invasive species 2001; 2001 January 16-19; Annapolis, MD. Part 7 of 7 Fosbroke, Sandra L. C.; Gottschalk, Kurt W.; [Editors]

2001. Proceedings, U.S. Department of Agriculture interagency research forum on gypsy moth and other invasive species 2001; 2001 January 16-19; Annapolis, MD. Part 1 of 7 Fosbroke, Sandra L. C.; Gottschalk, Kurt W.,

2001. Proceedings, U.S. Department of Agriculture interagency research forum on gypsy moth and other invasive species 2001; 2001 January 16-19; Annapolis, MD. Part 2 of 7 Fosbroke, Sandra L. C.; Gottschalk, Kurt W.

2001. Proceedings, U.S. Department of Agriculture interagency research forum on gypsy moth and other invasive species 2001; 2001 January 16-19; Annapolis, MD. Part 6 of 7 Fosbroke, Sandra L. C.; Gottschalk, Kurt W.; [Editors]

2003. Proceedings, U.S. Department of Agriculture interagency research forum on gypsy moth and other invasive species 2002 Fosbroke, Sandra L. C.; Gottschalk, Kurt W.; [Editors]

2004. Proceedings, U.S. Department of Agriculture interagency research forum on gypsy moth and other invasive species 2003 Gottschalk, Kurt W., ed.

1996. Proceedings, environmental issues affecting the forestry and forest products industries in the Eastern United States; 1994 August 24-26; Baltimore, MD. : Issues/Partnerships/Policy/Summary Dolan, J. Daniel; Riegel, Angela; [Editors]

1996. Proceedings, environmental issues affecting the forestry and forest products industries in the Eastern United States; 1994 August 24-26; Baltimore, MD. : Speakers/Management/Performance Dolan, J. Daniel; Riegel, Angela; [Editors]

1996. Proceedings, environmental issues affecting the forestry and forest products industries in the Eastern United States; 1994 August 24-26; Baltimore, MD. : Technical Session Dolan, J. Daniel; Riegel, Angela; [Editors]

1983. Proceedings, forest defoliator--host interactions: A comparison between gypsy moth and spruce budworms; 1983 April 5-7; New Haven, CT : A Technique to Study Phenological Interactions between Douglas-Fir Buds and Emerging Second Instar Western Spruce Budworm Talerico, Robert L.; Montgomery, Michael; [Tech. Coords]

1983. Proceedings, forest defoliator--host interactions: A comparison between gypsy moth and spruce budworms; 1983 April 5-7; New Haven, CT : Characteristics of Stands Susceptible and Resistant to Gypsy Moth Defoliation Talerico, Robert L.; Montgomery, Michael; [Tech. Coords]

1983. Proceedings, forest defoliator--host interactions: A comparison between gypsy moth and spruce budworms; 1983 April 5-7; New Haven, CT : Chemical Basis of Host Plant Secleciton by Eastern Spruce Budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana Clem. (Lepidoptera:Tortricidae) Talerico, Robert L.; Montgomery, Michael; [Tech. Coords]

1983. Proceedings, forest defoliator--host interactions: A comparison between gypsy moth and spruce budworms; 1983 April 5-7; New Haven, CT : Comparisons of Elemental Profiles of the Western Spruce Budworm Reared on Three host Foilages and Artificial Medium Talerico, Robert L.; Montgomery, Michael; [Tech. Coords]

1983. Proceedings, forest defoliator--host interactions: A comparison between gypsy moth and spruce budworms; 1983 April 5-7; New Haven, CT : Douglas-fir Progency Testing for Resistance to Western Spruce Budworm Talerico, Robert L.; Montgomery, Michael; [Tech. Coords]

1983. Proceedings, forest defoliator--host interactions: A comparison between gypsy moth and spruce budworms; 1983 April 5-7; New Haven, CT : Effect of Fertilization on Western Spruce Budworm Feeding in Young Western Larch Stands Talerico, Robert L.; Montgomery, Michael; [Tech. Coords]

1983. Proceedings, forest defoliator--host interactions: A comparison between gypsy moth and spruce budworms; 1983 April 5-7; New Haven, CT : Foliage Consumption by 6th-Instar Spruce Budworm Larvae, Choristoneura fumiferana (Clem.) Feeding on Balsam Fir and White Spruce Talerico, Robert L.; Montgomery, Michael; [Tech. Coords]

1983. Proceedings, forest defoliator--host interactions: A comparison between gypsy moth and spruce budworms; 1983 April 5-7; New Haven, CT : Leaf Quality and the Host Preferences of Gypsy Moth in the Northern Deciduous Forest Talerico, Robert L.; Montgomery, Michael; [Tech. Coords]

1983. Proceedings, forest defoliator--host interactions: A comparison between gypsy moth and spruce budworms; 1983 April 5-7; New Haven, CT : Management Implications of Interactions between the Spruce Budworm and Spruce-Fir Stands Talerico, Robert L.; Montgomery, Michael; [Tech. Coords]

1983. Proceedings, forest defoliator--host interactions: A comparison between gypsy moth and spruce budworms; 1983 April 5-7; New Haven, CT : Spruce Budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana) Performance in Relation to Foliar Chemistry of its Host Plants Talerico, Robert L.; Montgomery, Michael; [Tech. Coords]

1983. Proceedings, forest defoliator--host interactions: A comparison between gypsy moth and spruce budworms; 1983 April 5-7; New Haven, CT : Spruce Budworm Fecundity and Foliar Chemistry: Influence of Site Talerico, Robert L.; Montgomery, Michael; [Tech. Coords]

1983. Proceedings, forest defoliator--host interactions: A comparison between gypsy moth and spruce budworms; 1983 April 5-7; New Haven, CT : Spruce Budworm and Energy Metabolism Talerico, Robert L.; Montgomery, Michael; [Tech. Coords]

1983. Proceedings, forest defoliator--host interactions: A comparison between gypsy moth and spruce budworms; 1983 April 5-7; New Haven, CT : Summary of Life History and Hosts of the Spruce Budworms Talerico, Robert L.; Montgomery, Michael; [Tech. Coords]

1983. Proceedings, forest defoliator--host interactions: A comparison between gypsy moth and spruce budworms; 1983 April 5-7; New Haven, CT : Western Larch as a Host of the Western Spruce Budworm: A Comparison of Caged Larvae on Susceptible Conifers Talerico, Robert L.; Montgomery, Michael; [Tech. Coords]

1983. Proceedings, forest defoliator--host interactions: A comparison between gypsy moth and spruce budworms; 1983 April 5-7; New Haven, CT : Western Spruce Budworm Consumption-Effects of Host Species and Foliage Chemistry Talerico, Robert L.; Montgomery, Michael; [Tech. Coords]

1983. Proceedings, forest defoliator--host interactions: A comparison between gypsy moth and spruce budworms; 1983 April 5-7; New Haven, CT. : Changes in Tree Quality in Response to Defoliation Talerico, Robert L.; Montgomery, Michael; [Tech. Coords]

1983. Proceedings, forest defoliator--host interactions: A comparison between gypsy moth and spruce budworms; 1983 April 5-7; New Haven, CT. : Foliage Quality and its Effect on Budworm Populations: AModeller's Viewpoint Talerico, Robert L.; Montgomery, Michael; [Tech. Coords]

1983. Proceedings, forest defoliator--host interactions: A comparison between gypsy moth and spruce budworms; 1983 April 5-7; New Haven, CT. : Gypsy Moth Host Interactions: A Concept of Room and Board Talerico, Robert L.; Montgomery, Michael; [Tech. Coords]

1983. Proceedings, forest defoliator--host interactions: A comparison between gypsy moth and spruce budworms; 1983 April 5-7; New Haven, CT. : Selection for Insect Resistance in Forest Trees Talerico, Robert L.; Montgomery, Michael; [Tech. Coords]

1983. Proceedings, forest defoliator--host interactions: A comparison between gypsy moth and spruce budworms; 1983 April 5-7; New Haven, CT. : The Influence of Herbivory on the net rate of Increase of Gypsy Moth Abundance: A Modeling Analysis Talerico, Robert L.; Montgomery, Michael; [Tech. Coords]

1983. Proceedings, forest defoliator--host interactions: A comparison between gypsy moth and spruce budworms; 1983 April 5-7; New Haven, CT. : The Quest for Antifeedants for the Spruce Budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana (Clem.) Talerico, Robert L.; Montgomery, Michael; [Tech. Coords]

1983. Proceedings, forest defoliator--host interactions; 1983 April 5-7; New Haven, CT: A comparison between gypsy moth and spruce budworms: Biomass and Nitrogen Budgets During Larval Development of Lymantria dispar and Choristoneura fumiferana: Allometric Relationships Talerico, Robert L.; Montgomery, Michael; [Tech. Coords]

2002. Proceedings, land type associations conference: development and use in natural resources management, planning and research Smith, Marie-Louise; [Editor]

2002. Proceedings, land type associations conference: development and use in natural resources management, planning and research, 2001 Smith, Marie-Louise

1984. Proceedings, new and improved techniques for monitoring and evaluating spruce budworm populations, 1983 September 13-15; Burlingtonm, VT Grimble, David G.; Kucera, Daniel R.; [Co-Chairmen]

2004. Proceedings. 14th Central Hardwood Forest Conference Yaussy, Daniel A.; Hix, David M.; Long, Robert P.; Goebel, P. Charles, eds.

1997. Proceedings: Integrating cultural tactics into the management of bark beetle and reforestation pests; 1996 September 1-3; Vallombrosa, Italy : Articles 1-6 to 1-61 Gregoire, J.C.; Liebhold, A.M.; Stephen, F.M.; Day, K.R.; [Editors]

1997. Proceedings: Integrating cultural tactics into the management of bark beetle and reforestation pests; 1996 September 1-3; Vallombrosa, Italy : Articles 16-23 Gregoire, J.C.; Liebhold, A.M.; Stephen, F.M.; Day, K.R.; [Editors]

1997. Proceedings: Integrating cultural tactics into the management of bark beetle and reforestation pests; 1996 September 1-3; Vallombrosa, Italy : Articles 24-31 Gregoire, J.C.; Liebhold, A.M.; Stephen, F.M.; Day, K.R.; [Editors]

1997. Proceedings: Integrating cultural tactics into the management of bark beetle and reforestation pests; 1996 September 1-3; Vallombrosa, Italy : Articles 7-15 Gregoire, J.C.; Liebhold, A.M.; Stephen, F.M.; Day, K.R.; [Editors]

1999. Proceedings: Atlantic white-cedar: ecology and management symposium; 1997 August 6-7; Newport News, VA. Shear, Theodore H.; Summerville, K.O.; [Editors]

2003. Proceedings: Ecology, Survey and Management of Forest Insects McManus, Michael L.; Liebhold, Andrew M.; [eds.]

2001. Proceedings: Integrated management and dynamics of forest defoliating insects; 1999 August 15-19; Victoria, BC. (1 of 6) Liebhold, A.M.; McManus, M.L.; Otvos, I.S.; Fosbroke, S.L.C

2001. Proceedings: Integrated management and dynamics of forest defoliating insects; 1999 August 15-19; Victoria, BC. (2 of 6) Liebhold, A.M.; McManus, M.L.; Otvos, I.S.; Fosbroke, S.L.C

2001. Proceedings: Integrated management and dynamics of forest defoliating insects; 1999 August 15-19; Victoria, BC. (3 of 6) Liebhold, A.M.; McManus, M.L.; Otvos, I.S.; Fosbroke, S.L.C

2001. Proceedings: Integrated management and dynamics of forest defoliating insects; 1999 August 15-19; Victoria, BC. (4 of 6) Liebhold, A.M.; McManus, M.L.; Otvos, I.S.; Fosbroke, S.L.C

2001. Proceedings: Integrated management and dynamics of forest defoliating insects; 1999 August 15-19; Victoria, BC. (5 of 6) Liebhold, A.M.; McManus, M.L.; Otvos, I.S.; Fosbroke, S.L.C

2001. Proceedings: Integrated management and dynamics of forest defoliating insects; 1999 August 15-19; Victoria, BC. (6 of 6) Liebhold, A.M.; McManus, M.L.; Otvos, I.S.; Fosbroke, S.L.C

1993. Proceedings: Spatial analysis and forest pest management; 1992 April 27-30; Mountain Lakes, VA. : Part I - Spaitial Analysis and Forest Pest Management Liebhold, Andrew M.; Barrett, Hope R.; [Editors]

1993. Proceedings: Spatial analysis and forest pest management; 1992 April 27-30; Mountain Lakes, VA. : Part II - Spaitial Analysis and Forest Pest Management Liebhold, Andrew M.; Barrett, Hope R.; [Editors]

2002. Proceedings: Workshops on Growing Longleaf Pine in Containers--1999 and 2001 Barnett, James P.; Dumroese, R. Kasten; Moorhead, D.J.; [Editors]

2003. Proceedings: hidden forest values. The first Alaska-wide nontimber forest products conference and tour. Alaska Boreal Forest Council; (Comps.)

2000.. Proceedings: linking healthy forests and communities through Alaska value-added forest products Laufenberg, Theodore L.; Brady, Bridget K.; [Editors]

1998. Proceedings: population dynamics, impacts, and integrated management of forest defoliating insects; 1996 August 18-23; Banska Stiavnica, Slovak Republic. Part 1 of 5 McManus, M. L.; Liebhold, A.M.; [Editors]

1998. Proceedings: population dynamics, impacts, and integrated management of forest defoliating insects; 1996 August 18-23; Banska Stiavnica, Slovak Republic. Part 2 of 5 McManus, M. L.; Liebhold, A.M.; [Editors]

1998. Proceedings: population dynamics, impacts, and integrated management of forest defoliating insects; 1996 August 18-23; Banska Stiavnica, Slovak Republic. Part 3 of 5 McManus, M. L.; Liebhold, A.M.; [Editors]

1998. Proceedings: population dynamics, impacts, and integrated management of forest defoliating insects; 1996 August 18-23; Banska Stiavnica, Slovak Republic. Part 4 of 5 McManus, M. L.; Liebhold, A.M.; [Editors]

1998. Proceedings: population dynamics, impacts, and integrated management of forest defoliating insects; 1996 August 18-23; Banska Stiavnica, Slovak Republic. Part 5 of 5 McManus, M. L.; Liebhold, A.M.; [Editors]

2000. Proceedings: symposium on sustainable management of hemlock ecosystems in eastern North America McManus, Katherine A.; Shields, Kathleen S.; Souto, Dennis R.; [Editors]

2002. Proceedings: the role of fire for nongame wildlife management and community restoration: traditional uses and new directions Ford, W. Mark; Russell, Kevin R.; Moorman, Christopher E.; [Editors]

2000. Proceedings: workshop on fire, people, and the central hardwoods landscape Yaussy, Daniel A.; [comp.]

2001. Process models as tools in forestry research and management Johnsen, Kurt; Samuelson, Lisa; Teskey, Robert; [and others]

1995. Producing Hardwood Dimension Parts Directly From Logs: An Economic Feasibility Study Lin, Wenjie; Kline, D. Earl; Araman, Philip A.; Wiedenbeck, Janice K.

1995. Producing Seed Crops to Naturally Regenerate Southern Pines Barnett, James P.; Haugen, Ronald O.

2003. Producing high-quality slash pine seeds Barnett, James; Varela, Sue

1986. Producing southern pine seedlings in containers Barnett, James P.; Brissette, John C.

1993. Production Economics of Private Forestry: A Comparison of Industrial and Nonindustrial Forest Owners Newman, David H.; Wear, David N.

2000. Production and Costs of the Chambers Delimbinator in First Thinning of Pine Plantations Mooney, Scott T.; Boston, Kevin D.; Greene, W. Dale

1999. Production and Decomposition Rates of a Coastal Plain Forest Following the Impact of Hurrican Hugo Fail, Joseph, Jr.

1986. Production and consumption of major wood products in the Lake States: perspectives and trends. Gray, Gerald J.; Ellefson, Paul V.; Lothner, David C.

1990. Production and sources of residential fuelwood from roundwood in Michigan. Smith, W. Brad; Weatherspoon, Anthony

2004. Production of Short-Rotation Woody Crops Grown with a Range of Nutrient and Water Availability: Establishment Report and First-Year Responses Coleman, Mark D.; Coyle, David R.; Blake, J.; Britton, K.; Buford, M.; Campbell, R.G.; Cox, J.; Cregg, B.; Daniels, D.; Jacobson, M.; Johnsen, Kurt; McDonald, T.; McLeod, K.; Nelson, E.; Robison, D.; Rummer, R.; Sanchez, F.; Stanturf, John; Stokes, B.; Trettin, Carl; Tuskan, J.; Wright, L.; Wullschleger

1999. Production of polygalacturonase and increase of longitudinal gas permeability in southern pine by brown-rot and white-rot fungi Green, Frederick, III.; Clausen, Carol A.

2004. Production, allocation, and stemwood growth efficiency of Pinus taeda L. stands in response to 6 years of intensive management Samuelson, Lisa J.; Johnsen, Kurt; Stokes, Tom

2000. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, all quarters 1998 Warren, Debra D.

2001. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, all quarters 1999 Warren, Debra D.

2002. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, all quarters 2000 Warren, Debra D.

2003. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, all quarters of 2001 Warren, Debra D.

2004. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, all quarters of 2002. Warren, Debra D.

2000. Productivity and Cost Comparison of Two Different-Sized Skidders Klepac, John; Rummer, Robert B.

2004. Productivity and diversity of morel mushrooms in healthy, burned, and insect damaged forests of northeastern Oregon Pilz, David; Weber, Nancy S.; Carter, M. Carol; Parks, Catherine G.; Molina, Randy

2003. Productivity of Southern Pine Plantations: Where Are We and How Did We Get Here? Stanturf, John A.; Kellison, Robert C.; Broerman, F.S.; Jones, Stephen B.

1983. Productivity of a large-wheeled skidder and roller chopper for preparing sites. Miyata, Edwin S.; Steinhilb, Helmuth M.; Mroz, Glenn D.; Coyer, Lynne A.

1986. Productivity of in-woods chippers processing understory biomass Watson, W.F.; Sabo, Robert F.; Stokes, B.J.

1995. Productivity of marbled murrelets in California from observation of young at sea Ralph, C.J.; Long, L.L.

1997. Productivity of rubber-tired skidders in southern pine forests Kluender, R.; Lortz, D.; McCoy, W.; Stokes, B.; Klepac, J.

. Profile 1999 : softwood sawmills in the United States and Canada Spelter, Henry.; McKeever, Tim.

1987. Profiles of Midsouth nonindustrial private forests and owners Rosson, James F., Jr.; Doolittle, Larry

1993. Profitability of Precommericially Thinning Oak Stump Sprouts Dwyer, John P.; Dey, Daniel C.; Kurtz, William B.

1978. Progeny Testing Longleaf Pine at Two Locations Snyder, E. Bayne; Bey, Calvin F.

1986. Program BLANKS on the IBM-PC Reynolds, Hugh W.; Araman, Philip A.

1972. Program Manual for Estimating Use and Related Statistics on Developed Recreation Sites Tyre, Gary L.; Welch, Gene R.

1973. Program Manual for Producing Weight Scaling Conversion Tables Tyre, Gary L.; Fasick, Clyde A.; Riley, Frank M., Jr.; Lege, Frank O.

1996. Program VSMOKE--Users Manual Lavdas, Leonidas G.

1978. Program of Research for Forests and Associated Rangelands USDA; National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges

1978. Program of research for forests and associated rangelands: Northeastern Region Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1975. Programming Details for MDPLOT: A Program for Plotting Multi-Dimensional Data Nance, W.L.; Polmer, B.H.; Keith, G.C.

1984. Programs for computer simulation of a crosscut-first furniture rough mill Anderson, Bruce R.

2003. Progress in analysis of computed tomography (CT) images of hardwood logs for defect detection Sarigul, Erol; Abbott, A. Lynn; Schmoldt, Daniel L.

2000. Progress in developing disease control strategies for hybrid poplars Ostry, Michael E.

1983. Progress in forest research in the Northeast--1982 Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

2003. Progress in the development and optimization of polyoxometalate delignification systems Atalla, R.H.; Weinstock, I.A.; Reiner, R.S.; Springer, E.L.; Hill, C.G.

1997. Progress report: effects of subsoiling study, Milford Ranger District, Plumas National Forest Kliejunas, John T.; Otrosina, William J.

2001. Projected Use of Grazed Forages in the United States: 2000 to 2050: A Technical Document Supporting the 2000 USDA Forest Service RPA Assessment van Tassell, Larry W.; Bartlett, E. Tom; Mitchell, John E.

1992. Projected trends in owl habitat McKelvey, K.S.; Weatherspoon, C.P.

1999. Projecting Timber Inventory at the Product Level Teeter, Lawrence; Zhou, Xiaoping

1999. Projecting a Stand Table Through Time Cao, Quang V.; Baldwin, V. Clark, Jr.

2003. Projecting national forest inventories for the 2000 RPA timber assessment Mills, John R.; Zhou, Xiaoping

2002. Projecting recovered paper supply in the United States. Howard, James L.; Skog, Ken; Ince, Peter J.

1972. Projecting the aspen resource in the Lake States. Leuschner, William A.

1981. Projecting treatment opportunities for current Minnesota forest conditions. Smith, W. Brad; Jakes, Pamela J.

1999. Projections of outdoor recreation participation to 2050 Bowker, J.M.; English, Donald B.K.; Cordell, H. Ken

2002. Projections of shifts in US Forest Products produced, imported, and exported and sources of roundwood and other fiber used to make them. Skog, Kenneth; Haynes, Richard W.

2001. Projections of the U.S. timber supply and demand situation to 2050 : draft findings from the USDA Forest Service 2000 RPA Timber Assessment. Haynes, Richard; Adams, Darius; Alig, Ralph; Brooks, David; Durbak, Irene; Howard, James; Ince, Peter; McKeever, David; Mills, John; Skog, Ken; Zhou, Xiaoping.

1999. Promising Resistance to Fusiform Rust from Southeastern Slash Pines Walkinshaw, Charles H.

1966. Promising conifers for western Iowa. Erdmann, Gayne G.

2002. Promoting habitat complexity in second-growth forests Bristol, Annette; Carey, Andrew B.

1969. Propagation of Southern Red Oak and Water Oak by Rooted Cuttings Duncan, Horace J.; Matthews, Fred R.

2003. Propagation protocol for container willows and poplars using mini-cuttings Dumroese, R. Kasten; Wenny, David L.; Morrison, Susan J.

1991. Proper Edging and Trimming Will Help Improve Lumber Value Araman, Philip A.

1966. Properties of Forested Loess Soils After Repeated Prescribed Burns Moehring, D.M.; Grano, C.X.; Bassett, J.R.

1999. Properties of kenaf from various cultivars, growth and pulping conditions Han, James S.; Miyashita, Ernest S.; Spielvogel, Sara J.

1999. Properties of kenaf/polypropylene composites Rowell, Roger M.; Sanadi, Anand.; Jacobson, Rod.; Caulfield, Daniel F.

2000. Properties of particleboard made from recycled CCA-treated wood Clausen, Carol A.; Kartal, S. Nami.; Muehl, James.

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1991. Properties of soils and tree wood tissue across a Lake States sulfate deposition gradient. Ohmann, Lewis F.; Grigal, David F.

2000. Protecting Surface Water Systems on Forest Sites Through Herbicide Use Michael, J.L.; Gibbs, H.L.; Fischer, J.B.; Webber, E.C.

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2001. Protecting wood decks from biodegradation and weathering : evaluation of deck finish systems Morrell, J. J.; Schneider, P. F.; Williams, R. Sam

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2000. Protection of Marine Fish Stocks at Risk of Extinction Musick, J.A.; Berkeley, S.A.; Cailliet, G.M.; Camhi, M.; Huntsman, G.; Nammack, M.; Warren, Melvin L., Jr.

1993. Protocols for care and handling of deer and elk at the Starkey Experimental Forest and Range Wisdom, Michael J.; Cook, John G.; Rowland, Mary M.; Noyes, James H.

1968. Provisional grade specifications for hardwood growing stock trees Boyce, Stephen G.; Carpenter, Roswell D.

1989. Pruning Central Hardwoods Schlesinger, Richard C.; Shigo, Alex L.

1975. Pruning pin oak in southeastern Missouri. McQuilkin, Robert A.

2000. Pseudo-CFI for industrial forest industries Roesch, Francis A., Jr.

1997. Public Debates Shaping Forestry`s Future: An Analysis. Fan, David; Bengston, David

2000. Public Open Access and Private Timber Harvests: Theory and Application to the Effects of Trade Liberalization in Mexico Prestemon, Jeffrey P.

1999. Public Preferences for Timber Harvesting on Private Forest Land Purchased for Public Ownership in Maine Boyle, Kevin J.; Teisl, Mario F.

1998. Public Preferences of Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda) Stands Generated by Different Site Preparation Methods Gan, Jianbang; Kolison, Stephen H., Jr.; Miller, James H.

2003. Public Timber Supply under Multiple-Use Management Wear, David N.

1993. Public and Private Forest Disturbance Regimes in the Southern Appalachians Wear, David N.; Flamm, Richard O.

2002. Public lands and private recreation enterprise: policy issues from a historical perspective Quinn, Tom.

2000. Public preferences for nontimber benefits of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) stands regenerated by different site preparation methods Gan, Jianbang; Kolison, Stephen H. Jr.; Miller, James

2000. Public values, opinions, and emotions in restoration controversies Vining, Joanne; Tyler, Elizabeth; Kweon, Byoung-Suk

1967. Publications of the Northeastern Forest Experiment Station 1950-1965 Horowitz, Sylvia; Buchanan, Mary.

1980. Publications of the Northeastern Forest Experiment Station 1966-1976 Horowitz, Sylvia; DeFusco, Mary

1995. Publications of the Northeastern Forest Experiment Station 1991 and 1992. Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1985. Publications of the Northeastern Forest Experiment Station--1983 Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1986. Publications of the Northeastern Forest Experiment Station--1984 Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1987. Publications of the Northeastern Forest Experiment Station--1985 and 1986 Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1989. Publications of the Northeastern Forest Experiment Station--1987 Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1990. Publications of the Northeastern Forest Experiment Station--1988 Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1996. Publications of the Northeastern Forest Experiment Station: 1993 and 1994 Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1996. Publications of the Northeastern Forest Experiment Station: 1995 Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1992. Publications of the Northeastern Forest Experiment Station: 1989 and 1990 Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

1998. Publications of the Northeastern Research Station: 1996 and 1997 Northeastern Research Station

2000. Publications of the Northeastern Research Station: 1998 Northeastern Research Station

2002. Publications of the Northeastern Research Station: 1999 and 2000 Northeastern Research Station

2003. Publications of the Northeastern Research Station: 2001 Northeastern Research Station

1998. Publications related to Caspar Creek Morken, Ingrid; Ziemer, Robert R.

2001. Puerto Rican Karst-A Vital Resource Lugo, Ariel E.; Castro, Leopoldo Miranda; Vale, Abel; López, Tania del Mar; Prieto, Enrique Hernández; Martinó, Andrés García; Rolón, Alberto R. Puente; Tossas, Adrianne G.; McFarlane, Donald A.; Miller, Tom; Rodríguez, Armando; Lundberg, Joyce; Thomlinson, John; Colón, José; Schellekens, Johannes H.; Ramos, Olga; Helmer, Eileen

1991. Pulp Chip Quality from In-woods Chippers Coupled with Chain Flail Delimbers-Debarkers: Does it Match Conventional Woodyard Quality? Watson, W.F.; Twaddle, A.A.; Stokes, B.J.

2003. Pulp capacity in the United States, 2000. Smith, Brett R.; Rice, Robert W.; Ince, Peter J.

2002. Pulp extrusion at ultra-high consistencies : selection of water soluble polymers for process optimization Scott, C. Tim

2000. Pulp extrusion for recycling wastepapers and paper mill sludges Zauscher, Stefan.; Scott, C. Tim.; Willett, J. L.; Klingenberg, Daniel J.

1997. Pulp quality from small-diameter trees Myers, G. C.; Kumar, S.; Gustafson, R. R.; Barbour, R. J.; Abubakr, S. M.

1966. Pulpwood Chip Productions and Markets in the Lake States Fobes, Eugene W.

1984. Pulpwood Prices for the Midsouth, 1982 Rosson, James F., Jr.

1970. Pulpwood Prices in the Southeast, 1963-1968 Cathey, Robert A.

1971. Pulpwood Prices in the Southeast, 1970 Hutchins, Cecil C., Jr.

1981. Pulpwood Prices in the Southeast, 1979 Hutchins, Cecil C., Jr.

1982. Pulpwood Prices in the Southeast, 1981 Hutchins, Cecil C., Jr.

1977. Pulpwood Production in the Lake States Blyth, James E.; Hahn, Jerold T.

1964. Pulpwood Production in the Lake States Counties 1963 Horn, Arthur G.

1965. Pulpwood Production in the Lake States Counties 1964 Horn, Arthur G.

1973. Pulpwood Production in the Lake States by County, 1972 Blyth, James E.

1974. Pulpwood Production in the Lake States by County, 1973 Blyth, James E.; Hahn, Jerold T.

1975. Pulpwood Production in the Lake States by County, 1974 Blyth, James E.; Hahn, Jerold T.

1976. Pulpwood Production in the Lake States by County, 1975 Blyth, James E.; Hahn, Jerold T.

1978. Pulpwood Production in the Lake States by County, 1977 Blyth, James E.; Smith, W. Brad

1981. Pulpwood Production in the Lake States by County, 1980 Blyth, James E.; Smith, W. Brad

1982. Pulpwood Production in the Lake States by County, 1981 Blyth, James E.; Smith, W. Brad

1983. Pulpwood Production in the Lake States by County, 1982 Blyth, James E.; Smith, W. Brad

1984. Pulpwood Production in the Lake States by County, 1983 Blyth, James E.; Smith, W. Brad

1985. Pulpwood Production in the Lake States by County, 1984 Blyth, James E.; Smith, W. Brad

1986. Pulpwood Production in the Lake States by County, 1985 Blyth, James E.; Smith, W. Brad

1987. Pulpwood Production in the Lake States by County, 1986 Blyth, James E.; Smith, W. Brad

1988. Pulpwood Production in the Lake States by County, 1987 Blyth, James E.; Smith, W. Brad

1989. Pulpwood Production in the Lake States by County, 1988 Blyth, James E.; Smith, Brad W.

1990. Pulpwood Production in the Lake States, 1989 Hackett, Ronald L.

1991. Pulpwood Production in the Lake States, 1990 Hackett, Ronald L.

1992. Pulpwood Production in the Lake States, 1991 Hackett, Ronald L.

1994. Pulpwood Production in the Lake States, 1992 Hackett, Ronald L.

1995. Pulpwood Production in the Lake States, 1993 Piva, Ronald J.

1979. Pulpwood Production in the Lake States, by County, 1978 Blyth, James E.; Smith, W. Brad

1980. Pulpwood Production in the Lake States, by County, 1979 Blyth, James E.; Smith, W. Brad

1966. Pulpwood production and consumption in the North Central Region by county, 1965. Blyth, James E.

1967. Pulpwood production and consumption in the North Central Region by county, 1966. Blyth, James E.

1969. Pulpwood production and consumption in the North Central Region, by county, 1967. Blyth, James E.

1996. Pulpwood production in the Lake States, 1994. Piva, Ronald J.

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1997. Pulpwood production in the Lake States, 1996. Piva, Ronald J.

1998. Pulpwood production in the Lake States, 1997. Piva, Ronald J.

1985. Pulpwood production in the North Central Region by County, 1983. Blyth, James E.; Smith, W. Brad

1986. Pulpwood production in the North Central Region by County, 1984. Blyth, James E.; Smith, W. Brad

1987. Pulpwood production in the North Central Region by County, 1985. Blyth, James E.; Smith, W. Brad

1976. Pulpwood production in the North Central Region by county, 1974. Blyth, James E.; Hahn, Jerold T.

1977. Pulpwood production in the North Central Region by county, 1975. Blyth, James E.; Hahn, Jerold T.

1988. Pulpwood production in the North Central Region by county, 1986. Blyth, James E.; Smith, W. Brad

1989. Pulpwood production in the North Central Region by county, 1987. Blyth, James E.; Smith, W. Brad

1975. Pulpwood production in the North Central Region, 1973. Blyth, James E.

1990. Pulpwood production in the North Central Region, 1988. Hackett, Ronald L.; Smith, W. Brad

1969. Pulpwood production in the North Central Region, by county, 1968. Blyth, James E.

1970. Pulpwood production in the North Central Region, by county, 1969. Blyth, James E.

1971. Pulpwood production in the North Central Region, by county, 1970. Blyth, James. E.

1973. Pulpwood production in the North Central Region, by county, 1971. Blyth, James. E.

1973. Pulpwood production in the North Central Region, by county, 1972. Blyth, James E.

1982. Pulpwood production in the North Central Region, by county, 1980. Blyth, James E.; Smith, W. Brad

1983. Pulpwood production in the North Central Region, by county, 1981. Blyth, James E.; Smith, W. Brad

1991. Pulpwood production in the North-Central Region, 1989. Hackett, Ronald L.

1992. Pulpwood production in the North-Central Region, 1990. Hackett, Ronald L.

1993. Pulpwood production in the North-Central Region, 1991. Hackett, Ronald L.; Piva, Ronald L.

1994. Pulpwood production in the North-Central Region, 1992. Hackett, Ronald L.; Piva, Ronald J.

1994. Pulpwood production in the North-Central Region, 1993. Piva, Ronald J.

1996. Pulpwood production in the North-Central Region, 1994. Piva, Ronald J.

1996. Pulpwood production in the North-Central Region, 1995. Piva, Ronald J.

1998. Pulpwood production in the North-Central Region, 1996. Piva, Ronald J.

1999. Pulpwood production in the North-Central Region, 1997. Piva, Ronald J.

2002. Pulpwood production in the North-Central Region, 1998. Piva, Ronald J.

2003. Pulpwood production in the North-Central Region, 1999 Piva, Ronald J.

2003. Pulpwood production in the North-Central Region, 2000. Piva, Ronald J.

2003. Pulpwood production in the North-Central Region, 2001. Piva, Ronald J.

1999. Pulpwood production in the Northeast - 1997 Widmann, Richard H.; Griffith, Douglas M.

1978. Pulpwood production in the north central region by county, 1976. Blyth, James E.; Hahn, Jerold T.

1979. Pulpwood production in the north central region by county, 1977. Blyth, James E; Smith, W. Brad

1980. Pulpwood production in the north central region by county, 1978. Blyth, James E.; Smith, W. Brad

1980. Pulpwood production in the north central region, by county, 1979. Blyth, James E.; Smith, W. Brad

1984. Pulpwood production in the north central region, by county, 1982. Blyth, James E.; Smith, W. Brad

2002. Pulpwood supply and demand : development in the South, little growth elsewhere. Ince, Peter J.; Durbak, Irene.

1999. Pupal and Adult Parameters as Potential Indicators of Cottonwood Leaf Beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) Fecundity and Longevity Coyle, David R.; McMillin, Joel D.; Hart, Elwood R.

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1989. Pure culture response of ectomycorrhizal fungi to imposed water stress Coleman, Mark D.; Bledsoe, Caroline S.; Lopushinsky, William

2004. Purpose and Need for a Grassland Assessment Finch, Deborah M.; Dahms, Cathy W.

1997. Pyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon, Pyrococcus furious, functions as a CoA-dependent pyruvate decarboxylase Kesen, Ma; Hutchins, A.; Sung, Shi-Jean S.; Adams, Michael W.W.

1995. Quaking aspen productivity recovers after repeated prescribed fire. Perala, D.A.

1995. Quality Characteristics of Appalachian Red Oak Lumber Wiedenbeck, Janice K; Gatchell, Charles J.; Walker, Elizabeth S.

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1997. Quantification of Spatial Heterogeneity in Old Growth Forst of Korean Pine Zhengquan, Wang; Qingcheng, Wang; Yandong, Zhang

1997. Quantification of micro stickies Doshi, Mahendra.; Dyer, Jeffrey.; Aziz, Salman.; Jackson, Kristine.; Abubakr, Said M.

2004. Quantifying Aboveground Carbon Storage in Managed Forest Ecosystems in Ohio Nicodemus, Michael A.; Williams, Roger A.

2004. Quantifying Channel Maintenance Instream Flows: An Approach for Gravel-Bed Streams in the Western United States Schmidt, Larry J.; Potyondy, John P.

2004. Quantifying Forest Soil Physical Variables Potentially Important for Site Growth Analyses Kush, John S.; Pitt, Douglas G.; Craul, Phillip J.; Boyer, William D.

1998. Quantifying Landscape Spatial Pattern: What Is the State of the Art? Gustafson, Eric J.

2004. Quantifying Trade-Offs Between Economic and Ecological Objectives in Uneven-Aged Mixed- Species Forests in the Southern United States Buongiorno, Joseph; Schulte, Benedict; Skog, Kenneth E.

1993. Quantifying dispersal of southern pine beetles with mark-recapture experiments and a diffusion model Turchin, P.; Thoeny, W.T.

1998. Quantifying landscape spatial pattern: What is the state of the art? Gustafson, Eric J.

2002. Quantitative Trait Inheritance in a Forty-Year-Old Longleaf Pine Partial Diallel Test Stine, Michael; Roberds, Jim; Nelson, C. Dana; Gwaze, David P.; Shupe, Todd; Groom, Les

1967. Quantitative color measurement for black walnut wood. Moslemi, Ali A.

2002. Quantitative comparison of in situ soil CO2 flux measurement methods Knoepp, Jennifer D.; Vose, James M.

1998. Quantitative comparison of tree roosts used by red bats (Lasiurus borealis) and Semindle bats (L. seminolus) Menzel, Michael A.; Carter, Timothy C.; Chapman, Brian R.; Laerm, Joshua

1994. Quantitative silviculture for hardwood forests of the Alleghenies : Development/SILVAH/regeneration Marquis, David A.; [Editor]

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1998. RAPD analysis of the last population of a likely Florida Keys endemic cactus Gordon, D.R.; Kubisiak, Thomas L.

2000. RAPD inheritance and diversity in pawpaw (Asimina triloba) Huang, Hongwen; Layne, Desmond R.; Kubisiak, Thomas L.

1995. RAPD linkage mapping in a longleaf pine × slash pine F1 family Kubisiak, Thomas L.; Nelson, C. Dana.; Nance, W.L.; Stine, M.

1980. RECAL: A Computer Program for Selecting Sample Days for Recreation Use Estimation Erickson, D.L.; Liu, C.J.; Cordell, H. Ken; Chen, W.L.

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1994. RPA Assessment of Outdoor Recreation: Past, Current, and Future Directions Bergstrom, John C.; Cordell, H. Ken; Langner, Linda

2004. RPA Data Wiz users guide, version 1.0 Pugh, Scott A.

1980. Rabbits and Grasshoppers: Vectors of Endomycorrhizal Fungi on New Coal Mine Spoil Ponder, Felix Jr.

1997. Race, Rural Residence, and Wildland Visitation: Examining the Influence of Sociocultural Meaning Johnson, Cassandra Y.; Horan, Patrick M.; Pepper, William

2002. Race, class, gender, and American environmentalism Taylor, Dorceta E.

2004. Radial Growth of Nine Selected 18-Year-Old Baldcypress Provenances Under Prolonged Drought Young, P. Joy; Chambers, Jim L.

1996. Radial growth trends of loblolly pine in the Virginia Coastal Plain Reams, Gregory A.

1967. Radiation measurements by various instruments in the open and in the forest Lull, Howard W.; Reigner, Irvin C.

2004. Radiographic Analysis of Shortleaf Pine Seeds From the Ouachita and Ozark National Forests Mangini, Alex C.; Bruce, William W.; Hanula, James L.

1978. Radiographic Terminology for Biological Research Vozzo, John A.

1999. Railing systems for use on timber deck bridges Faller, Ronald K.; Ritter, Michael A.; Rosson, Barry T.; Duwadi, Sheila R.

1995. Rain Forest Tourism--Estimating the Benefits of Tourism Development in a New National Park in Madagascar Mercer, E.; Kramer, R.; Sharma, N.

1980. Rainfall Data Simulation Rogerson, T.L.

1964. Rainfall Interception by Hardwood Forest Litter in the Southern Appalachians Helvey, J.D.

1971. Rake Angle for Planing Hard Maple Determined Best by Depth of Chipped Grain Stewart, Harold A.

1991. Ralative family performance and variance structure of open-pollinated Douglas-fir seedlings grown in three competitive environments St. Clair, J.B.; Adams, W.T.

2003. Raman microprobe analysis of single ramie fiber during mercerization Isogai, Akira; Agarwal, Umesh P.; Atalla, Rajai H.

1994. Random entry forestry: timber management in a time of species conservation McKelvey, K.S.; Lamberson, R.H.

2001. Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA linkage relationships in different Norway spruce populations Troggio, M.; Kubisiak, Thomas L.; Bucci, G.; Menozzi, P.

2003. Range maps of terrestrial species in the interior Columbia River basin and northern portions of the Klamath and Great Basins. Marcot, Bruce G.; Wales, Barbara C.; Demmer, Rick.

2000. Rangeland Resource Trends in the United States: A Technical Document Supporting the 2000 USDA Forest Service RPA Assessment Mitchell, John E.

1976. Ranking Forestry Investments With Parametric Linear Programming Murphy, Paul A.

1999. Rapid Accumulation and Turnover of Soil Carbon in a Re-Establishing Forest Richter, Daniel D.; Markewitz, Daniel; Trumbore, Susan E.; Wells, Carol G.

2002. Rapid Assessment Of The Fundamental Property Variation Of Wood So, Chi-Leung; Groom, Leslie H.; Rials, Timothy G.; Snell, Rebecca; Kelley, Stephen S.; Meglen, Robert

2002. Rapid diversification of the cotton genus (Gossypium: Malvaceae) revealed by analysis of sixteen nuclear and chloroplast genes Cronn, Richard C.; Small, Randall L.; Hanselkorn, Tamara; Wendel, Jonathan F.

1995. Rapid soil development after windthrow disturbance in pristine forests Bormann, B.T.; Spaltenstein, H.; McClellan, M.H.; Ugolini, F.C.; Cromack, K., Jr.; Nay, S.M.

1995. Rate and mechanics of progressive hillslope failure in the Redwood Creek basin, northwestern California Swanston, D. N.; Ziemerm, R.R. ; Janda, R.J.

2004. Rate of CCA leaching from commercially treated decking. Lebow, Stan; Foster, Daniel; Lebow, Patricia.

1967. Rate of Perimeter Increase Related to Timber Spread Index and Northeastern Fuel Types Noste, Nonan V.

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1982. Rates of forest floor decomposition and nutrient turnover in aspen, pine, and spruce stands on two soils. Perala, D.A.; Alban, D.H.

1998. Rates of nitrogen mineralization across an elevation and vegetation gradient in the Southern Appalachians Knoepp, Jennifer D.; Swank, Wayne T.

1968. Rates of value increase for yellow birch in New England Leak, William B.; Filip, Stanley M.; Solomon, Dale S.

1998. Rationale and Application of Tangential Scanning to Industrial Inspection of Hardwood Logs Gupta, Nand K.; Schmoldt, Daniel L.; Isaacson, Bruce

1996. Raw materials from the public lands in century 21 Kaiser, H. Fred; Granskog, James E.

1952. Re-Establishing Pine on Piedmont Cut-Over Land Brender, E.V.; Nelson, T.C.

2004. Re-evaluating the Significance of the First-order Lateral Root Grading Criterion for Hardwood Seedlings Jacobs, Douglass F.; Seifert, John R.

2003. Re-introducing fire at the urban/wild-land interface: planning for success Miller, Steven R.; Wade, Dale

2001. Reaction of formaldehyde at the ortho- and para-positions of phenol: exploration of mechanisms using computational chemistry. Conner, Anthony H.; Reeves, Melissa S.

2001. Reaction of formaldehyde with phenols: a computational chemistry study. Mitsunaga,Tohru ; Conner, Anthony H. ; Hill, Charles G., Jr.

1997. Real-Time Implementation of a Color Sorting System Srikanteswara, Srikathyanyani; Lu, Qiang; King, William; Drayer, Thomas; Conners, Richard; Kline, D. Earl; Araman, Philip A.

2001. Real-time value optimization of edging and trimming operations for rough, green hardwood lumber Schmoldt, Daniel L.; Song, Hang; Araman, Philip A.

2004. Reapplication of Silvicultural Treatments Impacts Phenology and Photosynthetic Gas Exchange of Loblolly Pine Tang, Zhenmin; Chambers, Jim L.; Sword, Mary A.; Yu, Shufang; Barnett, James P.

1999. Reassessment of Loblolly Pine Decline on the Oakmulgee Ranger District, Talladega National Forest, Alabama Hess, Nolan J.; Otroana, William J.; Jones, John P.; Goddard, Arthur J.; Walkinshaw, Charles H.

2003. Recalcitrant Behavior of Cherrybark Oak Seed: An FT-IR Study of Desiccation Sensitivity in Quercus pagoda Raf. Acorns Sowa, Sharon; Connor, Kristina F.

2002. Recalcitrant Behavior of Temperate Forest Tree Seeds: Storage, Biochemistry, and Physiology Connor, Kristina F.; Sowa, Sharon

2000. Recent Advances in the Silvicultural Use of Prescribed Fire van Lear, David H.

1986. Recent Area Changes in Southern Forest Ownerships and Cover Types Alig, Ralph J.; Knight, Herbert A.; Birdsey, Richard A.

2002. Recent Development Affect Woodland Owner Tax Issues Siegel, William C.

1999. Recent advances in polyoxometalate based delignification Atalla, R. H.; Weinstock, L. A.; Reiner, R. S.; Houtman, C. J.; Reichel, S.; Hill, C. G.; Hill, C. L.

1980. Recognizing Developmental Stages in Southern Pine Flowers: The Key to Controlled Pollination Bramlett, David L.; O'Gwynn, Claude H.

2004. Recognizing and Overcoming Difficult Site Conditions for Afforestation of Bottomland Hardwoods Stanturf, John A.; Conner, William H.; Gardiner, Emile S.; Schweitzer, Callie Jo; Ezell, Andrew W.

1992. Recognizing and Preventing Maple Decline Walters, James W.

1998. Recolonization of experimentally defaunated tidepools by northeast Pacific intertidal fishes. Polivka, K.M.; Chotkowski, M.A.

2004. Reconsidering price projections for selected grades of Douglas-fir, coast hem-fir, inland hem-fir, and ponderosa pine lumber. Haynes, Richard W.; Fight, Roger D.

1988. Record Keeping Van Sambeek, J. W.

2003. Recovering Parameters of Johnson's SB Distribution Parresol, Bernard R.

2004. Recovering wood for reuse and recycling : a United States perspective Falk, Robert H.; McKeever, David B.

2002. Recovery History of Greenback Cutthroat Trout: Population Characteristics, Hatchery Involvement, and Bibliography Young, Michael K.; Harig, Amy L.; Rosenland, Bruce; Kennedy, Chris

1988. Recovery efficiency of whole-tree harvesting Stokes, Bryce J.; Watson, William F.

1987. Recovery of Picloram and 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid from Aqueous Samples by Reversed-Phase Solid-Phase Extraction Wells, Martha J.M.; Michael, Jerry L.

1999. Recovery of a Bearclover (Chamaebatia foliolosa) Plant Community after Site Preparation and Planting of Ponderosa Pine Seedlings. McDonald, Philip M.; Fiddler, Gary O.

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1989. Recovery of forest residues in the Southern United States Stokes, Bryce J.; Sirois, Donald L.

2002. Recovery of l-year-old loblolly pine seedlings from simulated browse damage Shelton, Michael G.; Cain, Michael D.

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1982. Recovery of residue tops in selectively cut northern hardwood stands. Johnson, James A.; Arola, Rodger A.; Miyata, Edwin S.

2004. Recreation Specialization: Upper Manistee River Shoreline Owner Anglers and their Management Preferences Valentine, Brian

1965. Recreation Use of the Ocala National Forest in Florida James, George A.; Harper, Robert A.

2004. Recreation Visitor Inventories: Key Information for Capacity Management Chilman, Kenneth; Vogel, James; Brown, Greg

2002. Recreation and the Environment as Cultural Dimensions in Contemporary American Society Cordell, H. Ken; Betz, Carter J.; Green. Gary T.

2002. Recreation and tourism in south-central Alaska: patterns and prospects Colt, Steve; Martin, Stephanie; Mieren, Jenna; Tomeo, Martha.

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2000. Recreation at the Redding Resource Area in California. Winter, Patricia L.

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1995. Recreational Trampling Experiments: Effects of Trampler Weight and Shoe Type Cole, David N.

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2004. Rectangular Spacing: An Economic Benefit? VanderSchaaf, Curtis L.; South, David B.

1998. Recurrent outbreak of the Douglas-fir tussock moth in the Malheur National Forest: a case history. Mason, R.R.; Scott, D.W.; Loewen, M.D.; Paul, H.G.

1997. Recycling Growth Reducing Pallet Industry's Need for New Wood Bush, Robert J.; Araman, Philip A.

1995. Recycling In The U.S. Pallet Industry: 1993 Hansen, Bruce G.; Bush, Robert; Punches, John; Araman, Philip A.

1997. Recycling In The U.S. Pallet Industry: 1995 Bush, Robert J.; Reddy, Vijay S.; Bumgardner, Matthew S; Chamberlain, James L.; Araman, Philip A.

1994. Recycling and the Use of Wood Materials by the U.S. Pallet Industry Bush, Robert J.; Hansen, Eric; Araman, Philip A.

2002. Recycling behind most growth in pallet production Bejune, J.; Bush, R.; Araman, Philip A.; Hansen, B.; Cumbo, D.

1999. Recycling evaluation of new-generation environmentally benign pressure sensitive adhesives Abubakr, Said M.; Houtman, Carl.; Bormett, Dave.; Sutherland, Nancy Ross.; Peng, Joe.

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2004. Red Lodge, Montana: Steps to Improve Community Preparedness for Wildfire. Case Study # 13 Sturtevant, Victoria; Kruger, Linda

1995. Red Oak (Quercus rubra, L.) acron collection, nursery culture and direct seeding: A literature review Dey, Daniel C.

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1980. Red Oak Borer Donley, D. E.; Acciavatti, R.E.

1970. Red Oak Lumber Makes Good Shade-Shelter for Hogs Cooper, Glenn A.; Barham, Stanley H.

1985. Red Pine Pocket Mortality - Unknown Cause (Pest Alert) USDA Forest Service

1977. Red Pine Seedling Establishment after Shelterwood-Strip Harvesting Benzie, John W.; Alm, Alvin A.

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1971. Red Rot of Ponderosa Pine (FIDL) Andrews, Stuart R.

1998. Red alder, Alnus rubra, as a potential mitigating factor for wildlife habitat following clearcut logging in southeastern Alaska Hanley, T.A.; Barnard, J.C.

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1989. Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Colony Status and Trends on the Angelina, Davy Crockett and Sabine National Forests Conner, Richard N.; Rudolph, D. Craig

2002. Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Foraging Behavior in Relation to Midstory Vegetation Rudolph, D. Craig; Conner, Richard N.; Schaefer, Richard R.

1996. Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Nesting Success, Forest Structure, and Southern Flying Squirrels in Texas Conner, Richard N.; Rudolph, D. Craig; Saenz, Daniel; Schaefer, Richard R.

1994. Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Population Trends and Management on Texas National Forests Conner, Richard N.; Rudolph, D. Craig

1991. Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Use of Seed-Tree/Sheleterwood Cuts in Eastern Texas Conner, Richard N.; Snow, Ann E.; O'Halloran, Kathleen A.

1996. Red-Cockaded Woodpeckers and silvicultural practice: in uneven-aged silviculture preferable to even-aged? Rudolph, D. Craig; Conner, Richard N.

1990. Red-Cockaded Woodpeckers vs Rat Snakes: The Effectiveness of the Resin Barrier Rudolph, D. Craig; Kyle, Howard; Conner, Richard N.

2000. Red-bellied Woodpecker Melanerpes carolinus Shackelford, Clifford E.; Brown, Raymond E.; Conner, Richard N.

1998. Red-billed Leiothrix (Leiothrix lutea) Male, T.D.; Fancy, S.G.; Ralph, C.J.

2004. Red-cockaded Woodpecker Nestling Provisioning and Reproduction in Two Different Pine Habitats Schaefer, Richard R.; Conner, Richard N.; Rudolph, D. Craig; Saenz, Daniel

1998. Red-cockaded woodpecker cavity tree resin avoidance by southern flying squirrels Schaefer, Richard R.; Saenz, Daniel

1998. Red-cockaded woodpecker nest-cavity selection: relationships with cavity age and resin production Conner, Richard N.; Saenz, Daniel; Rudolph, D. Craig; Ross, William G.; Kulhavy, David L.

1978. Redheaded Pine Sawfly Wilson, Louis F.; Averill, Robert D.

2003. Redistribution of vegetation zones and populations of Larix sibirica Ledb. and Pinus sylvestris L. in central Siberia in a warming climate Tchebakova, N.M., Rehfeldt, G.E., and Parfenova, E.I.

1982. Reduced Brood Production of Southern Pine Beetles by Diflubenzuron van Sambeek, J.W.

1989. Reducing Borer Damage in Oak Regeneration and Sawtimber Galford, Jimmy R.

2002. Reducing Seed and Seedlings Pathogens Improves Longleaf Pine Seedlings Production Barnett, James P.; McGilvray, John M.

2004. Reducing fire hazard: balancing costs and outcomes. Rapp, Valerie

1990. Reducing particle dimensions of chunkwood. Radcliffe, Robert C.

1999. Reducing the Wildland Fire Threat to Homes: Where and How Much? Cohen, Jack D.

1996. Reducing the forces required to delimb hardwoods. Mattson, James A.; Sturos, Joseph B.

1998. Reduction in growth of pole-sized ponderosa pine related to a pandora moth outbreak in Central Oregon Cochran, P.H.

1986. Reduction of Biomass Moisture by Crushing/Splitting - A Concept Barnett, Paul E.; Sirois, Donald L.; Ashmore, Colin

2003. Reduction of forest floor respiration by fertilization on both carbon dioxide-enriched and reference 17-year-old loblolly pine stands Butnor, John R.; Johnsen, Kurt H.; Oren, Ram; Katul, Gabriel G.

1999. Reduction of greenhouse gases by fiber-loaded lightweight, high-opacity newsprint production Klungness, John H.; Stroika, Matthew L.; Abubakr, Said M.

2003. Reduction of soil carbon formation by tropospheric ozone under increased carbon dioxide levels. Loya, Wendy M.; ; Pregitzer, Kurt S.; Karberg, Noah J.; King, John S.; Giardina, Christian P.

2003. Reestablishing natural succession on acidic mine spoils at high elevations: long-term ecological restoration Brown, Ray W.; Amacher, Michael C.; Mueggler, Walter F.; Kotuby-Amacher, Janice

2002. Reference conditions for old-growth pine forests in the Upper West Gulf Coastal Plain Bragg, Don C.

2004. Refinement of the Arc-Habcap Model to Predict Habitat Effectiveness for Elk Benkobi, Lakhdar; Rumble, Mark A.; Brundige, Gary C.; Millspaugh, Joshua J.

2001. Refining rates and treatment sequences for cogongrass (Imperata Cylindrica) control with imazapyr and glyphosate Miller, James H.

1992. Reflections on the Development of a Machine Vision Technology for the Forest Products Conners, Richard W.; Kline, D.Earl; Araman, Philip A.; Brisbon, Robert L.

2004. Reforestation Efforts in Indiana Following the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 Fillmore, Stephen D.; Groninger, John W.

1993. Regenerating Longleaf Pine with Natural Seeding Boyer, William D.

1992. Regenerating Eastern Hemlock in the Lake States Godman, Richard M.

1975. Regenerating Longleaf Pine Naturally Croker, Thomas C., Jr.; Boyer, William D.

1992. Regenerating Yellow Birch in the Lake States Godman, Richard M.; Erdmann, Gayne G.

1979. Regenerating the Natural Longleaf Pine Forest Boyer, William D.

2000. Regenerating uneven-aged stands of loblolly and shortleaf pines: the current state of knowledge Shelton, Michael G.; Cain, Michael D.

2004. Regeneration Development Across a Range of Reproduction Cutting Methods in Shortleaf Pine and Pine-Hardwood Stands in the Interior Highlands Guldin, James M.; Baker, James B.; Shelton, Michael G.

2002. Regeneration History of Three Table Mountain Pine/Pitch Pine Stands in Northern Georgia Brose, Patrick H.; Tainter, Frank; Waldrop, Thomas A.

1998. Regeneration Methods Affect Genetic Variation and Structure in Shortleaf Pine (Pinus Echinata Mill.) Raja, Rajiv G.; Tauer, Charles G.; Wittwer, Robert F.; Huang, Yinghua

1994. Regeneration Patterns in Canopy Gaps of Mixed-oak Forests of the Southern Appalachians: Influences of Topographic Position and Evergreen Understory Clinton, Barton D.; Boring, Lindsay R.; Swank, Wayne T.

2004. Regeneration Potential of Selected Forested Stands on the Cumberland Plateau of North Alabama Schweitzer, Callie Jo; Loftis, David L.; Wang, Yong; Janzen, Greg C.

1999. Regeneration alternatives for upland white spruce after buring and logging in interior Alaska Densmore, R. V.; Juday, G. P.; Zasada, John C.

1979. Regeneration and productivity of aspen grown on repeated short rotations. Perala, Donald A.

1968. Regeneration of Cutover Jack Pine Stands Benzie, John W.

1964. Regeneration of birch and associated hardwoods after patch cutting Marquis, David A.

1998. Regeneration of longleaf pine in canopy gaps: Evidence for presence of a root gap Brockway, D.G.; Outcalt K.W.

1996. Regeneration of red oak (Quercus rubra L.) using shelterwood systems: Ecophysiology, silviculture and management recommendations Dey, Daniel C.; parker, William C.

1999. Regeneration of southern pine stands under ecosystem management in the Piedmont McMinn, James W.; Clark, Alexander, III.

2004. Regeneratoin Development 3 Years After Thinning and Fertilization in an East Texas Bottomland Hardwood Stand (To Manage or To Regenerate: Can We Do Both?) Lockhart, Brian Roy; Michalek, Alexander J.; Lowe, Matthew W.; Williams, Richard A.

2001. Region-wide monitoring of exotic pest plants in southeastern forests by Forest Service and State Partners Miller, James H.

2003. Regional Assessment of Ozone Sensitive Tree Species Using Bioindicator Plants Coulston, John W.; Smith, Gretchen C.; Smith, William D.

1995. Regional Assessment of Remote Forests and Black Bear Habitat from Forest Resource Surveys Rudis, Victor A.; Tansey, John B.

1995. Regional Forest Fragmentation and the Nesting Success of Migratory Birds Robinson, Scott K.; Thompson III, Frank R.; Donovan, Therese M.; Whitehead, Donald R.; Faaborg, John

1998. Regional Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris) Natural Regeneration Boyer, William D.

1999. Regional distribution and dynamics of coarse woody debris in Midwestern old-growth forests Spetich, Martin A.; Shifley, Stephen R.; Parker, George R.

2002. Regional estimation of current and future forest biomass Mickler, R.A.; Earnhardt, T.S.; Moore, J.A.

1995. Regional forest fragmentation effects on bottomland hardwood community types and resource values Rudis, Victor A.

1998. Regional forest resource assessment in an ecological framework: the Southern United States Rudis, Victor A.

1998. Regional gradient analysis and spatial pattern of woody plant communities in Oregon forests Ohmann, J.L.; Spies, T.A.

1997. Regional hydrologic response of loblolly pine to air temperature and precipitation changes McNulty, Steven G.; Vose, James M.; Swank, Wayne T.

1992. Regional impacts of technical change: the case of structural particleboard in the United States. Xu, Zhi; Bengston, David N.; Gregersen, Hans M.; Lundgren, Allen L.

1995. Regional landscape ecosystems of Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin: a working map and classification. Albert, Dennis A.

2002. Regional patterns of dead wood in forested habitats of Oregon and Washington Ohmann, Janet L.; Waddell, Karen L.

2003. Regional pollution potential in the Northwestern United States. Ferguson, Sue A.; Rorig, Miriam L.

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1997. Regulating Stand Density by Precommercial Thinning in Naturally Regenerated Loblolly Pine Stands: Evaluation of Management and Economic Opportunities Moorhead, David J.; Dangerfield, Coleman W., Jr.; Edwards, M. Boyd

2002. Regulatory Implications of Using Constructed Wetlands to Treat Selenium-Laden Wastewater Lemly, A. Dennis; Ohlendorf, Harry M.

2004. Rehabilitation of Northern Hardwood Stands in Southern Maine Following Exploitative Harvests Maguire, Michael; Kenefic, Laura

1998. Rehabilitation of Understocked Loblolly-Shortleaf Pine Stands - I. Recently Cutover Natural Stands Baker, James B.; Shelton, Michael G.

1998. Rehabilitation of Understocked Loblolly-Shortleaf Pine Stands - II. Development of Intermediate and Suppressed Trees Following Release in Natural Stands Baker, James B.; Shelton, Michael G.

1998. Rehabilitation of Understocked Loblolly-Shortleaf Pine Stands - III. Natural Stands Cutover 15 Years Previously but Unmanaged Baker, James B.; Shelton, Michael G.

1998. Rehabilitation of Understocked Loblolly-Shortleaf Pine Stands - IV. Natural and Planted Seedling/Sapling Stands Baker, James B.; Shelton, Michael G.

1993. Reinforcement of Wood Pallets with Metal Connector Plates Clarke, John W.; McLain, Thomas E.; White, Marshall S.; Araman, Philip A.

1999. Reintroduction and postrelease movements of red-cockaded woodpecker groups in eastern Texas Carrie, N. Ross; Conner, Richard N.; Rudolph, D. Craig; Carrie, Dawn K.

1997. Reintroduction of Fire into Fire-Dependent Ecosystems: Some Southern Examples Wade, Dale; Custer, George; Thorsen, Jim; Kaskey, Paul; Kush, John; Twomey, Bill; Voltolina, Doug

1998. Relating Pine Seed Coat Characteristics to Speed of Germination, Geographic Variation, and Seedling Development Barnett, James P.

1986. Relating Research Results to Sludge Guidelines for Michigan's Forests Urie, D.H.; Brockway, D.G.

1970. Relation between the National Fire Danger spread component and fire activity in the Lake States. Haines, Donald A.; Main, William A.; Johnson, Von J.

1970. Relation of Crown Width to Tree Diameter In Some Upland Hardwood Stands of Southern Illinois Minckler, Leon S.; Gingrich, Samuel F.

1970. Relation of Light to Epicormic Sprouting in Sugar Maple Books, David J.; Tubbs, Carl H.

2004. Relation of Stem Diameter, Branch Basal Area, and Leaf Biomass in Rapidly Growing Loblolly Pine Williams, Thomas M.; Gresham, Charles A.

1969. Relation of snowpack Accumulation to Red Pine Stocking Hansen, Edward A.

1998. Relations Between Denisty of Rhododendron Thickets and Diversity of Riparian Forests Baker, T.T.; van Lear, David H.

1997. Relations among fishers, snow, and martens in California: results from small-scale spatial comparisons Krohn, W.B.; Zielinski, William J.; Boone, R.B.

2004. Relationship Between Canopy Dynamics and Stem Volume Production of Four Species Receiving Irrigation and Fertilization Allen, Chrisopher B; Will, Rodney E.; Sarigumba, Terry; Jacobson, Marshall A.; Daniels, Richard F.; Kennerly, Stephen A.

2004. Relationship Between Logging Residue Accumulations and Site Characteristics in Southern West Virginia Grushecky, Shawn T.; McGill, David W.; Perkins, Stephen M.; Anderson, R. Bruce

2004. Relationship Between Palmer's Drought Severity Index and the Moisture Index of Woody Debris in the Southern Coastal Plain Haywood, James D.; Stagg, Richard H.; Tiarks, Allan E.

1998. Relationship Between Site Disturbance and Forest Harvesting Equipment Traffic McDonald, Tim; Carter, Emily; Taylor, Steve; Tobert, John

1999. Relationship between Fiber Furnish and the Structural Performance of MDF Groom, Leslie H.; Mott, Laurence; Shaler, Stephen

2000. Relationship between carbohydrate concentration and root growth potential in coniferous seedlings from three climates during cold hardening and dehardening Tinus, R.W.; Burr, K.E.; Atzmon, N.; Riov, J.

1999. Relationship between diameter and gross product value for small trees. In: Wood technology clinic and show Barbour, R.J.

1999. Relationship between diameter and gross product value for small trees. In: Wood technology clinic and show Barbour, R.J.

2000. Relationship between fine root dynamics and nitrogen availability in Michigan northern hardwood forest Burton, A. J.; Pregitzer, K. S.; Hendrick, R. L.

2001. Relationship between longitudinal stress wave transit time and moisture content of lumber during kiln-drying Simpson, William T.; Wang, Xiping.

1999. Relationship between self-fertility, allocation of growth, and inbreeding depression in three coniferous species Sorensen, Frank C.

2004. Relationship of Aboveground Biomass Production Site Index and Soil Characteristics in a Loblolly Pine Stand Zhou, Minyi; Dean, Thomas J.

2002. Relationship of Seed Microsite to Germination and Survival of Lodgepole Pine on High-Elevation Clearcuts in Northeastern Utah Page-Dumroese, Deborah S.; Dumroese, R. Kasten; Carpenter, Connie M.; Wenny, David L.

1995. Relationship of marbled murrelets with habitat characteristics at inland sites in California. [Yurok] Miller, S.L.; Ralph, C.J.

1996. Relationship of marbled murrelets with habitat characteristics in redwood forest in northwestern California. [Yurok] Miller, S.L.; Ralph, C.J.

2001. Relationship of songbird nest concealment to nest fate and flushing behavior of adults Burhans, Dennis A.; Thompson, Frank R. III

1998. Relationship of wood surface energy to surface composition Liu, Feipeng P.; Rials, Timothy G.; Simonsen, John

1999. Relationships Among Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Group Density, Nestling Provisioning Rates, and Habitat Conner, Richard N.; Rudolph, D. Craig; Schaefer, Richard R.; Saenz, Daniel; Shackelford, Clifford E.

1997. Relationships Between Bird Communities and Forest Age, Structure, Species Composition and Fragmentation in the West Gulf Coastal Plain Conner, Richard N.; Dickson, James G.

2004. Relationships Between Herpetofaunal Community Structure and Varying Levels of Overstory Tree Retention in Northern Alabama: First-year Results Felix, Zachary I.; Wang, Yong; Schweitzer, Callie Jo

2002. Relationships among woody and herbaceous competition and loblolly pine through mid-rotation (COMP) Miller, Jams H.; Zutter, B.R.; Zedaker, S.M; Edwards, M.B.; Newbold, R.A.

1963. Relationships between visitor characteristics and activities on two national forest recreation areas Wagar, Alan J.

1998. Relationships of leaf dark respiration to leaf nitrogen, specific leaf area and leaf life-span: a test across biomes and functional groups Reich, Peter B.; Walters, Michael B.; Ellsworth, David S.; [and others]; [Editor’s note: James M.. Vose is the SRS co-author for this publication.]

1995. Relative Fusiform Rust Resistance of Loblolly and Slash Pine Sources and Families in Georgia and South Carolina Kuhlman, E. George; Powers, Harry R.; Pepper, William D.

2004. Relative Impacts of Ice Storms on Loblolly Pine Plantations in Central Arkansas Bragg, Don C.; Shelton, Michael G.; Heitzman, Eric

1992. Relative Kerf and Sawing Variation Values for Some Hardwood Sawing Machines Steele, Philip H.; Wade, Michael W.; Bullard, Steven H.; Araman, Philip A.

1991. Relative Performance of Hardwood Sawing Machines Steele, Philip H.; Wade, Michael W.; Bullard, Steven H.; Araman, Philip A.

2003. Relative Suitability of Virginia Pine and Loblolly Pine as Host Species for Dendroctonus frontalis (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) Veysey, Jessica S.; Ayres, Matthew P.; Lombardero, Maria J.; Hofstetter, Richard W.; Klepzig, Kier D.

1992. Relative Tolerance of Hardwood and Associated Conifer Seedlings Godman, Richard M.

1976. Release Accelerates Growth of Yellow-Poplar -- an 18-Year Look Williams, Robert D.

1964. Release of Predators of the Balsam Woolly Aphid in North Carolina Amman, Gene D.; Speers, Charles F.

2002. Release rates of methylcyclohexenone and verbenone from bubble cap and bead releasers under field conditions suitable for the management of bark beetles in California, Oregon, and Alaska Holsten, Edward H.; Webb, Warren; Shea, Patrick J.; Werner, Richard A.

1988. Releasing Walnut in Natural Stands Ponder, Felix Jr.; Schlesinger, Richard C.

1992. Releasing Yellow Birch Saplings and Poles Erdmann, Gayne G.; Peterson, Ralph M. Jr.

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2000. Reliability-based criteria for load and resistance factor design code for wood bridges Eamon, Chris.; Nowak, Andrzej S.; Ritter, Michael A.; Murphy, Joe.

1990. Relictual amphibians and old-growth forest Welsh, H.H., Jr.

2001. Remarks on Height-Diameter Modeling Yuancai, Lei; Parresol, Bernard R.

2002. Remnant Bottomland Forests near the Terminus of the Mississippi River in Southeastern Louisiana White, David A.; Skojac, Stephanie A.

2001. Remote Sensing Precision Requirements For FIA Estimation Hansen, Mark H.

1994. Remote Sensing for Tropical Forest Assessment USDA Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station

1997. Removal intensity and tree size effects on harvesting cost and profitability Kluender, R.; Lortz, D.; McCoy, W.; Stokes, B.; Klepac, J.

1984. Removing Single Limbs Using a Rotary Auger Cutter Christopherson, Nels S.

1993. Repair & Reinforcing Pallet Stringers With Metal Plates Clarke, John W.; McLain, Thomas E.; White, Marshall S.; Araman, Philip A.

1993. Repair Plate Research Results Released McLain, Tom

1999. Repair of white oak glued-laminated beams Soltis, Lawrence A.; Ross, Robert J.

1995. Repaired Pallets May Be Stronger Than the Original Clarke, John W.; White, Marshall S.; McLain, T.E.; Araman, Philip A.

1974. Repeated Prescribed Burning in Aspen Perala, Donald A.

1994. Repellent properties of the host compound 4-allylanisole to the southern pine beetle Hayes, Jane Leslie; Strom, Brian L.; Roton, Larry M.; Ingram, Leonard L., Jr.

1971. Replication of Pine Needle Fuel Beds Deeming, John E.; Elliott, Ernest R.

1994. Report on the scientific roundtable on biological diversity convened by the Chequamegon and Nicolet National Forests. Crow, Thomas R.; Haney, Alan; Waller, Donald M.

1995. Report on the socioeconomic roundtable convened by the Chequamegon and Nicolet National Forests. Jakes, Pamela; Harms, Jan

2004. Reproducibility and Reliability: How To Define the Population of Trees That Represent Site Quality For Longleaf Pine Plantations Goelz, J.C.G.; Leduc, Daniel J.

2002. Reproduction in Group Selection Openings 8 Years After Harvest in a Bottomland Mixed Hardwood Forest Golden, Michael S.

1986. Reproductive behavior of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes): a longitudinal study of an island population Zabel, Cynthia Jane

2004. Reptile Communities Under Diverse Forest Management in the Ouachita Mountains, Arkansas Shipman, Paul A.; Fox, Stanley F.; Thill, Ronald E.; Phelps, Joseph P.; Leslie, David M., Jr.

1994. Research Challenges And Opportunities To Enhance Ecological Functions In Forested Wetlands Stanturf, John A.; Meadows, J. Steven

1990. Research Directions in the Study of Timber Markets and Forest Policies Newman, David H.; Wear, David N.

1983. Research History and Opportunities in the Luquillo Experimental Forest Brown, Sandra; Lugo, Ariel E.; Silander, Susan; Liegel, Leon

1995. Research Out On What Buyers of Used Pallets Think Bush, Robert J.; Roudik, Ronen; Araman, Philip A.

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1994. Research and Applications of Chemical Sciences in Forestry: Proceedings of the 4th Southern Station Chemical Sciences Meeting USDA Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, New Orleans, Louisiana

1993. Research and cumulative watershed effects Reid, Leslie M.

1994. Research and management in a young northern red oak seedling seed orchard Schlarbaum, S.E.; McConnell, J.L.; Barber, L.R.; Cox, R.A.; Grant, J.F.; Kormanik, Paul P.; La Farge, T.; Lambdin, P.L.; Oak, S.W.; Proffitt, C.K.; Rhea, J.R.; Tibbs, T.

2000. Research and management issues in large-scale fire modeling Peterson, David L.; Schmoldt, Daniel L.

1971. Research at the Institute of Forest Genetics, Rhinelander, Wisconsin. Jeffers, Richard M.

2000. Research challenges for structural use of small-diameter round timbers Wolfe, Ron

2001. Research determines intelligent consumption of forest products is growing and saving trees - an example with wooden pallets Araman, Philip A.; Bush, Robert J.; Hansen, Bruce

2002. Research in adaptive management: working relations and the research process. Graham, Amanda C.; Kruger, Linda E.

1984. Research in forest productivity, use, and pest control; Proceedings of a symposium; 1983 September 16-17; Burlington, VT. Harris, Margaret M.; Spearing, Ann M.

2000. Research in the Caspar Creek Experimental Watersheds, Northern California Lewis, Jack C.; Eads, Rand E.; Ziemer, Robert R.

1997. Research information needs on terrestrial vertebrate species of the interior Columbia basin and northern portions of the Klamath and Great Basins: a research, development, and application database Marcot, Bruce G.

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1995. Research on Producing Green Dimension Directly From Hardwood Logs Araman, Philip A.

1998. Research on the biology of fusiform rust in the southeastern United States Spaine, Pauline.

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2001. Residence times of alluvium in an east Texas stream as indicated by sediment color Phillips, Jonathan D.; Marion, Daniel A.

1967. Residential fencing in a metropolitan area and three small towns. Kallio, Edwin; Sesco, Jerry A.

1997. Residential fuelwood consumption and production in Indiana, 1996. May, Dennis M.; Settle, Jeff; Benjamin, Tamara

1996. Residential fuelwood consumption and production in Kansas, 1994. May, Dennis M.

1993. Residential fuelwood consumption and production in Michigan, 1992. May, Dennis M.; Weatherspoon, Anthony K.; Hackett, Ronald L.

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1996. Residential fuelwood consumption and production in South Dakota, 1994. May, Dennis M.

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1993. Residual Effects of Forestry Herbicides on Floristic Diversity, Stand Structute, and Composition Eleven years after Site Preparation Treatments Miller, James H.; Boyd, Robert S.; Edwards, M. Boyd

1999. Residual Stand Quality Following Implementation of Uneven-Aged Silviculture in Even-Aged Oak-Hickory Forests in the Boston Mountains of Arkansas Spetich, Martin A.; Graney, David L.; Murphy, Paul A.

1992. Residual Stocking Levels Godman, Richard M.

1989. Residual pine stocking after harvest on private timberland:A summary for six southern States McWilliams, William H.

1987. Residues of Lindane and Chlorpyrifos in firewood and woodsmoke Bush, P.B.; Taylor, J.W.; McMahon, Charles K.; Neary, D.G.

2002. Residues of Malathion and Metabolites in and on the Cotton Leaf vs. Toxicity to the Boll Weevil Wolfenbarger, D.A.

1998. Resiliency of small rural communities in the Interior Columbia Basin Duncan, Sally

1991. Resistance of Endophyte-Infected Plants of Tall Fescue and Perennial Ryegrass to the Russian Wheat Aphid (Homoptera: Aphididae) Clement, S.L.; Pike, K.S.; Kaiser, W.J.; Wilson, A. Dan

1987. Resistance of Loblolly Pine Sources to Fusiform Rust in Field Progeny Tests Powers, H.R., Jr.; Kuhlman, E.G.

1997. Resistance of Six Wood Products Used in Paneling to Reticulitermes flavipes (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) Kard, Bradford M.; Mallette, E.J.

2000. Resorcinol-formaldehyde reactions in dilute solution observed by carbon-13 NMR spectroscopy Christiansen, Alfred W.

1996. Resource Costs Give Optimization the Edge Eddins, C.M.

1999. Respiration Rates of Resproductively Active and Diapausing Boll Weevils Wagner, T.L.; Villavaso, E.J.

2004. Respiratory carbon use and carbon storage in mid-rotation loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantations: the effect of site resources on the stand carbon balance Maier, Chris A.; Albaugh, Timothy J.; Allen, H. Lee; Dougherty, Phillip M.

2002. Response of 1- to 4-Year-Old Upland Hardwood Stands to Stocking and Site Manipulations Schuler, Jamie L.; Robison, Daniel J.

2000. Response of Advance Cherrybark Oak Reproduction to Midstory Removal and Shoot Clipping Lockhart, Brian R.; Hodges, John D.; Gardiner, Emile S.

1995. Response of Competing Vegetation to Site Preparation on West Gulf Coastal Plain Commercial Forest Land Wolters, Gale L.; Pearson, Henry A.; Thill, Ronald E.; Baldwin, V. Clark; Martin, Alton , Jr.

2004. Response of Eastern Black Walnut to Herbicide Stump Treatment Walter, W.D. “Dusty”; Garrett, H.E. “Gene”; Godsey, Larry D.

1998. Response of Foliage of Young Loblolly Pine to Woody and Herbaceous Plant Control Zutter, Bruce R.; Miller, James H.; Allen, H. Lee; Zedake, Shepard M.; Edwards, M. Boyd; Newbold, Ray A.

1997. Response of Forest Floor Microarthropods to a Forest Regeneration Burn at Wine Spring Watershed (Southern Appalachians) Crossley, D.A, Jr.; Hansen, Randi A.; Lamoncha, Karen L.

2004. Response of Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) and Forest Understory to Herbicide and Prescribed Burning Martin Charles A.; Parker, George R.

1970. Response of Legumes to Prescribed Burns in Loblolly Pine Stands of the South Carolina Piedmont Cushwa, Charles T.; Hopkins, Melvin; McGinnes, Burd S.

1995. Response of Loblolly Pine Plantations to Woody and Herbaceous Control--Eigth-Year Results of the Region-wide Study-The COMProject Zutter, B.R.; Miller, James H.; Eedaker, S.M.; Edwards, M.B.; Newbold, R.A.

1981. Response of Newly Established Slash Pine to Cultivation and Fertilization Tiarks, A.E.; Haywood, J.D.

1994. Response of North American ecosystem models to multi-annual periodicities in temperature and precipitation Yeakley, J. Alan; Moen, Ron A.; Breshears, David D.; Nungesser, Martha K.

1981. Response of Overtopped White Oak to Release McGee, Charles E.

1997. Response of Planted Eastern White Pine (Pinus strobus L.) to Mechanical Release, Competition, and Drought in the Southern Appalachians Clinton, Barton D.; Elliott, Katherine J.; Swank, Wayne T.

2002. Response of Planted Royal Paulownia to Weed Control Treatments After Coppice Mitchem, David O.; Johnson, James E.; Kreh, Richard E.

1989. Response of Sapling Stands to Cultural Treatment Smith, H. Clay

1985. Response of Saw Palmetto to Three Herbicides Michael, J.L.; Neary, D.G.

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2002. Response of Second-Rotation Southern Pines to Fertilizer and Planting on Old Beds--Fifteenth-Year Results Haywood, James D.; Tiarks, Allan E.

1998. Response of Soil Bulk Density and Mineral Nitrogen to Harvesting and Cultural Treatments Zhou, Minyi; Carter, Mason C.; Dean, Thomas J.

1989. Response of Spruce Budworm (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) Infected with Nosema fumiferanae (Microsporida) to Bacillus thuringiensis Treatments Bauer, Leah S.; Nordin, Gerald L.

1989. Response of Spruce Budworm (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) Infected with Nosema fumiferanae (Microsporida) to Bacillus thuringiensis Treatments Bauer, Leah S.; Nordin, Gerald L.

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1999. Response of Vascular Plant Communities to Harvest in Southern Appalachian Mixed-Oak Forests: Two-Year Results Wender, Bryan W.; Hood, Sharon M.; Smith, David W.; Zedaker, Shepard M.; Loftis, David L.

1996. Response of Young Ponderosa Pines, Shrubs, and Grasses to Two Release Treatments McDonald, Philip M.; Everest, Glen A.

2002. Response of a Brook Trout Population and Instream Habitat to a Catastrophic Flood and Debris Flow Roghair, Criag N.; Dolloff, C. Andrew; Underwood, Martin K.

1993. Response of a channel with alternate bars to a decrease in supple of mixed-size bedload: A flume experiment Lisle, Thomas E.; Iseya, Fujiko; Ikeda, Hiroshi

2001. Response of a southern pine community to readjustment of stand structure Outcalt, K.W.; Brockway, D.G.

1998. Response of bed mobility to sediment supply in natural gravel bed channels: A detailed examination and evaluation of mobility parameters Lisle, T.E.; Nelson, J.M.; Barkett, B.L.; Pitlick, J.; Madej, M.A.

1998. Response of direct seeded Pinus palustris and herbaceous vegetation to fertilization, burning, and pine straw harvesting Haywood, James D.; Tiarks, Allan E.; Elliott-Smith, Michael L.; Pearson, Henry A.

1995. Response of loblolly pine to complete woody and herbaceous control: projected yields and economic outcomes - the COMProject Miller, James H.; Busby, R.L.; Zutter, B.R.; Zedaker, S.M.; Edwards, M.B.; Newbold, R.A.

2002. Response of northern flying squirrels to supplementary dens Carey, A.B.

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2001. Response of reptile and amphibian communities to canopy gaps created by wind disturbance in the Southern Appalachians Greenberg, Cathryn H.

1992. Response of the Imported Willow Leaf Beetle to Bacillus thuringiensis var. san diego on Poplar Willow1 Bauer, Leah S.

1991. Response of three Populus species to drought. Strong, Terry; Hansen, Edward A.

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2002. Response of white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus) to coarse woody debris and microsite use in southern Appalachian treefall gaps Greenberg, Cathryn H.

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2002. Responses Of Tree Crown Conditions To Natural And Induced Variations In Throughfall Leininger, Theodor D.

2003. Responses of Ips pini (Say), Pityogenes knechteli Swaine and Associated Beetles (Coleoptera) to Host Monoterpenes in Stands of Lodgepole Pine Miller, Daniel R.; Borden, John H.

1998. Responses of Forest Ecosystems to Changing Sulfur Inputs Johnson, Dale W.; Mitchell, Myron J.

2002. Responses of Mexican spotted owls to low-flying military jet aircraft Johnson, Charles L.; Reynolds, Richard T.

1995. Responses of Understory Vegetation on Highly Erosive Louisiana Soils to Prescribed Burning in May Haywood, James D.; Martin, Alton, Jr.; Novosad, John C.

1998. Responses of Wound-Inoculated Seedlings of Pinus elliottii var. elliottii and Pinus taeda to Mycelial Cultures Derived from Multople and Singel Basidiospores of Cronartium quercuum f. sp. fusiforme Miller, T.; Gramacho, K.P.; Schmidt, R.A.; Amerson, H.V.; Kuhlman, E.G.

1995. Responses of Young Slash Pine on Poorly Drained to Somewhat Poorly Drained Silt Loam Soils to Site Preparation and Fertilization Treatments Haywood, James D.

1995. Responses of groundcover under longleaf pine to biennial seasonal burning and hardwood control Boyer, William D.

1999. Responses of small mammals to coarse woody debris in a southeastern pine forest Loeb, Susan C.

1999. Responses of turtle assemblage to environmental gradients in the St. Croix River in Minnesota and Wisconsin, U.S.A. DonnerWright, Deahn; Bozek, Michael A.; Probst, John R.; Anderson, Eric M.

2000. Responsiveness of Rural and Urban Land Uses to Land Rent Determinants in the U.S. South Hardie, Ian; Parks, Peter; Gottleib, Peter; Wear, David N.

2002. Restoration Concepts for Temperate and Boreal Forests of North America and Western Europe Stanturf, John A.; Madsen, P.

2004. Restoration and Management of Eastern White Pine Within High Blister Rust Hazard Zones in the Lake States S. A. Katovich, J. G. O'Brien, M. E. Mielke, and M. E. Ostry

2001. Restoration of Aspen-Dominated Ecosystem in the Lake States Stone, Douglas M.; Elioff, John D.; Potter, Donald V.; Peterson, Donald B.; Wagner, Robert

2000. Restoration of a severely impacted riparian wetland system - The Pen Branch Project Barton, Christopher; Nelson, Eric A.; Kolka, Randall K.; McLeod, Kenneth W.; Conner, William H.; Lakly, Michelle; Martin, Douglas; Wigginton, John; Trettin, Carl C.; Wisniewski, Joe

2000. Restoration of aspen-dominated ecosystems in the Lake States Stone, Douglas M.; Elioff, John D.; Potter, Donald V.; Peterson, Donald B.; Wagner, Robert

2003. Restoration of hard mast species for wildlife in Missouri using precocious flowering oak in the Missouri River floodplain, USA Grossman, B. C.; Gold, M. A.; Dey, Daniel C.

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2000. Restoration of severely weathered wood Williams, R. Sam.; Knaebe, Mark.

1998. Restoration of the Native Plant Communities in Longleaf Pine Landscapes on the Kisatchie National Forest, Louisiana Haywood, James D.; Martin, Alton, Jr.; Harris, Finis L.; Elliott-Smith, Michael L.

1999. Restoring Aristida stricta to Pinus palustris ecosystems on the Atlantic Coastal Plain, U.S.A. Outcalt, Kenneth W.; Williams, Marcus E.; Onokpise, Oghenekome

2003. Restoring Forested Wetland Ecosystems Stanturf, John A.; Gardiner, Emile S.; Warren, Melvin L., Jr.

2000. Restoring Longleaf Pine Wiregrass Ecosystems: Hexazinone Application Enhances Effects of Prescribed Fire Brockway, Dale G.; Outcalt, Kenneth W.

2000. Restoring Nature: Human Actions, Interactions and reactions Gobster, Paul H.

2003. Restoring Southern Pine Forests Ecosystems: Plant Community Response to Mechanical Midstory History Reduction and Prescribed Fire on Sandhills at Fort Benning Georgia Brockway, Dale; Outcalt, Kenneth W.; Estes, Becky L.

2004. Restoring Upland Forests to Longleaf Pine: Initial Effects on Fuel Load, Fire Danger, Forest Vegetation, and Beetle Populations Haywood, James D.; Bauman, Tessa A.; Goyer, Richard A.; Harris, Finis L.

2004. Restoring Western Ranges and Wildlands, vol. 1 Monsen, Stephen B.; Stevens, Richard; Shaw, Nancy L.

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2002. Restoring complexity: second-growth forests and habitat diversity Rapp, Valerie

2002. Restoring fire as an ecological process in shortgrass prairie ecosystems: initial effects of prescribed burning during the dormant and growing seasons Brockway, Dale G.; Gatewood, Richard G.; Paris, Randi B.

2000. Restoring forest ecosystems: the human dimension Hull, Bruce R.; Gobster, Paul H.

2002. Restoring grassland savannas from degraded pinyon-juniper woodlands: effects of mechanical overstory reduction and slash treatment alternatives Brockway, Dale G.; Gatewood, Richard G.; Paris, Randi B.

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1998. Restoring longleaf pine wiregrass ecosystems: plant cover, diversity and biomass following low-rate hexazinone application on Florida sandhills Brockway, Dale G.; Outcalt, Kenneth W.; Wilkins, R. Neal.

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2001. Restoring pine barrens for avian conservation Corace, Greg

2001. Restoring table mountain pine (Pinus pungens Lamb.) communities with prescribed fire: an overview of current research Welch, Nicole Turrill; Waldrop, Thomas A.

2004. Restoring the Longleaf Pine Ecosystem: The Role of Container Seedling Technology James P. Barnett

1998. Retention of external and internal markers by southern pine beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) during gallery Rhodes, Douglas J.; Hayes, Jane Leslie; Steiner, Chris

1999. . Reverse technology transfer; obtaining feedback from managers Carey, A.B.; Calhoun, J.M.; Dick, B.; O'Halloran, K.; Young, L.S.; Bigley, R.E.; Chan, S.; Harrington, C.A.; Hayes, J.P.; Marzluff, J.

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1999. Screening Pinus sylvestris grown for the production of Christmas trees for resistance to western gall rust Peridermium harknessii using different sources of aeciospores Burnes, Todd A.; Juzwik, Jennifer; Blanchette, Robert A.

1991. Screening procedure to evaluate effects of air pollution on Eastern Region wildernesses cited as Class I air quality areas. Adams, Mary Beth; Nichols, Dale S.; Federer, Anthony C.; Jensen, Keith F.; Parrott, Harry

1971. Season for Direct Seeding Slash Pine in the Middle and Upper Coastal Plains of Georgia Jones, Earle P., Jr.

1993. Season of burn and hardwood development in young longleaf pine stands Boyer, William D.

2003. Seasonal Abundance of Groud-Occurring Macroarthropods in Forest and Canopy Gaps in the Southern Appalachians Greenberg, Cathryn H.; Forrest, T.G.

2004. Seasonal Avifauna Reponses to Fuel Reduction Treatments in the Upper Piedmont of South Carolina: Results From Phase 1 of the National Fire and Fire Surrogate Study Zebehazy, Laura A.; Lanham, J. Drew; Waldrop, Thomas A.

1998. Seasonal Biennial Burning and Woody Plant Control Influence Native Vegetation in Loblolly Pine Stands Haywood, James D.; Martin, Alton, Jr.; Pearson, Henry A.; Grelen, Harold E.

2001. Seasonal Changes in Adult Longevity and Pupal Weight of the Nantucket Pine Tip Moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) with Implications for Interpreting Pheromone Trap Catch Asaro, Christopher; Berisford, C. Wayne

1969. Seasonal Changes in Carbohydrates and Ascorbic Acid and White Pine and Possible Relation to Tipburn Sensitivity Barnes, Robert L; Berry, Charles R.

2002. Seasonal Dynamics in Leaf Area Index in Intensively Managed Loblolly Pine Harrington, Timothy B.; Gatch, Jason A.; Borders, Bruce E.

2000. Seasonal Fine Root Carbohydrate Relations of Plantation Loblolly Pine After Thinning Sword, Mary A.; Kuehler, Eric A.; Tang, Zhenmin

1999. Seasonal Fine-Root Carbohydrate and Growth Relations of Plantation Loblolly Pine After Thinning and Fertilization Kuehler, Eric A.; Sword, Mary Anne; Andries, C. Dan

1966. Seasonal Fluctuation in Moisture Content of Pine Foliage Johnson, Von J.

2001. Seasonal Habitat Distribution Of Swamp Rabbits, White-Tailed Deer, and Small Mammals in Old Growth and Managed Bottomland Hardwood Forests Smith, Winston P.; Zollner, Patrick A.

1998. Seasonal Lateral Root Growth of Juvenile Loblolly Pine After Thinning and Fertilization on Gulf Coastal Plain Site Sword, Mary Anne; Haywood, James D.; Andries, C. Dan

1993. Seasonal Mast Availability for Wildlife in the Piedmont Region of Georgia Edwards, John W.; Guynn, David C., Jr.; Loeb, Susan C.

2004. Seasonal Photosynthesis in Fertilized and Nonfertilized Loblolly Pine Gough, Christopher M.; Seiler, John R.; Johnsen, Kurt H.; Sampson, David Arthur

2001. Seasonal Pond Characteristics Across A Chronosequence Of djacent Forest Ages In Northern Minnesota, USA Palik, Brian J.; Batzer, Darold P.; Buech, Richard; Nichols, Dale; Cease, Kory; Egeland, Leanne M.; Streblow, Dwight E.

1999. Seasonal Shoot and Needle Growth of Loblolly Pine Responds to Thinning, Fertilization, and Crown Position Tang, Zhenmin; Chambers, Jim L.; Guddanti, Suresh; Yu, Shufang; Barnett, James P.

2000. Seasonal Shoot-Feeding By Tomicus Piniperda (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) In Michigan Haack, Robert A.; Lawrence, Robert K.; Heaton, George C.

2004. Seasonal Sucrose Metabolism in Longleaf Pine Tree Stem Cambial Tissues Sung, Shi-Jean S.; Otrosina, William J.; Zarnoch, Stanley J.

1982. Seasonal Variations in Ash Content of Some Michigan Forest Floor Fuels Loomis, Robert M.

2002. Seasonal and sexual differences in American marten diet in northeastern Oregon Bull, E.L.

1998. Seasonal development of loblolly pine lateral roots in response to stand density and fertilization Sword, M.A.

1999. Seasonal dynamics and effects of nitrogen supply rate on nitrogen and carbohydrate reserves in cutting-derived Salix viminalis plants Bollmark, Lars; Sennerby-Forsse, Lisa; Ericsson, Tom

1995. Seasonal ectomycorrhizal fungal biomass development on loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) seedlings Sung, Shi-Jean S.; White, L.M.; Marx, D.H.; Otrosina, W.J.

1997. Seasonal homes and natural resources: patterns of use and impact in Michigan. Stynes, Daniel J.; Zheng, JiaJia; Stewart, Susan I.

1999. Seasonal movements of marbled murrelets: evidence from banded birds Beauchamp, W.D.; Cooke, F.; Lougheed, C.; Lougheed, L.W.; Ralph, C.J.; Courtney, S.

2003. Seasonal patterns of reserve and soluble carbohydrates in mature sugar maple (Acer saccharum) Wong, B.L.; Baggett, K.L.; Rye, A.H.

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2002. Seasonal respiration of foliage, fine roots, and woody tissues in relation to growth, tissue N, and photosynthesis Vose, James M.; Ryan, Michael G.

1995. Seasonal sucrose metabolism in individual first-order lateral roots of nine-year-old loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) trees Sung, Shi-Jean S.; Kormanik, Paul P.; Black, C.C.

2002. Seasonal use of small tributary and main-stem habitats by juvenile steelhead, coho salmon, and Dolly Varden in a southeastern Alaska drainage basin. Bramblett, R.G.; Bryant, M.D.; Wright, B.E.; White, R.G.

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1968. Sectional Aluminum Poles Improve Length Measurements in Standing Trees McClure, Joe P.

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1998. Sediment Export from Forest Road Turn-outs: A Study Design and Preliminary Results Grace, Johnny McFero, III

1996. Sediment Production From Small Undisturbed Forested Basins In The Upper Coastal Plain Marion, Daniel A.; Malstaff, Greg; Halverson, Howard G.

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2004. Sediment and Nutrient Filtering Efficiency of Newly Established Multi-species Riparian Buffers in Different Agricultural Cropping Systems Graham, Gary W.

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2002. Sediment movement from forest road systems-roads: a major contributor to erosion and stream sedimentation Grace, Johnny McFero, III

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1989. Sediment transport and resulting deposition in spawning gravels, north coastal California Lisle, Thomas E.

1996. Sediment transport and storage in North Fork Caspar Creek, Mendocino County, California: water years 1980-1988 Napolitano, Michael Brent

2000. Sediment transport-storage functions for alluvial reservoirs Lisle, Thomas E.; Church, Michael

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1987. Seed Biology and Technology of Quercus Bonner, F.T.; Vozzo, John A.

1992. Seed Crop Frequency in Northeastern Wisconsin Godman, Richard M.; Mattson, Gilbert A.

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1985. Seed Quality in Five Jack Pine Stands in North Central Wisconsin Jeffers, Richard M.

1978. Seed Treatment with Systemic Fungicides for the Control of Fusiform Rust in Loblolly Pine Mexal, John G.; Snow, Glenn A.

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1967. Seedbed preparation methods for paper birch Bjorkbom, John C.

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1972. Seeding Black Spruce on Brushy Lowland Successful if Vegetation Density Kept Low Johnston, William F.

1989. Seeding and Planting Hardwoods Van Sambeek, J.W.; Williams, Robert D.

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1967. Seeding and planting hemlock for ruffed grouse cover Jordan, James S.; Sharp, Ward M.

1991. Seedling Responses of Five Species of Western Conifers to Simulated Ambient Sulfur Dioxide Exposures Leininger, Theodor D.; Miller, Paul R.; Schilling, Susan L.; Dunn, Paul H.

1988. Seedling Sources Rink, George

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1993. Seeds of Puerto Rican Trees and Shrubs: Second Installment Francis, John K.; Rodríguez, Alberto

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1994. Semiochemical -Based Communication in interspecific interactions between IPS PINI and Pityogenes Knecteli (Swaine) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in Lodgepole Pine Poland, Therese M.; Borden, John H.

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1998. Senator Craig's Public Lands Management Imporvement Act of 1997 de Steiguer, Joseph E.

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1989. Sequentially Observed Periodic Surveys of Management Compartments to Monitor Red-cockaded Woodpecker Populations Hooper, Robert G.; Muse, H. David

1999. Sericea Lespedeza Lespedeza cuneata Miller, James H.

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1976. Sewage Effluent Spray Increases Diameter Growth of Jack Pine Tolsted, David N.

2000. Sex Pheromone of Conophthorus ponderosae (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in a Coastal Stand of Western White Pine (Pinaceae) Miller, Daniel R.; Pierce, Harold D., Jr.; de Groot, Peter; Jeans-Williams, Nicole; Bennett, Robb; Borden, John H.

2003. Sex and the single Salix: considerations for riparian restoration Landis, Thomas D.; Dreesen, David R.; Dumroese, R. Kasten

2003. Sex and the single squirrel: a genetic view of forest management in the Pacific Northwest. Duncan, Sally

1996. Sexual Dimorphism in Head Size of the Mediterranean Gecko Hemidactylus turcicus (Sauria: Gekkonidae) Saenz, Daniel; Conner, Richard N.

1990. Sexual dimorphism in northern spotted owls from northwest California Blakesley, J.A.; Franklin, A.B.; Gutierrez, R.J.

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1996. Shifts in Aboveground and Forest Floor Carbon and Nitrogen Pools After Felling and Burning in the Southern Appalachians Clinton, Barton D.; Vose, James M.; Swank, Wayne T.

1970. Shoot Growth Patterns of Young Loblolly Pine Boyer, William D.

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1993. Short Lumber: Concept and Acceptance Wiedenbeck, Janice K.

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2000. Signal-transfer Modeling for Regional Assessment of Forest Responses to Environmental Changes in the Southeastern United States Luxmoore, Robert J.; Hargrove, William W.; Tharp, M. Lynn; Post, Wilfred M.; Berry, Michael W.; Minser, Karen S.; Cropper, Wendell P., Jr.; Johnson, Dale W.; Zeide, Boris; Amateis, Ralph L.; Burkhart, Harold E.; Baldwin, V. Clark, Jr.; Peterson, Kelly D.

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2001. Silvics of Missouri bottomland tree species Kabrick, John; Dey, Daniel

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1977. Site Index Predictions for Red Oaks and White Oak in the Boston Mountains of Arkansas Graney, D.L.

1975. Site Index Tables for Shortleaf Pine In the Ozark Highlands of Northern Arkansas and Southern Missouri Ferguson, Edwin R.; Graney, David L.

1979. Site Index for Loblolly Plantations on Cutover Sites in the West Gulf Coastal Plain Popham, T.W.; Feduccia, D.P.; Deli, T.R.; Mann, W.F., Jr.; Campbell, T.E.

1963. Site Index of New Jersey Sweetgum Stands Related to soil and Water-Table Characteristics Phillips, John P.; Markley, Marco L.

1998. Site Management and Productivity in Tropical Forest Plantations Tiarks, A.; Nambiar, E.K.S.; Cossalter, C.

1988. Site Preparation Ponder, Felix Jr.

1983. Site Preparation Costs in the Southern Coastal Plain - An Update Guldin, Richard W.

1984. Site Preparation For Intensively Cultured Hybrid Poplar Plantations Hansen, Edward; Netzer, Daniel; Rietveld, W.J.

1996. Site Preparation and Fertilization Effects on Growth of Slash Pine for Two Rotations Tiarks, A.E.; Haywood, J.D.

1972. Site Preparation for Jack Pine on Grayling Sands Cooley, John H.

1989. Site Preparation for Wildlife Dimmick, Ralph W.

1981. Site and stand factors affecting height growth curves of longleaf pine plantations Boyer, William D.

1985. Site conditions related to erosion on logging roads Rice, R.M.; McCashion, J.D.

1997. Site disturbances associated with alternative prescriptions in an upland hardwood forest of northern Alabama Carter, Emily; Rummer, Robert B.; Stokes, Bryce

1979. Site index comparisons among northern hardwoods in northern Wisconsin and Upper Michigan. Carmean, Willard H.

1971. Site index curves for black, white, scarlet, and chestnut oaks in the Central States. Carmean, Willard H.

1989. Site index curves for forest tree species in the eastern United States. Carmean, Willard H.; Hahn, Jerold T.; Jacobs, Rodney D.

1978. Site index curves for northern hardwoods in northern Wisconsin and Upper Michigan. Carmean, Willard H.

2003. Site index equations and mean annual increment equations for Pacific Northwest Research Station forest inventory and analysis inventories, 1985-2001 Hanson, Erica J.; Azuma, David L.; Hiserote, Bruce A.

1966. Site index of yellow-poplar related to soil and topography in southern New Jersey Phillips, John J.

1974. Site index prediction tables for black, scarlet and white oaks in southeastern Missouri. McQuilkin, Robert A.

1993. Site preparation burning to improve southern Appalachian pine-hardwood stands: aboveground biomass, forest floor mass, and nitrogen and carbon pools Vose, J.M.; Swank, W.T.

1993. Site preparation burning to improve southern Appalachian pine-hardwood stands: fire characteristics and soil erosion, moisture, and temperature Swift, Lloyd W., Jr.; Elliott, K.J.; Ottmar, R.D.; Vihnanek, R.E.

1993. Site preparation burning to improve southern Appalachian pine-hardwood stands: nitrogen responses in soil, soil water, and streams Knoepp, Jennifer D.; Swank, Wayne T.

1993. Site preparation burning to improve southern Appalachian pine-hardwood stands: photosynthesis, water relations, and growth of planted Pinus strobus during establishment Elliott, Katherine J.; Vose, James M.

1993. Site preparation burning to improve southern Appalachian pine-hardwood stands: vegetation composition and diversity of 13-year-old stands Clinton, Barton D.; Vose, J.M.; Swank, W.T.

1984. Site preparation savings through better utilization standards Watson, W.F.; Stokes, B.J.; Savelle, I.W.

1998. Site preparation treatments and browse protection affect establishment and growth of northern white-cedar. Davis, Alaina; Puettmann, Klaus; Perala, Don

1981. Site preparation treatments and nutrient loss following complete harvest csing the Nicholson-Koch mobile chipper Gordon, R.; Miller, James H.; Brewer, C.

1996. Site preparation treatments and their effects on establishment and growth of tamarack. Davis, Alaina; Puettmann, Klaus; Perala, Don

1971. Site-index comparisons for tree species in northern Minnesota. Carmean, Willard H.; Vasilevsky, Alexander

1997. Site-to-site genetic correlations and their implications on breeding zone size and optimum number of progeny test sites for Coastal Douglas-fir. Johnson, G.R.

2004. Six-year Growth Response of Green Ash to Release and Fertilization Treatments Rainbolt, J. Patrick; Knowe, Steven A.; Houston, Allan

1999. Six-year growth of Douglas-fir saplings after manual or herbicide release from coastal shrub competition Stein, William I.

1976. Sixteen years of selection silviculture in upland hardwood stands. Schlesinger, Richard C.

1996. Sixth workshop on seedling physiology and growth problems in oak plantings (abstracts); 1995 September 18-20; Tomahawk, WI. Teclaw, Ronald M.

2002. Sixth-Year Results Following Partial Cutting For Timber and Wildlife Habitat in a Mixed Oak-Sweetgum-Pine Stand on a Minor Creek Terrace in Southeast Louisiana Lockhart, Brian Roy; Linnartz, Norwin E.

1978. Size and Age of Tree Affect White Oak Stump Sprouting McGee, C.E.

1967. Size and Placement of Metal Culverts Critical on Peatland Woods Roads Stoeckeler, J.H.

1968. Size of Aspen Crop Trees Little Affected by Initial Sucker Density Sorensen, Ronald W.

2004. Size of Coarse Woody Debris 5 Years After Girdling and Removal Treatments in 50-Year-Old Loblolly Pine Plantations Edwards, M. Boyd

2000. Size of Food Resource Determines Brood Placement in Reticulitermes flavipes (Isoptera: Rhimtermitidae) Lenzl, Michael; Kara, Bradford; Mauldin, Joe K.; Evans, Theodore A.; Etheridge, Joel L.; Abbey, Hilda M.

1995. Size of clearcut opening affects species composition, growth rate, and stand characteristics. Dale, Martin E.; Smith, H. Clay; Pearcy, Jeffrey N.

1972. Size of oak advance reproduction: key to growth following harvest cutting. Sander, Ivan L.

1978. Sizes Of Timber Stands In The Piedmont Of South Carolina Knight, Herbert A.

1970. Skiing in the Great Lakes States: the industry and the skier. Leuschner, William A.

1999. Slash Incorporation for Amelioration of Site, Soil and Hydrologic Properties on Pocosins and Wet Flats in North Carolina Lakel, William A.; Aust, W. Michael; Carter, Emily A.; Stokes, Bryce J.; Buford, Marilyn A.; Sanchez, Felipe G.

1954. Slash Pine (Pinus Elliottii), Including South Florida Slash Pine: Nomenclature and Description Little, Elbert L., Jr.; Dorman, Keith W.

1982. Slope stability effects of fuel management strategies -- inferences from Monte Carlo simulations Rice, R.M.; Ziemer, Robert R.; Hankin, S.C.

1998. Slow down, don't burn too fast... Got to make that old-growth last! Kush, John S.; Varner, J. Morgan; Meldahl, Ralph S.

1991. Sludge fertilization of State Forest land in northern Michigan Brockway, D.G.

1977. Sludge-Treated Coal Mine Spoils Increase Heavy metals in Cover Crops McBride, F. C.; Chavengsaksongkram, C.; Urie, D. H.

1970. Small Hardwoods Reduce Growth of Pine Overstory Grano, Charles X.

2004. Small Mammal Communities Of Streamside Zones in the Ouachita Mountains Tappe, Philip A.; Thill, Ronald E.; Melchiors, M. Anthony; Wigley, T. Bently; Peitz, David G.

1994. Small Mammal Communities of Mature Pine Hardwood Stands in the Ouachita Mountains Tappe, Phillip A.; Thill, Ronald E.; Krystofik, Joseph J.; Heidt, Gary A.

1977. Small mammal populations after a wildfire in northeast Minnesota. Buech, Richard R.; Siderits, Karl; Radtke, Robert E.; Sheldon, Howard L.; Elsing, Donald

2000. Small mammal populations in a restored stream corridor Wike, Lynn D.; Martin, F. Douglas; Hanlin, Hugh G.; Paddock, Linda S.

1995. . Small mammals in managed, naturally young, and old-growth forests Carey, A.B.; Johnson, M.L.

2001. Small mammals in oak woodlands in the Puget Trough, Washington Wilson, S.M.; Carey, A.B.

2001. Small mammals in young forests: implications for management for sustainability. Carey, A.B.; Harrington, C.A.

2000. Small-diameter log evaluation for value-added structural applications Wolfe, Ronald.; Moseley, Cassandra.

1999. Small-diameter trees used for chemithermomechanical pulps Myers, Gary C.; Barbour, R. James.; Abubakr, Said M.

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1999. Smoke Management: Toward a Data Base to Validate PB-Piedmont - Numerical Simulation of Smoke on the Ground at Night Achtemeier, Gary L.

2000. Smoke exposure among firefighters at prescribed burns in the Pacific Northwest Reinhardt, Timothy E.; Ottmar, Roger D.; Hanneman, Andrew J.S.

2000. Smoke exposure at western wildfires Reinhardt, Timothy E.; Ottmar, Roger D.

2001. Smoke management guide for prescribed and wildland fire: 2001 edition Hardy, Colin C.; Ottmar, Roger D.; Peterson, Janice L; Core, John E.; Seamon, Paula; [Editors]

1994. Snag Condition and Woodpecker Foraging Ecology in a Bottomland Hardwood Forest Conner, Richard N.; Jones, Stanley D.; Jones, Gretchen D.

1994. Snag abundance for primary cavity-nesting birds on nonfederal forest lands in Oregon and Washington Ohmann, Janet L.; McComb, William C.; Zumrawi, Abdel Azim

1999. Snag dynamics in chronosequence of 26 wildfires on the east slope of the Cascade Range in Washington state, USA Everett, Richard L.; Lehmkuhl, John; Schellhaas, Richard; [and others]

1999. Snag dynamics in chronosequence of 26 wildfires on the east slope of the Cascade Range in Washington state, USA Everett, Richard L.; Lehmkuhl, John; Schellhaas, Richard; [and others]

2002. SnagIt, Version 6.1 For Windows Bragg, Don C.

1973. Snow and Frost Depths on North and South Slopes Sartz, Richard S.

1976. Snowmelt Runoff From Planted Conifers in Southwestern Wisconsin Sartz, Richard S.; Tolsted, David N.

1991. So what, exactly, is a CWE? Reid, Leslie M.

2002. Social Trust and the Management of Threatened and Endangered Species: A Study of Communities of Interest and Communities of Place Cvetkovich, George T.; Winter, Patricia L.

2004. Social acceptability of alternatives to clearcutting: discussion and literature review with emphasis on southeast Alaska. Clausen, Debra L.; Schroeder, Robert F., comps.

2002. Social acceptability of forest conditions and management practices: a problem analysis Shindler, Bruce A.; Brunson, Mark; Stankey, George H.

2002. Social and economic assessment of the Chugach National Forest area Crone, Lisa K.; Reed, Pat; Schaefers, Julie

2000. Social assessment for the Colville National Forest CROP program. Findley, Angela J.; Carroll, Matthew S.; Blatner, Keith A.

2000. Social assessment for the Wenatchee National Forest wildfires of 1994: targeted analysis for the Leavenworth, Entiat, and Chelan Ranger Districts. Carroll, Matthew S.; Findley, Angela J.; Blatner, Keith A.; Mendez, Sandra Rodriguez; Daniels, Steven E.; Walker, Gregg B.

1999. Social facilitation, affiliation, and dominance in the social life of spotted hyenas Glickman, S.E.; Zabel, C.J.; Yoerg, S.I.; Weldele, M.L.; Drea, C.M.; Frank, L.G.

2003. Social implications of alternatives to clearcutting on the Tongass National Forest: an exploratory study of residents’ responses to alternative silvicultural treatments at Hanus Bay, Alaska. Burchfield, James A.; Miller, Jeffrey M.; Allen, Stewart; Schroeder, Robert F.; Miller, Theron.

1982. Social research in the backcountry: A compendium of survey questions Echelberger, Herbert E.; Cannon, Lance K.; Raymond, Leonard E.; Adler, Steve

2002. Social trust and the management of threatened and endangered species: A study of communities of interest and communities of place. Cvetkovich, George T.; Winter, Patricia L

1985. Social, technological, and research responses to potential erosion and sediment disasters in the western United States, with examples from California Rice, R. M.

1984. Socio-Economic Characteristics of Prospective Nonindustrial Private Timber Sellers in East Texas Hickman, Clifford A.

2001. Socioeconomic evaluation of broad-scale land management strategies Crone, Lisa K.; Haynes, Richard W.

1998. Socioeconomic research in agroforestry: progress, prospects, priorities Mercer, D.E.; Miller, R.P.

1974. Soft Maple Volume Tables for Furniture-Type, Flat, 4/4-Inch Dimension from Small Low-Quality Trees Landt, Eugene F.

1994. Software for computing plant biomass--BIOPAK users guide Means, Joseph E.; Hansen, Heather A.; Koerper, Greg J.; Alaback, Paul B; Klopsch, Mark W.

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2002. Soggy soils and sustainability: forested wetlands in southeast Alaska Duncan, Sally

2004. Soil CO2 Efflux Trends Following the Thinning of a 22-Year-Old Loblolly Pine Plantation on the Piedmont of Virginia Selig, M.F.; Seiler, J.R.

2000. Soil CO2 evolution and root respiration in 11 year-old Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda) Plantations as Affected by Moisture and Nutrient Availability Maier, Chris A.; Kress, L.W.

1979. Soil Compaction Absent in Plantation Thinning King, Tony; Haines, Sharon

2004. Soil Compaction Affects Growth of Young Shortleaf Pine Following Litter Removal and Weed Control in the Missouri Ozarks Ponder, Felix Jr.

1976. Soil Conditions Affect Growth of Hardwoods in Shelterbelts Carmean, Willard H.

1998. Soil Effects Mediate Interaction of Dogwood Anthracnose and Acidic Precipitation Britton, Kerry O.; Berrang, Paul C.; Mavity, Erika

1974. Soil Incorporation Shows Promise for Low Cost Treatment of Sanitary Vault Wastes Cunningham, Robert

1986. Soil Invertebrate and Microbial Populations Under Three Tree Species on the Same Soil Type Kienzler, Mariann; Alban, D. H.; Perala, D. A.

1998. Soil Microarthropod Community Structure and Litter Decomposition Dynamics: A Study of Tropical and Temperate Sites Heneghan, L.; Coleman, D.C.; Zou, X.; Crossley, D.A., Jr.; Hines, B.L.

1971. Soil Movement in Established Gullies After A Single Prescribed Burn in the South Carolina Piedmont Cushwa, Charles T.; Hopkins, Melvin; McGinnes, Burd S.

1998. Soil Organic Matter and Soil Productivity: Searching for the Missing Link Sanchez, Felipe G.

2002. Soil Profile Characteristics of a 25-Year-Old Windrowed Loblolly Pine Plantation in Louisiana Patterson, William B.; Adams, John C.; Loe, Spencer E.; Patterson, R. Jarod

1980. Soil Properties Related to Coniferous Seedling Height Growth in Northern Wisconsin Rawinski, John J.; Bowles, James A.; Noste, Nonan V.

1979. Soil Structure and Mycorrhizae Encourage Black Walnut Growth on Old Fields Ponder, Felix Jr.

1978. Soil Water Depletion After Four years of Forest Regrowth in SouthWestern Wisconsin Sartz, Richard S.; Knighton, M. Dean

1973. Soil and Foliar Guidelines for Phosphorus Fertilization of Loblolly Pine Wells, Carol G.; Crutchfield, D.M.; Berenyi, N.M.; Davey, C.B.

2000. Soil and Nutrient Loss Following Site Preparation Burning Field, J.P.; Carter, E.A.

1994. Soil and vegetation response to soil compaction and forest floor removal after aspen harvesting. Alban, David H.; Host, George E.; Elioff, John D.; Shadis, David A.

2000. Soil carbon and soil physical properties response to incorporating mulched forest slash Sanchez, Felipe G.; Carter, Emily A.; Klepac, John. F.

1977. Soil changes after hay meadow abandonment in southwestern Wisconsin. Knighton, M. Dean

1997. Soil compaction effects of forwarding and its relationship with 6- and 8-wheel drive machines Seixas, Fernando; McDonald, Tim.

1986. Soil erosion and management activities on forested slopes Ziemer, Robert R.

2001. Soil fertility limits carbon sequestration by forest ecosystems in a CO2-enriched atmosphere Oren, Ram; Ellsworth, David S.; Johnsen, Kurt H.; Phillips, Nathan; Ewers, Brent E.; Maier, Chris; Schafer, Karina V.R.; McCarthy, Heather; Hendrey, George; McNulty, Steven G.; Katul, Gabriel G.

1971. Soil moisture Boersma, L. L.; Kirkham, D.; Norum, D.; Ziemer, Robert R.; Guitjens, J. C.; Davidson, J.; Luthin, J. N.

1978. Soil moisture and groundwater recharge under a mixed conifer forest Ziemer, Robert R.

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1998. Soil moisture gradients and controls on a southern Appalachian hillslope from drought through recharge Yeakley, J.A.; Swank, W.T.; Swift, L.W.; Hornberger, G.M.; Shugart, H.H.

2000. Soil organic matter and nitrogen cycling in response to harvesting, mechanical site preparation, and fertilization in a wetland with a mineral substrate McLaughlin, James W.; Gale, Margaret R.; Jurgensen, Martin F.; Trettin, Carl C.

2000. Soil organic matter formation and sequestration across a forested floodplain chronosequence Wigginton, John D.; Lockaby, B. Graeme; Trettin, Carl C.

2000. Soil quality and productivity responses to watershed restoration in the Ouachita mountains of Arkansas, USA Stanturf, John A.; Marion, Daniel A.; Spetich, Martin; Luckow, Kenneth; Guldin, James M.; Liechty, Hal O.; Meier, Calvin E.

2002. Soil respiration from four aggrading forested watersheds measured over a quarter century Coleman, David C.; Hunter, Mark D.; Hutton, John; Pomeroy, Steven; Swift, Lloyd, Jr.

1997. Soil respiration response to three years of elevated CO2 and N fertilization in ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Doug. ex Laws.) Vose, James M.; Elliott, Katherine J.; Johnson, Dale W.; Tingey, David T.; Johnson, Mark G.

1997. Soil sampler for rocky soils. Ponder, Felix Jr.; Alley, Darrell E.

1988. Soil spot herbicides for single-stem hardwood control Miller, James H.

1974. Soil variation and sampling intensity under red pine and aspen in Minnesota. Alban, David H.

1984. Soil-active herbicides for single-stem and stand hardwood control Miller, James H.

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2000. Soil-landscape relationships at the lower reaches of a watershed at Bear Creek near Oak Ridge, Tennessee Phillips, D.H.; Foss, J.E.; Stiles, C.A.; Trettin, Carl C.; Luxmoore, R.J.

2004. Soils of the Sylvania Wilderness-Recreation Area, western Upper Peninsula, Michigan. Bockheim, James G.; Jordan, J.K.

2000. Solar and Net Radiation for Estimating Potential Evaporation from Three Vegetation Canopies Amatya, D.M.; Skaggs, R.W.; Cheschier, G.W.; Fernandez, G.P.

2001. Solar treatments for reducing survival of mountain pine beetle in infested ponderosa and lodgepole pine logs Negron, Jose F.; Shepperd, Wayne A.; Mata, Steve A.; Popp, John B.; Asherin, Lance A.; Schoettle, Anna W.; Schmid, John M.; Leatherman, David A.

2004. Solitude, Nature, and Cities More, Thomas A.; Long, Christopher; Averill, James

2000. Soluble organic and inorganic nutrient fluxes in clearcut and mature deciduous forests Qualls, R.G.; Haines, B.L.; Swank, W.T.; Tyler, S.W.

2000. Soluble sugar composition of pond-cypress: a potential hydroecological indicator of ground water perturbations Bacchus, Sydney T.; Hamazaki, Toshihide; Britton, Kerry O.; Haines, Bruce L.

1999. Solution state NMR of lignins Ralph, John.; Marita, Jane M.; Ralph, Sally A.; Hatfield, Ronald D.; Lu, Fachuang.; Ede, Richard M.; Peng, Junpeng.; Landucci, Larry L.

1976. Solving wood chip transport problems with computer simulation. Bradley, Dennis P.; Winsauer, Sharon A.

1991. Somatic Incompatibility in Diakaryotic-monokaryotic and Dikaryotic Pairings of Echinodontium tinctorium Wilson, A. Dan

1999. Somatic embryogenesis in forestry: A practical approach to cloning the best trees Diner, Alex M.

1980. Some Environmental Effects of Cable Logging in Appalachian Forests Patric, James H.

1974. Some Forest Floor Fuelbed Characteristics of Black Oak Stands in Southeast Missouri Crosby, John S.; Loomis, Robert M.

1981. Some Growth Aspects of Seymeria cassioicies Stangle, Charles M.; Musselman, Lytton J.

1977. Some Individual Plant Biomass Values from Northeastern Minnesota Ohmann, Lewis F.; Grigal, David F.

1982. Some New Possibilities to Control Kudzu Michael, Jerry L.

1974. Some Options for Managing Forest Land in the Central Appalachians Trimble, George R., Jr.; Patrick, James H.; Gill, John D.; Moeller, George H.; Kochenderfer, James N.

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1986. Some effects of grazing on soil and water in the eastern forest (Part 1 of 2) Patric, J.H.; Helvey, J.D.

1986. Some effects of grazing on soil and water in the eastern forest (Part 2 of 2) Patric, J.H.; Helvey, J.D.

1981. Some engineering aspects of the Nicholson-Koch mobile chipper Sirois, Donald L.

1978. Some harvest options and their consequences for the aspen, birch, and associated forest types of the Lake States. Ohmann, L.F; Batzer, H.O.; Buech, R.R.; Lothner, D.C.; Perala, D.A.; Schipper, A.L.; Verry, E.S.

1967. Some observations on campground trampling & ground cover response LaPage, Wilbur F.

1981. Some recent products of river recreation research. Lime, David W.; Field, Donald R.

1995. Some results on the combined removal and signs-of-activities estimators for sampling closed animal populations. Gove, Jeffrey H.; Linder, Ernst; Tzilkowski, Walter M.

1999. Some scale considerations for watercourse restoration and rehabilitation Ziemer, Robert R.

1973. Some soil phases in the Missouri Ozarks have similar site indexes for oaks. Watt, Richard F.; Newhouse, Michael E.

1967. Some variables affecting hardwood control with stem injections of 2,4,5-T. Arend, John L.

2004. Songbird Community Variation Among Five Levels of Overstory Retention in Northern Alabama Lesak, Adrian A.; Wang, Yong; Schweitzer, Callie Jo

2000. Source habitats for terrestrial vertebrates of focus in the interior Columbia basin: broadscale trends and management implications. Volume 1—Overview. Wisdom, Michael J.; Holthausen, Richard S.; Wales, Barbara C.; Hargis, Christina D.; Saab, Victoria A.; Lee, Danny C.; Hann, Wendel J.; Rich, Terrell D.; Rowland, Mary M.; Murphy, Wally J.; Eames, Michelle R.

1999. Sources and Practices Contributing to Soil Contamination Knox, A.S.; Gamerdinger, A.P.; Adriano, D.C.; Kolka, R.K.; Kaplan, D.I.

2001. South Carolina's Forest Resources 2000 Update Conner, Roger C.; Sheffield, Raymond M.

1979. South Carolina's Forests Knight, Herbert A.; McClure, Joe P.

1998. South Carolina's Forests, 1993 Conner, Roger C.

1996. South Carolina's Timber Industry - An Assessment of Timber Product Output and Use, 1994 Howell, Michael; Bischoff, Peter S.

1997. South Carolina's Timber Industry - An Assessment of Timber Product Output and Use, 1995 Johnson, Tony G.; Jenkins, Anne; Stratton, Daniel P.; Bischoff, Peter S.

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2002. South Carolina's Timber Industry - An Assessment of Timber Product Output and Use, 1999 Johnson, Tony G.; Harper, Richard A.; Bozzo, Michael J.

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1996. South Dakota timber industry--an assessment of timber product output and use, 1993 Hackett, Ronald; Sowers, Raymond A.

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1988. South Dakota`s timber resources Collins, Dennis C.; Green, Alan W.

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1999. Southern Appalachian Case Study van Sickle, Charles C.

1989. Southern Appalachian Timber Study de Steiguer, Joseph E.; Hayden, L.W.; Holley, D.L., Jr.; Luppold, W.G.; Martin, W.G.; Newman, D.H.; Sheffield, R.M.

1999. Southern California Mountains and Foothills Assessment: Habitat and Species Conservation Issues Stephenson, John R.; Calcarone, Gena M.

2003. Southern California Socioeconomic Assessment: Sociodemographic Conditions, Projections, and Quality of Life Indices Struglia, Rachel; Winter, Patricia l.; Meyer, Andrea

2002. Southern Forest Resource Assessment - Summary Report Wear, David N.; Greis, John G.

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2000. Southern Forest Resource Assessment Using the Subregional Timber Supply (SRTS) Model Abt, Robert C.; Cubbage, Frederick W.; Pacheco, Gerardo

1998. Southern Forest Resource Assessment and Linkages to the National RPA Cubbage, Fredrick; Siry, Jacek; Moffat, Steverson; Wear, David N.; Abt, Robert

1976. Southern Forestry Smoke Management Guidebook Mobley, Hugh E.; [senior compiler]

1977. Southern Fruit Producing Woody Plants Used by Wildlife Halls, Lowell K.; [Editor]

1982. Southern Pine Beetle Thatcher, Robert C.; Barry, Patrick J.

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2000. Southern Pine Beetle Outbreak in Belize Haack, Robert A.; Eckelmann, Claus M.; Green, Earl

1976. Southern Pine Beetle Survival In Trees Felled By the Cut and Top-Cut and Leave Method Hodges, J.D.; Thatcher, R.C.

1987. Southern Pine Beetles Attack Felled Green Timber Moser, John C.; Sommers, Robert A.; Lorio, Peter L., Jr.; Bridges, J. Robert; Witcosky, Jeffrey J.

2001. Southern Pine Seed Sources Schmidtling, R.C.

1963. Southern Pulpwood Production, 1962 Christopher, Joe F.; Nelson, Martha E.

1988. Southern Pulpwood Production, 1986 May, Dennis M.

1991. Southern Pulpwood Production, 1988 Vissage, John S.

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1982. Southern Wood Chip Exports Southern Wood Chip Exports

1979. Southern Woods-Burners: A Descriptive Analysis Doolittle, M.L.; Lightsey, M.L.

1998. Southern deepwater swamps Conner, William H.; Buford, Marilyn A.

1998. Southern pine beetle-induced mortality of pines with natural and artificial red-cockaded woodpecker cavities in Texas Conner, Richard N.; Saenz, Daniel; Rudolph, D. Craig; Coulson, Robert N.

1994. Southern pulpwood harvesting productivity and cost changes between 1979 and 1987. Carter, Douglas R.; Cubbage, Frederick W.; Stokes, Bryce J.; Jakes, Pamela J.

2004. Southern pulpwood production, 2002 Johnson, Tony G.; Steppleton, Carolyn D.

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2004. Southwest Oregon Biscuit Fire. Azuma, David L.; Donnegan, Joseph; Gedney, Donald.

2004. Southwestern Grassland Ecology Ford, Paulette L.; Potter, Deborah U.; Pendleton, Rosemary; Pendleton, Burton; Robbie, Wayne A.; Gottfried, Gerald J.

1982. Southwestern Pine Tip Moth Jennings, Daniel T.; Stevens, Robert E.

1992. Sowing Pregerminated Northern Red Oak Acorns Godman, Richard M.; Mattson, Gilbert A.

2000. Space-frame connection for small-diameter round timber Wolfe, Ronald W.; Gjinolli, Agron E.; King, John R.

1979. Spacing Affects Knot Surface in Red Pine Plantations Laidly, Paul R.; Barse, Robert G.

1970. Spacing, Thinning, and Pruning Practices for Young Cottonwood Plantations Minckler, Leon S.

1994. Spatial Analysis for Monitoring Forest Health Roesch, Francis A., Jr.

2003. Spatial Autocorrelation And Autoregressive Models In Ecology Lichstein, Jeremy W.; Simons, Theodore R.; Shriner, Susan A.; Franzreb, Kathleen E.

2004. Spatial Distribution of Ponderosa Pine Seedlings Along Environmental Gradients Within Burned Areas in the Black Hills, South Dakota V.H. Bonnet, A.W. Schoettle, and W.D. Shepperd

1993. Spatial Interactions in Multiple-Use Forestry and Substitution and Wealth Effects for the Single Stand Swallow, Stephen K.; Wear, David N.

2000. Spatial Variation In Growing Season Heat Sums Within Northern Hardwood Forest Canopy Gaps Potter, Brian E. ; Croft, Paul J.

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1997. Spatial and Temporal Relationships of Old-Growth and Secondary Forests in Indiana, USA Spetich, Martin A.; Parker, George R.; Gustafson, Eric J.

1997. Spatial and temporal specialization in forest ecosystem management under sole ownership Swallow, Stephen K.; Talukdar, Piyali; Wear, David N.

2002. Spatial and temporal variation in fruit use by wildlife in a forested landscape McCarty, John P.; Levey, Douglas J.; Greenberg, Cathryn H.; Sargent, Sarah

2000. Spatial simulation of forest succession and timber harvesting using LANDIS Gustafson, Eric J.; Shifley, Stephen R.; Mladenoff, David J.; Nimerfro, Kevin K.; He, Hong S.

1992. Spatial variation in armouring in a channel with high sediment supply Lisle, T.E.; Madej, M.A.

1999. Spatial variation in population dynamics of Sitka mice in floodplain forests Hanley, T.A.; Barnard, J.C.

2004. Spatial, Temporal, and Restoration Treatment Effects on Soil Resources in Mixed-oak Forests of Southeastern Ohio Boerner, R.E.J.; Brinkman, Jennifer A.

1999. Spatially explicit and stochastic simulation of forest landscape fire disturbance and succession He, Hong S.; Mladenoff, David J.

1995. Spatially explicit population models: current forms and future uses Dunning, J.B., Jr.; Stewart, D.J.; Danielson, B.J.; Noon, B.R.; Root, T.L.; Lamberson, R.H.; Stevens, E.E.

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1977. Spear-Marked Black Moth Werner, Richard A.; Baker, Bruce H.

2003. Spearfish, South Dakota, and the Northern Black Hills - Steps to Improve Community Preparedness for Wildfire Hudson, Rachel; Jakes, Pam; Lang, Erika; Nelson, Kristen

2004. Special Forest Products: A Southern Strategy for Research & Technology Transfer Sallee, Rod; Owen, Wayne; Kenna, Karen; Kauffman, Gary; Emery, Marla; Johnson, Tony; Araman, Phil; Stratton, Dan; Reams, Greg; Sheffield, Ray; Rudis, Vic; Loeb, Susan; White, David; Chamberlain, Jim

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2002. Species Diversity in Planted Pine and Natural Hardwoods 24 years After Sharing and Chipping on the Cumberland Plateau, TN Kuers, Karen

1997. Species Using Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Cavities in Eastern Texas Conner, Richard N.; Rudolph, Craig; Saenz, Daniel; Schaefer, Richard R

2004. Species and Site Differences in Stem-bark Char after Prescribed Fire in a Southern Appalachian Hardwood Forest, Kentucky Loucks, Elizabeth; Arthur, Mary A.; Loftis, David L.

2002. Species composition and structure of regenerated and remnant forest patches within an urban landscape Zipperer, Wayne C.

2002. Species richness, abundance, and composition of hypogeous and epigeous ectomycorrhizal fungal sporocarps in young, rotation-age, and old-growth stands of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) in the Cascade Range of Oregon, U.S.A. Smith, J.E.; Molina, R.; Huso, M.M.P.; Luoma, D.L.; McKay, D.; Castellano, M.A.; Lebel, T.; Valachovic, Y.

1997. Species using red-cockaded woodpecker cavities in eastern Texas Conner, Richard N.; Rudolph, D. Craig; Saenz, Daniel; Schaefer, Richard R.

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2001. Spermatodesmata of the Sawflies (Hymenoptera: Symphyta): Evidence for Multiple Increases in Sperm Bundle Size Schiff, Nathan; Flemming, Anthony J.; Quicke, Donald L.J.

1998. Sphaeropsis Shoot Blight Pokorny, Jill D.

2003. Spline curve matching with sparse knot sets: applications to deformable shape detection and recognition Lee, Sang-Mook; Abbott, A. Lynn.; Clark, Neil A.; Araman, Philip A.

2004. Spot Application of Diammonium Phosphate and Poultry Litter at Establishment in an Old-Field Planted Loblolly Pine Plantation McElvany, Bryan C.; Dickens, E. David; Price, Tucker

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1991. Spotted owl home range and habitat use in the southern Oregon Coast Range Carey, A.B.; Reid, J.A.; Horton, S.P.

1992. Spotted owl roost and nest site selection in northwestern California Blakesley, J.A.; Franklin, A.B.; Gutierrez, R.J.

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1975. Spray-irrigation of treated municipal sewage effluent and its effect on the chemical properties of forest soils Richenderfer, James L.; Sopper, William E.; Kardos, Louis T.

1987. Spreadsheet Analysis of Harvesting Systems Rummer, R.B.; Lanford, B.L.

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1978. Spruce Budwork Defoliation in Minnesota: 1954-1977 Erickson, Glen; Hastings, Arthur

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2001. Stability of nuclear DNA content among divergent and isolated populations of Fraser fir Auckland, L.D.; Johnston, J.S.; Price, H.J.; Bridgwater, F.E.

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1998. Stages and Spatial Scales of Recruitment Limitation in Southern Appalachain Forests Clark, James S.; Macklin, Eric; Wood, Leslie

1998. Stand Density Effects on Biomass Allocation Patterns and Subsequent Soil Nitrogen Demand Dicus, Christopher A.; Dean, Thomas J.

2004. Stand Density and Canopy Gaps Zeide, Boris

2003. Stand Dynamics and Plant Associates of Loblolly Pine Plantations to Midrotation after Early Intensive Vegetation Management-A Southeastern United States Regional Study Miller, James H.; Zutter, Bruce R.; Newbold, Ray A.; Edwards, M. Boyd; Zedaker, Shepard M.

1989. Stand Parameters of 11- to 15-Year Old Green Ash Plantings Krinard, Roger M.

1988. Stand Parameters of a 27-Year-Old Water Oak Plantation on Old Field Loessial Soils Krinard, Roger M.; Johnson, Robert L.

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1982. Stand, Fuel, and Potential Fire Behavior Characteristics in an Irregular Southeastern Arizona Ponderosa Pine Stand Harrington, Michael G.

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1997. Status and risk of extinction for westslope cutthroat trout in the Upper River Basin, Montana Shepard, Bradley B.; Sanborn, Brian; Ulmer, Linda; Lee, Danny C.

1990. Status and trends in gypsy moth defoliation hazard in Tennessee May, Dennis M.; Kauffman, Bruce W.

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1994. Status of short rotation forestry in the USA McDonald, Tim; Stokes, Bryce

1997. Status of the Longleaf Pine Forests of the West Gulf Coastal Plain Outcalt, Kenneth W.

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1999. Stress grading of recycled lumber and timber Falk, Robert H.; Green, David.

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1997. Sugarberry Dieback and Mortality in Southern Louisiana: Cause, Impact, and Prognosis Solomon, J.D.; Wilson, A. Dan; Leininger, Theodor D.; Lester, D.G.; McCasland, C.S.; Clarke, S.; Affeltranger, C.

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1990. Sugarbrush management: a guide to maintaining tree health Houston, David R.; Allen, Douglas C.; Lachance, Denis

1995. Suitability of North American tree species to gypsy moth: a summary of field and laboratory tests. Liebhold, Andrew M.; Gottschalk, Kurt W.; Muzika, Rose-Marie; Montgomery, Michael E.; Young, Regis; O'Day, Kathleen; Kelley, Brooks.

2003. Suitability of Southern Pines, Other Selected Crops, and Nutsedge to a Longidorus sp. Associated with Stunting of Loblolly Pine Seedlings Fraedrich, S.W.; Cram, M.M.; Handoo, Z.A.

1987. Suitability of hardwood treated with phenoxy and pyridine herbicides for firewood use Bush, P.B.; Neary, D.G.; McMahon, Charles K.; Taylor, J.W.

1988. Sulfometuron Methyl Dissipation in Southern Forest Michael, J.L.; Neary, D.G.

1982. Sulfur Content of Upland and Wetland Vegetation in North Central Minnesota Knighton, M. Dean

1998. Sulfur Cycling, Retention, and Mobility in Soils: A Review Edwards, Patrick J.

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1978. Summer Fallowing A Simple Technique For Improving Old-Field Sites For Cottonwood Baker, James B.; Blackmon, B.G.

1981. Summer Moisture Content of Some Northern Lower Michigan Understory Plants Loomis, Robert M.; Blank, Richard W.

2002. Summer Roost-Tree Selection by a Male Indiana Bat on the Fernow Experimental Forest Ford, W. Mark; Menzel, Jennifer M.; Menzel, Michael A.; Edwards, John W.

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1998. Supply and demand for wood: a worldwide perspective? Duncan, Sally

1991. Supplying the Pacific Rim With U.S. Hardwoods Araman, Philip A.

1996. Suppression of Bark Beetles and Protection of Pines in the Urban Enviroment: A Case Study Hayes, Jane Leslie; Meeker, James R.; Foltz, John L.; Strom, Brian L.

1999. Suppression of ectomycorrhizae on canopy tree seedlings in Rhododendron maximum (Eriqceae) thickets in the southern Appalachians Walker, John F.; Miller, Orson K., Jr.; Lei, Tom; Semones, Shawn; Nilsen, Erik; Clinton, B.D.

1999. Surface Erosion Control Techniques on Newly Constructed Forest Roads Grace, Johnny M., III; Wilhoit, John; Rummer, Robert; Stokes, Bryce

2003. Surface shape analysis of rough lumber for wane detection Lee, Sang-Mook; Abbott, A. Lynn; Schmoldt, Daniel L.

2001. Survey Implications For Nonindustrial Private Lands Foster, James W.

2001. Survey Implications for Public Lands Guldin, James M.

2000. Survey Response-Related Biases in Contingent Valuation: Concepts, Remedies, and Empirical Application to Valuing Aquatic Plant Management Messonnier, Mark L.; Bergstrom, John C.; Cornwell, Chrisopher M.; Teasley, R. Jeff; Cordell, H. Ken

1991. Survey and Detection of Endophytic Fungi in Lolium Germ Plasm by Direct Staining and Aphid Assays Wilson, A. Dan; Clement, Stephen L.; Kaiser, Walter J.

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1990. Surveying marbled murrelets at inland forested sites: a guide Paton, Peter W.C.; Ralph, C. John; Carter, Harry R.; Nelson, S. Kim

1978. Survival and Early Growth of Selected Trees on Waste Water Application Sites Cooley, John H.

2004. Survival and Growth of Bottomland Hardwood Seedlings and Natural Woody Invaders Near Forest Edges McCoy, John W.; Keeland, Bobby D.; Wharton, Kristi

1976. Survival and Growth of Cottonwood Clones After Angle Planting and Base Angle Treatments Randall, W.K.; Kennedy, Harvey E., Jr.

1969. Survival and Growth of Eastern Redcedar Seed Sources in Southwest Missouri Seidel, Kenneth W.; Watt, Richard F.

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1974. Survival and Growth of Northern Red Oak Seedlings Following a Prescribed Burn Johnson, Paul S.

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2004. Survival of Hardwood Regeneration During Prescribed Fires: The Importance of Root Development and Root Rollar Location Brose, Patrick; Van Lear, David

2004. Survival of Hardwood Seedlings and Saplings Following Overstory Thinning and Prescribed Fires in Mixed-Oak Forests of Southern Ohio Rebbeck, Joanne; Long, Robert; Yaussy, Daniel

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2001. Survivorship of Pileated Woodpeckers in northeastern Oregon Bull, Evelyn L.

1996. Survivorship, development, and fecundity of buck moth (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) on common tree species in the Gulf Coast urban forest Martinat, P. J.; Solomon, J. D.; Leininger, Theodor D.

2001. Sustainability of High Intensity Forest Management with Respect to Water QuaIity and Site Nutrient Reserves Tolbert, Virginia R.; Trettin, Carl C.; Johnson, Dale W.; Parsons, John W.; Houston, Allan E.; Mays, David A.

2001. Sustainable management of non-timber forest resources Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (Nasi, R.; Cunningham, T.; Chamberlain, J.)

2004. Sustainable production of wood and non-wood forest products: Proceedings of IUFRO Division 5 Research Groups 5.11 and 5.12, Rotorua, New Zealand, March 11–15, 2003. Donoghue, E.M.; Benson, G.L.; Chamberlain, J.L., tech. coords.

2000. Sustaining Oak Ecosystems in the Central Hardwood Region: Lessons from the Past--Continuing the History of Disturbance Dey, Daniel C.; Guyette, Richard P.

2001. Sustaining Outdoor Recreatoin and Forests in the United States Cordell, H. Ken; Green, Gary T.

2000. Sustaining Productivity of Planted Forests in the Gulf Coast Region Bamett, James P.; Tiarks, Allan E.; Sword, Mary Anne

2001. Sustaining aspen in western landscapes: symposium proceedings; 13-15 June 2000; Grand Junction, CO Shepperd, Wayne D.; Binkley, Dan; Bartos, Dale L.; Stohlgren, Thomas J.; Eskew, Lane G.; [compilers]

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1997. Swallow-Tailed Kite Nesting in Texas: Past and Present Brown, Raymond E.; Williamson, J. Howard; Boone, Dan B.

2002. Sweetgum Response to Nitrogen Fertilization on Sites of Different Quality and Land Use History Scott, D. Andrew; Kaczmarek, Donald J.; Burger, James A.; Kane, Michael B.

1989. Sycamore Diseases McCracken, F.I.

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2002. Symptoms and implications of selenium toxicity in fish: the Belews Lake case example Lemly, A. Dennis

1968. Symptoms of Nutrient Deficiency in Yellow-Poplar Seedlings Ike, Albert F.

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2002. Synthesis: Ecological Impacts of Forest Vegetation Management Michael, Jerry L.; Hermy, M.

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1970. Systemic Activity of Birdrin® in Loblolly Pine Seedlings Werner, Richard A.; Lyon, Danny L.

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1993. Techniques to construct New Zealand elk-proof fence Bryant, Larry D.; Thomas, Jack W.; Rowland, Mary M.

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2000. Temperature and Soil Moisture Regimes In and Adjacent to the Fernow Experimental Forest Crews, Jerry T.; Wright, Linton

1997. Temperature dependence of (+)-catechin pyran ring proton coupling constants as measured by NMR and modeled using GMMX search methodology Tobiason, Fred L.; Kelley, Stephen S.; Midland, M. Mark; Hemingway, Richard W.

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2004. Temporal Changes in Spring Ground-flora Communities Across Riparian Areas in a North-Central Ohio Old-Growth Forest Holmes, Kathryn L.; Semko-Duncan, Marie; Goebel, P. Charles

1984. Temporal Cold Storage of Eggs of the Poplar Tent Maker, Clostera inclusa, Prior to Use in Rearing the Egg Parasite, Ooencyrfus ennomophagus Drooz, A.T.; Solomon, J.D.

2004. Temporal Trends in Branch Morphology in Young Populus Clones Pallardy, Stephen G.; Gibbins Daniel E.; Dowell, Ryan C.

1998. Temporal Variability of Stream Macroinvertebrate Abundance and Biomass Following Pesticide Disturbance Hutchens, John J., Jr.; Chung, Keun; Wallace, J. Bruce

1995. Temporal Variation in Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) in Mesic Southern Appalachian Hardwood Forest with and without Rhododendron Understories Clinton, Barton D.

1994. Temporal and Spatial patterns of Breeding Brown-Headed Cowbirds in the Midwestern United States Thompson, Frank R.

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1985. Ten Years' Growth of Pruned and Unpruned Cottonwood Planted at 40- by 40-Foot Spacing Krinard, Roger M.

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2000. Terrestrial fauna of redwood forests Cooperrider, A.; Noss, R.F.; Welsh, Hartwell H., Jr.; Carroll, C.; Zielinski, William J.; Olson, D.; Nelson, S.K.; Marcot, Bruce G.

1996. Tertiary vegetation history Millar, C. I.

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2004. Testing common stream sampling methods for broad-scale, long-term monitoring Archer, Eric K.; Roper, Brett B.; Henderson, Richard C.; Bouwes, Nick; Mellison, S. Chad; Kershner, Jeffrey L.

1984. Testing for Seed Quality in Southern Oaks Bonner, F.T.

2003. Testing of DRAINMOD for Forested Watersheds with Non-Pattern Drainage Amatya, Devendra M.; Sun, Ge; Skaggs, R. Wayne; Trettin, Carl C.

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1954. The Alexandria Research Center Cassady, John T.; Mann, William F., Jr.

1975. The Allegheny hardwood forests of Pennsylvania Marquis, David A.

1995. The Analytic Hierarchy Process and Participatory Decisionmaking Schmoldt, Daniel L.; Peterson, Daniel L.; Smith, Robert L.

2003. The Applegate Fire Plan: Steps to Improve Community Preparedness for Wildfire Jakes, Pam; Sturtevant, Victoria

2000. The Asian Longhorned Beetle: National and International Research Efforts Haack, Robert A.; Poland, Therese M.; Patrice, Toby; Gennrich , Matt

2002. The Association of a Longidorus Species with Stunting and Root Damage of Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda L.) Seedlings Fraedrich, Stephen W.; Cram, Michelle M.

2002. The Bend Community and FireFree: Steps to Improve Community Preparedness for Wildfire. Case Study #2. Jakes, Pam; Sturtevant, Victoria

2001. The Bitterroot Valley of Western Montana Area Economic Profile Swanson, Larry

2002. The Bottomland Hardwoods of the Hatchie River, The Only Unchannelized Mississippi Tributary Steed, Roger; Plyler, Jennifer; Buckner, Edward

1958. The Calhoun Experimental Forest Metz, Louis J.

1992. The California Spotted Owl: A Technical Assessment of its Current Status Verner, J.; McKelvey, K.S.; Noon, B.R.; Gutiérrez, R.J.; Gould, G.I., Jr.; Beck, T.W.; [Technical Coordinators]

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2000. The Challenges and Opportunities of Restoring Ecosysrems in Urban-influenced Areas: Insights from Northeastern Illinois Barro, Susan C.; Dwyer, John F.

1988. The Changing Hardwood Export Market and Research to Keep the U.S. Competitive Araman, Philip A.

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1999. The Contribution of Microarthropods to Aboveground Food Webs: A Review and Model of Belowground Transfer in a Coniferous Forest Johnston, John M.

2000. The Contribution of Short Repeats of Low Sequence Complexity to Large Conifer Genomes Schmidt, A.; Doudrick, R.L.; Heslop-Harrison, J.S.; Schmidt, T.

2000. The Coosawhatchie Bottomland Ecosystem Study: A Report on the Development of Reference Wetland Burke, Marianne K.; Eisenbies, Mark H.; [Editors]

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1995. The Correlation Between Green Density and the Occurrence of Honeycomb in Kiln-Dried Harris, Robert A.; Araman, Philip A.

1980. The Crossett Story: The Beginning of Forestry in Southern Arkansas and Northern Louisiana Reynolds, R.R.

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1985. The Decline of Mortality of Cottonwood Clone Stoneville 124 on a Clay Soil Francis, John K.; McCracken, Francis I.

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1983. The Dollars and Cents of Conventional Processing of Standard-Size Blanks Araman, Philip A.; Hansen, Bruce G.

1992. The Dynamics of Two Hybrid Zones in Appalachian Salamanders of the Genus Plethodon Hairston, Nelson G., Sr.; Wiley, R. Haven; Smith, Charles K.; Kneidel, Kenneth A.

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1973. The Ecological Life Zones of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands Ewel, J.J.; Whitmore, J.L.

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1997. The Ecosystem-Economy Relationship: Insights from Six Forested LTER Sites Courant, Paul N.; Niemi, Ernie; Whitelaw, Ed.

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1997. The Effect Of Age At Harvest On Bending And Tensile Properties Of Loblolly Pine From The Coastal Plain McAlister, Robert H.; Clark, Alexander, III; Saucier, Joseph R.

2002. The Effect of Density on the Height-Diameter Relationship Zeide, Boris; Vanderschaaf, Curtis

2004. The Effect of Fertilization on Sap flux and Canopy Conductance in a Eucalyptus saligna Experimental Forest Hubbard, R.; Ryan, M.; Giardina, C.; Barnard, H.

1976. The Effect of Four Herbicides on the Survival and Growth of Nine Hardwood Species Williams, Robert D.; Krajicek, John E.

2001. The Effect of Herbivory by White-Tailed Deer and Additionally Swamp Rabbits in an Old-Growth Bottomland Hardwood Forest Devall, Margaret S.; Parresol, Bernard R.; Smith, Winston P.

2004. The Effect of Large Applications of Nutrients From Organic Waste on Biomass Allocation and Allometric Relations in Loblolly Pine Roberts, Scott D.; Friend, Alexander L.; Gerard, Patrick D.

1972. The Effect of Overstory Removal Upon Surface WInd in a Black Spruce Bog Brown, James M.

1997. The Effect of Persuasive Communication Strategies on Rurual Resident Attitues Toward Ecosystem Management Tarrant, Michael A.; Overdevest, Christine; Bright, Alan D.; Cordell, H. Ken; English, Donald B.K.

1998. The Effect of Response Time on Conjoint Analysis Estimates of Rainforest Protection Values Holmes, Thomas; Alger, Keith; Zinkhan, Christian; Mercer, Evan

1997. The Effect of Riparian Zones in Structuring Small Mammal Communities in the Southern Appalachians Laerm, Joshua; Menzel, Michael A.; Wolf, Dorothy J.; Welch, James R.

1999. The Effect of Soil Manganese on Japanese Larch (Larix Leptolepis Sieb. and Zucc.) Seedlings in the Greenhouse Schweitzer, Callie Jo; Sharpe, William E.; Edwards, Pamela J.

2004. The Effect of Thinning and Prescribed Fire on Fuel Loading in the Central Hardwood Region of Missouri Kolaks, Jeremy J.; Cutter, Bruce E.; Loewenstein, Edward F.; Grabner, Keith W.; Hartman, George W.; Kabrick, John M.

1998. The Effect of Urban Sprawls on Timber Harvesting Barlow, Stephen A.; Munn, Ian A; Cleaves, David A.; Evans, David L.

2004. The Effects of Alternative Diameter-Limit Cutting Treatments: Some Findings from a Long-Term Northern Conifer Experiment Kenefic, Laura S.; Brissette, John C.; Sendak, Paul E.

2002. The Effects of Harvesting on Long-Term Soil Productivity in Southern Indiana Oak-Hickory Forests Idol, Travis W.; Pope, Phillip E.; Ponder, Felix, Jr.

2004. The Effects of Humans and Topography on Wildland Fire, Forests, and Species Abundance Guyette, Richard P.; Dey, Daniel

1999. The Effects of Intermittent Flooding on Seedlings of Three Forest Species Anderson, P.H.; Pezeshki, S.R.

2004. The Effects of Lime, Fertilizer, and Herbicide on Forest Soil Solution Chemistry and Northern Red Oak Radial Growth Following Shelterwood Harvest Happel, Angela M; Sharpe, William E.

2004. The Effects of Periodic Prescribed Fire on the Growth and Survival of Red Maple and Oak Seedlings on Xeric Ridge Tops in Eastern Kentucky Green, Stephanie R.; Blankenship, Beth; Arthur, Mary A.

2004. The Effects of Prescribed Burning and Thinning on Herpetofauna and Small Mammals in the Upper Piedmont of South Carolina: Preliminary Results of the National Fire and Fire Surrogate Study Kilpatrick, Eran S.; Kubacz, Dean B.; Guynn, David C., Jr.; Lanham, J. Drew; Waldrop, Thomas A.

2002. The Effects of Thinning on Beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae, Cerambycidae) in Bottomland Hardwood Forests Warriner, Michael D.; Nebeker, T. Evan; Leininger, Theodor D.; Meadows, James S.

1998. The Effects of the Federal Estate Tax on Nonindustrial Private Landowners Cushing, Tamara; Bullard, Steve; Greene, John; Beauvias, Ted

1995. The Empire State's Forests -- Trends in a Robust Resource Northeastern Research Station

1997. The Escambia Experimental Forest Marks Fifty Years of Research on the Ecology and Management of Longleaf Pine Boyer, William D.; Ward, George A.; Kush, John S.

1998. The European S and F intersterility groups of Heterobasidion annosum may represent sympatric protospecies Garbelotto, Matteo; Otrosina, William J.; Cobb, Fields W.; Bruns, Thomas D

2000. The Exotic Plant Problem: Defending Your Lands from an Unfriendly Takeover Miller, James H.

2000. The Exotic Plant Problem: Defending Your Lands from an Unfriendly Takeover Part II Miller, James H.

2003. The Fire and Fuels Extension to the Forest Vegetation Simulator Reinhardt, Elizabeth; Crookston, Nicholas L.

1990. The Forest Biomass Resource of the United States Cost, Noel D.; Howard, James O.; Mead, Bert; McWilliams, William H.; Smith, W. Brad; van Hooser, Dwane D.; Wharton, Eric H.

1999. The Forest Ecosystem Study: background, rationale, implementation, baseline conditions, and silvicultural assessment Carey, Andrew B.; Thysell, David R.; Brodie, Angus W.

2002. The Forest Genetic Resources Working Group of the North American Forestry Commission (FAO) Schmidtling, Ron

1982. The Forest Resources of Puerto Rico Birdsey, Richard A.; Weaver, Peter L.

2004. The Forest as a Resource: From Prehistory to History in the Arkansas Ozarks Sabo, George, III; Lockhart, Jami Joe; Hilliard, Jerry E.

1985. The Forests of Toro Negro Birdsey, R.A.; Jiménez, D.

1997. The Future System for Roughmill Optimization Conners, Richard W.; Kline, D.Earl; Araman, Philip A.; Drayer, Thomas T.

1998. The Future of Forest Management on NIPF Lands in the South: Results of an Expert Opinion Survey Moffat, Steverson O.; Cubbage, Frederick W.; Cascio, Anthony J.; Sheffield, Raymond M.

1990. The Genetics of Sexual Incompatibility in the Indian Paint Fungus, Echinodontium Tinctorium Wilson, A. Dan

1969. The Germination of Several Tree Species in Plastic Greenhouses Phipps, Howard M.

1994. The Glacier Lakes Ecosystem Experiments Site Musselman, R. C., technical coordinator

1994. The Glacier Lakes Ecosystem Experiments Site: Air Quality Musselman, R.C.

1994. The Glacier Lakes Ecosystem Experiments Site: Appendix A: Vascular Plants of GLEES Haines, J.D.; Regan, C.M.

1994. The Glacier Lakes Ecosystem Experiments Site: Appendix B: Phytoplankton Species Dufford, R.G.

1994. The Glacier Lakes Ecosystem Experiments Site: Appendix C: GLEES Macroinvertebrates Kondratieff, B.C.

1994. The Glacier Lakes Ecosystem Experiments Site: Appendix D: The Map Units for GLEES Soil Survey Area Hopper, R.W.E.; Walthall, P.M.

1994. The Glacier Lakes Ecosystem Experiments Site: Appendix E: Representative Pedon Descriptions for the Soils of the GLEES Wyoming Soil Survey Area: EGL, WGL & Lost Lake Watersheds Hopper, R.W.E.; Walthall, P.M.

1994. The Glacier Lakes Ecosystem Experiments Site: Aquatics Vertucci, F.A.; Conrad, M.A.

1994. The Glacier Lakes Ecosystem Experiments Site: Floristics Haines, J.D.; Musselman, R.C.; Regan, C.M.

1994. The Glacier Lakes Ecosystem Experiments Site: Geology Rochette, E.A.

1994. The Glacier Lakes Ecosystem Experiments Site: Hydrology Hasfurther, V.C.; Kerr, G.L.; Parks, G.; Wetstein, J.

1994. The Glacier Lakes Ecosystem Experiments Site: Introduction Musselman, R.C.; Fox, D.G; Schoettle, A.W.; Regan, C.M.

1994. The Glacier Lakes Ecosystem Experiments Site: Landscape Habitats Simmons, C. L.

1994. The Glacier Lakes Ecosystem Experiments Site: Meteorology Fox, D.G.; Humphries, H.C.; Zeller, K.F.; Connell, B.H.; Wooldridge, G.L.

1994. The Glacier Lakes Ecosystem Experiments Site: Snow Sommerfeld, R.A.

1994. The Glacier Lakes Ecosystem Experiments Site: Soils Hopper, R.W.E.; Walthall, P.M.

2001. The Granite State's Forests: Trends in the Resource Northeastern Research Station

2002. The Granite State’s Forests: Trends in the Resource United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service

1963. The Green-Striped Mapleworm Wilson, Louis F.

1999. The Growing Popularity of Birding in the United States Cordell, H. Ken; Herbert, Nancy G.; Pandolfi, Francis

2004. The History of New Perspectives and Ecosystem Management Robertson, F. Dale

1979. The Homeowner and the Gypsy Moth: Guidelines for Control McManus, Michael L.; Houston, David R.; Wallner, William E.

2004. The Hoosier-Shawnee Ecological assessment Thompson, Frank R., III, ed.

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2000. The Human Dimensions of Riparian Areas: Implications for Management and Planning Dwyer, John F.; Jakes, Pamela J.; Barro, Susan C.

1982. The Hybrid White Spruce X Himalayan Spruce Nienstaedt, H.; Fowler, D. P.

2000. The Impact of Climate Change on America's Forests: A Technical Document Supporting the 2000 USDA Forest Service RPA Assessment Joyce, Linda A.; Birdsey, Richard

1966. The Impact of Insects in the Northern Hardwoods Type Macaloney, H. J.

1968. The Impact of Insects on Second-Year Cone Crops in Red Pine Seed-Production Areas Mattson, William J.

2004. The Impact of License Fees on Pennsylvania Trout Anglers’ Participation Ready, Richard; Delevan, Willard; Epp, Donald

2004. The Impact of Recreational Crabbing on North Carolina’s Crab Population Vogelsong, Hans; Nobles, Jimmy

2004. The Impact of Wildland Fire Reduction Techniques on Attitudes Toward Fuels Mitigation: A Comparison of Special Use Cabin Permittees and Other Home Owners Living near a National Forest Deau, Greg; Vogt, Christine A.

2004. The Implications of Demographic Change in Metropolitan Areas for the Use of Recreation Sites Dwyer, John F.; Klenosky, David

1989. The Importance of Site Quality Graney, David L.

1970. The Importance of Woody Twig Ends to Deer in the Southeast Cushwa, Charles T.; Downing, Robert L.; Harlow, Richard F.; Urbston, David F.

1980. The Influence of Container Type and Potting Medium on Growth of Black Walnut Seedlings Funk, David T.; Roth, Paul L; Celmer, C. K.

2000. The Influence of Corridors on the Movement Behavior of Individual Peromyscus polionotus in Experimental Landscapes Danielson, Breant; Hubbard, Michael W.

1968. The Influence of Residual Stand Densities on Regeneration in Sugar Maple Stands Tubbs, Carl H.

2004. The Influence of Soil Scarification on Oak Reproduction: Review and Management Considerations Lhotka, John M.; Zaczek, James J.; Graham, Russell T.

1991. The Influence of Woody and Herbaceous Competition on Early Growth of Naturally Regenerated Loblolly and Shortleaf Pines Cain, M. D.

2004. The Insect Guild of White Oak Acorns: Its Effect on Mast Quality in the Ozark and Ouachita National Forests Mangini, Alex C.; Perry, Roger W.

1999. The Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project: scientific assessment null

1979. The Introduced Pine Sawfly, a Defoliator of White Pine New to North Carolina Drooz, A.T.; Doggett, C.A.; Coppel, H.C.

2004. The Keystone Role of Oak and Hickory in the Central Hardwood Forest Fralish, James S.

1984. The Locust Borer Galford, Jimmy R.

2002. The Longleaf Alliance: A Regional Longleaf Pine Recovery Effort Gjerstad, Dean; Johnson, Rhett

2000. The Longleaf Pine Ecosystem of the South Outcalt, Kenneth W.

1996. The Longleaf Pine Forest: Trends and Current Conditions Outcalt, Kenneth W.; Sheffield, Raymond M.

1989. The Luquillo Experimental Forest Arboretum Francis, John K.

2003. The Lymantria dispar nucleopolyhedrovirus contains the capsid-associated p24 protein gene Slavicek, James M.; Hayes-Plazolles, Nancy

1983. The Mack Lake fire. Simard, Albert J.; Haines, Donald A.; Blank, Richard W.; Frost, John S.

1996. The Mammoth-JuneEcosystem ManagementProject, Inyo National Forest MILLAR, CONSTANCE I.

1993. The Market for U.S. Hardwoods in the United Kingdom: Market Characteristics Bush, Robert J.; Araman, Philip A.

2004. The Media Dichotomy of Sports Heroes and Sport Celebrities: The Marketing of Professional Women’s Tennis Players Shuart, Joshua

1969. The Mirror Caliper, A New Optical Dendrometer McClure, Joe P.

2004. The Missouri Ozark Forest Ecosystem Project: Findings from Ten Years of Evaluating Management Effects on Forest Systems Kabrick, John M.; Renken, Rochelle B.; Kurzejeski, Eric W.; Jensen, Randy G.; Gram, Wendy K.; Clawson, Richard L.; Porneluzi, Paul A.; Faaborg, John; Fantz, Debra K.; Grabner, Jennifer; Johanson, Mark

2000. The Missouri River Floodplain: History of Oak Forest and Current Restoration Efforts Dey, Daniel C.; Burhans, Dirk; Kabrick, John; Root, Brain; Grabner, Jennifer; Gold, Mike

1972. The Moisture Content and Specific Gravity of the Bark and Wood of Northern Pulpwood Species Erickson, John R.

2003. The Moving Edge: Perspectives on the Southern Wildland-Urban Interface Monroe, Martha C.; Bowers, Alison W.; Hermansen, L. Annie

2002. The Nantucket pine tip moth: old problems, new research. Proceedings of an informal conference, the Entomological Society of America, annual meeting. 1999 December 12-16 Berisford, C. Wayne; Grosman, Donald M.; [Editors]

1964. The National Fire Danger Rating System: Derivation of Spread Index for Eastern and Southern States Nelson, Ralph M.

2001. The New Southern FIA Data Compilation System Baldwin, V. Clark, Jr.; Royer, Larry

2004. The North American Long-Term Soil Productivity Experiment: Coast-to-Coast Findings From the First Decade Robert F. Powers, Felipe G. Sanchez, D. Andrew Scott, and Deborah Page-Dumroese

1998. The North Central Forest Inventory and Analysis timber product output database--a regional composite approach. May, Dennis M.

2000. The Northeastern Research Station Strategic Framework: Regional Focus, Global Perspective Northeastern Research Station

1999. The Northern Goshawk in Utah: Habitat Assessment and Management Recommendations Graham, Russell T.; Rodriguez, Ronald L.; Paulin, Kathleen M.; Player, Rodney L.; Heap, Arlene P.; Williams, Richard

1998. The Not-So-Sudden Results of the Sudden Saw Log Study - Growth and Yield Through Age 45 Baldwin, V. Clark, Jr.; Leduc, Daniel J.; Ferguson, Robert B.; Baker, James B.; Busby, Rodney L.

1970. The Number of Instars of Diocryctria amatella (Hulst) in North Florida Fatzinger, Carl W.

1986. The Nutrient Pool of Five Important Bottomland Hardwood Soils Francis, John K.

2000. The Old Orchard white pine plantation at Biltmore McNab, W. Henry; Ritter, Brian A.

1963. The Olustee Arboretum performance of 67 species of forest trees Kraus, John F.

1988. The Optimal Forest Rotation: A Discussion and Annotated Bibliography Newman, David H.

1999. The Organisation and Human Use of Terai Riverine Grasslands in the Royal Chitwan National Park, Nepal (Vol 2). Lehmkuhl, John F.

1997. The Ouachita and Ozark- St. Francis National Forests: A History of the Lands and USDA Forest Service Tenure Strausberg, Stephen; Hough, Walter A.

1996. The Pacific Northwest region vegetation and monitoring system Max, Timothy A.; Schreuder, Hans T.; Hazard, John W.; Oswald, Daniel D.; Teply, John; Alegria, Jim

2003. The Palm Coast Community: Steps to improve Community Preparedness for Wildfire Jakes, Pam; Agrawal, Shruti; Monroe, Martha

1998. The Partners in Flight's Landbird Monitoring Strategy Anonymous

2000. The Pattern and Range of Movement of a Checkered Beetle Predator Relative to its Bark Beetle Prey Cronin, James T.; Reeve, John D.; Wilkens, Richard; Turchin, Peter

1998. The Pen Branch Project: Restoration of a Forested Wetland in South Carolina Kolka, Randall K.; Nelson, Eric A.; Bonar, Ronald E.; Dulohery, Neil C.; Gartner, David

1964. The Penobscot management-intensity demonstration plots Hart, Arthur C.

2004. The Physiology and Biochemistry of Desiccating White Oak and Cherrybark Oak Acorns Connor, Kristina F.; Sowa, Sharon

1973. The Pinchot Institute System for Environmental Forestry Studies The Pinchot Institute

1997. The Pinewood Nematode: Regulation and Mitigation Dwinell, L. David

2002. The Plantation Conversion Demonstration at the Crossett Experimental Forest--Implications For Converting Stands From Even-Aged to Uneven-Aged Structure Guldin, James M.; Farrar, Robert M., Jr.

2002. The Popularity of Birding is Still Growing Cordell, H. Ken; Herbert, Nancy G.

2004. The Post-harvest Competitive Environment in 13 Mixed-oak Stands in Pennsylvania Gould, Peter J.; Steiner, Kim C.; Finley, James C.; McDill, Marc E.; Fei, Songlin

1988. The Potential for Check Reduction Using Surface Coatings Rice, Raymond M.; Wengert, Eugene M.; Schroeder, J.G.

1996. The Prospects of Employing Semiochemical and Visual Deterrents in Protecting Trees from Bark Beetles Strom, B.L.; Roton, L.M.; Hayes, J.L.; Goyer, R.A.

1999. The Public Debate about Roads on the National Forest: An Analysis of the News Media Bengston, David N.; Fan, David P.

2000. The Public Debate about the Recreation Fee Demonstration Program on the U.S. Nation Forests1 Begston, David N.; Fan, David P.

1996. The R. R. Reynolds Research Natural Area in Southeastern Arkansas: A 56-Year Case Study in Pine-Hardwood Overstory Sustainability Cain, Michael D.; Shelton, Michael G.

1988. The RAPID technique: a new method for evaluating downstream effects of forest practices on riparian zones. Grant, Gordon.

2002. The Recreational Fee Demonstration Program on the national forests: and updated analysis of public attitudes and beliefs, 1996-2001. Bengston, David N.; Fan, David P.

1997. The Red-Cockaded Woodpecker's Role in the Southern Pine Ecosystem, Population Trends and Relationships with Southern Pine Beetles Conner, Richard N.; Rudolph, D. Craig; Saenz, Daniel; Coulson, Robert N.

1994. The Regeneration of Group Selection Openings in Southern Indiana Weigel, Dale R.

1958. The Relation of Growth to Stand Density in Natural Loblolly Pine Stands Wenger, K.F.; Evans, T.C.; Lotti, T.; Cooper, R.W.; Brender, E.V.

2004. The Relationship Between Basal Area and Hard Mast Production in the Ouachita Mountains Perry, Roger W.; Thill, Ronald E.; Tappe, Philip A.; Peitz, David G.

2004. The Relationship Between Evaluative Standards of Quality and Existing Conditions in Parks and Protected Areas Laven, Daniel; Manning, Robert; Valliere, William; Lawson, Steven; Newman, Peter; Budruk, Megha; Bacon, James; Wang, Benjamin

2002. The Relationship Between Soils and Foliar Nutrition For Planted Royal Paulownia Johnson, James E.; Mitchem, David O.; Kreh, Richard E.

1986. The Relationship of Bole Diameters and Crown Widths of Seven Bottomland Hardwood Species Francis, John K.

1995. The Relationship of Diameter at Breast Height and Crown Diameter for Four Species Groups in Hardin County, Tennessee Gering, Lawrence R.; May, Dennis M.

1997. The Relative Performance of New and Used GMA Wood Pallets White, Marshall S.

1989. The Research and Development of COM-PLY Lumber McAlister, Robert H.

2004. The Response of Bareroot Loblolly Pine Seedlings to the Amount and Timing of Nitrogen Fertilization in the Nursery Williams, Hans; Woodard, Karen; Stewart, Tim

1999. The Revival of a Failed Constructed Wetland Treating of a High Fe Load AMD Karathanasis, A.D.; Barton, C.D.

2003. The Road to TMDL is Paved with Good Intentions--Total Maximum Daily Loads for a Wild and Scenic River in the Southern Appalachians Riedel, M.S.; Vose, J.M.; Leigh, D.S.

1987. The Role of Drought in Outbreaks of Plant-eating Insects Mattson, William J.; Haack, Robert A.

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2004. The Role of Regional Factors in Structuring Ouachita Mountain Stream Assemblages Williams, Lance R.; Taylor, Christopher M.; Warren, Melvin L., Jr.; Clingenpeel, J. Alan

2004. The Role of Xylem Sap Abscisic Acid in Leaf Abscission of Droughted Seedlings of Isohydric and Anisohydric Temperate Deciduous Angiosperms Pallardy, Stephen G.; Loewenstein, Nancy J.

1985. The Roots of Plantation Cottonwood: Their Characteristics and Properties Francis, John K.

2000. The Savannah River Site: site description, land use, and management history White, David L.; Gaines, Karen F.

2003. The Science Consistency Review: A Tool To Evaluate the Use of Scientific Information in Land Management Decisionmaking Guldin, James M.; Cawrse, David; Graham, Russell; Hemstrom, Miles; Joyce, Linda; Kessler, Steve; McNair, Ranotta; Peterson, George; Shaw, Charles G.; Stine, Peter; Twery, Mark; Walter, Jeffrey

1994. The Scientific Basis for Conserving Forest Carnivores: American Marten, Fisher, Lynx and Wolverine in the Western United States Ruggiero, Leonard F.; Aubry, Keith B.; Buskirk, Steven W.; Lyon, L. Jack; Zielinski, William J.

1997. The Selection of Bridge Materials Utilizing the Analytical Hierarchy Process Smith, Robert L.; Bush, Robert J.; Schmoldt, Daniel L.

2004. The Social Benefits of Saltwater Recreational Fishing Thomas, Adam B.; Vogelsong, Hans

2004. The Social Values of Wilderness Schuster, Rudolph; Tarrant, Michael; Watson, Alan

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1999. The Southern Annual Forest Inventory System Reams, Gregory A.; van Deusen, Paul C.

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1998. The Southern Appalachians: A History of the Landscape Yarnell, Susan L.

1992. The Southern Global Change Program Southeastern Forest Experiment Station

2002. The Southern Timber Market to 2040 Prestemon, Jeffrey P.; Abt, Robert C.

1998. The South’s forestland – on the hot seat to provide more Sheffield, Raymond M.; Dickson, James G.

1999. The Spatial Distribution of Dead Trees across Arkansas Timberlands Spetich, Martin A.; Guldin, James M.

1970. The Sprouting Potential of Dormant Buds on the Bole of Pole-Size Sugar Maple Godman, Richard M.; Mattson, Gilbert A.

1999. The Spruce Beetle Holsten, E.H.; Their, R.W.; Munson, A.S.; Gibson, K.E.

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1985. The Status of White Spruce Plantations on Lake States National Forests Erickson, Glen; Rauscher, H. Michael

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2001. The Sustainable Forestry Initiative of the American Forest & Paper Association Barneycastle, Chris

1977. The Tionesta Scenic and Research Natural Areas Bjorkbom, John C.; Larson, Rodney G.

1998. The Trophic Significance of Bacteria in a Detritus-Based Stream Food Web Hall, Robert O.; Meyer, Judy L.

1990. The U.S. Hardwood Situation Related to Exports Araman, Philip A.; Tansey, John

2000. The United States Experience with the Exotic Cerambycid Anoplophora glabripennis: Detection, Quarantine, and Control Haack, Robert A.; Poland, Therese M.; Gao, Rui-Tong

2000. The Use of Amenity Indicators in Anticipating Private Forestland Parcelization: A Look at the Lake States` Northwoods Gobster, Paul H.; Schmidt, Thomas L.

1982. The Use of Flow Charts in Sediment Routing Analysis Reid, Leslie M.

1990. The Use of Monoterpenes as Kairomones by Ips latidens (LeConte) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) Miller, D.R.; Borden, J.H.

1995. The Use of New and Recycled Wood Materials by the Pallet Industry Bush, Robert J.; Hansen, Eric; Araman, Philip A.

2002. The Use of Soil Scarification to Enhance Oak Regeneration in a Mixed-Oak Bottomland Forest of Southern Illinois Lhotka, John M.; Zaczek, James J.

2002. The Use of Surveillance Data and Market Research to Promote Physical Activity Fridinger, Fred; Macera, Carol; Cordell, H. Ken

1993. The Value Versus Volume Yield Problem for Live-Sawn Hardwood Sawlogs Steele, Philip H.; Wagner, Francis G.; Kumar, Lalit; Araman, Philip A.

1980. The Wood and Bark of Hardwoods Growing on Southern Pine Sites - A Pictorial Atlas McMillin, Charles W.; Manwiller, Floyd G.

1993. The Woody Biomass Resource of East Oklahoma, 1993 Rosson, James F., Jr.

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1991. The biology of arboreal rodents in Douglas-fir forests Carey, Andrew B.

1998. The biology of gall-inducing arthropods. Csoka, Gyuri; Mattson, Wiliam J.; Stone, Graham N.; Price, Peter W.

1998. The brown-headed cowbird and its riparian-dependent hosts in New Mexico Schweitzer, Sara H.; Finch, Deborah M.; Leslie, Jr., David M.

1979. The campground industry--recent national trends Bevins, Malcolm I.; LaPage, Wilbur F.; Wilcox, Daniel P.

1995. The case of forest carnivores: small packages big worries Kucera, T.E.; Zielinski, William J.

1974. The causes of fires on northeastern national forests. Main, William A.; Haines, Donald A.

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1972. The changing market for hardwood plywood stock panels. Lindell, Gary R.

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1997. The chromosomal distributions of Ty1-copia group retrotransposable elements in higher plants and their implications for genome evolution Heslop-Harrison, J.S. (Pat); Brandes, Andrea; Taketa, Shin; Schmidt, Thomas; Vershinin, Alexander V.; Alkhimova, Elena G.; Kamm, Anette; Doudrick, Robert L.; [and others]

1995. The contribution of federal and non-federal habitat to persistence of the northern spotted owl on the Olympic Peninsula, Washington: report of the Reanalysis Team Holthausen, R.S.; Raphael, M.G.; McKelvey, K.S.; Forsman, E.D.; Starkey, E.E.; Seaman, D.E.

1995. The contribution of federal and nonfederal habitat to persistence of the northern spotted owl on the Olympic Peninsula, Washington: report of the Reanalysis Team. Holthausen, Richard S.; Raphael, Martin G.; McKelvey, Kevin S.; Forsman, Eric D.; Starkey, Edward E.; Seaman, D. Erran.

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1981. The current status on the selection and management of vegetation for slow rate and overland flow application systems to treat municipal wastewater in the North Central region of the United States Brockway, D.G.; Burton, T.M.; Cooley, J.H.; D'Itri, F.M.; Dowdy, R.H.; Ellis, B.G.; Epstein, L.; Erickson, A.E.; Hook, J.E.; Jacobs, L.W.; Kerr, S.N.; Knezek, B.D.; Myers, E.A.; Palazzo, A.J.; Poloncsik, S.; Safir, G.R.; Sopper, W.E.; Sutherland, J.C.; Tesar, M.B.; Thomas, R.E.; Urie, D.H.

1979. The demand for nonconsumptive wildlife uses: A review of the literature More, Thomas A.

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1998. The distribution of genets and their nuclear composition reveal the dynamics of establishment and survival of Heterobasidion annosum in white fir stands Garbelotto, M.; Cobb, F.W.; Bruns, T.D.; Otrosina, W.; Popenuck, T.; Slaughter, Garey

1988. The distribution of hillslope-channel interactions in a rangeland watershed Reid, Leslie M.

1971. The dynamic forces and moments required in handling tree-length logs. Sturos, John A.

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1994. The ecology and evolution of gall-forming insects. Price, Peter W.; Mattson, William J.; Baranchikov, Yuri N.

1979. The economic and geographic impact of national forest land on counties in southern Illinois. Spencer, David; Beazley, Ronald I.

1989. The economic impacts of Lake States forestry: an input-output study. Pedersen, Larry; Chappelle, Daniel E.; Lothner, David C.

1983. The economics of a mechanized multiproduct harvesting system for stand conversion of northern hardwoods. Sturos, John A.; Miyata, Edwin S.; Steinhilb, Helmuth M.; Barron, Robert M.

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1998. The effects of NAFTA and an FTAA on U.S. exports of hardwood forest products Prestemon, Jeffrey P.

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1996. The effects of Seedling Quality and Forest Site Weather on Field Survival of Ponderosa Pine McTague, John Paul; Tinus, Richard W.

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1999. The effects of population growth on timber management and inventories in Virginia Wear, David N.; Liu, Rei; Foreman, J. Michael; Sheffield, Raymond M.

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1986. The effects of selective logging on low flows and water yield in a coastal stream in northern California Keppeler, Elizabeth T.

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2003. The effects of soil fumigation on pine seedling production, weeds, foliar and soil nutrients, a soilborne microorganisms at a south Georgia (U.S.A.) forest tree nursery Fraedrich, Stephen W.; Dwinell, L. David

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2000. The effects of spacing and thinning on stand and tree characteristics of 38-year-old loblolly pine Baldwin, V. Clark, Jr.; Peterson, Kelly D.; Clark, Alexander, III; Ferguson, Robert B.; Strub, Mike R; Bower, David R.

1994. The effects of thinning and broadcast burning on sporocarp production of hypogeous fungi Waters, J.R.; McKelvey, K.S.; Zabel, C.J.; Oliver, W.W.

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1998. The effects of wind disturbance on temperate rain forest structure and dynamics of southeast Alaska Nowacki, Gregory J.; Kramer, Marc G.

2002. The emerald ash borer: a new exotic pest in North America Haack, Robert A.; Jendak, Eduard; Houping, Liu; Marchant, Keneth R.; Petrice, Toby R.; Poland, Therese M.; Ye, Hui

1982. The extent and characteristics of low productivity aspen areas in Minnesota. Raile, Gerhard K.; Hahn, Jerold T.

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2003. The fire and oak hypothesis: incorporating the influence of deer browsing and canopy gaps Collins, Rachel J.; Carson, Walter P.

1999. The fish-based food web: when predator and prey connect Duncan, Sally

1996. The forest and agricultural sector optimization model (FASOM): model structure and policy applications Adams, Darius M.; Alig, Ralph J.; Callaway, J.M.; McCarl, Bruce A.; Winnett, Steven M.

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2004. The forests of Connecticut Wharton, Eric H.; Widmann, Richard H.; Alerich, Carol L.; Barnett, Charles H.; Lister, Andrew J.; Lister, Tonya W.; Smith, Don; Borman, Fred

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1982. The importance of root strength and deterioration rates upon edaphic stability in steepland forests O'Loughlin, C.; Ziemer, Robert R.

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1980. Timber Volume in Minnesota, 1977 Ostrom, Arnold J.

1974. Timber Volume in Missouri Counties Ostrom, Arnold J.

1984. Timber Volume in Nebraska, 1983 Hackett, Ronald L.

1982. Timber Volume in North Dakota Counties, 1980 Castonguay, Thomas L.

1986. Timber Volume in WIsconsin 1983 Hahn, Jerold T.

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2003. Timber and Amenities on Nonindustrial Private Forest Land Pattanayak, Subhrendu K.; Abt, Karen Lee; Holmes, Thomas P.

2002. Timber bridge evaluation : a global nondestructive approach using impact generated FRFs Morison, Angus; Van Karsen, C.D.; Evensen, H.A.; Ligon, J.B.; Erickson, J.R.; Ross, R.J.; Forsman, J.W.

2001. Timber economics of natural catastrophes Prestemon, Jeffrey P.; Pye, John M.; Holmes, Thomas P.

1989. Timber harvesting trends in the Lake States, 1983-1987. Smith, W. Brad; Blyth, James E.

1999. Timber harvesting, processing, and employment in the Northwest Economic Adjustment Initiative region: changes and economic assistance. Raettig, Terry L.; Christensen, Harriet H.

1976. Timber in Missouri, 1972. Spencer, John S. Jr.; Essex, Burton L.

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1963. Timber management and economic analysis: a case study Webster, Henry H.

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1982. Timber resource of Michigan`s Northern Lower Peninsula, 1980. Jakes, Pamela J.

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1979. Timber resource of Minnesota`s Aspen-Birch Unit, 1977. Spencer, John S. Jr.; Ostrom, Arnold J.

1980. Timber resource of Minnesota`s Central Hardwood Unit, 1977. Vasilevsky, Alexander; Hackett, Ronald L.

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1991. Timber resource of Missouri`s Prairie. Ostrom, Arnold J.

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1985. Timber resource of Wisconsin`s Central Survey Unit, 1983. Hahn, Jerold T.

1984. Timber resource of Wisconsin`s Northwest Survey Unit, 1983. Smith, W. Brad

1985. Timber resource of Wisconsin`s Southeast Survey Unit, 1983. Spencer, John S. Jr.

1988. Timber resource of the Indiana Knobs Unit, 1986. Hansen, Mark H.; Golitz, Mark F.

1991. Timber resource of the Mark Twain National Forest. Kingsley, Neal P.; Law, Jay R.

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1982. Timber resources of Michigan`s Eastern Upper Peninsula, 1980. Smith, W. Brad

1982. Timber resources of western Oregon—Highlights and statistics. Gedney, Donald R.

2004. Timber rivet connections in US domestic species Begel, Marshall; Wolfe, Ronald W.; Stahl, Douglas C.

2001. Timber supply and demand assessment of the Green and White Mountain National Forests' market area LeDoux, Chris B.; Sendak, Paul E.; McWilliams, William H.; Huyler, Neil; Malecek, Thomas; Muzzey, Worthen; Jones, Toni

1996. Timber supply in the Pacific Northwest: managing for economic and ecological values in Douglas-fir forest. Curtis, R.O.; Carey, A.B.

1988. Timber volume in Indiana, 1986. Hansen, Mark H.

1977. Timber, Browse, and Herbage on Selected Loblolly-Shortleaf Pine-Hardwood Forest Stands Wolters, Gale L. ; Martin, Alton, Jr.; Clary, Warren P.

1989. Timberland area change in the Lake States: past trends, causes, and projections. Plantinga, Andrew; Buongiorno, Joseph; Alig, Ralph J.; Spencer, John S. Jr.

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1960. Time - Temperature Relationships of Test Head Fired and Backfires Davis, Lawrence S.; Martin, Robert E.

1999. Time Study of Harvesting Equipment Using GPS-Derived Positional Data McDonald, Tim

2002. Time domain ultrasonic signal characterization for defects in thin unsurfaced hardwood lumber Kabir, Mohammed F.; Schmoldt, Daniel L.; Schafer, Mark E.

1956. Time of Flowering and Seed Ripening in Southern Pines Dorman, Keith W.; Barber, John C.

1996. Time, space, and redwood trees Reid, Leslie M.

2001. Timing and Duration of Release Treatments Affect Vegetation Development in a Young California White Fir Plantation McDonald, Philip M.; Fiddler, Gary O.

1999. Timing of Bag Application and Removal in Controlled Mass Pollination Bridgwater, F.E.; Bramlett, D.L.; Hipkins, V.D.

1994. Timing of breeding and molting in six species of Hawaiian honeycreepers Ralph, C.J.; Fancy, S.G.

1985. Timing of longleaf seedling release from over topping hardwoods: A look 30 years later Boyer, William D.

2002. Tip-Dieback in Young Loblolly Pine Plantations South, David B.; Brown, Patrick; Dougherty, Phillip M.; Olykan, Sonya; Runion, Brett; Singh, Adya; Skinner, Malcolm

2002. Tips for Improving Seed Planting Efficiency Dumroese, R. Kasten; Wenny, David L.; Morrison, Susan J.

1979. To Make Long Character-Marked Cuttings From Low-Grade Yellow-Poplar Lumber - Rip First Araman, Philip A.

1995. Tolerance of Loblolly Pines to Fusiform Rust Walkinshaw, Charles H.; Barnett, James P.

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1970. Tool Forces and Chip Formation In Orthogonal Cutting Of Loblolly Pine Woodson, George E.; Koch, Peter

1979. Tool Forces and Chip Types In Orthogonal Cutting Of Southern Hardwoods Woodson, G.E.

2004. Tools for Management for Grassland Ecosystem Sustainability: Thinking "Outside the Box" Gottfried, Gerald J.

1999. Top Grafting Loblolly Pine in the Western Gulf Region Goading, Geoffrey D.; Bridgwater, Floyd E.; Bramlett, David L.; Lowe, William J.

2004. Topographic Position and Site Index: An Oak Regeneratoin Relationship Shostak, David I.; Loewenstein, Edward F.; Dubois, Mark R.

1968. Topography and soil relations for white and black oak in southern Indiana. Hannah, Peter R.

2000. Tourism Dependence in Rural America: Estimates and Effects English, Donald B.K.; Marcouiller, David W. ; Cordell, H. Ken

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2004. Toward Guidelines for Harvest Intensities and Regeneration Targets with Minimal Impact Upon Retained Genetic Diversity in Central Hardwood Tree Species Glaubitz, Jeffrey C.; Robichaud, Rodney L.; Woeste, Keith; Rhodes, Olin E. Jr.

1996. Toward a Value for Guided Rafting on Southern Rivers Bowker, J.M.; English, Donald B.K.; Donovan, Jason A.

1994. Toward a Woody Plant List for Antigua and Barbuda: Past and Present Francis, John; Rivera, Carlos; Figureroa, Julio

1994. Toward a single nursery protocol for oak seedlings Kormanik, Paul P.; Sung, Shi-Jean S.; Kormanik, T.L.

1991. Towards Understanding Thysanopter : Keynote Address Parker, Bruce L.; Skinner, Margaret; Lewis, Trevor; [Editors]

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2000. Toxicity and In Vitro Metabolism of t-Permethrin in Eastern Subterranean Termite (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) Valles, Steven M.; Oi, Faith M.; Wagner, Terry; Brenner, Richard J.

1999. Trace Elements in Bed Sediments and Biota from Streams in the Santee River Basin and Coastal Drainages, North and South Carolina, 1995-97 Abrahamsen, Thomas A.

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1990. Tracking rainfall impulses through progressively larger drainage basins in steep forested terrain Ziemer, Robert R.; Rice, R.M.

2000. Tracking the health of trees over time on Forest Health Monitoring plots Steinman, Jim.

2004. Traffic Congestion and Tourist Displacement in the NH Route 1A/1B Corridor: Does Sampling Method Matter? Wiersma, Josh; Robertson, Robert A.

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1990. Training guide for bird identification in Pacific Northwest Douglas-fir forests Carey, Andrew B.; Castellano, Valen E.; Chappell, Christopher; Kuntz, Robert; Lundquist, Richard W.; Marcot, Bruce G.; Nelson, S. Kim; Sulllivan, Paul; [Technical Compilers]

2000. Transaction Costs and the Collection of Information: Presale Measurement on Private Timber Sales Leffler, Keith B.; Rucker, Randal R.; Munn, Ian A.

1998. Transcript patterns of Phanerochaete chrysosporium genes in organopollutant contaminated soils and in wood Vanden Wymelenberg, Amber.; Janse, Bernard.; Gaskell, Jill.; Dietrich, Diane.; Vallim, Marcelo.; Cullen, Dan.

1996. Transformation of a landscape in the upper mid-west, USA: The history of the St. Croix river valley, 1830 to present Andersen, Osh (Barbara); Crow, Thomas R.; Lietz, Sue M.; Stearns, Forest

1993. Transforming round pegs to fill square holes:Facing the challenge of forest inventories as tools of environmental policy for the 21st century Rudis, Victor A.

1999. Transient expression of GUS in bombarded embryogenic longleaf, loblolly, and eastern white pine Diner, Alex M.; Zipf, Allan; Ward, Rufina; Huang, Yinghua; Brown, George, Jr.

2002. Transient nature of rhizosphere carbon elucidated by supercritical freon-22 extraction and 13C NMR analysis Sanchez, Filipe G.; Bursey, Maurice M.

1999. Transitions in forest fragmentation: implications for restoration opportunities at regional scales Wickham, James D.; Jones, K. Bruce; Riitters, Kurt H.; Wade, Timothy G.; O'Neill, Robert V.

1971. Translocation of 14-C in ponderosa pine seedlings Ziemer, Robert R.

2004. Transpiration and Multiple Use Management of Thinned Emory Oak Coppice Shipek, D. Catlow; Ffolliott, Peter F.; Gottfried, Gerald J.; DeBano, Leonard F.

1993. Transpirational drying and costs for transporting woody biomass - a preliminary review Stokes, Bryce J.; McDonaStokes, Bryce J.; McDonald, Timothy P.; Kelley, Tyrone

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1997. Transverse vibration of a simply supported beam with symmetric overhang of arbitrary length Murphy, J. F.

2001. Trap Type, Chirality of a-Pinene, and Geographic Region Affect Sampling Efficiency of Root and Lower Stem Insects in Pine Erbilgin, Nadir; Szele, Alex; Klepzig, Kier Dean; Raffa, Kenneth Francis

2001. Traveler's Guide to Grey Towers National Historic Landmark and Pinchot Insitute for Conservation - Northeastern Area, State and Private Forestry Northeastern Research Station

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1989. Treating Seedling and Sapling stands for Wildlife Michael, Edwin D.

1999. Treatment Duration and Time Since Disturbance Affect Vegetation Development in a Young Ponderosa Pine Plantation Fiddler, Gary O.; McDonald, Philip M.

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1995. Treatment of old-growth stands and its effects on birds, ants, and large woody debris: a case study Bull, Evelyn L.; Torgersen, Torolf R.; Blumton, Arlene K.; McKenzie, Carol M.; Wyland, Dave S.

1989. Treatments to Encourage Natural Regeneration Loftis, David L.

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2003. Tree Growth and Mortality in a Southern Appalachian Deciduous Forest Following Extended Wet and Dry Periods Clinton, Barton D.; Yeakley, J. Alan; Apsley, David E.

1979. Tree Growth in Several Tropical Forests of Puerto Rico Weaver, Peter L.

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1976. Tree Sizes Harvested in Different Thinnings -- Another Look Mann, W.F., Jr.; Feduccia, D.P.

1999. Tree Species-Soil Reslationships on Marginal Soybean Lands in the Mississippi Delta Groninger, John W.; Aust, W. Michael; Miwa, Masato; Stanturf, John A.

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2002. Trends in Delaware Forests Delaware Department of Agriculture Forest Service

1997. Trends in Genetic and Environmental Parameters for Height, Diameter, and Volume in a Multilocation Clonal Study with Loblolly Pine Paul, A.D.; Foster, G. Sam; Caldwell, T.; McRae, J.

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1997. USDA Forest Service Global Change Research Program Highlights: 1991-1995 : Effects of Global Change Birdsey, Richard; Mickler, Robert; Sandberg, David; Tinus, Richard; Zerbe, John; O’Brian, Kelly; [Editors]

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1996. Understanding Customer Product Choices: A Case Study Using the Analytical Hierarchy Process Smith, Robert L.; Bush, Robert J.; Schmoldt, Daniel L.

2004. Understanding Early Height Growth of Oak Regeneration Following Seasonal Prescribed Fires Brose, Patrick

1998. Understanding Loss Deductions For Yard Trees Greene, John

1998. Understanding Loss Deductions for Timber Greene, John; Jacobson, Michael

2002. Understanding and quantifying urban forest structure, functions, and value Nowak, David J.; Crane, Daniel E.; Walton, Jeffrey T.; Twardus, Daniel B.; Dwyer, John F.

2003. Understanding community-forest relations Kruger, Linda E.; [Technical Editor]

2000. Understanding human uses and values in watershed analysis. Fight, Roger D.; Kruger, Linda E.; Hansen-Murray, Christopher; Holden, Arnold; Bays, Dale

1994. Understanding sucrose metabolism and growth in a developing sweetgum plantation. Sung, Shi-Jean S.; Kormanik, Paul P.; Black, C.C.

2002. Understanding the compatibility of multiple uses on forest land: a survey of multiresource research with application to the Pacific Northwest Stevens, James A.; Montgomery, Claire A.

1979. Understanding the game of the enviroment Houston, David R.

2002. Understanding the links between ecosystem health and social system well-being: an annotated bibliography Elmer, Dawn M.; Christensen, Harriet H.; Donoghue, Ellen M.; [Compilers]

1997. Understanding the role of sediment waves and channel conditions over time and space. Lisle, Thomas E.

2001. Understanding the social acceptability of natural resource decisionmaking processes by using a knowledge base modeling approach Kakoyannis, Christina; Shindler, Bruce; Stankey, George

2003. Understanding wood chemistry changes during biopulping Hunt, Chris; Kenealy, William; Houtman, Carl

2004. Understory Height Growth Dynamics in Uneven-Aged, Mixed-Species Northern Conifer Stands Moores, Andrew; Seymour, Robert; Kenefic, Laura

2002. Understory Herbicide as a Treatment For Reducing Hazardous Fuels and Extreme Fire Behavior in Slash Pine Plantations Brose, Patrick H.; Wade, Dale

2000. Understory Plant Community Response to Season of Burn in Natural Longleaf Pine Forests Kush, John S.; Meldahl, Ralph S.; Boyer, William D.

2004. Understory Response to Disturbance: An Investigation of Prescribed Burning and Understory Removal Treatments Dolan, Benjamin J.; Parker, George R.

1986. Understory Responses to Fertilization to Eroded Kisatchie Soil in Louisiana Thill, Ronald E.; Bellemore, John C.

2002. Understory Restoration in Longleaf Pine Plantations: Overstory Effects of Competition and Needlefall Dagley, Christa M.; Harrington, Timothy B.; Edwards, M. Boyd

1997. Understory Vegetation 3 Years after Implementing Uneven-Aged Silviculture in a Shortleaf Pine-Oak Stand Shelton, Michael G.; Murphy, Paul A.

2004. Understory Vegetation and Overstory Growth in Pine and Pine-Hardwood Shelterwood Stands in the Ouachita Mountains: 5-Year Results Shelton, Michael G.

1999. Understory plant community response after 23 years of hardwood control treatments in natural longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) forests Kush, John S.; Meldahl, Ralph S.; Boyer, William D.

1997. Understory plant diversity in riparian alder-conifer stands after logging in southeast Alaska Deal, Robert L.

1998. Understory plant response to site preparation and fertilization of loblolly and shortleaf pine forests Brockway, Dale G.; Wolters, Gale L.; Pearson, H.A.; Thill, Ronald E.; Baldwin, V. Clark, Jr.; Martin, A.

1999. Understory structure by season following uneven-aged reproduction cutting: a comparison of selected measures 2 and 6 years after treatment Rudis, Victor A.; Thill, Ronald E.; Gramann, James H.; Picone, Joseph; Kalidindi, Nirmala ; Tappe, Philip A.

1999. Understory tree characteristics and disturbance history of a central Appalachian forest prior to old-growth harvesting Schuler, Thomas M.; Fajvan, Mary Ann

2001. Understory vegetation and site factors : implications for a managed Wisconsin landscape Brosofske, K.D.; Chen, J.; Crow, Thomas R.

1999. Understory vegetation, resource availability, and litterfall responses to pine thinning and woody vegetation control in longleaf pine plantations Harrington, Timothy B.; Edwards, M. Boyd.

1996. Uneven-Aged Silviculture for the Loblolly and Shortleaf Pine Forest Cover Types Baker, James B.; Cain, Michael D.; Guldin, James M.; Murphy, Paul A.; Shelton, Michael G.

1998. Uneven-aged silviculture, southern style Guldin, James M.; Baker, James B.

. United States paper, paperboard, and market pulp capacity trends by process and location, 1970-2000 Ince, Peter J.; Li, Xiaolei; Zhou, Mo; Buongiorno, Joseph; Reuter, Mary

. United States pulpwood receipts : softwood and hardwood, roundwood and residues, 1950-1996 Ingram, C. Denise.; Ince, Peter J.; Mehlberg, Ryan L.

2003. United States state-level population estimates: Colonization to 1999 Coulson, David P.; Joyce, Linda

2001. United States timber industry - an assessment of timber product output and use, 1996 Johnson, Tony G.; [Editor]

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2004. University and Small Tourism Business Partnerships: The Case of Isle of Shoals Steamship and UNH’s Tourism Planning and Development Program Robertson, Robert A.; Whittaker, Robin

2003. Unsound defect volume in hardwood pallet cants Araman, Philip; Winn, Matt; Kabir, Firoz; Torcheux, Xavier; Loizeaud, Guillaume

1981. Unstaffed trail registration compliance in a backcountry recreation area. Leatherberry, Earl C.; Lime, David W.

2002. Unwelcome Guests: Extoic Forest Pests Britton, Kerry O.; Jiang-Hua, Sun

2002. Update of Forest Service Research Data Wagner, Terry

2002. Update on Longleaf Pine Seed Supply Meeting Hainds, Mark J.

2001. Updating Indiana Annual Forest Inventory and Analysis Plot Data Using Eastern Broadleaf Forest Diameter Growth Models Lessard, Veronica C.

2004. Upland Hardwood Forests and Related Communities of the Arkansas Ozarks in the Early 19th Century Foti, Thomas L.

2004. Upland Oak Ecology Symposium: A Synthesis Spetich, Martin A.

2004. Upland Oak Ecology and Management Van Lear, D.H.

2004. Upland Oak Regeneration and Management Loftis, David L.

2004. Upland oak ecology symposium: history, current conditions, and sustainability Spetich, Martin A.

2003. Upstream-to-downstream changes in nutrient export risk Wickham, James D.; Wade, Timothy G.; Riitters, Kurt H.; O’Neill, R.V.; Smith, Jonathan H.; Smith, Elizabeth R.; Jones, K.B.; Neale, A.C.

1995. Uptake and Distribution of Nitrogen from Acidic Fog within a Ponderosa Pine (Pinus ponderosa Laws.)/Litter/Soil System Fenn, Mark E.; Leininger, Theodor D.

1998. Urban Forest Health Needs Assessment Survey: Results and Recommendations Pokorny, Jill D.

1998. Urban Forest Health: Identifying Issues and Needs within the Northeastern Area USDA Forest Service

1978. Urban Foresters Notebook Little, Silas; [Editor]

1998. Urban Forestry Laboratory Exercises (For Elementary, Middle, and High School) USDA Forest Service

2001. Urban Trees and Shrubs (selection of trees, shrubs, and their care in urban areas) Chicago Botanic Garden

1999. Urban and Community Forestry Achievements in 1998 Liptzin, Daniel; Neville, Robert

1997. Urban expansion in the forests of the Puget Sound region. MacLean, Colin D.; Bolsinger, Charles L.

2001. Urban forestry research in the United State: the state of art and future prospects Dwyer, John F.; Nowak, David J.; Watson, Gary W.

1979. Urban waste wood utilization: proceedings of a conference on alternatives to urban waste wood disposal Various

1968. Use Hardwoods for Building Components Cooper, Glenn A.; Rice, William W.

1971. Use Trends Indicated by Statistically Calibrated Recreational Sites in the National Forest System Tyre, Gary L.

2001. Use and production of solid sawn timbers in the United States Jackson, Gerry.; Howard, James.; Hammett, A. L.

1996. Use by bats of old-growth redwood hollows on the North Coast of California Gellman, S.T.; Zielinski, William J.

2002. Use of Advanced Spectroscopic Techniques for Predicting the Mechanical Properties of Wood Composites Rials, Timothy G.; Kelley, Stephen S.; So, Chi-Leung

2004. Use of Aerial Hyperspectral Imaging For Monitoring Forest Health Smith, Milton O.; Hess, Nolan J.; Gulick, Stephen, Jr.; Eckhardt, Lori G.; Menard, Roger D.

1977. Use of Computer Simulation in Designing and Evaluating a Proposed Rough Mill for Furniture Interior Parts Araman, Philip A.

1997. Use of ELISA Immunoassay Kits as a Complement to HPLC Analysis of lmazapyr and Triclopyr in Water Samples from Forest Watersheds Fischer, J.B.; Michael, J.L.

2003. Use of Ion Chromatography for Analysis of Macro-nutrients in Mehlich 1 Extracts of Unfertilized Forest Soils Fischer, Joseph B., and James H. Miller

2004. Use of Miniature Plantations to Examine Accelerated Stand Development in Loblolly Pine Plantations: Second Year Results Doruska, Paul F.; Meeker, Ralph B., Jr.; Posey, Travis E.

1994. Use of Multiple Regression and Use-Availability Analyses in Determining Habitat Selection by Gray Squirrels (Sciurus Carolinensis) Edwards, John W.; Loeb, Susan C.; Guynn, David C., Jr.

1987. Use of Municipal Sewage Sludge for Improbement of Forest Sites in the Southeast Berry, Charles R.

1996. Use of NMR spectroscopy and magnetic resonance imaging for discriminating Juglans nigra L. seeds Vozzo, John A.; Halloin, J.M.; Cooper, T.G.; Potechen, E.J.

1997. Use of New Wood Material for Pallets, Containers is Stagnant to Declining Bush, Robert J.; Araman, Philip A.

1995. Use of Sulfometuron in Hybrid Poplar Energy Plantations Netzer, Daniel A.

2004. Use of Tree Species by Summer Birds in Ozark Upland Oak-Hickory Forest Patterson, C. Joan; James, Douglas A.

2000. Use of Woody Debris by Cotton Mice (Peromyscus Gossypinus) in a Southeastern Pine Forest McCay, Timothy S.

1998. Use of a Non-Metric Digital Camera for Tree Stem Evaluation Clark, Neil; Wynne, Randolph H.; Schmoldt, Daniel L.; Araman, Philip A.; Winn, Matthew F.

2000. Use of advanced hardwood sawmill equipment, and desired features for next-generation systems Bowe, Scott; Smith, Robert; Araman, Philip A.; Kline, D. Earl

1999. Use of an Upland Pine Forest by the Star-Nosed Mole, Condylura Cristata McCay, Timothy S.; Komoraoski, Mark J.; Ford, William M.

1997. Use of an electronic-nose device for profiling headspace volatile metabolites to rapidly identify phytopathogenic microbes [Abstract]. Wilson, A. Dan; Lester, D.G.

1992. Use of an inland site in northwestern California by marbled murrelets Paton, P.W.C.; Ralph, C.J.; Erickson, R.A.

2000. Use of fish community data to evaluate restoration success of a riparian stream Paller, Michael H.; Reichert, Marcel J.M.; Dean, John M.; Seigle, John C.

2001. Use of ground-penetrating radar to study tree roots in the southeastern United States Butnor, John R.; Doolittle, J.A.; Kress, L.; Cohen, Susan; Johnsen, Kurt H.

2004. Use of large-scale silvicultural studies to evaluate management options in Pacific Northwest forests of the United States Reutebuch, Stephen E.; Harrington, Constance A.; Marshall, David D.; Brodie, Leslie C.

1999. Use of microsatellite markers in management of conifer forest species Echt, Craig S.

1983. Use of recording watt-varmeter to evaluate the electrical power requirements of a combination edger Adams, Edward L.

1999. Use of risk assessment panels during revision of the Tongass Land and Resource Management Plan. Shaw, Charles G., III

2002. Use of semiochemicals of secondary bark beetles to disrupt spruce beetle attraction and survival in Alaska Werner, Richard A.; Holsten, Edward H.

1985. Use of sporothecae by phoretic Tarsonemus mites to transport ascospores of coniferous bluestain fungi Moser, John C.

1996. Use of taxon-specific competitive-priming PCR to study host specificity, hybridization, and intergroup gene flow in intersterility groups of Heterobasidion annosum Garbelotto, M.; Ratcliff, A.; Bruns, T.D.; Cobb, F.W.; Otrosina, W.J.

1997. Use of terrestrial habitat by western pond turtles (Clemmys marmorata): implications for management Reese, D.A.; Welsh, Hartwell H., Jr.

1994. Use of the forest canopy by bats Wunder, L.; Carey, A.B.

1999. Use of wood in buildings and bridges Moody, Russell C.; TenWolde, Anton

1969. Use of wooden pallets in the brewing industry Lucas, John T.

1996. Use, interpretation, and implications of demographic analyses of northern spotted owl populations Raphael, M.G.; Anthony, R.G.; DeStefano, S.; Forsman, E.D.; Franklin, A.B.; Holthausen, R.; Meslow, E.C.; Noon, B.R.

1997. Used Pallets as a Source of Pellet Fuel: Current Industry Status Aruna, P.B.; Laarman, Jan G.; Araman, Philip A.; Coulter, Edward; Cubbage, Frederick

1995. Usefulness of spatially explicit population models in land management Turner, M.G.; Arthuad, G.J.; Engstrom, R.T.; Heil, S.J.; Liu, J.; Loeb, S.; McKelvey, K.

1996. User assessment of smoke-dispersion models for wildland biomass burning Breyfogle, Steve; Ferguson, Sue A.

1970. User evaluation of campgrounds on two Michigan National Forests. Lucas, Robert C.

1999. User fees for recreation services on public lands: a national assessment Bowker, J.M.; Cordell, H. Ken; Johnson, Cassandra Y.

1999. User's Guide To FBASE: Relational Database Software for Managing R1/R4 (Northern/Intermountain Regions) Fish Habitat Inventory Data Wollrab, Sherry P.

1996. User's Guide for SeedCalc: A Decision-Support System for Integrated Pest Management in Slash Pine Seed Orchards Fatzinger, Carl W.; Dixon, Wayne N.

1998. User's Guide to the Western Root Disease Model, Version 3.0 Frankel, Susan J.

1985. User's Manual for Total-Tree Multiproduct Cruise Program Clark, Alexander, III; Burgan, Thomas M.; Field, Richard C.; Dress, Peter E.

1992. User's guide for GMPHENL: a gypsy moth phenology model Sheehan, Katharine A.

1991. User's guide for Northeast Stand Exam Program (NEST Version 2.1). Schuler, Thomas M.; Simpson, Brian T.

1994. User's guide to AGARIS: Advanced Gang Rip simulator Thomas, Edward R.; Gatchell, Charles J.; Walker, Elizabeth S.

1985. User's guide to OAKSIM: An individual-tree growth and yield simulator for managed, even-aged, upland oak stands Hilt, Donald E.

1994. User's guide to REGS: a realistic grading system (version 2.24) Klinkhachorn, Powsiri; Gatchell, Charles J.; Moody, John

1992. User's guide to SILVAH: stand analysis, prescription, and management simulator program for hardwood stands of the Alleghenies. Marquis, David A.; Ernst, Richard L.

1990. User's guide to STUMP: a system of timber utilization and mill processing Yaussy, Daniel A.; Brisbin, Robert L.

1998. User's guide to UGRS: the Ultimate Grading and Remanufacturing System (version 5.0). Moody, John; Gatchell, Charles J.; Walker, Elizabeth S.; Klinkhachorn, Powsiri

1995. User's guide to the Stand-damage Model: a component of the Gypsy Moth Life System Model (Version 1.1) (Computer program) Colbert, J. J.; Racin, George

1983. User`s guide to calculating rate of fire spread by hand-held calculator. Eenigenburg, James E.

1993. User`s guide: RPGrow$: a red pine growth and analysis spreadsheet for the Lake States. Hyldahl, Carol A.; Grossman, Gerald H.

1995. Users Guide for Fire Image Analysis System - Version 5.0: A Tool for Measuring Fire Behavior Characteristics Adkins, Carl W.

1997. Users Guide to VSMOKE-GIS for Workstations Harms, Mary F.; Lavdas, Leonidas G.

2003. Users guide for STHARVEST: software to estimate the cost of harvesting small timber Fight, Roger D.; Zhang, Xiaoshan; Hartsough, Bruce R.

1996. Users guide to ACORn: a comprehensive Ozark regeneration simulator. Dey, Daniel C.; Ter-Mikaelian, Michael; Johnson, Paul S.; Shifley, Stephen R.

2002. Users guide to the Most Similar Neighbor Imputation Program Version 2 Crookston, Nicholas L.; Moeur, Melinda; Renner, David

. Uses for Sawdust, Shavings, And Waste Chips Harkin, J. M.

1987. Using "residual depths" to monitor pool depths independently of discharge. Lisle, Thomas E.

2000. Using Bacterial Growth on Insects to Assess Nutrient Impacts in Streams Lemly, A. Dennis

1979. Using Bayleton (Triadimefon) to Control Fusiform Rust in Pine Tree Nurseries Snow, G.A.; Rowan, S.J.; Jones, J.P.; Kelley, W. D.; Mexal, J.G.

2004. Using Before-After-Control-Impact-Pairs to Monitor the Effect of Longwall Mining on Mature Forest Stands in Southeastern Ohio Hicks, Ray R. Jr.; Rentch, James S.

1998. Using Biomass to Improve Site Quality and Carbon Sequestration Buford, Marilyn A.; Stokes, Bryce J.; Sanchez, Felipe G.; Carter, Emily A.

1968. Using Black Light to Find Jack-Pine Budworm Egg Masses Jennings, Daniel T.

2000. Using Classified Landsat Thematic Mapper Data for Stratification in a Statewide Forest Inventory Hansen, Mark H.; Wendt, Daniel G.

1968. Using D.B.H. and Butt Log Quality to Estimate Tree Yields by Saw Log Grade Hyvarinen, Matti J.

2000. Using DCOM to support interoperability in forest ecosystem management decision support systems Potter, W.D.; Liu, S.; Deng, X.; Rauscher, H.M.

1999. Using DNA Markers to Distinguish Among Chestnut Species and Hybrids Kubisiak, Thomas L.

2000. Using Digital Terrain Modeling to Predict Ecological Types in the Balsam Mountains of Western North Carolina Odom, Richard H., Jr.; McNab, W. Henry

2000. Using Dynamic Mechanical Spectroscopy to Monitor the Crystallization of PP/MAPP Blends in the Presence of Wood Wolcott, Michael P.; Yin, Suzhou; Rials, Timothy G.

2002. Using Forest Health Monitoring to assess aspen forest cover change in the southern Rockies ecoregion Rogers, Paul

1994. Using GLEAMS to Select Environmental Windows for Herbicide Application in Forests Smith, M.C.; Michael, J.L.; Koisel, W.G.; Nealy, D.G.

1998. Using Historical Temperature Records To Adjust The Federal Quarantine Of The Pine Shoot Beetle Haack, Robert A.; Therese, Poland M.; Heilman, Warren E.

2000. Using Landscape Hierarchies To Guide Restoration Of Disturbed Ecosystems Palik, Brian J.; Goebel, Charles P.; Kirkman, Katherine L.; West, Larry

1999. Using Live-Crown Ratio to Control Wood Quality: An Example of Quantitative Silviculture Dean, Thomas J.

1995. Using Multiple FPGA Architectures for Real-time Processing of Low-level Machine Vision Functions Drayer, Thomas H.; King, William E., IV; Araman, Philip A.; Tront, Joseph G.; Conners, Richard W.

1999. Using Population Data to Address the Human Dimensions of Environmental Change Mageean, D.M.; Bartlett, J.G.

1987. Using Prescribed Fire to Reduce the Risk of Large Wildfires: A Break-Even Analysis Saveland, J.M.

2000. Using Prescribed Fire to Regenerate Table Mountain Pine in the Southern Appalachian Mountains Brose, Patrick H.; Waldrop, Thomas A.

2000. Using Resource Economics to Anticipate Forest Land Use Change in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic Region Parks, Peter J.; Hardie, Ian W.; Tedder, Cheryl A.; Wear, David N.

1999. Using Shelterwood Harvests and Prescribed Fire to Regenerate Oak Stands on Productive Upland Sites Brose, Patrick H.; van Lear, David H.; Cooper, Roderick

1989. Using Silviculture to Minimize Gypsy Moth Impact Gottschalk, Kurt W.

2004. Using Snorkeling to Quantify Fish Assemblage Structure in Arkansas Streams Lonzarich, David G.; Lonzarich, Mary E.; Warren, Melvin L., Jr.

1998. Using Stocking or Harvesting to Reverse Period-Doubling Bifurcations in Discrete Population Models Selgrade, James F.

2004. Using Wood Warbler Foraging Behavior to Understand Avian Responses to Forest Management Rodewald, Paul G.; Smith, Kimberly G.

1993. Using a Density-Management Diagram to Develop Thinning Schedules for Loblolly Pine Plantations Dean, Thomas J.; Baldwin, V. Clark, Jr.

1996. Using a Hydrological Model to Determine Environmentally Safer Windows for Herbicide Application Michael, J.L.; Smith, M.C.; Knisel, W.G.; Neary, D.G.; Fowler, W.P.; Turton, D.J.

1982. Using a Programmable Calculator to Compute and Compare Thinning Schedules Leary, Rolfe A.; Florey, Rebecca J.

1982. Using a recording watt/varmeter to measure power consumption of sawmill equipment Adams, Edward L.

1999. Using analytical tools for decision-making and program planning in natural resources: breaking the fear barrier Peterson, David L.; Schmoldt, Daniel L.

1990. Using column lysimetry to evaluate acid precipitation effects. Harris, Alfred Ray; Stone, Douglas M.

2004. Using crown condition variables as indicators of forest health Zarnoch, Stanley J.; Bechtold, William A.; Stoke, K.W.

1999. Using estimates of natural variation to detect ecologically important change in forest spatial patterns: a case study, Cascade Range, eastern Washington Hessburg, Paul F.; Smith, Bradley G.; Salter, R. Brion

1994. Using expert opinion to evaluate a habitat effectiveness model for elk in western Oregon and Washington Holthausen, Richard S.; Wisdom, Michael J.; Pierce, John; Edwards, Daniel K.; Rowland, Mary M.

1997. Using fire to restore pine/hardwood ecosystems in the Southern Appalachians of North Carolina Vose, James M.; Swank, Wayne T.; Clinton, Barton D.; Hendrick, Ronald L.; Major, Amy E.

1993. Using forest inventory data to assess use restrictions on private timberland in Illinois. Leatherberry, Earl C.

1991. Using global positioning system technology for watershed mapping in Caspar Creek Henry, Norm

1985. Using glyphosate herbicide in converting aspen to conifers. Perala, Donald A.

2001. Using hyperdocuments for knowledge management: an encyclopedia of southern appalachian forest ecosystems Kennard, Deborah K.; Rauscher, H. Michael; Schmoldt, Daniel L.; Flebbe, Patricia A.; Jordin, J.B.; Hubbard, W.G.; Covington, M.C.; Rushton, N.

2003. Using kinetic models to predict thermal degradation of fire-retardant-treated plywood roof sheathing Lebow, Patricia; Winandy, Jerrold E.; Lebow, Patricia K.

2000. Using landscape metrics to model source habitat for Neotropical migrants in the midwestern U.S. Fauth, Peter T.; Gustafson, Eric J.; Rabenold, Kerry N.

1986. Using landslide risk analysis to protect fish habitat Rice, R. M.

1995. Using manufacturing simulators to evaluate important processing decisions in the furniture and cabinet industries Wiedenbeck, Janice K.; Araman, Philip A.

1997. Using micropropagation to conserve threatened rare species in sustainable forests Edson, J.L.; Wenny, David L.; Leege-Brusven, A.D.; Everett, R.L.

1995. Using open-top pipe culverts to control surface water on steep road grades Kochenderfer, James N.

1999. Using presence/absence data to build and test spatial habitat models for the fisher in the Klamath region, U.S.A. Carroll, C.; Zielinski, William J.; Noss, R.F.

1991. Using price data to consider risk in the evaluation of forest management investments. Baumgartner, David C.; Hyldahl, Carol A.

2003. Using short-rotation hardwood plantations as “green” inventory for southeastern pulp mills Gallagher, Thomas; Shaffer, Robert

2002. Using soil temperature and moisture to predict forest soil nitrogen mineralization Knoepp, Jennifer D.; Swank, Wayne T.

1999. Using stand replacement fires to restore southern Appalachian pine-hardwood ecosystems: effects on mass, carbon, and nutrient pools Vose, James M.; Swank, Wayne T.; Clinton, Barton D.; Knoepp, Jennifer D.; Swift, Lloyd W.

1996. Using surveys as input to comprehensive watershed management: a case study from Minnesota. Kelly, Tim; Sushak, Ron

2002. Using terrestrial ecosystem survey data to identify potential habitat for the Mexican spotted owl on National Forest System lands: a pilot study Ganey, Joseph L.; Benoit, Mary Ann

1997. Using the AHP in a Workshop Setting to Elicit and Prioritize Fire Research Needs Schmoldt, Daniel L.; Peterson, David L.

1997. Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process for Decision-Making in Ecosystem Management Schmoldt, Daniel L.; Peterson, David L.

2003. Using the Zope Web application framework to build and manage a large encyclopedia of scientific knowledge Jordin, John, Jr.; Hubbard, William; Kennard, Deborah; Milnor, William; Rauscher, Michael; Veal, Bryan

2002. Using the global positioning system to map disturbance patterns of forest harvesting machinery McDonald, T.P.; Carter, E.A.; Taylor, S.E.

1992. Using the index of biotic integrity (IBI) to measure environmental quality in warmwater streams of Wisconsin. Lyons, John

2001. Using ultrasound to detect defects in trees: current knowledge and future needs Leininger, Theodor D.; Schmoldt, Daniel L.; Tainter, F.H.

2000. Using widely spaced observations of land use, forest attributes, and intrusions to map resource potential and human impact probability Rudis, Victor A.

2003. Utility of Ground-Penetrating Radar as a Root Biomass Survey Tool in Forest Systems Butnor, John R.; Doolittle, J.A.; Johnsen, Kurt H.; Samuelson, L.; Stokes, T.; Kress, L.

2002. Utilization of Oregon’s timber harvest and associated direct economic effects Gebert, Krista M.; Keegan, Charles E., III; Willits, Sue; Chase, Al

2002. Utilization of forest slash to sequester carbon in loblolly pine plantations in the lower coastal plain Sanchez, F.; Carter, E.A.; Edwards, W.

1998. Utilizing GIS to Assess the Impact of Urbanization on Timberland Availibility in Southeastern Louisiana Hodges, Donald G.; Gunter, James T.; Swalm, Christopher M.; Regens, James L.

2001. Utilizing Municipal Trees: Ideas From Across the Country Bratkovich, Stephen M.

1990. Utilizing residues from in-woods flail processing Baughman, Ronald K.; Stokes, Bryce J.; Watson, William F.

1986. VIII-9 Tree root effect in preventing landslide on the bottom and circumference Abe, Kazutoki; Iwamoto, Masaru; Ziemer, Robert R.

1991. Vacuum collection of Douglas-fir pollen for supplemental mass pollinations Copes, D.L.; Vance, N.C.; Randall, W.K.; Jasumback, A.; Hallman, R.

1968. Vacuum pumping increases sap yields from sugar maple trees Blum, Barton M.; Koelling, Melvin R.

1995. Validation of FIBER 3.0 for tolerant hardwood stands in Ontario Bankowski, Jacek; Dey, Daniel C.; Woods, Murray; Rice, Jim; Boysen, Eric; Batchelor, Brian; Miller, Roj

1996. Validation of NE-TWIGS for tolerant hardwood stands in Ontario Bankowski, Jacek; Dey, Daniel C.; Boysen, Eric; Woods, Murray; Rice, Jim

1995. Validation of SILVAH for tolerant hardwoods in Ontario Bankowski, Jacek; Dey, Daniel C.; Jim, Rice; Boysen, Eric; Miller, Roj

1999. Validation of Volume and Taper Equations For Loblolly Shortleaf and Slash Pine Tiarks, Allan E.; Baldwin, V. Clark, Jr.

1982. Validation of the Unthinned Loblolly Pine Plantation Yield Model-USLYCOWG Baldwin, V. Clark, Jr.; Feduccia, D.P.

1999. Validity of plant fiber length measurement : a review of fiber length measurement based on kenaf as a model Han, James S.; Mianowski, Theodore.; Lin, Yi-yu.

1992. Value of Defect Information in Automated Hardwood Edger and Trimmer Systems Regalado, Carmen; Kline, D. Earl; Araman, Philip A.

1998. Value of Tree Measurements Made at Age 5 Years for Predicting the Height and Diameter Growth at Age 25 Years in Loblolly Pine Plantations Tiarks, Allan E.; Meier, Calvin E.; Baldwin, V. Clark, Jr.; Haywood, James D.

1996. Value of timber and agricultural products in the United States, 1991 McKeever, D. B.; Howard, J. L.

1998. Value-added mechanical pulps for light weight, high opacity paper Sykes, Marguerite.; Klungness, John.; Tan, Freya.; Abubakr, Said M.

1996. Valuing Tropical Rainforest Protection Using the Contingent Valuation Method Kramer, Randall A.; Mercer, Evan; Sharma, Narendra

1997. Valuing a Global Environmental Good: U.S. Residents' Willingness to Pay to Protect Tropical Rain Forests Kramer, Randall A.; Mercer, D. Evan

2003. Valuing a log: alternative approaches Nagubadi, R.V.; Fight, R.D.; Barbour, R.J.

2000. Valuing the Recreational Benefits from the Creation of Nature Reserves in Irish Forests Scarpa, Riccardo; Chilton, Susan M.; Hutchinson, W. George; Buongiorno, Joseph

1995. Variability in early height growth rate of forest trees: implications for retrospective studies of stand dynamics Palik, Brain J.; Pregitzer, Kurt S.

2004. Variability in evaluating environmental impacts of treated wood. Lebow, Stan T.; Cooper, Paul; Lebow, Patricia K.

2004. Variability in evaluating environmental impacts of treated wood. Lebow, Stan; Cooper, Paul; Lebow, Patricia.

2000. Variability of bed mobility in natural, gravel-bed channels and adjustments to sediment load at local and reach scales Lisle, Thomas E.; Nelson, Jonathan M.; Pitlick, John; Madej, Mary Ann; Barkett, Brent L.

1979. Variable Oakleaf Caterpillar Wilson, Louis F.; Surgeoner, Gordon A.

1970. Variable-Density Yield Tables for Managed Stands of Natural Slash Pine Bennett, Frank A.

2003. Variation among slash pine families in chlorophyll fluorescence traits Koehn, Anita C.; Roberds, James H.; Doudrick, Robert L.

1970. Variation in Density of Sugar Maple Sapwood and Heartwood Lamb, Fred M.; Marden, Richard M.

1995. Variation in Genotype Frequencies During the Life History of the Bivalve, Dreissena Polymorpha Haag, Wendell R.; Garton, David W.

1997. Variation in Local-Scale Edge Effects: Mechanisms and landscape Context Donovan, Therese M.; Jones, Peter W.; Annand, Elizabeth M.; Thompson III, Frank R.

2003. Variation in fecundity and other reproductive traits in freshwater mussels Haag, Wendell R.; Staton, J. Leann

1997. Variation in salmonid life histories: patterns and perspectives Willson, Mary F.

1990. Variation in the foraging behaviors of two flycatchers: associations with stage of the breeding cycle Sakai, H.F.; Noon, B.R.

1968. Variation of sugar maple sap yield and its influence on experimental design Blum, Barton M.; Gibbs, Carter B.

1992. Variations in Seasonal Moisture Content Phelps, John E.

1983. Variations in height-over-age curves for young longleaf pine plantations Boyer, William D.

2003. Vascular Plant Species of the Forest Ecology Research and Demonstration Area, Paul Smith’s, New York Wade, Gary L.; Myers, Jonathan A.; Martin, Cecilia R.; Detmar, Kathie; Mator, William, III; Twery, Mark J.; Rechlin, Mike

1993. Vascular cambial sucrose metabolism and growth in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) in relation to transplanting stress Sung, Shi-Jean S.; Kormanik, Paul P.; Black, C.C.

2002. Vascular flora and macroscopic fauna on the Fernow Experimental Forest Madarish, Darlene M.; Rodrigue, Jane L.; Adams, Mary Beth

2004. Vascular plant species of the Comanche National Grassland in southeastern Colorado Hazlett, Donald L.

1999. Vector Analysis Identify Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda L.) Phosphorus Deficiency on a Beauregard Soil Bekele, A.; Hundall, W.H.; Tiarks, A.E.

2004. Vegetation Cover Affects Mammal Herbivory on Planted Oaks and Success of Reforesting Missouri River Bottomland Fields Dugger, Shannon; Dey, Daniel C.; Millspaugh, Joshua J.

2004. Vegetation Dynamics After the Baxter Park Fire of 1977 Small, Erin D.; Wilson, Jeremy S.; Kimball, Alan J.

1994. Vegetation Recovery Following High-intensity Wildfire and Silvicultural Treatments in Sand Pine Scrub Greenberg, Cathryn H.; Neary, Daniel G.; Harris, Lawrence D.; Linda, Steven P.

2003. Vegetation Recovery and Stand Structure Following a Prescribed Stand-Replacement Burn in Sand Pine Scrub Greenberg, Cathryn H.

1997. Vegetation Trends in a 31-Year-Old Ponderosa Pine Plantation: Effect of Different Shrub Densities McDonald, Philip M.; Abbott, Celeste S.

2002. Vegetation and Ecological Characteristics of Mixed-Conifer and Red Fir Forests at the Teakettle Experimental Forest North, Malcolm; Oakley, Brian; Chen, Jiquan; Erickson, Heather; Gray, Andrew; Izzo, Antonio; Johnson, Dale; Ma, Siyan; Marra, Jim; Meyer, Marc; Purcell, Kathryn; Rambo, Tom; Rizzo, Dave; Roath, Brent; Schowalter, Tim.

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1999. Vegetation dynamics after a prescribed fire in the southern Appalachians Elliott, Katherine J.; Hendrick, Ronald L.; Major, Amy E.; Vose, James M.; Swank, Wayne T.

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2004. Vegetation of forested uplands in the Massabesic Experimental Forest Dibble, Alison C.; Rees, Catherine A.; Sendak, Paul E.; Brissette, John C.

2001. Vegetation patterns and abundances of amphibians and small mammals along small streams in a northwestern California watershed Waters, Jeffrey R.; Zabel, Cynthia J.; McKelvey, Kevin S.; Welsh, Hartwell H., Jr.

1999. Vegetation resources inventory of southwest Alaska: development and application of an innovative, extensive sampling design van Hees, Willem W.S.

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2003. Vegetation, Soil, and Flooding Relationships in a Blackwater Floodplain Forest Burke, Marianne K.; King, Sammy L.; Gartner, David; Eisenbies, Mark H.

1997. Vegetative Measures for Streambank Stabilization: Case Studies from Illinois and Missouri Heyer, Teri

1999. Vegetative anatomy and relationships of Setchellanthus caeruleus (Setchellanthaceae) Carlquist, Sherwin; Miller, Regis B.

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2003. Vegetative characteristics of swift fox denning and foraging sites in southwestern South Dakota Uresk, Daniel W.; Severson, Kieth E.; Javersak, Jody

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1995. Vertical leaf area distribution, light transmittance, and application of the Beer-Lambert Law in four mature hardwood stands in the southern Appalachians Vose, James M.; Sullivan, Neal H.; Clinton, Barton D.; Bolstad, Paul V.

1992. Viability Of Red Pine Seed Stored Up To 54 Years Erickson, Glen W.; Barse, Robert G.

1998. Viability of litter-stored Pinus taeda L. seeds after simulated prescribed winter burns Cain, Michael D.; Shelton, Michael G.

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1997. Visual quality assessment of alternative silvicultural practices in upland hardwood management McDonald, Tim; Stokes, Bryce

1993. Visual quality of human-made clearings in central Michigan conifers. Schroeder, Herbert .; Gobster, Paul H.; Frid, Ross

1998. Visual tree grading systems for estimating lumber yields in young and mature southern pine Clark, Alexander, III; McAlister, Robert H.

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1998. Voices from southern forests Cordell, H. Ken; Bliss, John C.; Johnson, Cassandra Y.; Fly, Mark

1999. Volatile organic compound emmission rates from mixed deciduous and coniferous foest in Northern Wisconsin, USA Isebrands, J. G.; Guenther, A. B.; Harley, P.; Helmig, D.; Klinger, L.; Vierling, L.; Zimmerman, P.; Geron, C.

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1994. Volume V: a framework for sustainable-ecosystem management Bormann, Bernard T.; Brookes, Martha H.; Ford, E. David; Kiester, A. Ross; Oliver, Chadwick D.; Weigand, James F.

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2002. WATGIS: A GIS-Based Lumped Parameter Water Quality Model Fernandez, Glenn P.; Chescheir, George M.; Skaggs, R. Wayne; Amatya, Devendra M.

2003. Waldo, Florida - Steps to improve community preparedness for wildfire Jakes, Pam; Agrawal, Shruti; Monroe, Martha

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1988. Weed Control Ponder, Felix Jr.

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1985. Weight, Volume, and Physical Properties of Major Hardwood Species in the Gulf and Atlantic Coastal Plains Clark, Alexander, III; Phillips, Douglas R.; Frederick, Douglas J.

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1992. What are Northern Hardwoods Godman, Richard M.

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1999. What factors control dimerization of coniferyl alcohol? Houtman, Carl J.

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2000. What is the Wildland Fire Threat to Homes? Cohen, Jack D.

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1999. What people think about Ecological restoration and Related Topics: At a first look Barro, Susan C.; Bopp, Nadine A.

2000. What the Delta Looked Like Before European Settlers Came Devall, Margaret S.

1992. What to do With Northern Hardwood-Aspen Mixtures Godman, Richard M.

1998. What's ahead in automated lumber grading Kline, D. Earl; Conners, Richard; Araman, Philip A.

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1998. What`s working on working rivers: a handbook for improving urban rivers: examples from Chicago area rivers. Cohn, Naomi

2002. When the forest burns: making sense of fire history west of the cascades Duncan, Sally

1995. Where Are Used Pallets Going? New Study to Connect Landfills and Pallet Recycling Araman, Philip A.; Bush, Robert

2004. Where Do We Go From Here? Blaney, Martin L.; Simon, Scott; Guldin, James M.; Riley, Tom; Harris, Donny; McPeake, Rebecca

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1995. Where are the Black Walnut Trees in Michigan? 1995 Vasievich, J. Michael; Kingsley, Neal P.

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1971. White Pine Production Best at High Stocking Schlaegel, Bryce E.

1998. White Pine Site Index for the Southern Forest Survey Parresol, Bernard R.; Vissage, John S.

1995. White Pine Weevil Hamid, Abdul; O`Dell, Thomas M.; Katovich, Steven

1999. White Pine in the American West: A Vanishing Species - Can We Save It? Neuenschwander, Leon F.; Byler, James W.; Harvey, Alan E.; McDonald, Geral I.; Ortiz, Denise S.; Osborne, Harold L.; Snyder, Gerry C.; Zack, Arthur

2003. White Spruce and moose enhancement project Youngblood, Andrew

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1962. White-Spotted Sawyer Wilson, Louis F.

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1993. Whole-tree clearcutting in New England: manager's guide to impacts on soils, streams, and regeneration Pierce, Robert S.; Hornbeck, James W.; Martin, Wayne C.; Tritton, Louise M.; Smith, Tattersall C.; Federer, Anthony C.; Yawney, Harry W.

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2000. Why do elk seek shelter? The case against the need for thermal cover Duncan, Sally

1991. Why do populations of southern pine beetle (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) fluctuate? Turchin, P.; Lorio, P.L., Jr.; Taylor, A.D.; Billings, R.F.

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2000. Wilderness science in a time of change conference-Volume 3: Wilderness as a place for scientific inquiry; 1999 May 23-­27; Missoula, MT McCool, Stephen F.; Cole, David N.; Borrie, William T.; O'Loughlin, Jennifer

2000. Wilderness science in a time of change conference-Volume 4: Wilderness visitors, experiences, and visitor management; 1999 May 23-­27; Missoula, MT Cole, David N.; McCool, Stephen F.; Borrie, William T.; O'Loughlin, Jennifer

2000. Wilderness science in a time of change conference-Volume 5: Wilderness ecosystems, threats, and management; 1999 May 23­27; Missoula, MT Cole, David N.; McCool, Stephen F.; Borrie, William T.; O'Loughlin, Jennifer

2003. Wilderness visitors and recreation impacts: baseline data available for twentieth century conditions Cole, David N.; Wright, Vita

1977. Wildfire Effects on an Oak-Hickory Forest in Southeast Missouri Loomis, Robert M.

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2000. Wildland Fire in Ecosystems: Effects of Fire on Flora Brown, James K.; Smith, Jane Kapler

2000. Wildland Shrubs of the United States and its Territories: Thamnic Descriptions Francis, John K.; [Editor]

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1997. Wildlife Conservation Planning Using Stochastic Optimization and Importance Sampling

1997. Wildlife Conservation Planning Using Stochastic Optimization and Importance Sampling Haight, Robert G.; Travis, Laurel E.

1994. Wildlife Habitat Conditions in Mature Pine Hardwood Stands in the Ouachita/Ozark National Forests Thill, Ronald E.; Tappe, Philip A.; Koerth, Nancy E.

1989. Wildlife Habitat Evaluation Sweeney, James M.

1979. Wildlife Habitats in Managed Forests the Blue Mountains of Oregon and Washington Thomas, Jack Ward [Technical Editor]

1979. Wildlife Habitats in Managed Rangelands--The Great Basin of Southeastern Oregon Edges Thomas, Jack Ward; Maser, Chris; Rodiek, Jon E.

1979. Wildlife Habitats in Managed Rangelands--The Great Basin of Southeastern Oregon Manmade Habitats Maser, Chris; Thomas, Jack Ward; Luman, Ira David; Anderson, Ralph

1979. Wildlife Habitats in Managed Rangelands--The Great Basin of Southeastern Oregon Native Trout Bowers, Wayne; Hosford, Bill; Oakley, Art; Bond, Carl

1982. Wildlife Habitats in Managed Rangelands--The Great Basin of Southeastern Oregon Pronghorns Kindschy, Robert R.; Undstrom, Charles S.; Yoakum, James D.

1979. Wildlife Habitats in Managed Rangelands--The Great Basin of Southeastern Oregon Riparian Zones Thomas, Jack Ward; Maser, Chris; Rodiek, Jon E.

1985. Wildlife Habitats in Managed Rangelands--The Great Basin of Southeastern Oregon Sage Grouse Call, Mayo W.; Maser, Chris

1983. Wildlife Habitats in Managed Rangelands--The Great Basins of Southeastern Oregon Introduction Maser, Chris; Thomas, Jack Ward

1984. Wildlife Habitats in Managed Rangelands--The Great Basins of Southeastern Oregon The Relationship of Terrestrial Vertebrates to Plant Communities and Structural Conditions (Part 1) Maser, Chris; Thomas, Jack Ward; Anderson, Ralph G.

1984. Wildlife Habitats in Managed Rangelands--The Great Basins of Southeastern Oregon The Relationship of Terrestrial Vertebrates to Plant Communities and Structural Conditions (Part 2) Maser, Chris; Thomas, Jack Ward; Anderson, Ralph G.

1999. Wildlife Linkages: Volumes and Values of Residual Timber in Riparian Zones in Eastern Texas Burns, Garry Allen; Whiting, R. Montague, Jr.; LeGrande, George M.; Dickson, James G.

0. Wildlife Notes: The Raccoon - Friend or Foe? McLellan, Toni; Torsello, Mary

1989. Wildlife Openings Healy, William M.

1999. Wildlife Resource Trends in the United States: A Technical Document Supporting the 2000 RPA Assessment Flather, Curtis H.; Brady, Stephen J.; Knowles, Michael S.

2004. Wildlife and Upland Oak Forests Dickson, James G.

1991. Wildlife and Vegetation of Unmanaged Douglas-Fir Forests Ruggiero, Leonard F.; Aubry, Keith B.; Carey, Andrew B.; Huff, Mark H., tech. eds.

1969. Wildlife esthetics and auto campers in the Superior National Forest. Lime, David. W.; Cushwa, Charles T.

1991. Wildlife habitat, range, recreation, hydrology, and related research using Forest Inventory and Analysis surveys: a 12-year compendium Rudis, Victor A.

1985. Wildlife habitats in managed rangelands--the Great Basin of southeastern Oregon: management practices and options Hall, Frederick C.

1982. Wildlife habitats in managed rangelands--the great basin of southeastern Oregon: mule deer Leckenby, Donavin A.; Sheehy, Dennis P.; Nellis, Carl H.; Scherzinger, Richard J.; Luman, Ira D.; Elmore, Wayne; Lemos, James C.; Doughty, Larry; Trainer, Charles E.

1992. Wildlife habitats of the north coast of California: new techniques for extensive forest inventory. Ohmann, Janet L.

1992. Wildlife in the Upper Great Lakes Region: a community profile. Benyus, Janine M.; Buech, Richard R.; Nelson, Mark D.

2003. Wildlife of southern forests habitat & management (Chapter 15): Rabbits Dickson, James G.

2003. Wildlife of southern forests habitat & management (Chapter 16): Wild Hogs Dickson, James G.; Mayer, John J.; Dickson, John D.

2003. Wildlife of southern forests habitat & management (Chapter 2): Early History Dickson, James G.

2003. Wildlife of southern forests habitat & management (Chapter 26): Terrestrial Small Mammals Dickson, James G.

2003. Wildlife of southern forests habitat & management (Chapter 3): Natural Resources-Into the 20th Century Dickson, James G.

2003. Wildlife of southern forests habitat & management (Chapter 30): Wildlife Recreation Cordell, H. Ken; Bergstrom, John C.; Teasley, R. Jeff; Thomas, Jeremy

2003. Wildlife of southern forests habitat & management (Chapter 4): Defining the Forests Dickson, James G.; Sheffield, Raymond M.

2003. Wildlife of southern forests habitat & management (Chapter 7): Managing Forests for Wildlife Dickson, James G.; Wigley, T. Bently

2003. Wildlife of southern forests habitat & management (Chapter 9): Wild Turkey Dickson, James G.

2003. Wildlife of southern forests habitat & management: Conclusions Dickson, James G.

2003. Wildlife of southern forests habitat & management: Introduction Dickson, James G.

1977. Wildlife of the prairies and plains. Evans, Keith E.; Probasco, George E.

2001. . Wildlife of westside and high montane forests. Olson, D.H.; Hagar, J.C.; Carey, A.B.; Cissel, J.H. Swanson, F.J.

2004. Will Landowners Adopt Reforestation Practices? Answers from the Missouri River Flood Plain Treiman, T.; Dwyer, J.

1981. Willow Oak Volume and Weight Tables for the Mississippi Delta Schlaegel, Bryce E.

2003. Wind River Experimental Forest Rapp, Valerie

2004. Windows into the forest: extending long-term small-watershed research. Swanson, Fred; Henshaw, Don

1969. Winter Injection of 2,4-D and Tordon 101 for Hardwood Control McNab, W. Henry; Moyer, Elbert L., Jr.

1967. Winter Thaws Can Raise Ground Water Levels in Driftless Area Sartz, Richard S.

1993. Winter food habits of coastal juvenile steelhead and coho salmon in Pudding Creek, northern California Pert, Heather Anne

1991. Winter nutrition and population ecology of white-tailed deer in the central Superior National Forest. DelGuidice, Glenn D.; Nelson, Michael E.; Mech, L. David

1976. Wisconsin Log Production by County and Species, 1973 Blyth, James E.; Landt, Eugene F.; Whipple, James W.

1983. Wisconsin forest statistics, 1983. Raile, Gerhard K.

1997. Wisconsin forest statistics, 1996. Schmidt, Thomas L.

2001. Wisconsin private timberland owners: 1997. Leatherberry, Earl C.

1985. Wisconsin timber industry--an assessment of timber output trends. Blyth, James E.; Whipple, James W.; Mace, Terry; Smith, W. Brad

1990. Wisconsin timber industry--an assessment of timber product output and use, 1988. Smith, W. Brad; Whipple, James W.

1993. Wisconsin timber industry--an assessment of timber product output and use, 1990. Hackett, Ronald L.; Whipple, James W.

1997. Wisconsin timber industry--an assessment of timber product output and use, 1994. Hackett, Ronald L.; Whipple, James W.

2002. Wisconsin timber industry--an assessment of timber product output and use, 1996. Hackett, Ronald L.; Piva, Ronald J.; Whipple, James W.

2003. Wisconsin timber industry--an assessment of timber product output and use, 1999 Reading, William H. IV; Whipple, James W.

1989. Wisconsin timber industry--an assessment of timber product output and use. Blyth, James E.; Whipple, James W.; Smith, W. Brad

1995. Wisconsin timber industry--an assessment of timber product output and use. Hackett, Ronald L.; Whipple, James W.

1972. Wisconsin`s 1968 timber resource--a perspective. Spencer, John S. Jr.; Thorne, Harry W.

2002. Wisconsin`s forest resources in 2000. Vissage, John S.

2003. Wisconsin`s forest resources in 2001. Vissage, John S.; Brand, Gery J.; Mielke, Manfred E.

2004. Wisconsin`s forest resources in 2002. Vissage, John S.; Brand, Gary J.; Mielke, Manfred E.

1989. Wisconsin`s forest statistics, 1987: an inventory update. Smith, W. Brad; Hahn, Jerold T.

1988. Wisconsin`s fourth forest inventory, 1983. Spencer, John S. Jr.; Smith, W. Brad; Hahn, Jerold T.; Raile, Gerhard K.

1986. Wisconsin`s fourth forest inventory: area. Smith, W. Brad

1992. Wisconsin`s timberland plantations, 1983. Roussopoulos, Sue M.; Leatherberry, Earl C.

1999. Wisdom from the little folk: the forest tales of birds, squirrels, and fungi Duncan, Sally

2004. Within and Between Canopy Variabilit of Foliar Nitrogen Concentration for Loblolly and Slash Pine Stands Planted at Different Densities Will, Rodney E.; Barron-Gafford, Greg; Teskey, Robert O.; Shiver, Barry D.

1994. Within-band spray distribution of nozzles used for herbaceous plant control Miller, James H.

2004. Within-population spatial synchrony in mast seeding of North American oaks. Liebhold, A., V., Sork, M., Peltonen, O. N. Bjørnstad, Westfall, R., Elkinton, J.and Knops, M. H. J.

1973. Wolf numbers in the Superior National Forest of Minnesota. Mech, L. David

1986. Wolf population in the Central Superior National Forest, 1967-1985. Mech, L. David

1998. Wolfiporia cocos : a potential agent for composting of bioprocessing Douglas-fir wood treated with copper-based preservatives De Groot, Rodney.; Woodward, Bessie.

1992. Wood Densities of Tropical Tree Species Reyes, Gisel; Brown, Sandra; Chapman, Jonathan; Lugo, Ariel E.

1986. Wood Energy Potential in Northwestern South Carolina McMinn, James W.

1998. Wood Pallets and Landfills - Status and Opportunities for Economic Recovery and Recycling Araman, Philip A.; Bush, Robert J.; Hammett, A.L.; Hager, E. Brad

1978. Wood Performance in Doorways of Single-Family Houses Popham, Thomas W.; DeGroot, Rodney C.; Howe, Ronald W.

2004. Wood Products by Species and Quality in Upland Forests Patterson, David W.

1984. Wood Residue Distribution Simulator (WORDS) Eza, Douglas A.; McMinn, James W.; Dress, Peter E.

1980. Wood Specific Gravity of Plantation Red Pine Little Affected by Spacing Barse, Robert G.; Laidly, Paul R.

1997. Wood Use in the U.S. Pallet and Container Industry: 1995 Reddy, Vijay S.; Bush, Robert J.; Bumgardner, Matthew S.; Chamberlain, James L.; Araman, Philip A.

1997. Wood Utilization Research Dissemination on the World Wide Web: A Case Study Schmoldt, Daniel L.; Winn, Matthew F.; Araman, Philip A.

1975. Wood and bark percentages and moisture contents of Minnesota pulpwood species. Marden, Richard M.; Lothner, David C.; Kallio, Edwin

1967. Wood brick tile for paneling. Cooper, Glenn A.; Champagne, E. Garth

1998. Wood fiber supply and demand in the United States Skog, Kenneth E.; Ince, Peter J.; Haynes, Richard W.

1980. Wood fuel potential from harvested areas in the eastern United States. Carpenter, Eugene M.

1999. Wood handbook : wood as an engineering material.

2000. Wood in transportation program-- an overview Duwadi, Sheila Rimal.; Ritter, Michael A.; Cesa, Edward.

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1999. Wood preservation Ibach, Rebecca E.

1976. Wood procurement practices and problems of Illinois pulpmills. Baumgartner, David C.

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1999. Wood products utilization : a call for reflection and innovation Youngquist, John A.; Hamilton, Thomas E.

2000. Wood properties affecting finish service life Williams, R. Sam.; Jourdain, Charles.; Daisey, George I.; Springate, Robert W.

1990. Wood recovery with in-woods flailing and chipping Stokes, Bryce J.; Watson, William F.

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2001. Wood use in Colorado at the turn of the twenty-first century Lynch, Dennis L.; Mackes, Kurt

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1999. Wood-based composites and panel products Youngquist, John A.

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1978. Wood-destroying Beetle Treatment Incidence in Arkansas and Georgia During 1962 and 1967 With Estimated Losses Caused by Beetles for II Southern States During 1970 Williams, Lonnie H.; Smythe, Richard V.

2002. Wood-framed building deconstruction : a source of lumber for construction? Falk, Bob

1984. Wooded Strips and Windbreaks in Kansas, 1981 Castonguay, Thomas L.; Hansen, Mark H.

1996. Woodland Birds in Three Different Forest Types in Eastern Texas Shackelford, Clifford E.; Conner, Richard N.

1996. Woodpecker Excavation and Use of Cavities in Polystyrene Snags Conner, Richard N.; Saenz, Daniel

1997. Woodpecker abundance and habitat use in three forest types in eastern Texas Shackelford, Clifford E.; Conner, Richard N

1999. Woodpecker use and fall rates of snags created by killing ponderosa pine infected with dwarf mistletoe Parks, Catherine G.; Conklin, David A.; Bednar, Larry; Maffei, Helen

1992. Woody Browse Production Crow, Thomas R.; Stearns, Forest

1999. Woody and herbaceous competition effects on stand dynamics and growth of 13-year-old natural, precommercially thinned loblolly and shortleaf pines Cain, Michael D.

1997. Woody and herbaceous competition effects on the growth of naturally regenerated loblolly and shortleaf pines through 11 years Cain, Michael D.

2001. Woody plants and woody plant management: ecology, safety, environmental impact Miller, James H, [book review] Bovey, Rodney W.

2001. Woody plants of North America [product review] Bragg, Don C.; Bragg, Hope A.

2004. Woody residues and solid waste wood available for recovery in the United States, 2002 McKeever, David B.; Falk, Robert H.

1996. Woody species susceptibility to forest herbicides applied by ground machines Miller, James H.; Edwards, M. Boyd

1993. Worker productivity and herbicide usage for pine release with manual application methods Miller, James H.; Glover, G.R.

1999. Workgroup II Synopsis: Containment Fate and Effects in Freshwater Wetlands Lemly, A. Dennis; Best, G. Ronnie; Crumpton, Wiliam G.; Henry, Mary G.; Hook, Donald D.; Linder, Greg; Masscheleyn, Patrick H.; Peterson, Hans G.; Salt, Terrence; Stahl, Ralph G.

1997. Working safely in summertime heat Rummer, Robert B.

2000. Working with knowledge at the science/policy interface: a unique example from developing the Tongass Land Management Plan Shaw, Charles G., III; Everest, Fred H.; Swanston, Douglas N.

1996. Workshop on effects of management on forest soil carbon: a report; 1994 December 5-7; Fort Collins, CO. Frey, Serita D.

1982. Workshop on sediment budgets and routing in forested drainage basins: proceedings. Swanson, Frederick J.; Janda, Richard J.; Dunne, Thomas; Swanston, Douglas N., tech. eds.

1981. Workshop on seedling physiology and growth problems in oak planting. USDA FS

1976. Workshop report on acid precipitation and the forest ecosystem Dochinger, Leon S.; Seliga, Thomas A.

2002. World directory of forest pathologists and entomologists Skilling, Darroll

1992. Wounding and Hardwood Diseases Walters, James W.

1995. X - Controlling Herbaceous Competition in Pasture Planted with Loblolly Pine Seedlings Haywood, James D.

1999. Xylaria at the Forest Products Laboratory : past, present, and future Miller, Regis B.

1975. Xylem Development of Loblolly Pine During Irrigation and Simulated Drought Moehring, David M.; Grano, Charles X.; Bassett, John R.

2000. Xylem monoterpenes of pines: distribution, variation, genetics, function Smith, Richard

1979. Yellow-Poplar Rooting Habits Francis, John K.

1962. Yellow-Poplar Site Index Curves Beck, Donald E.

2004. Yellow-Poplar and Oak Seedling Density Responses to Wind-Generated Gaps Berg, Erik C.; Van Lear, David H.

1981. Yellow-Poplar: Characteristics and Management Beck, Donald E.; Della-Bianca, Lino

1995. Yellowheaded spruce sawfly--its ecology and management. Katovich, Steven A.; McCullough, Deborah G.; Haack, Robert A.

1974. Yield Tables and Stand Structure For Loblolly Pine Plantations In Tennessee, Alabama, and Georgia Highlands Smalley, Glendon W.; Bailey, Robert L.

1974. Yield Tables and Stand Structure For Shortleaf Pine Plantations In Tennessee, Alabama, and Georgia Highlands Smalley, Glendon W.; Bailey, Robert L.

1977. Yield Tables and Stand Structure for Unthinned Longleaf Pine Plantations in Louisiana and Texas Longrey, Richard E.; Bailey, Robert L.

1984. Yield and Nutrient Removal by Whole-Tree Harvest of a Young Bottomland Hardwood Stand Francis, John K.

1980. Yield and quality of seed from yellow birch progenies. Clausen, Knud E.

1970. Yield of Unthinned Yellow-Poplar Beck, Donald E.; Della-Bianca, Lino

1990. Yield of a 46-Year-Old Tamarack Plantation Rauscher, H. Michael; Barse, Robert G.

1969. Yield of a Choctawhatchee Sand Pine Plantation at Age 28 Burns, Russell M.; Brendemuehl, R.H.

1979. Yields of Unthinned Loblolly Pine Plantations on Cutover Sites in the West Gulf Region Feduccia, D.F.; Dell, T.R.; Mann, W.F., Jr.; Campbell, T.E.; Polmer, B.H.

1974. Your Tree`s Trouble May Be You USDA Forest Service

1983. Yurok Redwood Experimental Forest Boe, Kenneth N.

1981. `Super` Spruce Seedlings Continue Superior Growth for 18 Years Nienstaedt, Hans

2004. “We’re Trying to Make This Picture Come Alive Again”: An Examination of How Site History is Presented to School Groups at Chittenango Landing Canal Boat Museum, Chittenango, New York Blizard, Clifford; Schuster, Rudolph

1990. ß-Phellandrene: Kairomone for Pine Engraver, Ips pini (Say) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) Miller, Daniel R.; Borden, John H.

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