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Annual Thrift Satisfaction Survey - You are encouraged to complete the survey online. The password required to access the survey has been sent electronically, through secure e-mail, to your Thrift Financial Report preparer. (08/20/2004)

CEO Memos - Containing all CEO Memos published. (09/15/2004)

Directors Orders - A searchable listing of Director's Orders which include application approval orders and related documents, indexed by year.

2004 Director's Orders (09/16/2004)
2003 Director's Orders (01/06/2004)
2002 Director's Orders (12/24/2002)
2001 Director's Orders (01/22/2002)
2000 Director's Orders (12/22/2000)
1999 Director's Orders (03/02/2001)
1998 Director's Orders (02/17/2000)
1997 Director's Orders (03/27/2000)
1996 Director's Orders (04/14/2000)
1995 Director's Orders (05/12/2000)
Legal Opinions (07/16/2004)

Regulatory Bulletin Listing - Directives issued by the Office of Thrift Supervision to its regulatory staff providing clarification of regulations and/or specifying guidelines and procedures. (04/05/2004)

Thrift Bulletin Listing - Directives issued by the Office of Thrift Supervision to thrift institutions providing clarification of regulations or laws and/or specifying guidelines and procedures. (09/07/2004)

Transmittal Letters - Now listing all transmittals published. (09/28/2004)

Enforcement Orders - Includes a link to a searchable database of public OTS enforcement orders, press releases on enforcement actions, and links to other regulatory agencies' enforcement pages. (08/13/2001)

September 11th - Documents are related to the tragic events of September 11 and their effects on the thrift industry and its customers. (09/21/2004)

Other Guidance

OTS/EC Information Sharing Agreement - this agreement provides a framework for cooperative information sharing arrangements between OTS and EU supervisors that oversee financial services organizations that have material operations in each other's jurisdiction. - 5 pages (10/04/2004) 16,684 KB Acrobat Document.  Click for Reader.

Legal Brief No. 04-16334 - In the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit - American Bankers Association, et al., Plaintiffs and Appellants, v. Bill Lockyer, et al. Defendants and Appellees - 37 pages (08/12/2004) 1,324 KB Acrobat Document.  Click for Reader.

Interagency Guidance on Response Programs for Unauthorized Access to Customer Information and Customer Notice - 7 pages (08/12/2003) 66 KB Acrobat Document.  Click for Reader.

Draft Supervisory Guidance - Internal Ratings-Based Systems for Corporate Credit and Operational Risk Advanced Measurement Approaches for Regulatory Capital -- Joint draft supervisory guidance (No. 2003-28) "To view Advance Proposed Rule, select 73186". - 40 pages (08/04/2003) 422 KB Acrobat Document.  Click for Reader.

Discount Window Guidance - Interagency's advisory on the use of the Federal Reserve's primary credit program in effective liquidity management - 5 pages (07/23/2003) 24 KB Acrobat Document.  Click for Reader.

Draft Supervisory Guidance on Internal Ratings-Based systems for Corporate Credit - 91 pages (07/11/2003) 333 KB Acrobat Document.  Click for Reader.

Supervisory Guidance on Operational Risk Advanced Measurements Approaches for Regulatory Capital - 40 pages (07/11/2003) 117 KB Acrobat Document.  Click for Reader.

Interagency Advisory on Mortgage Banking - 7 pages (02/25/2003) 32 KB Acrobat Document.  Click for Reader.

Notice of Cessation of Moratorium on Section 314(a) Information Requests - 2 pages (02/20/2003) 23 KB Acrobat Document.  Click for Reader.

Reauthorization of the Statutory Authority for the NFIP - 4 pages (01/21/2003) 42 KB Acrobat Document.  Click for Reader.

Account Management and Loss Allowance Guidance - Credit Card Lending - 6 pages (01/08/2003) 27 KB Acrobat Document.  Click for Reader.

Powers of Federal Savings Associations - March 1, 2002 - 29 pages (06/04/2002) 135 KB Acrobat Document.  Click for Reader.

Accounting and Capital Markets Developments (2001) - This is a summary of regulatory developments for 2001 related to accounting, auditing, regulatory capital, and capital markets. - 9 pages (04/15/2002) 75 KB

The Directors' Guide to Responsibilities - The 32-page pocket-size directors' guide covers such topics as selecting and retaining competent management, establishing a thrift's objectives and strategies, establishing policies and procedures to achieve those objectives, identifying and understanding associated risks, monitoring and assessing the progress of operations and ensuring the institution's compliance with laws and regulations. - 32 pages (10/27/1999) 194 KB Acrobat Document.  Click for Reader.

The Directors' Guide to Management Reports - Explains various management reports commonly used by thrifts. This guide also will help directors in exercising their oversight duties and responsibilities. - 76 pages (10/27/1999) 341 KB Acrobat Document.  Click for Reader.

Insurance Consumer Protection Rule - Q&A;'s - 10 pages (09/27/2001) 36 KB Acrobat Document.  Click for Reader.

Limits on Disclosing Account Numbers - Joint statement regarding Limits on Disclosing Account Numbers. - 4 pages (06/08/2001) 180 KB Acrobat Document.  Click for Reader.

FFIEC's Notice of Final Interagency Policy Statement - Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses (ALLL) Methodologies and Documentation for Banks and Savings Institutions - 13 pages (07/11/2001) 168 KB Acrobat Document.  Click for Reader.

FFIEC's Proposed Policy Statement - Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses (ALLL) Methodologies and Documentation for Banks and Savings Institutions - 9 pages (09/13/2000) 163 KB Acrobat Document.  Click for Reader.

Accounting For Derivative Instruments And Hedging Activities - Joint Release - Interim Regulatory Reporting and Capital Guidance on FAS133. - 6 pages (12/29/1998) 20 KB Acrobat Document.  Click for Reader.

FFIEC: Supervisory Policy Statement on Investment Securities and End-User Derivatives Activities (Link to an External Website) (04/23/1998)

Mutual Savings Associations and Conversion to Stock Form - 6 pages (05/15/1997) 115 KB Acrobat Document.  Click for Reader.

Report on Securities Filings for 2001 - Updated as of December - 23 pages (12/28/2001) 734 KB Acrobat Document.  Click for Reader.

Capital and Accounting Standards (Link to an External Website) (01/17/1997)

73125 - Community Reinvestment Act; Interagency Questions and Answers Regarding Community Reinvestment - FFIEC Notice and Request for Comment - 24 pages (06/19/2001) 146 KB Acrobat Document.  Click for Reader.

Joint Withdrawal of Statement of Policy - Interagency Policy Statement Regarding Delayed Availability of Funds (Link to an External Website) (08/22/1997)

DO 96-81 - Regulation, Withdrawal of Statement of Policy Regarding Delayed Availability of Funds - 7 pages (09/01/1996) 161 KB Acrobat Document.  Click for Reader.