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Oncorhynchus tshawytscha

April 1992

Snake River Spring/Summer Chinook Inset MapESU* STATUS AND DESCRIPTION:  Listed as a threatened species on April 22, 1992 (see correction on June 3, 1992).  The ESU includes all natural populations of spring/summer-run chinook salmon in the mainstem Snake River and any of the following subbasins: Tucannon River, Grande Ronde River, Imnaha River, and Salmon River.

* An Evolutionarily Significant Unit or "ESU" is a distinctive group of Pacific salmon, steelhead, or sea-run cutthroat trout.

Current Status - Designated on December 28, 1993; revised October 25, 1999.
Description - Critical habitat is designated to include river reaches presently or historically accessible (except reaches above impassable natural falls, and Dworshak and Hells Canyon Dams) to Snake River spring/summer chinook salmon in the Columbia River from a straight line connecting the west end of the Clatsop jetty (south jetty, Oregon side) and the west end of the Peacock jetty (north jetty, Washington side) and including all Columbia River estuarine areas and river reaches proceeding upstream to the confluence of the Columbia and Snake Rivers; all Snake River reaches from the confluence of the Columbia River upstream to Hells Canyon Dam.  Major river basins containing spawning and rearing habitat for this ESU comprise approximately 22,390 square miles in Idaho, Oregon and Washington.  The following counties lie partially or wholly within these basins: Idaho - Adams, Blaine, Custer, Idaho, Lemhi, Lewis, Nez Perce, and Valley; Oregon - Baker, Umatilla, Union, and Wallowa; Washington - Adams, Asotin, Columbia, Franklin, Garfield, Walla Walla, and Whitman.
        More detailed critical habitat information (i.e., specific watersheds, migration barriers, habitat features, and special management considerations) for this ESU can be found in the December 28, 1993 and October 25, 1999 Federal Register notices.

PROTECTIVE REGULATIONS:  On April 22, 1992, NMFS published a final rule specifying that the Endangered Species Act's Section 9 take prohibitions relating to endangered species also apply to this ESU.


NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-F/NWC 200, June 1991
Status Review for Snake River Spring and Summer Chinook Salmon

NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NWFSC-35, February 1998
Status Review of Chinook Salmon from Washington, Idaho, Oregon, and California

View Federal Register Notices for Chinook Salmon

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Updated March 30, 2004