The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service has a national listserver for distributing news releases for national news, plus regional news listservers that distribute additional news releases for specific geographical areas. We invite you to subscribe to as many of these listservers as you wish.

How to Subscribe to the National "fws-news" Listserver

The national "fws-news" listserver provides the latest news releases, bulletins, and other information issued by the Office of Public Affairs in Washington about U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service activities. Everyone interested in fish and wildlife conservation is invited to subscribe - this list is not exclusively for the news media (TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, etc.).

To subscribe, send e-mail to On the Subject: line (not in the "body" of the message), enter subscribe

You may also be interested in reading our privacy statement before you subscribe to fws-news. You will receive, typically, about 5 messages a month from the national listserver. Messages will go back to the e-mail address from which you subscribed.
Please note that subscribers will not be able to reply or send their own messages to the list. This listserver is designed mainly as a "one way street" for the rapid dissemination of information concerning the Service and its activities, rather than for gathering feedback. Each item we post will have a point of contact included, so you can get more information via a separate e-mail or phone call.
To unsubscribe, you follow a very similar process as you did to subscribe originally. Send e-mail to On the Subject: line (not in the "body" of the message), enter unsubscribe

Questions concerning a particular news release or item of information should be directed to the person listed as the contact. General comments or observations concerning the content of the information should be directed to the Office of Public Affairs at

How to Subscribe to the Regional Listservers

Instructions on how to subscribe to the FW1ListServer listserver for the Pacific Region (Region 1).

Instructions on how to subscribe to the fws-southeastnews listserver for the Southeast Region (Region 4).

Instructions on how to subscribe to the fws-alaska-news listserver for the Alaska Region (Region 7).

Virtual Newsroom
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Home Page
Privacy/Disclaimer Statements