The Freedom of Information Act generally provides
that any person has a right, enforceable in court,
to obtain access to federal agency records, except
to the extent that such records (or portions of
them) are protected from disclosure by one of
nine exemptions or by one of three special law
enforcement record exclusions. Our policy is to
answer all requests as accurately and completely
as possible from existing records. In order to
accomplish this most efficiently we require all
requests to be submitted in writing, by postal
service, facsimile, or messenger; requests must
contain the requestor's postal address and the
name of the person responsible for paying any
fees that may be charged. A phone number where
we can reach the requester to get clarification
of the request or resolve other issues concerning
the request, is strongly recommended. Providing
the request in writing assures that all the rights
provided by the FOIA and these regulations are
protected (for example, the right to administratively
appeal any denials we may make and the right to
have our decisions reviewed in Federal court).
Please address your request to the Freedom of
Information Officer of the HHS stating that you
are seeking records housed in the Office of Inspector
General. The HHS FOIA office will forward the
request to the OIG FOIA office for processing.
HHS Freedom of Information Officer
Room 645-F, Hubert H. Humphrey Building
Department of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Washington, DC 20201.
FAX Number: 202 690-8320
FAX Confirmation: 202 690-7453
Write the words "Freedom of Information Act
Request" on the envelope and on the letter.