image with the sign of the United States Embassy,Athens-Greece
91 Vassilisis Sophias Avenue, Athens 10160, Greece, Telephone: 30-210-721-2951
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Economic Section's logo

Economic Section
The Economic Section of U.S. Embassy Athens is tasked with analyzing and reporting developments in the Greek economy and with advocating international economic policies of the United States. The section is responsible for advancing U.S. policy in the areas of:
  • civil aviation
  • maritime affairs
  • environmental issues
  • intellectual property rights and
  • regional energy policy and infrastructure
  • science/technology affairs

Contact number for the Economic Section is (30-210) 720-2312. Fax number is (30-210) 729-4312.


Press Release
U.S. Trade Representative: Greece off Watch List for Violation of Intellectual Property Rights

Related Links:

Intellectual Property Rights

U.S. Government Sites

Links to International Economics and Trade Resources

Greek Links

Environmental Issues

For United States:

For Greece:

Civil Aviation

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