The 1997 Federal Sentencing Guideline is available below in (.PDF) format for viewing, printing, and downloading by chapter (or section of a chapter).

Also, the entire manual in WordPerfect 6-8 format is also available for downloading in a compressed, self extracting file named GL97.EXE. Once this file is downloaded to your computer, Run GL97.EXE and it will explode into the many WordPerfect documents that make up the Guideline Manual.


CHAPTER ONE - Introduction and General Application Principles(.PDF) 1

Part A-Introduction 1

  1. Authority 1
  2. The Statutory Mission 1
  3. The Basic Approach 2
  4. The Guidelines’ Resolution of Major Issues 5
  5. A Concluding Note 11

Part B-General Application Principles 12

CHAPTER TWO - Offense Conduct 39


Part A-Offenses Against the Person 40

  1. Homicide 40
  2. Assault 42
  3. Criminal Sexual Abuse 47
  4. Kidnapping, Abduction, or Unlawful Restraint 53
  5. Air Piracy 56
  6. Threatening or Harassing Communications, Stalking, and Domestic Violence 57

Part B-Offenses Involving Property 62

  1. Theft, Embezzlement, Receipt of Stolen Property, and Property Destruction 62
  2. Burglary and Trespass 69
  3. Robbery, Extortion, and Blackmail 71
  4. Commercial Bribery and Kickbacks 77
  5. Counterfeiting and Infringement of Copyright or Trademark 80
  6. Motor Vehicle Identification Numbers 82

Part C-Offenses Involving Public Officials 84


Part D-Offenses Involving Drugs 93

  1. Unlawful Manufacturing, Importing, Exporting, Trafficking, or Possession;
    Continuing Criminal Enterprise 93
  2. Unlawful Possession 130
  3. Regulatory Violations 132

Part E-Offenses Involving Criminal Enterprises and Racketeering 134

  1. Racketeering 134
  2. Extortionate Extension of Credit 137
  3. Gambling 138
  4. Trafficking in Contraband Cigarettes 139
  5. Labor Racketeering 140

Part F-Offenses Involving Fraud or Deceit 144

Part G-Offenses Involving Prostitution, Sexual Exploitation of Minors, and Obscenity 152

  1. Prostitution 152
  2. Sexual Exploitation of a Minor 154
  3. Obscenity 159

Part H-Offenses Involving Individual Rights 162

  1. Civil Rights 162
  2. Political Rights 164
  3. Privacy and Eavesdropping 165
  4. Peonage, Involuntary Servitude, and Slave Trade 166

Part I-[Not Used]

Part J-Offenses Involving the Administration of Justice 168

Part K-Offenses Involving Public Safety 177

  1. Explosives and Arson 177
  2. Firearms 183
  3. Mailing Injurious Articles 191


Part L-Offenses Involving Immigration, Naturalization, and Passports 192

  1. Immigration 192
  2. Naturalization and Passports 196

Part M-Offenses Involving National Defense 201

  1. Treason 201
  2. Sabotage 201
  3. Espionage and Related Offenses 202
  4. Evasion of Military Service 206
  5. Prohibited Financial Transactions and Exports 207
  6. Atomic Energy 209

Part N-Offenses Involving Food, Drugs, Agricultural Products, and Odometer Laws 210

  1. Tampering with Consumer Products 210
  2. Food, Drugs, and Agricultural Products 212
  3. Odometer Laws and Regulations 213

Part O-[Not Used]

Part P-Offenses Involving Prisons and Correctional Facilities 214

Part Q-Offenses Involving the Environment 218

  1. Environment 218
  2. Conservation and Wildlife 224

Part R-Antitrust Offenses 226

Part S-Money Laundering and Monetary Transaction Reporting 230

Part T-Offenses Involving Taxation 235

  1. Income Taxes, Employment Taxes, Estate Taxes, Gift Taxes,
    and Excise Taxes (Other Than Alcohol, Tobacco, and Customs Taxes)235
  2. Alcohol and Tobacco Taxes 243
  3. Customs Taxes 245
  4. Tax Table 246

Part U-[Not Used]

Part V-[Not Used]

Part W-[Not Used]

Part X-Other Offenses 248

  1. Conspiracies, Attempts, Solicitations 248
  2. Aiding and Abetting 250
  3. Accessory After the Fact 251
  4. Misprision of Felony 251
  5. All Other Offenses 252

Part Y-[Not Used]

Part Z-[Not Used]

CHAPTER THREE - Adjustments (.PDF) 255

Part A-Victim-Related Adjustments 255

Part B-Role in the Offense 259

Part C-Obstruction 264

Part D-Multiple Counts 268

Part E-Acceptance of Responsibility 280

CHAPTER FOUR - Criminal History and Criminal Livelihood(.PDF) 283

Part A-Criminal History 283

Part B-Career Offenders and Criminal Livelihood 297

CHAPTER FIVE - Determining the Sentence(.PDF) 303

Part A-Sentencing Table 303

Part B-Probation 306

Part C-Imprisonment 313

Part D-Supervised Release 318

Part E-Restitution, Fines, Assessments, Forfeitures 324

Part F-Sentencing Options 332

Part G-Implementing the Total Sentence of Imprisonment 338

Part H-Specific Offender Characteristics 343

Part I-[Not Used]

Part J-Relief From Disability 347

Part K-Departures 348

  1. Substantial Assistance to Authorities 348
  2. Other Grounds for Departure 349

CHAPTER SIX - Sentencing Procedures and Plea Agreements (.PDF) 357

Part A-Sentencing Procedures 357

Part B-Plea Agreements 360

CHAPTER SEVEN - Violations of Probation and Supervised Release (.PDF) 365

Part A-Introduction to Chapter Seven 365

  1. Authority 365
  2. Background 365
  3. Resolution of Major Issues 366
  4. The Basic Approach 368
  5. A Concluding Note 368

Part B-Probation and Supervised Release Violations 369

CHAPTER EIGHT - Sentencing of Organizations (.PDF) 377

Part A-General Application Principles 378

Part B-Remedying Harm from Criminal Conduct 384

Part C-Fines 387

  1. Determining the Fine - Criminal Purpose Organizations 387
  2. Determining the Fine - Other Organizations 387
  3. Implementing the Sentence of a Fine 403
  4. Departures from the Guideline Fine Range 406

Part D-Organizational Probation 410

Part E-Special Assessments, Forfeitures, and Costs 415

APPENDIX A - Statutory Index (.PDF) 417

APPENDIX B - Selected Sentencing Statutes(.PDF) 431



APPENDIX C - Amendments to the Guidelines Manual 1

Amendments 1 - 70(.PDF)

Amendments 72 - 122(.PDF)

Amendments 123 -181(.PDF)

Amendments 182 - 250(.PDF)

Amendments 251- 307(.PDF)

Amendments 307 - 317(.PDF)

Amendments 318 - 363(.PDF)

Amendments 364 - 439(.PDF)

Amendments 439 - 473(.PDF)

Amendments 474 - 508(.PDF)

Amendments 509 - 575(.PDF)

United States Sentencing Commission