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   FOIA Coordinators

Freedom of Information Act
Welcome to the Electronic Reading Room

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Bureau of Land Management
Headquarters Office and Field Facilities


BLM Adopts Multi-track Processing of FOIA Requests

BLM has two processing tracks based on the amount of time required for a request to be processed: Normal, 20 workdays, and Complex, over 20 workdays. For more information regarding BLM multi-track policy, see Department of the Interior multi-track policy at

Information frequently requested
under the Freedom of Information Act

Other Information Frequently Requested

BLM's policy and interpretations not published in the Federal Register including public portions of administrative manuals and handbooks

  • Click on the appropriate BLM Facility (above in the reading room box) to view that state's information; or

Guides for Accessing Department or Bureau Records with or without a FOIA Request

Department of the Interior and other Government links

If you have any questions or comments concerning Bureau FOIA policy, or the contents of this Home Page, please contact:

John Livornese
BLM FOIA Officer
WO-560/725 LS
1849 C. Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20240
Phone: 202/452-5013  FAX: 202/452-5002
Internet Mail:


(Note: This mailbox will not accept FOIA requests. All requests must be sent to the appropriate bureau/office listed above)

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Technical questions concerning this page click here.
For other information see "FOIA Coordinators" above.



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Phone: (202) 452-5125
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