Security/Privacy Notice

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Accelerator Operations
Intense Pulsed Neutron Source
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 S. Cass Ave, Argonne, IL, 60439-4814 USA
Present run: Oct 05, 2004 to Oct 25, 2004
10/14/04 23:04:Beam is on for IPNS users.

Accelerator Status History - Recent history of accelerator status messages

Data Sheets - Some operating parameters in tabular form

Linac Source
Experimental Facility

MCR Plots - Some operating parameters in graphical form

Beam Current Plot
Twr Water Plot
Chil Water Plot
Mag Water Plot
Mag Water Supply Pressure Plot
Mag Water Return Pressure Plot
MagWaterResist Plot
MagWaterResist-2 Plot
Ion Gauge BL1 Plot
Ion Gauge BL3 Plot
Selectable Ion Gauge Plot
2nd Selectable Ion Gauge Plot

Data Log Health - System information regarding basic health of the data logs this page's information comes from

Performance History - Charts depicting accelerator performance throughout IPNS' history

October 23, 2003