PACER Service Center

30 Page Cap Will Soon Include Docket Sheets
The Judicial Conference, at its September 2003 session, amended the language of Section I of the Electronic Public Access Fee Schedule for the appellate, district, and bankruptcy courts, the United States Court of Federal Claims, and the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation (adopted by the Judicial Conference pursuant to sections 1913, 1914, 1926, 1930, and 1932 of title 28, United States Code). The previous schedule placed a cap on the seven cents per page charge for Internet access to data obtained electronically from the public records of individual cases in the courts, with a maximum $2.10, the equivalent of 30 pages, for electronic access to any single document. The amendment extends this cap to all case documents, including docket sheets and case-specific reports, with the exception of transcripts of federal court proceedings. The cap will apply to all PACER, RACER, or CM/ECF sites and is effective for documents and reports accessed after January 1, 2004. The transaction receipt will not reflect this change in older PACER systems. The change is currently being made to CM/ECF systems, but will not be reflected immediately. During the transition period the PACER Service Center will cap eligible transaction just prior to loading them to the PACER Service Center web site each month. To view the capped transaction use the Review Transaction History option in the Account Information section of this web site. The quarterly statements will be calculated using the capped transactions.

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