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Force Health Protection

Composite Health Care System II. The Composite Health Care System II (CHCS II) is the basis for the Department of Defense Computer-based Patient Record (CPR). When deployed, CHCS II will provide the cost-effective, worldwide, standardized clinical application information system required to support the following needs: Health care delivery to armed service personnel, retirees, and beneficiaries; Medical readiness of military forces; and Quality managed care.

DoD Force Health Protection. The overarching goal of FHP is casualty prevention, achieved through a physically and mentally fit force trained for modern combat and supported by mobile, technologically advanced medical teams. FHP has re-engineered the military's approach to combat medicine -- expanding beyond acute care services and toward proactive, preventive services that improve the health of service members and identify and address medical threats before casualties can occur.

Theater Medical Information Program. The mission of TMIP is to provide integrated automation of the theater medical environment, provide for information linking all echelons of medical care to the theater commanders in support of time-sensitive decisions critical to the success of theater operations, and provide a global capability linking information databases and integration centers that are accessible to the warfighter, anywhere, anytime, in any mission.