Air Force Link
Library > Web Policy
Department of Defense

Current DOD Web Policy, (updated Jan. 11, 2002)

Department of Defense's Top Web policy issue -- Information Vulnerability and the World Wide Web

DOD Webmasters Policies And Guidelines

DISA Web Policy

DOD Instruction 5120.4, "Electronic Newspaper Policy"

DOD Directive 5230.9, "Clearance of DOD Information for Public Release"

DOD Instruction 5230.29, "Security and Policy Review of DOD Information for Public Release"

DOD Policy for Clearing Electronic Information for the Public

Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 - Mandatory web-based usability standards.
Air Force Policy

Air Force website review checklist - Checklist used by SAF/PA when reviewing web sites registering for Air Force Link.

Air Force Instruction 35-101, Ch. 18 - New Media & Public Affairs. Content policy for all official Air Force public web sites.

Air Force Instruction 33-129 - Transmission of Information Via the Internet
-- Interim Change to AFI 33-129

Interim Internet Guidance - CSAF Washington DC//CV//

Air Force Policy Guidance - Clearance procedures for making electronic information available to the public (SECAF policy letter dated May 25, 1995)

Air Force Electronic Bulletin Boards and Internet World Wide Web Home Pages - HQ USAF//SC// DTG: 111618Z March 1997.

Free Viewers

These free viewer programs are available for download and installation.  Many military Web sites require these plug ins for a variety of purposes.  Users on military networks should consult your local automation support center to have these programs installed on your computers.

Portable Document Format (.pdf) - this format creates a document that looks exactly like the original paper document. (Download the free viewer)
For users with accessibility issues, Adobe offers a free service and plug-in to convert .pdf files to .html.

Word (.doc) - this is a common format for word processing documents. (Download the free viewer)

Powerpoint (.ppt) - this is a common format for presentation documents. (Download the free viewer)

Excel (.xls) - this is a common format for spreadsheet documents. (Download the free viewer)

Real Audio (.ra) - this is a common format for audio files on the Internet. (Download the free player)

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