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AoA Grant Programs

Application Instructions

Formula Grants - How to Submit a NEW State Plan

Each year, AoA prepares and distributes Program Instructions (PIs) that serve as the primary guidance to State Agencies on Aging that administer Title III and Title VII grants. The most recent addition includes instructions for the National Family Caregivers Support Program.

While Title III and Title VII grants do not require applications, they do require the submission of a plan. The plan can cover up to four years and defines how the State will meet the particular needs of its aging population given its individual resources and priorities.

Title III and Title VII Program Instructions contain the requirements to be followed by States in developing, submitting and securing approval for their new Plan. In addition, if the state is amending its Intrastate Funding Formula, the PI also outlines the procedures and deadlines to be followed.

Note: All States are instructed to include in their State Plan (or its amendments) objectives for implementing the five categories of the National Family Caregivers Support Program, Title III. Part E of the Older Americans Act and how it will be integrated into existing services supported but the Act.

State plans should be submitted to the appropriate AoA Regional Office for initial review and feedback. The decision to approve or disapprove State Plans, however, rests with the Assistant Secretary for Aging.


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Additional Topics
* Formula Grants - How to Request a State Plan Extension
* Current Funding
* Application Instructions
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Last Updated 9/9/04
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