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What is the DARPA Legacy?

In many ways, DARPA resembles more an investment firm than a traditional Defense R&D organization. The agency's Director and senior managers constantly collaborate with the Department of Defense's military and civilian leadership and with other parts of the government to define national security areas that require major change. DARPA then creates programs and invests in teams of researchers at universities, laboratories and companies to develop and demonstrate the high-risk, high-return technologies that may enable quantum changes for the U.S. military. Once DARPA has successfully demonstrated these technologies, they are further developed by the military acquisition community or by private industry to the point that they may be purchased and used by the warfighter.

As a result of this process, it is often difficult to recognize technologies originally developed by DARPA by the time they transition into products and systems for the military. Usually by that time, the product or system has a new name and a new advocate. DARPA's investments in the underlying technology, however, are responsible for the availability of that improved military capability!

Last Updated: October 27,2003


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