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Environmental Labeling and Marketing Claims

Labeling and environmental marketing can be effective tools to assist with the eventual behavior change of an intended audience. They can be one means to the end result of a more informed audience. They are potentially powerful information tools, but they are also only one implementation tactic of an overall policy strategy.

It is important to note there are multiple types of labeling strategies, some of which work more successfully than others, depending upon the specific policy directives and the circumstances or needs of a given audience. One critical step is to ensure that the information provided is scientifically and factually accurate, as well as relevant and meaningful for a given audience's decision-making.

The information contained in this web site explores some existing work on labeling by pointing to references on:

    How to identify the types of labeling and environmental marketing strategies and policies that are used in the marketplace both by government and others, under what conditions various types of labeling are best deployed, and what type of program can be used for an intended end result. Selected existing government guidelines and voluntary consensus standards that may be applicable. Some recent consumer (consuming public and federal purchasers) market based research that reveals information about purchasing-related attitudes, perceptions, actual behaviors, and motivations.

This information is not a complete compendium; rather, it is a selected collection of reference materials that could help in development of new labeling policies, practices, and programmatic strategies. Those interested in this information may be involved in developing or implementing policies and strategies designed to reach institutional purchasers, retail consumers, and others.

Environmental Labeling and Marketing Related Background, Policies, Voluntary Standards, Consumer / Market Research
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