[U.S. Food and Drug Administration]

Condoms and Sexually Transmitted Diseases
. . . especially AIDS

A Condom Could Save Your Life How do I buy and use spermicides?
Facts about STDs Should I use a lubricant with a condom?
Who should use a condom? Does the style of condoms matter?
Will a condom guarantee I won't get an STD? What do the dates mean on the package?
How can I get the most protection from condoms? Are vending machine condoms good?
How does a condom protect against STDs? How should condoms be stored?
How to I choose the right condoms to prevent disease? How should condoms be handled?
What is the government doing about condom quality? What defects should I look for?
Are condoms strong enough for anal intercourse? How should I use a condom?
Should spermicides be used with condoms? For more information
Condom Shopping Guide
A Condom Could Save Your Life!

This booklet is to help you understand why it's important to use condoms (rubbers, prophylactics) to help reduce the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. These diseases include AIDS, chlamydia, genital herpers, genial warts, gonorrhea, hepatitis B, and syphilis. You can get them through having sex -- vaginal, anal, or oral.

The surest way to avoid these diseases is to not have sex altogether (abstinence). Another way is to limit sex to one partner who also limits his or her sex in the same way (monogamy). Condoms are not 100% safe, but if used properly, will reduce the risk of sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS. Protecting yourself against the AIDS virus is of special concern becuase this disease is fatal and has no cure.

About two-thirds of the people with AIDS in the United States got the disease during sexual intercourse with an infected partner. Experts believe that many of these people could have avoided the disease by using condoms.

Condoms are used for both birth control and reducing the risk of disease. That's why some people think that other forms of birth control -- such as the IUD, diaphragm, cervical cap or pill -- will protect them against diseases, too. But that's not true. So if you use any other form of birth control, you still need a condom in addition to reduce the risk of getting sexually transmitted diseases.

A condom is especially important when an uninfected pregnant woman has sex, because it can also help protect her and her unborn child from a sexually transmitted disease.

Note well: Condoms are not 100% safe, but if used properly, will reduce the risk of sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS.

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Facts about Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Sexually transmitted diseases can cause:

See a doctor if you have any of these symptoms of STDs:

You can get more information about preventing sexually transmitted diseases by calling the National AIDS Hotline, the National Sexually Transmitted Diseases Hotline, or your state or local hotlines. (See For more information for free hotline numbers.)

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Who should use a condom?

A person who takes part in risky sexual behavior should always use a condom.

The highest risk comes from having intercourse -- vaginal, anal, or oral -- with a person who has a sexually transmitted disease. If you have sex with an infected person, you're taking a big chance. If you know your partner is infected, the best rule is to avoid intercourse (including oral sex). If you do decide to have sex with an infected partner, you should always be sure a condom is used from start to finish, every time.

And it's risky to have sex with someone who has shared needles with an infected person.

It's also risky to have sex with someone who had sex with an infected person in the past. If your partner had intercourse with a person infected with HIV (the AIDS virus), he or she could pass it on to you. That can happen even if the intercourse was a long time ago and even if you partner seems perfectly healthy.

With sexually transmitted diseases, you often can't tell whether your partner has been infected. If you're not sure about yourself or your partner, you should choose to not have sex at all. But if you do have sex, be sure to use a condom that covers the entire penis to reduce your risk of being infected. This includes oral sex where the penis is in contact with the mouth.

If you think you and your partner should be using condoms but your partner refuses, then you should say NO to sex with that person.

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Will a condom guarantee I won't get a sexually transmitted disease?

No. There's no absolute guarantee even when you use a condom. But most experts believe that the risk of getting AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases can be greatly reduced if a condom is used properly.

In other words, sex with condoms isn't totally "safe sex," but it is "less risky" sex.

How can I get the most protection from condoms?

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How does a condom protect against sexually transmitted diseases?

A condom acts as a barrier or wall to keep blood, or semen, or vaginal fluids from passing from one person to the other during intercourse.

These fluids can harbor germs such as HIV (the AIDS virus). If no condom is used, the germs can pass from the infected partner to the uninfected partner.

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How do I choose the right kind of condoms to prevent disease?

Always read the label. Look for two things:

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What is the government doing about condom quality?

The FDA is working with condom manufacturers to help ensure that the latex condoms you buy are not damaged.

Manufacturers "spot check" their condoms using a "water-leak" test. FDA inspectors do a smilar test on sample condoms they take from warehouses. The condoms are filled with water and checked for leaks. An average of 996 of 1000 condoms must pass this test.

(Don't try the water-leak test on condoms you plan to use, because this kind of testing weakens condoms.)

Government testing can not guarantee that condoms will always prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. How well you are protected will also depend a great deal on which condoms you choose and how you store, handle and use them.

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Are condoms strong enough for anal intercourse?

The Surgeon General has said, "Condoms provide some protection, but anal intercouse is simply too dangerous to practice."

Condoms may be more likely to break during anal intercourse than during other types of sex because of the greater amount of friction and other stresses involved.

Even if the condom doesn't break, anal intercourse is very risky because it can cause tissue in the rectum to tear and bleed. These tears allow disease germs to pass more easily from one partner to the other.

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Should spermicides be used with condoms?

The response to this question is currently under revision.

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How do I buy spermicides and how should they be used?

Spermicides generally come in the form of jellies, creams or foams. You can buy them in pharmacies and some grocery stores.

If you do add spermicide, place a small amount inside the condom at its tip. After the condom is on the penis, put more on the outside. Spermicides can also be put inside the woman's vagina. Follow the directions for use.

If you have oral sex, use a condom without a spermicide. Although swallowing small amounts of spermicide has not proven harmful in animal test, we don't know if this is always true for people.

Spermicide products and condoms with spermicides have expiration dates. Don't buy or use a package that is outdated.

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Should I use a lubricant with a condom?

Some condoms are already lubricated with dry silicone, jellies, or creams. If you buy condoms not already lubricated, it's a good idea to apply some yourself. Lubricants may help prevent condoms from breaking during use and may prevent irritation, which might increase the chance of infection.

If you use a separate lubricant, be sure to use one that's water-based and made for this purpose. If you're not sure which to choose, ask your pharmacist.

Never use a lubricant that contains oils, fats, or greases such as petroleum-based jelly (like Vaseline® brand), baby oil or lotion, hand or body lotions, cooking shortenings, or oily cosmetics like cold cream. They can seriously weaken latex, causing a condom to tear easily.

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Does it matter which styles of condoms I use?

It's most important to choose latex condoms that say "disease prevention" on the package. Other features are a matter of personal choice.

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What do the dates mean on the package?

Some packages show "DATE MFG." This tells you when the condoms were made. It is not an expiration date.

Other packages may show an expiration date. The condoms should not be purchased or used after that date.

Are condoms from vending machines any good?

It depends. Vending machine condoms may be OK:

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How should condoms be stored?

You should store condoms in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight, perhaps in a drawer or closet. If you want to keep one with you, put it in a loose pocket, wallet, or purse for no more than a few hours at a time.

Extreme temperature -- especially heat -- can make latex brittle or gummy (like an old balloon). So don't keep these latex products in a hot place like a glove compartment

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How should condoms be handled?

Gently! When opening the packet, don't use your teeth, scissors or sharp nails. Make sure you can see what you're doing.

What defects should I look for?

If the condom material sticks to itself or is gummy, the condom is no good. Also check the condom tip for other damage that is obvious (brittleness, tears, and holes). Don't unroll the condom to check it because this could cause damage.

Never use a damaged condom

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How should I use a condom?

Follow these guidelines

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Sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS, can be prevented!

Learn the facts so that you can protect yourself and others from getting infected. Condoms are not 100% safe, but if used properly, will reduce the risk of sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS. If you have unprotected sex now, you can contract sexually transmitted diseases. Later, if you decide to have children, you might pass the disease on to them.

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If you would like more information about condoms and how to prevent sexually transmitted diseases, talk with your doctor or call:

The National AIDS Hotline. It's open 24 hours a day. Trained operators will answer your questions and can send you more information.

The National STD Hotline, 1-800-277-8922

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Condom Shopping Guide

Use this handy shopping guide as a reminder of what to look for when buying condoms, lubricants and spermicides.

Be sure to choose:

[X] Latex

[X] Disease prevention claim on package label

Also consider:

[ ] With spermicide

[ ] Separate spermicide (gel, cream, foam)

[ ] With lubricant

[ ] Separate lubricant (Select only water-based lubricants made for this purpose.)

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Last revised September 2003