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Oncorhynchus mykiss


Select a link below to view detailed information about each ESU* (Evolutionarily Significant Unit), including further links to ESU maps, Federal Register Notices, and Status Reviews.

* An Evolutionarily Significant Unit or "ESU" is a distinctive group of Pacific salmon, steelhead, or sea-run cutthroat trout.

Male Steelhead
Upper Willamette River Threatened
Middle Columbia River Threatened
Southern California Endangered
South-Central California Coast Threatened
Central California Coast Threatened
Upper Columbia River Endangered
Snake River Basin Threatened
Lower Columbia River Threatened
Central Valley, California Threatened
Northern California Threatened
Klamath Mountains Province Not Warranted
Oregon Coast Candidate
Southwest Washington Not Warranted
Olympic Peninsula Not Warranted
Puget Sound Not Warranted

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Updated March 29, 2001