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VA Directive 5978, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), February 23, 2000, states that, “It is the policy of VA to encourage its employees to use mediation to help resolve workplace conflicts as early as feasible, to the maximum extent practicable, in an appropriate and cost-effective manner, and at the lowest organizational level..... Collect and analyze information in a standardized fashion to enable ADR programs to be monitored and assessed, in order to measure resource savings, timeliness and user satisfaction.”

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), PART 1614-Federal Sector Equal Employment Opportunity, 29 C.F.R. § 1614.102 (b)(2), Published July 12, 1999, Effective November 9, 1999 states that Federal Agencies must, “Establish or make available an alternative dispute resolution program.  Such program must be available for both the pre-complaint process and the formal complaint process.” EEOC’s Equal Employment Opportunity Management Directive for 29 C.F.R. § 1614 (EEO MD-110), as revised Nov. 9, 1999 further states that, “An evaluation component is essential to any ADR Program in order to determine whether the program has achieved its goals, and how the program might be improved to be more efficient and achieve better results.”

The Deputy Secretary’s Memorandum to Under Secretaries, Assistant Secretaries and Other Key Officials, VA’s ADR and Mediation Initiatives, May 24, 2002, “The Office of the Dispute Resolution Specialist shall serve as the overall coordinator and monitor of VA’s ADR effort.  A report shall be prepared annually concerning the use of ADR within VA and providing sufficient data to demonstrate the effectiveness of VA’s ADR program.”

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Reviewed/Updated: April 5, 2004