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  Publication Warehouse Loading Status
These series are 100% complete through the dates indicated (except OFR's and B's).  Additional series are partially loaded into the Warehouse and are in the process of being completed.  

USGS Series (abbreviations) Series Coverage Number of Records    Number Online  
ANTARCTIC GEOLOGIC MAP (A) 1970 - 1989 14 View - -
BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE REPORT (BSR) 1995 - 2003 34 View 17 View
BULLETIN (B) 1883 - Aug 2004 4553 View 172 View
CIRCULAR (CIR) 1933 - Aug 2004 1408 View 921 View
COAL INVESTIGATION MAP (COAL, C-) 1950 - 1995 163 View - -
DIGITAL DATA SERIES (DDS, DS) 1991 - Aug 2004 94 View 49 View
FACT SHEET (FS) 1994 - Aug 2004 1621 View 1192 View
FISH DISEASE LEAFLET (FDL) 1968 - 2001 69 View 2 View
FWS/OBS (FWSOBS) - 566 View - -
FOLIOS OF THE GEOLOGIC ATLAS (GF) 1892 - 1945 227 View - -
GEOLOGICAL QUADRANGLE MAP (GQ) 1949 - 2000 1782 View 4 View
GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION MAP (GP) 1949 - 1998 1027 View - -
GENERAL INTEREST PUBLICATION (GIP) 1976 - 2004 38 View 32 View
HYDROLOGICAL INVESTIGATION MAP (HA) 1953 - Aug 2004 810 View 23 View
LAND USE/LAND COVER MAP (L) 1979 - 1988 200 View - -
MISCELLANEOUS FIELD STUDIES MAP (MF) 1950 - Aug 2004 3316 View 123 View
MONOGRAPH (M) 1882 - 1977 56 View - -
NORTH AMERICAN FAUNA (NAF) 1890 - 1981 77 View 1 View
OIL AND GAS INVESTIGATIONS CHART (OC) 1944 - 1997 151 View - -
OIL AND GAS INVESTIGATIONS MAP (OM) 1943 - 1998 228 View 1 View
OPEN-FILE REPORT (OFR) 1934 - Aug 2004 31057 View 16205 View
PROFESSIONAL PAPER (PP) 1902 - Aug 2004 2954 View 182 View
RESEARCH REPORT (RR) 1942 - 1980 80 View - -
SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATIONS REPORT (SIR) Jan 2004 - Aug 2004 83 View 78 View
TECHNIQUES AND METHODS (TM) Jan 2004 - Aug 2004 2 View 2 View
WATER DATA REPORT (WDR) 1972 - Aug 2004 2381 View 441 View
WATER RESOURCES INVESTIGATION (WRI) 1972 - Aug 2004 6823 View 4713 View
WATER-SUPPLY PAPER (WSP) 1896 - 2002 3156 View 1615 View
WILDLIFE RESEARCH REPORT (WRR) 1972 - 1982 15 View - -
TOTAL   66,743    26,043  


  U.S. Department of the Interior

The Publication Warehouse currently includes the numbered series of the USGS.

The reports and thematic maps database currently contains more than 50,000 bibliographic citations for USGS publications, including numbered series begun as early as 1882. Citations are added regularly. The current availability and price of in-stock products for purchase from the Branch of Information Services in Denver, Colorado, is given with each citation. A limited number of Biological Resources Discipline report citations, primarily historical research reports, are included.

Antarctic Geologic Maps (A)

Circulars (CIR)

Technical or nontechnical information of popular interest including timely administrative or scientific information. Available to public free of charge.

Coal Investigations (C-) Maps

Origin, character, and resource potential of coal deposits shown by geologic maps, structure contours, cross sections, columnar sections, and measured coal sections, where appropriate. Text on same sheet or in an accompanying pamphlet.

Digital Data Series (DDS)

Includes a wide variety of digital data distributed through the medium of Compact Disc-Read Only Memory technology. This medium takes advantage of the latest technological advances in digital mass-storage and in the internationally recognized standards (ISO-9660) for CD-ROM's

Fact Sheets (FS)

Used to disseminate timely information on scientific and technical programs of the U.S. Geological Survey. Pamphlet with self cover, available free of charge.

Folios of the Geologic Atlas (GF)

Quadrangles named from a city, town, or prominent natural feature within the area covered.They include maps showing the topography, geology, underground structure and mineral deposits of the area and several pages of descriptive text and illustrations. May include maps of oil and gas and artesian water. Precursor to Geologic Quadrangles.

Geologic Quadrangle (GQ) Maps

Detailed geologic maps depicting areas of special importance to the solution of geologic problems. May portray bedrock or surficial units, or both. May include brief texts, structure sections, and columnar sections. 71/2- or 15-minute quadrangles printed in multicolor on topographic bases that meet National Map Accuracy standards.

Land Use and Land Cover (L) Maps

Various categories of land use and cover, both artificial and natural, for use by geographers, land-use planners, and others. Planimetric maps at scales of 1:250,000 or 1:100,000 on a single sheet.

Mineral Investigations Resource (MR) Maps

Information on mineral occurrences, mineral resources, mines and prospects, commodities, and target areas of possible resources other than coal, petroleum, or natural gas. Small scale (1:250,000 or smaller).

Miscellaneous Field Studies (MF) Maps

Rapidly prepared, low-budget maps in a broad range of presentations in terms of portrayal, completeness, interpretations, draftsmanship, scale, and area coverage. Single or multiple sheets.

Monographs (M)

Oil and Gas Investigations (OC) Charts

Information about known or possible petroleum resources, presented as logs, correlation diagrams, graphs, and tables, but ordinarily not as maps. Single or multiple sheets. Text printed on same sheet or in an accompanying pamphlet.

Oil and Gas Investigations (OM) Maps

Apply particularly to areas of known or possible petroleum resources. Typically include cross sections, columnar sections, structure contours, correlation diagrams, and information on wells drilled for oil and gas. Single or multiple sheets. Text usually on map sheet but sometimes printed as an accompanying pamphlet.

Open-File Reports (OF)

Unedited preliminary manuscripts, maps, and other material made available for public use but not considered part of the formal literature. Wide range of subject matter. Varied scales, areas covered, shapes, and methods of presentation.

Professional Papers (PP)

Comprehensive reports of significant and lasting scientific interest. Include results of resource studies and of geologic, hydrologic, or topographic investigations. Also collections of related papers addressing a single topic.

Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations (TWRI)

Manuals that describe approved procedures for planning and executing field and laboratory studies, including collecting, analyzing, and processing hydrologic data.

Water-Supply Papers (WSP)

Reports on all aspects of hydrology, including quality, recoverability, and use of water resources; statistical reports on streamflow, floods, groundwater levels, and water quality; and collections of short papers on related topics.

Water-Resources Investigations Reports (WRIR)

Hydrologic information, mainly of local interest, intended for quick release. Book or map format. Varied scales.

Geophysical Investigations (GP) Maps

Chiefly the results of aeromagnetic and (or) gravity surveys shown by contours. Area depicted may range in size from a few square miles to an entire country. Single or multiple sheets.

Hydrologic Investigations Atlases (HA)

A wide range of hydrologic and hydrogeologic data of regional and national interest, such as streamflow, ground water, water quality, and extent of flooding. Various scales. Single or multiple sheets.

Miscellaneous Investigations/ Geologic Investigations (I) Series

High-quality maps and charts of varied subject matter such as bathymetry, geology, hydrogeology, landforms, land-use classification, vegetation, and others including maps of planets, the Moon, and other satellites. Various scales. Topographic or planimetric bases; regular or irregular areas. May include a text printed as an accompanying pamphlet.


Significant data and interpretations of lasting scientific interest but generally narrower in scope than professional papers. Results of resource studies, geologic or topographic studies, and collections of short papers on related topics.

Not Included

The current Warehouse does not include non-USGS series publications authored by USGS employees, such as research journal articles.