U.S. Geological Survey

Paleomagnetic and 40Ar/39Ar Results from the
Grant Intrusive Breccia and Comparison to the
Permian Downeys Bluff Sill&#151Evidence for
Permian Igneous Activity at Hicks Dome,
Southern Illinois Basin

By Richard L. Reynolds, Martin B. Goldhaber, and Lawrence W. Snee

Evolution of Sedimentary Basins—Illinois Basin
U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2094-G
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U.S. Department of the Interior
U.S. Geological Survey
For more information about this report contact: Richard Reynolds
Last updated 24 Oct 2000
Maintained by: Gene Ellis
<URL: http://pubs.usgs.gov/bul/b2094g/b2094g.html>