Metabolic Engineering Working Group

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Metabolic Engineering to Study the Regulation/Plasticity of, and to Modify Diterpene Metabolism in Trichome Gland Cells
George J. Wagner
University of Kentucky

Plant trichome glands represent potential "green-factories" for the biosynthesis of useful chemicals (molecular farming).  These factories require only energy from the sun, carbon dioxide from the air, water, and minerals as feedstocks. Before this potential can be realized, however, the regulation and plasticity of carbon flow in trichome glands must be better understood, and protocols for engineering glands to produce desired chemicals must be developed.  The specific objectives of this project are 1) to investigate the regulation/plasticity of carbon flow in the biosynthesis of trichome-exudated diterpenes of glands, and 2) to study the feasibility of introducing heterologous genes into glands to facilitate molecular farming.  Exudating plant trichome glands are specialized tissues that occur on the aerial surfaces of about 30% of higher plants.  They produce exudates that serve the plant in pest/insect resistance, temperature control, etc.  We isolated a gland-specific c-DNA library, which yielded a P450 gene involved in the conversion of cembratriene-ol  (CBT-ol) to cembratriene-diol (CBT-diol), the major diterpene of the experimental tobacco, T.I. 1068.  This plant can accumulate up to 17% of leaf dry weight as trichome exudate, and CBT-diol accounts for 60% of exudate weight.  Knockdown of the P450 gene activity (using antisense and co-suppression strategies) resulted in a 20-fold increase in CBT-ol and a corresponding decrease in CBT-diol.  Exudate from high CBT-ol plants was more toxic to aphids, and high CBT-ol plants had greatly reduced aphid colonization.  Thus, we have metabolically engineered the last step in the biosynthesis of the major exudate diterpene and significantly altered  natural-product-based aphid resistance in this plant.  Knockdown strategies (antisense, co-suppression, and RNA interference) are being applied to determine the function of additional trichome-specific genes, and to determine the impact of altering their activities on exudate chemistry.  Full-length genes of known function will be introduced into host plants, trichome-specifically, to determine the ability glands in these plants to accommodate heterologous diterpene biosynthetic genes.   A trichome-specific promoter has been isolated that can serve in planned transformation experiments designed to metabolically engineer glands.

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