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Summary of FFIEC Statements Published in the Federal Register (1979-current)


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1979 FFIEC Press Releases

1. March 20, 1979--announcing organization of the FFIEC and newly elected chairman (John G. Heimann)

2. April 11, 1979--announcement of reformation of State Liaison Committee and its members

3. July 19, 1979--adoption of policy statement on supervision of U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks

4. August 1, 1979--requesting comment on a statement of policy concerning minimum standards for documentation, accounting, and auditing of foreign exchange and money market operations of commercial banks

5. August 7, 1979--announcement of appointment of executive secretary of the Council (Robert J. Lawrence)

6. August 9, 1979--proposal for public comment a report of condition to be required quarterly from U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks

7. September 7, 1979--announcement of extending comment period and effective date for quarterly reports of condition for U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks

8. September 25, 1979--announcement of appointment of deputy executive secretary of the Council (David K. Schweitzer)

9. October 5, 1979--proposal that FFIEC's member agencies propose for public comment amendments to their Truth in Lending Enforcement Guidelines

10. October 15, 1979--FRB's announcement of proposals for revisions of Truth in Lending Enforcement Guidelines

11. October 16, 1979--adoption by Council's members of the Policy Statement on Discrimination

12. November 14, 1979--approval of a uniform survey to be made annually by the three Federal bank supervisory agencies to collect information on the assets of bank trust departments and trust companies and on their collective investment funds

13. November 14, 1979--announcement of approval of a recommendation to the FDIC, FRB, and OCC that each agency conduct a special survey of the fiduciary services being provided overseas by domestic commercial banks and bank holding companies

14. November 15, 1979--joint policy statement by FDIC, FRB, and OCC setting forth precautionary rules and specific guidelines for commercial banks that engage in futures, forward and standby contracts for U.S. government and agency securities

15. November 21, 1979--recommendation of adoption of a uniform rating system for evaluating the soundness of federally supervised banks and thrift institutions and their compliance with the law

16. November 21, 1979--FRB published amendments to the Board's Regulation 0 to implement the reporting requirements of Titles VIII and IX of FIRIRCA

17. November 29, 1979--endorsement of a uniform policy for supervising financial institutions that participate in certain U.S. government guaranteed loan programs

18. December 10, 1979--recommendation to Council's agencies the publication for comment of a policy statement that would prohibit insiders in banks and thrift institutions form profiting personally from sales of life insurance in connection with credit transactions

19. December 14, 1979--announcement by the FHLBB, FDIC, FRB, and NCUA of a series of regulatory moves designed to help the small saver

20. December 14, 1979--policy statement that recommends the Council's agencies adopt concerning disclosure of enforcement actions against financial institutions the agencies supervise

21. December 18, 1979--policy statements that would require examination, supervision and corrective action procedures by the Federal bank supervisors

22. December 27, 1979--announcement of adoption of a report of condition to be required quarterly from U.S. branches and agencies of foreign and Puerto Rican banks

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1980 FFIEC Press Releases

1. January 21, 1980--announcement of the appointment to head the Council's program to serve the examiner education needs of the Council's agencies (John Paul Newton)

2. February 14, 1980--announcement that Council has recommended to FDIC, FRB, and OCC a uniform examination policy for the classification of delinquent consumer installment loans held by commercial banks.

3. May 22, 1980--recommendation of adoption by FDIC, FRB, and OCC of a Uniform Guideline on Internal Control for Foreign Exchange in Commercial Banks

4. May 22, 1980--recommendation of adoption by FDIC, FRB, and OCC of standard terms to describe the competitive effects of mergers in competitive factor reports prepared in response to interagency requests made under the Bank Merger Act

5. June 5, 1980--announcement of election of chairwoman of the State Liaison Committee (Muriel F. Siebert)

6. June 9, 1980--approval for recommendation to the Council's agencies the legislative amendments to the FIRIRCA

7. June 26, 1980--announcement of recommendations for implementing new provisions of the Truth in Lending Act that authorize restitution to consumers in certain circumstances where the cost of borrowing was inaccurately disclosed

8. July 9, 1980--announcement of the approval of the standardization, among the three banking agencies, and common printing of the instructions pamphlets issued to commercial banks for use in preparing the quarterly Reports of Condition and Income required of all federally-insured commercial banks

9. July 23, 1980--recommendation that the Council's agencies adopt a supervisory policy for the assessment of civil money penalties for violation of certain laws

10. August 14, 1980--announcement of approval of a model Uniform Commercial Bank Performance Report for use by FDIC, FRB, and OCC

11. September 15, 1980--approval of a policy statement on advertising by financial institutions of Negotiable Order of Withdrawal (NOW) accounts

12. September 17, 1980--issuance of an information statement for persons and organizations interested in the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977

13. November 14, 1980--recommendation of the adoption by the Council's agencies of procedures for bringing to the attention of the Department of Labor violations by financial institutions of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA)

14. November 18, 1980--proposal of the adoption, by the Council's agencies, of a Uniform Interagency Consumer Compliance Rating System

15. December 22, 1980--announcement of the recommendation to the Council's agencies a reduction in the reporting requirements imposed by the agencies' rules implementing the Bank Protection Act of 1968

16. December 29, 1980--request of public comment on the feasibility and usefulness of public disclosure of small business loan activity and on methods of such disclosure

17. December 31, 1980--recommendation to the Council's agencies to adopt a policy statement that would generally prohibit individuals associated with financial institutions from personally profiting from the sale of credit life insurance

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1981 FFIEC Press Releases

1. February 13, 1981--announcement of the submission of the legislative proposals regarding the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) to the House and Senate Banking Committees

2. March 6, 1981--announcement of the election of Chairman of the Council (J. Charles Partee)

3. March 12, 1981--proposal of a revised Uniform Interagency CRA Rating System and recommendation of its adoption by FRB, FDIC, FHLBB, and OCC

4. May 11, 1981--announcement that members of the Council's State Liaison Committee have elected the Chairman of the State Liaison Committee (Edward D. Dunn)

5. June 17, 1981--proposal to broaden definition of bank capital for the use of FDIC, FRB, and OCC in determining the adequacy of capital in the banks they supervise

6. July 16, 1981--recommendation that the Council's agencies amend their regulations concerning physical security devices and programs at supervised institutions

7. August 10, 1981--recommendation that the Council's agencies adopt a common policy statement on enforcement of the Equal Credit Opportunity and Fair Housing acts

8. August 11, 1981--request for comment on a proposal that FDIC, FRB, and OCC adopt an accounting guideline requiring all insured commercial and State chartered mutual savings banks to maintain their accounts and to report to their supervisory agencies on an accrual accounting basis

9. September 14, 1981--adoption of attached tables to be used to present aggregate data on mortgage and home improvement loan originations disclosed by lending institutions subject to HMDA

10. September 14, 1981--recommendation that the Council's agencies adopt the attached supervisory policy for enforcement of the Equal Credit Opportunity and Fair Housing Acts and related regulations

11. November 6, 1981--announcement that the Council approved collection of data on the amount of All Savers Certificates sold through the financial institutions supervised by the Council's agencies

12. November 9, 1981--recommendation to FDIC, FRB, and OCC that they adopt a broadened definition of bank capital in determining the adequacy of capital in the banks they supervise

13. November 10, 1981--announcement of adoption of a reporting requirement for all banks supervised by the Federal bank regulators to file their reports of income and condition on an accrual basis

14. December 3, 1981--announcement that the Council has recommended to the Council's agencies approval of a series of proposed amendments to the FIRIRCA

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1982 FFIEC Press Releases

1. February 12, 1982--announcement that the Council is forwarding to central depositories the Council has established aggregate 1980 data on home mortgage and home improvement lending by banks, savings and loans and credit unions in the SMSA

2. March 5, 1982--announcement of the policies governing public distribution and sale of the Uniform Bank Performance Report (UBPR)

3. May 4, 1982--submission of information to the Treasury indicating that at the end of 1981 All Savers Certificate deposits amounted to $38.9 billion

4. May 27, 1982-- attachments of revised totals for holdings of All Savers Certificate deposits as of December 31, 1981

5. June 9, 1982--request for public comment on a proposed major revision of the Reports of Condition and Income (Call Reports) that federally insured banks are required to submit to federal supervisors

6. July 6, 1982--announcement that the March 1982 Uniform Bank Performance Report is ready for distribution and sale to the public

7. July 26, 1982--announcement of the extension for 30 days the period for public comment on the Council's proposed revision of the Call Reports that commercial banks must make to their supervisors

8. August 3, 1982--submission of the attached report to the Treasury on All Savers deposits as of March 31, 1982

9. August 10, 1982--under Section 340 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1980 (Public Law 96-399) the Council was directed by Congress to aggregate the information financial institutions would now be required to report to their federal financial regulators under the Act

10. August 24, 1982--announcement to require earlier reporting of several portions of the quarterly Call Report that was previously delayed for one year

11. October 1, 1982--announcement that the June 1982 UBPR is ready for distribution and sale to the public

12. October 7, 1982--announcement of the simplification of the previously announced requirements of the new Supervisory Supplement 1 to the Call Reports

13. October 15, 1982--correction of October 7, 1982 announcement-- it was incorrectly stated that it was proposed to implement new Supervisory Supplements 2 and 3 on March 31, 1982-- correct date is March 31, 1983

14. October 29, 1982--attached are the instructions and forms for Supervisory Supplement 1 to the Report Condition

15. November 2, 1982--submission of the attached report to the Treasury on All Savers deposits as of June 30, 1982

16. December 6, 1982--announcement that the Council has been advised by the OMB of the approval of certain reporting requirements for commercial banks in connection with their filing of the Call Reports

17. December 23, 1982--announcement that the Council has completed the compilation of the 1981 aggregate data on mortgage and home improvement loan originations

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1983 FFIEC Press Releases

1. January 5, 1983--announcement that the September 1982 UBPR is ready for distribution and sale to the public

2. January 20, 1983--submission of the attached report to the Treasury on All Savers deposits as of September 30, 1982

3. March 21, 1983--announcement of the election of a new Chairman and Vice Chairman

4. March 30, 1983--submission of the attached report and recommendations to Congress with respect to the Bank Export Services Act (BESA)

5. April 6, 1983--announcement that the December 1982 UBPR is ready for distribution and sale to the public

6. May 2, 1983--appointments to the Council's State Liaison Committee (Michael M. Horn and Hunter O. Wagner)

7. May 10, 1983--decision not to recommend to the Council's agencies that the CRA examination reports and the CRA examination ratings not to be made available to the public upon request

8. June 29, 1983--announcement of the Council's approval of the new Commercial Bank Call Reports--also the Council implemented Section 428 (b) and 429 of the Garn-St Germain Depository Institutions Act of 1982, which deal with the reporting and public disclosure of "insider" loans at commercial and mutual savings banks

9. July 25, 1983--announcement that the March 1983 UBPR is ready for distribution and sale to the public

10. October 11, 1983--announcement that the June 1983 UBPR is now on sale to the public

11. November 3, 1983--approval by the OMB concerning the 1984 call report revisions announced by the FFIEC on June 29, 1983

12. December 21, 1983--announcement that the Council is seeking public comment on proposed new reporting requirements to implement the provisions of the International Lending Supervision Act of 1983

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1984 FFIEC Press Releases

1. January 17, 1984--announcement that the September 1983 UBPR is now on sale to the public

2. February 13, 1984--announcement that the Council had approved revisions to the Country Exposure Report that are designed to provide for greater public disclosure of country exposures of U.S. banks

3. April 9, 1984--announcement that the December 1983 UBPR is now available for sale to the public

4. May 8, 1984--announcement of the appointments to the Council's State Liaison Committee (Sidney A. Bailey and Elaine B. Weis)

5. June 28, 1984--announcement of the election of the Council's Chairman (Sidney A. Bailey)

6. July 9, 1984--announcement that the March 1984 UBPR is now being distributed to all insured commercial banks having over $100 million in total assets and is available for sale to the public

7. July 24, 1984--announcement that the Council is seeking public comment on a proposed revision of the quarterly Report of Assets and Liabilities of U.S. Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banks

8. October 4, 1984--announcement that the Council has extended the comment period on its proposed revision of the Quarterly Report of Assets and Liabilities of U.S. Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banks until October 31, 1984--also Council has postponed the implementation date of the revised reporting requirements from the report due for March 31, 1985, to the report for June 30, 1985

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1985 FFIEC Press Releases

1. January 14, 1985--announcement that the September 1984 UBPR is now being distributed to all insured commercial banks and is available for sale to the public

2. January 14, 1985--announcement that the Council is seeking public comment on a proposed new quarterly report to collect information on significant foreign country exposures of U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks

3. March 12, 1985--announcement of the election of a new Chairman and Vice Chairman

4. March 18, 1985--announcement that the Council has approved revisions to the quarterly Report of Assets and Liabilities of U.S. Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banks

5. March 18, 1985--approval of the publication for comment of a proposal to revise the Annual Report of Trust Assets

6. March 22, 1985--announcement of the Council's endorsement of a uniform policy for supervising financial institutions that participate in certain U.S. government guaranteed loan programs and recommendation of its adoption by the Federal agencies represented on the Council

7. April 2, 1985--announcement that the December 1984 UBPR is now being distributed to all insured commercial banks and is available for sale to the public

8. April 18, 1985--announcement of the Council's endorsement of a uniform policy for supervising financial institutions that participate in the lending of securities for their own investment or trading accounts and the lending of securities held in custody safekeeping, trust or pension accounts

9. July 8, 1985--announcement that the March 1985 UBPR is now being distributed to all insured commercial banks and is available for sale to the public

10. August 19, 1985--announcement that the Council has adopted a Uniform Examination Report to be used by the FRB, FDIC, and OCC

11. September 24, 1985--under Section 340 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1980 (Public Law 96-399) the Council was directed by Congress to aggregate the information that financial institutions would be required to report to their federal financial regulators under the Act

12. September 26, 1985--announcement of the Council's approval of a new report, the Country Exposure Report for U.S. Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banks

13. September 26, 1985--announcement of Council's approval of revisions to the existing confidential Quarterly Country Exposure Report

14. October 9, 1985--announcement that the June 1985 UBPR is now being distributed to all insured commercial banks and is available for sale to the public

15. October 18, 1985--announcement of the Council's approval of revisions to the Annual Report of Trust Assets

16. October 22, 1985--announcement that the Council approved a Supervisory Policy on Repurchase Agreements of Depository Institutions with Securities Dealers and Others

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1986 FFIEC Press Releases

1. January 13, 1986--announcement that the September 1985 UBPR is now being distributed to all insured commercial banks and is available for sale to the public

2. March 19, 1986--adoption of modifications to the Call Reports

3. April 4, 1986--announcement of the Council's approval of a General Policy for Sharing Confidential Supervisory Information with State Banking and Thrift Regulatory Agencies

4. April 9, 1986--announcement that the December 1985 UBPR is now being distributed to all insured commercial banks and is available for sale to the public

5. July 10, 1986--announcement that the March 1986 UBPR is now being distributed to all insured commercial banks and is available for sale to the public

6. August 12, 1986--announcement of the Council's approval of uniform disclosures for ARMs

7. October 17, 1986--announcement that the June 1986 UBPR is now being distributed to all insured commercial banks and is available for sale to the public

8. October 20, 1986--announcement of the Council's approval of a Joint Policy Statement on Basic Financial Services

9. November 21, 1986--announcement that, for bank Call Report purposes, the retention by a bank that transfers loans "without recourse" of a residual interest in an escrow account established to absorb losses on the transferred loans does not in and of itself constitute a risk of loss or obligation for payment

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1987 FFIEC Press Releases

1. January 5, 1987--announcement of the Council's approval of a Model Agreement on Sharing of Confidential Supervisory Information

2. January 16, 1987--announcement that the September 1986 UBPR is now being distributed to all insured commercial banks and is available for sale to the public

3. February 6, 1987--announcement of the newly elected Chairman of the FFIEC (Roger W. Jepsen)

4. April 16, 1987--announcement that the December 1986 UBPR is now being distributed to all insured commercial banks and is available for sale to the public

5. April 27, 1987--announcement of the Council's approval of Bank Bribery Act Guidelines

6. April 27, 1987--announcement of the appointments to the Council's State Liaison Committee (Howard B. Brown and Mary C. Short)

7. May 15, 1987--announcement of the election of the Chairman to the Council's State Liaison Committee (Michael N. Fitzgerald)

8. July 7, 1987--announcement of the Council's selection of Compuserve Inc. to serve as the collection agent for electronic transmission of the commercial and savings bank Call Reports

9. July 13, 1987--announcement that the Report of Condition Schedule RC-J will be dropped effective with the March 31, 1988 report date

10. July 20, 1987--announcement that the March, 1987 UBPR is now being distributed to all insured commercial banks and is available for sale to the public

11. October 8, 1987--announcement that the June 1987 UBPR is now being distributed to all insured commercial banks and is available for sale to the public

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1988 FFIEC Press Releases

1. January 6, 1988--announcement that the September 1988 UBPR is now being distributed to all insured commercial banks and is available for sale to the public

2. January 8, 1988--announcement that the September 1987 UBPR is now being distributed to all insured commercial banks and is available for sale to the public--possibly a correction for the January 6, 1988 announcement

3. April 12, 1988--announcement that the December 1987 UBPR is now being distributed to all insured commercial banks and is available for sale to the public

4. May 6, 1988--announcement of the appointment to the Council's State Liaison Committee (John R. Hale)

5. May 16, 1988--announcement of the newly elected Chairman of the State Liaison Committee (Mary C. Short)

6. May 26, 1988--announcement of the availability of data on magnetic tape from the UBPR, beginning with the March, 1988 edition

7. July 12, 1988--announcement of the March 1988 UBPR is now being distributed to all insured commercial banks and is available for sale to the public

8. August 19, 1988--announcement that the Council had taken two actions concerning the submission date for the Call Reports

9. October 12, 1988--announcement that the June 1988 UBPR is now being distributed to all insured commercial banks and is available for sale to the public

10. November 7, 1988--announcement of the Council's approval of the issuance for public comment of a Call Report instruction relating to the reporting of income from interest rate swaps

11. December 22, 1988--announcement of a revision to the instructions for the preparation of Call Reports relating to sales of agricultural mortgage loan pools that back securities guaranteed by the Farmer Mac

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1989 FFIEC Press Releases

1. January 6, 1989--announcement that the September 1988 UBPR is now being distributed to all insured commercial banks and is available for sale to the public

2. March 31, 1989--announcement of the newly elected Chairman of the FFIEC (Robert L. Clarke)

3. March 31, 1989--announcement that the December 1988 UBPR is now being distributed to all insured commercial banks and is available for sale to the public

4. April 3, 1989--announcement of the reappointment to the Council's State Liaison Committee (Sidney A. Bailey)

5. April 18, 1989--announcement of the newly elected Chairman of the Council's State Liaison Committee (Eugene W. Kuthy)

6. May 11, 1989--announcement of the Council's approval of a Statement on the HMDA

7. August 25, 1989--announcement that the Council was issuing for public comment proposed changes to the Call Reports

8. September 29, 1989--announcement that the June 1989 UBPR is now being distributed to all insured commercial banks and is available for sale to the public

9. November 1, 1989--announcement of the appointment of the Chair of the Appraisal Subcommittee (Kevin M. Blakely)

10. December 1, 1989--announcement of the discussion at the Council's November 17 meeting of a staff paper relating to the subject of asset sales with recourse

11. December 19, 1989--announcement that the Council is issuing for public comment 1) Uniform Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Guidelines for Disclosure of Written Evaluations, and 2) Revisions to the CRA Assessment Rating System

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1990 FFIEC Press Releases

1. January 5, 1990--announcement that the September 1989 UBPR is now being distributed to all insured commercial banks and is available for sale to the public

2. January 18, 1990--announcement of the release of guidelines for state certification and licensing of real estate appraisers by the Appraisal Subcommittee

3. February 28, 1990--announcement that the Appraisal Subcommittee clarified and expanded aspects of its guidelines for state licensing and certification of real estate appraisers

4. April 11, 1990--announcement that the December 1989 UBPR is now being distributed to all insured commercial banks and is available for sale to the public

5. April 16, 1990--announcement that the Appraisal Subcommittee is issuing a request for public comment on availability of sales and financing information in real property sales transactions

6. April 25, 1990--announcement of the Council's approval of final guidelines for public disclosure of CRA examination ratings and written evaluations and of a revised uniform interagency CRA rating system

7. May 4, 1990--announcement of the election of the State Liaison Committee's Chairman (John R. Hale)

8. June 25, 1990--announcement of the Council's issuance of a Request for Public Comment on Recourse Arrangements

9. June 27, 1990--announcement that the March 1990 UBPR is now being distributed to all insured commercial banks and FDIC Insured Savings Banks (ISB) and, is available for sale to the public

10. July 2, 1990--announcement of the Council's approval of a new format for the HMDA disclosure statements for individual lenders and for the aggregate HMDA reports for each Metropolitan Statistical Area in the U.S.

11. August 8, 1990--announcement that the Appraisal Subcommittee has sent the attached advisory on standards being developed by states for licensing and certifying real estate appraisers

12. September 28, 1990--announcement that the June 1990 UBPR is now being distributed to all insured commercial banks and FDIC ISBs and, is available for sale to the public

13. October 10, 1990--announcement of the Council's first Risk Management Planning Seminar on December 13-14, 1990 in Washington, DC

14. October 19, 1990--announcement of the Appraisal Subcommittee's issuing a request for comments on the feasibility and desirability of extending the provisions of Title XI of the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989 to the function of personal property appraising and personal property appraisers

15. November 28, 1990--announcement that the Appraisal Subcommittee has sent the attached advisory on state criteria for licensing of real estate appraisers to interested parties

16. December 10, 1990--announcement that at its December 7, 1990 meeting the Council reviewed the status of its study of the regulatory treatment of recourse arrangements

17. December 31, 1990--announcement that the Council is issuing for public comment a Supervisory Policy Statement on Selection of Securities Dealers, Securities Portfolio Policies and Strategies and Unsuitable Investment Practices, and Stripped Mortgage-Bank Securities, Certain CMO Tranche, Residuals, and Zero-Coupon Bonds

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1991 FFIEC Press Releases

1. January 3, 1991--announcement that the September 1990 UBPR is now being distributed to all insured commercial banks and FDIC ISBs and, is available for sale to the public

2. January 25, 1991--announcement that the Council is extending by 30 days, to March 6, the period for public comment on the Supervisory Policy Statement on Selection of Securities Dealers, Securities Portfolio Policies and Strategies and Unsuitable Investment Practices, and Stripped Mortgage-Backed Securities, Certain CMO Tranches, Residuals, and Zero-Coupon Bonds

3. January 25, 1991--announcement that the Appraisal Subcommittee has sent the attached advisory on state criteria for certification and licensing of real estate appraisers to interested parties

4. February 5, 1991--announcement that the Council will conduct three Risk Management Planning Seminars in 1991

5. March 14, 1991--announcement that the Council has issued a Request for Public Comment on Returning a Loan With a Partial Charge-off to Accrual Status

6. March 15, 1991--announcement that the December 1990 UBPR is now being distributed to all insured commercial banks and FDIC ISBs and, is available for sale to the public

7. March 15, 1991--announcement of the newly elected Chairman of the Council (John P. LaWare)

8. March 15, 1991--announcement of the Council's introduction of two new UBPR products for the December 1990 edition: The UBPR Peer Group Ratio Distribution Report and The UBPR State Average Ratio Distribution Report

9. April 15, 1991--announcement by the Appraisal Subcommittee of its permanent staff: Executive Director of staff (Edwin W. Baker); General Counsel (Marc L. Weinberg); Associate Director for Administration (Paul N. Romani); and staff secretary (Kara Brown)

10. April 24, 1991--announcement of the appointment of Chairman of the Appraisal Subcommittee (Fred D. Finke)

11. April 26, 1991--announcement that the Appraisal Subcommittee has extended from July 1 to December 31, 1991 the effective date when federally regulated depository institutions must use State certified or licensed appraisers for appraisals in connection with most real estate related financial transactions pursuant to Title XI of FIRREA and the rules and regulations thereunder

12. April 29, 1991--announcement of the newly elected Chairperson of the State Liaison Committee (Jill M. Considine)

13. May 28, 1991--announcement of the newly elected Chairperson of the State Liaison Committee (Thomas H. Oldfield)

14. May 31, 1991--announcement that the ASC adopted Revised Guidelines

15. June 14, 1991--announcement that the March 1991 UBPR is now being distributed to all insured commercial banks and FDIC-ISBs and, is available for sale to the public

16. July 29, 1991--announcement that the Council is issuing for additional public comment on Section III of a Supervisory Policy Statement on Selection of Securities Dealers, Securities Portfolio Policies and Strategies and Unsuitable Investment Practices, and Stripped Mortgage-Bank Securities, Certain CMO Tranches, Residuals, and Zero-Coupon Bonds

17. July 30, 1991--announcement of a request for public comment on a proposal relating to nonaccrual loans

18. September 12, 1991--announcement that the June 1991 UBPR is now being distributed to all insured commercial banks and FDIC-ISBs and, is available for sale to the public

19. September 25, 1991--announcement that the ASC is holding a State Appraiser Regulators Conference in Washington, DC

20. October 1, 1991--announcement of the appointment of Executive Secretary of the Council (Joe M. Cleaver)

21. October 2, 1991--announcement that the Council is issuing a Request for Public Comment on the Proposed Requirement for Electronic Submission of Call Reports

22. October 21, 1991--announcement the availability of 1990 HMDA data.

23. November 27, 1991--announcement of the newly elected Chairman of the State Liaison Committee (James E. Gilleran)

24. December 3, 1991--announcement of the Council's approval of a policy statement on securities activities to update and revise its Supervisory Policy Statement on the "Selection of Securities Dealers and Unsuitable Investment Practices."

25. December 17, 1991--announcement of the Council's approval of a policy statement on the analysis of the geographic distribution of lending for CRA

26. December 23, 1991--announcement that the September 1991 UBPR is now being distributed to all insured commercial banks and FDIC-ISBs and, is available for sale to the public

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1992 FFIEC Press Releases

1. January 7, 1992--announcement that the Council will conduct three Risk Management Planning Seminars in 1992

2. March 16, 1992--announcement that the December 1991 UBPR is now being distributed to all insured commercial banks and FDIC-ISBs and, is available for sale to the public

3. March 24, 1992--announcement that the Consumer Compliance Task Force has adopted two revisions and two additions to the Interagency Questions and Answers regarding community reinvestment

4. April 24, 1992--announcement that the Consumer Compliance Task Force has adopted two revisions and two additions to the Interagency Questions and Answers regarding community reinvestment

5. May 1, 1992--announcement of the appointment to the Council's State Liaison Committee (Sandra K. Branson)

6. May 14, 1992--announcement that the Council is proposing certain changes to the Call Reports filed by insured commercial banks and FDIC-supervised savings banks, to the Thrift Financial Report filed by savings associations, and to the Report of Assets and Liabilities of U.S. Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banks filed by U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks

7. May 14, 1992--announcement that the Council is seeking public comment, as well as holding a series of public meetings, in connection with a study of the regulatory burden imposed on insured depository institutions

8. May 19, 1992--announcement of the re-election of the Chairman of the State Liaison Committee (James E. Gilleran)

9. May 22, 1992--announcement that the federal banking agencies have adopted a uniform formal policy concerning the frequency and timing of changes to the Call Reports, the Thrift Financial Report, the Report of Assets and Liabilities of U.S. Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banks, and the Foreign Branch Report of Condition

10. June 15, 1992--announcement that the March 1992 UBPR is now being distributed to all insured commercial banks and FDIC-ISBs and, is available for sale to the public

11. June 17, 1992--announcement that the FRB, FDIC, OCC, and OTS are issuing guidance regarding recordkeeping and documentation under the CRA

12. July 29, 1992--announcement that the Council will request public comment on and consider various regulatory reporting and capital treatments for net deferred tax assets of federally supervised banks and savings associations for purposes of the Call Reports and the Thrift Financial Report

13. September 18, 1992--announcement that the June 1992 UBPR is now being distributed to all insured commercial banks and FDIC-ISBs and, is available for sale to the public

14. September 22, 1992--announcement that data relating to 1991 mortgage lending activity in metropolitan areas throughout the nation are available from individual institutions

15. October 9, 1992--announcement that federal financial institutions regulatory agencies are issuing a statement to emphasize their concerns about fair treatment of applicants for mortgage loans and their continuing efforts to assure such treatment

16. October 21, 1992--announcement that John LaWare, Chairman of the FFIEC, will hold a press conference on October 23, 1992 to discuss a recent study which understates the true health of U.S. banks

17. October 27, 1992--announcement that reports of 1991 mortgage lending activity in MSAs will be available for public inspection at a central depository in each MSA this week

18. December 14, 1992--announcement that Chairman of the FFIEC John LaWare will hold a press conference on December 17, 1992 at 11 a.m. to discuss a report on regulatory burden that will be sent to Congress pursuant to the FDIC Improvement Act

19. December 14, 1992--announcement that the September 1992 UBPR is now being distributed to all insured commercial banks and FDIC-ISBs and, is available for sale to the public

20. December 23, 1992--announcement that federally supervised banks and savings associations should report deferred tax assets in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles beginning in 1993

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1993 FFIEC Press Releases

1. February 16, 1993--announcement that the Consumer Compliance Task Force has adopted revised Interagency Questions and Answers Regarding Community Reinvestment

2. March 11, 1993--announcement of the Council's approval and adoption of a policy statement addressing the problem of the use of large-value funds transfers for money laundering

3. March 29, 1993--announcement that the December 1992 UBPR is now being distributed to all insured commercial banks and FDIC-ISBs and, is available for sale to the public

4. April 7, 1993--announcement that the Council has adopted the attached policy statement on EFT Switches and Network Services

5. April 7, 1993--announcement of the newly elected Chairman of the Council (Andrew C. Hove)

6. April 14, 1993--announcement that the Council is seeking public comment on the implementation of certain disclosure requirements mandated by Section 121 of the FDICIA

7. May 3, 1993--announcement of the appointment to the Council's State Liaison Committee (Harold N. Lee, Jr.)

8. May 11, 1993--announcement of the newly elected Chairperson of the State Liaison Committee (Margie H. Muller)

9. May 18, 1993--announcement that the Council will conduct a Risk Management Planning Seminar in Los Angeles, CA, November 18-19, 1993

10. June 21, 1993--availability of March 1993 Uniform Bank Performance Report (UBPR)

11. August 5, 1993--announcement of data for 1992 mortgage lending transactions (HMDA)

12. August 10, 1993--announcement re adoption of FASB 115 - interagency statement on regulatory treatment of securities portfolio

13. September 20, 1993--availability of June 1993 Uniform Bank Performance Report (UBPR)

14. November 4, 1993--availability of reports of 1992 mortgage lending activity at metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs)

15. December 13, 1993--announcement of two Risk Management Planning Seminars in 1994

16. December 16, 1993--announcement re seeking public comment on a notice of proposed rulemaking and an advance notice of proposed rulemaking concerning the regulatory treatment of recourse arrangements and direct credit substitutes

17. December 17, 1993--availability of September 1993 Uniform Bank Performance Report (UBPR)

18. December 20, 1993--announcement re Task Force on Supervision's adoption of issuance of control and security risks in electronic imaging systems

19. December 21, 1993--announcement of adoption of interagency policy statement on allowance for loan and lease losses (ALLL)

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1994 FFIEC Press Releases

1. February 10, 1994--announcement re FFIEC making available for purchase the census data that is used to prepare HMDA reports for calendar year 1994

2. March 10, 1994--announcement that FFIEC is seeking public comment on proposed changes to the Reports of Condition and Income --F.R. notice attached--disclosure of off- balance-sheet derivatives

3. March 18, 1994--announcement of availability of December 1993 Uniform Bank Performance Report

4. April 5, 1994--announcement of FFIEC Examiner Education office holding three upcoming seminars on fair lending in 1994

5. April 15, 1994--announcement of issuance of an interim revision to December 1991 supervisory policy statement on securities activities ... designed to address questions by new accounting rules for CMOs and GAAP

6. April 28, 1994--announcement of FFIEC appointment of Catherine A. Ghiglieri/TX, James Hansen/NE and Gerald Lewis/FL to the State Liaison Committee

7. May 10, 1994--announcement of newly elected chairman for the State Liaison Committee (SLC) -- Harold N. Lee of Wisconsin

8. May 13, 1994--announcement that FFIEC is seeking public comment on certain implementation issues arising from a new accounting standard on loan impairment under FASB Statement 114

9. June 22, 1994--announcement re the availability of the March 1994 Uniform Bank Performance Report

10. July 26, 1994--announcement that loan data available to public on CD-ROM with order form attached

11. July 28, 1994--announcement re availability of data on 1993 mortgage lending transactions in metropolitan areas. Findings from analysis of nationwide summary statistics for preliminary data/fact sheet were attached

12. August 8, 1994--announcement that the Council is deferring implementation of certain bank regulatory reporting requirements proposed for September '94 call reports---to March '95

13. September 16, 1994--announcement re the availability of the June 1994 Uniform Bank Performance Report

14. October 18, 1994--announcement that the Examination Council will conduct two Risk Management Planning Seminars in 1995..Orlando, FL and Seattle, WA

15. October 26, 1994--announcement that reports of 1993 mortgage lending available for public inspection at central depositories in each MSA -- Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) data--

16. November 9, 1994--announcement of new chairman of FDIC -- Ricki R. Tigert -- serving as Council chairman filling the remainder of two-year term previously held by FDIC/Skip Hove

17. November 10, 1994--(revised) announcement re the Task force on Supervision recommending to the agencies changes arising from FAS 115 statement "accounting for certain investments in debt and equity securities"

18. November 18, 1994--announcement re the decision by the Task Force on Supervision re regulatory reporting treatment on allowances under FAS 114 and recommendation pertaining regulatory capital issues for FAS 109

19. December 16, 1994-- announcement re the availability of the September 1994 Uniform Bank performance Report

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1994 FDIC FIL CEO Bank Reports

1. (FIL-11-94) February 18, 1994
Revisions to the reports of condition and income (call reports)

2. (FIL-20-94) March 23, 1994
Request for comment on disclosures for certain off-balance- sheet activities

3. (FIL-35-94) May 23, 1994
Request for comment on implementation issues arising from new loan impairment accounting rule

4. (FIL-57-94) August 8, 1994
Clarification of treatment of nonhigh-risk mortgage securities in bank reports of condition and income and thrift financial reports

5. (FIL-69-94) November 1, 1994
Bank report to CEO re revisions to the reports of condition and income (call reports) for 1995

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1995 FFIEC Press Releases

1. March 6, 1995--announcement that the Council will conduct a Risk Management Planning Seminar in Seattle, WA May 16-17, 1995

2. March 17, 1995--announcement of the December 1994 UBPR distribution.

3. April 12, 1995--announcement that Jonathan Fiechter/OTS was elected chairman of the FFIEC for a two-year term and Norman D'Amours/NCUA as vice chairman

4. June 16, 1995--March 1995 UBPR Report distribution

5. June 21, 1995--applicability of FAS 122 for reporting purposes and the treatment of mortgage servicing rights for regulatory capital purposes

6. June 22, 1995--adoption of guidelines for relying on State Examinations - issued pursuant to section 349 of the Riegle Community Development and Regulatory Improvement Act of 1994 -- also published in the Federal Register

7. July 18, 1995--announcement of availability of data on 1994 mortgage lending transactions in in form of disclosure statements available from more than 9,800 lenders covered by HMDA

8. September 1, 1995--announcement of availability that reports of 1994 mortgage lending activity available for public inspection at depositories in MSAs -- HMDA order form was attached

9. September 15, 1995--June 1995 UBPR Report distribution

10. November 3, 1995--announcement of adoption of GAAP...

11. November 13, 1995--CRA Guidelines

12. November 16, 1995--announcement of 1996 Risk Management Seminars

13. December 15, 1995--September 1995 UBPR Report distribution

14. December 18, 1995--approval of addition of Schedule E to the Annual Report of Trust Assets (FFIEC 001) effective for 12/31/96)

15. December 29, 1995--listing of frequently asked questions on the data collection and reporting requirements of the new Community Reinvestment Act regulations

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1. (FIL-20-95) February 27, 1995
Revisions to the Reports of Condition and Income (Call Reports) for 1995

2. (FIL-47-95) July 17, 1995
Request for Comment on the Proposed Addition of a Fiduciary Income Statement to the Annual Report of Trust Assets (FFIEC 001)

3. (FIL-78-95) November 17, 1995
Implementation Guidance on Accounting for Investment Securities

4. (FIL-83-95) December 15, 1995
Revisions to the Reports of Condition and Income (Call Reports) for 1996

5. (FIL-85-95) December 28, 1995
Addition of a Fiduciary Income Statement to the Annual Report of Trust Assets

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1996 FFIEC Press Releases

1. March 8, 1996--announcement of the December 1995 Uniform Bank Performance Report (UBPR) distribution.

2. April 4, 1996--announcement of 1996 Risk Management Planning Conference to be held September 26-27 in Kansas City, Missouri

3. April 16, 1996--announcement of availability of the new, comprehensive Guide to HMDA Reporting--Getting it Right!

4. April 29, 1996--announcement of new appointments to the Council's State Liaison Committee: Thomas Curry, Massachusetts; Neil Levin, New York; and Jack Schaffer, Illinois

5. June 13, 1996--announcement of Gavin M. Gee as new chairman for the Council's State Liaison Committee

6. June 14, 1996--announcement of the March, 1996 Uniform Bank Performance Report (UBPR) distribution

7. June 17, 1996--INTERAGENCY JOINT STATEMENT-- to chief executive officers of all federally supervised financial institutions, senior management of each FFIEC agency and all examining personnel-- re the effect of year 2000 on computer systems

8. July 10, 1996--announcement of availability of data on 1995 mortgage lending transactions -- Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA)

9. July 12, 1996--announcement to request public comment on proposed revisions to the existing Uniform Financial Institutions Rating System (CAMEL rating system)

10. July 30, 1996--announcement of availability of 1995 data for mortgage lending in metropolitan areas (28 pages with fact sheet, order form and tables)

11. September 13, 1996--announcement of the June 1996 Uniform Bank Performance Report (UBPR) distribution

12. September 19, 1996 -- announcement of availability of 1996 FFIEC Information Systems Examination Handbook

13. September 23, 1996 -- announcement of interagency Section 303 report sent to Congress

14. October 21, 1996--announcement of publication "Interagency Questions and Answers Regarding Community Reinvestment" to be published in the Federal Register (10/21) for public comment

15. November 5, 1996--announcement of Risk Management Planning Seminars for 1997 to be held in Chicago, IL and Washington DC

16. December 13, 1996--announcement re availability of September 1996 Uniform Bank Performance Report

17. December 17, 1996--announcement of approval of an updated Uniform Financial Institutions Rating System (CAMEL rating)

18. December 18, 1996--announcement of applicability of FAS 125 for reporting purposes in 1997 and the treatment of servicing assets for regulatory capital purposes

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1. (FIL-11-96) March 8, 1996
Revisions to the Reports of Condition and Income (Call Reports) for 1996

2. (FIL-20-96) April 15, 1996
Optional Worksheet for Reporting New Regulatory Capital Items in the Reports of Condition and Income (Call Reports)

3. (FIL-55-96) July 18, 1996
Electronic transmission of call reports

4. (FIL 82-96) October 8, 1996
Risk management of client/server systems

5. (FIL-90-96) October 25, 1996
Accounting for the Savings Assoc. Insurance Fund (SAIF) Special Assessment and Financing Corporation (FICO) Assessments (regulatory reporting)

6. (FIL-91-96) October 29, 1996
Subchapter S Election for Federal Income Taxes

7. (FIL-94-96) November 22, 1996
Proposed electronic filing requirement for call reports

8. (FIL-109-96) December 31, 1996
Revisions to the Reports of Condition and Income (Call Reports) FOR 1997

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1997 FFIEC Press Releases

1. March 4, 1997 -- JOINT INTERAGENCY STATEMENT -- re common questions and answers on the revised uniform financial institutions rating system (under delegated authority by the Task Force on Supervision)

2. March 13, 1997 -- announcement re Comptroller of the Currency Eugene A. Ludwig as newly elected chairman of the FFIEC for a two-year term beginning April l and Federal Reserve Member Susan M. Phillips as new FFIEC vice chairman

3. March 14, 1997 -- announcement of availability of the December, 1996 Uniform Bank Performance Report (UBPR) for distribution

4. May 5, 1997 -- announcement of federal bank regulators outline year 2000 project goals

5. May 13, 1997 -- announcement re approval in change in filing requirements for bank call reports

6. June 4, 1997 -- announcement that FFIEC has developed a new geocoding Web page on the internet to provide additional information about Home Mortgage Disclosure Act(HMDA) and Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) reporting

7. June 10, 1997 -- announcement of appointment of Bill C. Houston, Tennessee Commissioner of Financial Institutions to the Council's State Liaison Committee, replacing Neil Levin and also the appointment of James L. Pledger, Texas Savings and Loan Commissioner, replacing Jack Schaffer

8. June 10, 1997 -- announcement that Council has re-elected Gavin Gee as the chairman of the State Liaison Committee

9. June 13, 1997 -- announcement re availability of March 1997 Uniform Bank Performance Report (UBPR)

10. July 3, 1997 -- announcement of availability of Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) data on 1996 mortgage lending transactions at institutions

11. July 23, 1997 -- announcement of the publication of interagency questions and answers regarding flood insurance that also was published in the federal register--for public comments on a continuing basis

12. August 4, 1997 -- announcement of availability of data about 1996 mortgage lending activity in metropolitan areas and analyses of nationwide summary statistics regarding lending patterns

13. September 12, 1997 -- announcement of availability of the June, 1997 Uniform Bank Performance Report (UBPR) for distribution

14. September 12, 1997 -- announcement re seeking public comments before proposing new retail credit policies

15. September 30, 1997 -- announcement of availability of data on small business, small farm, and community development lending subject to the Community Reinvestment Act

16. October 3, 1997 -- announcement re seeking public comments on proposed revisions for supervisory guidelines for investment securities and end-user derivatives

17. October 6, 1997 -- announcement re an update of interagency questions and answers regarding the community reinvestment act--seeking public comments on some of the proposed questions and answers

18. October 16, 1997 -- announcement that FFIEC will hold a one- day conference on bank capital scheduled for December 12, 1997 in Washington, DC

19. October 24, 1997 -- announcement of two risk management seminars to be held in 1998: <May 14-15 in San Antonio,TX, and October 15-16 in San Francisco, CA>

20. December 12, 1997 -- announcement of availability of the September, 1997 Uniform Bank Performance Report (UBPR) for distribution

21. December 17, 1997 -- announcement re issuance of guidance on year 2000 business enterprise risk

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1. (FIL-58-97) June 5, 1997
Revisions re interest rate risk-related to the Reports of Condition and Income (Call Report) for June 30, 1997

2. (FIL-68-97) July 14, 1997
Revised policy statement on corporate business resumption and contingency planning

3. July 21, 1997 -- letter prepared by OCC press office & sent to Chief Executive Officers re year 2000 issues and examinations

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1998 FFIEC Press Releases

1. February 12, 1998 -- announcement that FFIEC has made available the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) aggregation statements for 1996 on the world wide web site

2. March 13, 1998 -- announcement that the December 31, 1997 Uniform Bank Performance Report (UBPR) is available for distribution

3. March 17, 1998 -- announcement of additional guidance for vendors and customers re year 2000 risk

4. April 10, 1998 -- announcement of guidance concerning testing for year 2000 readiness

5. April 23, 1998 -- announcement of agencies jointly adopting the 1988 Supervisory Policy Statement on Investment Securities and End-User Derivatives Activities and rescinding the 1992 Supervisory Policy Statement on Securities Activities

6. May 1, 1998 -- announcement of the appointment of Bill C. Houston (Tennessee) and reappointment of Thomas J. Curry (Massachusetts) to the Council's State Liaison Committee

7. May 13, 1998 -- announcement of Year 2000 guidance on contingency planning and customer awareness

8. June 1, 1998 -- announcement that Thomas J.Curry/Massachusetts elected has Chairman for the State Liaison Committee for a two-year term

9. June 12, 1998 -- announcement of the availability of the March 3l, 1998 Uniform Bank Performance Report (UBPR) for distribution

10. June 17, 1998 -- announcement that the Appraisal Subcommittee has an internet-based service -- National Registry of State Certified or Licensed Appraisers (Registry)

11. July 6, 1998 -- announcement of a customer brochure being issued on the Year 2000 date change -- available on FFIEC internet site

12. July 6, 1998 -- announcement that federal bank regulators issue proposed policy for uniform retail credit classification --  asking for public comments

13. July 8, 1998 -- announcement of Year 2000 Phase II Workprogram. The FFIEC Task Force on Supervision issued an updated work program for conducting Year 2000 examinations

14. July 14, 1998 -- announcement of availability of data on 1997 mortgage lending transactions at individual institutions in metropolitan areas throughout the nation -- data in the form of disclosure statements are available from lenders covered by the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA)

15. July 15, 1998 -- announcement that the FFIEC issued industry guidance on the consumer regulatory implications of emerging electronic banking technologies

16. August 3, 1998 -- announcement of the 1998 Risk Management Planning Seminar being held October 15-16, in San Francisco, CA

17. August 6, 1998 -- announcement of the availability of data about 1997 mortgage lending activity covered by the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA)

18. August 24, 1998 -- announcement of the availability of data on small business, small farm, and community development lending pursuant to Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)

19. August 28, 1998 -- announcement of FFIEC interagency CRA ratings database on the internet site

20. August 31, 1998 -- announcement of questions and answers concerning FFIEC year 2000 policy

21. September 2, 1998 -- announcement of guidance concerning fiduciary services and year 2000 readiness

22. September 23, 1998 -- announcement of the availability of the June 30, 1998 Uniform Bank Performance Report (UBPR) for distribution

23. October 7, 1998 -- The Task Force on Supervision, acting under delegated authority from the FFIEC, announced that it has approved an update Uniform Interagency Trust Rating System (UITRS), and is recommending that FFIEC member agencies adopt and implement the updates rating system effective January 1, 1999

24. November 5, 1998 -- The Federal Financial Institution Examination Council announced that it's Washington,DC office will be relocating effective November 9, 1998

25. December 7, 1998 -- Acting Chair Julie Williams/OCC appoints Keith Todd as the Executive Secretary of the Council

26. December 11, 1998 -- FFIEC issued answers to frequently asked questions on Y2K contingency planning. FFIEC Q&A on Contingency Planning document clarifies expectations for completing remediation and business resumption contingency plans and it supplements previous FFIEC Year 2000 guidance

27. December 18, 1998 -- Announcement of the September 30th Uniform Bank Performance Report (UBPR) to insured commercial banks and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation - Insured Savings Banks --- also available for sale to the public. The quarterly report is designed for use by bank examiners, financial analysts and bank managers -- permits both summary and in-depth analysis of commercial banks plus FDIC-ISB financial performance and trends

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1. (FIL-8-98) January 20, 1998
Revisions to the Reports of Condition and Income (Call Report) for 1998

2. (FIL-16-98) February 18, 1998
Proposed FFIEC policy statement on external audit programs of banks and savings associations

3. (FIL-28-98) March 16, 1998
Revisions to the Reports of Condition and Income (Call Report) for 1998

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1999 FFIEC Press Releases

1. January 5, 1999 -- The FFIEC today announced the release of core Interagency Fair Lending Examination Procedures (with appendix) which establish a uniform set of procedures to be used by each of the FFIEC member agencies in their examinations for compliance with the broad, nondiscriminatory requirements of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act and the Fair Housing Act

2. February 10, 1999 -- Federal financial institution regulators today announced they have updated and expanded policies for classifying delinquent retail credits. The Uniform Retail Credit Classification and Account Management Policy published in today's Federal Register updates and expands the classification policy for retail credit loans that was issued in 1980

3. February 17, 1999 -- The FFIEC today issued Guidance to assist financial institutions with customer communications on the Year 2000. The Year 2000 Customer Communications Outline attached to the press release addresses key elements that a financial institution may wish to incorporate into its customer communication statements

4. March 19, 1999 -- The December 31, 1998, Uniform Bank Performance Report (UBPR) is now being distributed to all insured commercial banks and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation - Insured Savings Banks (FDIC-ISB), and is available for sale to the public. The quarterly report is designed for use by bank examiners, financial analysts and bank managers -- permits both summary and in-depth analysis of commercial banks plus FDIC-ISB financial performance and trends

5. March 3l, 1999 -- announcement that Dr. Laurence Meyer/FRB was elected Chairman of the FFIEC for a two-year term beginning April l. Donna Tanoue/FDIC is new FFIEC Vice Chairman

6. April 30, 1999 -- The FFIEC announced today the appointment by the National Association of State Credit Union Supervisors of James E. Forney, Iowa Superintendent of Credit Unions, to the Council's State Liaison Committee

7. May 6, 1999 -- The FFIEC today announced the release of Interagency Community Reinvestment Act Questions and Answers. The document is published in May 3rd Federal Register

8. May 6, 1999 -- announcement of additional questions and answers concerning Year 2000 business resumption contingency planning

9. May 26, 1999 -- announcement that the State Liaison Committee of the FFIEC has elected G. Edward Leary as its Chairman

10. June 14, 1999 -- announcement of upcoming Risk Management Planning Seminar for November 8-9, 1999 in Washington, DC

11. July 6, 1999 -- announcement of guidance on Year 2000 Fraud Prevention

12. July 15, 1999 -- announcement of release of a new CD-Rom software product, the 1999 FFIEC Census Data CD-Rom,designed to help banks and thrifts comply with the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) and the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA)

13. July 16, 1999 -- announcement of availability of data on 1998 mortgage lending transactions at individual institutions in metropolitan areas throughout the nation -- these data, in the form of disclosure statements are available from the 7,837 lenders covered by the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA)

14. July 29, 1999 -- announcement of availability of data about 1998 mortgage lending activity in metropolitan areas and released analyses of nationwide summary statistics regarding lending patterns -- the 1998 data include 24.7 million reported loans and applications

15. July 29, 1999 -- announcement of availability of data on small business, small farm, and community development lending reported by commercial banks and savings associations under the Community Reinvestment Act regulations

16. August 2, 1999 -- announcement that regulators are reporting that 99% of all federally insured financial institutions are prepared for the year 2000 -- they have completed testing of critical systems for year 2000 readiness. Most financial institutions are already using year 2000 ready systems on a daily basis without problems

17. September 15, 1999 -- announcement that the June 30, 1999, Uniform Bank Performance Report (UBPR) is now being distributed to all insured commercial banks and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation - Insured Savings Banks (FDIC-ISB), and is available for sale to the public. The quarterly report is designed for use by bank examiners, financial analysts and bank managers -- permits both summary and in-depth analysis of commercial banks plus FDIC-ISB financial performance and trends

18. November 19, 1999–-announcement issuing an advisory to financial institutions concerning information security precautions during the century rollover period. Today's statement serves as a reminder of the FFIEC's previously issued guidance regarding the importance of maintaining an effective security program.

19. December 10, 1999–-announcement that September 30, 1999 Uniform Bank Performance Report (UBPR) now being distributed to all insured commercial banks and FDIC-Insured Savings Banks (FDIC-ISB) is now available for sale to the public.

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1. (FIL-4-99) January 21, 1999
Revisions to the Reports of Condition and Income (Call Reports) for 1999

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2000 FFIEC Press Releases

1.January 1, 2000--announcement joint press release by the five agency insuring Financial Institutions operating normally following century date change.

2.January 18, 2000--announcement federal banking agencies today issued an advisory letter about the practice of some financial institutions not reporting customer credit lines or high credit balances to credit bureaus. In a joint letter to the heads of banks, thrifts and credit unions, the agencies also stated that some lenders have not reported any loan information on subprime borrowers, including payment records.

3. March 3, 2000–-announcement "Risk Management Planning Seminar" for 2000 in Chicago, Illinois June 1-2, 2000.

4. March 10, 2000–-announcement that December 31, 1999 Uniform Bank Performance Report (UBPR) now being distributed to all insured commercial banks and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation-Insured Savings Banks (FDIC-ISB) is now available for sale to the public.

5. March 21, 2000–-announcement that bank, thrift, and credit union regulators issued today a document discussing lessons learned from the preparation for the Year 2000 date change, and urged financial institutions to incorporate the knowledge gained form that experience into future project and technology risk management.

6. April 19, 2000–-announcement today the appointment of Nicholas J. Ketcha Jr., Director of the Division of Banking in the New Jersey Dept. of Banking and Insurance, and Steven D. Bridges, Commissioner of the Department of Banking and Finance for the State of Georgia, to the Council's State Liaison Committee (SLC).

7. May 1, 2000–-announcement that UBPR are now available in electronic format through the FFIEC website at UBPRs for all commercial banks and FDIC insured savings banks are available at no charge when they are obtained from the website.

8. May 30, 2000–-announcement that the State Liaison Committee (SLC) of the FFIEC has re-elected G. Edward Leary as its Chairman for the term beginning May 1, 2000 and expiring April 30, 2001.

9. June 12, 2000--announcement federal bank and thrift regulators issued a revised policy to guide institutions when they classify or write off delinquent retail loans and line of credit.

10. June 15, 2000-–announcement that March 31, 2000 UBPR now being distributed to all insured commercial banks and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation-Insured Savings Banks (FDIC-ISB) is now available for sale to the public.

11. July 19, 2000–-announcement of the availability of data on 1999 mortgage lending transactions at individual lenders in metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) throughout the nation.

12. August 08, 2000--announcement of the availability of data about 1999 mortgage lending activities in metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) and rural areas throughout the nation and also released nationwide summary statistics regarding lending patterns.

13. August 11, 2000---announcement of the availability of data on small business, small farm, and community development lending reported by commercial banks and savings associations.

14. September 7, 2000--announcement that the FDIC, FRB,OCC,& OTS are jointly requesting comment on a proposed Policy Statement on Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses (ALLL) methodologies and Documentation for Banks and Savings Institutions.

15. September 19, 2000---announcement that the FFIEC is now distributing the June 30, 2000 UBPR to all insured commercial banks and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

16. November 2, 2000---announcement that the Revisions to the Reports of Condition and Income (Call Report) for 2001 has been approved by the FFIEC.

17. November 28, 2000---announcement that the FFIEC issued guidance today on financial institutions' management of risk arising from technology services supplied by outside firms.

18. December 15, 2000---announcement that the FFIEC is now distributing the September 30, 2000 UBPR to all insured commercial banks and FDIC insured savings banks.

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1. (FIL-35-2000) June 7, 2000
Proposed Revision to the Reports of Condition and Income for 2001.

1. (FIL-74-2000) November 8, 2000
Revisions to the Reports of Condition and Income for 2001.

1. (FIL-82-2000) November 29, 2000
Annual Report of Indebtedness of Executive Officers and Principal Shareholders to Correspondent Banks (FFIEC 004).

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2001 FFIEC Press Releases

1. January 29, 2001–-announcement of the publication of “A Guide to CRA Data Collection and Reporting” (CRA Data Guide) on the FFIEC’s website.

2. February 28, 2001–-announcement of a major revision of Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) and its effect on financial institutions.

3. March 9, 2001–-announcement that the December 31, 2000 Uniform Bank Performance Report (UBPR) is now being distributed to all insured commercial banks and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation-Insured Savings Banks (FDIC-ISB) is now available for sale to the public.

4. April 2, 2001–-announcement of Risk Management Planning Seminar for 2001 in San Francisco, CA October 11-12, 2001.

5. April 17, 2001-–announcement of Donna Tanoue, Chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation being elected as Chairman of the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council for a two-year term beginning April lst.

6. May 2, 2001–-announcement that the State Liaison Committee of the FFIEC elected Nicholas J. Ketcha Jr. as its Chairman for the term beginning May l, 2001 and expiring April 30, 2002.

7. June 28, 2001–-a joint press release (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, & Office of the Comptroller of the Currency) issuing the host state loan-to-deposit ratios that the banking agencies will use to determine compliance with section 109 of the Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act of 1994.

8. July 6, 2001–-announcement for issuance of a Policy Statement of Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses (ALLL) Methodologies and Documentations for Banks and Savings Institutions.

9. July 26, 2001–-announcement that the data on small business, small farm, and community development lending reported by commercial banks and thrifts is now available.

10. July 26, 2001–-announcement that the data for the year 2000 regarding mortgage lending transactions at 7,713 financial institutions covered by the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) in metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs)throughout the nation is now available.

11. July 27, 2001–-announcement that the March 31, 2001 Uniform Bank Performance Report is now being distributed to all insured commercial banks and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation-Insured Savings Banks(FDIC-ISB) is now available for sale to the public.

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