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STAR Reconstruction Software
Hypernews forums: Tracking/Fitting  Event Vertex/Primaries  Subscribe Y. Fisyak, S. Margetis, C. Pruneau


integration week January 2004

Truth information in reconstruction

Usage of Truth information in reconstruction.

p-p software workshop at BNL 2001/11/19

Final Agenda and Talks . Minutes from the meeting are here.

Integrated Tracking Task Force (ITTF)

The official web cite maintained by Claude Pruneau is here

LBL Tracking review report

Available in MS-WORD and PDF format. Some talks given are linked here.

Kalman in BABAR

A note on Kalman is here in .ps format.

Kalman in ATLAS

Igor Gavrilenko's presentation for 5/22/00 in power point format, or html format.

Spiros talk on video meeting about it on June/2/2000 is here in power point format.

Kalman in STAR

A preliminary writeup of the Kalman implementation in STAR in use during 2001.

Flagging scheme for tracks failing Kalman fitter (Al Saulys)

Current Work on Tracking/Fitting Tools

The group is currently looking into some of the options for improving the global tracking and fitting. These options include an implementation of GEANE as a universal track propagation engine, providing an interface between tracking and geometry/material info, and using Kalman filtering techniques to obtain the best estimation of track parameters.

Universal Propagator Tools

GEANE evaluation talk by Lee

Kalman Tracking/Fitting Tools

Kalman literature (Spiros Margetis)

Early Kalman Fitter work (Al Saulys)

Kalman Fitter Evaluation page-I (Al Saulys)

Kalman Fitter Evaluation page-II (Lee Barnby)

Kalman Fitter for V0 search (Al Saulys)