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About the Bypass Budget

What is NCI's Bypass Budget?

It is the National Cancer Institute's annual strategic plan and budget document.

What information does it contain?

It contains nearly one hundred pages of information about the National Cancer Institute:

Recent online versions also serve as portals to numerous additional sources of information related to the content of the Bypass.

Who should read it?

In addition to the President and Congress, the document is intended for use by:

It is our hope that this document will inform and inspire all who read it to join the fight against cancer.

Can I download or print the document online?

Go to to navigate through a user-friendly HTML version of the document and special options that maximize the use of the information:

Also, you can view, search, or download a printer-friendly (PDF) version of the most recent print document.

How can I get print copies of the Bypass Budget?

Print copies of the most recent Bypass Budget, The Nation's Investment in Cancer Research, are available free of charge. You can order them by e-mail at or by phone at 1-800-4-CANCER.

Where can I find previous Bypass Budgets?
Go to and click on the Fiscal Year of interest.

Where can I find more information on cancer?

You can:

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Last updated 01.29.04 (fsc)