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FRTR > RPO > General Information

General Information

Optimization of remediation systems may include actions that improve protectiveness, reduce cost, and/or shorten cleanup time associated with the remedy (i.e., improving effectiveness and/or efficiency). The following categories provide information that describes general optimization tools and processes, broad-based optimization projects, and related documents.

Links to general optimization methodologies, such as the Remedial System Evaluation (RSE) process developed by the US Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) and Remediation Process Optimization (RPO) developed by the Air Force Center of Environmental Excellence (AFCEE).

Related Resources
Links to documents that provide information related to broad-based optimization of remediation systems, case studies, etc.

Definitions and Acronyms
Definitions for terms and acronyms used throughout the FRTR's Remediation System Optimization website.

For additional information on remediation system optimization work by FRTR members, contact Kathy Yager, U.S. EPA/TIFSD, by phone at 617-918-8362, fax at 617-918-8427, or e-mail at