Not the word you want to hear
when you start operating a system on the ground or on orbit. It's a short word that can
represent a wide range of possible damage, injury, and loss. However, between the 'O' and
the 'S' there is an 'OP' which stands for opportunity. Before a system is built, designers
have the opportunity to assess the hazards associated with their hardware, the propellants
being used, the use environment, or whatever other factors are pertinent. Once the hazards
are known, a system can be designed that you and others can "LIVE" with.
At the White Sands Test Facility, hazards assessment is a large part of what we do for
NASA, the Department of Defense, aerospace and other areas of industry. What OOPS are you
trying to avoid?
Propellants & Hazardous Fluids | Hypervelocity Impact | Explosion Hazards | Hazards Analysis