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Force Health Protection

Following the Cold War, the Department of Defense transformed the U.S. military to a smaller yet more capable force. As a result, new issues in health care emerged, and the Department developed a new strategy, named Force Health Protection (FHP), to respond to these issues.

FHP focuses on current methods of preventive Health care, combat medicine, and environmental surveillance technologies to protect all servicemembers throughout their military deployment life-cycle. FHP will act as a unified strategy that will protect servicemembers from all health and environmental hazards. It has been designed to enhance the health of the military personnel population, facilitate deployment preparation, and prevent casualties, injury, and illness that occur in the field.

The primary focus of FHP is casualty prevention. To maintain a mentally and physically fit force, FHP will engage in casualty prevention practices and give training to advanced medical units, thereby changing the military’s medical service practice from reaction to prevention.

The three goals of Force Health Protection are:

  • A Healthy and Fit Force;
  • Casualty Prevention;
  • Casualty Care and Management.