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Chair: Rep. Heather Wilson

The House Policy Subcommittee on National Security and Foreign Affairs works to help coordinate the policies of the House Armed Services Committee, the Committee on International Relations, the Select Committee on Intelligence, and other House committees with responsibility for issues that affect national security and foreign affairs.

In February 2003, the Subcommittee published a report on Differentiation and Defense: Agenda for the Nuclear Weapons Program.

For activities of Chairman Heather Wilson's Policy Subcommittee in the 107th Congress, see the archives.

September 11 Annniversary Session: Establishment of Minimum uniform standards for U.S. driver’s licenses More... New!
Wilson Wants to Grant Citizenship to American Soldiers 'America Defended by Volunteer Patriots'
Missile Defense: It's the law of the land, supported by an overwhelming bipartisan majority in Congress and signed by a Democratic president. America's security, and that of all of our allies and friends, depends on missile defense. More...
Wolfowitz Briefs Committee: Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz told the Committee that international reaction to the President's plan for a new defense framework -- combining offensive and defensive forces, reducing nuclear weapons, and pursuing active non-proliferation policies -- was strongly positive. More...
Changing Course: In a speech to the Defense Reform Conference, Chairwoman Wilson explained the need for a new military for a new world, discussing the President's priorities, the Defense Department's strategy, and the role of Congress. More...
Wilson Appointed: House Policy Chairman Christopher Cox announced that Rep. Heather Wilson would chair the House Policy Subcommittee on National Security and Foreign Affairs. More...
Wilson: `Be Attentive and Patient`; Congresswoman Tours Post Office

Bullet - Arrow Sep 11, 03 September 11 Anniversary Meeting: Establishing Minimum Uniform Standards for U.S. Driver’s Licenses

The Subcommitee Jurisdiction covers: Common defense; activities of the Defense Department; activities of the Intelligence Community; military applications of nuclear energy; national security activities of the Department of Energy; pay, promotion, retirement, and other benefits of members of the armed forces; national security research and development; export policy and controls related to national security; international financial and economic policy and international financial and monetary organizations; foreign relations of the United States; activities of the Department of State; promotion of democracy and human rights; relations with NATO and other allied nations; the United Nations; veteran's affairs and the activities of the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Committee on Commerce
Committee on International Relations
House Armed Services Committee
Select Committee on Intelligence (Chairman Goss)
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