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U.S. Policy Documents

U.S. Policy & News
Nuclear Issues

New North Korea Holding Out on Nuclear Talks, Powell Says (Oct. 28, 2004)
North Korean Nuclear Program a Regional Issue, Powell Says (Oct. 27, 2004)
Powell Wants to "Keep Momentum Up" on North Korean Nuclear Issue (Oct. 27, 2004)
U.S. Aid to North Korea Hinges on Dismantling Nuclear Program (Oct. 25, 2004)
Powell Says U.S., Partners Committed to Denuclearized Korean Peninsula (Oct. 25, 2004)
U.S. Reiterates Belief That Brazil Has No Desire to Make Nuclear Weapon (Oct. 8, 2004)
United States Confident Brazil Is Not Pursuing Nuclear Weapons (Oct. 7, 2004)
U.S. Using Diplomacy on Iranian Nuclear Issue, Powell Says (Sept. 23, 2004)
U.S. Leads Efforts to Control High-Risk Radioactive Sources, Materials (Sept. 21, 2004)
Energy Secretary Abraham Urges Greater Security for Nuclear Materials (Sept. 21, 2004)
U.S., IAEA Program Promotes Nuclear Plant Safety (Sept. 15, 2004)
State's Bolton Says U.S. Favors Treaty to Ban Fissile Materials (Sept. 14, 2004)
Powell Says Iran Apparently Moving Forward with Nuclear Program (Sept. 14, 2004)
Powell Says Iran Nuclear Issue May Be Headed for U.N. Soon (Sept. 13, 2004)
Export Licenses for Chinese Nuclear Reactor Components Issued (Sept. 7, 2004)
U.S. Wants Security Council to Address Iran's Nuclear Activities (Sept. 3, 2004)
U.S. Uses Diplomacy to Pressure Iran on Nuclear Program (Aug. 19, 2004)
U.S. Uses Diplomacy to Stop Iranian Nuclear Weapons Program (Aug. 18, 2004)
Nuclear Material from Germany Returned to U.S. (Aug. 13, 2004)
FDA Approves Treatments for Exposure to Radioactive Agents (Aug. 13, 2004)
Speedy North Korean Nuclear Dismantlement Possible, Bolton Says (July 26, 2004)
U.S., Romania Sign Agreement to Secure Nuclear Fuel (July 21, 2004)
Kelly Recaps U.S. Efforts to Halt North Korea's Nuclear Programs (July 16, 2004)
U.S. Removes Nuclear and Radiological Materials from Iraq (July 8, 2004)
Korean Nuclear Freeze Could Lead to Expanded Aid, Armitage Says (July 6, 2004)
Powell Says North Korea Must Acknowledge All Nuclear Programs (July 2, 2004)
State's Bolton Says Iran "Dead Set" on Building Nuclear Weapons (June 30, 2004)
State's Bolton Says Iran "Dead Set" on Building Nuclear Weapons (June 28, 2004)
U.S. Urges IAEA to Adopt New Steps Regarding Iran's Nuclear Program (June 22, 2004)
IAEA Resolution Puts Iran on Notice, Says Powell (June 22, 2004)
U.S. Deplores Iran's Lack of Cooperation with IAEA Inspections (June 22, 2004)
U.S. Calls for Continued IAEA Investigations in Iran (June 15, 2004)
U.S. Plans to Reduce Nuclear Weapons Stockpile Substantially (June 7, 2004)
U.S. Wants to Intensify Global Nuclear Security Efforts (May 27, 2004)
U.S. Seeks Better Enforcement of Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (April 28, 2004)
U.S., Russian Nuclear Risk Watch Officers Begin Exchange Program (March 31, 2004)
Rep. Tom Lantos on Halting the Nuclear Black Market (March 31, 2004)
Critical Challenges Seen for Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime (March 26, 2004)
Abraham Says Nuclear Capacity and Safeguards On Target (March 25, 2004)
U.S. Ports Upgrade to Better Block Smuggled Radioactive Materials (March 23, 2004)
U.S. Assesses Iran's Delay of IAEA Nuclear Inspections (March 17, 2004)
U.S. Energy Secretary Displays Libyan Nuclear Arms At Oak Ridge (March 16, 2004)
U.S. Urges Pakistani Restraint in Nuclear and Missile Tests (March 11, 2004)
Foreign Relations Committee Approves U.S.-IAEA Additional Protocol (March 9, 2004)
U.S., Russian Nuclear Risk Reduction Centers to Host Staff Exchange (March 5, 2004)
U.S. Welcomes Results of Six-Party Talks on N. Korean Nuclear Program (March 1, 2004)
State's Armitage Says Iran Continues to Pursue Nuclear Weapons (Feb. 13, 2004)
U.S. Welcomes Libya's Commitments to Ban Nuclear, Chemical Weapons (Jan. 15, 2004)
U.S., China Intensify Nuclear Nonproliferation Cooperation (Jan. 13, 2004)
Bush Urges Iran to Turn Over Terror Suspects, Abandon Nuclear Program (Jan. 2, 2004)
United States Welcomes IAEA Resolution on Iran (Nov. 28, 2003)
Powell En Route London Discusses Iran Nuclear Program, Iraq (Nov. 21, 2003)
Senator Lugar Skeptical of Iran's Commitment to Nuclear Compliance (Oct. 27, 2003)
Bush, China's Hu Seek Nuclear-Free Korean Peninsula (Oct. 21, 2003)
U.S. Calls on Iran to Fully Disclose Nuclear Program (Oct. 16, 2003)
Nuclear Weapons Will Not Make North Korea More Secure (Oct. 6, 2003)
Rice, Powell Discuss Iraq's Reconstruction, Iran's Nuclear Activities (Sept. 30, 2003)
GAO Report Finds Weaknesses in U.S. Nuclear Plant Security (Sept. 29, 2003)
Russia Should Suspend Nuclear Cooperation With Iran (Sept. 24, 2003)
U.S., China Affirm Nuclear Technology Exchange Safeguards (Sept. 17, 2003)
U.S., ROK to Cooperate on Advanced Nuclear Energy Technologies (Sept. 17, 2003)
State's Reeker Says Iran Must Satisfy IAEA's Nuclear Concerns (Aug. 29, 2003)
Bush Says Development of Nuclear Weapons Not in Iran's Interest (July 31, 2003)
Powell Says Asia-Pacific Supports Denuclearized Korea (July 25, 2003)
Abraham on Meeting the New Century's Nuclear Challenges (July 22, 2003)
U.S. Not Seeking Talks with Iran Regarding Its Nuclear Program (July 17, 2003)
U.S. Is Working Through U.N. to Engage Iran Over Nuclear Program (July 1, 2003)
White House Welcomes IAEA Report on Iran's Nuclear Program (June 23, 2003)
Bush Welcomes IAEA Statement on Iran's Nuclear Program (June 23, 2003)
IAEA Releases Report on Iran's Nuclear Program (June 23, 2003)
Excerpt: U.S. Calls on Iran to Disclose All Aspects of Its Nuclear Program (June 10, 2003)
International Inspection of Iraqi Nuclear Facility Set To Begin (June 6, 2003)
Text: Bolton Says Iran Is Developing a Clandestine Nuclear Program (June 5, 2003)
G-8 Works to Block Terrorist Access to Radioactive Materials (June 3, 2003)
U.S. Supports IAEA Examination of Iran's Nuclear Activities (May 29, 2003)
U.S., South Korea "Will Not Tolerate" Nuclear North Korea (May 16, 2003)
State Department Voices "Serious Concern" Over Iran's Nuclear Program (May 12, 2003)
U.S. Official Points To Progress On Nuclear Disarmament (May 6, 2003)
Moscow Treaty Nuclear Cuts Tops List of U.S. NPT Support (May 6, 2003)
Powell Says Beijing Talks Show United Opposition to Nuclear Korea (April 28, 2003)
U.S. Wants Peaceful Solution for North Korean Nuclear Issue (April 10, 2003)
Text: Senator Says U.S. Must Not Sanction First Use of Nuclear Arms (March 12, 2003)
Rep. Hastings Submits Measure Condemning N. Korea's Nuclear Bid (March 11, 2003)
Powell -- Pyongyang Must Abandon Quest for Nuclear Weapons (Feb. 26, 2003)
IAEA Has Found No Proof of Iraqi Illegal Activity (Feb. 19, 2003)
North Korea Nuclear Issue Sent to U.N. Security Council (Feb. 13, 2003)
Senator Kennedy on the Use of Nuclear Weapons in Iraq (Jan. 30, 2003)
U.S. Working With Others to End North Korean Nuclear Threat (Jan. 30, 2003)
North Korea Must End Nuclear Program in Verifiable Way (Jan. 28, 2003)
IAEA Needs More Time to Complete Iraqi Inspections (Jan. 28, 2003)
Boucher Says Korean Peninsula Must be Free of Nuclear Weapons (Jan. 17, 2003)
North Korea Must End Nuclear Program to Get Aid (Jan. 14, 2003)
U.S., S. Korea, Japan Say N. Korean Nuclear Actions Unacceptable (Jan. 8, 2003)
IAEA Governors Call for North Korean Nuclear Cooperation (Jan. 7, 2003)
Compliance, Not Defiance Only Solution for North Korea, IAEA Says (Jan. 7, 2003)
Japanese U.S. Says North Korea Must Respect Nuclear Safeguards Agreement (Jan. 7, 2003)
Regional Neighbors Want End to North Korean Nuclear Arms Program (Jan. 6, 2003)
IAEA Chief Says North Korea Engaging in "Nuclear Brinkmanship" (Dec. 30, 2002)
IAEA Says It Has No Evidence of Prohibited Iraqi Nuclear Activities (Dec. 20, 2002)
U.S. Expert Says Only War Will Stop Iraqi Nuclear Threat (Dec. 13, 2002)
U.S. Welcomes IAEA Resolution on North Korea's Nuclear Program (Dec. 3, 2002)
U.S. Welcomes IAEA Resolution on North Korea's Nuclear Program (Dec. 2, 2002)
Rep. Hastings Introduces Measure on North Korean Nuclear Program (Nov. 18, 2002)
Energy Chief Calls on Nations to Secure Civil Nuclear Materials (Nov. 15, 2002)
U.S. Japan, South Korea Discuss North Korean Nuclear Program (Nov. 13, 2002)
U.S., Japan, South Korea Discuss North Korean Nuclear Program (Nov. 12, 2002)
DOE Funds Cleanup Research at Former Nuclear Weapons Sites (Oct. 31, 2002)
APEC Leaders Urge N. Korea to End Nuclear Weapons Program (Oct. 30, 2002)
Powell Reports Global Unity on North Korea Nuclear Issue (Oct. 28, 2002)
Rumsfeld believes North Korea has 'small number of nuclear weapons' (Oct. 18, 2002)
House Hears Iraq Could Construct a Nuclear Device in Six Months (Sept. 11, 2002)
Text: Abraham Says Nuclear Power Is Vital to Meet World's Energy Needs (Aug. 5, 2002)
Rumsfeld: U.S. Will Continue to Provide Allies with Nuclear Umbrella (July 25, 2002)
Text: IAEA Cites Inadequate Control of World's Radioactive Materials (June 25, 2002)
Text: U.S. Researchers Develop Tiny Nuclear Detector (June 21, 2002)
Transcript: World Would Not Tolerate Use of Nuclear Weapons in South Asia (May 31, 2002)
Fact Sheet: U.S.-Russian Cooperation on Advanced Nuclear Technologies (May 24, 2002)
Fact Sheet: U.S.-Russian Cooperation on Nuclear Material Reduction (May 24, 2002)
Text: Envoy Says Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Important to U.S. (April 8, 2002)
Wolfowitz Says U.S. Nuclear Objective is Deterrence (March 16, 2002)
White House Report, March 14: Nuclear Policy, Libya, Afghanistan, Colombia (March 14, 2002)
Powell Rejects Reports U.S. Is Boosting Reliance on Nuclear Weapons (March 12, 2002)
Defense Dept. Refuses Comment on Leaked Nuclear Weapons Review (March 9, 2002)
Text: DOE Launches Initiatives that Support Clean Coal, Nuclear Power (March 4, 2002)
Text: U.S. Intelligence Report on Russian Nuclear Security (Feb. 26, 2002)
Text: Policy Chairman Urges End to Nuclear Subsidies for N. Korea (Feb. 13, 2002)
Text: Abraham Plans Accelerated Cleanup at Former Nuclear Weapons Sites (Feb. 5, 2002)
Transcript: Bolton Says U.S. Will Not Resume Nuclear Testing (Jan. 24, 2002)
Text: Burma -- Nuclear Research Project with Russia (Jan. 23, 2002)
Text: Abraham to Recommend Use of Nevada Nuclear Waste Site (Jan. 10, 2002)
Text: Abraham Remarks to IAEA on Nuclear Security (Nov. 30, 2001)
Text: U.S., Russia to Step-up Efforts to Safeguard Nuclear Materials (Nov. 29, 2001)
Text: IAEA on Threat of Nuclear Terrorism (Nov. 1, 2001)
Excerpt: U.S. Confident in Pakistan's Protection of its Nuclear Arsenal (Oct. 29, 2001)
Text: Threat to Three Mile Island Nuclear Plant Deemed Non-Credible (Oct. 18, 2001)
Text: State Official Sees Heightened Efforts on Nuclear Security (Oct. 3, 2001)
Text: U.S. Nuclear Power Plants Ordered to Keep Heightened Security (Sept. 21, 2001)
Text: U.S., Russia Continue to Protect Nuclear Material in Russian Navy (Jan. 1, 1998)
Text: Bush Calls for Nuclear Cuts, Missile Defense Development (Jan. 1, 1998)
Rumsfeld says U.S. Does Not Approve of China's Nuclear Buildup (Jan. 1, 1998)
U.S. and China Want Peaceful Resolution to North Korea's Nuclear Threat (Jan. 1, 1998)
Text: Nuclear Power Use May Reduce Emissions, Global Warming (Jan. 1, 1998)

Embassy of the United States